eurÓpai És nemzetkÖzi Üzleti jog mesterkÉpzÉsi szak … · eurÓpai És nemzetkÖzi Üzleti...

EURÓPAI ÉS NEMZETKÖZI ÜZLETI JOG MESTERKÉPZÉSI SZAK (LL.M) KÉPZÉSI ÉS KIMENETI KÖVETELMÉNYEK 1. A mesterképzési szak megnevezése: európai és nemzetközi üzleti jog (European and International Business Law) 2. A mesterképzési szakon szerezhető végzettségi szint és a szakképzettség oklevélben szereplő megjelölése végzettségi szint: mester- (magister, master; rövidítve: MA-) fokozat szakképzettség: európai és nemzetközi üzleti mesterjogász a szakképzettség angol nyelvű megjelölése: European and International Business Lawyer 3. Képzési terület: jogi 4. A mesterképzésbe történő belépésnél előzményként elfogadott szak: a jogász osztatlan szak. 5. A képzési idő félévekben: 2 félév 6. A mesterfokozat megszerzéséhez összegyűjtendő kreditek száma: 60 kredit a szak orientációja: gyakorlatorientált (60-70 százalék) a diplomamunka elkészítéséhez rendelt kreditérték: 5 kredit a szabadon választható tantárgyakhoz rendelhető minimális kreditérték: 4 kredit 7. A szakképzettség képzési területek egységes osztályozási rendszere szerinti tanulmányi területi besorolása: 380 8. A mesterképzési szak képzési célja és a szakmai kompetenciák A képzés célja olyan jogászok képzése, akik a már meglévő elméleti és gyakorlati jogi tudásukra épülően ismerik az európai és nemzetközi üzleti-gazdasági joganyagot, értik az európai uniós jog működési mechanizmusát, ismerik az európai integráción kívüli gazdasági folyamatok komplex jogi szabályozását. Felismerik, hogy meghatározott, nemzetközi vonatkozású gazdasági viszonyok között mely szabályozók alkalmazhatók, valamint munkanyelvként alkalmazható angol nyelvű szaknyelvi ismeretekkel és készségekkel rendelkeznek. Felkészültek tanulmányok doktori képzés keretében való folytatására. 8.1. Az elsajátítandó szakmai kompetenciák 8.1.1. Az európai és nemzetközi üzleti mesterjogász a) tudása Ismeri és használja az európai és nemzetközi üzleti jog különböző szabályozási eszközeit és érti ezeknek egymáshoz való viszonyát. Érti az európai és nemzetközi üzleti jogi szabályozók mögöttes gazdasági okait, illetve ezek gazdasági következményeit. Ismeri az Európai Unió belső piacának működési mechanizmusát, a vonatkozó szabályozási eszközöket és a belső piac egyes részterületeinek sajátosságait. Ismeri az európai gazdasági jog érvényesülési, érvényesítési mechanizmusait. Ismeri a vonatkozó európai bírósági esetjogot, annak gyakorlati jelentőségét. Ismeri a nemzetközi gazdasági jogi problémákhoz rendelhető jogforrások (nemzetközi, európai, nemzeti: kötelező és soft law) azonosításának módját, a speciális jogforrásokat feldolgozó (jogszabályokat, esetjogot, jogirodalmi műveket vagy azok adatait tartalmazó) adatbázisok kezelését. Rendelkezik a nemzetközi üzleti jogviszonyok komplex magánjogi intézéséhez szükséges ismeretekkel. Rendelkezik a nemzetközi üzleti jogviszonyok komplex közjogi értékeléséhez szükséges ismeretekkel. Ismeri az angol jogi szaknyelv európai és nemzetközi gazdasági jogi szakterminológiáját. b) képességei Képes felismerni azokat a gazdasági viszonyokat, melyekben európai vagy nemzetközi szabályozókat kell alkalmazni és képes az irányadó szabályrendszer azonosítására és értelmezésére. Képes komplex, nemzetközi jogi problémák felismerésére, elemzésére. Képes egy nemzetközi vonatkozású jogi kérdés jogérvényesítési mechanizmusainak igénybevételére. Képes az eltérő szabályozási módok és tartalom megértéséből és elsajátításából fakadó toleráns és

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1. A mesterképzési szak megnevezése: európai és nemzetközi üzleti jog (European and

International Business Law)

2. A mesterképzési szakon szerezhető végzettségi szint és a szakképzettség oklevélben szereplő

megjelölése végzettségi szint: mester- (magister, master; rövidítve: MA-) fokozat

szakképzettség: európai és nemzetközi üzleti mesterjogász

a szakképzettség angol nyelvű megjelölése: European and International Business Lawyer

3. Képzési terület: jogi

4. A mesterképzésbe történő belépésnél előzményként elfogadott szak: a jogász osztatlan szak.

5. A képzési idő félévekben: 2 félév

6. A mesterfokozat megszerzéséhez összegyűjtendő kreditek száma: 60 kredit

a szak orientációja: gyakorlatorientált (60-70 százalék)

a diplomamunka elkészítéséhez rendelt kreditérték: 5 kredit

a szabadon választható tantárgyakhoz rendelhető minimális kreditérték: 4 kredit

7. A szakképzettség képzési területek egységes osztályozási rendszere szerinti tanulmányi

területi besorolása: 380

8. A mesterképzési szak képzési célja és a szakmai kompetenciák A képzés célja olyan jogászok képzése, akik a már meglévő elméleti és gyakorlati jogi tudásukra

épülően ismerik az európai és nemzetközi üzleti-gazdasági joganyagot, értik az európai uniós jog

működési mechanizmusát, ismerik az európai integráción kívüli gazdasági folyamatok komplex jogi

szabályozását. Felismerik, hogy meghatározott, nemzetközi vonatkozású gazdasági viszonyok között

mely szabályozók alkalmazhatók, valamint munkanyelvként alkalmazható angol nyelvű szaknyelvi

ismeretekkel és készségekkel rendelkeznek. Felkészültek tanulmányok doktori képzés keretében való


8.1. Az elsajátítandó szakmai kompetenciák

8.1.1. Az európai és nemzetközi üzleti mesterjogász

a) tudása Ismeri és használja az európai és nemzetközi üzleti jog különböző szabályozási eszközeit és érti

ezeknek egymáshoz való viszonyát.

Érti az európai és nemzetközi üzleti jogi szabályozók mögöttes gazdasági okait, illetve ezek

gazdasági következményeit.

Ismeri az Európai Unió belső piacának működési mechanizmusát, a vonatkozó szabályozási

eszközöket és a belső piac egyes részterületeinek sajátosságait.

Ismeri az európai gazdasági jog érvényesülési, érvényesítési mechanizmusait.

Ismeri a vonatkozó európai bírósági esetjogot, annak gyakorlati jelentőségét.

Ismeri a nemzetközi gazdasági jogi problémákhoz rendelhető jogforrások (nemzetközi, európai,

nemzeti: kötelező és soft law) azonosításának módját, a speciális jogforrásokat feldolgozó

(jogszabályokat, esetjogot, jogirodalmi műveket vagy azok adatait tartalmazó) adatbázisok kezelését.

Rendelkezik a nemzetközi üzleti jogviszonyok komplex magánjogi intézéséhez szükséges


Rendelkezik a nemzetközi üzleti jogviszonyok komplex közjogi értékeléséhez szükséges


Ismeri az angol jogi szaknyelv európai és nemzetközi gazdasági jogi szakterminológiáját.

b) képességei Képes felismerni azokat a gazdasági viszonyokat, melyekben európai vagy nemzetközi

szabályozókat kell alkalmazni és képes az irányadó szabályrendszer azonosítására és értelmezésére.

Képes komplex, nemzetközi jogi problémák felismerésére, elemzésére.

Képes egy nemzetközi vonatkozású jogi kérdés jogérvényesítési mechanizmusainak


Képes az eltérő szabályozási módok és tartalom megértéséből és elsajátításából fakadó toleráns és

rugalmas, megoldás-központú problémakezelésre, a nemzetközi viszonylatok tanulmányozásából

fakadó együttműködési készségre és nyitottságra, a problémamegoldás során összehasonlító szemlélet


Képes nemzetközi viszonylatban a magas szintű szakmai kommunikációra és az ehhez szükséges

fogalmi rendszer használatára.

Képes nemzetközi viszonylatokban érveléstechnikák alkalmazására.

Képes angol nyelven a vonatkozó szabályozók megértésére, értelmezésére, a jogi probléma kezelése

szempontjából releváns dokumentumok megszerkesztésére.

Képes az érintett gazdasági és üzleti jogviszonyok gazdasági, társadalmi, környezeti

vonatkozásainak felismerésére.

c) attitűdje Nyitott a komplex megközelítést igénylő, nemzetközi vonatkozású jogi problémák megoldása iránt.

Elkötelezett az alapos, magas színvonalú munka iránt.

Nyitott új ismeretek, más jogrendszerek, nemzetközi szabályozók működési mechanizmusának

megértése iránt.

Elkötelezett ismereteinek idegen nyelven történő bővítése mellett.

Elkötelezett az érintett jogterület fejlődésének folyamatos nyomon követése mellett.

Nyitott a szakmai együttműködésre nemzetközi környezetben.

d) autonómiája és felelőssége Tudatosan és önállóan törekszik önfejlesztésre, figyelemmel kíséri az európai és nemzetközi

gazdasági viszonyok szabályozóinak változásait.

Figyelemmel kíséri a vonatkozó szakirodalmat.

Reflektív módon viszonyul saját munkájához.

Komplex, nemzetközi elemet tartalmazó üzleti jogi problémák esetében önállóan azonosítja a

releváns nemzeti, nemzetközi, uniós szabályozókat.

Képes önállóan megoldani a nemzetközi elemet tartalmazó üzleti jogi problémákat, felismeri az

ehhez kapcsolódó olyan részkérdéseket, melyek megoldása speciális, más ország jogának ismeretét

igénylő tudást tesznek szükségessé.

Felelősséget vállal az általa készített jogi szakvélemény, jogi értékelés megfelelőségéért.

