estimating two-sided logit models · estimating tsl models requires more care than many familiar...

Estimating Two-Sided Logit Models John Allen Logan * Logan (1996~) introduced a new micro-behavioral model of em- ployment opportunity and choice, and a multivariate statistical method based on the micro-behavioral model. This article consid- ers the connection between the behavioral model and the two- sided logit (TSL)statistical method in more detail than the original paper; discussing issues of parameter identification, model con- straints, data reduction, andpractical estimation. The article com- pares the EM gradient algorithm used in Logan ( 1 9 9 6 ~ ) with an accelerated EMgradient algorithmand with apublic-domain quasi- Newton algorithm. The latter two algorithms, now incorporated in a single program, greatly enhance the practicality of TSL model- ing. Strategies for further development of TSL methods are also considered. 1. INTRODUCTION Logan (1996a) introduced a new, multivariate method for studying the determinants of labor market outcomes, the two-sided logit or TSL model. Unlike many standard sociological methods, TSL is based on an explicit behavioral model. This model represents labor market outcomes resulting from choices made by workers and employers, all of them being con- i i strained by choices made by other workers and other employers. Logan F ! (1996b) showed that the TSL model is closely related to formal, two-sided matching games, while Logan (1996~) compared TSL and multivariate log-linear models, demonstrating that the latter lack the crucial property of This chapter is a revised and expanded version of a paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, July, 1994, Bielefeld, Germany. The author thanks three anonymous reviewers, the editor of thisjournal, andYu Xie for very valuable comments. *University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Page 1: Estimating Two-Sided Logit Models · Estimating TSL models requires more care than many familiar tech- niques. This article examines the estimation of TSL models in greater de- i

Estimating Two-Sided Logit Models

John Allen Logan *

Logan (1996~) introduced a new micro-behavioral model of em- ployment opportunity and choice, and a multivariate statistical method based on the micro-behavioral model. This article consid- ers the connection between the behavioral model and the two- sided logit (TSL) statistical method in more detail than the original paper; discussing issues of parameter identification, model con- straints, data reduction, andpractical estimation. The article com- pares the EM gradient algorithm used in Logan (1996~) with an accelerated EMgradient algorithm and with a public-domain quasi- Newton algorithm. The latter two algorithms, now incorporated in a single program, greatly enhance the practicality of TSL model- ing. Strategies for further development of TSL methods are also considered.


Logan (1996a) introduced a new, multivariate method for studying the determinants of labor market outcomes, the two-sided logit or TSL model. Unlike many standard sociological methods, TSL is based on an explicit behavioral model. This model represents labor market outcomes resulting from choices made by workers and employers, all of them being con-

i i strained by choices made by other workers and other employers. Logan F

! (1996b) showed that the TSL model is closely related to formal, two-sided matching games, while Logan (1996~) compared TSL and multivariate log-linear models, demonstrating that the latter lack the crucial property of

This chapter is a revised and expanded version of a paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, July, 1994, Bielefeld, Germany. The author thanks three anonymous reviewers, the editor of this journal, andYu Xie for very valuable comments.

*University of Wisconsin-Madison

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140 LOGAN ;

demand insensitivity when applied to labor market outcomes, including i occupational mobility tables. 1

Estimating TSL models requires more care than many familiar tech- niques. This article examines the estimation of TSL models in greater de- i tail than earlier work. Issues of identification, estimation algorithms, and 1 exploration of nonglobal maxima are addressed. Identification of the mod- I el's behavioral parameters depends upon the type of data available to the i

researcher; some behavioral parameters of the model as described in Lo- j gan (1996a) would be identifiable only in rich data sets, although the most important parameters can be identified in ordinary data sets, such as the General Social Survey (GSS). Identification also depends on a series of decisions regarding details of specification and constraint, which are driven primarily by data limitations.

Two practical estimation algorithms will be described for the TSL model: an EM gradient algorithm and an accelerated EM gradient algo- rithm (AEM gradient) that significantly improves on the basic EM gradi- ent performance. The AEM gradient algorithm will also be compared with the performance of the subroutine DRMNGB of the public-domain PORT library, developed by AT&T (Fox, Hall, and Schryer 1978). I

Finally, the problem of investigating local maxima in the likelihood 1

! will be discussed. Strategies to reduce the possibility of accepting less than ,

optimal solutions include ascertaining that any obtained set is at least a local maximum, exploring different starting values, and comparing esti- mates obtained from similar samples.

Section 2 presents a description of the behavioral model first pre- sented in Logan (1996a).


Obtaining a job, considered as a voluntary outcome, has two necessary components: a willing employer and a willing worker. The TSL behavioral 1

I model is made up of separate, micro-level submodels of these two com- 1 ponents. One of these describes the decisions of employers regarding job 1 offers to workers; the other describes the decisions of workers regarding the acceptance of job offers. 4

The model of the employer's decision is composed of two linear 1 utility functions. For a given employer, j, the utility of hiring a worker, i, is ; defined as

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while the utility of not hiring i is

Here j9,? is a row vector of employer j's preferences for relevant character- istics of employees, and xf is a column vector of i's measured values on those characteristics. Three scalar values in (1) and (2) are introduced to represent influences on the employer's utilities that are not dependent on the characteristics of individual i: mi represents market effects on the util- ity of hires for the employer in general; bj is the baseline utility the em- ployer would experience without an additional hire; and sj is a strategic increment to the threshold that the employer might set to achieve a better stable match. The terms elii and eoij are random components representing any other factors that influence j's utilities for hiring i. The decision rule each employer follows is to evaluate each worker in turn and to make an offer to each one for which U,(i) > q ( , i ) .

On the other side of the market, a submodel representing the deci- sions of workers regarding particular job offers consists of a single utility function that is simultaneously evaluated for each job a worker finds avail- able. For worker i, the utility of a job offered by employer j is

Here wij contains characteristics of the job offered by the employer j, ai is a vector of worker i's preferences for those characteristics, and vij is a random term representing additional influences on i's utility. The worker is also assumed to evaluate (3) for a nonemployment (or "unemployment") alternative, represented by j = 0; in this evaluation, the characteristics in wio are those i would obtain without a job. The worker evaluates (3) for all available jobs, and for unemployment, and then selects the single alterna- tive that gives the highest utility.

As discussed in Logan (1996b), equations (1) through (3), together with the above-mentioned rules governing job offers and acceptance be- havior, describe the basic elements of a two-sided matching game between workers and employers. The particular game is a random variant of the "college admissions" game of the formal game theory literature (Roth and Sotomayor 1990). Because the deterministic game has been analyzed ex- tensively, and because the deterministic results are transferable to the ran- dom matching game, it is known that at least one stable matching of employers and workers exists such that no worker-employer pair who are not matched to each other can improve their utilities by abandoning any

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current partners and establishing a new match together (Logan 1996b). It has also been shown that a simple, random process of information flow is sufficient to move the overall system toward a set of stable matches (Roth and Vande Vate 1990; Logan 1996b).

Estimation of the parameters of the TSL model is done under the assumption that the matches observed in empirical data are stable matches, at current levels of demand and supply. It is important to note that this stability assumption does not presume that either employers or workers are good optimizers in the economic sense: Their preferences for employment partners can be based on immanent as well as instrumental values (Hechter 1994), and can include any mix of norms, habits, traditions and value- rational motives, regardless of market values (Logan 1996b).

