evaluation task 1

Evaluation Task Evaluation Task 1 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Evaluation Task 1Evaluation Task 1In what ways does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

What are the media forms and What are the media forms and


• Media forms is an overall shape of the media product i.e comic books and Internet

• Media conventions is a set of clues that we (audience) recognizes and associate things with i.e the length of a music video is going to be the length of the song boobies

My group created a opening sequence to a thriller, by following some typical conventions subconsciously. For example we made the length of our approx. 2 minutes long consisting of violent and mysterious elements to our thrillerWe used conventions for our thriller as they can be seen to be safe. As conventions are repeated due to their success. Meaning if you follow some of the typical conventions of the genre/form you have a higher chance of success in the final product.

Conventions of our Title Conventions of our Title


Using the title is very common/popular in most all movies as it makes the audience subconsciously remember the title of the movie

A typical convention of most crime thrillers is to have the movie text after showing the opening of their movie. The use of two different coloured text is very commonly used in action/crime/thriller movies. Plus the use of the colour of our text is very similar to the title sequence of Dexter as the colour white can be seen as pure but then the colour red signifies death, love, passion and blood.


• Extreme Close ups allow the audience to see the actors facial expression. Therefore the young adults/teens is able to view the tense and mysterious atmosphere.

• In comparison to our Media Thriller, Dexter uses the same camera angle to convey the same emotions that’s meant to be felt by the audience, which is sympathy

• Dexter uses this camera shot a few second after he is introduced as this convention is used to illustrate the personality of the character

Use of Extreme Close ups & Close ups


Dexter (2006/2013)

SoundSoundUse of Diegetic Sounds

• Throughout the opening sequence of Dexter they used a lot of diegetic and non diegetic sounds. As for our media thriller our group only used diegetic sounds as we were trying to create a more isolated atmosphere.

• Dexter uses a lot of voice overs for the main actor to allow the audience to know and understand the characters personality. However in our Media Thriller we didn’t use a voice over for either characters as we wanted to introduce a sense of mystery in our thriller making their personality a little bit more ambiguous.

• The use of location in Dexter can be seen as a typical convention where to dump a body. As the forest gives connotations of loneliness and isolation making it a suitable area to dump a body.

• Our media thriller chose the location to be in the forest as it makes it seem more professional as building a set outside would cost time and money. Therefore our group chose for it to be outside in the forest (as we near a park containing many trees).

Mise en sceneMise en sceneUse of Extreme Close ups & Close upsUse of location and set

OUR VIDEODexter (2006/2013)

• The use of props allow the audience to understand more about the character. As the use of convergence allows the audience to associate the characters personalities.

• In comparison to our media thriller Dexter uses medical equipment to illustrate to the audience that he is most likely to be in the medical field through the use of medical equipment. Therefore in our thriller we use simple props to insinuate the fact that he is a hit man.

Mise-en-sceneMise-en-sceneUse of Props



Dexter (2006/2013)

Dexter (2006/2013)

The use of the lighting in our media thriller challenges typical conventions of a crime thriller as typical conventions use dark lighting during a murder scene of plot. However the use of the bright lighting allows the thriller illustrate the facial expression of the actors clearly however it makes the opening sequence less scary and tense without the use of dark lighting therefore there was a trade of between the two. In our final decision our group chose for it to be in the day as we were given a specific date/time to film.

Mise-en-sceneMise-en-sceneUse of Lighting



Dexter (2006/2013)

Dexter (2006/2013)

• The use of the costumes can be used to give connotations of the characters personality. As in comparison to both opening sequences both the victims was wearing smart clothing as this makes them seem educated and clever, which is used as a typical convention used to make them seem more innocent in the situation. As later on it reveals in Dexter the victim kills children and in ours the plot is of how Gabriel is a criminal.

• The use of costumes uses typical synergies to display which field someone is in. As in Dexter the use of costumes make him seem like a doctor of some sort while the hit man in our opening sequence is wearing a full attire make him seem like a professional hitman instead of looking like a random person killing someone.

• The use of costumes gives hidden messages to the audience the characters personality and his professions through the use of synergies and typical conventions.

Mise-en-sceneMise-en-sceneUse of Costume

OUR VIDEO OUR VIDEODexter (2006/2013)

Dexter (2006/2013)

• The order at which the character in Dexter is introduced is similar to the way our character is introduced. As in the beginning of the scene Dexter and our victim (Gabe) is in an car by himself. This is clearly used in Dexter as since he is a psychopath, the show makes the audience follow his perspective of his journey making him seem like the innocent one even though he kills people. In our thriller we introduce the victim of the scene first as we want him to be remembered by the audience due to the fact he is the first character introduced to the audience, this will make his death more memorable as the plot of the movie is about him.

NarrativeNarrativeThe timeline of the opening sequence

The ending of both the opening sequence is similar as we both ended the opening sequence with the death of our victim. This can be seen as a common convection in opening sequences for crime thriller TV/Movies as the Movie/TV show slowly reveals the victim reason for death later on the Movie/TV show i.e. used commonly in NCIS.Therefore in our media thriller the main question that runs through our audiences mind is why the hitman killed the victim and who is, which was the aim of our opening sequence as typical conventions of TV show is that they don’t reveal a lot, which I feel that our thriller achieved.OUR VIDEO


Dexter (2006/2013)

Dexter (2006/2013)

• The use of the actors in our media thriller was chosen based on how well the actor fitted the role. The reason our group chose our actor to be Mike (bond guy) is because he had this large physical presence on the scene making the whole environment very tense and isolated.

• In Dexter the actor fits the role of being a psychopathic killer as he seems to be an outsider or even a nerd. However he still is capable of changing face between different people as Dexter hides his real personality to people he cares about therefore he suits the role

• Therefore our media thriller uses the convention of the actor suiting the role of the character as it making the movie have more meaning.

NarrativeNarrativeUse of characters/actors

OUR VIDEODexter (2006/2013)