eternity soup by greg critser - excerpt

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  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt




    H a r m o n y B o o k s

    new york




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  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    Copyrigh by Grg Crisr

    All righs rsrvd.

    Publishd in h Unid Sas by Harmony Books,

    an imprin o h Crown Publishing Group,

    a division o Random Hous, Inc., Nw York.

    Harmony Books is a rgisrd radmarkand h Harmony Books colophon

    is a radmark o Random Hous, Inc.

    Library o Congrss Caaloging-in-Publicaion Daa

    Crisr, Grg.

    Ernit soup / Grg Crisr

    p. cm.Includs bibliographical rrncs and indx.

    . Longvit. . AgingPrvnion. I. il.



    ISBN -

    Prind in h Unid Sas o Amrica

    Desgn by Elzabeh Rendeich

    Illusraons by Andrew Barhelmes

    Firs Ediion
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    To purchase a copy of

    Eternity Soup

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  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt



    INRODUCION x i i i

    book one Calories

    book two Cash

    book three Engineering

    book four The New Longevity Bestiary

    book five One Million Centenarians






  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt



    W wr lunching in Gods waiing room, which is wha Bob

    Hop likd o call Palm Springs, whn h subjc o aging

    cam up.

    I was a good abl or h subjc, bcaus i you wrlooking or o raional xampls o halhy aging, you prob-

    ably couldn do br han my mohr, B , svnt-six, and

    hr husband, Jrry, svnt-v. Tyv go i down: a simpl,

    snsibl di wih an occasional splurg, rouin daily xrcis,

    som yoga, los o socializing, and los o mnal simulaion

    via ravl, books, hobbis, and adul ducaion. Tyr h

    griaric dram amsnsibl, modra, willing o ry nw

    hings, and proaciv whn i coms o seing hir kids and

    grandkids. Tyr no going o si and rumina ovryourno

    coming o se hm. Tyll com o seyou.

    Ty ar also hug and airly discriminaing consumrs o

    halh and mdical inormaion, and so i was wih som rlish

    ha, on day ovr lunch no long ago, I old hm abou somnw rsarch Id ben rading on aging and halh. You se,

    I said, dropping ino PowrPoin mod, h ral issu isn
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    xiv i n t r o d u c t i o n

    li span, is healhspan. And wha do w know abou ha?

    Wll, w know ha halhy aging is jus haand ha wha

    mdicin should aim or is lnghning h healhspan, no h

    li span.

    Ty lookd a m a lil blankly and pickd a hir salads.

    I wn on. And so, has ld o kind o a nw Holy Grail in

    aging rsarchh ida o rcangularizaion o morbidit.

    Mor blank sars. Forks now on pla.

    . . . caus, se, i you look a aging dmographics, you seha h survival curv gos lik his . . .

    I racd a downward-sloping lin on h ablcloh wih my


    . . . wih incrasing sicknss and disas as popl g oldr.

    Wha w rally wan o do is mak i squar off, lik his, a,

    say, ag ight-v.I racd a nint-dgre angl, downward.

    Wha dos ha man? my mom askd.

    Oh, simpl, I said. I mans ha h goal o mdical

    and aging rsarch should b o g you o, say, ight-o or

    ight-v in good halh, and hn you drop off as, say, in

    hre o six monhs, wihou xndd illnss.

    Tr was a silnc, and I knw I was in roubl.

    Oh, my mohr said, I don go along wih ha a all. . . .

    Uh-uh, said Jrry. Tas no how wr seing i a all.

    T way I se i, Im going o liv o on hundrd and

    mayb mor, my mohr said. Why no? And a halhy hun-

    drd a ha! Sh pickd up hr ork andniclysabbd

    an arichok har o dah.I sid mysl fom poining ou ha hir gn pools did

    no augur wll or such opimism, bu, a his poin, hy ownd
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    i n t r o d u c t i o n xv

    h convrsaion. I wasn aking ino considraion somhing

    hy boh semd o know a lo abou: aniaging mdicin. Ty

    boh had a longvit docor. Tir ramns includd pr-

    scripion compoundd hormons, sosron or him and

    progsron cram or hr. Tr wr all kinds o hings you

    could do o slow down h aging procss.

