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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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Q7 what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from the

preliminary task to the full product?

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• When we first started our preliminary task we didn’t carry out any research on aspects relating to film production i.e. target audience etc... And because we haven’t done any filming in the past we were just going along with ideas that were cropping up at the time, no planning was done and we didn’t have any appreciation on how long it takes to create and edit films. At this stage it was clear that we lacked experience and after we completed the task we picked up a lot of skills that we applied when we started our 2mins film opening.

• When we first started our 2mins opening we underestimated the time it would take for good research to be carried out, and along the way we started to realise how much construction, careful planning, research that we had to do, . This then gave us a different approach to our work and we learnt the importance of things such as distribution, audiences and how crucial audience feedback is, because at the end of the day the film is going to be aimed at them so it’s important to get feedback on thing they want to be included, likes and dislikes.

• After weeks of research a blogging we then started to get our ideas together and started planning, being in a group of four certainly helped up us out at this stage because of the different ideas that we were coming up with and that meant we had a better chance of producing something creative together. The preliminary task was improvised and things such as target audience weren’t thought of, so to move forward from this task, we had to put in real thoughts at each aspect of the product

• When we first started editing we got the hang of it quite quickly and the preliminary task certainly helped us out at this stage. We transferred our skills and knowledge that we’ve gained from the preliminary task and put them to use. However we’ve picked up to some skills along the way as well, and appreciated the importance of continuity editing for example there were a part in our film where we had an object in the background of the shot and then as the film progresses we noticed that the same object was suddenly missing, this then lead us to be more aware of continuity and acknowledged its importance.

• After finishing the final product we feel that we’ve learnt a lot from it, our time management skills were also improved along the way. Learning to solve and deal with problems is crucial to making films simply because you can’t expect everything to run smoothly therefore coping with stressful situations is very important. For example we could be filming for a day or two and then after uploading the footage realise that we missed a certain shot or it isn’t as good as we would have liked it to be, at this stage it’s very easy to get into arguments with each other and start pointing fingers, so the best thing to do is to have a group meeting and resolve the matter in a calm manner. We can honestly say that we’ve learnt a lot of things from this, our group working skills improved a lot and this made us a more matured group in some way.

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Q3 what kind of media institutions might distribute your product?

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Distribution “is the way a product is spread out or shared amongst a specific group over an area”.

Apart from whom “is actually going to be showing our film”; distribution also involves advertisement

and promotion in order to bring awareness to the target audience of our product. Our target

audience is between the ages of 16 to 18, and according to some of the research I’ve done it’s

believed that more teenagers spend time on the internet than any other age group, these statistics

gives us an idea of what kind of media institute would be distributing our product (The internet).


Facebook is an online social network site where users can share material with whomever they want

to see it. Targeting these users can prove to be very effective and bombarding the target audience

with advertisement will be beneficial. It’s said that most advertisers use Facebook to promote their

product and to bring awareness to it, because advertising products through television is enormously

expensive, Facebook and other social networking sites such as twitter and MySpace will be a

cheaper and more effective alternative in some ways. Also the more money that’s spent towards

advertising the product, the more it’s going to be displayed therefore this will heighten the chances

of users coming across the product.


We don’t think advertising our products through magazines and newspapers would be an effective

method because adults are the ones that are more likely to read them compared to teens.


We’ve looked at a similar product to ours on IMDB “Adulthood” and we found its various

distributors. For example “Pathe pictures international” is their UK national cinematic distributors.

So this would be a one of our distributors as well.


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• YouTube • YouTube is a video sharing website that lets users create channels to upload videos onto so that the public can

watch them. I can almost guarantee you if you’re looking for a video on the web then the chances are YouTube will have it, and because it’s now owned by Google there’s a pretty good chance when you search for a video there will be a YouTube link for it as a suggestion. Given that Google is by far the most used search engine and around 80% of searches are done using this engine it would make sense why advertisers are desperate to appear in these searches (YouTube as well).

• Uploading our film opening into YouTube will help out in advertising it and the more subscribers we have on our channel, the better the chance of someone viewing it. This can only work if people search for a title which is related to our product, although if they watch the film and are satisfied with it they could share it anywhere on web, our product will then be coming out of YouTube its self and it could reach potential audiences which in a way would be promoting the film without us doing anything. This also means that there’s a higher chance of another person sharing the our product in a different site (blog etc…) on the internet, and this could go on and on till maybe someone decides to write a review on it, although this may probably not happen it gives you an idea of the possibilities and how far our product could reach the public. The best thing about it is that it’s free.

• The expensive way to promote a product on YouTube is to pay for it. As you’re all aware it’s becoming impossible to watch a video on YouTube without an advert at the start, so it would make perfect sense for advertisers to promote their product in this way. Also when you go into YouTube, most of the times there will be a big banner at the top where adverts are shown, in fact adverts are everywhere on YouTube so if you’re looking to promote a moving image product, then YouTube would be a good option.

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