evaluation question 3


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What have you learnt from your audience feedback


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Ellan Pegram

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Evaluation Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Launching an ad campaign for a film is important because it receives audience feedback allowing you to know what your target audience is wants. Feedback is a great way to improve and create your campaign and make it better than before with the audience giving you advice, you can make it apply more with what your specific target audience is looking for which allows them to focus on your film and potentially making the release date a huge success. Also research needs to be carried out so when it comes to marketing it is more effective with getting the audience to enagage your ad campaign can sell products like posters and magazines and can persuade more people to come and watch the film which means more money. A great example of this is The Woman in Black (Watkins, 2013) they made sure that their research gave them exactly what they were looking in order to make their marketing effective across the whole launch of their film. To make it a huge success they used their research to ensure that their marketing reached out to their audience and made a statement. In their marketing they used many different media platforms ranging from targeting Daniel Radcliffe’s fan base, interview’s worldwide, newspaper and magazines, the official premier of the film, photo shoots the trailer and even competitions which would allow their audience to win tickets to either the cinema viewing or to watch the play in the theatre. This helped them to branch off worldwide and let everybody know about their new film being release to boost figures on the release date and make a huge success which they achieved.

To gain feedback from my target audience I produced two questionnaires; one for my magazine cover and one for my horror poster. I wanted to gather feedback from the public and my target audience to ensure that the audience I wanted to please liked each concept of both products and were interested in watching my film. Handing out questionnaires allowed me to gather a lot of responses from individuals who I wanted to target and who I knew who would be interested in my film. Making sure that I focused on my target audience was key, I knew that I needed to target the younger adults aging from 18+ and equalling it out to both female and male population. I felt that the film would be relate to 18+ because the storyline of the film is a psychological story which can be tricky to come to terms with. The film is quite mature and people under the age bracket may not understand also a lot of the individuals will want a simple complex story. Whilst gaining feedback from my trailer we played our trailer in front of our A2 media class and filmed each individual giving us our feedback comments. This allowed us to get feedback quickly and easily which we could go

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back and watch as many times as needed to make sure that we make the right corrections that our audience told us. Also my teacher gave me feedback as a 27 year old horror fan she knew what she wanted and what she liked to get her attention and make her want to come and watch my film.

For each questionnaire I gave my audience ten questions for my poster questionnaires and ten questions for my magazine cover. When getting my questionnaires back for my poster most of the feedback I gained was positive which gave me an insight into what my audience liked about my poster and why they like it and also what’s makes it good enough for them to want to see my film. Some of the constructive criticism which my audience said were that they wouldn’t go to watch the film based on the poster purely on the basis that they prefer watching the trailers and can get a better understanding whether or not they would like the film that is being advertised and other criticisms which I gain were from people who didn’t like the horror style of films so would think about going to watch a film based around that horror genre. Positive feedback which I got from my target audience was that they would go and watch my film based on my poster as they liked the design and layout which made them know it was a horror movie poster. Other things which they liked about my horror poster was the black background surrounding the three girls in the spotlight.

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The feedback from my magazine covers which I got was majority positive feedback letting me know what they liked about magazine and if they would want to go and see my film; again a small minority of individuals had constructive criticism which I took on board and improved my work. Everyone who filled out a questionnaire for my magazine said that they don’t subscribe to magazines and wouldn’t normally buy magazines in general. Every one of the individuals apart from three people said that they would buy my magazine based on the cover as they liked how creative it was and the layout of the cover but the minor three which said that they wouldn’t buy my magazine said that it was because they normally wouldn’t buy magazines so they wouldn’t start buying them now. Across the board everyone who filled in my questionnaire said that they liked the font’s

which I used saying that they were very creative and also affective. They said that the font I used made the magazine stand out to them and drawn them in wanting to know font I used fitted in with the doctor and prescribing pills. Another point they made about what they liked about my magazine was the photo that I used as my main image. They gave comments saying that the photo of Danielle makes the whole cover come together as she is holding the pills it associates her with a mental illness and shows another side of her. Another point which my audience pointed out was the colours which I used on the cover. They said the reds go with the other colour which I used. The red stood out on the cover and the dripping of the blood made it really affective on the page and made you know what the genre of the cover was. Also they really like my film strip going across the page as it showed my creative skills and would let them know that it was a film magazine.

When using our feedback to improve our work I ensured that I made sure I took everything my audience said into account and improve major things to get them more interested in the film. With the feedback for the trailer we had many comments saying it was too long and that the audio was too quiet, so to make sure we changed this to satisfy the target audience we cut down clips to speed up the trailer and the timing making it look like there was more action and to keep the audience involved. The audio was turned up to ensure that every word you heard you could hear perfectly and it was easy for the audience to follow the story

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and keep them interested and to have a good experience. Making these adjustments brought huge dramatic tension to the trailer which caused atmosphere with the audience creating the reaction we wanted.

I feel that getting feedback from my targeted audience and the public really helped with improving my work and making my ad’s stand out to persuade them more to come and watch my trailer. The feedback was really useful as it allowed me to know where I have gone wrong and made me change improvements to my work for the better. It allowed me to categorise my audience more and find out more information about they like and want to see.





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