european council of optometry & optics julie-anne little president vision to improve vision and eye...

Download European Council of Optometry & Optics Julie-Anne Little President VISION To improve vision and eye health by providing high-quality, cost-effective optometric

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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  • European Council of Optometry & Optics Julie-Anne Little President VISION To improve vision and eye health by providing high-quality, cost-effective optometric and optical services across Europe.
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  • 40 national associations across 27 countries
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  • European Academy of Optometry & Optics
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  • European Council of Optometry & Optics To create a harmonized professional and educational system for optometry and optics based on the European Diploma in Optometry and Optics. To develop the scope of practice for optometrists and opticians to the degree that the same high standards apply and are mutually recognized in all European countries To eliminate avoidable blindness and visual impairment in Europe.
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  • Optometry and Optics in Europe Economic conditions and healthcare systems vary from country to country Scope of practice varies enormously Education at different levels University Hand Craft System Little harmonisation
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  • Overcoming these challenges Seeking recognition by national authorities Seeking increased scope of practice Challenging the medical lobby, e.g. Germany France Development of education Changes in the delivery of health care Setting common standards
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  • World Council of Optometry Europe a regional member of WCO
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  • 1. Optical Technology Services 2. Visual Function Services 3. Ocular Diagnostic Services ------------------------------- ------------------------------ a) without drugs b) with drugs 4. Ocular Therapeutic Services dispensing refraction prescription diagnosis of eye disease using DPAs (diagnostics) treatment of eye disease using TPAs (therapeutics) eye surgery using laser dispensing refraction prescription diagnosis of eye disease using DPAs (diagnostics) treatment of eye disease using TPAs (therapeutics) dispensing refraction prescription diagnosis of eye disease using DPAs (diagnostics) dispensing refraction prescription screening for eye disease dispensing refraction prescription dispensing WCO Categories of Optometric Services Feike Grit 2006
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  • Box 1 Turkey Box 2 Belgium France Iceland Italy Box 3 Austria Czech Rep Denmark Germany Spain Switzerland Box 4 Finland Ireland Netherlands Norway Sweden? Box 5 Australia Canada New Zealand Nigeria UK US OPTICIANOPTOMETRIST DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY REFRACTING OPTICIAN OPTOMETRIST dispensing refraction prescription diagnosis of eye disease using DPAs (diagnostics) treatment of eye disease using TPAs (therapeutics) dispensing refraction prescription diagnosis of eye disease using DPAs (diagnostics) dispensing refraction prescription screening for eye disease dispensing refraction prescription dispensing Scope of Practice of Optometry Feike Grit 2010 Examples
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  • ECOO Business Plan Four work strands: Public Affairs Education and standard of practice Communications and organisation Resource mobilisation
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  • Activities Legislation & regulation Communication and information to members European lobbying e.g. World Sight Day, Fluorescein regulation and supply Market trends & data Education European Diploma & Accreditation and the European Academy of Optometry & Optics
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  • Examples of ECOO activities and projects
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  • Wasem Report Comparative Analysis of Delivery of Primary eye care in 3 European Countries (Wasem Report 2011)Wasem Report
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  • ECOO Blue book
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  • Blue Book update WCO scope of practice questionnaire
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  • ECOO Guidelines for Optometric & Optical Services Creation of a standard for optometric and optical services Contents: 1.service framework,, 3.the process, 4.consultation 5.outcomes, 6.dispensing of optical appliances 7.other services Finalised in Malaga, available soon
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  • The European Diploma in Optometry European syllabus Set at highest entry level of any country Political value To establish a high standard of optometry Educational value To encourage raising of educational standards To meet the expectations of students
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  • Accreditation of schools Using Syllabus of ED to benchmark institutions Diploma becomes more accessible Facilitates free movement in Europe European Standard Credit for prior achievement Ladder of qualification
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  • Legislation and regulation Platform for information sharing Website valuable repository of information Regular news- letters and press releases
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  • Fluorescein issue Fluorescein strips - medicinal product versus medical device ECOO contacted the EC in 2012 and was invited to present at the EC Expert Group meeting ECOO issued a position and press release and alligned with other stakeholders on the matter February 2013 Expert Group meeting: ECOO submitted a response to the EMA Scientific Opinion calling for dual classification Fluorescein Ophthalmic Strips for non-diagnostic purposes to be considered medical devices
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  • European Forum against Blindness World Sight Day
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  • Further work... European Qualification in Optics Establish competencies for opticians throughout Europe Would provide a consensus of European opticians education The first steps on a qualification ladder that could lead to optometry