evaluation six

Dell Inspiron- I used this laptop for all my word documents and PowerPoints. I also used it for uploading and keeping my blog up to date. Pasonic camera-For both of the draft and the final magazines I used this camera to take all the images for the pages. Mac- I used the mac to create my draft magazine and final magazine. For this I used Photoshop which is on the laptop so I could also do work at home as well as at school. My note pads were used to jot ideas and notes down during the research and planning and making stage of my draft and final magazine. Other technologies also used were sladeshare, scribd, blogger, dafont and myfonts Technologies

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation six

Dell Inspiron- I used this laptop for all my word documents and PowerPoints. I also used it for uploading and keeping my blog up to date.

Pasonic camera-For both of the draft and the final magazines I used this camera to take all the images for the pages.

Mac- I used the mac to create my draft magazine and final magazine. For this I used Photoshop which is on the laptop so I could also do work at home as well as at school.

My note pads were used to jot ideas and notes down during the research and planning and making stage of my draft and final magazine.

Other technologies also used were sladeshare, scribd, blogger, dafont and myfonts
