evaluation of images for magazine cover

Magazine Front Cover pictures – Evaluation Medium Close Up This picture represent Sophia revising or studying in a lesson or study period which shows students to be hard working at this sixth form. This will appeal to the audience as it shows a student in a calm environment for them to study in. I think this medium close up looks professional as she is dressed in business like clothing with appropriate colours, she also has a pen and note pad showing she is organized and prepared for studies. This student is studying or revising on BBC bite size, this shows that students are able to access sites to help them with their studies.

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Magazine Front Cover pictures – Evaluation

Medium Close Up

This picture represent Sophia revising or studying in a lesson or study period which shows students to be hard working at this sixth form. This will appeal to the audience as it shows a student in a calm environment for them to study in. I think this medium close up looks professional as she is dressed in business like clothing with appropriate colours, she also has a pen and note pad showing she is organized and prepared for studies.

This student is studying or revising on BBC bite size, this shows that students are able to access sites to help them with their studies.

Magazine Front Cover pictures – Evaluation

Long Shot

This long shot images is of the Plumstead Manor sixth form building, the building is presenting a smart and business like school which looks inviting. I think this will appeal to the target audience as it is a up to date building that is very modern which is what a young audience like. A long shot means capturing an entire subject which I think I have done, however has a sudden cut of on the left hand side due to taking the photo at a certain angle

The ping pong tables will appeal to a young audience as there are activities to do during school that are available at break and lunch.

In this window there is a reflection of the building opposite which makes it less professional.

The litter on the ground makes the school look messy and unprofessional considering there is a been next to it.

Magazine Front Cover pictures – Evaluation

Long Shot

In this long shot the students look like they are in a working environment and professional in that they’re interacting with one another which also shows a friendly environment. This will appeal to the audience as everyone looks friendly which will be inviting and not worry anyone about making new friends, it will make someone comfortable entering a new sixth form. This picture shows that student take the opportunity of the free space area between lesson and free periods to study or revise for subjects, this shows students at sixth form to be hard working.

This pictures is unprofessional in that a student was caught looking in the shot which makes it seem set up and fake.

Magazine Front Cover pictures – Evaluation

Extra shot

This represents students interacting and communicating with each other, this shows them engaging with one another in a friendly environment. This will appeal to the target audience as students are welcoming to one another which will seem inviting to students thinking of joining this sixth form. They look fairly business like when it comes to the clothing which looks good on the schools behalf as it shows student are ready to learn while looking smart.

There faces show they are having fun and enjoying their time at college.

This looks unprofessional as the student has their phone out which is not aloud apart from during lunch and break.