evaluation report-khammam report khammam.pdf · evaluation report-khammam women groups (shg’s ......

EVALUATION REPORT-KHAMMAM WOMEN GROUPS (SHG’S) Duration : 2 day training program on ripening chambers for fruits Date : 24 th &25 th October 2014 in KHAMMAM Sl.no Particulars Remarks 1 Detailed curriculum enclosed 2 List of faculty with brief profile enclosed 3 List of trainees enclosed 4 List of representatives of ripening chambers participated enclosed a.)Ripening chambers in Khammam enclosed b.)Ripening chambers outside Khammam enclosed c.) Opinion of the representatives of ripening chambers where training is required. Place where training requested in future as opined by representatives of the ripening chambers. enclosed 5 Employment generated enclosed 6 Feedback from agricultural university enclosed 7 Feedback from trainees enclosed 8 Feedback from faculty enclosed 9 Photos taken during training programme enclosed a.)First day of training program inauguration and classroom photos enclosed b.)Hands on training & Field visit to ripening chamber enclosed

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Duration : 2 day training program on ripening chambers for fruits Date : 24th&25th October 2014 in KHAMMAM

Sl.no Particulars Remarks

1 Detailed curriculum enclosed 2 List of faculty with brief profile enclosed 3 List of trainees enclosed 4 List of representatives of ripening chambers participated enclosed a.)Ripening chambers in Khammam enclosed b.)Ripening chambers outside Khammam enclosed c.) Opinion of the representatives of ripening chambers where training is

required. Place where training requested in future as opined by representatives of the ripening chambers.


5 Employment generated enclosed 6 Feedback from agricultural university enclosed 7 Feedback from trainees enclosed 8 Feedback from faculty enclosed 9 Photos taken during training programme enclosed a.)First day of training program inauguration and classroom photos enclosed b.)Hands on training & Field visit to ripening chamber enclosed


DAY -1: DETAILS | DATE: 24/10/2014

From To Details Topic

8.30 AM 9.00 AM Registration & Break fast Registration

9.00 AM 9.30 AM Inauguration Particulars as under


1 Dr.Ilambarithi,IAS District Collector,Khammam Chief guest

2 Shri.VenuManohar Commissioner, Project Director, KHAMMAM Municipal Corporation

Guest Speaker

3 Dr.B.Vishwanadham Retired District Medical & Health Officer (DM & HO) Guest Speaker

4 Smt.Sudha Managing Director, Samagra Guest Speaker

5 Smt.Bharathi Mission Coordinator(SHGs) Guest speaker

6 Shri.Kasturi Venkateswarlu

ADH, State Horticulture Mission (SHM) Guest Speaker

7 Shri.Srinivas Lead District Manager (Banks) Guest Speaker

8 Shri.Ravindranath Reddy

Assistant General Manager, Andhra Bank Guest Speaker







11.00 AM 11.45 AM First session Introduction, Natural & Artificial


Shri.Kasturi Venkateswarlu

ADH, State Horticulture Mission

11.45 AM Tea

11.45 AM 12.30 PM Second Session Different ripening techniques Potential and Pre market study

Points to be considered before going for Ripening chambers

Dr.Hussian Professor,

College of Agriculture, Hyderabad

12.30 PM 1.15 PM Third Session Ripening chamber components

Insulation, Refrigeration system

Humidification, Ethylene maintenance


Asst.General Manager

State Bank of India

01.15 PM

2.00 PM


02.00 PM 2.45 PM Fourth session Permission and Clearances required by Government,etc

Mr.C.A.Mounik Director,Samagra

Agribusiness 02.45 PM 3.30 PM Fifth session Permission and Clearances

required by Bank


Director,Samagra Agribusiness

3.30PM 4.00 PM

Tea Break

4.00 PM 5.00 PM Sixth Session

Post-Harvest Technologies and open session

Dr.APRao Dr.Hussain




DAY -2: DETAILS | DATE: 25/10/2014






09.00 AM

10.00 AM


10.00 AM 01.00 PM Visit to ripening


Golden Agri

SolutionsRipening Chamber

Shri. Khaja Khan

01.00 PM

02.00 PM


02.00 PM

03.15 PM

Third session

Operations & Maintenance of

Ripening Chamber

Pre loading of fruits: Functions




in crates

Ethylene Maintenance:


release Release of



Shri.Prasad Operations Manager Ripening Chamber.