9. A mesterképzés jellemzői

9.1. Szakmai jellemzők A szakképzettséghez vezető tudományágak, szakterületek, amelyekből a szak felépül: európai uniós

jogi és nemzetközi üzleti jogi alapismeretek 3-6 kredit;

európai és nemzetközi üzleti jogi szakmai ismeretek (Európai Unió belső piaca, az Európai Bíróság

eljárási joga, nemzetközi magánjog uniós, nemzetközi és nemzeti szabályozása, szerződési jog európai

és nemzetközi szabályozói, multinacionális vállalatok működése, a nemzetközi kereskedelemi

választott bíráskodás, a szellemi tulajdon védelmének szabályozása) 25-30 kredit;

az európai uniós jog üzleti jog szempontjából releváns szakterületei [fogyasztóvédelmi jog, társasági

jog, szociális jog, versenyjog a transznacionális kereskedelmi ügyletekhez kapcsolódó részterületeken

(nemzetközi fizetési ügyletek, árufuvarozás)] 16-20 kredit.

9.2. A képzést megkülönböztető speciális jegyek A képzés angol nyelven folyik.



A képzésre vonatkozó angol nyelvű információk linkje:

Felvételi követelmények és a jelentkezési folyamat:

Az angol nyelven folyó európai és nemzetközi üzleti mesterképzési szakos (LL.M.) képzésre

jelentkezőknek egy legalább 4 éves képzést felölelő jogi diplomával és jó angol nyelvtudással kell


A jelentkezőknek a következő dokumentumokat kell elektronikusan elküldeniük a képzés angol

nyelvű tájékoztatójában megadott időpontig:

Jelentkezési űrlap

Angol nyelvű fényképes önéletrajz

Útlevél másolata

Angol nyelv motivációs levél (minimum 1 oldal, mely tartalmazza a jelentkező hátterét, terveit

és tanulmányi céljat)

A jogi diploma hiteles angol nyelvű másolata (amennyiben a jelentkező várhatóan a

jelentkezési határidő után kapja meg a jogi diplomáját, de a jogi képzés elvégzése az aktuális

tanév végéig befejeződik, a jog diploma hiteles angol nyelvű másolatát a diplomaosztó után

kell benyújtani) – minimum követelmény: 4 éves jogi diploma

Két ajánlólevél (legalább egy a jelentkező jogi képzését nyújtó intézményből)

Nyelvvizsga bizonyítvány másolata – minimum követelmény: CEFR B2 (megfelel a

következő nyelvvizsgáknak: Cambridge English First (FCE)/ BEC Vantage/ IELTS 5.5-6.5/

TOEFL iBT 87-109/ Michigan ECCE/ PTE General Level 3/ PTE Academic 59-75/ Trinity


A jelentkezőknek 100 Euró vissza nem térítendő adminisztratív díjat is kell fizetniük a felvételi

eljárásért, amely a beiratkozáskor levonásra kerül az önköltségből.

Minden dokumentumot az [email protected] címre kell küldeni.

A benyújtott dokumentumok és egy előválogatás alapján az Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar Felvételi

Bizottsága skype-interjút folytat a továbbjutott jelentkezőkkel. A felvételi elbeszélgetés és a benyújtott

dokumentumok alapján a felvételiző maximum 100 pontot kaphat a felvételi eljárásban, és legalább 60

pontot kell elérnie a szakra való felvételhez.

A jelentkezők június 30-ig kapnak értesítést a Kar döntéséről, kivéve azokat a jelentkezőket, akik

később kapják meg az oklevelüket (diplomájukat). Esetükben a Kar július 31-én zárja le a jelentkezési


A Kar hivatalos befogadólevelet és minden szükséges igazolást elküld azoknak, akiknek jelentkezését

elfogadta, annak érdekében, hogy segítse a vízumszerzés folyamatát. A felvételt nyert jelentkezőknek

emailben kell megerősíteniük a képzésben való részvételüket.

A Kar minden felvételt nyert jelentkezőtől elvárja, hogy mutassa be azon dokumentumok eredeti

példányát, amelyeket a felvételi eljárás során benyújtott.

Fizetendő díjak és ösztöndíj lehetőség

Önköltség: EUR 6.000 (két részletben)

Az első részlet (EUR 2900) a felvétel igazolása után fizetendő, a jelentkező vízumszerzési eljárásának

elindítása előtt.

Az önköltség tartalmazza a képzésben való részvételt, az oklevelet, elektronikus tananyagot,

könyvtárhasználatot és számos jogi adatbázishoz való hozzáférést, tanórán kívüli tevékenységeket (pl.

bírósági részvételt), néhány képzéshez kapcsolódó eseményt (fogadásokat), és a hallgatói jóléti


Az önköltség nem tartalmazza a megélhetési költségeket, utazási költségeket, társadalombiztosítási és

orvosi ellátást, közigazgatási díjakat, illetékeket, szállást és közösségi eseményeket, amelyek nem

kapcsolódnak az európai és nemzetközi üzleti jog mesterképzési szak (LL.M.) képzéséhez.

A hallgatói jóléti szolgáltatások a következőket nyújtják: segítséget a vízumkérelem benyújtásában, és

a külföldiek regisztrálásában, társadalombiztosítási és orvosi ellátásban, hallgatói ismerkedési

programokban való részvételt stb. A Kar kollégiumi szállást tud ajánlani vagy segítséget tud nyújtani

más megfelelő szálláslehetőség keresésében.

Bizonyos országokból jelentkezők számára lehetőség van a Stipendium Hungaricum ösztöndíj

programban való részvételre, amelyet a magyar állam finanszíroz. Az ösztöndíj fedezi a teljes

önköltséget, a szállásköltséget (vagy hozzájárul a szállás költségeihez) és a betegbiztosítást. További

információkért látogassa meg a következő internetes oldalt:


A vízumszerzés a szakra jelentkező külföldi hallgatók feladata, ezt az Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar a

felvételi igazolással, az első féléves önköltség befizetésének igazolásával és kollégiumi férőhely

biztosításával támogatja, illetve információval látja el a Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Hivatalt és a

vízumszerzési folyamatba bevont magyar külképviseletet. A vízumszerzésre vonatkozó információkat

a jelentkezők a következő linkeken találják:




A vízumszerzés feltétele a teljeskörű egészségbiztosítás megléte, a külföldi jelentkezőnek ezt saját

hazájában kell intéznie. A Stipendium Hungaricum ösztöndíjat elnyert hallgatók egészségbiztosítási

költségeit az ösztöndíj fedezi, és az Egyetem segít az ügyintézésben. Az egészségbiztosításra

vonatkozó információkat az alábbi hivatkozás tartalmazza:


Megélhetőségi költségek:

A magyarországi megélhetési költségekről a külföldi jelentkezők és hallgatók az alábbi hivatkozásban















EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi Tanszék

Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi

működésének alapismeretei, jogharmonizációs


(Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of

European Economic Integration and Legal


kötelező - Osztovits András 1 kollokvium 30 3 3

Polgári Jogi és Római Jogi TanszékNemzetközi üzleti jogi alapismeretek

(Introduction into International Business Law)kötelező - Boóc Ádám 1 kollokvium 30 3 3

EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi TanszékAz áruk és a személyek szabad áramlása az EU-ban

(The Free Movement of Goods, and Persons in the EU)kötelező - Osztovits András 1 gyakorlati jegy 15 15 2 1 3

EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi Tanszék

A szolgáltatások és a tőke szabad áramlása az EU-ban

(The Free Movement of Services and Capital within the


kötelező - Osztovits András 1 gyakorlati jegy 15 15 2 1 3

Infokommunikációs Jogi TanszékEurópai és összehasonlító versenyjog

(European and Comparative Competition Law)kötelező - Tóth Andás 1 kollokvium 15 15 2 1 3

EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi Tanszék

Az áruk nemzetközi adásvétele: a Bécsi Vételi Egyezmény


(International Sale of Goods: the CISG and INCOTERMS)

kötelező - Molnár István János 1 gyakorlati jegy 15 15 2 1 3

EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi Tanszék

Nemzetközi befektetésvédelmi szabályozás és


(Rules and Institutions of International Investment


kötelező - Molnár István János 1 kollokvium 15 15 2 1 3

Polgári Jogi és Római Jogi TanszékA szellemi tulajdon európai és nemzetközi védelme

(European and International Intellectual Property Law)kötelező - Boóc Ádám 1 kollokvium 15 15 2 1 3

Polgári Jogi és Római Jogi TanszékNemzetközi kereskedelmi választottbíráskodás

(International Commercial Arbitration)kötelező Boóc Ádám 1 kollokvium 15 15 2 1 3

1. félév összesen 165 105 20 7

Polgári Jogi és Római Jogi Tanszék

A szerződési jog európai és nemzetközi szabályozása

(European and International Harmonization of General

Contract Law)

kötelező Boóc Ádám 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

Kereskedelmi Jogi és Pénzügyi Jogi TanszékEurópai társasági jog

(European Company Law)



Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi

működésének alapismeretei,

jogharmonizációs alapismeretek

(Introduction into the Institutional

Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization)

Miskolczi Bodnár

Péter2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

Kereskedelmi Jogi és Pénzügyi Jogi Tanszék

A felelős vállatatirányítás joga

(Corporate Governance and Corporate Social



választhatóSzuchy Róbert 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

Kereskedelmi Jogi és Pénzügyi Jogi TanszékEurópai és összehasonlító fogyasztóvédelmi jog

(European and Comparative Consumer Protection Law)



Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi

működésének alapismeretei,

jogharmonizációs alapismeretek

(Introduction into the Institutional

Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization)

Miskolczi Bodnár

Péter2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

Munkajogi és Szociális Jogi TanszékSzociális jogok az Európai Unióban

(Social Rights in the European Union)



Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi

működésének alapismeretei,

jogharmonizációs alapismeretek

(Introduction into the Institutional

Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization)

Homicskó Árpád

Olivér2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi Tanszék

Az Európai Unió Bíróságának esetjoga – jogértelmezés,


(The Case Law of the Court of the European Union –

Interpretation, Methodology)



Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi

működésének alapismeretei,

jogharmonizációs alapismeretek

(Introduction into the Institutional

Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization)

Osztovics András 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

Kereskedelmi Jogi és Pénzügyi Jogi TanszékNemzetközi és európai adózás

(International and European Taxation)



Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi

működésének alapismeretei,

jogharmonizációs alapismeretek

(Introduction into the Institutional

Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization)

Nemzetközi üzleti jogi alapismeretek

(Introduction into International Business Law)

Ercsey Zsombor 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

Bűnügyi Tudományok IntézetePénzügyi és gazdasági bűnügyi együttműködés

(Cooperation in Financial and Economic Crimes)



Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi

működésének alapismeretei,

jogharmonizációs alapismeretek

(Introduction into the Institutional

Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization)

Nemzetközi üzleti jogi alapismeretek

(Introduction into International Business Law)

Dobrocsi Szilvia 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi Tanszék

A jogászi tevékenység az EU-ban és jogi

okiratszerkesztés angol nyelven

(The Legal Profession within the EU and Drafting Legal

Documents in English)


Az áruk és a személyek szabad áramlása az EU-

ban (The Free Movement of Goods, and

Persons in the EU)A szolgáltatások és a tőke

szabad áramlása az EU-ban (The Free

Movement of Services and Capital within the

Molnár István János 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

Infokommunikációs Jogi Tanszék

Európai távközlési jog és az elektronikus kereskedelem

jogi szabályozása

(European Telecommunications Law and the Law of

Electronic Commerce)



Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi

működésének alapismeretei,

jogharmonizációs alapismeretek

(Introduction into the Institutional

Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization)

Nemzetközi üzleti jogi alapismeretek

(Introduction into International Business

Law)Európai és összehasonlító versenyjog

(European and Comparative Competition Law)

Tóth Andás 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi Tanszék

További szerződések a nemzetközi kereskedelemben:

fuvarjog, fizetési módok, egyéb szerződések, szerződéses


(Advanced Contracts in International Business Law:

International Carriage of Goods, Payment Methods,

Misc. Other Contracts, Securities)



Az áruk nemzetközi adásvétele: a Bécsi Vételi

Egyezmény és az INCOTERMS

(International Sale of Goods: the CISG and


Molnár István János 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

Társadalomtudományok és Nemzetközi

Tanulmányok Intézete

Speciális vitarendezési fórumok a nemzetközi


(Special Dispute Settlement Institutions in International




A határon átívelő gazdasági tevékenység

állami ellenőrzésének nemzetközi szabályozói

(International Regulation of State Intervention

in International Commerce)

Törő Csaba 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 3 3

8 tantárgy (2 kötelező + 6 köt. vál) 24

Szabadon választható tárgyszabadon

választható2 gyakorlati jegy 30 4 4

Szakdolgozati felkészítő kötelező 2 beszámoló 10 5

2. félév összesen 0 280 0 33

Szabadon választható tárgyak

Polgári Jogi és Római Jogi Tanszék

Nemzetközi kereskedelmi választottbírósági perbeszéd-

verseny felkészítés és szimuláció

(International Commercial Arbitration Moot and



választhatóBoóc Ádám 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 4

EU Jogi és Nemzetközi Magánjogi TanszékFontosabb jogi adatbázisok használata

(Use of Major Legal Databases)


választhatóMolnár István János 2 gyakorlati jegy 30 4

mindösszesen 20 40

6 30 19









550 60

óraszám kredittárgyfelelős




2. félév (2 kötelező + 6 kötelezően választható tárgy +1 SZV)

tanszék tantárgy nevetantárgy

típusaelőfel tétel

1. félév


Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic Integration and

Legal Harmonization

Title of course in Hungarian: Az európai gazdasági integráció intézményi működésének alapismeretei,

jogharmonizációs alapismeretek

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of International and European Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: -

Course supervisor: Dr. András Osztovits, PhD, associate professor, head of department

Lecturer(s): Dr. András Osztovits, PhD, associate professor, head of department

Course description, purpose of the course: The course intends to raise and explain the basic issues of the operation, the institutional composition and the

policy instruments of the European Union, focusing on the aspects of economic integration. As the result of half

a century of gradual progress and expansion, the EU has emerged as the defining framework for the

understanding of European politics and economic integration. The directions and meaning of European political,

economic and social transformations can not be properly grasped without the identification of the rules and

organisational machinery, the policy tools and political division of responsibilities within the European system of

multilevel governance, the characteristics of the legal system and the decision-making mechanism of the

European Union. The course puts special emphasis on the instruments and rules of European legal


Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. The brief history of European integration after World War Two. Forms of economic integration and

their evolution in the European project: free-trade association, customs union, common market and

single European market

2. The principal organs of the European Union: the Council of the EU - its functions, operational methods

and levels, and its supportive organizational structure (General Secretariat).

3. The principal organs of the European Union: The European Commission – composition,

responsibilities, functions, instruments of action, agencies under its direction.

4. The principal organs of the European Union: The European Parliament and its election, members,

organization, competencies and its place in the institutional balance. The European Central Bank (ECB)

5. The principal organs of the European Union: The European Court of Justice (ECJ): jurisdiction,

procedure and its place in the system of judicial remedies on the basis of EU law.

6. Decision- and law-making process: legislative procedures (consultation, assent, co-operation and co-

decision), voting system within the Union (unanimity and qualified majority), delegation of decisions

and “comitology”

7. Multilevel governance in the EU: sovereignty, supra-nationality and subsidiarity in the division of roles

and competencies (exclusive, shared, complementary) among the main institutions, community method

and intergovernmental co-ordination

8. Unity, flexibility and transformation in the EU: enlargement, multi-speed integration and enhanced co-


9. The structure of the European law: primary and secondary legal sources. Primary sources of EU law:

layers of fundamental accords (Rome, Single European Act, Maastricht, Amsterdam, Nice, Lisbon and

accession treaties) and international agreements. The standing of the European Union in trade-related

international organizations and international agreements.

10. The characteristics of the secondary sources of EU law: regulation, directive, decision, recommendation

and opinion as legislative acts of community institutions

11. The basics of the application of EU law in Member States: implementation, direct effect and direct

applicability, proportionality and legal certainty

12. The case-law of the European Court concerning the methods and outcomes of the application of

European law in the Member States

13. The basics of the four freedoms: introduction into the main concepts of the free movement of goods and


14. The basics of the four freedoms: introduction into the main concepts of the free movement of persons

and capital

15. Some main common policies of economic integration: common agricultural, trade, environmental,

competition and regional policy

Interim course requirement(s): course attendance, presentation of one of the institutions of the European


Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on the Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization – A selection of study material (legal sources, court decisions, studies) designed for

the course by the course lecturer(s). The Compendium is aimed at the use of the LL.M.program students solely

and is not intended for commercial circulation. A copy of the Compendium is available to every student in the


Recommended additional sources:

Allan F. Tatham: EC law in practice - a case-study approach, Budapest : HVG-ORAC, 2006 (Chapter I-III.)

706 pages ISBN: 9637490469

Horváth Zoltán: Handbook on the European Union, Budapest : HVG-ORAC, 2012 (Sections indicated by

the lecturer) 707 pages ISBN 978-963-258-1460

Gráinne de Búrca – Paul Craig: EU law – text, cases, materials, New York : Oxford University Press (5th

edition), 2011 (Chapters 1-10.) 1304 pages ISBN 978-0199576999

Christa Tobler – Jacques Berlinger: Essential EC law in charts, Budapest : HVG-ORAC, 2012 (2dn edition)

363 pages ISBN 978-9632580869

Introduction into International Business Law

Title of course in Hungarian: Nemzetközi üzleti jogi alapismeretek

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of Civil and Roman Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: -

Course supervisor: Dr. Ádám Boóc, PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Department

Lecturer(s): Dr. Laurent Niddam

Course description, purpose of the course: The course provides for the introduction into the regulation of international trade and business through

international legal sources, including international agreements and other means of legislation, such as the various

components of the new lex mercatoria. The course discusses the institutional aspects of law making and

adjudication in international business law. The law focuses on both private and public law issues.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: 1. The differences between private law and public law components of international trade and business

relations and the subject matters of regulation. The reasons for a separate regulation of international

trade from domestic business.

2. The differences between procedural, conflict of laws and substantive law regulations and their impact

on international trade relations

3. International organizations active in the regulation of the private law dimensions of international trade

and business

4. The system of legal sources regulating contract law and other instrumentalities of conducting business:

international conventions and their functioning in international business

5. The system of legal sources regulating contract law and other instrumentalities of conducting business:

the concept of lex mercatoria

6. The system of legal sources regulating contract law and other instrumentalities of conducting business:

the role and standing of case law, especially of international commercial arbitration

7. Basic principles in international business law affecting the application of legal sources

8. Main legal sources relating to the law of securities and general contract law and the international

organizations active in these fields

9. Main legal sources relating to intellectual property law and specific contracts 1. and the international

organizations active in these fields

10. Main legal sources relating to intellectual property law and specific contract 2. and the international

organizations active in these fields

11. Internal lex mercatoria: international commercial codes and the application of domestic civil codes and

other private law instruments in international business law. The standing of multi- and transnational

corporations in international business law and specific company law and related provisions applicable

to the settlement of foreigners for business purposes.

12. Regulating the public law dimensions of international trade in the field of trade in goods, services and

intellectual property. Post World War Two achievements: institutional aspects. The GATT and the

WTO: history, organizational structure, decision-making, dispute settlement.

13. The major substantive law provisions of the GATT: most favored nation treatment, national treatment,

system of preferences, waiver clause, etc. Other important free-trade areas and the working of similar

bi-later treaties.

14. The problems concerning the protection foreign property and investment. Nationalization and

expropriation of foreign property in international law.

15. Means of investment protection: the Washington Convention and the ICSID, MIGA, international bi-

lateral treaties and agreements, internal investment protection laws.

