evaluation4 and 5


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Evaluation questions 4 &5


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My target audience: Both females and males Between the ages of 16 to 25 From working class/middle class Interested in Indie rock alternative music I know who my audience would be for my media product as I had a focus group which consisted of people who fit my target audience. With the help of this focus group I was able to get information and opinions on what would attract them in a magazine such as mine.

This would be the audience for my media product.

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Attracting my target audience: During my the ‘planning and research’ part of my work, I had

done some research about what my target audience would be interested in/attracted to. This is what I found out:

MinimalistNeutralChilled/layed back expressionBlack Leather jacketGuitarDrums70’s lookBlack and whiteVintage photographyPolaroidUrban locationRecords/vinylFestivalsSimpleEye contact with audience

This information I got from my focus group helped me know what kind of things to include in my magazine in order to attract my target audience. In addition to this I also made a mood board which is currently on my blog so that I had a clear idea of what I was aiming for.

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How I attracted my target audience: Colour scheme:

Since my focus group said they liked black and white (monochrome) and simple/neutral colours, and also since my target audience consists of males and females I wanted to include neutral colours (eg: black, white, red) and in particular no gender specific colours in order to attract both genders equally.

Colours that I used in my final production.

I purposely used colours (house style) similar to NME’s and Q’s because I wanted my magazine to look similar to them as it would instantly catch the attention of that specific target audience .

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How I attracted my target audience:Direct mode of address: I established direct mode of address in order to create a personal

relationship between the reader/audience and the model. I also did it for the model (female) to be the subject and not the object

(which is unconventional). What is did was radical/pluralistic (ie: broke down stereotypes and

challenged the hegemonic perspective) therefore I knew it was going to catch the attention of both females and males.

This could also be seen as empowering for the female audience as the model (female) looks fierce/ confident, therefore this would definitely attract the female audience.

Main image: I made the main image look imposing. I made it the focus of the front cover by having the colours stand out

(eg: the model’s hair and lipstick next to the black and white (plain) colours of the font/text).

This would catch the attention/attract my audience.

Front cover

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How I attracted my target audience: Features – Pull quotes & buzz words: I used pull quotes to attract my target audience as they create

hermeneutic questions and therefore entices the reader. In addition to this I used buzz words such as ‘exclusive’ to attract

the audience as it suggests that it will be something that can solely be seen in my magazine.

As well as that I made the featured artist name stand out by putting it in a bolder/bigger font and by making it red in order to attract my target audience immediately when they look at the front cover.

The ‘’win tickets’’ flash would attract the attention of both genders of my audience as it would make the reader to open the magazine.

Model: My model’s clothes (leather jacket) were purposely chosen

because 1) it fit the genre of my magazine, 2) my focus group said it was appealing to them, 3) it had connotations of the 70’s & rock music which related to my music genre.

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Attracting my target audience: Easy navigation – I used headings such as ‘’exclusive’’ and

‘’news’’ to make it easy and simple for my audience to look for what they want to read.

Monochrome filter – I used this kind of minimalist filter as it was something my focus group (which is also my target audience) liked and found appealing. Also it had connotation of my genre of music.

Eye-catching headings – such as ‘’win a Vinyl’’ under the ‘’exclusive’’ heading. This would definitely get the attention of both males and females of my audience. Also, Vynils was one of the things my focus group said they found appealing/were interested in.

Features – like the big ‘’12’’ to instantly make the reader aware that there is an exclusive and important article f the artist featured.

Clothes – I decided to take off the leather jacket and have an off-the-shoulder top instead to make her look less over powering (since it’s a contents page), but also to attract the male audience by showing more skin (male gaze – Mulvey).

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Attracting my target audience: Pull quote: I used a pull quotes to entice my target

audience to read the article on the double page spread and create hermeneutic questions.

I purposely made both of the pull quotes controversial and interesting to create even more questioning (hypodermic needle).

The text for the pull quote is in a typewriter text which has connotations of vintage things and the 70’s, it was also something my target audience said they’d be drawn to.

Anchorage text: I made the name of the artist into

anchorage text in order to make it eye-catching and get the attention of my audience. Double page spread

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Attracting my target audience: Colour scheme:I kept the same colour scheme in order to make the audience associate these colours with my magazine so that later on I could potentially create a loyal fan base.

Main image: I purposely used direct mode of address to create a relationship between the reader and the artist, also the eye contact makes the image more striking and eye catching. I also made the image stand out (due to colours) to make it bolder and therefore attract the attention of audience once again.