ethicalaspectsof financia

Upload: vinay-ramane

Post on 09-Apr-2018




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    Unethical activities and financial mismanagement always go together.


    The following are the major reasons to the increase of unethical financial management.

    (a) Ambition from all sections of society for disproportionate earnings.

    (b) The coercive and corrupt practices by the government in terms of acts, policy and


    (c) The complex, arbitrary, time-consuming and one sided tax laws.

    (d) The power of huge monopolistic organisations.

    (e) The idea of socialistic pattern of society where intellectual and materialistic growth is


    (f) Too much of centralized control and the lack of empowerment. It should be

    remembered that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    (g) Growth is aimed for the sake of growth. The economic aspects of growth are given

    more important than the non-economic aspects like values and ethical principles.

    (h) The social system is deteriorating in many major parts of the world.

    (i) The concept of money illusion is prevailing in the minds of all people. Money illusion

    advocates that for anything and everything money can be a compensator.

    According to ethical standards, the first and foremost importance should be given to the

    universe (SRISTI), then to the society (SAMASTI) and last only to the concerned

    individual (VYAKTI). In contrast, in modern days people give more importance to

    individual and then only for society and least for the universe.



    Some norms can be fixed for quality of solutions.

    (a) Fully ethical and legal is considered a best solution.

    (b) Fully ethical but not so legal is ethically acceptable.

    (c) Fully legal but not ethical is a master minded solution but not acceptable.(d) Unethical and illegal combination is disastrous.

    Ethical and economical combinations can be made in the

    following manner:

    (a) Fully ethical and most economical combination is the best.

    (b) Fully ethical and not so economical is acceptable.

    (c) Most economical and not ethical is dangerous.

    (d) Neither ethical nor economical is disastrous.

    Obiectives of financial management:

    (1) Profit maximization:

    Trying to get the best profit is the concern of any investment.(2) Wealth creation:

    Investment made in terms of money should create wealth through the production of

    goods and services.

    (3) Utilisation of financial resources:

    The existing financial resources have to be utilised to a great extent.

    (4) Pavment of interest and dividends:

    There should be the timely and prompt payment of interest and dividends to the investors.

    A delayed payment is often considered as a denied payment.



    Unethical practices in finance:

    (1) Cheating the investors by failing to invest in proper terms. The best example is the

    chit companies in India.

    (2) Delays in payments to vendors, dealers, and agents.

    (3) Delays in payments of wages and incentives.

    (4) Cheating employees regarding LTCs,education schemes for children and other


    (5) Lackof prompt repayment of interest and capital to banks.

    (6) Hawala transactions in money movements.

    (7) Making bogus bills of purchase to show higher costs.

    (8) Encouraging private borrowing from the unorganised sector.

    (9) Unorganised money lending.

    (10) Opening of current accounts in different banks to make adjustments against loans by

    earlier banks.

    (ll) Misleading the investors by overstating profits.

    (12)With the help of brokers, the share price is artificially hiked.

    Insider trading:

    Insider trading is the using of inside information to make a personal gain. A public issuer

    or employee of a company is an insider.

    The insider information is related to a public issue. It is not available in public. Insider

    trading accounts for 10 percent of cases in the U.S.A. ENRON,GLOBALCROSSING

    and IMCLONE, SYSTEMS INC., are some of the examples. In the case of IMCLONE

    SYSTEMSINC., the U.S. Government rejected some drugs. Its C.E.O.Samuel Waksal

    sold the shares after knowing the bad news. Others were late to know this news of

    government rejecting some drugs of IMCLONESYSTEMSINC.

    Arguments against insider trading:

    (1) Since information is a property it cannot be stolen by a few people.



    (2) The insiders take an undue and unfair advantage of the information.

    (3) The conflicts of interests breed a crisis of confidence. Creating a loss of confidence is

    an unethical act.

    (4) Insider trading affects the confidence of investors in the share market.

    (5) Insider trading leads to inefficiency in the markets. If insider trading is practiced as a

    general rule, it would drive out the market speculators who take risks on short-term

    trades. Insider trading is creating an uneven playing filed to the market speculators. In

    fact, speculation and insider trading are the problems of business ethics.

    (6) The fairness and integrity of the securities markets are violated. It is unfair to those

    who do not have the privileged information.

    Financial engineering:

    It refers to repackaging the services of financial intermediaries. Too much of

    securitization is also leading to transformation of financial assets into securities than can

    be traded. It is tools, tricks and insights. It is the application of mathematical tools to

    financial problems and the management of financial risk.


    It is excessive or inappropriate trading for a client's account by a broker. Since the broker

    is interested in commission, he practices churning. It is an unethical practice in financial


    Monev laundering:

    It is the process by which one conceals the existence, illegal source to make it appear

    legitimate. The "dirty" money appears "clean". The profits of criminal activities are made

    to appear legitimate.

    Money launderers are big time criminals who operate through international networks

    without disclosing their identity.

    Money laundering is consisting of three stages:



    1. The first stage is consisting of the Placement of proceeds derived from illegal

    activities. The movement of money from the place of the crime to a less suspicious and

    more convenient place.

    2. The second stage Lavering is the separation of proceeds from illegal source. Complex

    transactions are designed to prevent the audit trial.

    3. In the third stage of Integration. there is the conversion of illegal proceeds into

    apparently legitimate business earnings. It is done by normal financial and commercial

    operations. False invoices for the goods exported, purchasing of property and co-

    mingling of money in bank accounts.

    In money laundering a lot of intermediaries is used like lawyers, accountants and

    businessmen. Sometimes, there is a misuse of non-profit organisations also.

    Money laundering can have a range of severe macroeconomic consequences. There are

    unpredictable changes in money demand, prudential risks to the soundness of banking

    systems, and increased international capital flows.

    Organized crime can infiltrate financial institutions and affect the socioeconomic

    development of many countries.

    Monev laundering in India:

    The following are the important causes for money laundering in India.

    (a) A reasonable amount of political and economic stability.

    (b) Existence of major financial centers with access to banking facilities, communications

    and financial markets.

    (c) Lackof regulatory controls against money laundering.

    (d) Presence of cash economy.

    Reasons for hectic Hawala activities in India:

    (1) Illegal imports.

    (2) Proceeds of crimes.

    (3) Corruption.



    (4) Tax evasion.

    (5) Tourists-local expenses assured.

    Sources of profit:

    (1) Manipulation of exchange rate.

    (2) Dealing of black market currency.

    Nature of operations:

    ./ Drug profits .

    ./ Arms .

    ./ Precious stones - Gold.

    ./ Terrorism.

    Casestudies in India

    (1) Red Fort Blast Case- 2000:

    Confession of prime accused - funds through Hawala transactions from Dubai.

    (2) Bombav Blast Case-1993:

    Hawala mode of payments.

    (3) Physical smuggling.

    (4) Invoice manipulation.

    Some of the other unethical practices in financial services are illegal dividend payments,

    tax evasion, alternative forms of payment to avoid rebating violations, misrepresentation

    of facts, invasion of privacy and dubious claim settlement policies.

    The avoidance of deception and fraud on the one hand and the introduction of

    professionalism on the other hand can elevate financial markets. Business ethics requires

    the financial transactions with integrity, fairness, competence, objectivity,

    professionalism, diligence and respect for the confidence of clients.