evening star. (washington, d.c.) 1924-01-19 [p 19]

TRAINING FOR YOUTH IN RELIGIOUS LIFE * Calvary M. E. Church, With Dr. Montgomery leading. Conducts Special Instruction Courses. Calvary M. K. Church, under lead- ership of Rev. Dr. .Tames S. Mont- gomery, has taken up the work of religious education that the youth of the church may be more definitely trained in the religious life. This ) work is under the direction of the new director of religious education, K. B. Grundy, who came here from Portland. Me., where he served after seVral years spent In study and ex- perience work in Boston. He also made a study of physical education, considering such to he an important field of church endeavor. Calvary's committee on religious education determines policies. nets on programs, informs itself and the I n„.. lOl. .11,1 community, studies I the whole situation and determines ! tlie host foi ms of work, what es- j flciency standards are necessary and | prop..gate* the whole program of religious education. The program is:' First, the train- ing program for teachers, officers and leaders and those desiring either to 1 become workers or to have a more . intimate knowledge of this work. The second part of the program is' tlie religious instruction of youth I and adults, the Sunday school being j the chief means supplemented by 1 week-day religious instruction. The : third part of the program is the phy- i Steal and recreational work for boys i girls and adults. The training program will he] accomplished chiefly through the i training school of religious education. This school holds sessions Friday , evenings from 7:30 to 9:05. The first si rnester has just closed. The class in home missions taught by Mrs. IT. 1,. Amiss bad a large en- lollinent. The class in pupil study vas a success with Miss Mary 1.. Al- len as instructor. C. S. Joseph was instructor in tlie course for inter- mediate and senior workers. The Bible course taught by Judge J. W. ; Thompson had a large attendance. 1 Mr. Grundy. tlie director, taught classes in young people’s work and , In Sunday school organization and administration. The second semester of this school has opened. Mrs. K. 1,. Harvey is instructor for the class in foreign missions. She was assisted in the opening session by Mrs. J. F. Neff, secretary of reading circles for the , "Washington district Woman's For- eign Missionary Society, other promi- nent leaders in the mission field will assist her from time to time. Judge J. J W. Thompson is instructor in Bible, ; and his class is popular. Mr. Grundy I continues his classes in young peo- : pie's work and in Sunday school or- ganization and administration. This j school is free to all. WILL SUPPLY PULPIT. | Bev. Dr. Robinson to Speak ai i New York Avenue Church. | Rev. Dr. William Courtland Robin- son. pastor of the First Presby- I terian Church of Delhi, New York, j will supply the pulpit of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church at I both services tomorrow. PROF. FOLEY TO LECTURE.! I Theologian Will Speak at St. i John’s Church Tomorrow Night. I Kev. George Cadwalader Foley, pro- fessor of dogmatic theology in the Philadelphia Divinity School, will lec- ture in St. John's Church. 