eu security and defence news - issue #71 - europa

Issue # 71 - 8 May 2013 Ashton supports a stronger European defence industry Strengthening Eu- rope’s defence in- dustry is indispen- sable in order to develop and sustain European defence capabilities under- lined High Repre- sentative Catherine Ashton. Referring to the importance of defence in Europe’s wider economy, Ashton welcomed the European Commission’s engagement towards a stronger Euro- pean defence industry. The Commission will present this year a draft communication on defence industries and markets. The first elements of the communication aimed at securing a strong European Defence Industrial Policy in support of the Common Security and Defence policy were presented by Commission Vice President Tajani at the Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg on 23 April. The Commission expressed its concern about the fragmented nature of the European defence market, and the fact that even in a time of decreasing budgets, contracts are often awarded to the respective national industries. In this context, a modern European defence industrial policy is needed to promote ef- ficiency and savings. Referring to the negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the US, Tajani underlined the need for Europe to protect its interests and strengthen its position. He commended HR/VP Ashton for her hard work in ensuring a level playing field in negotiations with the United States. Airbus Military A400M , credits: MilborneOne Somalie : nouvelle aide de l’UE en faveur de la gouvernance, de la justice et de la police l’Union européenne va renforcer à hauteur de 44 millions d’euros son aide en faveur du système ju- diciaire et des forces de police en Somalie. Cet engagement a été pris à l’occasion de la confé- rence pour la Somalie, or- ganisée à Londres en vue d’aider le gouvernement somalien à reconstruire le pays après vingt ans de conflit. “Nous accordons cette nouvelle aide pour montrer une fois de plus la détermination de l’UE à aider la population somalienne à soutenir la bonne gouvernance, la sécurité, la justice et la police. Certes, la situation s’est considérablement améliorée, mais le pays doit encore faire face à des problèmes de taille. Nous continuerons à coopérer avec les autorités somaliennes à la reconstruction de l’État, mais le processus doit être géré par les Somaliens pour les Somaliens”, a déclaré la HR/VP Ashton. La sécurité est indissociable de la justice et de l’État de droit. Il est essentiel de mettre en place un système judiciaire crédible pour créer un environnement plus sûr, permettre à l’État de regagner la confiance de la population et réconcilier la nation. L’accès égal et équitable à la justice et l’indépendance du système judiciaire sont indispensables à la viabilité de l’État. HR/VP Catherine Ashton en Somalie en 2012 EUTM Mali : nouvelle phase dans la formation Depuis lundi 29 avril, la mission EUTM Mali a entamé une nou- velle phase dans la formation du bataillon Waraba. Après une première semaine dédiée à l’évaluation du niveau militaire et physique des soldats maliens, puis trois semaines de forma- tion individuelle et au niveau du groupe (environ 10 soldats), le bataillon a démarré la formation spécialisée. La formation qui inclut les domaines de l’artillerie, celle des tireurs d’élite et de la guidance aérienne va durer quatre se- maines.Les soldats maliens effectueront leurs premiers tirs sur un champ de tir qui a été aménagé sur un terrain de savane arborée. Ils commenceront également à manœuvrer avec leurs véhicules. EU welcomes Somali delegation at EUNAVFOR HQ On 8 Mai the Somali Defence Minister and members of the Somali Cabinet visited the EU Naval Force Operation Headquarters in London. In view of the EU’s com- prehensive approach to Somalia and its rein- forced partnership with the country, the meeting was attended by the EU Naval Force Operation Commander, the Head of Mission of EUCAP Nestor, the Chief of Staff of the EU Training Mission Somalia , as well as representatives of the European External Action Service, the EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa and EU Special Envoy to Somalia . The visit provided an opportunity to discuss the EU’s political engagement and its security support for Somalia, including maritime security. Visit by Somali delegation

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Issue # 71 - 8 May 2013

Ashton supports a stronger European defence industry

Strengthening Eu-rope’s defence in-dustry is indispen-sable in order to develop and sustain European defence capabilities under-lined High Repre-sentative Catherine Ashton. Referring to the importance

of defence in Europe’s wider economy, Ashton welcomed the European Commission’s engagement towards a stronger Euro-pean defence industry.

The Commission will present this year a draft communication on defence industries and markets. The first elements of the communication aimed at securing a strong European Defence Industrial Policy in support of the Common Security and Defence policy were presented by Commission Vice President Tajani at the Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg on 23 April.

The Commission expressed its concern about the fragmented nature of the European defence market, and the fact that even in a time of decreasing budgets, contracts are often awarded to the respective national industries. In this context, a modern European defence industrial policy is needed to promote ef-ficiency and savings.

Referring to the negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the US, Tajani underlined the need for Europe to protect its interests and strengthen its position. He commended HR/VP Ashton for her hard work in ensuring a level playing field in negotiations with the United States.

Airbus Military A400M , credits: MilborneOne

Somalie : nouvelle aide de l’UE en faveur de la gouvernance, de la justice et de la police

l’Union européenne va renforcer à hauteur de 44 millions d’euros son aide en faveur du système ju-diciaire et des forces de police en Somalie. Cet engagement a été pris à l’occasion de la confé-rence pour la Somalie, or-ganisée à Londres en vue d’aider le gouvernement

somalien à reconstruire le pays après vingt ans de conflit.

“Nous accordons cette nouvelle aide pour montrer une fois de plus la détermination de l’UE à aider la population somalienne à soutenir la bonne gouvernance, la sécurité, la justice et la police. Certes, la situation s’est considérablement améliorée, mais le pays doit encore faire face à des problèmes de taille. Nous continuerons à coopérer avec les autorités somaliennes à la reconstruction de l’État, mais le processus doit être géré par les Somaliens pour les Somaliens”, a déclaré la HR/VP Ashton.

