european registrars conference 2010 - program

programme 7-8-9 november 2010

Post on 13-Sep-2014




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Page 1: European Registrars Conference 2010 - Program

p r o g r a m m e7 - 8 - 9 n o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0

Page 2: European Registrars Conference 2010 - Program

p a r t n e r s

w e l c o m e 32

w e l c o m eOn behalf of the Netherlands Registrars Group (NRG) we

are delighted to welcome you to the 7th European Registrars

Conference. The conference programme, with its theme

Bein’ Green, features an interesting range of keynotes,

sessions, networking opportunities and social events. We

anticipate that ERC 2010 will be packed with engaging and

informative discussions and exchanges on how hard it is

bein’ green.

The conference location at the Concertgebouw puts you

in the heart of our beautiful city with the Rijksmuseum,

Stedelijk Museum and the Van Gogh Museum only a

stone’s throw away.

A conference of this magnitude does not happen without the

hard work of many individuals. We are greatly appreciative

of the countless hours and tireless efforts of the organizing

working groups and the large number of volunteers. The

conference is also fortunate to have a great number of

sponsors whose material support is making this conference


No conference without delegates and it is to all of you to

whom we wish to extend our sincere thanks for contributing

to what we hope will be a very successful event.

Welcome to Amsterdam and ERC 2010.

Cindy Zalm Chair, Netherlands Registrars Group (NRG)

Page 3: European Registrars Conference 2010 - Program


p r o g r a m m e 7 & 8 n o v e m b e r

s u n d a y , 7 n o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0

17.00 - 18.30 Private viewing of The Temporary Stedelijk at the Stedelijk Museum Stedelijk Museum, Paulus Potterstraat 13

This event is sponsored by the Stedelijk Museum

While work continues on the renovation and expansion of the

Stedelijk Museum, The Temporary Stedelijk brings art, artists and

the public back into the museum with two major exhibition projects:

Taking Place and Monumentalism, showing work by artists such as

Roman Ondak, On Kawara, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler,

Job Koelewijn, Renzo Martens and William Leavitt.

18.30 - 19.30 Private viewing of The Masterpieces at the Rijksmuseum Rijksmuseum, Jan Luykenstraat 1

This event is sponsored by the Rijksmuseum

19.30 - 23.00 Welcome reception, buffet and registration at the Van Gogh Museum Van Gogh Museum, Paulus Potterstraat 7

This event is sponsored by ICEFAT, the Van Gogh Museum and

the Rijksmuseum

m o n d a y , 8 n o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0Concertgebouw, Concertgebouwplein 10

Grote Zaal

from 09.00 Registration and coffee09.45 - 10.05 Musical intermezzo10.05 - 10.10 Welcome Cindy Zalm, chair Netherlands Registrars Group

10.10 - 10.25 Introduction Michiel Nijhoff, conference chair day 1

10.25 - 11.00 Keynote Museums, Registrars and Sustainability

Maurice Davies

11.00 - 11.30 Keynote Air Freight Safety European Legislation on Air Freight,

Air Freight Safety and Cargo Screening

René Italiaander

TSA (Transportation Security Administration) in the USA

Scott Pfeifer

11.30 - 12.25 Keynote A Carbon-Neutral Research Centre for Beauty

Randy Klinger

p r o g r a m m e 7 & 8 n o v e m b e r4

Entry to the museums only for registered delegates with a confirmation ticket

The colours in the programme correspond with the colours

on the floor plan on page 12-13

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76 p r o g r a m m e 8 n o v e m b e r

Grote Zaal

Session Sustainability and Climate

Control in Museums

Bart Ankersmit


WorkshopTracking the Collection:

Integrating Location

Administration in Your

Adlib Database

Judith van Gent,

Annelies de Mey and

René van de Heuvel


Session New Approaches to Museum


Hans-Ewald Schneider

Sustainable Storage as Result

of a Preventive Approach

Wouter Hijnberg and

Marco Martens


Session Green, Red, Black: Analysis from

the Going Green Survey

Stephen Mellor

15.00 - 15.45 Coffee and tea break

Grote Zaal

Session The Greening of Fine Art


What Colour is your Crate?