    Bu, Ma, I said, you know ha hrs no vidnc ha

    ha suff dos any mor or lss or you han aking prscrip-

    ion hormons!Ah! Bu hr is! T diffrnc is h cram is ailor-

    mad or m! I g a blood s vry monh o mak sur. And

    GrgoryI know you wro a book abou all hisbu I am

    lling you i works! My skin hasn ben lik his or nt

    yars! And my nrgy lvl oo. And Im no vn doing my

    yoga as much, so I know is h cram. Is dnily makingm el youngr. And fankly, Grgory, I don vn hink o

    aging h sam way anymor. Aging, lik ha I man, whn

    you rally hink abou i, is so unnaural!

    Driving hom ha day, I hough a lo abou ha las sa-

    mn, h noion ha aging was somhow unnaural. I was h

    kind o dimnsional shi in prcpion ha lads you o hink

    ha, onc again, jus lik ha crazy Inrn hing, modrn

    li has passd you by. Eihr ha, or ha vryon around you

    has gon oally off h grid.

    Ar all, vryon knows ha aniaging mdicin is bogus,

    righ? Crainly all h righ-hinking olk hink so. Evn h

    somnoln FDA rcnly raidd a bunch o pharmacis or

    slling aniaging compounds. T Gronological Socit oAmricals call i Big Gsponsors sminars on aniag-

    ing quackry. A group o Big G rsarchrs has vn akn o
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    xvi i n t r o d u c t i o n

    issuing consnsus dics agains aniaging mdicin, on no-

    ing is mor obvious fauds whil impaling h whol noion as

    quackry. Som o hs aacks ar srangly prsonal, singling

    ou bona d rsarchrs who diffrd fom h sablishmn

    lin as rogus and impaling ohrs or bing clbriis.

    Bu somhing has bohrd ohrs in h lds o aging

    and mdicin abou his consnsus. Whn you lookd a lil

    hardr, you saw ha som o h biggr nams had rusd o

    sign on. I was oo soon o ak such a cnsoring posiion, hysaid. Youngr sciniss viwd i as a gnraional a on. As a

    gradua sudn namd Adam Spong, a cll biology rsarchr

    a Souhrn Illinois Univrsit Mdical School, old m, Tir

    whol hing is jus so, so . . . posmodrn in ha s way. I

    man, you canno alk abou aging as a disas, bcaus ha

    would b agis. You canno alk abou somhing objcivlyacualha i is br, physiologically, o b young han

    b oldwihou supposdly causing sigma or vicimizing h

    ldrly. o m i all sinks o som wird, sl-daing orho-

    doxy, call i poliical corrcnss, i you wan.

    In ac, h mor on looks a aniaging, or longvit, sci-

    nc and mdicin, h mor on ses ha hr is no ral con-

    snsus abou i a all, and ha myriad nrpriss, boh public

    and priva, ar orging onward ino a brav nw pro-longvis

    world. Considr, or xampl, ha:

    Sanord Univrsit prossor Shripad uljapurkar, an

    xpr in populaion mahmaics, projcs ha ani-

    aging advancs in dvlopd counris could incrasli xpcancy by a year for each yearo h dcads

    o .
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    i n t r o d u c t i o n xvii

    T Naional Insiu on Aging, h counrys d-

    rally undd arbir o gronology, is now undr-

    wriing a long- rm, wid-ranging program o s

    li-span-xnding compounds on mic a hre lad-

    ing rsarch insiuions. Alhough dsignd o dbunk

    commrcial claims, h arly rsuls hav alrady

    idnid hre compounds ha xnd maximum li

    span in mica hug surpris o h ddicad skp-

    ics running h rials. Anohr NIA sudy, h rs on humans, showd ha

    hickning o h caroid arry, a ky sign o aging and

    a risk acor or srok, was dramaically rducd in

    praciionrs o caloric rsricion.

