evening ar the air dome pr 1 jc id- moving...

OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY AUQUVTJ7 1IOt f n EVENING AR 1 C L Bittinger and R R Carroll Editors and Publishers- C L BITTINGER Editor- R i R CARROLL Business Manager RIVERSIDE AND SURROUNDINGS- Grand Junction Calif Aug 12Ir- we were to attempt to write of every- thing ¬ we saw in the beautiful and wonderful town of Riverside Calif- we would simply exhaust ourselves and the columns of the Star and as the object of these letters is to give a mere glimpse and passing impression of the places we saw we shall proceed in a matter of fact way Riverside Is not an old city as time j Is reckoned say 30 years since It first v began to grow It moved steadily but got up a genuine boom In 1890 which lasted up to the panic of 1S93 when it received a serious set back in a cold snap that wrecked its orange crop and this was followed by a big bank fail- ure ¬ that sent Drlces tumbling Then the town boasted of a population of 7000 It has long since recovered from its misfortunes and since has had- a steady and substantial growth its t population now numbering 15000 and Its Improvements along all lines have kept pace with the growth othe town p Riverside has a splendid sewerage and watT system paved streets beau ¬ tiful homes lovely lawns avenues lined with palms and pepper trees and F a cultivated and refined people who love their homes and knov how to- t make them attractive- The town has no citizens of great wealth but all are public spirited and cooperative and get together and do things for the public good It is a highly moral and religious place No saloons are permitted either in the town or county and the people are x delighted with the conditions I The town has the mission spirit and It t all the public buildings are built on this plan of architecture It has a j 1 magnificent courthouse costing way into the hundred thousands of dollars j which occupies two blocks beautiful- ly ¬ r grassed and bedecked with flowers j It is only one story high It has a fine o Na Masonic temple and womans club WlDU librarJ building which rMr Carnegie donated 25000 and the rr town the rest and a 15000 addition- to tilt building is being added to meet the demands of the fast growing pop- ulation jWo were surprised to find so manS rjradcrsJn its Well kept rooms The lotion whiCh this model building- s atitlxillg f S7000- JiveraidlyliasX > very creditable Y j j 1 O t this liuHding too has Ib 4 come too small and tn new building Is under roof that when completed will coijjOiriOOOO Its public school buildings and parks are in keeping with all the other public utilities of the place the white park containing- one of the finest collections of capti in the country while at the large park which is thrown open to everybody land is a great pleasure ground for the people vtsitors come to enjoy its at ¬ tractions and split a little wood boil their coffee or tea cook their food and enjoy their outing One of the most unique buildings in the town is the Glenwobd Inn built after the manner of the old mission buildings It is entirely different from the usual hotel style of architec- ture ¬ and it 7oaves an impress on thosa who tarry within its large and rambl ¬ ing court vines flowers plants and bells and comforts of furniture to match that is never forgotten always remembered and spoken of to others until it is the most noted hostelry in all the golden state of California It remained for the manager Mr Frank Miller to dream out the de- sign put it on paper and build it It Is run by a corporation run right and has been a phenomerlal success and while the building covers an entire t square its patronage has outrun its capacity and a large addition is to be added The Glenwood is conducted by Mr Miller has been gone of the big assets of the town and has added scores of well to do residents to the place who charmed by the quaintness- and restfulness of the place fell in love with the community purchased homes there and now live in beautiful Riverside One of the show places of Riverside is its Mount Rubidoux Huntington drive so named after the great rail- road ¬ magnate who became so impress- ed ¬ with the magnificent amphitheater of rugged hills and mountains that surround the beautiful and fertile val- ley ¬ r I in which the town Js a brilliant setting that he contributed 35000 to ¬ wards building five miles of the finest mountain roads on earth to the apex of this glorious lookout where the eye can drink in a scene that is difficult k to duplicate anywhere No one has seen Riverside who has not taken a walk or drive to the pinnacle of Mount Rubidoux and at the foot of the cross which marks Us highest elevation and is thankful a Huntington lived to as- sist ¬ the people of Riverside to create this inspiring driveway The town i contributed about an equal sum to complete this mountain drive and- I I 7 thousands of visitors during the sea ¬ son seek Its heights tol drink in the inspiration that comes from its warm sunlight and scenic beauty- We had a good opportunity to In ¬ spect Its thousands of acres of orange groves said to be some 20000 of them and note their perfect system of irri ¬ gation and the beauty of its trees many of them gilded with the golden fruit that still illuminates the olive fo- liage ¬ of the setting These oranges- are now ripe for market and generally bring remunerative prices The Sherman Indian school located- at Arlington a suburb of Riverside- was shown us with its dozen or more of magnificent buildings which house some SOO Indian boys and girls rep ¬ resenting 4S tribes Xot must we forget to mention the magnificent orange grove of the sec- retary ¬ of the National Biscuit Co whose home is in Pittsburg Pa but who never fails to spend his winters- in this charming spot It Is a thing- of beauty for not only has he leveled the apex of a mountain to which he I constructed a fine auto rood but lined miles of driveways over his domain with lovely roses and beautiful flower- ing ¬ plants and has a rare collection of Japanese dwarf trees some of them 3000 years old and no higher than your knee to all of which the public is welcome We also had a look at a model or ¬ ange packing establishment such as was shown the Florida orange grow ¬ ers who visited this place last May to study California fruit exchange meth- ods ¬ that has enabled them to dispose- of with a profit six times the amount- of oranges Florida grows The plant was the Alta Cresta Packing House over which Mr Erquart is the capable manager and who remembered Mr Stant Borland and Mr Heitman of Ft Myers ns part of that Florida delega ¬ tion and made inquiries about them As most of the readers of the Star are aware the California system was found so much superior to that of Florida in gathering packing and dis- tributing ¬ the fruit that it was adopted- a Florida fruit exchange organized with headquarters at Tampa While the writer was in Riverside 15000 worth of orange packing machinery- was shipped to that city For the pleasure of the auto drives that enabled me to see Riverside and her productiveness which of course includes r Its vast irrigation system founded by a Mr Evans now dead and reinforced by a Mr Gage I desire- to return my sincere appreciation and thanks to Mr John Woodman whose aim in life Is to confer favors and blessings on others Mr W has lived- In Riverside for more than 20 years has seen it develop from a village to a model city whose ideal charms all who visit it and one of Mr Ws pleas ¬ ures is to take strangers and visitors- to his city in his luxurious auto and show them its pleasing and captivating features Mr Woodman In connection- with all of his fellow citizens believes in publicity and does his share in pro- moting ¬ same At this season of the year Riverside- is said to be dull because the winter tourist has flown elsewhere and its own people of means are enjoying the delights of the seashore only 75 to SO miles away but as we had the pleas- ure ¬ to witness a presentation of the Merry Widow at the splendid opera house with a grand stage and gor- geous ¬ scenery the brilliant audience of 1500 people which packed every nook and corner of the building leads- us to believe the word dull has no ap- plication ¬ to Riverside and its people I even at this season of the year I A word about vineyards one of the big Riverside valley industries and this letter must come to a close In coming to Riverside from Los Angeles 75 miles distant who should we meet- on the train but O H Kelsey a for ¬ mer Marion county jboy son of the Veteran R A Kelsey of Stanton who of course made us promise to drop in and SIC him and he would show us a thing or two He did He and his In- teresting ¬ family wife and four child ¬ ren live at Pedley eight miles from- I Riverside He Is grove overseer for the Sparr Fruit Co 50 acres in lem ¬ ons and 50 cars of fruit was shipped- to market this season at a good price The grove Is one recently purchased and rehabilitated and promises great things for the owners Mr Kelsey is an expert at the business making it his business In Florida with four years in Cuba but says of the last named country the United States has nothing to fear in orange culture- Mr Kelsey took us to the Charles Stearns Ss Sons vineyard consisting Belle Meade Sweets Sugar Fruit and Chocolate THATS ALL These delicious candies can be had only at Court Pharmacy THE AIR DOME Moving Pictures I and Music II The Best of Entertainment Furnish ed by Home People I SEW PICTURES EVERY DAY j r THREE FULL REELS EACH NIGHT I Program for this Evening I DICK MAY THE DUTCHMAN- A PAIR OF WHITE GLOVES- Full I Reel I THE AUTOMATIC MONKEY BEFORE AND AFTER j HOW THEY PROPOSE CALLING DAY NICK CARTERS DOUBLE Admission 10 and 20 cents I Doors Upen at 730 p m H W TUCKER PROPRIETOR of 5000 acres of vines and covering seven acres of ground and from which two million gallons of wine and brandy- was made last season Its a sight to see the vast plant with its hundreds of vats one row of 32 holding 10000 gal ¬ lons each and another row of 14 vats holding 25000 gallons each and so on with smaller ones The vines at the close of the season are cut off near the ground the new growth of wood bearing the juicy grape An aero pro ¬ duces four tons of grapes which in the field are worth 5950 a ton and the cost of harvesting them for the presses- is 250 a ton The bunches of grapes- are cut and placed in baskets and in I turn thrown into watertight wagon I beds drawn to the crusher where big pronged forks are used in throwing I them into the crushers where the pulp- is pumped into other vats and the skin and seeds separated the juice drawn- off and loft to settle and put through numerous other processes before it Is I clarified and ready for the casks I Adjoining the Stearns vineyard is I another similar in size and known as I the Italian Through these vines tram roads are constructed over which iron I hopper cars are operated to gather the I crop One of the things to marvel at is the immense and ponderous machin- ery ¬ and boilers used in these factories- to j distil brandy In our travels that I day behind Mr Kelseys spanking team we passed a tract of a thousand acres being planted in orange trees by some big syndicate also saw another 700acre orchard not yet bearing all slowing the people of Riverside valley I have faith in growing the golden fruit In our drive that day we saw immense I fields of bariley and alfalTa a great I crop in many parts of California- As a matter of interest to our read- ers will say that Mr Will Sparr a I former Marion county orange grower- at i Sparr which place was named after j his father is now at the head of a corporation that owns and operates- over a thousand acres of oranges and lemons and do a tremendous business- in handling other fruits fresh and in a dried state They are succeeding splendidly Mr Will Sparr Is the gen ¬ eral manager and one of the leading citizens of Los Angeles and he stands I very high socially commercially and- as