03.15 PM

03.30 PM

Tea Break

03.30 PM

04.45 PM

Fourth session

Project details Project


Subsidy Norms & Obtaining bank


Shri.AbbuMounik, Director, Samagra Dr.APRao,Dr.Hussain, Shri.Prasad

04.45 PM

05.15 PM

Open session

Shri. AbbuMounik, &Mr.Prasad, Dr.AP


05.15 PM

05.45 PM

Validation and issue of Certificate

of Training by NCCD



SL # Name of Participant Mobile No. Occupation

1 B.Yashoda 9701385478 Self Help Group

2 A.Padma 8008058617 Self Help Group

3 K.Jaya 8008069671 Self Help Group

4 S.Saraswathi 8008033901 Self Help Group

5 Savithree 8008028990 Self Help Group

6 B. ArunSandeep 9701385493 Self Help Group

7 G.Ramana 9963431716 Self Help Group

8 Ch.Puspalatha 9704752120 Self Help Group

9 K.Chattama 8008031786 Self Help Group

10 K.Rambaimma 8374919467 Self Help Group

11 S.K.Hasanbee 9618169963 Self Help Group

12 K.Jyothi 9177184638 Self Help Group

13 V.Koteswari 7569782686 Self Help Group

14 P.Mavy 8008030468 Self Help Group

15 G.Laxmi 9642916659 Self Help Group

16 M.VijayaKumari 9951004414 Self Help Group

17 E.ChandraKala 9505370520 Self Help Group

18 P.Nagalaxmi 8008024924 Self Help Group

19 S.Lourdu 9550186927 Self Help Group

20 M.Upendramma 9885544383 Self Help Group

21 J.Nagaiah 9701385475 Self Help Group

22 G.Sreenidhi 9393324902 Self Help Group

23 A.MallikarjunRao 9848738067 Self Help Group

24 M.Harshitha Self Help Group

25 V.Vijayasree Self Help Group

26 A.Maheshwari Self Help Group

27 B.Himabindu Self Help Group

28 K.Arunasree Self Help Group

29 Y.Nirmalamma Self Help Group

30 R.Anuradha Self Help Group

31 Bharani Self Help Group

32 BhavyaSree Self Help Group

33 Kumari Self Help Group

34 V.Namratha Self Help Group

35 S.Sujatha Self Help Group

36 E.Sudha Rani Self Help Group

37 R.Eshwari Self Help Group

38 S.Vanisree Self Help Group

39 Y.Hemalatha Self Help Group

40 U.Vyshnavi Self Help Group

41 K.Himaja Self Help Group

42 T.Surabhi Self Help Group

43 Haripriya Self Help Group

44 Gouthami Self Help Group


Address Name of the

Representative Opinion on proposed

place of training

1 M/s. Golden Agri Solutions Ripening


Shri.Prasad KHAMMAM

Shri.Khaja Khan doing fruit trading since thirty years .Sri.Khan’s grand parents came from Andhra Pradesh and settled in Telangana, experienced in ripening and trading of fruits.60 % of Market share is in the hands of Sri. Khaja Khan


Exclusively for women groups (SHGs) Self Help Groups (SHGs) are organized resource of manpower in the semi urban and urban

areas, they are organizing group meetings ,maintaining accounts, conducting recovery camps

for Banks, and petty vendors. Banks are financing these groups by giving Rs.50000/- per

women with an intention for developing a business activity as there is no employment to these

people. They are doing petty businesses like Cycle shops, tailoring shops and provision shops.

These businesses are not viable at their level because

The women groups are not well versed with Business Tactics like Middle Men

The trades selected by these women groups ie..Tailoring, clothe selling, are already

existing hence they are not economically viable

Their products cannot compete with branded goods

Samagra identified these groups are the best resource for Ripening chambers operations and

maintenance if properly trained. We chalk out a program to allot 40 % of trainings to Women.

After receiving the approvals for conducting trainings from National Centre for Cold Chain

Development (NCCD), we have contacted women groups and arranged for trainings as per


While the trainings were sanctioned by NCCD for 35 trainees per batch, the local response from

youth was more. At the registration time more candidates showed up to participate. All the

candidates preregistered and last minute showings are also allowed to participate in the



As this is the first program of its kind for women groups, unemployed learned skills suitable for

running ripening chambers. Owners of the Ripening Chambers promised to give employment to

the trained women in due course of time.

These trainings are planned on written demand of owners of Ripening Chambers infrastructure,

who also assured employment opportunity to the trainees. The prospective employers ie:

ripening chamber owners allowed practical trainings in their facility and actively participated

with the trainees, and clarified the doubts of trainees during the practical session.

Majority of the women expressed interest to start Ripening Chambers with Bank loans and

requested Samagra for further help in construction of ripening chambers and bank loan

procedure, marketing help. Samagra assured services for the benefit of these groups, also

promised to these groups to give Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and supervising the project

without charging fees, Samagra feels that it is “Corporate Social Responsibility” to help these


It’s a dawn of new beginning the present generation is beginning to understand the importance

and benefits of the industry. We hope to see an upcoming change in due course of time.

Actual employment generated will be monitored and reported to the NCCD Number of new ripening chambers opened by these groups will be reported to the NCCD


Dean College of Agriculture, Telangana expressed the necessity for such program by

which sustainable livelihood can be created to the women groups. This program helps in

creating awareness about the ill effects of carbide use besides raising the issue of safe and

scientific ripening chambers for fruits.

Women groups undergo this training program would be able to handle the ripening

chambers in scientific and systematic way. Moreover they themselves can successfully become

potential entrepreneurs by taking up ripening chambers as business activity. Thereby they are

able to create employment and become job providers rather than job seekers.

This program would help representatives of the ripening chambers to know the scientific

and systemic approach to handle their existing units. Thereby able to cut down the lapses in

handling and save the quality of the fruit and gain economical benefits.

