evaluation website amad

This report will be an evaluation of my work during unit 11. It will include the strengths and weaknesses of my designs and my final product. I will also be explaining how I made my website and what tools I had to use etc. The tools which I used for my website was text boxes for the text which appear. I also used dafont website in order to get the street fighter font and have my buttons in the same font as in street fighter. This was essential as it goes with the theme and the style of my website. I used Dreamweaver let me develop my website without using HTML which means that it was easier to develop my website. I used images of ken because the website is about him and it is essential for my website to contain images of him. My website goes in to a lot of detail about the character. This was also essential because the aim of the website is to educate the audience about the character. I also used hyperlinks to lead the audience members to merchandise and media video’s and wallpapers of the character these are good additions to my website as it tells more and shows how popular the actual game character is. I used an enter page because in a video game it has loading screen and I want my enter page to act as a loading screen so it relates to the game. My final website differs from my initial idea, as when the website was made, it was a lot larger than in the initial design. In my final website I added a banner. I added this because I believe every website needs a banner; my banner contains a still image of ken from the latest street fighter game. One thing I would change if I was to do this again would be to finish off all my buttons in the same font. I ran out of time which

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation website Amad

This report will be an evaluation of my work during unit 11. It will include the strengths and weaknesses of my designs and my final product. I will also be explaining how I made my website and what tools I had to use etc.

The tools which I used for my website was text boxes for the text which appear. I also used dafont website in order to get the street fighter font and have my buttons in the same font as in street fighter. This was essential as it goes with the theme and the style of my website. I used Dreamweaver let me develop my website without using HTML which means that it was easier to develop my website.

I used images of ken because the website is about him and it is essential for my website to contain images of him. My website goes in to a lot of detail about the character. This was also essential because the aim of the website is to educate the audience about the character. I also used hyperlinks to lead the audience members to merchandise and media video’s and wallpapers of the character these are good additions to my website as it tells more and shows how popular the actual game character is.

I used an enter page because in a video game it has loading screen and I want my enter page to act as a loading screen so it relates to the game.

My final website differs from my initial idea, as when the website was made, it was a lot larger than in the initial design. In my final website I added a banner. I added this because I believe every website needs a banner; my banner contains a still image of ken from the latest street fighter game.

One thing I would change if I was to do this again would be to finish off all my buttons in the same font. I ran out of time which means I could not finish it off in the same font as my other buttons. This ruined the consistency of my buttons and my font which I was really disappointed with.

Page 2: Evaluation website Amad

Another change from my website design is that the media button on my design is in the street fighter font whereas on the website it is in black and white.

I used hot spotting because it enables people to go on to other websites which they may find useful. I first clicked on the image that I wanted to hotspot. I then put the URL of the website which I wanted it to lead too. I entered the URL in where it says ‘link’ & ‘target’ & ‘alt’ in the image below.

Page 3: Evaluation website Amad