evasluation question six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Evasluation question six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

Page 2: Evasluation question six

I have used photo shop to create my front cover, whilst creating my front cover I have learnt how to use the Polygon Lasso Tool to cut the background from around the image to leave a white space behind. I have also used the Spot Healing tool to create a professional look to my model by reducing the blemishes. I have also decided to increase the brightness in certain areas of his face this therefore increasing the shadow across certain features and making the image appear more predominant.

I have used the Eclipse Tool to create the shape behind my logo and also used it the create the fill in for certain letters in the title. Once creating the background shape I learnt how to transform the shape and remove certain sides and mould it to the shape that I believed was effective.

I learnt how to create text boxes and also add shadow behind the text to make it appear more predominant and stand out more, this by clicking the FX button and adding as much shadow as I though was necessary

I also used tools such as the sharpening tool to make the edge of the face stand out more as I believed the image may look blurred due to the increase in brightness, I also decreased the saturation to make sure the minor shadowed areas did stand out and the image look realistic.

Page 3: Evasluation question six

I used the Rectangle shape tool to create the background for my Masthead, again I used the Transform tool and also went through effects to add the smudged edge to the box. I believed this made it unique and gave the contents page something a little different.

I have also used the text box and bold tool to make certain parts of my text stand out as these were the titles of the articles that will feature in the magazine.

I have also learnt how to copy and paste certain layers from other projects into other work and also learnt how to crop these images to make sure they fit to the shape that I would like them to.

I learnt how to create a background for my contents page and also how to upload other, already edited images. I also created text boxes over the images to show the page numbers where the images and articles can be found.

I have used the same font and size throughout my contents page to make sure that it gave It a professional and authentic feel, I learnt how to overlap layers and then create duplicate layers to see how certain images and layers would look in different sections on the page, giving me chance to choose what I thought looked best.

Page 4: Evasluation question six

I have learnt how to use a drop cap on Indesign, this being a typical convention of many double page spreads, I believe this has made my magazine look authentic and professional.

I again have used photo shop to edit my image for my double page spread adding brightness and also using the spot healing tool to reduce the amount of imperfections on the face. This giving the image a professional feel. I have also used the fade tool on Indesign to fade the image across the two pages. I have also added shadow across the image to increase the idea of flash being used.

I have learnt how to add a large letter behind the text on the page, simply be using a text box and manually adding the font size that I wanted to create the effect that is presented.

I have again used a text box to create the convention that is typically seen in magazines, this being a pull quote that is of significant importance to the interview.