The parameters of primary interest in the TSL model are the ai and Bj vectors of preference coefficients. In particular, the elements of Bj con- stitute rules of access to positions since they determine which individuals will be preferred to others as hiring decisions are made (Logan 1996~). Elements of ai are also rules of access of a different sort, determining which workers can be hired by which employers. The scalars mi, bj, and sj have a more heuristic role, describing other considerations going into the employers' decisions while not necessarily being the subjects of estimation.

Practical estimation of the TSL model's parameters depends both on the nature of available data and on simpwing assumptions imposed on the basic model. Distributional assumptions, parametric constraints and prior data reduction are all important to estimation.

3.1. Distributional Assumptions 1 I 4

A basic assumption concerns the distributions of the random terms in (I), , (2), and (3). Each term is intended to represent unknown influences on utilities, attributes that could in principle be measured but are not available to the researcher. Since it is reasonable to suppose that the unknown in- fluences in any employer's utility of hiring could also be influences in the decisions of other employers, or perhaps even in the decisions of workers to accept jobs, a prima facie case exists for allowing disturbance correla- tions across employers and/or workers: Such correlations should be in- duced by the presence of shared components in the disturbances.

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However, there are arguments against including such correlations in the specification. The simple pragmatic argument is that such correla- tions would greatly increase the difficulty of estimation and that it is sen- sible to begin with a simpler model. The issue has also been addressed in the one-sided, discrete choice context, where multinomial probit models, which allow intercorrelations of disturbances, are theoretically preferable to polytomous conditional logit models, which do not. Horowitz (1991) argues against the multinomial probit's correlated errors and in favor of better measurement and specification of observable factors that applied research has shown to be important. Among other drawbacks, he points out that correlated error structures lead to problems of comparing or trans- ferring coefficient estimates between data sets, which better specification of observables would obviate. For these and other reasons discussed by Horowitz, the first identifying assumption imposed on the TSL model is that the errors in (I), (2), and (3) are mutually independent.

Once mutual independence is assumed, it is appropriate to choose a distributional form for the disturbances. The assumption that many un- observable~ are represented in the disturbances suggests the normal distri- bution because of the central limit theorem. However, with independent disturbances it is well known that choosing the type I extreme value, or Gum- bel, distribution leads to essentially equivalent results and easier estima- tion (Maddala 1983). Assuming then that the random components el, and eoij of (1) and (2) have independent, standard Gumbel distributions, the prob- ability that employer j will offer a job to individual i can be shown to be

where o, is a dummy variable indicating an offer is made, xi = (1, ~ 7 ~ ) ~ is the original vector of individual characteristics augmented by an entry of unity in the first position, and Bj = (pjo, Pi*) is the original vector of employer j's preferences, augmented by an intercept parameter in its first position? This last term, called a demand intercept for short, is mathemat- ically equal to the net effect of the j-subscripted scalars in (1) and (2):

'The standard Gumbel distribution has distribution function exp(-e-"), mode 0, mean 0.57722, and variance 7r2/6. The derivation of (4a) from equations similar to (1) and (2) is a standard result in the discrete choice literature; e.g., see Ben-Akiva and Lerman (1985); Greene (1993); Maddala (1983); and Pudney (1989).

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Since unemployment is always available, the probability of an "offer" of unemployment, represented by j = 0, is set to 1, without regard for the worker's characteristics:

Regarding the workers' submodel, assuming that the disturbances in (3) are independently distributed across job alternatives according to standard Gumbel distributions implies this probability of selecting a par- ticular job j, given a set of offers Ok:

This is the polytomous conditional logit model of the discrete choice lit- erature, with the restriction that choice can occur only from among the offered jobs in the set.2 For notational convenience, the set of offers is represented by the subscripts of the employers making the offers. Thus the set contains the numeral 1 if and only if employer 1 offers a job, and so on. To facilitate later notation, all offering sets also contain the numeral 0, representing the constant availability of unemployment to all workers. There are R = 2' distinct, possible offering sets when J employers (not counting unemployment) make separate decisions?

The implication of the assumed independence of disturbances across employers is that each acts independently in evaluating workers, condi- tional on the observed characteristics in xi. For this reason, the probability that worker i will obtain any given offering set Ok, which will be denoted as the event Sik, is found from the multiplication rule for (conditionally)

2See Ben-Akiva and Lerman (1985) or Pudney (1989) for the derivation of the multinomial conditional logit model from these distributional assumptions.

3Though the particular ordering of the offering sets is unimportant for what follows, a lexicographic ordering is adopted for specificity. Numbering the sets from 1 through 2J, the contents of each set can be determined by expressing the set number, minus 1, in binary notation, and reading off the nonzero elements from right to left. For example, for set k = 12, expressing k - 1 = 11 in binary form as 101 1 and reading off the nonzero elements from right to left shows that the numerals 1,2, and 4 are contained in the set, in addition .to the always-present numeral 0 indicating the availability of employment. Under this scheme, the possible offering sets in order are {O), {0,1), (0,21, (0.1,2), {0,31, {0,1,3), {0,2,3). (0,1,2.3), {0,4}, ..., (0,1,2, ..., J ) .

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independent events, with reference to formula (4) above:

Here dk is the complement of the set Ok. Note that because the probabil- ities of offers depend on the personal characteristics of workers, as in equa- tion (4a), workers will differ widely in their probabilities of receiving particular offering sets of greater or lesser desirability.

The independence of disturbances among formulas (I), (2), and (3) further implies that the probability that worker i will accept a job from employer j is

Equations (4) and (5) would form the foundation of a practical es- timation method if the availability of all jobs for each sample member could be observed. In such an ideal case, (4) could be used (with additional parametric restrictions) to estimate the preferences of employers, and (5) could be used (again with additional parametric restrictions) to estimate workers' preferences, in the knowledge of the opportunities each had found available. Because obtaining data on the actual availability of each of a -

: large number of jobs in a labor market of any size is clearly impractical, "equation (7), which integrates over the distribution of unobserved offers,

,is a natural starting point for practical estimation. In principle, (7) requires observations on the characteristics of all jobs in the system but not on which offers have actually been made to which workers in the sample. The

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fact that this requirement is still excessive means that further constraints are needed.

3.2. Parametric Constraints

Even assuming for the moment that the characteristics of all jobs in the system could be known, (7) would still not be directly estimable. An ob- vious difficulty is the presence of the subscript on ai, which implies a different set of preference coefficients for each sampled worker. This dif- ficulty can be remedied either by dropping the subscript altogether, imply- ing an assumption of shared preferences across all sample members, or by estimating different vectors for different groups of workers, the so-called market segmentation strategy (Ben-Akiva and Lerman 1985:64). In the estimations below, the subscript is simply dropped, but the other alterna- tive is just as practical.

A further problem with (7) is that the vector of job characteristics offered to i-that is wii-is i-subscripted, implying that different charac- teristics are offered to different individuals by the same employer. Collect- ing data on such differences would be impractical for the same reason that collecting data on the presence of offers is impractical: No records of all the jobs available to individuals, rather than those taken by them, are ever likely to be collected. Though data of this kind would be very helpful in estimation, the individual subscript on wii must in practice also be dropped. The implication is that employers have futed characteristics of the jobs they offer and exercise their judgment only in deciding which workers should get which offers.

