evaluation question 1 final

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation question 1 final

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?

Page 2: Evaluation question 1 final

1. The masthead

The masthead of a magazine is usually one of the clearest and prominent pieces of text on the page. It is used to grab the attention of new readers as well as helping it's main readership to find it on shelves with ease.


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1. The masthead

The style of magazine I wanted to achieve is quite cheap to produce, but had a lot of content in. The way I tried to show this through my masthead is firstly the name 'RUST' conveys that the magazine is not concerned with looking glossy or expensive. Also I layered the cover image over the top of the masthead to portray the idea that the magazine's number 1 priority is the contentAnd not publicising our magazine.

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2. Cover lines

The cover lines act as a very brief contents page, they show people what they can expect to find in the magazine. Usually you would have the exclusives on this page (articles specific to this edition of the magazine). It is also very common to have one of the most important cover lines highlighted in some way

Iron fist has been coloured in yellow to make it stand out. If this magazine wereOn a shelf in a shop, the yellow would grab the attention of potential readers.

Anyone that is interested in any of the bands displayed in these cover lines (our target audience) would be tempted to buy this magazine to learn more about them.

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3. Main image

The main image is good for attracting attention on shelves. A good main image can be a lot more eye-catching than some highlighted cover lines

To fit with the cover line “Get out of our faces” the people on the main image are making eye contact to show they're the ones saying it.

The expressions and the hoods being up convey antisocial behaviour from these 2 which fits with the general stereotype of metal music.

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4. Pull quote

The pull quote is there to entice people to stay on the page and read the article. It is usually one of the most important lines of the article

Pull quotes usually try to generate questions so the audience would want to read the full article to try to find the answers

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4. Pull quote

With the title of “is metal music on it's way out?” also seeing the pull quote of “a tiny proportion of metal music” fans of the genre will want to read the entire article to see if metal music will be around for much longer..

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5. Layout conventions

When flicking through a magazine it is very common that your eyes natural go from the top left, to top right, across to the bottom left and ending at the bottom right. This is known as the 'Z pattern'.

When designing the layout forMy double page spread I keptThis layout in mind. In the topLeft I started with a drop capWhich emphasises the start ofThe article. At the top right ofThe page I put in an image ofThree people facing away fromThe camera. The purpose of This is to get the reader toWonder what the article is About since it is quite a strangePicture. Finally at the bottom isThe title which should help theReader realise why the peopleIn the picture are facing away

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6. Cover mount

Cover mounts are freebies that are found on the front of magazines to entice them to buy it.

On my magazine I decided to put a coverMount of a guitar pick on the front. I used The star graphic with the colour yellow toAttract the attention of people if theMagazine were sitting on a shelf in a shop.

My audience research showed me that theMajority of my potential buyers played theGuitar, so I thought a guitar pick was a goodChoice.

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7. Drop caps

This convention is when the first letter of an article is greatly increased in size and takes up some room on the second line of the article as well as the first. The purpose of a drop cap is to signify the beginning of the article to readers.

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8. Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a recognised guideline that states that splitting things into 3 equally sized sections is the most visually appealing, hence why I divided my double page spread into 3 equally sized columns.