    Whn h nod RAND Corporaion askd h naions

    lading gronologiss, cardiologiss, and griariciansabou h possibilit o a major li-span-xnding

    compound, many wr surprisingly bullish, wih a

    numbr prdicing a prcn chanc o such a com-

    pound in h nx n yars.

    T cooundr o PayPal, Pr Til, on o h nan-

    cial worlds shrwds invsors, has pu $. million

    ino a projc o do nohing lss han nd aging.

    T pharmacuicals gian Glaxo rcnly paid $

    million or h dvlopmn righs o rsvrarol, a

    compound ha sems, among ohr hings, o slow h

    undrlying aging procss in som lab animals

    T had o Ric Univrsits prsigious nvironmn-

    al nginering dparmn, considrd on o h bsin h world, is now lading an xprimn ha will

    us soil bacria o arg and dsroy human arrial
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    xviii i n t r o d u c t i o n

    plaqu, ssnially craing a way, in h words o on

    rsarchr, o nd arrial aging as w know i.

    T NIH is unding rials in pig-o-prima organ rans-

    planaion, hoping o push h scinc closr o usul-

    nss bor currn dmographic rnds worsn and

    organ dmand ousrips supply vn mor dramaically

    han a prsn.

    Aging Amricans ar no longr waiing or brak-

    hrough scinc or Big Pharma. A soaring numbr oprscripions going ou h pharmacy door hs days

    is or a hormon-basd produc, mos o hm usd or

    aniaging purposs. Insrucivly, i is almos always

    paid or in cash.

    I com o his rmarkabl and as-moving world wih myown biass and prjudics. Lik mos popl, I wan aniag-

    ing mdicin o work, spcially sinc mn in my linag don

    nd o liv vry long. Tr ar lovd ons all around m whom

    Id lik o njoy a lo longr. And, surpris: I hink h bodily

    and mnal dgradaion ha coms wih advancd yars is

    crul, capricious, and unrlning, and h amps o main-

    ain ons dignit in h ac o i ar oo on clownish, pii-

    ul and, ulimaly, inffciv. A rcn concussionwhich

    rsuld in a orm o acclrad brain aging and or which

    I sough ramn in aniaging mdicin ar convnional

    mdicin ailddrov ha poin hom in a prsonal way. A

    jock would say ha Iv go skin in h gam.

    T mor I lookd, h mor i semd o m ha, ovr hnx y yars, scinc, mdicin, and chnology will rans-

    orm agingand h way w hink abou i. Tis chang will
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    i n t r o d u c t i o n xix

    com in ways small and larg, is voluion gradual bu inxo-

    rabl, uld by boh sl-xprimnaion and publicly undd

    rials. Much o i will ak plac in rra incognia; aging may

    bcom asir and mor comorabl, bu mor xpnsiv and

    vn a lil riskir, oo.

    So whr dos aniaging, or longvit, scinc com fom,

    wha dos i ll us, how dos i connc (or no) wih radi-

    ional mdicin and mdical scinc, and how will w hink

    o our own bodis as a rsul? Tos ar h qusions hisbook will ry o answr. o sar, w mus rs go o ucson,

  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    Clve McCay, he faher of modern longevt scence,and one of hi subjecs, crca .
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


    About the Author

    GREG CRITSERis a longime journalis and observer

    of he medical indusry. He is he auhor of Fa Land:

    How Americans Became he Fates People in he Worldand Generaion Rx: How Prescripion Drugs Are Alering

    American Lives, Minds, and Bodies. His work has ap-

    peared in dozens of magazines and newspapers, and he

    is a well-known commenaor on medicine, healh, and

    food, wih regular appearances on public radio and TV.

    He lives in Pasadena wih his wife, Anoinete Mongelli.
  • 8/14/2019 Eternity Soup by Greg Critser - Excerpt


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    Eternity Soup

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