I A similar problem is implied by the subscript on the j9, vectors. The subscript means that each employer is assumed to have a unique structure of preference coefficients, but it would be impossible to estimate these without repeated observations on individual employers. Here either all employers can be specified as sharing the same preferences, by dropping the subscript, or employers of different types can be given shared prefer- ence vectors. The latter strategy will be adopted below, with employers of different types of workers having differentiated preferences.

Aside from these simplifications, it should also be noted that the demand scalars of equations (1) and (2)-namely, mi, bj, and sj-no lon- ger appear in (7). Only their net effect, represented in the demand intercept Pjo, can be estimated from this formula. This limitation is not intrinsic to the model; rather it is an implicit restriction imposed on the parameteriza- tion. Measuring the factors that determine the levels of the three scalars is


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not possible with common data sets, so only the net effect of the scalars is retained. If appropriate data were actually available, the scalars could be reformulated as linear regression functions of the observables. The pri- mary usefulness of distinguishing the three scalars in the absence of such data comes in considering an employer-optimal matching strategy that figures in the game-theoretic analysis of the model (Logan 1996b).

It is also noteworthy that the model contains no a intercept terms in either the utility function of workers (3) or the conditional logit submodel derived from it, equation (5). This is neither an oversight nor a drawback. Formulations like (3) are in principle complete descriptions of the factors affecting choice among alternatives, since all relevant characteristics of alternatives can in principle be listed in the wii vectors. Such formulations are called abstract mode models in the one-sided choice literature, and their desirable properties gave them a certain following in applied studies even in the face of evidence that introducing intercepts produced better fits (Amemiya 1981). In the TSL model, the effects of hypothetical j-specific intercepts in the a coefficient vector would not be easily distinguishable from the existing j-specific intercepts in the pi coefficient vectors, though there is in principle a difference in the form of the mathematical effects on the likelihood. When the model is estimated as specified, without any j-specific a intercepts, the pi intercepts will therefore tend to pick up what- ever a intercept effects may be present. This would be problematic if there were substantive interest in the magnitudes of the pi intercepts, but as explained above, these demand intercepts represent the net influence of three separate scalar effects, and therefore their magnitudes are of no par- ticular interest. The role of the demand intercepts from an estimation point of view is simply to insulate the preference coefficient estimates from demand effects, so it is of no concern that they may also be insulating the coefficient estimates from residual differences in the attractiveness of job types, the role that a intercepts would normally play. It is also true that once the i subscripts have been dropped from the wii, as was done above, it would no longer be possible to identify the preferences for these char- acteristics if j-specific intercepts were introduced into a.

All of the constraints discussed in this subsection are broadly con- sistent with the aims of sociological research. As a generalizing science, sociology is properly interested in classes of workers and employers, which justifies the treatments of a and p as shared preferences characterizing such classes. Dropping the i subscript from wii is consistent with a char- acteristically sociological, as opposed to economic, position that many jobs have relatively fixed characteristics. Estimating only the net effects of

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the demand scalars, in the form of unconstrained demand intercepts, is a way of regarding levels of demand as exogenous, rather than attempting to explain them within the model; this frees the model from a problem that would otherwise be extremely difficult to solve. Unfortunately there is a remaining problem related to data availability, which requires a solution not really in accord with sociological goals though perhaps not greatly in conflict with them.

3.3. Data Reduction

The final problem standing in the way of estimation has to do with the two types of data that can reasonably be collected on the two sets of observable characteristics: those of workers, xi, and those of employers, wj. It is easy to obtain the necessary xi observations, which are simple characteristics of the sample members as found in a typical survey of a general adult popu- lation. The wj observations required for the model as defined so far, how- ever, are the characteristics of all the jobs in the (perhaps local) labor market that might be offered to any of the individuals in the sample of workers. This is an unrealistic requirement. All that is typically available in a sample survey are the characteristics of jobs actually held by sample members. The relevant consideration is how these available characteris- tics can best be used in place of the unobtainable requirement implied by the model.

A random sample of workers provides the basis for a random sam- ple of the characteristics of filled jobs! If it is reasonable to assume that the characteristics of filled jobs are roughly similar to the characteristics of all jobs at any given time, then it is also reasonable to take the distribution of job characteristics across the sample members as representative of the dis- tribution of characteristics among jobs that might have been available to each sample member. Thus the inability to obtain the characteristics of all jobs potentially available is offset to some extent by the ability to estimate roughly the distribution of the characteristics of these jobs from the data at hand.

Two uses of this information seem reasonable. First, it is possible to use the behavioral model and the observed distribution of job characteris- tics to estimate relev.ant features of the choice situation that is most likely

41n principle, using a sample of workers to estimate the distribution of job characteristics requires adjustments for multiple job holding, which will not be con- sidered further here.

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to have confronted each worker, given the characteristics of the job the worker is observed to hold. Such an individualized-expectations approach is relatively complicated, but it does seem feasible and is under develop- ment. The second approach is to use the available data in a substantially simplified interpretation of the model, the method used in Logan (1996a), which will now be described.

In the simplified interpretation of the model, each worker is thought of as making choices among types of jobs, or occupations, rather than individual jobs. Types of jobs can be characterized by their mean attributes, which are easily approximated by the mean characteristics of jobs of each t y p i n the available sample. In this approach each worker's own job is measured only as a job type so that his or her obtained job type is attributed the mean characteristics of all jobs in the type. The alternatives that form the elements of the offering sets Ok are then the job types, rather than jobs per se. Since there are only a small number of job types compared with jobs as such, the available data are sufficient to estimate the characteristics of all alternatives that may have been offered to each worker. Equation (7), with its subscripts altered according to the previous section, still stands as the appropriate formula for the model, but with the understanding that subscripts j, h, m, and n now refer to job types rather than jobs:

Because the subscripts m and n appear on fl preference vectors, it is im- plied that the preferences of employers are being estimated separately by type as well. That is, the recasting of jobs into types of jobs leads naturally to the segmentation of employer preferences by the types of jobs employ- ers are offering. (Earlier it was said that segmentation of employer pref- erences would be desirable, without specifying what principle should determine the segmentation.)

A micro-simulation study (Logan 1996c) using the TSL individual- level behavioral model showed good results when estimating the TSLmodel on job type characteristics rather than individual job characteristics. Sub- stituting job type data did result in downwardly-biased estimates of a, the workers' preferences, but did not appreciably affect the estimates of em- ployers' preferences, flj . Note that good estimates of the flj would typically be much more important for sociological studies, since it is these coeffi-

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cients that imply rules of access to employment opportunities. The simu- lation also showed that both the a and f l j estimates using either job type data or individual job data were insensitive to a shift in the overall levels of demand in the simulated system, a key property of TSL estimates that is not shared by log-linear and other common models (see Logan 1996~). This demand insensitivity argues for the particular suitability of TSL mod- els for comparisons of opportunity across locations or time periods that may differ in overall levels of demand.

Simulation thus suggests that the TSL model, as constrained in this section, provides a valid means of inference regarding the determinants of employment opportunity, even when mean occupational characteristics are substituted for the job characteristics actually determining outcomes. This substitution is not without costs, however. One drawback is that the number of variables that may appear in the w, vectors is limited to J - 1, where J now stands for the number of categories or job types being used rather than the number of jobs. This limitation should be removed when and if the method directly using characteristics of each worker's own job, mentioned above, proves practical. In the meantime, there is some comfort to be found in the fact that it is the effects on the other side of the model, the f l j , which are of more sociological interest, and that there is no important limitation on the number of these effects that can be included. Experimen- tation suggests that as long as the wj vector contains at least one reasonable overall measure of the desirability of jobs, such as mean status, the esti- mates of the fl, coefficients are not dramatically affected by variations in the specification of wj. So it seems reasonable to estimate models with detailed specifications of f l j effects but only limited specifications of a , at least when broad categories of jobs are in use.