Greg Gahagan, Klaus Hillman

and Jonathan Schwartz


WorkshopTracking the Collection:

Integrating Location

Administration in Your

Adlib Database

Judith van Gent, Annelies de Mey

and René van de Heuvel


WorkshopRegistrar, a Reference


Herma Hofmeijer


SessionRegistrars at the Centre of

Collections Mobility

Marjolein Cremer

16.50 - 17.00 Grote Zaal

Wrap up Michiel Nijhoff

e v e n i n g e v e n t s

Odeon, Singel 460

19.00 - 22.00 Buffet reception22.00 - 01.00 PartyThe traditional shippers party is sponsored by John Nurminen Prima,

Kortmann and Hizkia Van Kralingen

14.00 - 15.00

15.45 - 16.4512.30 - 14.00 Lunch

12.30 - 16.45 Champagnebar and Balkonfoyer

Networking sessions with sponsors

Entry to the Odeon only for registered delegates with badge

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t u e s d a y , 9 n o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0Concertgebouw, Concertgebouwplein 10

Grote Zaal

from 09.15 Registration for sessions and coffee10.00 - 10.05 Welcome Cindy Zalm, chair Netherlands Registrars Group

10.05 - 10.15 Introduction Paul Spies, conference chair day 2

10.15 - 10.25 Keynote Lending to Europe: an update

Frank Bergevoet

10.25 - 11.25 Keynote The Art of Transitions to Become Green

Derk Loorbach

11.25 - 12.25 Keynote Procedures at Museum Ludwig, Cologne

Beatrix Schopp

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch

12.30 - 16.30 Champagnebar and Balkonfoyer

Networking sessions with sponsors

Grote Zaal

Session Towards a new European

Organisation: Sustaining the

Knowledge of European

Collection Mobility

a panel discussion


Session Will Being Green Influence

Fine Art insurance?

Stephan Zilkens

The Loan is Insured =

Green Light?

Cees Kortleve


WorkshopTracking the Collection:

Integrating Location

Administration in Your

Adlib Database

Judith van Gent,

Annelies de Mey and

René van de Heuvel


Session From Manual Inventory Books to

Digitized Inventory Records:

A Preliminary Exploration of the

National Palace Museum, Taiwan

Pang-Yen Cheng

15.00 - 15.30 Coffee and tea break

14.00 - 15.00

p r o g r a m m e 9 n o v e m b e r

The colours in the programme correspond with the colours

on the floor plan on page 12-13

p r o g r a m m e 9 n o v e m b e r

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1 10 p r o g r a m m e 9 n o v e m b e r 1

e v e n i n g e v e n tAllard Pierson Museum and Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam,

Oude Turfmarkt 127-129

17.30 - 20.00 Farewell reception and private viewing of the exhibitions: Alexander’s legacy at the Allard Pierson Museum and

Rebels with a cause. 75 years of IISH at the Special Collections

Entry only for registered delegates with badge

Grote Zaal

Session Vibrrrrrrrrrrations.

The Impact of Vibration

on Works of Art

Bill Wei


SessionEnergy-optimized Rebirth:

The Renovation of the

Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in

Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Reinhard Spieler


Session How to Find a Needle in a


Implementation of RFID as an

Improvement in the Management

of a Scientific Collection:

the Case of Institut Català de

Paleontologia, Barcelona

Laura Celià

Experience with RFID Technology

at Apice in Florence

Laura Reina


SessionAn International Concern: The Bizot Group Questionnaire and the

V&A’s Approach to Becoming a Greener Museum

Sandra Smith

15.30 - 16.30

16.35 - 16.45 Grote Zaal

Presentation of the award winning Bein’ Green project

16.45 - 16.55 Reports from the European registrars groups ERC 2012 - the next venue