J a man whose character and citizen ¬ ship is greatly admired- In the trip from Riverside to Los Angeles on the Salt Lake railroad are many extensivewalnut orchards and they are said to be very profitable to say nothing of thousands of acres of peaches plums apricots prunes and olives To see the vast acreage and bountiful yield of fruits one wonders how It all can be utilized but seem ingly it is and more is to follow Riverside shipped over 6000 cars of oranges the past season but the prices were not as good as the year previous- C L Bittinger BABY MORPHINE FIENDS- are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics McGees Baby Elixir contains no injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind A sure and safe cure for disordered stomachs bowels and fretfulnesssplendid for teething infants Sold by all druggists- FAN BARGAINS- An eightinch Westinghouse electric- fan that is positively guaranteed to burn only three cents worth of elec ¬ tricity in ten hours steady runnin- gSe them at once H W Tucker the electrical supply man i KENTUCKY HuRSES FOR SALE- I will have a car of choice Kentucky- bred horses at my place at Evinstori Fla for sale after Aug 20th I have spent two months around my old home- at Lexington Ky selecting this stock from the farms This stock has been carefully selected and bought for spot cash direct from the stock raisers I am in position to save money to pur ¬ chasers of good horses Address L H Willis Jr Evinston Fla OCALA THEUNEXCELLED New York Packer Man Testifies to the Attractions and Advantages of Our City Mr Walseman correspondent for the New York Packer who Is now operat ¬ ing in this territory writes the follow- ing ¬ interesting letter to his paper j Ocala Fla Aug l1When one en- ters a county like old Marion for the purpose of writing up its agricultural- and horticultural industries and it happens to be the rainy season one naturally spends more time than Is al ¬ lowed or allotted to natural business duties However rain is what makes business possible in Florida and Mar- ion ¬ county is one of the first and finest counties to be benefited and Ocala the metropolis to reside in I While it Is raining the streets here i are fine and when the shower Is over one can go out and not get wet feet The Dr J M Thompson house where I the writes makes his home while here- on I Fort King avenue Is one of the best- in the city and the room consigned to the Packer man is paragon I Among the other subscribers here are some of note in the business as I well as nature world The John Dozier I Co commission merchants and merch- ant brokers are doing much to benefit the farmers of this section by buying- all the corn they can produce on the I cob already shucked and by having- its own shelling machine makes clean corn for market purposes This will save having corn shipped from the west or other northern sections which has been the practice of Florida farm- ers ¬ for years I Florida can grow as fine corn and from 25 to 50 bushels to the acre as I any state In the Union but it has just j awakened to this fact There Is no county In the state that can do this better than Marion The writer has been In Florida a little over four years and at the time of his arrival here the average farmer was importing from the North all of his grain and most of his hay for his stock Today he is grow ¬ ing as a rule his beggar weed and crab grass hay and his corn and oats This Is progressive Florida and all within four years Florida has always produced the fin- est ¬ of citrus fruits but she has always been weak on self support materials- and as a result the state has bought nearly as much food products as she has sold in her own farm and fruit products However as shown above beautiful Florida has awakened to the fact that there Is nothing that she can ¬ not grow except wheat Oats is one of the finest productive crops in the state corn is always a good crop and can be grown after all high priced veg- etables ¬ for the northern markets have been shipped Florida land will produce three or four crops in one year Northern lands produce one If Florida land had the same amount of natural fertilizer that New York or New England land gets every year the Florida farmer would not be able to gather his crops Why Climate Florida climate for the production of that which Is necessary- to human wants is absolutely perfect- ion ¬ It rains down here during a few months of the year but the more it rains the more healthy the people and the larger the next years production of fruits and vegetables Thomas Needham is one of Ocalas THERE IS A DIFFERENCE I- NlOur I I ICE ice by our new process is froz- en I at a temperature of eight to ten degrees above zero Is as clear as crys- tal j and as pure as can be made We guarantee it to last longer I I BUY FROM THE BLUE WAGONS I I And Not be Disappointed in Service And Quality I I OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34 i EquitableL- ife Assurance Society- Of The United States t i STRONGEST IN THE WORLD f MISS FLORIDA CONDON j Resident Agent FRESH FISH i I receive dally snlpments of choice fresh and salt water fish of the best i varieties I handle nothing but fish and handle them right WM TUGKERlV Phone 219 City Market H- CfiY t 1 f H ROBINSON r Pr f8i i B H BLTTCH Mjaaeer > J C l BOOBERrAsat L JL rev Jc t GEO J r r K BUTCH Id- lerCOMMERCIAL f d 7f t BANK C OCALA FLA r t JfcV THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK j L f a Are the merchants the professional and successful men and womea of 7j the city the farmers of the surrounding territory- We j accommodate all classes Our customers represent the mea aid < w women who have built and are stll building successful enterprises i 4a We solicit a snare Of your business rr- j f progressive growers In the way of specialties Mr Needham Is from old England and is one of the mechanical I experts of this city but owing to his nature imbued English disposition he has a country home and lives there by preference where he