3.4. Other Possible Constraints

It is tempting to constrain the TSL model even further, in order to simplify estimation. One possibility would be to assume that workers all share a common and strict order of preferences across jobs or job types. The spe- cial case of TSL that arises under this assumption is known as the sequen- tial logit model (Amemiya 1981). Another possibility is to assume that jobs of all types are freely available, which leads to the one-sided polyto- mous conditional logit model (Ben-Akiva and Lerman 1985). But the sim- ulation in Logan (1996~) shows that both of these special cases perform poorly when the underlying micro-level behavioral model is TSL: Esti-

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mates of coefficients are inaccurate and are inappropriately sensitive to demand shifts.

Yet another plausible possibility, suggested by reviewers, is to as- sume an ordering (or, alternatively, a partial ordering) of occupations or job types such that a worker who is given access to a higher occupation is pre- sumed to have access to all lower ones. Thus, for example, a worker able to work as a professional would be considered to have free access to sales jobs. However, a main purpose of the TSL model is to find evidence for different determinants of opportunity in different types of jobs. Making the assump- tion that access to higher jobs entails access to lower jobs would imply that the flj preference coefficients for all job types must be either identical or at least parallel across j. If this were not the case, the rank ordering of candi- dates would differ across employers hiring in different types of jobs, mak- ing it possible for some workers to qualify for higher jobs without qualifying for lower ones. Actual application of TSL does in fact show differences in estimated Pj coefficients among employers of different job types that con- tradict the implication of the suggested ~implification.~

Thus there are reasons not to simplify the TSL model further, even though simplification would ease estimation.


To facilitate exposition, estimation of the TSL model will be discussed in terms of workers and employers, rather than workers and sets of employers offering types of jobs; the algorithmic considerations are not affected by the reduction of the data from job characteristics to job type characteristics. The simplified form of the model in equation (8) will be the object of estimation.

4.1. An EM Gradient Algorithm

An often robust method for finding maximum-likelihood estimates is the EM algorithm described by Dempster, Laird, and Rubin (1977). The EM algorithm works by expressing a likelihood as a function of unobserved "complete data," which should be defined in such a way that a simpler likelihood maximization could be performed if the complete data were observed. In the estimation, the unobserved complete data are replaced by

Logan (1996a) for a discussion of the rank ordering implied by fl coeffi- cients, for empirical results showing different estimates across job types, and for a derivation of the model implied by the suggested simplification, which is a logit analog of the partial observability probit model of Abowd and Farber (1982).

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their expecmions, given the observed, incomplete data (the E step), ttfld the simpler maximization is then performed (the. M step). The d t s of the maximization are used to obtain new expected values of the complete data, and the prwess is iterated to cmvergmce. Dempster et al. prove that the algorithm increases the likelihood at each nonstationary point of the func- tion, while Wu (1 983) gives regularity conditions, met by the TSL model, which ensare that the algorithm converges to a stationary point of the like- lihood. The latter result does not preclude convergence to saddle pints, which means that additional post-convergence checks are needed.

In the case of TSL, if the offers made by employers to workers c d d be observed, estimation of all the mdel pameters wouid become straightforward. Given the offers, the a parameters could be found from one polytomous conditional logit estimation and the parameters from J binary conditional logit estimations. This obxwation suggests an EM al- gorithm in which the offers of employers, together with the observed matches, are considered as the complete data. The estimation h m e s a finite mixture distribution problem, in which the probability distribution over the offering sets for each individual is the mixing distribution for the observed job choices,

A description of the EM algorithm for the TSL model makes use of additional notation cmmpondingto Dempmet A's presentation? Tbe ob- served, incomplete data are the jobs xceptcd by each worker i, i = 1,2,. . . n,representgdasnobsewationsy = {yl,yz, ... , ya).Eacheltrewtyiofy is an integer d g the index number of the job acceptad by a worker, if worker i accepts job j , then yi = j. (Unemployment is indicated by yd = 0,)

The offering sets Ok comprise R = 2$ssible states, only one of which WuaUy carresponds to each w o d d s choice, Which of t h e sets was actually available for each w o r k is unknown to the researcher, mak- ing the stam the srnobserved data. Tbese data are represented by the set 2 = (zl, , . . . , z,), whose elements are R-length row vectors zi = (till zi2,

. . , , ztR) each of which contains all zero entries except for a single entry of unity indicating which of the states (i-e., which set of offers) is associated with yi. For exampIe, zl = (0 0 1 0 . . . 0) would indicate that the mob- served state for case number 1 is set number S t h a t is, the one attaining a job offer only from employer 2 (using the binary translation rule for offering set numbers given in footnote 3). The complete data are then de- lined to be c = (y, z).

% foUowing development of ihc approprirte EM algorithm i s closely b a d 0nthefinitemixturediscussiminDrmpsteretal. (197TlS-16). dtbtcomplemcn- tary development in Everitt and Hand (I98 1:8-11).

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The zi are independently drawn from densities related to equation (6) above: -

defined for R-length row vectors rl = (1,0, .. . , 0), r2 = (0, 1,. . . , O), .. ., r~ = (0,0, . . . , 1). Conditionally on zi, the observed yi are independently drawn from densities related to equation (5) above:

where it is understood that j = yi. To clarify the correspondence with Dempster et al., define q5 = {PI,

p2, ... , BJ, XI, x2, ... , xn, a , wl, w2, ... , wJ). Then, following their equations 4.3.1-4.3.2, define U(yi 14) to be a length-R column vector with elementslogu(yilrk,q5) = logPr(AiiISik), k = 1,2, ... , R; andV(q5) tobe a length-R column vector with elements log v (rk I#) = log R(Slk), k = 1, 2, . . . , R. The log-likelihood of the complete data-that is, assuming knowl- edge of z and y-then becomes

I Since equation (9) represents the complete data, it is true that only a single element of zi is nonzero. That is, only one of the elements z ~ , k = 1,2, . . . R, is unity, while the rest are zeros, which means that equation (9) can also be expressed as

n R n R

the nonzero zik serve as switches to pick out the appropriate elements of U(yi 14) and V(q5) for each case. Of course (10) does not imply knowledge by the researcher of which of the zik is nonzero for any particular case.

Since knowledge of the zik values is lacking, equation (10) cannot be evaluated directly. Instead, in the E-step of the EM algorithm, the z& are estimated as the conditional probabilities, given the observed outcome, that i experienced each of the R states (cf. Everitt and Hand 1981:9-10):

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The right-side quantities in this equation are found in formulas (5), (6), and (7) above; here the asterisks indicate that the formulas are to be evaluated using the current parameter estimates at each step. Each z; value is nonzero (because of the logistic form of the constituent proba- bilities), with Zkzik = 1, as long as the set in question, Ok, contains j. When the set does not contain j, equation (5) implies z; is identically zero; thus sets that do not contain a respondent's category do not enter the estimation.

