evaluation question 5

Look back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product By George Gardner

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Look back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to the full product

By George Gardner

Page 2: Evaluation Question 5

ComparisonThere has been a massive improvement from my preliminary task to my final product. I now have a in-depth knowledge of iMovie and the features in offers, Compared to my prelim task ,where only basic features that iMovie had to offer were used.

Also when filming for the final product we did much more planning and research into other opening of film and what the audience expected from an opening of a film. This gave us detail information on target audience and factors that made opening more fulfilling for the audience and also key characteristics that the audience expected from a film of this genre. Without this information we may have not clear understood the way this genre works.

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Ability-PreliminaryMy ability during the preliminary task was very basic, I only knew how to use some of the many features that iMovie has to offer. This means only cutting and overlaying music was used. Due to my inexperience no special effects were used. Due to my inability to correct realistic effects.You can clearly see that i have learnt a lot throughout this task. It’s clear that my ability to work in a media related environment has greatly improved. And that i now have the ability to create close to profession standard media products.

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Ability-final Product My ability to use iMovie has progress so I was able to make a realistic gunshots in my opening film. These skills were not available during the preliminary task due to my lack of knowledge in how to operate iMovie. When I had problems creating special effects like muzzle flashes i would  watching tutorials , this is taught me a lot about how iMovie functions. Knowing how to uses iMovie has made making more complexed issues easier to solve.

The next slide shows example of complexed editing for the final product, these skills were not develop enough too be used in the preliminary task. This shows my progression from preliminary to the final product.

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Examples When editing the gun shot we had to use per-keyed footage to add a special effect on to the original clip. In iMovie we used picture on picture mode which aloud me as the editor the add two clip into one frame. Below I will insert the timeline. This will show how i edited the clip.

When editing we used music to build up tension creating a more dramatical effect for the audience. Playing the opening without music really detracts from the correct feel that the opening it trying to portray. An example with and without music will be embedded below.

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