16.55 - 17.10 Wrap up What have we learned? Summary and conclusions

Max Meijer

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1 1 32 c o n c e r t g e b o u w f l o o r p l a n

c o n c e r t g e b o u w f l o o r p l a n

Ground f l oo r F i r s t f l oo r

Main entranceEntrance hall and information desk


Cloakroom (guarded)

Grote Zaal











Cloakroom (unguarded)

Staircases to First floor

Elevator to Grote Zaal

Staircase to Pleinfoyer


Emergency exit

Cloakroom (unguarded)

Staircases to First floor

Elevator to Grote Zaal

Staircase to Pleinfoyer


Emergency exit

AB 5 5C

16 6

D H2 7 7E I8 8F J3 9 9G K4

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c o n f e r e n c e c h a i r s a n d s p e a k e r s

Bar t Anke r sm i t

Bart Ankersmit is senior researcher at the Netherlands Institute for

Cultural Heritage (ICN) in Amsterdam. In 1996, after completing doctoral

research at the University of Amsterdam, he started research on pre-

ventive conservation of metal collections. This study has set out to measure various

harmful gases in the indoor museum, the transport of those gases from source to

object and the extent to which showcases affect this transport. Since 2006 much atten-

tion is paid to the museum interior. The knowledge developed in late 2008 led to new

climate guidelines. Developments in this area have been made possible by a covenant

between several institutions that have an interest and responsibility in this matter.

F rank Be rgevoe t

Frank Bergevoet is advisor/programme coordinator Museometry at the

Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN) in Amsterdam. He has

extensive experience in the broad field of collection management.

In 2004, during the Netherlands presidency of the EU, he was conference manager

for the international meeting of museum experts ‘Museum Collections on the Move’ in

The Hague and worked with great passion as selection manager on the development

of de-accessioning tools for the museum sector. Frank is currently working on a

new policy line for ICN: museometry. Museometry is all about facts and figures on

collections management in museums.

Don G ianmat teo Capu to

Don Gianmatteo Caputo is director of Ufficio dei Beni Culturali del

Patriarcato and of Museo Diocesano, both in Venice. He graduated in

architecture at the Istituto Universitario di Archiettura Venice and his

field of study includes theology and philosophy. He co-operates with the CEI

(Conferenza Episcopale Italiana) as scientific supervisor of the IT inventory of

ecclesiastic cultural assets. He is also curator of exhibitions of sacred and

contemporary art and has published essays for art catalogues and other publications.

Lau ra Ce l ià

Laura Celià has a degree in Biology from the University of the Balearic

Islands (2002) and a master in Management of Cultural Heritage from

the University of Barcelona (2008). In 2005 she graduated in Teaching

Museography (UB). At the same time she received a scholarship at the Institute of

Palaeontology. She has participated in several excavation campaigns in Mallorca,

Catalonia, Castellon and Granada. Since 2007, she is the curator of the ICP collection

and currently combines collection management at the Institut Català de Paleontologia

with her doctoral thesis on the program Management of Culture and Heritage

(University of Barcelona) under the leadership of Ph Dr. Llorenç Prats, based on the

problems with the management of vertebrate paleontological heritage in Catalonia.

Pang-Yen Cheng

Pang-Yen Cheng is assistant registrar at the Registration and

Conservation Department of the National Palace Museum (NPM) in

Taipei, Taiwan and the chair of Collection Management System SIG,

Museum Computer Network, Taiwan Chapter. He graduated from Fu Jen Catholic

University and Taipei National University of the Arts with two MA degrees both

in Museum Studies and Chinese Art History. Presently, he succeeded to his Ph.D.

programme in Graduate Institute of Multi-Culture Education, National Dong-Hua

University. He used to work at Digital Archives Project of Chinese Antiquities at

NPM from 2001 to 2006 and also experienced an internship at the Asian Department,

Cleveland Museum of Art in the summer of 2006. His research interests include

museum collection management, Chinese art history (Han dynasty art and Cloisonné),

as well as museum multicultural education.