The M step of the EM algorithm maximizes the complete data log- likelihood (10) with respect to a and pj using the estimated z; values in place of the zik. Since the two terms on the right of the complete-data log-likelihood (10) do not depend on any shared parameters, they can be maximized separately, a possibility Dempster et al. emphasize. The M step then becomes a set of separate conditional logit maximizations, where the z; serve as weights in each. The first term on the right of (10) is a weighted polytomous conditional logit for the selection of an offer, given knowl- edge of the offering set. Each worker i appears in the estimation as many times as there are offering sets that could have given rise to his or her observed choice, and is weighted by the appropriate value of z;k at each appearance.

The second term on the right of (10) is the product of J weighted binary conditional logit models for the offers of the Jemployers. Since the employer submodels do not share parameters, the necessary maximization of the term can be performed as J separate, weighted logit estimations, using the same weights z; as before. Each logit estimation is done on dummy variables indicating whether or not the particular employer's offer was part of each of the possible sets. Each offering set that could have led to the observed choice enters into the estimation, weighted by its corre- sponding z; .

The overall algorithm works by first calculating the z; for all pos- sible offering sets for all workers (the E step), and then performing poly- tomous and binary conditional logit maximizations to obtain updates of the parameter estimates, using the z; as weights across the sets (the M step). Because of the global concavity and simple form of the likelihood, Newton's algorithm is the method of choice for conditional logit models (Greene 1993:667,670). Details of the Newton algorithm and the first and second derivatives of the conditional logit likelihood necessary to apply it can be found in standard textbooks (e.g., Greene 1993; Maddala 1983). Once updated parameter estimates are obtained, a new cycle is begun by calculating new values of the z;.

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I Dempster et al. (1977: 10) remark that computation time can some- I

1 times be saved by simply increasing the objective function in the M step, rather than maximizing it. In the case of the TSL model repeated experi- ments consistently found that performing only a single Newton step at each M step produces convergence in the same, or very close to the same, nurn- ber of EM steps as does performing complete Newton maximizations at each M step. An algorithm obtained by replacing the EM maximization with a step merely increasing the objective function is called a generalized EM algo- rithm (Dempster et al. 1977). When a single Newton step replaces the max- imization, the result is termed the EM gradient algorithm (McLachlan and Krishnan 1996). It is necessary to check that each Newton step increases the objective function (the Q function of Dempster et al.) in order to ensure that the EM gradient algorithm increases the likelihood monotonically. Logan (1996a) used such an EM gradient algorithm for TSL estimation.

4.2. An Accelerated EM Gradient Algorithm

Though EM, as a generally robust and easily implemented method, is the algorithm of choice for many problems with large numbers of parameters, it is often very slow to converge. Even the EM gradient algorithm is quite slow for TSL. However, Jamshidian and Jennrich (1993) proposed a gen- eralized conjugate gradient acceleration for the EM algorithm, which also improves EM gradient performance greatly in the case of TSL.

Linear conjugate gradient methods (Gill, Murray, and Wright 1981; Press et al. 1992) choose successive search directions in the parameter

t space that preserve the mixirnizations achieved in previous search direc- tions when they are applied to definite quadratic functions. Jamshidian and Jennrich (1993) show that EM steps near the solution may be considered approximate generalized gradients of the likelihood function-that is, gra- dients with respect to an appropriate norm. Using the EM steps as gener- alized gradients, they apply a conjugate gradient algorithm, calling the

I result the accelerated EM, or AEM, algorithm. Jamshidian and Jennrich's justification for applying conjugate gra-

dient acceleration to EM holds with greater force for the EM gradient algorithm: Each EM gradient step is in fact a generalized gradient of the likelihood rather than only an approximate generalized gradient? Adapt- ing Jamshidian and Jennrich's terminology, I call the algorithm obtained

'Compare equations (4.113) and (4.134) of McLachlan and Krishnan (1996), after correcting a typographical error in the latter by inverting the Ic expected infor- mation matrix.

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by applying their acceleration method to the EM gradient method the "AEM gradient algorithm." Like the EM gradient algorithm, the AEM gradient algorithm must be monitored to ensure that the objective function in- creases on each M step. When such an increase is enforced, the AEM gradient algorithm monotonically increases the likelihood, because it falls in the class of generalized EM algorithms, described earlier (see McLachlan and Krishnan 1996). Conveniently, Jennrich and Jamshidian's algorithm requires a line search that can be used to monitor and enforce the increase in the objective function.

In addition to the calculations required for the EM gradient, the AEM gradient algorithm requires the gradient vector of first derivatives of the log-likelihood of the full model. With reference to equation (8), the full model log-likelihood is

where yij is a dummy variable defined to take the value 1 if worker i has obtained a job in category j, and 0 otherwise. The first derivatives, sup- pressing the i subscripts, are8


The AEM gradient .algorithm also requires programming the simple line search routine given by Jamshidian and Jennrich.

'All derivative formulas reported in this paper have been verified numerically using Ridders's method of polynomial extrapolation (see Press et al. 1992:182-83).

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Jamshidian and Jennrich (1993) recommend starting the AEM al- gorithm only after successive EM steps produce changes in the log- likelihood of less than 0.5. My experience indicates that this rule allows the AEM gradient algorithm to converge to the EM gradient solution in the large majority of cases but that sometimes convergence to a different solution is observed instead. In such cases changing the triggering crite- rion to a smaller value, say half as large, generally produces the EM gradient solution. However, as will be discussed below, alternative solu- tions should be carefully investigated.

Convergence of either the EM gradient or AEM gradient algorithm is determined by observing both the likelihood and the parameter values (see Dennis and Schnabel1983: 159-61). Convergence in the likelihood is detected when the largest of the relative gradients of the likelihood with respect to each of the parameters has fallen below a specified tolerance. Convergence in the parameters occurs when the largest relative change in successive estimates of the parameters falls below tolerance. Experience shows that very poorly specified models can converge by the likelihood criterion while parameter estimates do not converge, or converge very slowly. This is especially likely to occur in overparameterized models (es- pecially tabular models estimated on grouped data), where identification breaks down. In such cases the likelihood values are still informative even though the parameters are poorly identified.

4.3. A Quasi-Newton Algorithm

Earlier experience with Newton and quasi-Newton algorithms applied to the TSL problem led to many convergence failures and stimulated the de- velopment of the preceding AEM gradient algorithm. Swait and Ben- Akiva (1986:82) had similar estimation problems with their simpler but mathematically similar Independent Availability Logit model, problems that they believed were serious enough to jeopardize "the practical useful- ness of probabilistic choice set models in general."g However, neither they nor I had used software developed by numerical experts, which can be

a very robust?' To provide a better basis for comparison with the AEM gra- ir L b 9The independent availability logit model is conceptually distinct from TSL i and does not involve two sets of actors. That model and TSL were developed indepen- b dently; see Logan (1996a).

''1 had used routines from the LIMDEP package (Greene 1989), and Swait and Ben-Akiva wrote their own software, following the model presented in Dennis and Schnabel(1983). It is not known how closely they followed the Dennis and Schnabel model, however.