can grow fruit pecans and other farm products x In covering Marion county one has to drive somewhat but the drives are generally pleasant It has been diffi- cult ¬ to get the proper kind of driver this season and the result was much delay Yet the writer at last found one at J D McDuffys livery- J D McDuffy Is one of the largest melon and cantaloupe growers in this section and constantly reads the Packer The result of this livery find enabled- the writer to go to Sparr Fla some twelve miles from Ocala and visit one of the fine farming sections of Marion county Sparr is supreme in Its land and some of its producers who are as follows L G Young who grows cantaloupes- and tomatoes as principal crops but will grow squash and lettuce for fall crops Mr Young is one of the lead- ing ¬ growers here He reads the Pack- er ¬ and always pays for it two or three months before it is due Mr Young said The season as a whole has been good Prices were low but we did not expect them to be high con ¬ sidering conditions- W Luffman Bros are general merchants and have the postoffice in their storeJ W Huffman is the gen- eral ¬ mercantile and postoffice man ¬ ager while W Luffman is the out ¬ door manager and as a result the real producer W + Luffmlan k tiros have 110 acres in cantaloupes this season Of course this is one crop other crops follow on this same land and the Luff mans are leading In beans as well I as the production of that which a per- fect ¬ climate can produce Florida is supreme not only on ac ¬ count of some of its fine lands but principally on account of Its superior climate Those wnb are capable of 1 seeing these points always succeed in Florida The man who comes here from the North and looks for rich land such as the northern states possess invariably goes back and reports that Florida land is poor and will not pro ¬ duce bit this same person never did consider climate Why Ignorance of nature Ignorance in this country Is I superfluous Once study nature In Its entirety and you will not only be a good Christian but a good farmer and you will appreciate beautiful Florida- its climate and its land values in con nection with Its climate The man who does not study nature is but a poor farmer in Florida One can farm In the North and leave nature out of the game but the successful man in Flor ¬ ida is the one who knows his bust ness There are all kinds of farmers here but the successful man here is the man of brains- J W Johnson grows cantaloupes as a general crop but also grows other products in season Mr Johnson is one of the leaders here and is much inter ¬ ested in the Farmers Union of Sparr which numbers many members all white people- S I D Souter Is one of the valued Packer readers of this old fruit and vegetable town of Sparr Mr Souter j is last on the list but not least It was long after dark before the writer was able to call on Mr Souter and then had twelve miles to drive back to Ocala for something to eat and a sleep Mr Sou ¬ ter makes a specialty of lettuce and tomatoes for fall crops There is lots of cheap land in Flor- ida ¬ anywhere from 5 per acre up ¬ ward Marion county is the solidity county of Florida One can grow any- thing ¬ here from fruits to vegetables- and cotton Corn Is one of the staples here and oats is more than a staple- as some of the farmers grow 5000 to 7000 bushels during the season WASHINGTON ONCE GAVE UP to three doctors was kept in bed for five weeks Blood poisoned from a spiders bite caused large deep sores- to cover his leg The doctors failed then Bucklens Arnica Salve com- pletely ¬ cured me writes John Wash ¬ ington of Bosquesville Tex For eczema bolls burns and piles Its su ¬ preme 25c at all druggists HARNESS MENDED Harness of all kinds mended tI r se parts made where desired Also saw filing done Apply to J T Simmons Tompkins Cobbs stables WESTON LOVES TO WALK i Will Try to Make Another Long Trip Across the Continent Next Year tI if New York Aug 17 Edward Pays ton Weston who walked from New York to San Francisco In 105 days failing to make the trip In the sched- uled ¬ < t time of one hundred days ani it nounccd on his arrival here that he tr would make another attempt early j next year Though he will be seventy > t- one it is declared he will surely walk 1ft f the distance in 100 days the next time h J 5 TAKE NOTICE- All yof- Sf persons are recommended to fo take Foleys Kidney Remedy for v backache rheumatism and kidney K I and bladder trouble It will quickly corect urinary Irregularities which If y neglected may develop Into a serious illness It will restore health and r r ttt r strength Do not neglect signs ot kidney or bladder trouble and risk Brights disease or diabetes Sold by ij 1 all dealers Montezuma Barbershop In Connection With the Hotel Office Skilled workmen ant courteous at ¬ tention to all Special attention to children to ELECTRIC MASSAGE- HOT AN1 COLD WATER P > R V DETTERICH Proprietor k i tS CJPHILLIPS t p tj Contractor sad Btdlder > tIiIic- 1l v 1 Plans and Specifications Furnished j Upon Request 129 South Third St V Phone 130 OCALA FLA t < LESUEUR IiOUSE r r 1 1 Located on North Main St n6ar government building Reasonable rates by the i I week or month FirstHilapi table board and comfortable t rooms vv- v tip Mrs Rossie LeSueur Proprietress r Phone 77 Ocala Fla J fir 1 tr TIE COMMERCIALPRE- SSING < CLUB rfr J i i J C BA8DIN Proprietor f- J r y Next Door to the Western Union r Telegraph Office > CF Work Called for and Delivered Prompt- ly ¬ t- All Work Guaranteed White Trade Cnly 1 > L ALEXANDER Practical CARPENTER AND BUILDER- Careful estimates mae on all contract work wives more and bet- ter work for the money than amy i other contractor in own 1 r0LEYSw The original I LAXATIVE cough rentes i for coughS colas throat and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic- Good for every body Sold everywhere The genuine FOLEYS HONEYqndTAfaJa e Yellow package Refuse substitute 3 Prepared only by tf Polejy Company Chloan i FOR SALE 1Y ALL DEALERS 1- IP r r y S

