evaluation for my music magazine!

By Rebecca Mellody By Rebecca Mellody

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Page 1: Evaluation for my music magazine!

By Rebecca MellodyBy Rebecca Mellody

Page 2: Evaluation for my music magazine!

All magazines follow these conventions

because these are the things that invite a reader in, no matter what they are trying to sell.

For example…

Conventions of magazines

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On the front cover big named celebrities/ stars will be on the cover, to increase sales they are admired by their fans, this is what sells the magazine. and interest the reader

Front cover’s of magazines

Front covers are the main attraction so should be bright, eye catching and interesting.

The colours used must reflect the music genre of the magazine and also the target audience.

A variety of different fonts and sizes need to be used to make it look visually eye catching and interesting

In most magazines the mode of address is direct as it makes the magazine look more inviting for the reader

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Front coversTitle/header – this creates a brand image. This makes the magazine instantly recognisable for the audience.

Rock magazines titles- are grungy and are very masculine.

I wanted to challenge this by making the title seem more feminine as I wanted the target audience to be girls.

Direct mode of address has been used in both of them.

Strap lines are used to highlight other stars in the magazines.

A leading caption has dominated the page – this is focused on the feature story and should anchor the cover story.

The colour scheme for both magazines are the same red/black/white- this is because of the genre rock

i haven’t put on a barcode, but still the price

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Contents page

Contents pages are supposed to be bright and colourful to encourage the reader to read on

The list of contents is usually under different sections, to make it easier for the reader to find the sections that interest them more

Direct address is also used on the contents page in all images

Images are used because they dominate the text, it allows the reader to skim through the context

The title of the magazine usually appears at the top of the contents page

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Contents pagesI have challenged the typical conventions of content pages by using only one dominant picture instead of many

The reason I have done this, is to make the reader focus on the main feature of the whole magazine

The colour scheme for rock magazines are red/black/white

But this real magazine is more lighter than I would of expected

This is unusual but this real magazine doesn’t have the title of the magazine on

I have put on the title as it usually appears on every page

I have kept this idea of rock being quite grungy, by creating this back ground. I did it by using a picture of crumpled paper + manipulating it to fit my context

Both magazines have used a yellow font to highlight things that he reader my feel is important

Direct address has been used in both magazines – this is important as it invites the reader to carry on

Sections are used in both for the comfort of the reader

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Feature articles

Headings/ subheadings used to explain the story and interest the reader

They must have something to share with their fans otherwise they would be in the magazine

Must push what they are selling through out the feature

Images dominate the story, it is important to have one large image/ other smaller ones

Usually different – locations/ settings to make it seem more interesting

It doesn’t matter if there is space in the feature story (it doesn’t need to be full of writing. This is used to frame the writing/images

The writing should relate to the audience well, so in rock we would expect – slang/ informal writing

Text grabs are usually found – used to make the audience want to know what they are about

Usually controversial, funny or rude!

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Feature articles

The colour scheme for rock – red/black/white as used in both mine and the real magazine

My magazine has only one dominant image this is because I didn’t want the feature article to be cluttered by many others

This real magazine has other smaller images in to make the article more interesting

I have used text grabs to make the reader want to know what the article is about

I have put them in yellow so they stand out from the rest of the text

There is one dominant image used – direct address hasn’t been used in this one which is unusual for a magazine

Direct address is used on my feature article to invite the reader to read on

I have included a lot of quotes from the band, but the real magazine hasn’t

I have done this so it is like the band is tell the reader the story not me

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Social group

The stereotype that this my magazine wants to focus on is the classic rock chick.

I feel that rock magazines are only reaching out to the male audience and that there are girls that love this genre of music. And should have a chance to read about it from a woman's perspective.

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Social group

In media the stereotype “rock chick” is linked into the music of rock.

I have tried to create this image by having my models dress in black and wear heavy black make up which contrast well with the pale skin.

I made there skin look pale by using the professional lighting, I tries a lot of different lighting techniques.

It took a while to find the right one to convey the image I wanted.