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on the Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic Integration

and Legal Harmonization – A selection of study material (legal sources, court decisions, studies) designed for

the course by the course lecturer(s). The Compendium is aimed at the use of the LL.M.program students solely

and is not intended for commercial circulation. A copy of the Compendium is available to every student in the


Recommended additional sources:

Hans van Houtte: The Law of International Trade, London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001. 477 pages ISBN


Carole Murray [et al.].: Schmitthoff's export trade : The law and practice of international trade (11th

ed.) London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2007. 953 pages ISBN 0-412-89280-3

Ralph H.Folsom, Michael Wallace Gordon, John A.Spagnole, Jr.: International business transactions :

A problem-oriented coursebook (11th ed.) St.Paul : West, 2012. 1392 pages ISBN 978-0314274465

The Free Movement of Goods, and Persons in the EU

Title of course in Hungarian: Az áruk és a személyek szabad áramlása az EU-ban

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of International and European Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: -

Course supervisor: Dr. András Osztovits, PhD, associate professor, head of department

Lecturer(s): Dr. András Osztovits, PhD, associate professor, head of department

Course description, purpose of the course: The central issue of establishing the European Communities was to create a single market. The discussion of

these legal materials will therefore be placed within the context of the more general issues concerning the

customs union and taxation respectively.

This course also deals with the free movement of emloyed persons (workers), with the free movement of the

self-employed and of companies (establishment and services) and with the more recent category of European

citizens. The course explains the close interrelation between the free movement of services and the free

movement of persons (freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services).

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. The rise of the concept of the European single market and the importance of the regulation of trading in


2. The working of commonly known obstacles in the free movement of goods: customs, charges having

equivalent effect, non-tariff barriers. Taxation and similar means of intervention.

3. Other means that affect the free movement of goods: competition law, procedural and conflict of laws,

substantive private law, etc.

4. The basis of Community competences and the available instruments to regulate the free movement of

goods and services

5. Major European legal provisions in the free movement of goods 1.

6. Major European legal provisions in the free movement of goods 2.

7. The case law of the European Court of Justice relating to the free movement of goods 1.

8. The case law of the European Court of Justice relating to the free movement of goods 2.

9. The case law of the European Court of Justice relating to the free movement of goods 3.

10. Regulating import from third countries: the working of Community Customs Code

11. A comparison of the regulatory system of the free movement of goods and the system of the GATT

12. Major European legal provisions in the free movement of persons as workers 1.

13. Major European legal provisions in the free movement of persons as workers 2.

14. The case law of the European Court of Justice relating to the free movement of persons

15. Other dimensions that flow from the free movement of persons (e.g. administrative and judicial co-


Interim course requirement(s): course attendance, presentation of the relevant practice of the EU Court of


Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on the The Free Movement of Goods and Persons in the EU – A selection of study material

(legal sources, court decisions, studies) designed for the course by the course lecturer(s). The Compendium is

aimed at the use of the LL.M.program students solely and is not intended for commercial circulation. A copy of

the Compendium is available to every student in the program.

Recommended additional sources:

Gráinne de Búrca – Paul Craig: EU law – text, cases, materials, New York : Oxford University Press (5th

edition), 2011 (Chapters 1-10.) 1304 pages ISBN 978-0199576999

Barnard, Catherine: The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedom, New York : Oxford University

Press, 2010 (3rd ed.) 752 pages ISBN 978-0199562244

Metzinger, Péter - Nemessányi, Zoltán - Osztovits, András: Freedom of Establishment for Companies in

the European Union. Budapest : Complex, 2009. 208 pages ISBN 9789632950471

Allan F. Tatham: EC law in practice - a case-study approach, Budapest : HVG-ORAC, 2006. 706 pages

ISBN: 9637490469

The Free Movement of Services and Capital within the EU

Title of course in Hungarian: A szolgáltatások és a tőke szabad áramlása az EU-ban

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of International and European Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: -

Course supervisor: Dr. András Osztovits, PhD, associate professor, head of department

Lecturer(s): Dr. András Osztovits, PhD, associate professor, head of department

Course description, purpose of the course: The TFEU has two separate chapters on self-employed persons who move on a permanent or temporary basis

between Member States. These are the chapters on freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services.

The Treaty provisions are residual, in that they apply only in so far as the provisons concerning capital, persons,

or goods do not apply.

The free movement of capital is one of the four freedoms enshrined in the original Rome Treaty. There is now a

growing body of case law testing the scope of these provisions. This course will deal with all of these questions.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. The concept and scope of the free movement of services in European law

2. The working of commonly known traditional obstacles in the free movement of services

3. The basis of Community competences and the available instruments to regulate the free movement of

services. The residual nature of the regulations.

4. The connection between the concepts of the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide

services. Sectoral interests in the freedom of services.

5. Major European legal provisions in the free movement of services 1

6. Major European legal provisions in the free movement of services 2

7. The case law of the European Court relating to the free movement of services 1

8. The case law of the European Court relating to the free movement of services 2

9. Regulating services from third countries: competences and major provisions

10. A comparison of the regulatory system of the free movement of services and the system of the GATS

11. The concept and subject matters of the free movement of capital

12. The basis of Community competences and the available instruments to regulate the free movement of


13. Major European legal provisions in the free movement of capital 1

14. Major European legal provisions in the free movement of capital 2

15. The case law of the European Court relating to the free movement of capital

Interim course requirement(s): course attendance, presentation of the relevant practice of the EU Court of


Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on the The Free Movement of Goods and Persons in the EU – A selection of study material

(legal sources, court decisions, studies) designed for the course by the course lecturer(s). The Compendium is

aimed at the use of the LL.M.program students solely and is not intended for commercial circulation. A copy of

the Compendium is available to every student in the program.

Recommended additional sources:

Gráinne de Búrca – Paul Craig: EU law – text, cases, materials, New York : Oxford University Press (5th

edition), 2011 1304 pages ISBN 978-0199576999

Barnard, Catherine: The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedom, New York : Oxford University

Press, 2010 (3rd ed.) 752 pages ISBN 978-0199562244

Dahlberg, Mattias: Direct Taxation in Relation to the Freedom of Estalishment and the Free Movement of

Capital. The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 2005. 384 pages ISBN 978-9041123633

European and Comparative Competition Law

Title of course in Hungarian: Európai és összehasonlító versenyjog

Language of instruction: English

Department: ICT Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I.

Credit point value:

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required:

Course supervisor: András Tóth PhD., associate professor, head of department

Lecturer(s): András Tóth PhD., associate professor, head of department

Course description, purpose of the course:

The main goal of the course is covering both the theories and practice of competition law especially regarding

the EU competition law. The course will give economic background and policies upon which the competition

rules are grounded, show the historical development of the doctrinal rules, compare the main (EU and US)

competition regimes and teaching the students EU case analysis and how to apply the EU competition rules to

new fact patterns.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. Introduction (1): economic backgrounds, history of regulation of competition law, global competition


2. Introduction (2): comparison the regulatory system of US and EU competition law

3. Subject scope of the EU competition law: meaning of undertaking

4. Article 101 TFEU (1): agreement, concerted practices, decision of association of undertakings

5. Article 101 TFEU (2): by object/by effect infringement

6. Vertical agreements

7. Fighting against cartels: tools and due process

8. Article 102 TFEU (1): market definition and dominant position, abusive conducts

9. Article 102 TFEU (2): abuse conducts

10. Merger control

11. EU competition law aspects of state actions

12. Exam

Interim course requirement(s):

attendance: Students cannot absent more than three lessons otherwise the course won’t be absolved.

preparation for the lessons: questions and the cases and/or materials (based on them the questions can be

answered) for the next lesson will be distributed at the end of the last lesson. Students who are prepared on

answering questions during the lessons can earn scores (one each lessons). Who earns at least 7 scores during the

semester will be exempted from the final exam and the course will be absolved automatically.

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials: cases and materials will be distributed during the course

Recommended additional sources:

Einer Elhauge - Damien Geradin: Global Competition Law and Economics. Hart Publishing; 2 edition (August

1, 2011)

International Sale of Goods: the CISG and the INCOTERMS

Title of course in Hungarian: Az áruk nemzetközi adásvétele: a Bécsi Vételi Egyezmény és az INCOTERMS

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of European Law and International Private Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: none

Course supervisor: dr. István János Molnár, associate professor

Lecturer(s): dr. István János Molnár, associate professor

Course description, purpose of the course:

The purpose of the course is to provide the students with the knowledge of how to identify a international sale

contract and to distinguish such international sale contract from a domestic sale contrct of their own law on the

basis of its caracteristics. The course makes possible for the students to get to know the practice of international

sale contracts and to handle the different databases.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

This course deals with the two basic legal source of the international sale contracts, the Vienna Convention on

the international sales of goods (CISG – 1980) and the International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS) of the

International Chamber of Commerce and discusses the provisions of the same, their practice in the arbitration

courts and the results of the legal sciences.

The course includes:

1. Differences between the regulation of domestic sale contracts from international sale contracts.

International conventions before the CISG.

2. Drafting of the CISG, role of the UNCITRAL in the process. Status of the CISG. Sources relating to the

CISG. Relating case law.

3. Structure of the CISG. Scope of application.

4. General provisions.

5. Conclusion of the contract.

6. Obligations of the seller.

7. Obligations of the buyer.

8. Common rules relating to the obligations of the parties.

9. Fundamental breach of contract and other general provisions.

10. Legal consequences and closing provisions.

11. The INCOTERMS as a legal source. Different versions of the INCOTERMS.

12. Subject of the INCOTERMS and the regulated questions. Connection between the CISG and the


13. The INCOTERMS clauses and their practice. Methods of insertion of the INCOTERMS clauses into the


14. Case law of the CISG and the INCOTERMS.

Interim course requirement(s): presence on the course and preparation of different short papers for common


Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written and oral

Obligatory course materials:



Recommended additional sources:

The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Theory and Practice by Clayton P.