16th and H streets, tomorrow night, on “The Growth of the Creeds.” Rev. Dr. FoU y is one of the best known theo- j logians in the Episcopal Church, and his best known work deals with the I development of theories on the doc- ( trine of the atonement. He is a I •ehclar of sound judgment and a' forcible speaker. These evening lectures at St. John’s j are intended for the thoughtful peo- I pie who are interested in the present | religious situation and give a con- j servattve view of religious thought ! consistent with the times. HOLLAND ACCEPTS CALL. ! Former Resident Here to Fill, London. Canada, Pulpit. Rev. Floyd Talmadge Holland, a , former resident of this city, who w-»s | ordained by the District of Columbia 1 Baptist Association at the Immanuel Baptist Church and now pastor of the j Fillmore Avenue Baptist Church. Bus- I falo, N. Y., has accepted the call to the pastorate of the Adelaide Street Baptist Church, lyondon. Canada. This is one of the largest churches in »'n- I tario. having a congregation of 1.500. j and was formerly pastored by the Rev. Dr. G. A. Leichliter of Buffalo 1 and Dv. T. T. Shields, president of the 1 Baptist Bible Union of North America. ; Toronto, Canada. MISSIONARY TO SPEAK. Will Occupy Pulpit at Peck Me- j niorial. i "How Can 1 Be What T Want to j Be?” is the subject of Rev. Irving W. ' Ketchum at Peck Memorial Chapel ! tomorrow night. He will also preach i at the morning service. A special ; service is at 3 p.m., with Rev. J. M. Henry of China as speaker. Tlie’ Christian Endeavor Society 1 meets at 7 p.m., and will discuss "The Gospel in Japan." A light lunch will be served to all from 6:30 to 7 p.m. uiHEH SERVICES. HALL MISSION 623 LA. AVIS. N.W. For the Promotion of Scriptural Holiness Services every Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 1 Prayer meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m. At I. WKI.COMK. Y M. C. A.— -———¦ ———- i i Y.M.CA. 11 SUNDAY, 4:30 P.M “LIFE OF CHRIST” lllOKtrnted Lecture No. 3. By W, H. H. SMITH EVERYBODY INVITED. [ ' CENTRAL UNION MISSION. ~ i ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ . .. i Y. M. C. A. NEWS \ i W. H. H. Smith will speak on “Jeans Begins His Public Ministry” at the ¦ Central Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon . |at 4:30 o’clock. This lecture will cover I ( the period from the return from temp- | tat ion to healing a leper. It will be the ! 1 third in a series of illustrated lectures 1 on the life of Christ, which are being : given each Sunday afternoon. Mr. ] I Smith has personally selected the slides j which are oeing used in this course of le Hires and they are a great help to Bible students. The meeting is open *C 1116* itUti.iu. The School of Religious Education of the Y. M. C. A. opened on last Monday I night for its fifth year. All the classes ; were well attended. “The Origin of ; T.lines" wl" t>e the subject of a lecture by H. Dennington Hayes in the course I on Oid 'Testament at Hie class session | next Monday evening. Dr. James H. 1 Taylor will use as the subject of his lecture in the essentials of Christianity "The Person of Christ.” A special in- . vilation is given to any one interested in religious education to visit the school j on any Monday night. Homer J. Councilor, dean of the I School of Religious Education of the y. M. C. A., returns today from a J south-wide Bible class conference of the , ; Baptist churches which was held in At- j ianla. Ga. Mr. Councilor was one of ¦ tlie speakers at this conference. ANNOUNCES SUBJECTS. i : Rev. Dr. Mitchell to Speak at Met- ropolitan M. E. 1 Rev. Dr. Harry D. Mitchell will; i preach both morning and evening to- j ! morrow in the Metropolitan Memorial ¦ M E. Church. The morning theme will be “The Needed Revolution." and ; that for the evening will be "Does | I Belief In the Personal Return of Je- I i sus Hinder or Stimulate Christian 1 Activities?" The "doctrinal cam- I paign" held a week ago under the di- : ! rection of Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps was 1 j a pronounced success. j VISITS ARMY POSTS. ! Chief of Chaplains to Preach at Fort Totten Tomorrow. Coi. John T. Axton. chief of chap- ! I; ~ni,}, will spend tumor- | pe-u net New York * city. He will preach in the morn- ' at ,-ort lOiou and in the even- j j ing will install Chaplain Thomas E. , 1 Swan at Fort Jay. Governors Island. I Gen. Bullard and other ranking offi- , cers will attend the special services. 