La sécurité est indissociable de la justice et de l’État de droit. Il est essentiel de mettre en place un système judiciaire crédible pour créer un environnement plus sûr, permettre à l’État de regagner la confiance de la population et réconcilier la nation. L’accès égal et équitable à la justice et l’indépendance du système judiciaire sont indispensables à la viabilité de l’État.

HR/VP Catherine Ashton en Somalie en 2012

EUTM Mali : nouvelle phase dans la formationDepuis lundi 29 avril, la mission EUTM Mali a entamé une nou-velle phase dans la formation du bataillon Waraba. Après une première semaine dédiée à l’évaluation du niveau militaire et physique des soldats maliens, puis trois semaines de forma-tion individuelle et au niveau du groupe (environ 10 soldats), le bataillon a démarré la formation spécialisée.

La formation qui inclut les domaines de l’artillerie, celle des tireurs d’élite et de la guidance aérienne va durer quatre se-maines.Les soldats maliens effectueront leurs premiers tirs sur un champ de tir qui a été aménagé sur un terrain de savane arborée. Ils commenceront également à manœuvrer avec leurs véhicules.

EU welcomes Somali delegation at EUNAVFOR HQ On 8 Mai the Somali Defence Minister and members of the Somali Cabinet visited the EU Naval Force Operation Headquarters in London. In view of the EU’s com-prehensive approach to Somalia and its rein-forced partnership with

the country, the meeting was attended by the EU Naval Force Operation Commander, the Head of Mission of EUCAP Nestor, the Chief of Staff of the EU Training Mission Somalia , as well as representatives of the European External Action Service, the EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa and EU Special Envoy to Somalia . The visit provided an opportunity to discuss the EU’s political engagement and its security support for Somalia, including maritime security.

Visit by Somali delegation

EUMM welcomes the release of minors following activation of the HotlineThe EU Monitoring Mission welcomes the release of five minors, who were held in Tskhinvali for crossing the Adminis-trative Boundary Line (ABL) in the Sachkhere region.

EUMM activated the Hotline without delay upon receiving the information on 1 May and requested the immediate release of the minors, which took place in Ergneti the following day.

Although the detention of minors is rare along the ABL, EUMM called on all sides to safeguard the best interest of children in the conflict affected population.

Published by the European External Action Service - - Tel: +32 (0)2 281 7367 - [email protected]

EEAS Security and Defence - Missions and Operations - European Defence Agency - EU Institute for Security Studies

CSDP Missions represented at EU Open DoorsOn 4 May the Eu-ropean institutions opened their doors to visitors. This annual event has become a high-light of the Brus-sels calendar and one of the flagship events of Europe Day celebrations around the world.

CSDP missions and operations were all prominently repre-sented, as well as the EU Institute for Security Studies, the EU Satellite Centre and the European Police College.

The team from the EUPOL COPPS mission included three prosecutors from the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commis-sion (PACC) and three judges from Corruption Crime Court (CCC) who were in Europe as part of a study trip on combat-ing fraud. The President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy visited the booths, together with Executive Secre-tary General Pierre Vimont and a number of other EEAS of-ficials.

Twenty years imprisonment for five defendants in Medicus case

The so called “Medicus trial” was concluded on 29 April with a verdict by a mixed panel of EULEX and local judges in Kosovo. The court found five persons guilty of criminal offences related to organ traf-

ficking and harvesting in the Medicus clinic in Kosovo.

Investigations and court proceedings against seven defend-ants lasted over 4 years. The court heard more than 100 wit-nesses and reviewed thousands of pages of material evidence. The cases investigations extended to Canada, the US, Kazakh-stan, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Poland, Turkey, Israel, Germany, Switzerland and Kosovo.

The charges against one of the defendants for “unlawful exer-cise of medical activity, abusing official position or authority” were rejected. The case was prosecuted by an EULEX prosecu-tor of Kosovo’s Special Prosecution Office (SPRK). The prosecu-tion announced an appeal.

A mixed panel of two EULEX judges and one local judge at the Pristina Basic Court. Credit: EULEX Kosovo

Upcoming activities:

15 Mai: HR/VP Ashton meets with Saeed Jalili,Chief Negotiator for Iran’s nuclear programme

15 Mai: Donor Conference for development in Mali (Brussels)

A. Miozzo, P. Vimont and President van Rompuy visit EUAVSEC

Landmark deal between Serbia and Kosovo allows for positive EC recommendation

After ten rounds of often gruelling talks, High Repre-sentative Catherine Ashton facilitated a breakthrough in the Dialogue for nor-malisation of rela-tions between Bel-grade and Pristina

on Friday 19 April. She announced that Serbia’s Prime Minis-ter Ivica Dačić and Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi had reached a landmark agreement.

The agreement came just in time for the meeting of the EU’s General Affairs Council and Foreign Affairs Council on April 22 in Luxemburg. Ashton briefed the EU 27 Member States on the state of play of negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo.

On the same day the Commission together with the HR/VP also published a written report on the progress and recom-mended that negotiations be opened with Serbia on EU ac-cession, and with Kosovo on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU.

HR/VP Catherine Ashton stated “The recommendations to open negotiations for EU membership with Serbia and to open negotiations for an SAA with Kosovo mark a decisive break with the past and a common step towards a European future...“

Prime Ministers Dačić (l) and Thaçi (r) with HR/VP Ashton (m)