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Greg Gahagan

Greg Gahagan is the Vice President and operations manager of Ship/

Art International, a museum quality fine arts transportation company with

offices in San Francisco and Denver. He joined the management team at

Ship/Art in 1991 and now oversees the day-to-day operations of the company including

its environmental program. Greg is the chairman of the ICEFAT Green Committee and

is dedicated to establishing environmental sustainability within the fine arts industry.

Jud i th van Gen t

Judith van Gent is head of Documentation at the Amsterdam Historical

Museum and in this position responsible for the collection management

system. She is an art historian with a specialization in automation. In the

90’s she worked on various digitization projects (at the Netherlands Institute for Art

History, The Hague and Radboud University, Nijmegen) and as a cultural information

advisor at Bureau IMC in Rotterdam. She also did research on the work and life of

Bartholomeus van der Helst, which will result in a dissertation this year.

René van de Heuve l

Rene van den Heuvel started his career at Datahouse, a systems

integration company, as a software programmer. During his long

career at Adlib Information Systems he has been involved in several

departments and activities including application engineering, help desk, training,

consultancy and application development. Currently he is the International Sales

Manager for Adlib and plays a key role in the development of applications.

c o n f e r e n c e c h a i r s a n d s p e a k e r s

Mar jo le in C remer ( on beha l f o f Agnes We i j )

Marjolein Cremer is project coordinator international affairs at the

Netherlands Institute for Heritage (Erfgoed Nederland). Heritage in

relation to Europe and the Foreign Visitors programme are subjects

that she works on. She has a BA and MA in Arts, Policy and Management of visual

arts and media arts from the University of Groningen. Since 2008 she is involved in

the EU project ‘Collections Mobility 2.0’.

As t r id We i j

Astrid Weij is programme manager of cultural heritage from an

international perspective at the Netherlands Institute for Heritage

(Erfgoed Nederland). Heritage in relation to Europe and mutual

cultural heritage are subjects that she works on. She has a BA and MA in museology.

She played a significant role in setting collections mobility on the European agenda

when she was policy advisor in international affairs at the Netherlands Ministry of

Education, Culture and Science (2001-2007).

Maur i ce Dav ies

Maurice Davies is head of policy and communication at the Museums

Association in the UK. He’s held a variety of other roles at the Museums

Association including editor of Museums Journal and deputy director.

He recently led the Museums Association’s work on sustainability and museums.

In the past few years his work has included: the illicit trade in cultural property,

repatriation, human remains in museums, aspects of the MA’s Collections for the

Future report, disposal of collections, entry to and diversity of the museum workforce,

and research into the impact of major lottery projects on museum visiting in London.

He has a doctorate in art history from the Courtauld Institute, University of London

and a first degree in pure mathematics from the University of Warwick. He’s also

been a curator at Manchester Art Gallery and a Turner Scholar at Tate.

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Woute r H i j nbe rg

Wouter Hijnberg studied Preventive Conservation at the Reinwardt

Academy in Amsterdam. He is now managing director and owner of

Helicon conservation support. Helicon developed a concept for a

sustainable storage for cultural heritage as a result of a preventive approach.

This concept is not only an improvement on the conservation of collections but it

is better for the environment and is lower in cost than a traditional building.

In 2012 Helicon will open the first storage built according to this concept.

K laus H i l lman

In 1979 Klaus Hillman founded NADA, a small business specializing

in the transport of works of art. In 1986 the growing company was

newly formed under the name of TANDEM. Today Tandem is one of

Europe’s busiest art shipping companies and has established a very reliable shuttle

network throughout Germany and Western Europe. Klaus became a member of the

ICEFAT Green Committee in order to promote the sense of responsibility and

ecological activity within his industry.