1 TOPICS ANNOUNCED, i I 1 Rev. Dr. Rice Will Preach at Church of Our Father. 1 “The Closed and the Open Door" wii! be the subject of the sermon i of Rev. Dr. Clarence E. Rice at the | Church of Our Father (Universallst), i I3th and L. streets northwest, tomor- -1 row monxfhg. at 11 o’clock, following . the usual 9:45 o’clock morning ses- i slon of the Sunday school- Kinder- i garcen is held at the same hour. enabling parents of children of suil- ; able age to attend the service, the i children being cared for by the kin- dergartners. At 7 p.m., devotional j meeting of the Young People’s Chrts- j tion Union: topic, "Leadership”; lead- EPISCOPAL. i Washington Cathedral THE BETHLEHEM CHAPEL, j Wisconsin are. u.w. near Woodley road. ! Holy Communion 7 ;30 a.m. | j Morning Prayer and Litany 10:0«a.m. | Holy Communion and Keriflon. Preacher, Canon Myer 11 ;00 a.m. ! People's Evensong ami Sermon. Preacher, the Bishop of Wash- ington 4:00 p.m. j Take Wisconsin uve. cars or Woodley road I hu* line. ! THEOSOPHY. ill UNITED LODGE 1 ! OF THEOSOPHISTS 1731 K St. N.W. I SUNDAY. JAN. 20. R P.M.; “MYSTERY OF SLEEP” Study Class, Wednesday. K p.m. ] The Philosophy of Rebirth Lecture by VICTOR RUSSELL, SUNDAY. JAN. 20th. 8:15 P.M. LIGHTBRINGFIf LODGE, Theosophical Society, Room 402. Barrister Bldg., 63.-, F st. n.w. , PUBLIC IS INVITED. * ; Washington Lodge—T, S. 1216 II ST. N.W. SUNDAY. JAN. 20, ' AT 8 P.M— I “The Unfoldment of Consciousness" I When. Why and Whither Are j We Going f I By E. P. Carbo of Baltimore ! Classes: Monday, Astrology: Tuesday, Fundamentals; Wednesday. Members- Fri- day, Secret Doctrine. CENTRAL UNION MISSION. .S. I 1 ( i Tbe Interdenominational organization of the churches Id Rescue, Relief. Social and Evangelistic Work. (INCORPORATED) LOUISIANA AVENUE,N.V^V|-o|t Phone Main 4349. Temporary Quarter*. 432 434 10th Bt. N.W. JOHN f>. BKNNKTT, SUPERINTENDENT. Children’s Home. 1207 Klrat Bt. N.W. Phone Main 8788 MRS. JOHN 8. BENNETT, IN CHARGE. Services Every Night at 8. Sundays at 3 and 7:45 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 20TH— Service, 10:30 a.m„ at Workhouse, Occoquan, Va. 3 p.m. —Service at United States Jail. 3 p.m.—Service in Mission Chapel. ' J 7:45 p.m.—Service in Mission Chapel. j 1 Special Speakers Special Music All Welcome I j New Anacostia i Pastor to Occupy I Pulpit on Sunday I ¦ i i Mi KEV. CIIAHLKN V. VAN DKIt LINDEN. j Rev. Charles V. Van Der Linden, un- til recentls" pastor of the South Broad I Street Baptist Church of hPlladelphin, | has assumed his charge at the Ana- costia Baptist Cliurch of this city. He came to this city with the highest j locommendation from the Baptist Min- isters’ Conference of Philadelphia. He will preach tomorrow on the following subjects: 11 a.m.. “Christian Evi- -1 dences”; S p.m., “The Manliness of i Christ." I SPECIAL HYMN SINGING. Rev. Dr. J. C. Ball Is to preach j tomorrow morning at Metropolitan j Baptist Church on "Where Is Your | Hope Set." and in the evening his j theme will be “The Background of a j Successful Life.” At the evening service the male chorus and congre- j gat ion will sing the favorite hymns | of Secretary of Labor Davis. EPISCOPAL. Church of the T, "f ST* THOMAS' 1 T'and y e,Q 11 a.m.