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dient algorithm, I obtained the public-domain DRMNGB routine of the PORT subroutine library, developed by numerical experts at AT&T Bell I

Labs (Fox, Hall, and Schryer 1978; Gay 1990). This quasi-Newton mini- mization routine uses the BFGS (Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb and Shanno) positive definite secant update (see Dennis and Schnabel1983:201-203), 1 in conjunction with tests and step modifications aiding robustness. The j routine was integrated with the program described below. 4

1 4.4. Other Estimation Algorithms

Though the algorithms just discussed will prove useful for TSL estima- tion, it should be mentioned that the appearance of 2J terms in the like- lihood means that execution times approximately double with each additional job type or occupation being fitted, so that more efficient al- gorithms would be very valuable. A completely different approach to the problem would be to employ one of the many recently popular algo- rithms that use random sampling to approximate features of the likeli- hood. Monte Carlo EM, for example, would sample from the distribution of unobserved offering sets rather than exhaustively evaluate the distri- bution to form the expectation (see Tanner 1993; Diebolt and Ip 1996). Markov chain Monte Carlo would sample values in both the parameter space and the distribution of unobserved offering sets to estimate the entire model (see Gilks, Richardson, and Spiegelhalter, eds., 1996). Such algorithms have proved effective in very complex models, and might perform well for TSL even with relatively large values of J. These pos- sibilities deserve further research.


Though one feature of EM algorithms is that the maximization step can typically be performed with standard statistical packages, this possibility is less attractive with the TSL model. Many standard conditional logit routines require preparation of data in case-by-alternative record format- that is, one record for each alternative available to each case. In the TSL model there must be separate, iteratively-reweighted sets of case-alternative records for each possible offering set available to each worker, with the numbers and identities of the records in each set varying across workers according to the observed occupational outcomes. Preparing the records in

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itself requires a special program, but the worse drawback is that the num- ber of records becomes very large, which slows the estimation very seri- ously. In addition, the requirement for the EM and AEM gradient algorithms is only for a single Newton step rather than a full M-step optimization, and this does not require the setup, iteration, convergence, or summary calcu- lations of a standard conditional logit program.

Because of these considerations, a special-purpose program, TSLogit, was developed for TSL estimation." This program needs no special data preparation, requiring only a single input data record per

t case. It implements the EM gradient, AEM gradient, and PORT quasi-

[ Newton op-timization methods as estimation options. It includes a recod- ing command for easily redefining occupational categories; this allows flexibility in exploratory work, taking advantage of the faster conver- gence available with smaller numbers of categories. It also has other useful features such as occupational category and variable labels, re- ports of descriptive statistics by category, and automatic generation of random start values within bounds provided by the user.

Both the AEM gradient and PORT routines in TSLogit rely on the same subroutines for the calculation of the log-likelihood and the full- model gradient. These routines incorporate features designed for effi- ciency and stability of calculation. Efficiency is obtained by avoiding redundant calculations between the log-likelihood and gradient, and by retaining and reusing intermediate results. Basic linear algebra operations are implemented with the BLAS subroutines, available as part of the LIN- PACK library (Dongarra et al. 1979). Because the likelihood and gradient routines are shared by the AEM gradient and PORT options, any remaining inefficiencies in their implementation should not substantially affect com-

sons of the two approaches. The routines calculating the gradients for e conditional logit submodels, needed only for the EM and AEM gradi-

ent algorithms, have similar efficiency provisions. Especially when started far from a solution, both AEM gradient and

asi-Newton algorithms, in their simplest forms, can propose steps far from present values of the parameters. If not detected or controlled, this can se numerical overflows in the calculations involving the preference-

git program, and usage documentation, is available from the Statlib, or by sending the E-mail message general" to [email protected]. It was written in DEC Fortran DEC Alpha OSF Unix environment. Further information can be

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weighted resource terms, pixi and ai wv, in the basic probabilities of the TSL model (equations [4] and [5] ) on which the likelihood and gradients de- pend. Such potential numerical overflows are detected in the TSLogit prob- ability calculation^?^ The PORT subroutine incorporates various options to control such problems, which have also been implemented for the AEM gra- dient calculations (see Gay 1990). A maximum stepsize can be specified to restrain large steps. A scaling vector can be entered to offset differences in scales between variables, which may avoid or postpone overflows in the pixi and ai wv calculations. Finally, user-specified bounds on the allowable val- ues of parameters can prohibit implausible values of parameters and also avoid overflows. Aside from avoiding overflows, adjusting these controls can also affect which solution is obtained, in both the AEM gradient and PORT algorithms.

An additional consideration in developing subroutines for calculat- ing the log-likelihoods and gradients for the optimization algorithms is the numerical stability of the subroutines-that is, whether small differences in trial parameter values will lead to large changes in their output values and whether small errors may cumulate during calculations. This issue can be addressed by noting the form of the likelihood and gradients. The basic probability equations (4a) and (5) are smooth, logistic functions of the parameters, and do not themselves involve iterations or cumulations of quantities across iterations. The acceptance probability, (7), is a sum of the products of these basic probabilities, and it is also stable. The full-model gradients, equations (12) and (13), are also essentially sums of the basic probabilities, weighted by observed data values; significant digits may be lost in the subtractions seen in these formulas when the results are near zero, but the subsequent multiplications ensure that the losses will not much affect the sums being calculated, and the errors cannot accumulate to dominate later calculations. Thus the likelihood and derivative calcula- tions are table.'^

'=The standard for a potential numerical overflow is machine-dependent, and it is obtained from the PORT library functions describing the characteristics of the hardware on which the program is installed. This will allow the TSLogit code to be more easily adapted to other computers, since the same code will control these aspects of the PORT and TSLogit-specific tests, and since the PORT functions are easily mod- ified for a wide variety of machines.

13This is also true for the very simple first and second derivatives of the con- ditional logit submodels. Particularly convenient expressions for these are found in Greene (1993:670), but the term Pg shown in the expression for the first derivatives is a typo for dg .

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i 5.1. Standard Error Calculations

The TSLogit program calculates asymptotic standard error estimates for all parameters using analytical second derivatives rather than numerical estimates of the derivatives. The second derivatives of the model are



?kg = Wjg - C w m g WArn I Sk),

I m=O


q k g = ?kg - 2 fi(sdlAj)Tjdg, d= 1

k t R = 1 i f d = f

h = w & - h - Z w s b l * , ) ( @ d b d b ~ d ) , b= 1 and a d f { = 0 otherwise.



The relative performance of the EM gradient, AEM gradient, and PORT algorithms was evaluated by reestimating the preferred TSL model of Lo- gan (1996a). Table 1 presents results derived from four independent sam- ples from the General Social Survey, representing females and males surveyed in two time periods, 1972-80 and 1982-90. The sample sizes, shown in the table, average 2,679; the number of parameters estimated in each model is 22.

Twenty-five estimation runs were done for each method on each of the four samples: one from zero start values, and 24 from randomly se- lected values. The random selection was done from a uniform distribution in a rectangular region of the parameter space bounded by the values + 5.0 for the intercepts and f 2.0 for the preference coeff~cient The same set of seeds for the pseudo-random generator was used for each method to ensure

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TABLE 1 Convergence Performance for the 22-Parameter Models of Logan (1996a)

Random-Start Solutions Zero-Start Mean CPU Minutes Solution A B C D E F to Solution A

Females, 1972-80, N = 2,632 EM gradient A 24 31.3' AEM gradient A 24 4.2 PORT A 19 4 1 3.6 2LL + 6338: 57.1 26.9 0.4 Solution type interior bound. interior

Males, 1972-80, N = 3,283 EM gradient A 23 1 AEM gradient A 23 1 2.0 PORT A 15 4 5 2.2 2LL + 6568: 36.6 27.3 0.7 Solution type interior interior bound.

