european competitive telecommunications association


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European Competitive Telecommunications Association. European Competitive Telecommunications Association. Established 1998, ECTA is the leading pan-European telecoms association promoting market liberalisation and competition in the European communications sector - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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European Competitive Telecommunications Association

Established 1998, ECTA is the leading pan-European telecoms association promoting market liberalisation and competition in the European communications sector

‘Non for profit’ funded though member subscription, conference revenue and sponsorship

Developing policy and representing ‘new entrant’ interests to European institutions and Government bodies

Creating confidence for investors through clear and consistent regulation

Unlocking the growth potential of Europe’s businesses

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ECTA Members

ECTA represents more than 100 companies, including leaders in the following market segments throughout Europe Alternative providers of consumer broadband and triple-play

First to launch Internet dial-up First to launch triple play, first to launch high speed broadband ADSL2+ Early/Major investors in FttP (FttB/H)

Providers of pan-European/global services to businesses First to launch IP-VPN, first to launch Ethernet services Early/Major investors in FttP (FttO)

Challenger mobile/wireless network operators and service providers

‘ECTA members are some of the primary innovators in implementation of advanced telecommunications and broadband services’

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Some of our 100+ members

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ECTA Board of DirectorsTom Ruhan, Management Board Member, NETIA SA (Chairman)Tiziana Talevi, Regulatory Affairs Director, Fastweb (Vice Chairman)Christof Sommerberg, Director of Regulatory Affairs and Corporate Development, QSC AG

(Treasurer)Xavier Dedullen, Vice President International Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Verizon Business

(Company Secretary)Mehmet Celebiler, Chairman, Turknet Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.David Eveleigh, General Counsel, BT Global ServicesVincenzo Ferraiuolo, Regulatory Affairs & Institutional Relations, WIND Grant Forsyth, Head of Regulatory Policy NGN, British Sky Broadcasting LimitedRichard Lalande, Senior Vice President, SFRAkis Markatos, Strategy Director, Forthnet Jacek Nieweglowski, P4 sp. z.o.o.

As of 01/01/2012

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ECTA Activities for Members

Quarterly regulatory forum to discuss, set and prioritise ECTA policy-making, lobbying and public affairs strategy

Specific working group meetings e.g. access, costing, implementation, roaming, spectrum, next generation access

Senior executive meetings with officials from European Commission, Ministries, European Parliament and Regulators e.g. President Barroso, Commissioner Reding and Kroes

Input into ECTA Regulatory Studies e.g. ECTA Regulatory ScorecardSpeaking opportunities at ECTA Conferences and Workshops*

*subject to availability and topics/themes of conferences

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Telecoms regulation in Europe

Brussels may seem remote to some, but… All national telecoms legislation is based on the Telecoms Framework agreed at EU level The ‘markets’ which regulators examine are based on a list laid down by the European

Commission European Commission evaluates national market analyses and can veto decisions taken by

national regulators The European Regulators Group (now BEREC), is developing EU-wide positions on the

treatment of key issues such as next generation access, roaming, Net Neutrality and is establishing ‘best practice’ guidelines on regulation of fixed and mobile markets

Telecoms regulation impacts both incumbent and challenger operator business models in both the short and medium term

ECTA is actively influencing this regulation on behalf of its members

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How we can help your business at EU level...

Benefit from the ECTA secretariat’s policy-making and lobbying expertise

Gain access to senior EU policy makers and officials from key European institutions

Promote company interests through European-level policy making

Meet national objectives by sharing best practice, benchmarking information and by escalating national concerns to EU level

Develop regulatory knowledge, contacts and effectiveness through information sharing and networking opportunities with industry and Government

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How we can help your business at National level... Market Analyses

ECTA may undertake market analyses on own initiative if of pan-European significance Members highlight issues at the National level that require ECTA support ECTA provides support on specific Competition issues

Transposition of the new Telecoms Framework If ECTA or ECTA Members identify a case of mis-transposition then ECTA may raise

awareness of issue to the Commission - potentially leading to Commission infringement proceedings.

ECTA undertakes meetings at National level ECTA may support visits/meetings to individual member states e.g. meetings with

Ministry and National Regulator to raise awareness of particular problems Benchmarking exercises

ECTA benchmarking exercises at national level allow members to use information to lobby and promote adoption of best practices.

Early warning system ECTA alert members to EU regulatory decisions which may have damaging impact at

National level.

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Some of the issues we will be working on in 2012 Digital Agenda for Europe review European Commission - Costing Recommendation European Commission - Non-discrimination Recommendation Implementation (national cases) Roaming Business Services issues The Review of Relevant Markets State Aid Guidelines Net neutrality Cloud computing Data protection: Commission legislative proposal E-commerce: consultation on “notice and take-down” Data retention: Commission proposal

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ECTA Governance

ECTA operates in accordance with the Articles of Association, Bylaws

and Rules of Procedure see links below:Articles of Association


Rules of Procedure

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ECTA Positions

A summary of ECTA’s positions may be found at:

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ECTA Conferences

ECTA holds 2-3 conferences each yearECTA conferences provide important opportunity for

European policy makers and stakeholders to come together to discuss and debate policy

ECTA Conferences:May 2012 in Brussels ‘Ultra-Fast Broadband – Policy & Practice’ Last year’s annual conference 28-30 November 2011 in Brussels

Membership includes two free conference passes/annum

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ECTA Organisational Structure

Yves BlondeelT-Regs

Regulatory consultancy support for ECTA

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ECTA OfficesBelgium Office

49/51 rue de Treves1040 Brussels

BelgiumTel: +32 (0) 2 290 0100Fax: +32 (0) 2 290 0105

UK Office1a Eastheath House, Eastheath Avenue,

Wokingham, Berks RG41 2PR

United KingdomTel: +44 (0) 118 979 3282Fax: +44 (0) 118 979 3288

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For further information see