—"Humble-Mindedness a Paramount Necessity." R p.m.—"The American Peace Award." REV. C. ERNEST SMITH, D.D.. D.C.L. I Grace Parish—GEORGETOWN "Tiie Little Cliurch on the Canal and Potomac." H(4l Wisconsin uve.. tielow M st. I Rector: The Reverend Henry L. Durrani 1 Services—7:3o. 9:30, 11 ;0« a.m.. 8;(K) p.’m !_FumUy_Blnphig of (r,ii|M-I Hymns at Evensong ST. MARK'S “CHURCH Tiiird and A St*. B.E. j Rev. William Henry Petfus, Rector. Rev, Willium A. Masker. Rev. C. K. P. Cogswell, Assistants. THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. T :#0 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9 :8(> a.m.—Church school. 11:60 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon hy ("anon W. L. De Vries, Ph. D 6 ;S0 p.m.—Vonnir People's Society. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon. Wednesday and Friday. 7 :30 p.m.—Evening - ITayer. Thursday and Friday (St. Paul's Day), 11 a.m.—Holy Communion. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL! ST. AGNES’ CHURCH Que at between Fia. are. and First n.w. (Fla. ave. or N. Capitol st. cars.) Services Sunday—7 and 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Church school—9 :30 a.m. Daily mass at 7 a.m.; Friday. 8 p.m. ' I 'Up Wativftv 14th AND A 5.3, I ne INaUVUy7:3O; ll: 8: Wed., 7:80; tihurch scliool, 9:13; High school, 10:15 a.m THE RESURRECTION. 15th and G n e —3:15 and 4; Tues.. 10:30: Friday. 7:45 p.m THE ANNUNCIATION. 2Rth and Pa. ave. s.e 3:15 and 4; Wed., 10:30 a.m. ITBioijyj fa DeUfs;.; 11| 3rd.and C sts.N.W. IB] Re'TDavid Rar\som Covelrßu Pmiekea at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. HOLT COMMUNION, 8 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 9:45 A.M. MEN'S CHOIR sings at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. c£> HOLY COMFORTER j 8716 GEORGIA AVJL N.W. j Services—7:3o. 11:00 a.m. and 8 p.m. REV. REGINALD B. STEVENSON, Vicar. St. Paul's Church BO^ R Sf BK Services now in Restored Church. Sundays—Holy Communion,--8 ;45 a.m Morn Ini service 11 a.m. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION 12th and N sts. n.w. REV. GEORGE W. ATKINSON, D. D.. Rector. Services: 7:80 and 11 a.m. Evensong, 7 :30. 8 p.m.—Confirmation service and sermon by the Bishop of Washington. ST. MARGARET’S Connecticut ave. and Bancroft place. SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY, energy: BKV. HERBERT SCOTT SMITH, D. D. REV. HAROLD V. 0. LOUNSBDRT. 7:3o—Holy Communion. , 0 :30—Church school. 11 ;00—-Morning Prayer and Sermon by the" Rector. j 4 :30—Evening Prayer and Sermon by the ( Rector. I Thursday—Holy Communion at 11 o’clock. I ALL WJCLeOMB ALWAYS. i COMMITTEE ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF . . THE CALVARY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH - ¦. - ** Bp*". mm First rowi Edwin Dice, Judge J. W. Thompson, Mrs. C. S. Joseph, Mr*. F. B. Walker and K. H. Grundy. Back rowi (’. K. Swiliurt, Dr. A. C. Christie, C. S. Baldwin and H. V. Speelman. Ur. F. A. Horaaday, another member won j not prexent. I : B, Y. P. U. HEWS | Columbia B. Y. P. If. Federation held its January meeting at the Pet- worth Baptist Church Tuesday eve- ning. I’rof. Kdwin N. ; C. Barns, di- rector of music in the District public schools, conducted the song service. Special music was rendered by the | Pctworth Orchestra and Stanley W. j Bell, their soloist. The main address ¦ was given by Kev. C. P. Hyland of ( Clarendon, Va.. who was one of the . principal founders of the federation, followed by remarks from Dr. Drew of Philadelphia. Carl VV. Johennlng presented an application; for member- ship from the Colmar Manor B. Y. P. I'., and they were gladly! received into the federation. Group D of the Bethaiiy Union will have charge of a social io be given »t the church next Friday;evening. ' A play was given by Group 1 of second B. Y. P. U. last Sunday eve- ning on the thirty-seventh Psalm. Group 3 in an intergroiip contest has won the silver loving cup for three months in succession nind expects to take all honors as An individual group. : MRS. JANUARY TO LECTURE. Viva M. January will Jeeture in the 1 Unity Auditorium. 1326 I street north- west. tomorrow at b p.m.. on “The Spoken Word of Authority.” Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock- will be the first lesson in the beginners’ class, in Truth,” by Mrs. Janu- ary. Thursday at 8 b-tn. she will start the class in Christian healing. EPISCOPAL. Saint James' Church Bth at. near Maui. eve. o.e. Sunday service*. 7:30. 10:30 and 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. ; St. Andrew's Church N. IJ. avenue and Vat. o.w. REV. J. J DIMON.; Rector. Services; 8:00—Holy Communion. 9:3o—Sunday arhooi. 11:60—Morning service anil sermon. b:oo—Evening service and'-sermon. ALL WhLCOHK. St. Stephen's Church' 14lh Detween Columbia rjl aud Irving. Rev. OEO. F. DUDLEY. <O. D.. Recto; Rev. CLYDE BROWN. AjeL SUNDAY, JANUARY 20. 7 ;30 a.m illoly Communion ; 9:30 a.m i . .Cliurch School I 11:06 a.m Morning Prayer and Sermon I 6:45 p.m Youngs I’mple‘s Meeting i 8:00 p.m Evening Prayer and Sermon ! Holy Communion Tnea. Snd Thurs., »;30 ! a.m.. and Fri.. 7 ;00 .a.m. Christian Healing, Tues.. K:O0 p.m. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH I Georgetown Corner of O end Potomac Bte N.W. REV, JOHN S. MU.-4KB. Rector. SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. 7:30 a.m.—The Hob < oi. f uanior 9:36 a.m.—Church scbooi.i j 11:60 a.m.— Morning Prayer and Sermon. 1 Pn-ucber. tile j’n-ctor. 5:15 p.m.— Young P*siple*c meeting. 7 :30 p.m.—Evening Prayer aud Address I . Thursday, 10:*MI a.m. —The Holy te-innm* . nion. j Friday (St. Paul’* Dayli 0:30 a.m.—The! Holy Ceunmuniin. “CHRIST CHURCH 620 G street e.e. Founded 1795. REV. WILLIAM CURTIS WHITE. Rector. | SUNDAY SERVICES: 7:30 a.m.. Cor-I porate Communion of parish noetetles: 9:43 a.rA., Sunday school; 11 a. ln., sermon by the Rector. "Wiiat the Spirit Saith to the Churches”: 0:30 p.m.. Young People’s meet- I Ing; S p.m.. Evensong and sermon, ’'The Better Wine.” Strangers heartily welcomed, j This church was built in 1807. Holy Com- I uiunlon and healing servile, Thursday at i 10 a.m. I ST. JOHN'SCIkIRCH || 16th and H fith. j LECTURE BT Rev. G. C. Foley, D. D n Professor ’of Dogmatic Theology. Philadelphia, : I On ( “The Growth of the Creed «nd the Inferences Therefrom” At 8 P.M. j Epiphany G street near 14th 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion: 0:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.—Church 7 school*. 11:00 a.m— . | Morning prayer and sermi-n by the Rev. Henry Ltibcck, LL. D. d L. 4:00 p ra.—Evenaong and gennon. 0:00 p.m.—Young People’s Society. 8:00 p.m.—Eveging Prayer add Sermon by Dr. Lubecfc CONGREGATIONAL. REV. DR. WOOD SPEAKER. Choir of 100 Will Sing at Church of the Covenant. At the Church of the Covenant to- morrow evening at 8 o’clock Rev. Dr. Wood will preach on "The Bible and Modern Thought." There will be two anthems by the evening choir of 100 voices, a duet for tenor and baas, and a soprano solo by Miss Ruth Peter. This service and the morning service will both be broadcast, and also the meeting of Everyglris’ Bible class at 10 a.m., when Miss Mabel N. Thurs- ton will speak on ‘‘The Life of Christ; the 1 Forerunner and Baptism of Jesus.’’ At the meeting of the Christian En- deavor Society at 6:30 tomorrow eve- ning Itev. James M. Henry will show for the first time in Washington a motion picture Illustrating many phases of Chinese life and the activi- ties at the Canton Christian College. Next Thursday evening at the mid- week service for prayer and confer- ence Dr. W.-.od is to give the second address on ‘What We Believe About the Bible.” SERVICE FOR ORDERS. Societies to Attend Grace Episco- pal Church. A special service for the Jpnlor Or- der pf American Mechanics and the Daughters of America will be held In Grace Episcopal Church. 9th and D streets southwest, tomorrow even- ing. at 8 o'clock. The rector. Rev. Meade Bolton Macßryde, will preach on "Patriotism,” one of the funda- mental principles of both orders. There will be special music, and an Informal reception will follow in the parish hall. SIORY^FOfT*CITY FOLKS. Rev. £. Hez Swem Promises Inno- vation at Centennial. "Another Story for City Folks Who Have Story-Ears!” will be related by Rev. E. Hez Swem tomorrow night at 8 o’clock, at the Centennial Baptist Church. The morning subject is: "Supreme Sight.” SPIRITUALIST. MRS. RIZPAH ELDON' 512 F Bt. N.W. Spiritual mr.vag. meeting er.ry Monday. 8 p.m. Spiritual reading, dally. MRS. HENKLK HOLDS MEETINGS' SUNDAY, Wedueaday and Friday evening, at 8 o’clock. II 4fh at «.e. Everybody gets a reading. Phone Line. 2040. The First Spiritualist Church Laotnra by tha Paator, ALFRED H. TERRY. Subject: “WHAT MOVES THE OLTJA BOARD?" Followed by Spirit Mattagee. ’’Do not .neer at the humble beginnings, the heaving table or the flying tambourine. 1 but remember (hat a railing apple taught \ us gravity.” Sunday. 8 p.m.. at Pythian Temple. 1012 9fh at. n.w.. .ei-ond floor. All welcome. Seat, at] anld for the Wednesday Oriental Night, in January. Ticket, now .elllng for the laat two In February. CHURCH OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM Inspirational Lecture, J. Albert Waters Message service, Mrs. Lida Mas* J tin, Mr. Redmond. 8 O’Clock. All Welcome. 822 20th N.W.. Near Pa. Ave. CONGREGATIONAL. I INGRAM I | CONGREGATIONAL JOth and Maas. are. n.e. Rev. George Barrow-Nell non, Hinlnter. 11 A.M.: i “Treasures of Eternity" | Carola by the New Vested Choir. j 8 P.M.: ,* ¦ { j Community Song Service. "The Virgin Birth of Christ” Note; Dr Rarrow-Neil*on will ad- here to the view* expressed on tlda j nuhjeet in the lectures he received at Glascow Unlvemlty, Scotland. Mr Waller James Geldard. Organist and Choir Director. A Hearty Welcome to All. ; CLEVELAND PARK (CONGREGATIONAL.) 34th and Lowell Sts. FRANK ELLSWORTH BIGELOW. Minister. j 9 :45 a.m.—Church school. I 11:60 a.m—Morning worship:’ "FINDING THE LOST CUBIST." j A COMMUNITY CHURCH. ! j MT. PLEASANT ) (Congregational) Columbia Road Near 14th St. In tka Residantial Northwest Walter Amos Morgan Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by DEAN D. BUT- LER PRATT of Howard Uni. veralty. Topic—- Life's Transitions" Children's Story every Sunday morning. S:OO—VESPER SERVICES, Sermon by DR. PRATT—- “God's Poem" j 6:00 p.m.—lntermediate C. E. Society. | 7:80 p.m.—SUNDAY EVENING CLUB. 9:46 a.m. —Charch school. Classes (or all. EVERYBODY WELCOME. PLYMOUTH CHURCH ICONOREQATIONAU) ITth AND P STS. N.W. KEV. J. a. OLDEN. Minister. 