european kobudo association training program contents 2014

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    European Kobudo Association sh Kobud Kykai

    European Kobudo Association Europische Kobudo Verband Association Europenne Kobudo Asociacin Europea de

    Kobudo Europese Kobudo Bond Europejski Kobudo Association Associazione Europea Kobudo Avrupa Kobudo Birlii Kobudo Europeiska Kobudo Association Eurpai Kobudo egyeslet Europska udruga Kobudo Europos Kobudo asociacija European Kobudo forening Associao

    Kobudo Europeia

    TTrraaiinniinngg PPrrooggrraamm 22001144 Programme de formation Programa de Entrenamiento Program szkolenia

    All lessons are in English and/or other languages depending the participants.

    All events contain Jujutsu or Bugujutsu kata from the book Bujutsu Hyogen Kata to be able to participate in examinations on the 1st of November 2014 (book is available on our website for free).

    All events contains a selection of Koryu Kobudo (traditional Jujutsu or Bugujutsu), background information on Koryu Bujutsu Sensho: Background information on Shin tai ryu Kata: There are lectures in English and videos in Japanese.

    Every lecture is also available in a book (full colour and in English). All books are available on and/or as Pdf-file on our website www.europeankobudoassociation.

    Training days

    There are two training program types: 1 day (Saturday, 6 hours) or 1,5 day (Saturday and Sunday morning, 9 hours). All training days start at Saturday at 8.30 hrs. At one session we teach Jujutsu or

    Bugujutsu of the Shin tai ryu including different unique classical styles (Koryu Bujutsu sensho):

    Training Program Types Jujutsu Bugujutsu

    Unarmed Bujutsu: Jujutsu, Yawara, Taijutsu, Kogusoku, Tachiai, Aikijujutsu, Hojojutsu, Torite, Koshinomawari

    Armed Bujutsu: Jojutsu, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Hanbojutsu, Tanbojutsu, Tantojutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Katchu-yawara, Nitojutsu, Aikijutsu, Takegiri

    Shin tai ryu & Koryu Bujutsu sensho: Asayama ichiden ryu, Daito ryu, Hoki ryu, Goju ryu, Tenshin shinyo ryu, Take uchi ryu and others

    Shin tai ryu & Koryu Bujutsu sensho: Shindo muso ryu, Tenshin ko ryu, Tamiya ryu, Muso jikiden eishin ryu, Itto ryu, Itatsu ryu, Yagyu shingan ryu, Niten ichi ryu and orthers

    1 day (Saturday) 1 day (Saturday) Lessons, 1x breakfast, 1x lunch, drinks, certificate and dojo-overnight (Friday)

    Lessons, 1x breakfast, 1x lunch, drinks, certificate and dojo-overnight (Friday)

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    1,5 day (Saturday and Sunday morning) 1,5 day (Saturday and Sunday morning) Lessons, 2x breakfast, 1x lunch, theory, Zazen, certificate, drinks and dojo-overnight

    Lessons, 2x breakfast, 1x lunch, theory, Zazen, certificate, drinks and dojo-overnight

    All mentioned facilities are available for free including overnight stay(s) in the dojo. Japanese dinner

    available at restaurant (not included). All training days start at Saturday at 8.30 hrs.

    Training Program

    Month Day(s) Martial Arts (Koryu Bujutsu)


    March 8-9 Jujutsu


    March 22 Bugujutsu Jojutsu


    April 5-6 Bugujutsu Kenjutsu


    April 19 Jujutsu Yawara


    May 10-11 Jujutsu Taijutsu and Hojojutsu


    May 24 Bugujutsu Takegiri (bamboocutting)


    June 7-8 Bugujutsu Nitojutsu


    June 21 Jujutsu


    September 6-7 Jujutsu Aiki Jujutsu


    September 20 Bugujutsu Katchu-yawara


    October 4-5 Bugujitsu Iaijutsu


    October 11 Jujutsu


    November 1 Lessons - Exams - Reunion - BBQ


    Register & Join

    Register: Anyone over 18 years can register and participate. You can register through an E-mail message: name, (home) address, telephone number and date of participation. This can take up to 12 days before

    the desired training day. Maximum number of participants: There is a maximum of the number of participants (Jujutsu: 15

    persons and Bugujutsu: 10 persons) to have maximal learning quality! Teacher(s): Mark W.J.M. Sterke, 9th dan and master-teachers of the Shin tai ryu.

    Cancelation: You can cancel the training for free till 10 days before the event. In case of insufficient participants or interest the training program can be cancelled. This is done via E-mail or phone 10 days

    before the planned activity. Payment: Payment is done at the start of the training day in an envelope (Japanese method: given name

    and date of participation written on the envelope).