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Different Lighting

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My models

Most of the clothing that my models are wearing is black or red. This is to link into the colour scheme of the genre rock

My guitarist is wearing the classic clothing that most people would associated with rock all black & leather

I made sure that all of my models at least had black as the main colour in their outfit to create the statement that I wanted

The lead singer I have put in the centre as she is going to be the most recognisable. She is the one person in the band wearing red & and this is because it is her who sets the statements- and red links into the rock colour scheme.

Her shoe laces and ribbons are pink at this stage but I changed them to red to keep this image

The make up they have on is all heavy black to convey this image of rock

The use of instruments is very important as this is how this music is created by and with out this there would be no band

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What distributor is better for my magazine? I think that IPC media would be the best publisher

for my magazine because they produce magazines such as NME and this magazine is similar to mine. As it is linked into the same genre “ROCK”. Although it is different to my magazine because I have changed it by targeting the female audience and NME doesn’t.

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Who would be the audience for my


In my questionnaire the majority who answered it were female.

The most popular genre for the audience was between rock & others

There was a big range of different artists & bands that the audience like.

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What magazines my questionnaire people would buy/ female & male



rap/hip hop






More females answered my questionnaire because I was focusing on the female audience as I wanted my magazine to be for that audience as many music magazines are quite masculine

This chart focuses on what type of magazine me audience would buy

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Questionnaire results

These results have been used to show how my audience felt about the magazine and if it would pass as a genuine magazine

This questionnaire is telling us what the magazine was according to the readers.

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Demographic profiling

Gender - female Race – primarily white British

audience Age – 1821 Social economic Status- band


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Psychographic profiling

psychographic variables are any attributes relating to personality, values, attitudes, interests, or lifestyles.

Young & Rubicam 1.Mainstream, 2. Aspires, 3.Sueceeders, 4. Reformers and 5. The Individuals

My audience would fall under number 5. The individuals

The reason my is in this category is because the people who listen to rock. Have their own ways and want to stand out from the crowd they want to be different and an individual.

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Reader profile

Name: Vanessa Sex: F Age: 18 Hobbies: loves listening to rock, plays guitar, socializes with


Vanessa is a typical rebellious teen, who wants to make a statement. She wants to stand out and show the world that she is one of a kind; she does this through her music.

She plays guitar and one day hopes to be part of a band. At weekends she loves to go to rock concerts and hang

around with her friends. Her friends also enjoy rock music. Her favourite artist/band is between Linkin Park and Paramore. She studies some of the arts options because she is creative and shows a range of different emotions through this.

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Attraction & address audience

I have made the fonts more attractive by keeping them quite feminine which isn’t really seen in rock magazines

I have tried to use mostly female artistes & bands which is quite challenging because the genre rock is predominately masculine

The colour scheme I have used is typically rock, which is the type of music that will attract my target audience

Direct address has been used in order to invite the audience in (make them feel comfortable reading it)

Also I have used a strap line to interest the reader by adding more information about what this magazine contains

The leading caption I have used is of a “well known band” that would be popular to the target audience I have tried to make this front

cover look visually interesting

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Attraction & address audience

I have stuck to using white/ red/ yellow fonts in order to make it encouraging so the reader will read on

I have only one image on my contents page, this is so that the reader can focus on the main selling point of the magazine the feature story

I have kept the title on the contents page because it is a typical convention used in music magazines

I have put the contents of the magazine in sections for the reader, as it allows them to skip parts of the magazine to the parts that interest them

I have kept this idea of rock being quite grungy by creating this background. It is interesting as it keeps the ideas of rock in the magazine even if it is feminine

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Attraction & address audience

Headline used is to interest the audience to make them read on

I have used text grabs as they interest the reader and make them want to find out what they are about

Different fonts have been used to highlight certain parts of the text and make them stand out

The majority of the text is quotes from the band I have done this to make the audience feel that they are hearing this from the band itself not someone else

I have kept the writing very causal not formal at all. Throughout my text I have referred to the audience directly to make them feel even closer to the band

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Technologies used in my research

I have used the internet a lot in my research as it allowed me to gain quite a lot of knowledge of things that would help me create a worthy project. i have used sites such as:

I used google in order to gain pictures I needed to use. Also I used this website so that it could explain things I need to know but didn’t.