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Females, 1982-90, N = 2,149 EM gradient B 7 14 3 AEM gradient B 7 14 3 PORT A 11 5 3 2 2 1 2LL + 9046: 70.9 10.3 40.7 61.8 38.7 0.4 Solution type interior bound. bound. interior interior bound.

Males, 1982-90, N = 2,651 EM gradient A 19 5 AEM gradient A 18 6 4.3 PORT B 9 8 6 1 2.5 2LL + 8036: 11.8 22.8 5.2 0.1 Solution type interior interior bound. bound.

'Mean of 15 convergences to 3-digit accuracy; the remaining 9 runs had not converged to 3 digits.

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1 64 LOGAN

that any performance differences did not reflect differences in the random starting values.

The bounds of k2.0 were selected for the preference coefficients as reasonable limits given the substantive interpretation of the coefficients. As described in Logan (1996a), a coefficient of 2.0 implies a log-odds shift of 2.0 upon a unit shift in the corresponding resource variable; this corre- sponds, for example, to a shift from an offering or acceptance probability of 0.50 to one of 0.88. Such a difference seems outside the range of plau- sible values for a one-unit shift in prestige, autonomy, education, or age: a single point or year of difference should not have this large an effect on the probability of preferring a match. Whether such a shift might be evoked by the whitehonwhite difference is probably more debatable, but the same boundary was used for this variable as well. The intercept boundaries of k5.0 were selected to give a wider range since no similar substantive argument seems to apply. The same bounds were also used to limit the solutions found by the algorithms; boundary solutions will be distin- guished from solutions in the interior of the defined space, with preference given to the latter type.

The first panel of Table 1 summarizes convergence performance for the 1972-80 female sample. The column headed zero-start solution shows that all three algorithms converged on the same solution, called solution A, when started from zero values on all parameters. Solution A is the name given to the preferred estimates reported in Logan (1996a), in this and the other three samples. The columns indicating random-start solutions show that all 24 random starts converged to solution A for both the EM and AEM gradient algorithms. Four of the same random start values converged to a boundary solution, B, when the PORT routine was used. The PORT routine also found an additional interior solution, C, from one of the 24 random starts. The row labeled "2LL + 6338" shows that A has the maximum likelihood among the three solutions. (The doubled log-likelihood value is 57.1 - 6,338 = -6,280.9; the value 57.1 is reported for legibility.)

The column headed mean CPU minutes to solution A reports 31.3 minutes on average for the EM gradient algorithm in the female 1972-80 sample, though this figure actually omits 9 runs that had not converged to 3-digit accuracy within the allotted number of iterations.14 The AEM gra- dient algorithm took an average of 4.2 CPU minutes to reach 3 digits,

I4Reported computer times are total CPU times (system plus user times) for the complete estimation until convergence, including the negligible setup routines and any initial EM gradient iterations prior to the start of the AEM gradient steps. The computer

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while the PORT routine averaged 3.6 minutes in the 19 cases of conver- gence to solution A. The roughly 7 to 1 ratio between EM gradient and AEM gradient convergence times is representative of other comparisons not reported here; no systematic timings are shown for the other three samples because of the burden that taking the other runs to 3-digit conver- gence would have placed on shared computer resources.

The next panel of Table 1 shows a similar situation for the male 1972-80 sample. All three algorithms converged from zero starts to the preferred solution A. Twenty-three of the EM and AEM gradient runs con- verged to A, while both algorithms started at a twenty-fourth point con- verged to boundary solution C. PORT converged 15 times to A, 5 times to C, and 4 times to B, an alternative, interior solution. Solution A has the highest likelihood among the three. In this panel the AEM algorithm was slightly faster than PORT to solution A, at 2.0 minutes versus 2.2 on average.

In the third panel, the female 1982-90 sample, both the EM gradi- ent and AEM gradient algorithms converged from zero starts to a non- preferred, boundary solution, B, while PORT converged to the preferred, interior solution, A. In random starts, the EM and AEM gradient algo- rithms converged 7 times to A, 14 times to B, and 3 times to another bound- ary solution, C. The PORT algorithm hit A 11 times, B 5 times, and C 3 times. It also found two other interior solutions, D and E, twice each, and once found another boundary solution, F. Solution A had the highest like- lihood value. PORT was slightly faster to solution A, at 3.9 versus 4.1 minutes on average.

The last panel, the male 1982-90 sample, shows that the EM and AEM gradient algorithms reached solution A from zeros, while PORT found B, a nonpreferred solution. The EM gradient found A 19 times, while the AEM gradient hit B from one of those 19 start values, and found A the other 18 times. The EM and AEM gradient algorithms converged on B 5 and 6 times, respectively. The PORT routine found A 9 times and B 8 times, and also found two boundary solutions, C 6 times, and D once. PORT was faster than the AEM gradient to preferred solution A: 2.5 versus 4.3 minutes on average, taking 58 percent as long. Nonpreferred solution B had the highest doubled log-likelihood of the four, exceeding preferred

[ solution A by 11 points. The next section discusses why A is nonetheless "referred ! to B .

was a 275 MHz DEC 2100A 4/275 workstation, running the OSWl, V4.0, UNIX operating system.

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6.1. Choosing Preferred Solutions

Since the likelihood is a sample rather than population quantity, it is un- reasonable to regard likelihood differences as infallible guides to model selection. Rather than mechanically choosing the maximum likelihood so- lution from those found by the algorithms, the evidence of these estima- tions suggests it is better to examine likely candidates with a critical eye and to make a final choice based on broader considerations.

Table 2 presents the coefficient estimates from the most likely so- lutions obtained for the four samples, identifying them with the same letter codes used in Table 1. There is no real question, based on the Table 1 results, that solution A is to be preferred for the female 1972-80 sample, since the next lowest likelihood belongs to a boundary solution, 30.2 points down on the doubled log-likelihood scale. The large coefficients of such boundary solutions are substantively implausible for the reasons given earlier, and the likelihood difference is large.

Three solutions, A, B, and D, are shown for the female 1982-90 sample in Table 2. Solution B is clearly inferior on likelihood grounds, but it is presented because it was found from zero start values by the EM and AEM gradient algorithms, and was also found 14 out of 24 times from random start values using those two algorithms. Though it is classified as a boundary solution since the coefficient of nonwhite for Clerical/Service was constrained to the boundary value of 2.0 during initial fitting, the values obtained by relaxing the constraint are reported in Table 2. The nonwhite coefficient is estimated at 2.988, a very large value that would strain belief even if the likelihood were acceptable. The point of consid- ering this solution is to show that convergence from zero start values or even a preponderance of EM or AEM gradient convergences from random start values is not itself evidence of an acceptable solution.

Solution D for the female 1982-90 sample is not much worse than A by the likelihood criterion, but its estimates of the prestige and auton- omy coefficients are inflated compared with the results in other samples, and seem implausibly high, considering the wide range that prestige scores take. The same consideration applies when comparing solutions A and B of the male 1972-80 sample, in the adjoining two columns.