The unskilled workers from the ripening chambers would be the best benefitted as they

able to understand the scientific principle behind every operation they use to perform earlier.

Even a small skill they learnt during the program would help them to handle the existing unit

with more science and precision. This in long run would help the unit to gain efficiency and

quality output for sustainable economical benefits which would trigger entrepreneurial activity in

this direction which has direct bearing on employment generation.


Sri.Ilambarthi,IAS, District detailed the importance of income generating activities to the

women groups. There is a potential of ripening chambers for mangoes and requested the

women groups to take up mango ripening in the coming season

Shri.Venu,Commissioner, Municipal Corporation KHAMMAM, was pleased to preside over

the function. He delivered a message to the participants stating that he will put forth every

effort to make these groups to sustain economically by shifting to Ripening Chambers, promised

to arrange places in municipal areas for retailing of Banana

Project Director Promised every help to establish these groups some ripening chambers

during the current financial year, for which he will help in getting the funds. He requested the

participants to utilize this facility for other horticulture produce also.

Smt.Bharathi, SMC, activated the women groups to for ripening chambers and she

promised help in all possible way to make the projects successful.

Sri.Sreenivas, Lead District Manager requested for conduct of more number of such

trainings in view of demand, and requested to take up ripening chambers as many as possible

as the current mango season fast approaching

Sri.Ravindranath Reddy, Assistant General Manager promised to finance the activity

liberally, and assured speedy delivery of the loans


The participants expressed overwhelming joy after seeing ripening chambers and

expressed to establish ripening chambers at the earliest if some more sections of trainings

conducted to them, regarding quality of fruit buying and administration, tracking markets etc..

Majority of the groups expressed a field visit to the banana gardens for having tie up

with banana growers before establishing ripening Chambers.

More literature in Telugu, and requested a week continuous program to these groups is

helpful in making them thorough with operations and marketing of fruits.

The training program is practical hands on experience and very helpful in understanding

the operations of ripening chamber and how the Government is actively available to support the



The faculty opined that the general public should be educated that ethylene ripening is

similar to natural ripening and hence the point may be highlighted.

To encourage purchasing ethylene treated fruits incentive for ethylene treated fruit may

be sanctioned by government NHB/NHM to the penultimate consumer.


Shri.Kasturi Venkateswarlu

Assistant Director, State Horticulture Mission Having Experience of more than 20yrs and contributed a lot for the development of post -harvest technology

Dr. A. P. Rao Project Associate- Samagra Agribusiness Services Pvt. Ltd Retired Assistant General Manager in State Bank of India looking after the banks appraisals of Horticulture, Dairy and Poultry. Joined State Bank of India as Rural development Officer (RDO) in 1979, retired as AGM technical in 2012.

C. AbbuMounik Director, Samagra Agribusiness Services Pvt. Ltd B.E(ECE) Experienced in Ripening Chambers i.e. planning and execution.Modeled with new generation vision by attending and mapping best possible methodology in encouraging youngsters like him.Has participated in international conferences. Procedure s of obtaining permissions for submission of Application for subsidy

Dr.AhmadHussain Project Associate, Samagra Agribusiness Services Pvt. Ltd. Doctorate in agriculture 23 summers of experience spread over in Farm extension, resource mgt for crop production & master trainer in farm production PHT & good agricultural practices for global certification of farm produce winner of meritorious extension personnel award, nominated for young Muslim scientific award, Scientific advisor for Jananvignanavediks& city library.

PHOTOS TAKEN DURING TRAINING PROGRAMME Programme-inauguration and classroom photos

Guests on Dias Dr.Ilambarithi,IAS, Collector (Khammam), Dr.B.Vishwanadham Retired District Medical & Health Officer (DM & HO) Shri.VenuManohar, Commissioner, Project director, KHAMMAM Municipal

Corporation,Shri.Kasturi, ADH (State Horticulture Mission),Shri.Srinivas ,Lead District Manager,Shri.Ravindranath Reddy, AGM Andhra Bank

Dr.Ilambarithi,IAS, Collector (Khammam),Inaugurating the session

Shri.Venu Manohar Commissioner, Project director, Khammam Municipal Corporation

Dr.B.Vishwanadham Retired District Medical & Health Officer (DM & HO)

Smt.C.Sudha, Managing Director, Samagra Agribusiness Services Pvt.Ltd

Speech By Dr.Ilambarithi,IAS, Collector (Khammam)

Speech By Smt.Bharathi,State Mission Coordinator, Self Help Groups.

Shri.VenuManohar Commissioner, Project director, KHAMMAM Municipal Corporation

Session ByShri.Kasturi, ADH, (State Horticulture Mission)

Session by Mr.Mounik ,Director,Samagra

Session byDr.PurnaChandarRao,Asst.GeneralManager,State Bank of India.

Sri.Hussain explaining to participants

Shri.Hussain,Shri.Kasturi,Shri.Mounik,Smt.Bharathi, Dr.A.P.Rao in the open session Visit to Ripening Chambers.

Participants with Samagra and Government officers

Shri.Hussain Explaining the Components of Ripening Chambers

Participants and Trainers