Gillette (Author)

The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Article by Article

Commentary by Loukas Mistelis (Author, Editor), Maria Del Pilar Perales Viscacillas (Editor), Stefan

Kroll (Editor)

Rules and Institutions of International Investment Protection

Title of course in Hungarian: Nemzetközi befektetésvédelmi szabályozás és intézmények

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of European Law and International Private Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: none

Course supervisor: dr. István János Molnár, associate professor

Lecturer(s): dr. István János Molnár, associate professor

Course description, purpose of the course:

A cél, hogy a hallgatók megismerjék a külföldi beruházásokkal kapcsolatos nemzetközi egyezmények

rendszerét, azt a jogi környezetet, amelyet az államok ezen a területen kialakítanak. Fontos része a képzésnek a

beruházásvédelemmel kapcsolatos nemzetközi joggyakorlat megismerése, különös tekintettel az ICSID előtti

jogvitás ügyekre.

The purpose of the course is to provide the students with the knowledge of the system of international treaties

relating to investment protection and the legal framework created by the countries in this field. An integral part

of the studium is the analysis of the international practice relating to investment protection, with special

reference to the cases before the ICSID:

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

During the course the students will learn the main provisions of the bilateral investment treaties and those of the

Washington Convention creating the ICSID and the Seoul Convention creating the MIGA.

The course includes:

1. Main international principles relating to the protection of foreign ownership. International principles

relating to investment protection.

2. Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) in historical context.

3. Main provisions of the BITs.

4. Regional instruments of investment protection.

5. The Washington Convention and the ICSID. Organization and operational framework.

6. Procedural rules of the ICSID.

7. Case law of the ICSID.

8. The Seoul Convention and the MIGA. Organization and operational framework.

9. Risks covered by the MIGA insurance coverage.

10. Legal disputes relating to the MIGA.

11. Investment protection in the national laws.

Interim course requirement(s): presence on the course and preparation of different short papers for common


Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: oral

Obligatory course materials:

The Washington Convention

The Seoul Convention

Recommended additional sources:

Principles of International Investment Law – 19 Dec 2012 by Rudolf Dolzer (Author), Christoph Schreuer


European and International Intellectual Property Law

Title of course in Hungarian: A szellemi tulajdon európai és nemzetközi védelme

Language of instruction: English


Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: -

Course supervisor: Dr. Ádám Boóc, PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Department

Lecturer(s): Dr. Karsay Enikő, Dr. Kovári Zoltán

Course description, purpose of the course: The course provides for a comprehensive coverage of intellectual property law, including both copyright law and

industrial property law, as regulated by international conventions and the law of the European Union. Besides

the substantive law of intellectual property, the course also covers the institutional aspects and available specific

international dispute settlement mechanisms.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: 1. The subject matter and general structure of intellectual property law: the distinction between copyright law

(author’s rights) and industrial property. The evolution of IP regulation: early national codifications,

international treaties from the XIXth century onwards, internationally harmonized national standards.

2. International organizational aspects of regulating IP law and the characteristics of the major international

conventions. The WIPO and the conventions under the WIPO system. The TRIPS under the Marrakech

Agreement. Other major international or regional organizations and conventions in the field. The

competences of the European Union in regulating IP law.

3. The basics of the system set up by the Berne Convention and its protocols in the field of substantive

copyright law 1.

4. The basics of the system set up by the Berne Convention and its protocols in the field of substantive

copyright law 2.

5. International aspects of copyright law under the Berne Convention system

6. Other major international agreements in copyright law. The law of the European Union in the field of

copyright. Major national copyright / author’s rights regimes. Specific sectoral copyright law problems.

7. The basics of international licensing in copyright law

8. The basics of the system set up by the Paris Convention and its protocols in the field of substantive

industrial property law 1.

9. The basics of the system set up by the Paris Convention and its protocols in the field of substantive

industrial property law 2.

10. International aspects of industrial property law under the Paris Convention system

11. Other major international agreements in industrial property law

12. The law of the European Union in industrial property law.

13. Major national industrial property law regimes. Specific problems of specific forms of industrial property


14. The basics of international licensing in industrial property law

15. International dispute settlement in intellectual property law: the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the


Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on European and International Intellectual Property Law – A selection of study material

(legal sources, court decisions, studies) designed for the course by the course lecturer(s). The Compendium is

aimed at the use of the LL.M.program students solely and is not intended for commercial circulation. A copy of

the Compendium is available to every student in the program.

Recommended additional sources:

Daar, Jeffrey J. (ed.): International Intellectual Property Law Basics; Consulegis – International

Network of Law Firms, 2008. 560 pages ISBN 978-1-60702-811-6. Available online:

Phillips, Jeremy: Butterworths Intellectual Property Law Handbook, Tenth edition, Lexis Nexis United

Kingdom, London, 2011. 1915 pages ISBN 9781405763387

Kent, Allen and Lancour, Harold (eds.): Copyright: current viewpoints on history, laws, legislation,

New York : R.R. Bowker, 1972. 125 pages ISBN 0835205428 hb.

N. March Hunnings: Industrial property cases from Common Market law reports, London : European

Law Centre, c1973-c1988 ISBN 0950377503, 9780907451235

International Commercial Arbitration

Title of course in Hungarian: Nemzetközi kereskedelmi választottbíráskodás

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of Civil and Roman Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required:

Course supervisor: Dr. Ádám Boóc, PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Department

Lecturer(s): Dr. Ádám Boóc, PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Department

Course description, purpose of the course: The aim of the course is to give a picture to the students about the basic principles of commercial arbitration as

alternative form of dispute resolution. The target of the course is to make the students familiar with the essential

rules of international commercial arbitration and the most important arbitration institutes. Taking into

consideration that the practice has a relevant role in international arbitration, therefore we intend to analyze

several legal cases during the class meetings applying comparative legal methods, as well.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. The notion and legal nature of commercial arbitration.

2. The history of commercial arbitration.

3. International Conventions on the field of commercial arbitration.

4. Hungarian and International Arbitral Institutions.

5. The most important rules of the arbitration procedure I.: The arbitration clause.

6. The most important rules of the arbitration procedure II: Commencing the arbitration procedure.

7. The most important rules of the arbitration procedure III..: Appointment and Challenge of Arbitrator.

8. The most important rules of the arbitration procedure IV.: The Procedural Rules of Arbitration Award

in the arbitration procedure.

9. The most important rules of the arbitration procedure V.: Challenging the Award, the Notion of Public


10. Consultation.

Interim course requirement(s): presentation, essay

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

HORVÁTH É. — KÁLMÁN GY.: A nemzetközi eljárások joga, különös tekintettel a választottbíráskodásra.

Budapest, 2003.

A.REDFERN — M. HUNTER: Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration. London, 20044

BOÓC Á.: A nemzetközi kereskedelmi választottbíráskodás. A választottbíró megválasztása és kizárása. Budapest,


KECSKÉS L. – LUKÁCS J. (szerk.): Választottbírák könyve. Budapest, 2012.

T. VÁRADY — J.J. BARCELO III — A. T. VON MEHREN: International Commercial Arbitration. Minnesota, 1999.

G. B. BORN: International Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer 2009.

Journal of International Arbitration;

Arbitration International

Recommended additional sources:


European and International Harmonization of General Contract Law

Title of course in Hungarian: A szerződési jog európai és nemzetközi szabályozása

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of Civil and Roman Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: -

Course supervisor: Dr. Ádám Boóc, PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Department

Lecturer(s): Dr. Ádám Boóc, PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Department

Course description, purpose of the course: The course aims to a give a general introduction into the process and rules of harmonization of general contract

law both on the international and in the European level. Sources include the UNIDROIT Principles of

International Commercial Contracts, the PECL and CFR, and a number of other sources of lex mercatoria. The

course discusses both black-letter law and court application.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: 1. The importance and need for the harmonization of general contract law. The major international

organization and institutions involved (UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, the Lando Commission, etc.)

2. Sources of generally unified contract law and their standing in the hierarchy of norms. Application of

lex mercatoria in general contract matters. Application as “law” versus incorporation by reference. The

democratic legitimacy gap versus practical needs. The Rome I Regulation on the choice of non-state


3. The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, the Principles of European

Contract Law (PECL) and the Common Frame of References (CFR): objectives, drafting methods,

institutional background

4. The structure and coverage of the UNIDROIT Principles, PECL and CFR. Conditions for application.

Databases containing general international contract law provisions, court and arbitral application and


5. General principles 1: freedom of contract, requirements as to form, pacta sunt servanda, interpretation

of the norms

6. General principles 2: good faith, customs and practices, sending notice, definitions

7. General rules in the formation of contracts

8. Validity and invalidity: causes, legal consequences

9. Interpretational measures of the statements and other conduct of the parties

10. Constructing the contents of the contract

11. Performance

12. Non-performance, defective performance, breach of contract, legitimate excuses

13. Consequences of non-performance, defective performance or other breach of contract. Damages.

14. Returning general provisions in specific conventions drawn up by international organizations (e.g.


15. General contract law provisions in other lex mercatoria. General contract law provisions in internal

civil/private law specifically relating to international business contracts.

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on International Commercial Arbitration – A selection of study material (legal sources,

court decisions, studies) designed for the course by the course lecturer(s). The Compendium is aimed at the use

of the LL.M.program students solely and is not intended for commercial circulation. A copy of the Compendium

is available to every student in the program.

Recommended additional sources:

UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, International Institute for the

Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Rome, 2010, 498 pages ISBN 88 -86449 -19-4. Available


Oser, David: The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts – A Governing Law?

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers / Brill Academic, 2009, 184 pages ISBN 978-9004167896

Association Henri Capitant (ed.): European Contract Law - Materials for a Common Frame of

Reference: Terminology, Guiding Principles, Model Rules, Munich : Sellier EuropeanLlaw Publishers,

2008. 614 pages ISBN 978-3-86653-067-6

P.S. Atiyah: The Rise and Fall of Freedom of Contract, Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Clarendon Press ; New

York : Oxford University Press, 2003. 808 pages ISBN 9780198255277

European Company Law

Title of course in Hungarian: Európai társasági jog

Language of instruction: English

Department: Commercial Law and Financial Law Department

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic Integration and

Legal Harmonization

Course supervisor: Prof. Peter Miskolczi-Bodnár

Lecturer(s): Prof. Peter Miskolczi-Bodnár, Dr. Róbert Szuchy

Course description, purpose of the course:

The course focuses on company law issues within the European Union. The course has a comparative dimension,

outlining the similarities and differences of the most important company forms used in Europe in national

legislation. It also has a sui generis European law part, which reflects the results of European law harmonization

in the field of company law, including supra-national company forms.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. The discussion of the basic common questions of company law: formation, capital requirements,

governance and management, shareholder’s rights, etc.