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Page 1: EVENING AR THE AIR DOME Pr 1 Jc Id- Moving …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03247/00315.pdfOCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY AUQUVTJ7 1IOt f n EVENINGAR 1 C L Bittinger and R R



C L Bittinger and R R Carroll

Editors and Publishers-



R CARROLL Business Manager


Grand Junction Calif Aug 12Ir-we were to attempt to write of every-


we saw in the beautiful andwonderful town of Riverside Calif-we would simply exhaust ourselves andthe columns of the Star and as theobject of these letters is to give a mereglimpse and passing impression of theplaces we saw we shall proceed in a

matter of fact way

Riverside Is not an old city as time j

Is reckoned say 30 years since It firstv began to grow It moved steadily but

got up a genuine boom In 1890 whichlasted up to the panic of 1S93 when itreceived a serious set back in a coldsnap that wrecked its orange crop andthis was followed by a big bank fail-


that sent Drlces tumbling Thenthe town boasted of a population of7000 It has long since recoveredfrom its misfortunes and since has had-

a steady and substantial growth itst population now numbering 15000 andIts Improvements along all lines havekept pace with the growth othetown p

Riverside has a splendid sewerageand watT system paved streets beau ¬

tiful homes lovely lawns avenueslined with palms and pepper trees and

F a cultivated and refined people wholove their homes and knov how to-

t make them attractive-The town has no citizens of great

wealth but all are public spirited andcooperative and get together and dothings for the public good It is ahighly moral and religious place Nosaloons are permitted either in thetown or county and the people are

xdelighted with the conditions

I The town has the mission spirit andIt t all the public buildings are built on

this plan of architecture It has aj 1

magnificent courthouse costing way

into the hundred thousands of dollarsj

which occupies two blocks beautiful-ly


rgrassed and bedecked with flowers

j It is only one story high It has a fineo

Na Masonic temple and womans clubWlDU librarJ building which

rMr Carnegie donated 25000 and therr town the rest and a 15000 addition-

to tilt building is being added to meetthe demands of the fast growing pop-

ulation jWo were surprised to find somanS rjradcrsJn its Well kept roomsThe lotion whiCh this model building-

s atitlxillgf S7000-


very creditable Yj j 1 O t this liuHding too hasIb

4come too small and tn new building

Is under roof that when completedwill coijjOiriOOOO Its public schoolbuildings and parks are in keepingwith all the other public utilities ofthe place the white park containing-one of the finest collections of captiin the country while at the large parkwhich is thrown open to everybody

land is a great pleasure ground for thepeople vtsitors come to enjoy its at ¬

tractions and split a little wood boiltheir coffee or tea cook their food andenjoy their outing

One of the most unique buildings inthe town is the Glenwobd Inn builtafter the manner of the old missionbuildings It is entirely differentfrom the usual hotel style of architec-ture


and it 7oaves an impress on thosawho tarry within its large and rambl ¬

ing court vines flowers plants andbells and comforts of furniture tomatch that is never forgotten alwaysremembered and spoken of to othersuntil it is the most noted hostelry inall the golden state of California

It remained for the manager MrFrank Miller to dream out the de-

sign put it on paper and build it ItIs run by a corporation run right andhas been a phenomerlal success andwhile the building covers an entire

t square its patronage has outrun itscapacity and a large addition is to beadded The Glenwood is conducted byMr Miller has been gone of the bigassets of the town and has addedscores of well to do residents to theplace who charmed by the quaintness-and restfulness of the place fell inlove with the community purchasedhomes there and now live in beautifulRiverside

One of the show places of Riversideis its Mount Rubidoux Huntingtondrive so named after the great rail-road


magnate who became so impress-ed


with the magnificent amphitheaterof rugged hills and mountains thatsurround the beautiful and fertile val-ley


r I in which the town Js a brilliantsetting that he contributed 35000 to ¬

wards building five miles of the finestmountain roads on earth to the apexof this glorious lookout where the eyecan drink in a scene that is difficult

k to duplicate anywhere No one hasseen Riverside who has not taken awalk or drive to the pinnacle of MountRubidoux and at the foot of the crosswhich marks Us highest elevation andis thankful a Huntington lived to as-


the people of Riverside to createthis inspiring driveway The town

i contributed about an equal sum tocomplete this mountain drive and-




thousands of visitors during the sea¬

son seek Its heights tol drink in theinspiration that comes from its warmsunlight and scenic beauty-

We had a good opportunity to In ¬

spect Its thousands of acres of orangegroves said to be some 20000 of themand note their perfect system of irri ¬

gation and the beauty of its treesmany of them gilded with the goldenfruit that still illuminates the olive fo-


of the setting These oranges-are now ripe for market and generallybring remunerative prices

