evaluation question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation question 1

In what ways does your media

product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real

media products?

Page 2: Evaluation question 1

I decided to choose RnB and Hip-Hop as my music genre for my magazine. To know what to

include in my magazine I did case studies on XXL and Vibe magazines as they are the same genre.

These magazines taught me typical conventions used in any magazine, e.g. large bold masthead

or pull quotes on the cover and double page spread. Taking inspiration from my case studies I was

able to create a similar magazine using what they showed me. Starting with my front cover I used

a three colour scheme because most magazine stick to just three colours, for example XXL used

black white and red. I decided to also use black, white and a dark red because it was I used in my

preliminary task for my college magazine and I got good feedback for the colour scheme. I think it

was best to stick to this convention as too many colours can make the magazine look

unprofessional and childish for a RnB and Hip-Hop Magazine. I also stuck with using a large bold

masthead on my magazine. I chose “Supreme” to be the name of my magazine. I think it’s a

trendy urban name and I got my inspiration from Vibe as it’s also quite trendy and easy to

remember name.

Colour Scheme


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Case studies also showed me that the cover star is the main feature throughout the magazine, so they’ll be featured on the front cover, contents and the main double page spread. I also did this by making my cover star “Davina” my magazines main feature because readers seeing her on the front cover will already draw them in and want to read about her so it would be logical if she was the feature of the double page spread as readers would want to know about her. I used her as the only picture on my features page because she is the overall main feature so I wanted to keep the attention on her. Also in my XXL case study, Chris Brown, who was the main feature for their issue was used as the only pic on their feature contents page and they used quite a large image with a pull quote to keep all the interest on him. I also used this because the pull quote will draw readers in to read her article and it’ll keep the main focus on her.

XXL Case Study contents

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Most magazines include a medium close up or a close up on their front pages. My vibe case study used a medium close up and my XXL case study used a close up shot of their cover stars for their front page. I challenged this by using a medium shot/long shot of my cover star for my front cover because I want to stand out as a magazine like mine is already different to have in the UK so I wanted to make sure it comes across as diverse so people wouldn’t view it as the same as XXL or Vibe. What also makes it different is my cover star is at an angle which allows the majority of the coverlines to go on one side of her, this makes sure that there is not a lot covering her and so it don’t look too clustered. I also stuck with using a plain background as in my vibe case study they used a plain white one and it look professional. If I was to used a background that was multi-coloured or had a pattern it would of looked messy and drawn the attention away from my cover star.

Image used on front


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In both my case studies there was no editors note used on their contents. I decided to stick

to not including one because usually it comes on a separate page that gives a mention to

all the people who worked on the magazine and if the magazine is monthly then a lot can

be included in the editors note rather than if the magazine was weekly.

I had to decide on what my model had to wear without much inspiration as my XXL case

study used a male and I had a woman for mine and in my Vibe case study their model wore

no clothes so it was hard to get an idea off that. I decided on a simple crop jumper with

studs to give her an edgy look, with high-waisted jeans and timberlands. I thought this look

would have been best because these are clothes that my audience may like or have

themselves. I included gold jewellery with my cover stars outfit as in my XXL case study Chris

Brown wore a lot of gold jewellery so I thought I would also add gold into the look as its

stylish and gold accessories are in at the moment so I was trying to follow popular trends to

appeal to my audience. It could be said that I am developing this as in many rap and Hip-

Hop magazines include barely clothed women, so by clothing my cover star I am changing

the typical ways of these magazines as they tend to degrade women, for example, XXL has

an “eye candy” page in every issue, I’m helping build a better reputation of women in

these magazines.

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On my double page spread I stuck to the typical conventions that would

be included in one which would be a large image on the left side with a

pull quote and a header. I Included a large image on the left side but I

didn’t use a large image that covers the full page, just three quarters so I

had enough room to write an introduction about my cover star. I thought it

was important to include an introduction as my cover star is a new artist.

Unlike my case studies who didn’t use Q&A style interview, I chose to use a

Q&A style interview cause I think its easier to read and more organised,

layout wise. I put branding for my magazine “Supreme” at the bottom of

the page on my double page spread as my case studies did the same

and it gives readers a website that they can go on for my magazine.