evaluation question 4

Q. 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Q. 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

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• Youtube was an incredible help as it give me the ability to search for already existing music videos and even see other A2 media productions from my college and colleges across the country. Having music videos at the touch of a button was incredibly convenient. If it where not for YouTube my video may have been very different as my initial ideas came from videos seen on the site.

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• Blogger was another useful website as it gave me the chance to organize my work through out the year and was also a great display for the hard work put into my media coursework as it displayed very nicely. Blogger was also very useful in case I ever missed work due to illness.

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Final Cut

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• Final cut was an incredibly useful programme used to help cut and edit my video together, it is possibly the most up to industry standard programme that we would have had available and it can be seen through the quality of videos you can produce through the programme. It aided me when having the idea of making the video in black and white (it was shot in colour). I was able to strip the colour from the video by reducing the saturation. It also gave me the ability to convert the video into different shapes without being too complicated, for example there is a section of my video when I appear on the screen 4 times in different orders.

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• I was able to do this through the use of layers in Final Cut, I would copy the section of footage and overlap the sequences and enlarge and shorten the clips where it was needed.

• I was also able to use fade techniques which where not a main part of my video but when used seemed very effective

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Adobe Photo Elements

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• Photoshop was used when producing my digipak and advertisement, using this programme gave me so many options and few limits to what I could have done visually with my 2 items. I started with my digipak by simply writing the name of the album and the band, from there I was able to change between fonts to see what fitted with the style of the album and genre of music. When I finally picked the correct font I decided to go back to my video and change over the font used in the intro of the song to match in with the rest of my work. This change can be seen in the contrast of my rough-cut and final video. The same can be said for my poster, once I had the font picked out I was able to apply it to my advertisement and have the link throughout my ancillary texts. Another feature I was able to use from Photoshop was the chance to bring pictures together, this could have been seamless but I wanted a rough look to my digipak which is why I have a mix of pictures forming the main image of the star. When deciding to include different businesses that would offer my product I could simply copy the image from the internet and use it how and where I wanted within my advert.

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• Prezi was an incredibly useful tool I was able to utilize within my portfolio, I used Prezi to deliver part of my Evaluation. What Prezi brings to my work is an up to date, professional looking piece of work. It allowed me to organize my work in a significantly unique way.