
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products. Rob Jones.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

Rob Jones.

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Front covers comparison

Both magazines have a very striking central image to grab audiences attention immediately in a idolizing way

In my magazine I decided to have a background picture with lots going on to show make the audience feel there is more going on in my magazine that the blander background that Kerrang decided to use. The rang of colors used also make my magazine come across more exciting in mine and other class mates opinions.

The title in my magazine is fully viewable in comparison with the title of Kerrangs which is partially hidden due to the face people are less familiar with my title whereas people only need to see part of Kerrang to recognize who the magazine company is.

Kerrangs website link is very small and hidden away, whereas I made sure mine was more visible as I would have a larger online audience and aswell as this as it’s a new magazine people may want to check us out before they buy our magazine.

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Contents comparisonI have gone for the commonly expected layout for a contents page with text down the left hand side of the page and picture links t certain pages down the right, it looks more attractive with the colors used rather than the magazine on the right made by kerrang which also looks very mess with the vast amounts of writing aswell as all the small pictures everywhere.

Unlike kerrang I have kept links of house style with the front cover by using the same font for my contents that I used for my front cover aswell as using my magazine symbol in the top corner aswell.

Similarly with my front cover I have displayed my magazines website link on the bottom of the page to attract a larger audience online to promote my product further

Kerrang’s magazine has striking pictures on the contents to entice people scanning through out the magazine to buy it and read further on, I did this buy using action shots instead.

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Double page spread comparison

In my magazine I decided to really exaggerate the name of the band ‘Napoleon’ which my artist belongs too so that people know what the main focus of what my story will be about.

Although I have not kept the house style colors I have kept the symbol of my magazine in the corner so people still recognize it is part of the same magazine and style. I didn’t use many colors purely because me and many others of my peers agreed that it suited the picture and text better in black rather than in color.

When comparing my magazine with other music magazines generally most Dps’ have a main action picture of the person or peoples the story is about as they do in mine on the left and the magazine I compared to below.

Many Double page spreads in all varieties of magazines will use a very small range of colors, in both mine and the magazine I am comparing against there are only three colors, black white and one other bright color. This Is because the white text on the black background really stands out and makes it really easy for the reader to read and is very easy on the eye.

I added a quote from their newest album cover which when read really draws your attention to the story and makes people want to read into the story to find out more about this quote and what maybe this quote has to do with his story.