The Sherman Indian school located-at Arlington a suburb of Riverside-was shown us with its dozen or moreof magnificent buildings which housesome SOO Indian boys and girls rep ¬

resenting 4S tribesXot must we forget to mention the

magnificent orange grove of the sec-


of the National Biscuit Cowhose home is in Pittsburg Pa butwho never fails to spend his winters-in this charming spot It Is a thing-

of beauty for not only has he leveledthe apex of a mountain to which he

I constructed a fine auto rood but linedmiles of driveways over his domainwith lovely roses and beautiful flower-ing


plants and has a rare collection ofJapanese dwarf trees some of them3000 years old and no higher thanyour knee to all of which the publicis welcome

We also had a look at a model or¬

ange packing establishment such aswas shown the Florida orange grow ¬

ers who visited this place last May tostudy California fruit exchange meth-



that has enabled them to dispose-

of with a profit six times the amount-of oranges Florida grows The plantwas the Alta Cresta Packing Houseover which Mr Erquart is the capablemanager and who remembered MrStant Borland and Mr Heitman of FtMyers ns part of that Florida delega ¬

tion and made inquiries about themAs most of the readers of the Star

are aware the California system wasfound so much superior to that ofFlorida in gathering packing and dis-


the fruit that it was adopted-

a Florida fruit exchange organizedwith headquarters at Tampa Whilethe writer was in Riverside 15000

worth of orange packing machinery-was shipped to that city

For the pleasure of the auto drivesthat enabled me to see Riverside andher productiveness which of courseincludes r Its vast irrigation systemfounded by a Mr Evans now deadand reinforced by a Mr Gage I desire-to return my sincere appreciation andthanks to Mr John Woodman whoseaim in life Is to confer favors andblessings on others Mr W has lived-

In Riverside for more than 20 yearshas seen it develop from a village toa model city whose ideal charms allwho visit it and one of Mr Ws pleas ¬

ures is to take strangers and visitors-to his city in his luxurious auto andshow them its pleasing and captivatingfeatures Mr Woodman In connection-with all of his fellow citizens believesin publicity and does his share in pro-


sameAt this season of the year Riverside-

is said to be dull because the wintertourist has flown elsewhere and itsown people of means are enjoying thedelights of the seashore only 75 to SO

miles away but as we had the pleas-ure


to witness a presentation of theMerry Widow at the splendid opera

house with a grand stage and gor-


scenery the brilliant audienceof 1500 people which packed everynook and corner of the building leads-us to believe the word dull has no ap-


to Riverside and its peopleI even at this season of the yearI A word about vineyards one of thebig Riverside valley industries andthis letter must come to a close Incoming to Riverside from Los Angeles75 miles distant who should we meet-on the train but O H Kelsey a for ¬

mer Marion county jboy son of theVeteran R A Kelsey of Stanton whoof course made us promise to drop inand SIC him and he would show us athing or two He did He and his In-


family wife and four child ¬

ren live at Pedley eight miles from-I Riverside He Is grove overseer forthe Sparr Fruit Co 50 acres in lem ¬

ons and 50 cars of fruit was shipped-to market this season at a good priceThe grove Is one recently purchasedand rehabilitated and promises greatthings for the owners Mr Kelsey isan expert at the business making ithis business In Florida with fouryears in Cuba but says of the lastnamed country the United States hasnothing to fear in orange culture-

Mr Kelsey took us to the CharlesStearns Ss Sons vineyard consisting

Belle Meade Sweets

Sugar Fruit and Chocolate


These delicious candies can behad only at

Court Pharmacy


Moving Pictures I

and MusicII

The Best of Entertainment Furnished by Home People





Program for this Evening I





Reel I






Admission 10 and 20 centsI

Doors Upen at 730 p m


of 5000 acres of vines and coveringseven acres of ground and from whichtwo million gallons of wine and brandy-was made last season Its a sight tosee the vast plant with its hundreds ofvats one row of 32 holding 10000 gal ¬

lons each and another row of 14 vatsholding 25000 gallons each and so on

with smaller ones The vines at theclose of the season are cut off nearthe ground the new growth of woodbearing the juicy grape An aero pro ¬

duces four tons of grapes which inthe field are worth 5950 a ton and thecost of harvesting them for the presses-is 250 a ton The bunches of grapes-are cut and placed in baskets and in


turn thrown into watertight wagonI

beds drawn to the crusher where bigpronged forks are used in throwing


them into the crushers where the pulp-

is pumped into other vats and the skinand seeds separated the juice drawn-off and loft to settle and put throughnumerous other processes before it Is I

clarified and ready for the casks I

Adjoining the Stearns vineyard is I

another similar in size and known as I

the Italian Through these vines tramroads are constructed over which iron I

hopper cars are operated to gather the I

crop One of the things to marvel atis the immense and ponderous machin-ery


and boilers used in these factories-to


distil brandy In our travels that I

day behind Mr Kelseys spankingteam we passed a tract of a thousandacres being planted in orange trees bysome big syndicate also saw another700acre orchard not yet bearing allslowing the people of Riverside valley I

have faith in growing the golden fruitIn our drive that day we saw immense I

fields of bariley and alfalTa a great I

crop in many parts of California-As a matter of interest to our read-

ers will say that Mr Will Sparr aIformer Marion county orange grower-


Sparr which place was named after j

his father is now at the head of acorporation that owns and operates-over a thousand acres of oranges andlemons and do a tremendous business-in handling other fruits fresh and ina dried state They are succeedingsplendidly Mr Will Sparr Is the gen ¬

eral manager and one of the leadingcitizens of Los Angeles and he stands I

very high socially commercially and-


a man whose character and citizen ¬

ship is greatly admired-In the trip from Riverside to Los

Angeles on the Salt Lake railroad aremany extensivewalnut orchards andthey are said to be very profitable tosay nothing of thousands of acres ofpeaches plums apricots prunes andolives To see the vast acreage andbountiful yield of fruits one wondershow It all can be utilized but seemingly it is and more is to follow