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    Training material: Participants need adequate clothing and training materials (weapons). Theory of Bujutsu: At the 1,5 day training days (Saturday and Sunday morning) there will be a

    theoretical lesson on the subject of Kobudo or Bujutsu and on Sunday morning Zazen. Group photo: At the end of every training session there will be a group photo available.

    November 1st: There is the possibility to repeat the techniques for examinations, examinations, a reunion of all participants of 2014 and a barbeque and party.

    Riki bu dojo at Tilburg, The Netherlands. Here all activities will take place: Lanciersstraat 90, Tilburg (city centre).

    Other information Train: Tilburg Centraal Station (15 minutes walk to Riki bu dojo & Himitsu take niwa). Airport: Eindhoven Airport (30 minutes by car to Riki bu dojo & Himitsu take niwa).

    Hotels: Mercure Hotel Tilburg Centrum; City Hotel Tilburg & Bastion Tilburg (within walking distance).

    Parking: Near the Pius harbour (Piushaven) there are free car parking places (5 minutes walk). Tourist information Tilburg: (English available).

    Address Dojo: Riki bu dojo & Himitsu take niwa.

    Dojo address: Lanciersstraat 90 Tilburg The Netherlands Europe. Telephone: (+) 0031 (0)6-11220232.

    E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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    TTrraaiinniinngg PPrrooggrraamm CCoonntteennttss 22001144

    March 8-9 Jujutsu Contents: Jujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata and Tenshin Shinyo ryu selection according to the original Dutch transmission. Also there will be three original makimono and densho to been seen from this tradition!

    Lecture: A Scetch of the Present Japanese Martial arts Book: A Scetch of the Present Japanese Martial arts: March 22 Bugujutsu (Jojutsu)

    Contents: Bugujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata and a selection of Jojutsu (Shindo Muso ryu). We will show also a Japanese video of the Shindo Muso ryu.

    April 5-6 Bugujutsu (Kenjutsu)

    Contents: Bugujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata and an Itto ryu selection. There will also a short video of a Japanese demonstration and presentation of a book with the complete curriculum!

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    April 19 Jujutsu (Yawara) Contents: Jujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata and a Yawara selection of several styles. Including a video of the oldest Japanese Jujutsu style: Sho Sho ryu. We will also show original makimono/densho!!! Book: Morioka:

    May 10-11 Jujutsu (Taijutsu) Contents: Jujutsu Hyogen Kata. Shin tai ryu Kata and Asayama Ichiden ryu Taijutsu selection and Hojojutsu techniques.

    May 24 Bugujutsu (Take giri)

    Takegiri (bamboo cutting). Contents: Bugujutsu Hyogen Kata and Shin tai ryu Kata. You need a live (sharp) blade! The to be cutting bamboos are included for free. Book: Jiu jitsu Zelfverdediging number 2: (e-book) or (book). .

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    June 7-8 Bugujutsu (Nitojutsu) Contents: Bugujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata and Nito ryu selection.

    Lecture: Kumamoto & Enmei ryu, Niten Ichi ryu and Tetsujin Nito ryu, including presentation of a makimono or the 17th century!!! Book: Kumamoto: June 21 Jujutsu

    Contents: Jujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata and Jujutsu selection (Hoki ryu). Includes a video of the Hoki ryu (also including Hoki ryu Iaijutsu).

    September 6-7 Jujutsu (Aiki Jujutsu) Contents: Jujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata, Daito ryu selection of several lineages!

    There will be several presented Japanese different styles and also some beautiful books on the subject!!!

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    September 20 Bugujutsu (Katchu Yawara) Contents: Bugujutsu Hyogen Kata and Katchu-yawara (Yagyu Shingan ryu) in armour!!! Book: Yagyu Shingan ryu Katchu Yawara:

    October 4-5 Bugujitsu (Iaijutsu) Contents: Bugujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata and a Tamiya ryu selection (including presenting Japanese video).

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    October 11 Jujutsu Contents: Jujutsu Hyogen Kata, Shin tai ryu Kata and Jujutsu selection (Take Uchi ryu).

    We will also show original makimono of Take Uchi ryu and video!!! Book: Okayama: November 1 Lessons - Exams - Reunion BBQ Repetition of the techniques for examinations, examinations, a reunion of all participants of 2014 and a barbeque and party. A feast!!!

    Certificate of participation.

    This Training Program is facilitated by the Shin tai ryu-ha Foundation. The rules of this organization are applicable. Changes are reserved. 2014 European Kobudo Association,