evaluation two

Representation of particular social group I think that the similarities between Dalilah Moon and Ellie Goulding In this image are that they are both wearing black and white clothing which looks very classic and simple. In both Ed is the best of the images Dalilah and Ellie are looking directly into the camera, and are not pulling any expressions and the image has been taken up against a plain back ground. As well as the costumes being rather similar I think both of the artists look rather quirky and would be popular with the same social group as they relate to each other and other people well. The particular social group I want my magazine to be aimed at would be middle class, white, ages 18-24, interested in music and fashion.

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation Two

Representation of particular social group

I think that the similarities between Dalilah Moon and Ellie Goulding In this image are that they are both wearing black and white clothing which looks very classic and simple. In both Ed is the best of the images Dalilah and Ellie are looking directly into the camera, and are not pulling any expressions and the image has been taken up against a plain back ground. As well as the costumes being rather similar I think both of the artists look rather quirky and would be popular with the same social group as they relate to each other and other people well. The particular social group I want my magazine to be aimed at would be middle class, white, ages 18-24, interested in music and fashion.