Riverside shipped over 6000 cars oforanges the past season but the priceswere not as good as the year previous-

C L Bittinger

BABY MORPHINE FIENDS-are made by all soothing syrups andbaby medicines that contain opiumand narcotics McGees Baby Elixircontains no injurious or narcoticdrugs of any kind A sure and safecure for disordered stomachs bowelsand fretfulnesssplendid for teethinginfants Sold by all druggists-

FAN BARGAINS-An eightinch Westinghouse electric-

fan that is positively guaranteed toburn only three cents worth of elec ¬

tricity in ten hours steady runnin-gSe them at once H W Tucker theelectrical supply man



I will have a car of choice Kentucky-bred horses at my place at EvinstoriFla for sale after Aug 20th I havespent two months around my old home-at Lexington Ky selecting this stockfrom the farms This stock has beencarefully selected and bought for spotcash direct from the stock raisers Iam in position to save money to pur ¬

chasers of good horses Address LH Willis Jr Evinston Fla


New York Packer Man Testifies to theAttractions and Advantages of

Our City

Mr Walseman correspondent for theNew York Packer who Is now operat ¬

ing in this territory writes the follow-ing


interesting letter to his paper j

Ocala Fla Aug l1When one en-

ters a county like old Marion for thepurpose of writing up its agricultural-

and horticultural industries and ithappens to be the rainy season onenaturally spends more time than Is al ¬

lowed or allotted to natural businessduties However rain is what makesbusiness possible in Florida and Mar-



county is one of the first and finestcounties to be benefited and Ocala

the metropolis to reside in I

While it Is raining the streets herei are fine and when the shower Is overone can go out and not get wet feetThe Dr J M Thompson house where


the writes makes his home while here-


Fort King avenue Is one of the best-

in the city and the room consigned tothe Packer man is paragon


Among the other subscribers hereare some of note in the business as

I well as nature world The John DozierI Co commission merchants and merch-

ant brokers are doing much to benefitthe farmers of this section by buying-

all the corn they can produce on theIcob already shucked and by having-

its own shelling machine makes cleancorn for market purposes This willsave having corn shipped from thewest or other northern sections whichhas been the practice of Florida farm-ers


for yearsI Florida can grow as fine corn andfrom 25 to 50 bushels to the acre as


any state In the Union but it has justj awakened to this fact There Is nocounty In the state that can do thisbetter than Marion The writer hasbeen In Florida a little over four yearsand at the time of his arrival here theaverage farmer was importing from theNorth all of his grain and most of hishay for his stock Today he is grow ¬

ing as a rule his beggar weed andcrab grass hay and his corn and oatsThis Is progressive Florida and allwithin four years

Florida has always produced the fin-


of citrus fruits but she has alwaysbeen weak on self support materials-and as a result the state has boughtnearly as much food products as shehas sold in her own farm and fruitproducts However as shown abovebeautiful Florida has awakened to thefact that there Is nothing that she can ¬

not grow except wheat Oats is oneof the finest productive crops in thestate corn is always a good crop andcan be grown after all high priced veg-


for the northern markets havebeen shipped

Florida land will produce three orfour crops in one year Northernlands produce one If Florida land hadthe same amount of natural fertilizerthat New York or New England landgets every year the Florida farmerwould not be able to gather his cropsWhy Climate Florida climate for theproduction of that which Is necessary-to human wants is absolutely perfect-ion


It rains down here during a fewmonths of the year but the more itrains the more healthy the people andthe larger the next years productionof fruits and vegetables

Thomas Needham is one of Ocalas




I ICEice by our new process is froz-

enI at a temperature of eight to tendegrees above zero Is as clear as crys-talj and as pure as can be made Weguarantee it to last longer



I And Not be Disappointed in ServiceAnd Quality





ife Assurance Society-

Of The United Statest



FRESH FISHi I receive dally snlpments of choicefresh and salt water fish of the best

i varieties I handle nothing but fishand handle them right

WM TUGKERlVPhone 219 City Market



t 1 f H ROBINSONr Pr f8i iB H BLTTCH Mjaaeer > J C


revJc t



f d






f aAre the merchants the professional and successful men and womea of 7jthe city the farmers of the surrounding territory-


accommodate all classes Our customers represent the mea aid<wwomen who have built and are stll building successful enterprises i4a

We solicit a snare Of your business rr-j f

progressive growers In the way ofspecialties Mr Needham Is from oldEngland and is one of the mechanical

Iexperts of this city but owing to hisnature imbued English disposition hehas a country home and lives there bypreference where he can grow fruitpecans and other farm productsx In covering Marion county one hasto drive somewhat but the drives aregenerally pleasant It has been diffi-


to get the proper kind of driverthis season and the result was muchdelay Yet the writer at last foundone at J D McDuffys livery-

