evaluation q6

Computer programmes used By Maddy Fox

Upload: madeleine-fox

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. By Maddy Fox
  2. 2. When using the MAC, I had to use Safari OR Firefox as my web browser (as Internet Explorer and Google Chrome were not downloaded). Both Firefox and Safari have a simple layout, and became very simple to use in a short period of time. They also have very fast internet connection, therefore they were incredibly useful when uploading videos to YouTube.
  3. 3. Final Cut Express was the computer programme available to myself and fellow media studies students, that enabled us to import footage on to it and edit the clips into full scenes. Along with the help from GarageBand and YouTube, I was also able to import music and various sound effects. When using Final Cut Express, I had to quickly learn and adapt to the various tools available on the programme. The cutting tool enabled me to delete unwanted footage, this came in use when scenes were too long or had mistakes within the mise-en-scene. I had to also learn how to adjust the opacity of scenes, as my group thought it best to add overlaps within the film opening sequence. We thought this, as we wanted to portray the unease of the character.
  4. 4. Prezi is a computer programme similar to PowerPoint, in which you can upload a presentation containing information on whatever the chosen topic. Prezi is a good programme to use, as it has a simple procedure when choosing the layout. It also has a wide range of options when choosing the layout, it is due to this that some individuals prefer it to PowerPoint. (As you can adjust it to specific needs). Personally I have enjoyed the way Prezi allows you to edit the path creatively, to allow a better eye-catching presentation of information.
  5. 5. I have spent a lot of time using GarageBand to try and produce music for the opening of my film. (GarageBand allows you to pick desired sounds and produce a track out of them. This is useful when trying to incorporate music onto a film, as you can decide the music based on your desired genre.) However, when using GarageBand, I found its access to sound effects very limiting for my film and it genre. This does not mean the programme was bad, just not fulfilling for my desired needs. I therefore found YouTube a greater success in finding music, simply due to its wider scale of sounds.
  6. 6. Blogger was a highly important computer programme when completing our coursework, as we used it to track and explain our whole film-making process. Blogger enables you to design a blog to your specific desires, therefore great at displaying our chosen genre (psycho-thriller), as we were able to add a black background and image of a bloody tile.
  7. 7. Voicethread is a highly useful computer programme when wanting to present information with a voice- over. This is due to the fact that it uses the computers in-built microphone to record your voice, so no external recording devices were needed, such as a phone...
  8. 8. I have found YouTube useful in many ways. 1. It was incredibly useful when researching my genre of film and its stereotypical conventions (dark lighting, intense sounds...). 2. It also enabled me to upload many interviews, my preliminary task and official film opening to the public. And acted as a great way to convert my files from Jpegs to .movs before embedding them on my blog. 3. It also proved handy when creating music for our film, as I used unsigned sound effects to create a track. Such as scribbling, sirens, muttering and dark vampirical music.
  9. 9. SlideShare was really handy when trying to upload PowerPoint to our blog. I found that it converted it, so you were able top embed the presentation onto bloggers html. Without SlideShare I would have had to display my presentations in a very messy layout, so it wouldnt have been simple for people to view and read.
  10. 10. QuickTime Movie is a really useful computer programme that enables you to export any footage from Final Cut Express. This is done by the use of conversion, QuickTime converts anything such as a Jpeg in to a internet friendly file such as .mov!