ethnography of speaking

Discourse and Pragmatics The Ethnography of Speaking

Upload: hadi-bajwa

Post on 23-Nov-2015




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  • Discourse and PragmaticsThe Ethnography of Speaking

  • Mediated ActionAction determines discourseDiscourse determines actionCultural ToolsSocial PracticesCommunities of PracticeAgency

  • A Workplace InteractionActionsCultural ToolsAgencyWhats the point? Understanding how actions determine discourseUnderstanding how discourse determines actionThe Pressure of PracticeThe Funnel of Committment

  • What are the rules for social practicesDifferent in different communitiesRules aboutWho says what to whom, when, and howThe expected outcomes of our communicationWhose in charge and who is notWho is allowed into the conversationWhat it means to be a competent member of the community

  • Ethnographic Based Discourse AnalysisRules not RULESParticipant observationInsider vs. Outsider

  • The Ethnography of SpeakingNoam ChomskyCompetence vs. Performance(grammatical competence) Dell Hymes Communicative Competence

  • Speech SituationHymesSpeech EventSpeech Act

  • Situations, Events and ActsSpeech SituationAll the actions going on and cultural tools available to take themNEXUS OF PRACTICESpeech EventInstance of a social practice in which discourse plays a primary roleArgument, debate, lecture, chat, mahjonng gameSpeech ActsLower order actionsGreeting, Thanking, etc.

  • Speech Acts and Speech EventsSpeech EventActActActAct

  • QuestionWhat does a member of a community of practice need to know to participate successfully in a speech event? What sort of communicative competence does s/he need to have?

  • TaskEthnographic dataObservationInterviews with informantsKrumpingWatch the video and discussWhat members need to know to participate in this speech eventHow they learn itWhat kinds of behavior might mark one as a non-member

  • Speaking Setting and SceneParticipantsEndsAct SequenceKeyInstrumentalitiesNormsGenre

  • Setting and SceneWhere the speech event is located in time and space"Setting refers to the time and place of a speech act and, in general, to the physical circumstancesScene is the "psychological setting" or "cultural definition" of a scene, including characteristics such as range of formality and sense of play or seriousness

  • ParticipantsWho takes part and what role they playDiscourse roles and social rolesRatified and Unratified participantsSpeaker and audience (addressees, hearers, over-hearers, eavesdroppers

  • EndsPurpose or expected outcomeMight be different for different participantsAsking your boss for a promotionGoing to the cinema

  • Act SequenceWhat acts (actions) are included and how they are arranged sequentially

  • KeyTone, manner, mood, spirit and how it is signalled or establishedLinguistic, paralinguistic and non-verbal cues

  • InstrumentalitiesChannel, media, languages and language varietiesCultural tools

  • Norms of InteractionRules governing how acts (actions) are produced and interpretedHow participants are supposed to act and react

  • GenreWhat type (social category) does the speech event belong toWhat conventional forms are drawn uponMixed genres, blurry; genres

  • Speech Situation vs. Speech Event?Do the same rules of speaking apply throughout the entire segment?

  • Ethnography of Speaking vs. Mediated Discourse Analysis

    MDAE of SPractices and ActionsSpeech Events andSpeech ActsCultural ToolsInstrumentalities, Genre, Setting, KeyFocus on AgencyFocus on CompetenceFocus on all human actionFocus on communicative action

  • Analysis vs. DescriptionWhat are the speech events that occur in this community and what are their features?Why do these speech events occur in this way?What is the social and cultural significance of speaking in a certain way?Making connections between speech events and community organizations, practices, valuescookbook vs. heuristic

  • ExamplesHaving a KrosSettingParticipantsEndsA Pentecostal Church Meeting (Cameron)Sequencing: When to say hallelujahMembers generalization vs. observationImplicit vs. explicit knowledgeParticipants?Setting?All components are to some extent discursively constructed

  • TaskWatch the clip from an Evangelical Church Camp for children and apply the SPEAKING model to itDiscuss any difference between how you perceive the event and how you think participants perceive it

  • The Ethnography of WritingInternet Forums/BlogsGraffiti Sky Writing

  • The Ethnography of ReadingReading as a public eventChoral readingNotice readingNewspaper readingBook readingTechnologically mediated reading