9:80 a.m. —Church school. II -.00 a.m.—‘TAITH’S KNOWLEDGE.” 7:80 p.m—“ADVANCING.” . 200,000 COPIES OF BOOK SOLD IN TWO MONTHS “How to Own Your Home” Being Bought Rapidly, Commerce Department Says. In announcing: the sale of more than 200,000 copies of “How to Own Your Home” within less than two months of publication, the Depart- ment of Commerce states that ortlere have come very largely from building and loan associations, savings banks, dealers In lumber and other building materials, furniture companies, and other organizations that have bought the booklet for distribution among their customers. Many banks and industrial concerns have distributed the booklet to their employes, and' it has also been pur- chased in quantities for the use of school and college classes in which housing and home economics are studied. PAGEANT AT CHURCH. “The tiospel of the Kingdom” is the subject of the sermon of Rev. O. O. Bullock at Third Baptist Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. Holy communion will be celebrated at 3 p.m. At 8 p.m. a pageant will be presented by the junior choir. SECULAR LEAGUE. j The Secular League Musicians' Hall, 1006 E 6t. SUNDAY, JANUARY 20. 3 P.M. “THE JEWS. HENRY FORD. AND THE I KU KXTJX KEAN.” | LOUIS EDELMAN, M. D. (Admission Free —Free Discussion.) SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. People’s Tabernacle 10 £ a a N " d w v LEWIS C. HHEAFK. Minister'. Special musical and literary program Sun- day at 8 p.m. under tlic management of Mrs. Mary Adams. REFORMED. REFORMED TTsoef AT 13,h AND MONBOE STS. N.W riThl I,K JAMES I). BUHItF-U. Minister DIVINE SERVICES at II a in and 8 p.m SUNDAY SCHOOL. 9 43 a m : C.E.8.. 7 p.m. rv,,lsth AND O STB. N.W. A?raC6 HENRY H. RANCH. D. D.. Pastor. SERVICES—II A.M. AM) 8 P.M. P:4Q--BUNDAY SCHOOL; 7 P M.—C K. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHI'RCIIKK OK CHRIST. SCIENTIST BRANCHES OF THE MOTHER CHURCH. THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. i SCIENTIST. IN BOSTON, MASS. First Church of Christ, Scientist,! Columbia road and Euclid at. Second Church of Christ, Scientist,! ] N.K. Masonic Temple. Btli and F sts. n.e. j Third Church of Christ, Scientist,j Masonic Temple. 13th «t. and N. Y. are. ; Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, | The Arcade, 14th «t. aud Park rd. KUBJnrT: “LIFE" Service*- i SUNDAY. It A.M. AND S P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL- 11 A.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINGS— I 8 O’CLOCK. READING ROOMS: i 1310 K ST. N.W.. Room 60S— Hours. 0 to 9 (except Wednesday. 9 to 7. and Sundays and holidays, 2:30 to 5 .30). 148 EAST CAPITOL ST.— Hours. 12 to 8 (except Wednesdays, 12 to 6; Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30. Closed holidays). I COLORADO BLDG., 14tJ» ami 6 Sts.— Honrs. 10 to 9 (Wednesday. 10 to 7, and Sundays and holidays. 2;30 to 5:30). I THE ARCADE, 14th and Park Rond ( Second K !o,» rI - 10 to 0 week days, except Wednesdays, j 10 to 5:30. ! PRESBYTERIAN. j i The Church of the Pilgrims i SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN. 22nd sj. bet. P and Q st?. n.v*. j Rev. Andrew R. lllrd, Pantor* D:45 a.m.—Blblr school, vrifh classes for every member of the family 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. Preaching l*y the Pastor. 1 S :80 p.m.—Junior rhristian Endeavor, j 5 :00 p.m.—lntermediate Christina Endeavor. 6:00 p.m.—Social hour and supper at the ! manse, to which ail .strangers In j the city ar«* invited, j 7:00 p.m.— Song service. 7 ;30 p.m.—Evening worship. Preaching by | the Pastor. 