european scanning system r&d bari, bologna, bern, lyon, napoli, roma, salerno tuning of 10 cm 2...

ropean Scanning System D Bari, Bologna, Bern, Lyon, Napoli, Roma, Salerno ing of 10 cm 2 /hour on the OPERA emulsions not refreshed and 32 micron thick ed on MatroxGenesis + multiprocessor and CCD 60 fps stage and Nikon optics almost frozen also for 20 c ards 20 cm 2 /hour rox Odyssey with back compatibilty and CMOS 100-200

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European Scanning SystemR&D Bari, Bologna, Bern, Lyon, Napoli, Roma, Salerno

Tuning of 10 cm2/hour on the OPERA emulsionsBut not refreshed and 32 micron thick Based on MatroxGenesis + multiprocessor and CCD 60 fpsXYZ stage and Nikon optics almost frozen also for 20 cm2/hour

Towards 20 cm2/hourMatrox Odyssey with back compatibilty and CMOS 100-200 fps

Status of the Software for the European Scanning System

Cristiano BozzaEuropean Emulsion Group

LNGS May 2003

Presentation Plan

Last updates to SySal

Quasi-on-line SW

.NET migration

Data handling


Next evolutions of SySal

Last updates to SySal

The new tracking algorithm: SmartTracker

A perfectly aligned sequence of real grains turns in a poorly aligned sequence of grain samples on discrete layersThe error on Z turns into an alignment error along the slope direction, proportional to the track slope

The transverse alignment stays good

aa s zAlignment ellipse

Last updates to SySal

The new tracking algorithm: SmartTracker

Simplified track startup

Once tracking starts, all layers are searched

Law of the Jungle: If two sequences share even one grain, the less populated sequence is eliminated

The user plans startup triggers⇒ fewer trials⇒ independent trials

Last updates to SySal

The new tracking module: SmartTracker

Tracking efficiency independent of track slope

Reduced background of fake tracks

Tighter alignment parameters possible

Faster tracking (> 10 times faster than the previous one)

Parameters are much less critical than with other algorithms

Multiprocessor support: the tracking procedure can be splitted over all the processors available in the machine, proportionally reducing the tracking time

Last updates to SySal

Miscellaneous improvements

Automatic light control ensures homogeneous data quality

Grain count for each layer of each view allows to assess focusing qualityArea for each grain and area sum for tracks allows grain quality analysis

Bug fixes in Genesis DLL and VertigoScan DLL⇒ help exploit the full thickness of emulsion layers

Next evolutions of SySal

Main goal: increase speed up to 20 cm2/h and more

Recognize clusters and search for tracks while grabbing and moving

Images and Z samples are time-stamped, so the correct Z is computed and attached to each image

Matrox Odyssey support (6∻16 times faster than Genesis)

Support for very fast commercial cameras (>100 fps @ Mpixel resolution)

Quasi-on-line SW

New generation (.NET)

New postprocessing and quasi-on-line programs are being developed in the .NET framework

All programs read and write files in backward-compatible data formats

Quasi-on-line SW


Recovers precise data subtracting systematic measurement errors

Quasi-on-line SW


Improved microtrack linking:Residual angular errors along the slope direction are proportional to slope

Quasi-on-line SW

QuickFileCheck / QuickDataCheck

Utility programs for quick analysis of .rwd and .tlg files (DB data also)

Quasi-on-line SW


Interactive grain dump viewer and tracking module tuner tool

Quasi-on-line SW


Helps checking focusing by reading .rwd files in the new format

Quasi-on-line SW


Command-line tool for track pattern matching


Command-line tool for base track selection

Quasi-on-line SW

All the tools listed up to now are interactive tools

In the real life of OPERA, quasi-on-line tasks can be the bottleneck for fast microscopes, so they must be performed automatically

All our computing libraries are decoupled from the interface, so they can be used in batch mode without any change

Batch services run as OS background applications, even with no user logged on, and with specific permissions to ensure data safety

Quasi-on-line SW


Web service interface to OperaBatchManager


Web service that allows to remotely analyse scanning data from files and / or from DB


Drives several scanning PCs, performs microtrack linking, examines the scanning output, generates predictions for the next plate, and produces temporary event reconstructions

.NET migration

Easy programming

Fast code

Every module developed under SySal.NET can be used in the forecoming European Emulsion Computing Infrastructure without any further adaptation

SySal.NET: an evolving software library for nuclear emulsion scanning purposes

XML (textual) representation of persistent objects

SySal.NET (2)

The code is being maintained in Visual Source Safe format

.NET migration

SySalCore: Core library with basic data types

SySal.NET (2) modules

Imaging: Generic image handling library

Tracking: Generic tracking / postprocessing library

Scanning: I/O libraries for various formats and quasi-online tasks

DAQSystem: Generic classes for distributed scanning tasks

QuickMapper: Track pattern matching class

SheetMap: Generic classes for stage-to-experiment frame transformations

StageControl: Generic stage driving classes

NumericalTools: Numerical computation libraries

MathExpression: A mathematical parser / evaluator class

SmartTracker: Online tracking module

SimpleTrackPostProcessor: Online track postprocessing module

StripesFragLink: Fragment linking module, presently used by EasyLink.NET

FragShiftCorrection: Systematic error correction module

GraphicalAnalysis: A library to produce useful plot

StatisticalGraphics: Self-consistent control for statistical graphics

StatisticalAnalysisManager: Self-consistent control for statistical analysis

VolumeTracks: Generic classes defining ECC tracks

AlphaOmegaReconstruction: TotalScan reconstruction module to form tracks and vertices

OperaDb: DB interface classes

.NET migration

Asynchronous DAQ is necessary to work under .NET

Many DAQ modules are ready

COM, C/C++ and VB offline code is already being phased out

The DAQ program implementation has not started yet

Analysis libraries under .NET are already now easier to use that traditional COM, C/C++ or VB libraries

SySal.NET (2)

Data handling

This DB should be already used for test beam exposure scanning

ORACLE 9iDS is the present DB server

A relational DB has been designed and is being tuned

⇒ Can be accessed from Windows, Linux, UNIX, etc.

An OPERA Internal Note has been published (Doc. # 38)“Database Architecture for the European Emulsion Scanning System” DB for data storage and for the administration and management of the European Emulsion Computing InfrastructureData files will be progressively phased out in favour of DB storage⇒ No need for I/O libraries that depend on the data content

Increasing support for ROOT (.NET library & data converters)


The scanning program has improved greatly in efficiency and speed

Commercially available HW is evolving – more progress is expected

The transition to .NET should be completed by the end of 2003

Our data handling policies allow everybody to analyse data in the preferred format, while ensuring data safety and security