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©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500 Mastering Email Deliverability

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©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

Mastering Email Deliverability

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

Chris Arrendale has more than 15 years of experience in the technology and software industry with particular expertise in privacy, email deliverability and ISP relations.

Chris is CEO & Principal Deliverability Consultant of Inbox Pros.

Chris Arrendale – Inbox Pros

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

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Before we get started…

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Are your campaign emails primarily Text or HTML?Text


Polling Question

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

Where do you get your email addresses from? How do you acquire your email addresses for your email list?

–Opt-in from Blog

- Opt-in from web site

- Trade show

- List purchases


Polling Question

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

What is Deliverability?Email FilteringBouncesBlacklistsComplaintsList ManagementSpam TrapsAuthentication: Your Passport to the NetworkDMARCB2B Filtering ExampleMimecastCASL5 Overall Deliverability Take-Aways


©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

“Delivered” is the way to measure that the email was accepted by the recipient’s mail server.

“Deliverability” is getting to the inbox and measuring the open/click statistics.

Getting your email into your subscriber’s inbox is the only way to get opens, clicks, and conversions!

Deliverability is constantly changing and evolving.

What is Deliverability?

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Deliverability by Industry

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Email Filtering

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

Hard bouncesThis occurs when the email server rejects the email due to permanent conditions.Examples include a bad mailbox, bad domain.

Soft bouncesThis occurs when the email server rejects the email due to a temporary condition.Examples include a mailbox full, temporary ISP block.

Bounce rates affect your reputation.If your bounce rates are too high, the ISP may think you are trying to spam them and may block your domain or IP address.There is no “magic number” that can get you blocked/bulked.


©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

IP basedThis occurs when the email server rejects the email due to permanent conditions.Examples include Spamhaus, SORBS, and SpamCop.

Domain basedThese blacklists will list any and all URLs/domains in the email itself, including the sending domain.Examples include Spamhaus DBL, SURBL, and URIBL.

Blacklist listings will hurt your reputation, as well as limit your access to recipient's networks.Listings occur due to user complaints or spam trap hits.


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©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

List Management

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“Spam Traps” are real email addresses that don’t bounce.TypoGreyPristineSet up and monitored by blacklists.How do you minimize the risk of hitting a spam trap on your list?

First, use explicit opt-in methods (unchecked boxes) when you capture names. To be doubly sure – use double opt-in, where the subscriber has to confirm their address before they are actually added to your list. Second, scrub your list regularly.

Spam Traps

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

IP and Domain authentication are very important when sending B2B emails. SPF

IP AuthenticationDNS TXT record update supplied by your MAP or ESP.

DKIMDomain AuthenticationDNS TXT record update supplied by your MAP or ESP.Required for Yahoo FBL

Authentication – Your Passport to the Network

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance


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Successful Email Content

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Subject Line Length

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Subject Line Keyword Performance

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4 Steps to the InboxFirst - Configure:

Setup Authentication – SPF, DKIM & DMARC.

Second - Make Friends:Get signed up on all feedback loops and white lists possible – not all ISP’s and Inbox Providers have one but research those that do and sign up!Research reputation.

Third - Design Campaigns:Make sure your Image to Text Ratio is ~30/70.Include an “Add to Address” Book statement.Brand MessagesInclude text or html unsubscribe link (not an image) – one click opt out is best.Include Postal Address in Footer.

Lastly - Maintain:Keep User Engagement High – Target recipients with relevant content and stop sending to any that are not interested.Keep your abuse complaint rate below 0.3% - remove complaints immediately.Keep your bounce rates below 7% - remove hard bounces immediately.Entice and remind recipient’s to add your from address to their address book.

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

B2B Filtering Example - Cloudmark

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

Mimecast is gaining traction as a popular B2B filter for small, medium, and large domains. Below are some details that we have gained through discussions with Mimecast:

Filtering in order of sequence for Mimecast:RBL (most common blacklists)Auto-Allow entriesManual blocks by network usersGreylistingExternal to external policies (added entry by network users)

Content Policy:Phrase matching (scan subject line, headers, body, and attachments)Action = bounce/delete the emailEach word/phrase has a different point value assigned by the network administratorBy default the Mimecast filter is set to moderate scoring. There is a "newsletter on hold" solution implemented, for those transferring to Mimecast from Postini. This essentially means that new email senders may see their emails get “held” initially by the Mimecast filter and later released upon resending or the network administrator releasing any holds.


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©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

47% of subscribers use the "spam" button to unsubscribe

77% of marketers experience emails being diverted to the spam folder – I believe 100% have!

Many URL shorteners are on blacklists, including and Don’t use them!

Rate limitsMany ISPs domains have connection and rate limits to their network to slow down the

amount of emails they receive.

Monitor Mailboxesabuse@, privacy@ and postmaster@ email addresses and respond to serious inquiries.

5 Overall Takeaways

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For more information please visit or call 1-800-858-8500

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Contact Chris at:

[email protected]• (678) 214-3739

Chris Arrendale – Inbox Pros

©2016 eTrigue Corporation 800.858.8500

Are you performing A/B tests on your email campaigns?-Yes


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