Her ma Ho fme i j e r

Herma Hofmeijer is process supervisor constructions at the Museum

of National History in Arnhem. In her previous function as director of

the Netherlands Association of National Museums (2004-2010) she

represented the national museums in various important issues, such as the

negotiations with the unions concerning salaries and terms of employment for

museum workers. This resulted in the creation of reference function descriptions

and job structures for museum employees. In 2008-2009 Herma Hofmeijer created,

in close cooperation with the Netherlands Registrars Group, a function description

for the museum registrar. To do this, it was necessary to formulate the specific

competences necessary to be a professional registrar. The result is that the museum

registrar is now accepted as an official function within the Dutch museum organisation.

René I ta l i aander

René Italiaander started his career in the air freight industry in 1986 as

an export employee for an airline. After this challenging job, he joined

a shipping agent for general cargo. In 1999, he joined the museum

logistics industry at Gerlach Art Packers & Shippers. René started as an exhibition

coordinator and worked his way up through the jobs of team leader and office

manager to become Director of Operations, responsible for the Dutch operations

at John Nurminen Prima. In August 2008, Gerlach merged with John Nurminen Prima

and all their offices have been operating under the name of John Nurminen Prima

since 1 October 2010.

Randy K l i nge r

Randy Klinger is founder and director of Moray Art Centre. He has

been an artist since early childhood and has been exhibiting in Italy

for the past 18 years, and more recently in Japan. Born in New York,

he graduated from The Cooper Union with honours. He began teaching art in 2002,

when he moved to Scotland and ran a small studio for 15 years before founding the

Moray Art Centre. In 2007, as part of his ambitions as an artist, Randy raised one

million pounds, mostly from inspired individuals, and opened a research centre for

beauty to the public, with exhibition partners including the British Museum, the

Courtauld Gallery and the National Galleries of Scotland.

Cees Ko r t l eve

Cees Kortleve is insurance broker. For several decades he was

employed by the insurance department of ABN AMRO. His last position

with this company was manager of the property department. In 1988

he became involved in art insurance and took care of the insurances of museum

collections and national and international loans to major art exhibitions, of which

the value in some cases exceeded several billions Euro. In 1995 he became director

of Aon Artscope Netherlands and chairman of Aon Artscope Europe. During his

career Cees has been a member as well as chairman of various committees in

the insurance market and advised the Dutch Government in setting up the Dutch

Indemnity Scheme.

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Derk Loo rbach

Derk Loorbach is researcher at the Dutch Research Institute for

Transitions (DRIFT) at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus

University Rotterdam. Within his research, he focuses on the

development of transition management in theory and practice. Central theme in

his PhD-research is the development of an integrated framework for structuring

transition management activities and for organizing transition management processes.

A central concept is the ‘transition-arena’. Transition management can be described

as a new governance-model based on complex systems’ thinking and is aimed at

facilitating and directing processes of societal change in the direction of sustainability.

Marco Mar tens

Marco Martens studied Building Physics at the Eindhoven University of

Technology. In 2005 he started a PhD study on indoor climate in various

Dutch museums. The main topic of his PhD is to assess conservational

properties of indoor climates out of measurement data and to predict these properties

using simulation. Most Dutch museums are located in old buildings. To improve

conservational properties of these buildings, the indoor climate is modified using

various climate systems. Also newly built museums and storage buildings rely to a

large extent on complicated systems. Modern building materials however give us the

possibility to create optimal conservational properties without using climate systems.

A good building envelope and some regulations and limitations in building use make

sure the climate is suitable even for storing delicate objects. A green storage facility is

therefore within reach.

Max Me i j e r

Max Meyer studied at the Reinwardt Academy in Leiden, as well as a

number of years Dutch law at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

He completed a large number of courses in marketing, management

and strategy and has been working in the museum sector since 1982 in various

management functions. Since 2007 he is co-owner of TiMe (Timmer & Meijer)

Amsterdam. TiMe Amsterdam provides services to the cultural sector and the creative

industry: strategies and content as well as implementation in the form of consultancy,

research and concept development. TiMe Amsterdam’s main clients are museums,

heritage institutions and governments.