2. The major characteristics of different company law / law of corporations regimes in the world. The

legislative competences of the European Union over company law.

3. Partnerships and similar company forms in comparison 1

4. Partnerships and similar company forms in comparison 2

5. Limited liability companies, private companies and similar company forms in comparison 1

6. Limited liability companies, private companies and similar company forms in comparison 2

7. Stock corporations, public companies and similar company forms in comparison 1

8. Stock corporations, public companies and similar company forms in comparison 2

9. The legal sources of European company law: strategies, action plans, directives, regulations and other


10. Directives relating to certain minimum standard aspects of public companies (formation, structure,

shareholder rights, etc.)

11. Merger directives and related questions

12. Miscellaneous other company law directives

13. The European Company Statute and the Societas Europaea, and other initiatives

14. The future of European company law: selected issues in the modernizing of European company law

15. Selected other issues in international company law: winding up, bankruptcy and related issues

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

- C Gernet-Beuerle and S. Fleet (eds) Gore-Brown on EU Company Law

Jordans Fublishing 2011-2013

- Stefan Grundmann: European Company Law

2nd edition Nov. 2011 Intersentia /or

2nd edition Nov. 2012 Hart Publishing

Recommended additional sources:

Walmsley, Keith (ed.): Butterworths company law handbook, Butterworths, 2012. 3733 pages ISBN


Andenas, Mads and Wooldridge Frank: European Comparative Company Law, New York : Cambridge

University Press, 2009.561 pages ISBN 978-0-521-84219-8

Grundmann, Stefan: European Company Law: Organization, Finance and Capital Markets, Antwerpen-

Oxford Intersentia, 2012. 1042 pages ISBN 978-1780680194

Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Title of course in Hungarian: A felelős vállalatirányítás joga

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of Coomercial Law and Financial Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: -

Course supervisor: Dr. Róbert Szuchy, Associate professor, Vice-Dean

Lecturer(s): Dr. Róbert Szuchy, Associate professor, Vice-Dean

Course description, purpose of the course:

Business activities are mainly influenced by Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. This

course will examine the governmental structure of corporations. Two sessions are devoted to elaborating on the

field of Corporate Social Responsibility. The course will introduce the main academic theories and the main

models that divide the countries into two groups: Anglo- American and Continental. The course will focus on the

regulation of Corporate Governance. It will consider the codes of German and English speaking countries, Japan

and Hungary and draw on comparative perspectives. It will also present other recommendations as well as the

OECD Principles in details. The European Union considers Corporate Governance and the modernization of

company law as a priority. The course will also explain the endeavor of the EU to regulate corporate governance.

A number of practical examples will also be the part and parcel of the course program. The course is based on a

list of required course materials that will furnish the basis for class’ discussions.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. Definitions and the evolution of Corporate Governance

Basic definitions in the field of Corporate Governance and the historical development of Corporate Governance

from the Wall Street Crash until nowadays will be discussed.

2. Parties involved in Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance is based on the relationship of many players (such as shareholders, management and

board of directors, stakeholders) involved in governing of a corporation. This meeting is devoted to discuss their

rights, duties and responsibilities.

3. Corporate Governance Theories

Organizational Theories (including Stewardship, Resource and Institutional Theory), Economic Theories (such

as Agency, Finance and Managerial Theory) and the Stakeholder Theory will be presented on this meeting.

4. Corporate Governance Legislation in the German-speaking area

Students will get acquainted with the legal regulation of Austria, Germany and Switzerland regarding to

Corporate Governance.

5. Corporate Governance in the Far-East

The Japanese model combines the emphasis on employees and on shareholders. This model will be compared

with other models by discussing the following topics: committee system, executive officers, general

shareholders’ meeting, liability of directors and auditors

6. Corporate Governance in the UK

A revised Combined Code on Corporate Governance was issued on 23 June 2006 in the United Kingdom. Its

main principles and provisions will be analyzed.

7. Corporate Governance in the USA

In the United States, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has introduced new standards of accountability on the board

of directors for U.S. companies or companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges. This course is dedicated to sum up

the main provisions of this Act.

8. Corporate Governance in the EU

Harmonisation of the rules relating to company law and CG, as well as to accounting and auditing, is essential

for creating a Single Market for Financial Services and products. The main regulatory solutions including action

plans and directives will be discussed.

9. OECD principles

These principles are intended to assist in the evaluation and improvement of the legal, institutional and

regulatory framework that influences Corporate Governance. They also provide guidance for stock exchanges,

investors, corporations, and others that have a role in the process of developing good Corporate Governance. The

presentation will deal with the provisions of this regulation.

10. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR is about how business takes account of its economic, social and environmental impacts in the way it

operates – maximizing the benefits and minimizing the downsides. The course discussion will be based on these


11. Corporate Social Responsibility in the EU

The European Commission plays an active role in regulating CSR. Recent communications will be presented to

the students.

12. Corporate Governance in Hungarian Corporate Law

This course is devoted to explore the organizational structure of a company limited by shares and comparing it

with the organizational structure of other corporate forms. Corporate Governance Recommendations of Budapest

Stock Exchange will be debated as well.

13. Best practice and case studies

Corporate Governance Guidelines of certain companies and case studies are the main issues of this course.

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Monks, R., Minow, N.: Corporate Governance; 4rd edition, Wiley-Blackwel publishing, 2008

Further additional reading materials will be provided on the first meeting.

Recommended additional sources:

European and Comparative Consumer Protection Law

Title of course in Hungarian: Európai és összehasonlító fogyasztóvédelmi jog

Language of instruction: English

Department: Commercial Law and Financial Law Department

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic Integration and

Legal Harmonization

Course supervisor: Prof. Peter Miskolczi-Bodnár


Prof. Peter Miskolczi-Bodnár

Dr. András Osztovits (PhD)

Dr. Róbert Szuchy (PhD)

Course description, purpose of the course:

This course instructs students about the major trends in national consumer protection laws and gives a detailed

overview of the consumer protection regime of the European Union. The course deals with the normative laws of

consumer protection and the relevant case law, and also outs some of the key questions is consumer protection in

perspective from a jurisprudential and also economic point of view.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. The objectives of consumer protection. The economic foundations of consumer protection.

2. The relationship of consumer protection law with the different legal branches. The history of consumer

protection legislation. The competences of the European Union over consumer protection.

3. Major legal sources of consumer protection law. Major consumer protection systems in the world. The

system of consumer-related legislation in the EU and in major national legal systems

4. The institutional aspects of consumer protection. The consumer as a legal subject. Information rights of

consumers. Consumer protection and the law of advertising.

5. Consumer safety. Unfair trade practices.

6. Distant selling and other related issues

7. General terms in consumer contracts

8. Guarantee and warranty

9. Product liability

10. Timeshare contracts. Agency for consumer contracts.

11. Consumer protection in the financial sector

12. Legal problems of consumer credit

13. Enforcing consumer rights: available means of dispute resolution

14. Enforcing consumer rights: available remedies

15. The analysis of complex consumer law cases

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

- Research Hndbook on EU Consumer and Contract Law

ed by Christian Twigg-Flesner Elgar 2016

- Hans-W. Micklitz, Mateja Durovic: Internationalization of Consumer Law: A Game Changer SpringerBriefs


Recommended additional sources:

Cseres, Katalin Judit: Competition Law and Consumer Protection, The Hague : Kluwer Law,:2005,468

pages ISBN 9041123806

Schulze, Reiner and Schulte-Nolke, Hans and Jones, Jackie (ed.): A casebook on European consumer

law, Oxford; Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing, 2002. 276 pages ISBN 978-1841132273

Micklitz, Hans W.: The basics of European consumer law, Centro de Formacao Juridica e Judiciaria,

2007. 525 pages ISBN 9789993790426

Social Rights in the European Union

Title of course in Hungarian: Szociális jogok az Európai Unióban

Language of instruction: English

Department: Munkajogi és Szociális Jogi Tanszék

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic

Integration and Legal Harmonization

Course supervisor: Dr. Árpád Olivér Homicskó, Vice-Dean, Deputy Head of Department

Lecturer(s): Dr. Árpád Olivér Homicskó, Dr. Attila Kun

Course description, purpose of the course:

This special course deals with the field of social rights. Students have access to social security issues from the

historical aspect of the development of legal, administrative and social rights. Owing to the comparative and

international feature of the course, it focuses on the legal regulation of the European countries connected to

social security. In this way students will be familiar with social rights from several aspects, and thus

understanding their own country’s social law practice better. The course also deals with international

organizations, mainly with the role of the European Union in the social security field. During the course,

students should be able to analyze and solve legal problems arising from the application of national legislation,

to discuss methodological issues, to disclose legal discourses on social rights.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: 1. The international antecedents of the development of social rights, the emergence of social legislation in

European countries. The international aspects of social security

2. The regulation of economic, social and cultural rights in the international human rights law

3. European human rights conventions in the area of economic, social and cultural rights

4. The basis of European social security

5. History of the development of some social care systems I. (Insurance type system)

6. History of the development of some social care systems II. (Aid type system)

7. History of the development of some social care systems III. (Insurance type system)

8. The emergence of social welfare states after the II. world war in Europe

9. A short description of the Beveridge model as a precedent of modern welfare states.

10. The increasing role of social policy at EU level and its main areas

11. Open coordination in the European Union on social rights.

12. Coordination of the social security system of the Member States of the European Union. Introduction

into the basics of coordination

13. Description of the general provisions of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 (organisational, personal,

material and spatial principles, general principles of application of the law)

14. Description of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 on some services (e.g. illness, maternity,

unemployment, elders) I.

