ethical dilemmas at worplace

Ethical Dilemmas at Workplace

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Ethical Dilemmas at Workplace

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Group Members

Danyal Mustafa (Leader)Aftab NarejoAhmed BhuttoMajid Ali LakhiarFizza FatimaZulekha Chandio

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What Ethics is? Ethics in business Communication Sources of Ethical Behavior Dilemmas and Type of Dilemmas Unethical behaviors within organization Values Drive Behavior How we can overcome on ethical dilemmas at workplace? Some Essential for Ethical Behavior Virtual values into practice Protect the rights of clients Ethical evaluation of enhancing the checklist How management can avoid/address any conflict of interest at workplace? What is Ethical framework for sentencing guidelines at workplace? Developing Quality via Practical work Social responsibilities issue at the work place Survey with result


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What Ethics is?

“System of moral principles , rules and conducts.”

The ability to distinguish between right and wrong and to act accordingly.

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Why Ethics is important in business Communication?

Ethics is important in communication Because:• Creates credibility • Unites people• Work Efficiently • Improves decision making• Increases interest over shareholders

Ethics brings a sense of right and wrong in organizations.

• When the law fails• Ethics stops organizations from harming the


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Sources of Ethical Behavior

• Family and relatives• Friends and co-workers• Religion beliefs• Cultural Experience • The Legal System• Codes of Conduct • Social Media

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Dilemmas and its type

Dilemma is a situation where there is no clear easy choice

or answer.

Types of Dilemmas

Double bind dilemmasIn it victim placed in “No win situation” forced by


Fairness dilemmas Arise when groups are faced with making decisions

about how to share their resources and rewards.

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Unethical behaviors within organization

• Lying to supervisors• Recording more expenses • Stealing• Accepting gifts against company’s policy • favoritism • Taking credit for others work • Whistle blowing• terminating employees without any reason• Using company property for personal use

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For further Majid Ali Lakhiar

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Virtual values into practice• Principles• Build trust and credibility• Respect for the individual• Building a culture of open and honest

communication• Sustain the law• Make tone at the top

Some Essential for Ethical Behavior:

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Behavior standard of code and conduct:

What does code and conduct means to you

Treat others with dignity respect

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For further

Fiza Fatima Pathan

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Step1Developing a workplace policy depends on company’s philosophy, mission statement and their code of conducts.

Step 2Give training to employees about workplace ethics. Give instruction methods to engage employees in learning how to manage and resolve ethical dilemmas or how to face with ethical issues.

Step3Consider whether the organization needs an ethics hotline, which is confidential service for every employee where employees may contact whenever they encounter workplace dilemmas that put them into uncomfortable or threatening positions.

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Step4Refrain from making employment decisions, such as terminations, in connection with whistle blowing or an employee’s right to protected activity under whistle blowing laws.

Step5Design the same policies for every employee at workplace. And use the same business principles in every circumstance.

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Value Attitude Ethical BehaviorWisdom and Knowledge Experience promotes wisdom that

helps to change information in to the knowledge.

information is needed to resolve problems ethically. And to do what is right.

Self-Control Self-control means effectively managing reactions to challenging the tough situations and temptations.

Putting personal motivations away and acting with impartiality by doing what is right.

Justice Acting justly and fairly is a long-term driver of ethical behavior.

Establishing just and mutually agreed upon criteria and administering them fairly to all people.

Transcendence The belief in a power and source outside oneself reduces self-serving actions and increases humility.

Putting institutional and/or stakeholder interests above self-interests. Identifying a personal purpose that is associated with organizational mission.

Love and Kindness Treating people with kindness helps increase the reservoir of positive affection and love.

Recognizing and encouraging others for their contributions.

Courage and Integrity Ethics involve courage to do the right things consistently without view to personal consequences.

Making unpopular decisions based on fair consideration of the facts.

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For furtherZulekha Nawaz Chandio

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Protect the right of clients

To be treated with respect and dignity.

To information that is accessible, accurate, timely & understandable.

To be consulted about needs and preferences, and be involved in decision-making.

To have cultural needs respected.

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To have one’s needs met in a professional and ethical manner

To receive an efficient and effective service, delivered in a timely manner.

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Ethical evaluation of enhancing the checklist

For the evaluation there need to be clarity about what will be considered a quality and ethical evaluation


Independent: Management should not force limits on the remarks and recommendations of evaluation reports.

Intentional : The basis for an evaluation and the decisions to be based on it must be clear from the start.

Transparent: important consultation with stakeholders is necessary for the credibility and utility of the evaluation.

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Cont.. Ethical: Evaluation must not be a sign of personal or sectorial


Impartial: Removing unfairness and maximizing objectivity are important for the credibility of the evaluation and its part to knowledge.

Timely: Evaluations must be planned and completed in a timely manner so as to make sure the usefulness of the findings and recommendations.

Systematic Inquiry: Evaluators carry out systematic, data-based inquiries about whatever is being evaluated.

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Aftab ahmed For further

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Developing quality via practices work.

Workplace practices are the procedures and practices affecting how work gets performed in organization.

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Social responsblities issue at the work place

Socially Responsible means that people and organisations must behave ethically and with sensitivity toward social, cultural, economic and environmental issues.

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For furtherAhmed Ali Bhutto

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How management can avoid/address any conflict of interest at workplace?

Apply working decision on the bases of merit.

Build understanding between management and employees.

Acknowledge the contribution and give clear cut paraphrase to avoid the ineffectiveness and ambiguity.

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Avoid the causes of conflict at workplace

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There are the simple three methods from which management should apply and resolved the conflict at workplace

Clarify the problem

Generate and evaluate the possible solution

Evaluate the solution

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What is Ethical framework for sentencing guidelines at workplace?

• sophisticated and healthy environment in at workplace.

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Some points of Compliance Program

Maintain standard and procedures

High level oversight

Care in delegation of authority

Effective communication


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For SurveyDanyal Mustafa

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•Ethics at workplace is very important for Business.

• It grow and run its operations effectively.

•If any kind of ethical dilemmas occur at the workplace, than It can be resolve by the effective role of business communication.

Avoid•Avoid disobeying the rules and regulations of the organization.•Favoritism should be avoided in at workplace.•Unethical HR decisions for hiring and firing should be avoided.

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