S tephen Me l lo r

Stephen Mellor has been the Exhibitions Co-ordinator at Tate Modern,

London (9 years). During this time he had responsibility for exhibition

production and logistics, schedules, design, registration, budgets,

touring and contracts and more. Previously he has been Exhibitions Manager at

the Art Gallery of Western Australia (13 years); Scenery Designer at BBC Television

(10 years); and Display Manager at the London Design Centre (4 years). Stephen

has been a member of the Steering Committee of the International Exhibition

Organisers Group, the London Exhibition Organisers Group and the UK Sustainable

Exhibitions Group. Contact: [email protected]

Anne l i e s de Mey

Annelies de Mey received a master in Art Sciences from the University

of Ghent in 2002. In 2003 she obtained the postgraduate degree

Conservation Employee from the University College in Ghent. In

addition, she completed the course Cultural Management at the University of Antwerp.

From 2005 until 2007 she worked as registrar for the City of Antwerp. In 2007 she

was the Cultural Policy Coordinator of the City of Aalter. Since 2008 Annelies is

Relocation Coordinator at the Museum at the Stream (MAS) in Antwerp. In this

capacity she organises and supervises the registration (in Adlib), barcode labelling,

pest-treatments, packaging, transportation and storage of a maritime, an ethnological

and a folklore collection. She was also closely involved with the construction plans for

the new depot facilities.

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Mich ie l N i j ho f f

Michiel Nijhoff is art historian and librarian and at present head of the

library and collection registration at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.

From 1988-2002 he worked at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in

Rotterdam, first as assistant librarian and from 1997 as head of this library. In 2002 he

became head of the library of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, and in 2006 head of

the library and collection registration. Michiel was active as member of the Art Section

of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) and chairman of ARLIS

(Art Libraries Society / The Netherlands). In 2001 he made the compilation film

‘The librarian in the movies’ and in 2006 won the Victorine Van Schaik essay price.

He publishes regularly on subjects concerning museum libraries, art history and film.

Sco t t P fe i f e r

Scott Pfeifer is Vice President of Masterpiece International. He has

a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in

Transportation/Logistics from Iowa State University and an MBA in

International Business from Roosevelt University in Chicago. He has been in the fine

art transportation business for 23 years, the last 16 with Masterpiece International.

Scott will discuss the origin of the regulations in the USA, current rules and

requirements, and the practical realities of the programme as it pertains to our

daily shipping.

Lau ra Re ina

Laura Reina is coordination manager of the APICE group, an Italian

benchmark in transportation of works of art. After having worked in

the fine art transport industry since 1989, she joined Apice at the

beginning of 2009 when the company was founded. Her main responsibilities include

coordination of the Florence, Milan, Rome and Venice offices, as well as planning,

budgeting for national and international exhibitions, and business development at

international level.

En r i co R i zz i

Enrico Rizzi is project manager of Zucchetti Spa, one of the most

important Italian groups in the ICT sector. His main task is to provide

careful analysis of the clients’ needs, to coordinate and manage

projects and to supervise integration of IT systems.

Hans-Ewa ld Schne ide r

Hans-Ewald Schneider is the managing partner of Hasenkamp

(4th generation) with headquarters in Cologne-Frechen. Hasenkamp

is the leading European logistics service provider for fragile and

precious goods. After graduating with a degree in Economics, he worked for the

American lease company CTI (Container Transport International) before he changed

to the future leaders programme of Kaufhof AG for the period of two years. In 1981 he

joined Hasenkamp International Transport GmbH and became partner of the company

in 1991. Furthermore he is a member of various business councils and board member

of several national and international associations.

Bea t r i x Schopp

Beatrix Schopp is registrar at Museum Ludwig in Cologne. She has been

working for the City of Cologne since 1984, at the Museums of Cologne

since 1985 and at the Administration Department of Museum Ludwig

since 1996. She has been a member of Registrars Deutschland since 2004. Being

the first registrar at Museum Ludwig since 2004 she has had the chance to put her

extensive experience with international loan standards and requirements into practice

and to work out new ideas in her daily work. In her conference presentation Beatrix will

reflect on what it means to be a registrar in a museum for modern art in Germany.