15. Description of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 on some services (e.g. illness, maternity,

unemployment, elders) II.

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course compendium

Recommended additional sources:

- European Social Security Law: 6th Edition (Ius Communitatis)

Frans Pennings

ISBN 10: 178068276X ISBN 13: 9781780682761

Publisher: Intersentia, 2015


Edited by Stefano Civitarese Matteucci, Simon Halliday, 2017 – Routledge, 336 pages

The Case Law of the Court of the European Union – Interpretation, Methodology

Title of course in Hungarian: Az Európai Unió Bíróságának esetjoga – jogértelmezés, metodológia

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of International and European Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic Integration and

Legal Harmonization

Course supervisor: Dr. András Osztovits, PhD, Associate professor, Head of Department

Lecturer(s): Dr. András Osztovits, PhD, Associate professor, Head of Department

Course description, purpose of the course:

This course gives an insight into the methodology of reading and interpreting the judgments of the Court of

Justice of the European Union. The judgments of the European Court of Justice are collegiate, representing the

single ruling of all of the judges hearing the case. Since there are no dissents or separately concurring judgments,

the divergent views of different judges may be contained within the language of the judgment. The aim of this

course is to explain this methodology in order to understand the way of thinking of the Court.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. The objectives of the functioning and the role of the European Court of Justice of the European Union

2. Judges and other professional staff: requirements, conditions and competences

3. The impact of multicultural legal backgrounds on the professional work of the Court

4. Linguistic issues in the work of the Court

5. Basic rules of procedure 1

6. Basic rules of procedure 2

7. Drafting options for judgments 1

8. Drafting options for judgments 2

9. The methodology of reading judgments: separation of functional parts, issue spotting, legal analysis,

etc. 1

10. The methodology of reading judgments: separation of functional parts, issue spotting, legal analysis,

etc. 2

11. Canons of interpretations of judgments 1

12. Canons of interpretations of judgments 2

13. Handling case law databases. The public discussion of the judgments of the European Court.

14. Complex reading and interpretation exercises 1

15. Complex reading and interpretation exercises 2

Interim course requirement(s): course attendance, presentation of the relevant practice of the EU Court of


Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on Social Rights in the European Union – A selection of study material (legal sources,

court decisions, studies) designed for the course by the course lecturer(s). The Compendium is aimed at the use

of the LL.M programme students solely and is not intended for commercial circulation. A copy of the

Compendium is available to every student in the program.

Recommended additional sources:

Gráinne de Búrca – Paul Craig: EU law – text, cases, materials, New York : Oxford University

Press (5th edition), 2011. 1304 pages ISBN 978-0199576999

Stone Sweet: The Judicial Construction of Europe. New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. 304

pages ISBN 978-0199275533

Arnull, Anthony: The European Union and its Court of Justice (2nd ed.) New York : Oxford

University Press, 2006. 784 pages ISBN 978-0199258857

International and European Taxation

Title of course in Hungarian: Nemzetközi és európai adózás

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of Commercial Law and Financial Law

Type of course: obligatorily elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic Integration and

Legal Harmonization; Introduction into International Business Law

Course supervisor: Dr. Zsombor Ercsey, Associate professor

Lecturer(s): Dr. Zsombor Ercsey, Associate professor

Course description, purpose of the course:

The goal of this course is to provide students with an overview of issues related to the international and

European aspects of public finance and tax law.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. Introduction to the public finance of the European Union. Fiscal and monetary policy of the European

Union and the member states thereof.

2. Tax harmonization within the European Union.

3. The European regulation of Value Added Tax.

4. Comparative tax law 1.

5. Comparative tax law 2.

6. International tax law (general overview).

7. The relationship between domestic and international tax law.

8. International taxation, sources of law, jurisdiction.

9. Double taxation, methods for elimination thereof.

10. OECD Model Tax Convention.

11. Taxation of income.

12. Taxation of capital.

13. International Tax Cooperation.

Interim course requirement(s):

The students write a paper regarding the issues discussed on the course, and, upon request, may hold a

presentation as well.

Type of evaluation: course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written

Obligatory course materials:

M. Schellekens et al (eds.): European Tax Handbook 2017. Amsterdam: IBFD, 2017. ISBN 978-90-8722-407-3

Fabiola Annacondia (ed.): EU VAT Compass 2016/2017. Amsterdam: IBFD, 2016. ISBN 978-90-8722-376-2

The applicable regulation and conventions.

Recommended additional sources:

Terra Ben J. M.: European tax law. (5th ed.) The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2008. ISBN 9789041127419

Giovanoli, Mario and Devos, Diego (eds.): International monetary and financial law: the global crisis, New

York: Oxford University Press, 2010. ISBN 9780199588411

Cooperation in Financial and Economic Crimes

Title of course in Hungarian: Pénzügyi és gazdasági bűnügyi együttműködés

Language of instruction: English

Department: Institute of Criminal Sciences

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value:

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required:

Course supervisor: Dr. Szilvia Dobrocsi, Associate professor, LL.M, PhD

Lecturer(s): Dr. Szilvia Dobrocsi, Associate professor, LL.M, PhD

Course description, purpose of the course:

The course focuses on the main criminal law issues of the financial and economic cooperation in the European

Union. The protection of the EU’s financial interests with the means of criminal law has been one of the main

issues of the European integration since the 1990s. During the years several forms and institutions of criminal

cooperation have been established by and between the member states of the European Union, which by serving

different purposes and using different methods all contribute to the efforts and success of member states’

criminal law authorities. The course makes students familiar with the history of the cooperation in criminal

matters, its milestones, main fields and institutions.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: Topics of the course:

1. The legal basis and the system of cooperation in administrative and judicial affairs concerning crimes of

the economy within the EU

2. The history of the establishment of the European judicial cooperation in criminal matters

3. Institutional aspects of the European judicial cooperation in criminal matters 1.

4. Institutional aspects of the European judicial cooperation in criminal matters 2.

5. Strategic concepts of cooperation against organized crime. Highlighted areas 1: drug trafficking and


6. Highlighted areas 2: the EU on computer related crime. Key issues of the fight against the trafficking in

human beings

7. Highlighted areas 3: combatting money laundering on the European level

8. Highlighted areas 4: combating fraud, VAT fraud, corruption.

9. Basic notions of cooperation in the field of criminal procedure and enforcement

10. Future of the cooperation

a) Graduates of the LL.M. program will be familiar with:

- the working mechanisms of the internal market of the European Union and their legislative instruments;

- the identification of legal sources (international, domestic; mandatory and soft law) relevant for legal problems

of international economy and trade and the handling of databases containing special rules (regulatory norms,

case law, jurisprudence or database containing their relevant data).

- information necessary for the complex handling of the private law aspects of international business relations

(e.g. international contract formation as a process, performance)

To some extent the course adds to all of the competences listed under point b) of the KKK (“Graduates of the

LL.M. degree will be capable of…”) and point c) of the KKK (“Skills and aptitudes necessary for practicing as a

professional of the degree program”).

Interim course requirement(s): presence and active participation at the classes

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation + essay

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

- materials handed out at class

Recommended additional sources:

- Katalin Ligeti – Vanessa Franssen: Challenges in the field of Economic and Financial Crime in Europe and the

US, Hart Publishing, 2017

- Valsamis Mitsilegas – Maria Bergström – Theodore Konstadinides: Research Hanbook on EU Criminal Law

Elgar, 2016

- Anderson Malcolm & Apap, Joanna (eds): Police and justice cooperation and the new European borders, The

Hague : Kluwer Law International, 2002. 312 pages ISBN 978-9041118936

Legal Profession within the EU, and drafting legal documents in English

Title of course in Hungarian: A jogászi tevékenység az EU-ban és jogi okiratszerkesztés angol nyelven

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of International and European Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: The Free Movement of Goods, and Persons in the EU, The Free Movement

of Services and Capital within the EU

Course supervisor: Dr. István Molnár János, Associate professor

Lecturer(s): Dr. Levente Borzsák

Course description, purpose of the course: The first part of the course discusses how the free movement rules of the EU apply on the legal profession. In

doing so, it partly compares the different models of the legal profession in some of the Member States, and partly

analyzes the respective directives of European law.

The second part of the course deals with the different drafting techniques used in law in the English language.

Questions include legal research, writing and citation for different legal purposes.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: 1. The legal profession in European countries: models of legal higher education and major career lines

within the legal professional

2. Attorneys in some Member States of the European Union: requirements, specialization, duties,

overall placement within the legal profession, the structure bars, etc.

3. Other legal professions in some Member States of the European Union: requirements,

specialization, duties, overall placement within the legal profession, structure, professional

associations, etc.

4. The rights of establishment and the legal profession

5. An Establishment Directive for lawyers

6. The freedom to provide services and the legal profession

7. A Code of Conduct for lawyers operating in the European Union

8. The mutual recognition of qualifications for the legal profession

9. Legal research: issue spotting, localization of sources

10. Legal research: different research techniques for different legal sources

11. Legal writing: English as a tool for different legal documents 1

12. Legal writing: English as a tool for different legal documents 2

13. Rules of citation and reference: international, EU and domestic legislation

14. Rules of citation and reference: case law, court decisions and arbitral awards. Jurisprudence.

Electronic databases.

15. Copyright for legal writing and the standards of plagiarism. Comprehensive legal writing and

citation exercises

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on The Legal Profession within the EU, and drafting legal documents in English – A

selection of study material (legal sources, court decisions, studies) designed for the course by the course

lecturer(s). The Compendium is aimed at the use of the LL.M. programme students solely and is not intended for

commercial circulation. A copy of the Compendium is available to every student in the programme.