I have used blogger in order to complete my work, it is very important because with out this wouldn’t have been able to store my work appropriately.

Scribd was a very useful piece of technology as it allowed me to upload my documents so that were able to be used in other things such as ; word, powerpoint

I used wikipedia to gain information about company’s that would help me complete my research .e.g. project phoenix

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Technologies used in my research

I have used the computer a lot as I had to put a lot of things on to my blog – some I has to scan on to the computer and change them into a Jpg document in order to export it onto the blog

Whilst doing my research I had to be trained how to use a camera as I need to know how to make my pictures look professional

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Technologies used whilst production

In order to create the images I wanted to create I used these three pieces of equipment to make them look as professional as I could

I took a number of picture and manipulated things such as lighting to create the right mood.

I used a tripod to make the picture look professional, without using this my images would most probably look no where near as good as I have got them.

Using lighting help me create the right mood, I wanted the models to look quite pale in order to show a big contrast between the dark make up used

I took my pictures in my colleges media studio, because I felt that without this equipment my photo’s wouldn’t have turned out properly.

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Technologies used whilst production

I used Photoshop to cut my pictures out from the background and manipulate things such as the colour of things.

I used Indesign to create my entire magazine, this helped me to make it look professional and let me use the tools that I needed in order to create it.

I used www.dafont.com to get some different fonts that helped create the mood/genre of the magazine. It was very interesting because it has thousands to choose from and even for different genres.

When I was cutting out the pictures in Photoshop and used the pen tool. This helped my do it quickly and properly, I had to use it a couple of times it was important to do it properly as I was using a black background and if not done properly white edges where on display.

Most of the fonts used in my magazine are from this website .e.g. make juice

My magazine is the evidence of the use of Indesign.

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Technologies I have used for evaluation

I have used PowerPoint in order to complete my evaluation. This technology has made it possible to create my evaluation in a creative way.

I have used excel to create charts of my audience feedback. This is another way to make my work more creative.



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What I have learnt!

I have learnt a lot in the time I have been doing media AS. At the beginning I was inexperienced at using a camera and the technology that has helped me.

Now I am able to create a music magazine which looks quite professional and links in well to the genre I have focused on.

Now I am able to use the technologies & tools effectively

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Preliminary Vs my music magazine

It is very simple and plain. And not many different fonts/ sizes/ colours have been used

I have cut out the picture, but it hasn’t been done properly. As I was rushing I haven’t been careful and shows against the black background.

I have used a medium shot which is a typical convention.

I have used direct address to invite the reader in.

The use of putting writing over transparent colours wasn’t used effectively as they are to see through than I wanted

I have used the colour scheme of the genre rock

Isn’t as simple – I have used different fonts/ sizes/colours – these have made it look very bright/eye catching & interesting for the reader.

Direct address has been used which draws the reader in. A medium shot has been used.

I have managed to manipulated the background and make it look grungy, by using crumpled paper.

I have used a strap line to add extra information that will interest the reader.

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My progression

I have managed to use my technologies more effectively and correctly

I feel I have come so far from doing the preliminary task because now I have practised and learnt how to manipulate and use these tools to enhance what I have created

When I was doing the preliminary task I wasn’t as creative and was rushing through it. But now I have managed to be patient and creative in creating magazines.

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Personally I feel that my magazine looks quite genuine and reaches out to the target audience. I have managed to create something which I haven’t done before and has felt great being able to do so.

taking the pictures - using lighting as a way to make the pictures look more genuine.Finding fonts that worked well with the genre and still quite feminine Using the technology – learnt quickly and used effectively when I created my magazine

Didn’t have the patience to take my time with things – because of this having to repeat things a lotNot using my time properly – so ending up rushing as a result

strengths weaknesses