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Jona than Schwar t z

Jonathan Schwartz founded Atelier 4 in 1989 as an art transport

company focusing on the burgeoning contemporary art market.

By 2002 he expanded Atelier 4’s capabilities as an IATA agent and

customs broker augmenting its climate control storage, trucking and bespoke crating

departments. Jonathan’s involvement in the practical application of environmental

responsibility is shared by his staff in both the New York and Miami branches of

Atelier 4.

Sandra Smi th

Sandra Smith was trained at The Institute of Archaeology, London,

in Archaeological Conservation and Material Science. After graduation

she worked as an on-site conservator in Syria. She joined the

Department of Conservation at the British Museum, specialising in ceramics and

glass conservation. In 1992 she became Head of the Ceramics and Glass Section

and was promoted to Head of the Inorganic Materials Group in 1997. In January

2003 Sandra joined the V&A as Head of Conservation. For the past two months

she has been working with the directors of the Van Gogh Museum and the V&A to

interpret the results of the Bizot Groups questionnaire ‘How Green is your museum?’

Re inhard Sp ie le r

Reinhard Spieler studied art history, archaeology and literature in

Munich, Paris and Berlin and received a PhD in 1997 in Munich

(“The triptychs of Max Beckmann”). From 2002-2006 he was (founding)

director of Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf/Bern in Switzerland and is since 2007

director of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein. He is also lecturer

at the universities of Düsseldorf, Berne and Heidelberg as well as at the Düsseldorf

Academy of Fine Arts. He has numerous publications and exhibitions on modern and

contemporary art to his name.

Pau l Sp ies

Paul Spies graduated in 1986 (cum laude) in Art History and Classical

Archaeology at the University of Amsterdam. In 1987 he founded

together with two colleagues D’ARTS, a bureau for art historical advice

and organisation. Before D’ARTS he worked as a producer and consultant for many

museums in Amsterdam and beyond, specialising in: museum concepts, exhibitions,

publications and publicity campaigns. In 2006 he and his associate Rob van Zoest

became directors of the Foundation Opening Soestdijk Palace. In 2009 Paul became

director of the Amsterdam Historical Museum and Museum Willet-Holthuysen.

B i l l We i

Bill Wei is senior researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Cultural

Heritage (ICN) in Amsterdam. He has a B.S.E. in mechanical engineering

from Princeton University (USA 1977) and in 1983 received his doctorate

in materials (metal) studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA).

Until late 2001 he worked primarily for the aerospace, rail and energy sector. Bill is

working with ICN since 1998 in the Knowledge Group and researches among others

the influence of vibration on sensitive objects.

S tephan Z i l kens

Stephan Zilkens is managing partner at Zilkens GmbH Insurance. Zilkens

is a specialist for risk hedging in small and medium-sized companies, in

particular for the sectors renewable energies, logistics and art. Owing to

many years of experience and close contacts with reputable insurance companies he

acquired a broad insurance portfolio. He is a specialist in the area of art insurance in

all its facets.

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Conce r tgebouw

Concertgebouwplein 10

1071 LN Amsterdam

Tel. +31 (0)20 5730573

The Concertgebouw is situated

on Museum Square and is easily

reached by public transport (tram 2

and 5). There is a taxi rank next to

the main entrance of the building.

The Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk Museum

and Van Gogh Museum are

also located on Museum Square.


Singel 460

1017 AW Amsterdam

Tel. +31 (0)20 5218555

A l la rd P ie r son Museum

and Spec ia l Co l l ec t i ons o f

t he Un i ve r s i t y o f Ams te rdam

Oude Turfmarkt 127 - 129

1012 GC Amsterdam

Tel. + 31 (0)20 5257300

i n f o r m a t i o n


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and social functions.