evaluation q6

Evaluation Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Upload: reshma95

Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Page 2: Evaluation q6

What hardware and software have you used to plan your pages? How effective was it?

To plan my pages, I drafted them by hand, the effect of this was to design my ideas the way I wanted

instead of using a software to do so. Therefore when it came to creating the pages on the programmes

Photoshop and InDesign I was able to edit and re-arrange my designs and ideas to make it look more


Page 3: Evaluation q6

What hardware and software have you used to construct your pages? How effective was it?

To construct my front cover I used Photoshop. This was very effected as it helped to edit my pictures and remove the red eye to make my images look professional. Also it was useful as I was able to use a variety of effects to make my front cover look appropriate for my target audience.

To construct my contents page and double page spread, I used InDesign . This was because a lot of writing was involved therefore it was a more appropriate software to use. The use of this was to allow me to use a drop cap for my article and allow me to place the text around images that I wanted to place on my article. This software also allowed me to set up columns on my contents page therefore I was able to keep the layout of my page organized.

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I used Photoshop to

design my front cover.

This was a suitable

software to use for this

as I was able to edit and

make effects on my

front cover to make it

look more professional.

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I used this programme for

my contents page and

double page spread and I

was able to paste text into it

for my article and import