The preceding three samples provide an appropriate context for con- sidering solutions A and B for the male 1982-90 sample. Though the dou- bled log-likelihood for B is 11 points higher than that of A, the very high coefficients of prestige and autonomy in B cannot be taken seriously. The

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highest-likelihood solutions in the other three samples all show prestige coefficients in the range of .03 to. 10. The estimate of .999 in the B solution for the male 1982-90 sample is 10 times as high as the .099 estimate in the sample of males from the previous decade. A shift of this magnitude in the preference for prestige over one decade is simply unbelievable, and the size of the effect is also hard to accept once the log-odds implications associated with, say, a 20-point difference in mean prestige are considered. On the other hand, the estimate of .094 from solution A is very similar to the earlier decade's estimate, and therefore must be preferred on grounds of relative plausibility, even though the likelihood is lower. Substantive considerations must be kept in mind when adjudicating possible solutions; likelihood values are no substitute for critical thought.

6.2. Searching for Solutions

The TSLogit program makes it easy to search for solutions from random starting points, as was done here. The user of the program simply defines boundary values and specifies that a pseudo-random starting point should be chosen. It is simple to do a batch of 25 or more runs by creating a macro in any operating system likely to be used, and changing between the AEM gradient and the PORT quasi-Newton algorithm is a simple option in the control deck. At less than five minutes per run, for problems like the present ones, a large set of solutions can be generated in a relatively short period and can easily be scanned in an editor. The results just presented strongly indicate that this type of search should be done whenever TSL models are fitted.

Other strategies in addition to searching from random start values might be considered. If results are available from similar data sets, it would seem always to be wise to use these as starting values. It is also reasonable to try estimates obtained from special cases of the TSL model as starting values. Appropriate special cases might be the conditional logit model using mean occupational characteristics, the sequential logit model based on worker characteristics, or the logit analog of the Abowd and Farber model (1982), depending on which simplification of the model the re- searcher believes may be closest to the actual parametric situation. Logan (1996a) discusses these special cases. The first of these models can be estimated quickly with GLIM (e.g., Lindsey 1995), the second with LIM-

1 DEP (Greene 1989), and the last with the available TSL program.

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TABLE 2 Parameter Estimates for Selected Solutions of Table 1

Females Males

1972-80 1982-90 1972-80 1982-90 Actor

Characteristic A A B D A B A B

Worker Prestige .037 .059 .030 ,355 .099 .344 .094 .999 Autonomy .I43 .I36 .086 .416 .034 .277 .037 .903

Professional Intercept -2.605 - 1.563 - 1.064 -2.010 -1.831 -2.075 - 1.683 -2.066 Education .988 .791 .862 .583 .674 .548 .723 .564 Age .011 .005 .004 - .002 .027 .011 .016 .00 1 Nonwhite .214 - .422 - .398 -.289 -.529 - .28 1 - .285 -.I52

Managerial Intercept -2.570 - 1.477 -1.106 - 1.776 - .622 - 1.034 - .248 -.854 Education .228 .311 .281 .333 .349 .341 .43 1 .369

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Clerical/Service Intercept Education Age Nonwhite

Mfg. Blue Collar Intercept Education Age Nonwhite

Other Blue Collar Intercept Education Age Nonwhite


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It should also be mentioned that it is possible in principle for the EM and AEM gradient algorithms to reach saddle points, rather than local or global maxima. If this occurred using the TSLogit program with the cal- culation of analytical standard errors requested, the program would detect the consequent nonnegative-definiteness of @e matrix of second deriva- tives and issue an error message, If other software were used, or if standard errors were not being calculated, slightly perturbing the estimates and re- starting the algorithm should cause movement away from the saddle point. Because quasi-Newton routines enforce negative-definiteness, the PORT routine is unlikely to reach a saddle point.

It is difficult to recommend use of the AEM gradient over the PORT routine, or vice versa, on the basis of the present, limited evidence. Over- all, the AEM gradient algorithm found the preferred solution more often than the PORT algorithm: 75 versus 57 times out of 100. The PORT algo- rithm, on the other hand, found more solutions, including one interior so- lution (D in the female 1982-90 sample) only 9 doubled log-likelihood points below a preferred solution. However, it found no preferred solu- tions missed by AEM, and AEM always scored multiple hits on the pre- ferred solution. PORT was somewhat faster in converging to the preferred solutions, but this alone is somewhat misleading since it does not take account of PORT'S greater tendency to miss these solutions altogether. Since both algorithms are available in the same program, the sensible rec- ommendation is to use them both in the hope that the strengths of each will offset the weaknesses of the other. More experience would be needed to decide the issue.


The basic TSL behavioral model described here is simple: employers choose the best workers they can get, workers choose the best jobs they can get, . and the intersecting preferences of workers and employers create con- straints on the choices of all. There are relatively rich interpretative and theoretical advantages associated with the basic model, which could not be addressed in detail here. For example, the preference coefficients of the model can be interpreted as measures of relative opportunity, where op- portunity is given a mathematical definition (Logan 1996a). In addition, the fl parameters can be interpreted as rules of access to positions, along the lines of a nonmathematical suggestion by Hauser (1978), and it can then also be shown both that TSL estimation of these rules should be in-

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t sensitive to changes in levels of demand for workers and that a class of extenaed log-linear models that includes most applied mobility table mod- els should not be insensitive to changes in levels of demand, contrary to the common belief (Logan 1996~). Finally, as mentioned earlier, there is a direct connection between the TSL behavioral model and the rich theoret- ical literature on formal, two-sided matching games (Logan 1996b; Roth and Sotomayor 1990).

The problem being addressed in detail here is how best to move from such an attractive micro-level model to a useful tool for empirically estimating the determinants of opportunity and the rules of access to po- sitions. The guiding principle throughout has been pragmatic: The avail- ability of certain types of data must force certain simplifications and even compromises in the model to achieve identification and estimability. Even with appropriate accommodations to the realities of data gathering, TSL estimation remains a relatively lengthy procedure that is limited in the numbers of occupational categories that can be distinguished. It is unfor- tunate that the TSL likelihood contains local maxima, since this compli- cates estimation. However, the force of the theoretical argument underlying the model should encourage researchers to take the necessary additional steps to explore the likelihood surface, rather than use a method that is demonstrably less suited to the topic. The TSLogit program makes these steps easy, though still somewhat time consuming.

The most important substantive consideration in applying the TSL estimation methods developed here is whether and to what degree the de- sirable properties of the micro-behavioral model carry over into desirable properties of the obtained estimates. The focus, as explained earlier, is on the a and preference coefficients, rather than on the variety of effects that enter the demand intercepts. Short of mathematically deriving a new and practical estimation method directly from the micro-level model (on which work is in progress), the best way of addressing the issue is by simulation.

The micro-simulation reported in Logan (1 996c) gives encouraging results: estimates using the occupational category method developed in this paper are good for@, downwardly biased but strongly significant for a, and, very importantly, insensitive to a simulated shift in demand. Since the es- timates for @ are good, accurate inferences can be made about the deter- minants of relative opportunity in the simulated micro-behavioral system. Since the estimates are insensitive to demand shifts in the micro-behavioral system, there is reason to think the estimates of relative opportunity are suit-

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able for cross-national and cross-temporal comparisons. Additional simu- lation studies varying the parameters of the micro-behavioral system in new ways should lead to new information about the robustness of these results.

A combination of micro-simulation with exploration of alternative specifications and constraints within the general TSL behavioral frame- work seems likely to be a fruitful mode of research for future improve- ments in TSL estimation. The very fact that TSL estimation is connected to a behavioral model that allows simulation seems extremely important both as an aid to further model development and as a brake on any tendency toward abstract specifications lacking clear behavioral referents.


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