euler method using mathematica

Assignment no: 8. Euler and Modified Euler equation to solve D i f f e r e n - tial Equations Method:1 Solving Differential equation by NDSolve function clear@ppD clear@ppD pp = NDSolve@8y'@tD t^2 + Hy@tDL ^2 - 1, y@- 2D - 2<, y, 8t, - 2, 2<D 88y InterpolatingFunction@88- 2., 2.<<, <>D<< plt@1D = Plot@Evaluate@y@tD. ppD, 8t, - 2, 2<, PlotStyle 8Orange, Thick<D -2 -1 1 2 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.5 clear@modiefiedeulerD clear@modiefiedeulerD modifiedeuler@f_, 8x_, x0_, xn_<, 8y_, y0_<, steps_D := Block@8xold = x0, yold = y0, sollist = 88x0, y0<<,x,y,h<,h = N@Hxn - x0L stepsD; Do@xnew = xold + h; fold = f . 8x xold, y yold<; ynew = yold + Hh 2L * HHfoldL + f . 8x xold + h, y yold + h * fold<L; sollist = Append@sollist, 8xnew, ynew<D; xold = xnew; yold = ynew, 8steps<D; Return@sollistDD

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Euler and Modified Euler mathematica programming


Page 1: Euler Method using Mathematica

Assignment no: 8. Euler and Modified Euler equation to solve Differen-

tial Equations

Method:1 Solving Differential equation by NDSolve function


pp = NDSolve@8y'@tD � t^2 + Hy@tDL^2 - 1, y@-2D � -2<, y, 8t, -2, 2<D88y ® InterpolatingFunction@88-2., 2.<<, <>D<<

plt@1D = Plot@Evaluate@y@tD �. ppD, 8t, -2, 2<, PlotStyle ® 8Orange, Thick<D

-2 -1 1 2







modifiedeuler@f_, 8x_, x0_, xn_<, 8y_, y0_<, steps_D :=

Block@8xold = x0, yold = y0, sollist = 88x0, y0<<, x, y, h<, h = N@Hxn - x0L � stepsD;

Do@xnew = xold + h;

fold = f �. 8x ® xold, y ® yold<;

ynew = yold + Hh � 2L * HHfoldL + f �. 8x ® xold + h, y ® yold + h * fold<L;

sollist = Append@sollist, 8xnew, ynew<D;

xold = xnew;

yold = ynew, 8steps<D;


Page 2: Euler Method using Mathematica

solution = heun@x^2 + y^2 - 1, 8x, -2, 2<, 8y, -2<, 20D

98-2, -2<, 8-1.8, -1.04<, 8-1.6, -0.537726<, 8-1.4, -0.253993<, 8-1.2, -0.1073<,

8-1., -0.0621201<, 8-0.8, -0.0973579<, 8-0.6, -0.193606<, 8-0.4, -0.327991<,

8-0.2, -0.47472<, 9-2.77556 ´ 10-16

, -0.60954=, 80.2, -0.714329<, 80.4, -0.778617<,

80.6, -0.797869<, 80.8, -0.770441<, 81., -0.694706<, 81.2, -0.566662<,

81.4, -0.377375<, 81.6, -0.108672<, 81.8, 0.276739<, 82., 0.863166<=

In[77]:= plt@3D = ListPlot@%7,

PlotStyle ® Directive@RGBColor@0., 0.95, 0.09D, [email protected], DashedD,

Joined ® TrueD


-2 -1 1 2






euler@f_, 8t_, t0_, tn_<, 8y_, y0_<, steps_D :=

euler@f_, 8t_, t0_, tn_<, 8y_, y0_<, steps_D :=

Block@8told = t0, yold = y0, sollist = 88t0, y0<<, t, y, h<, h = N@Htn - t0L � stepsD;

Do@tnew = told + h;

ynew = yold + h * Hf �. 8t ® told, y ® yold<L;

sollist = Append@sollist, 8tnew, ynew<D;

told = tnew;

yold = ynew, 8steps<D;


solution1 = euler@t^2 + y^2 - 1, 8t, -2, 2<, 8y, -2<, 20D

98-2, -2<, 8-1.8, -0.6<, 8-1.6, -0.08<, 8-1.4, 0.23328<, 8-1.2, 0.436164<,

8-1., 0.562212<, 8-0.8, 0.625428<, 8-0.6, 0.63166<, 8-0.4, 0.583459<,

8-0.2, 0.483544<, 9-2.77556 ´ 10-16

, 0.338307=, 80.2, 0.161197<, 80.4, -0.0256058<,

80.6, -0.193475<, 80.8, -0.313988<, 81., -0.36627<, 81.2, -0.33944<,

81.4, -0.228396<, 81.6, -0.0259629<, 81.8, 0.286172<, 82., 0.750551<=

2 Assignment 8.nb

Page 3: Euler Method using Mathematica

plt@2D = ListPlot@%19, PlotStyle ®

Directive@RGBColor@1., 0., 0.56D, [email protected], DashedD, Joined ® TrueD

-2 -1 1 2






In[78]:= plt11 = Show@8plt@1D, plt@2D<, plt@3DD


-2 -1 1 2






From these three graphs it is evident that the modified euler’s method is perfect match to the

analytical solution obtained from Mathematica but there is significant error if soultion is obtained

from Euler’s method.

Assignment 8.nb 3