evaluation question 6 – what have you learnt

Evaluation Question 6 – What have you learnt about technologies in the process of constructing your product? By Tina Hartnell

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Evaluation Question 6 – What have you learnt

about technologies in the process of constructing

your product?

By Tina Hartnell

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We used three types of technology in the process of creating our film› Hardware› Software› Online

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Using the Macs… The first type of technology that we used

was the Macs. We used this most as this contained the editing software and was where we would download all of our videos and sound and evaluated our project. I found it easy to use although I was not used to the difference between mac computers and PC’s. Even when we were unsure on how to do something with the mac we could use the internet to research it.

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Using the cannon D3200…

Using the D3200 was easy once we understood how to get onto the video setting as the camera is not specifically made for filming video. Filming at night was difficult as the camera would not focus although once we worked out how to manually adjust the focus it became easier, although we filmed with lighter light and adjusted this during the editing. Once again the internet was easy to use to find out how to use the different features of camera.

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Using the tripod…

In comparison to shots not using a tripod the results using one were a lot more steady and professional. The tripod also helped when doing our dolly shot and helped keep the camera still and straight or our close up and long shots. This also allowed us to keep the composition of the shot the same each time we did the shot. This also gave a smooth movement when tracking our character.

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Using the H1 zoom…

In order to record our sound we used the H1 zoom. This was very simple to use and download onto the computer. We used a quiet empty room to record the narration as this equipment picked up on even the smallest sound. We also used it to record the sound of breathing and laughing to keep our film realistic and lifelike.

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Using the boom…

We used this in order to prevent the H1 zoom picking up on other sounds other than what we were trying to record. We didn’t really need it as there wasn’t much background noise but we wanted to have the best quality sound that we could for our film. We also used this when we recorded some of our evaluations so that the speech was clear.

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Using Live type…

We started off by using IMovie to make our credits and titles but later we changed to using Live Type which was more complex but had more professional results and had far more choice with motion and appearance. For our film the titles were quite simple to fit with our genre but we could have made more interesting titles.

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Using Premiere pro…

As I had not used editing software before it took a little while to get used to all of the different features, however after practice I think my improvement shows in my work. I found this program more complex than other editing software such as IMovie although I also found that the results were a lot more professional.

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Using PowerPoint…

When researching for our film we used PowerPoint to present our work in a neat and easily accessible way. We also used it for some of our evaluations as it is easy to put them on our blog and layout the evaluation information neatly.

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Using Youtube…

We used YouTube to upload our practice films, editing and titles etc. as then it is easy to put on our blog. As I had a lot of experience with this site it was easy to do this process. This allows our work to be viewed by anyone and us to view each others work and allowed us to watch other horror film openings during the research process.

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Using Prezzi…

Prezzi is a website that creates documents that are similar to PowerPoint presentations to layout information in a neat and orderly way. When I first used Prezzi I found it difficult to use as I was new to this website. There are lots of more complex ways of presenting information when using Prezzi.

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Using Google…

We used Google when we were researching into making our film including research in genre, conventions and audience etc. We also used it if were unsure how to use any of the software or other technologies we used during the film making process.

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Using Blogger…

We used blogger in order to present all of our work in one organized place. The site has labels along the side so each piece of work is easily accessible and easy to find. After a bit of practice this website was easy to use and set out as we wanted.

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Overall all of the different technologies allowed us to create and share a high quality film and all of the research and work along side it. All of the types of technologies were easy to use as soon as we had had some practice with it.