Recommended additional sources:

Higgins, Edwina and tatham, Laura: Successful legal writing, London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2006. 193

pages (Legal Skills Series) ISBN 0-421-96120-1

Garner, Bryan A.: Legal writing in plain English : A text with exercises, Chicago ; London : University

of Chicago Press, 2001. 227 pages ISBN 0-226-28418-2

Adamson, Hamish: Free movement of Lawyers (Current EC Legal Developments), 2nd Edition,

Butterworths Law, 1998., ISBN: 9780406003157

EU Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce Law

Title of course in Hungarian: Európai távközlési jog és az elektronikus kereskedelem jogi szabályozása

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of Infocommunication Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: Introduction into the Institutional Functioning of European Economic Integration and

Legal Harmonization, Introduction into International Business Law, European and Comparative Competition


Course supervisor: Dr. Tóth András PhD, Associate professor, Head of Department

Lecturer(s): Dr. Tóth András PhD, Dr. Klein Tamás

Course description, purpose of the course: The European Telecommunications Law is one of the most

successful liberalization process in the European Union. The purpose of the course is the presentation of the

reasons for this success, the principles of this regulatory area, the history of the Electronic Communications

Law in the EU, and to show the main regulatory issues.

The Electronic Commercial Law is another particularly important regulatory field of the information society

services. The Directive on electronic commerce in the EU contains several important topics (on certain legal

aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market).

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. Economic background of the telecom and infrastructure regulation

2. Liberalisation process (stages) of the telecom

3. Digital single market of the EU: developments and challenges (OTT, net neutrality)

4. Media and telecommunication

5. Competition law and telecommunication: state aid

6. Cyber security regulation of the EU

7. Technology regulation (sharing economy, automatization, AI, robolaw, cloud, data protection)

8. The Telecommunications Law and the Electronic Commertial Law – The telecommunications rules in

the electronic commerce.

9. The issues of electronic commerce outside telecommunications law

10. Special topics of the Electronic Commertial Law, international and EU aspects: the Contract Law

11. Special topics of the Electronic Commertial Law, international and EU aspects: proprietary rights

12. Special topics of the Electronic Commertial Law, international and EU aspects: Administrative Law

and data protection

13. Test

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Lessons presentation

Arno R. Lodder (Author, Editor), Andrew D. Murray (Author, Editor) EU Regulation of E-Commerce: A

Commentary (Elgar Commentaries SERIES) Edward Elgar Pub (April 28, 2017)

Recommended additional sources:

Advanced Contracts in International Business Law: International Carriage of Goods,

Payment Methods, Miscellaneous Other Contracts, Securities

Title of course in Hungarian: A nemzetközi kereskedelem egyéb szerződései: nemzetközi árufuvarozás,

fizetési módok, egyéb szerződések, biztosítékok

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of European Law and International Private Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: International Sale of Goods: the CISG and INCOTERMS

Course supervisor: dr. István János Molnár, Associate professor

Lecturer(s): dr. István János Molnár, Associate professor

Course description, purpose of the course:

This course, completing some other courses, where the students may acquire knowledge of international sales

law and general contractual issues, provides information about other important contract types used in

international business life.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: This course is dealing with the so-called supplementary contracts of international trade. International carriage of

goods, contracts of marketing organization and banking transactions belong to this group of contracts.

Main items:

15. Functions and main characteristics of supplementary contracts used in international business relations.

Types of supplementary contracts.

16. The most important sources of international carriage of goods. Conventions relating to rail, road, air,

sea and inland water carriage. Effect of these conventions.

17. Documents of international carriage of goods: consignment note, air waybill, bill of lading

18. Liability of the carrier in the different conventions

19. Validating of claims against carriers

20. Multimodal and container transport

21. Contracts of marketing organization: agency and distribution

22. Contracts of technology transfer and franchise

23. Construction contracts

24. International payments : collection and documentary credit

25. Banking transactions: financing solutions and bank guarantee

Interim course requirement(s): presence on the course and preparation of different short papers for common


Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Conventions of international carriage of goods

ICC usages relating to payments and guarantees

Recommended additional sources:

Special Dispute Settlement Institutions in International Trade

Title of course in Hungarian: Speciális vitarendezési fórumok a nemzetközi kereskedelemben

Language of instruction: English

Department: Institute of Social Science and International Studies

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 3

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: Rules and Institutions of International Investment Protection

Course supervisor: Dr Csaba Törő, Associate professor, Dean, Head of Institute

Lecturer(s): Dr Csaba Törő, Associate professor, Dean, Head of Institute

Course description, purpose of the course:

This course provides for an in-depth analysis of special international dispute settlement institutions that relate to

state intervention in the trade in goods, services or intellectual property or that apply to foreign investment. The

course discusses both the procedure and some of the substantive law questions that have arisen.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences:

1. Interstate and investor-state dispute settlement means and mechanisms

2. The function and history of the dispute settlement mechanism of the GATT/WTO

3. WTO dispute settlement structures and mechanism

4. Questions common to disputes under the GATT, GATS and TRIPS agreements

5. EU free trade agreements and bilateral dispute settlement

6. Implementation of dispute settlement policy by the EU: Trade Barriers Regulation(TBR) and the

enforcement of international trade rules

7. EU trade disputes within the WTO system

8. European Free Trade Area (EFTA) Court

9. Dispute settlement mechanism available under the Energy Charter Treaty

10. North American Feee Trade Agreement (NAFTA) dispute settlement mechanism

11. Dispute settlement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership

12. Review of commonalities and direfferences

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam and course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: Written classroom exam

Obligatory course materials:

Primary (legal documents such as treaty provisions and official reports of the examined intergovernmental

organizations) and secondary (relevant literature and analysis) identified and provided by the lecturer.

Recommended additional sources:

Pierre Pescatore - William J. Davey - Andreas F. Lowenfeld: Handbook of WTO/GATT dispute

settlement. Vol.1-2., New York : Transnational Publishers, 2000 ( - 2000 Looseleaf ed.?) ISBN 0-


International Commercial Arbitration Moot and Simulation

Title of course in Hungarian: Nemzetközi kereskedelmi választottbírósági perbeszéd-verseny felkészítés és


Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of Civil and Roman Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 4

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: International Sale of Goods: the CISG and INCOTERMS, International

Commercial Arbitration

Course supervisor: Dr. Ádám Boóc, PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Department

Lecturer(s): Dr. Ádám Boóc, PhD., Associate Professor, Head of Department

Course description, purpose of the course: This course prepares interested students to the annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

(the Moot), an international competition for law students organized and supported by, inter alia, the United

Nation’s Commission on International Trade Law (UNICTRAL). After the written rounds, the oral rounds of the

Moot take place in Vienna every spring. Students on this course are eligible to team membership representing

the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church on the Moot and on Pre-Moots in connection with the


The procedural aspects of the Moot are governed by international commercial arbitration and the substantive law

of the Moot is the CISG. The course also discusses the rules of the Moot itself.

The structure of the course follows the structure of the Moot.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: 1. The structure and rules of the Moot 1.

2. The structure and rules of the Moot 2.

3. CISG and arbitration databases. Library and internet research.

4. The statute of the arbitral institution to be applied in the given year by the rules of the Moot

5. Analysis of The Problem (the case of the Moot in any given year) 1

6. Analysis of The Problem (the case of the Moot in any given year) 2 and clarifications

7. Memorandum for Claimant 1

8. Memorandum for Claimant 2

9. Memorandum for Respondent 1

10. Memorandum for Respondent 2

11. Oral presentation for Claimant 1

12. Oral presentation for Claimant 2

13. Oral presentation for Respondent 1

14. Oral presentation for Respondent 2

15. Preparation for rebuttals in oral hearings

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on International Commercial Arbitration Moot and Simulation – A selection of study

material (legal sources, court decisions, studies) designed for the course by the course lecturer(s). The

Compendium is aimed at the use of the LL.M programme students solely and is not intended for commercial

circulation. A copy of the Compendium is available to every student in the program.

Recommended additional sources:

The official home-page of the Moot:

Peter Schlechtriem, Ingeborg Schwenzer (ed.): Commentary on the UN Convention on the International

Sale of Goods (CISG) / 2nd English ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-19-927518-


G. B. Born: International Commercial Arbitration, Tha Hague : Kluwer, 2009. 3440 pages ISBN 978-


Use of Major Legal Databases

Title of course in Hungarian:

Language of instruction: English

Department: Department of European Law and International Private Law

Type of course: obligatory/elective

Level of programme: MA (LLM)

Number of lessons per week: 2 hours/week

Semester: I./II.

Credit point value: 4

Code of course:

Prior course(s) required: Introduction into the institutional functioning of European economic

integration and legal harmonization, Introduction into International Business Law

Course supervisor: Dr. István János Molnár, Associate professor

Lecturer(s): Dr. István János Molnár, Associate professor

Course description, purpose of the course: This course provides enhances user skills for international legal databases and research in electronic format. The

course focuses on those electronic databases that are relevant for the LL.M. programme.

Course outline, description of acquired knowledge, skills and competences: 1. Issue formulation and legal research in electronic databases and on the internet 1

2. Issue formulation and legal research in electronic databases and on the internet 2

3. The general characteristics of electronic databases in law – what it is good for and what it is not

4. Basic computer-related skills needed for the use of electronic databases in law 1

5. Basic computer-related skills needed for the use of electronic databases in law 2

6. Working with Westlaw 1

7. Working with Westlaw 2

8. Working with Hein Online 1

9. Working with Hein Online 2

10. Working with Kluwer Arbitration

11. Working with the case law database of the Court of Justice of the Euorpean Union

12. Working with the Albert H. Kritzer CISG database

13. Working with the WTO database

14. Working with misc. other legal databases in the LL.M. Database Center 1

15. Working with misc. other legal databases in the LL.M. Database Center 2

Interim course requirement(s):

Type of evaluation: exam evaluation/course performance evaluation

Method of evaluation: written/oral exam

Obligatory course materials:

Course Compendium on Use of Major Legal Databases

Recommended additional sources:

The electronic databases themselves covered by the course

Mark van Hoecke (ed.): Methodologies of legal research : which kind of method for what kind of

discipline? / - Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart, 2011. - xvi, 294 p. - (European Academy of Legal Theory

monograph series). ISBN 9781849461702 ISBN 1-8494-6170-8

Knowles John - Philip Thomas: Effective legal research / Sweet & Maxwell, 2006. - x, 187 p. - (Legal

Skills Series). ISBN 0-421-92270-2