evaluation question 5

5. How would you attract/address your audience?

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Post on 11-Aug-2015



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5. How would you attract/address your


I think my magazine would attract the needs of my target audience because of the research I carried out such as creating a survey for my target market asking what they expect to see in a magazine and what they preferred. This is because I would know what was relevant to include in my magazine content. Therefore, this would also give me an idea of what appealed to them because it was important for me to know what my target market wanted from my magazine, so I could try and address most of their needs and wants. In which I feel like I accomplished as I feel I pleased my target market as I tried to explore and address the type of genre my magazine was biased around, I felt I did this by covering their interests from a pop magazine. Overall the main aim of my magazine was to attract young female teenagers in which I used a variety of different aspects to ensure my magazine would appeal and attract to them.

Here are some of the main questions I asked in my survey and the results I got from my target market to see what they would like to feature in my magazine. This information helped me to decide on certain aspects like what they find most appealing in a magazine and what they like to see on a double page-Article or an interview, and most importantly the pricing of my magazine.

I used a banner at the top of my magazine to catch the readers attention to hopefully get them to buy the magazine.

The font I used was from online on a website called Dafont- http://www.dafont.com/ the name of the font I used was called “ Rakoon” I chose to use this specific masthead because I felt it fitted extremely well with the genre magazine. Which I edited to a bright pink colour so it was able to stand out and catch the eye of young female teenagers. This was also the most preferred by most people as I asked a variety of people what they thought would be the most appropriate masthead for a pop magazine in which most people chose this.

The main image of my magazine also helps to attract my target audience as it is a mid-shot of the artists looking straight towards the camera and smiling. Therefore, this portrays to readers that it is a fun and cheeky magazine which welcomes readers to read it. Furthermore, the clothing she is wearing also attracts my target audience as she is wearing bright colours to show that it is a positive magazine.

I priced my magazine at £2.50 as from my questionnaire results most people said they would pay £2.50 for a magazine. Also because it is not to exspensive for my target audience as they are quite young.

I used a variety of cover lines and artists on my front page this is so each artist could address their interests from my magazine and that specific artist. I also made sure that all of my cover lines were quite short and basic this is simply because of my target market being quite young. Therefore, it allows them to get an insight of what the magazine features.

Again I used the “ Rakoon” form Dafont.com which I also edited to a bright pink colour in order for it to stand out on the page which is the same as my masthead on my front cover. Following the house style throughout my magazine.

I also included a message from a staff writer to the readers of my magazine. I did this because it attracts my target audience to read my magazine it is telling them what is featured inside. It also gives readers an idea of what is the most interesting and best things included in the magazine making it slightly more direct to the audience as it is a personal message.

I also included pictures on my contents page, in the majority of the pictures the girls are smiling. Therefore, this attracts the audience as it is making the magazine more inviting and fun for the readers.

Different features on my contents page has been split into different sections. This allows my magazine to address the audience as it is easier to locate within the magazine and follow

Each heading font is white therefore, this shows that I have continued to use the house style and does throughout the magazine. Also the fact that it is against the pink makes it stand out more because of it being more bright. In which the pink used throughout the page allows me to attract my female audience as the colour pink is often associated with females as it is very gender oriented and used within many pop magazines.

The main image on this page takes up half of the double page spread which is something which is often used on article pages. The girl is turn’t slightly to the side with her fingers on her lips. This is quite different to the image on my front cover as she is being more reserved. Therefore, the picture suggests that the interview is going to be quite cheeky and is probably going to be revealing information about herself. This means that this would attract my audience as when they see this picture it would make them want to read the interview and see what information she reveals.

The quote reveals that star is has been inspired by current artists in the music industry. This will attract my audience as it is allowing them to get information from the article making them want to reader further into it.

I put the main title “ ACCESS ALL AVERY” to show the importance of the article and the actual artist. Therefore, this would attract the audience attention to read the article.

I have written the questions In pink so they stand out more on the page. Also the colour pink attracts my young female audience my magazine has been biased around.