J D McDuffy Is one of the largestmelon and cantaloupe growers in thissection and constantly reads thePacker

The result of this livery find enabled-

the writer to go to Sparr Fla sometwelve miles from Ocala and visit oneof the fine farming sections of Marioncounty Sparr is supreme in Its landand some of its producers who are asfollows

L G Young who grows cantaloupes-and tomatoes as principal crops butwill grow squash and lettuce for fallcrops Mr Young is one of the lead-


growers here He reads the Pack-


and always pays for it two or threemonths before it is due Mr Young

said The season as a whole hasbeen good Prices were low but wedid not expect them to be high con ¬

sidering conditions-

W Luffman Bros are generalmerchants and have the postoffice intheir storeJ W Huffman is the gen-


mercantile and postoffice man ¬

ager while W Luffman is the out¬

door manager and as a result the realproducer W +Luffmlan k tiros have110 acres in cantaloupes this seasonOf course this is one crop other cropsfollow on this same land and theLuff mans are leading In beans as well

Ias the production of that which a per-


climate can produceFlorida is supreme not only on ac ¬

count of some of its fine lands butprincipally on account of Its superiorclimate Those wnb are capable of


seeing these points always succeed inFlorida The man who comes herefrom the North and looks for rich landsuch as the northern states possessinvariably goes back and reports thatFlorida land is poor and will not pro ¬

duce bit this same person never didconsider climate Why Ignorance ofnature Ignorance in this country Is

I superfluous Once study nature In Itsentirety and you will not only be agood Christian but a good farmer andyou will appreciate beautiful Florida-

its climate and its land values in connection with Its climate The man whodoes not study nature is but a poorfarmer in Florida One can farm In

the North and leave nature out of thegame but the successful man in Flor ¬

ida is the one who knows his bustness There are all kinds of farmershere but the successful man here isthe man of brains-

J W Johnson grows cantaloupes asa general crop but also grows otherproducts in season Mr Johnson is oneof the leaders here and is much inter ¬

ested in the Farmers Union of Sparrwhich numbers many members allwhite people-


D Souter Is one of the valuedPacker readers of this old fruit andvegetable town of Sparr Mr Souter j

is last on the list but not least It waslong after dark before the writer wasable to call on Mr Souter and then hadtwelve miles to drive back to Ocala forsomething to eat and a sleep Mr Sou ¬

ter makes a specialty of lettuce andtomatoes for fall crops

There is lots of cheap land in Flor-



anywhere from 5 per acre up ¬

ward Marion county is the soliditycounty of Florida One can grow any-


here from fruits to vegetables-

and cotton Corn Is one of the stapleshere and oats is more than a staple-

as some of the farmers grow 5000 to7000 bushels during the season

WASHINGTON ONCE GAVE UPto three doctors was kept in bed forfive weeks Blood poisoned from aspiders bite caused large deep sores-

to cover his leg The doctors failedthen Bucklens Arnica Salve com-


cured me writes John Wash ¬

ington of Bosquesville Tex Foreczema bolls burns and piles Its su ¬

preme 25c at all druggists


Harness of all kinds mended tIr separts made where desired Also sawfiling done Apply to J T SimmonsTompkins Cobbs stables


Will Try to Make Another Long TripAcross the Continent Next Year tI if

New York Aug 17 Edward Payston Weston who walked from NewYork to San Francisco In 105 daysfailing to make the trip In the sched-uled

¬< t

time of one hundred days ani itnounccd on his arrival here that he trwould make another attempt early j

next year Though he will be seventy > t-

one it is declared he will surely walk 1ft f

the distance in 100 days the next time hJ5




persons are recommended tofotake Foleys Kidney Remedy for v

backache rheumatism and kidneyK Iand bladder trouble It will quickly

corect urinary Irregularities which If yneglected may develop Into a seriousillness It will restore health and

r r tttrstrength Do not neglect signs otkidney or bladder trouble and riskBrights disease or diabetes Sold by ij1all dealers

Montezuma Barbershop

In Connection With the Hotel Office

Skilled workmen ant courteous at¬

tention to all Special attention tochildren to





DETTERICH Proprietork itS



Contractor sad Btdlder>



v 1Plans and Specifications Furnished jUpon Request

129 South Third St VPhone 130 OCALA FLA t




1Located on North Main Stn6ar government building

Reasonable rates by the i I

week or month FirstHilapitable board and comfortable trooms vv-

v tip

Mrs Rossie LeSueur Proprietress r

Phone 77 Ocala FlaJ





CLUB rfrJ i

iJ C BA8DIN Proprietor




Next Door to the Western Union rTelegraph Office



Work Called for and Delivered Prompt-ly

¬ t-

All Work Guaranteed WhiteTrade Cnly 1




Careful estimates mae on allcontract work wives more and bet-ter work for the money than amy i

other contractor in own



The originalI

LAXATIVE cough rentes ifor coughS colas throat and lungtroubles No opiates Nonalcoholic-Good for every body Sold everywhere

The genuineFOLEYS HONEYqndTAfaJae Yellow package Refuse substitute

3Prepared only by tfPolejy Company Chloan i