8:15 p.m.—Senior Christian Endeavor So-j j clety. Small children cared for during Sunday ! morning service. J .4 CORVJAL WELCOME TO ALL . j FIRST . 1 PRESBYTERIAN I ! JOHN MARSHALL UL. JOHN BRITTAN CLARK j Minister. * ! 11 A.M.; "QUICKEN ME” i 1 i 4:3O—VESPER—S:3O j “BORN AGAIN” i I i I SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN i 16th »nd Kennedy Sts. N.W. I Rev. JOHN R. KAY, Albany. N. Y. 0:39 a.m. —Sunday school. 11:09 a.m.—Sermon. “The Church of Christ.” j 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p.m.—Sermon. "Christ in the World of j Invention.” 8 p.m'. Thursday—Midweek prayer meeting, I | conducted by Ladles* Aid Society. j Eastern Presbyterian Church i 6th »t. and Md. avc. n.e. ALFRED E BARROWS, D. D., Pastor. 11:00 a m.—"KNOWING GOD.” 9:80 a.m.—Bible school. 10:00 a.m. —Men’s Bible class. 7:00 p.m.—C. E. meetings. T:4li p.m.—Speaker. Dr. SAM SMALL. WESTMINSTER 7th St. near E S.W. Her. HENRY W. TOLSON. Pastor. 11 a.m.—Sermon by the Pastor. Subject, “What Think Ye of Christ.-” 8 p.m.—Song service and sermon. A hearty welcome to this friendly church. Fourth Presbyterian Church 18lh and Fairmont sis. n.w. Take any 14tJi st. car; get off at Fairmont. PASTORS: DR. JOSEPH T KELLY. DR. ISAAC WARD. 9 :30 a.m. —Snnday school and Men’s class. 11:00 a.m. —Dr. RAM SMALL will speak. Subject: “AMERICA IN THE MAKING.” 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor Society. 8:00 p.m.—Evangelistic service. Dr. WARJ) will speak. Subject: SIGNED UP FOB LIFE.” Wednesday night—Service at Presbyterian Home. Newton st. Thursday night at B—Prayer meeting. Everybody welcome to all services. CHURCH OF THE COVENANT CONN. AVE. AND N ST. REV. CHARLES WOOD, D. D., Minister. 9 ;30—Sunday school. Classes for men and women. 11:00—Morning service. Sermon by Dr. Wood. 6:oo—Christian Endeavor supper and ves- per service. Address by Rev. James M. Henry, on “CHINA.” 8 ;00—Evening service. Sermon by Dr. Wood: ’THE BIBLE AND MOD- ERN THOUGHT.” Evening Choir of 100 Voices. 8:00, Thursday—Midweek service for prayer and conference. Dr. Wood will give the second address on “WHAT WE BELIEVE ABOUT THE BIBLE.” ALL WELCOME. Peck Memorial Chapel Pa. Ave. and SSth St. N.W. 7:45 p.m.—“How Can I Be What I Want to Bes” 11:00 a.m.—Public worship. 10:15 a.m.—Men’s class. 3:00 p.m.—Special service. J. M. HENRY OF CHINA will speak. 7 :00 p.m.—C. E. Gospel In Japan. Light lunch. 0:80 to 7 p.m.. Sunday. All welcome. ¦ fin, feting WuUagtcn Setctoun,' I’ajtor, First Congregational Church 10th & G SU. N.W. MUSIC 4:45 p.m.—Musical Vespers; Louis Thompson, tenor; Rakemann String Quartet; Mueller, organist. 8 p.m.—Sunday Night Musical Service : Walter T. Holt and 25 players of Nordica Mandolin and Guitar Clubs; Shaddick, baritone; Vocal Quartet. MUSIC FESTIVAL, Feb. 2,3, 4 Two great companies, including famous Russian Cathedral Singers, and Mary Potter and associate artists: Potter, contralto; Dulfer, violinist; Boschetti, baritone; Ullian, pianist. Festival tickets now on sale at Church office, 10th and G Streets Northwest. DR. JASON NOBLE PIERCE SPEAKS 11 A.M. AND 8 P.M. SUNDAY EDITOR TO SPEAK. Dr. Henry K. Miller Will Be at First Congregational. Dr. Henry Knight Miller, editor of the Psychology magazine, will give two addresses at the First Congrega- tional Church, 10th and G streets northwest. He will speak Wednes- day at 8 o’clock on ‘‘As a Man Thlnketh,” and at 8 o'clock Thursday on “How to Overcome Fear and Worry.’’ These two addresses are under the auspices of the Psychology Club of Washington. " PRESBYTERIAN. Georgetown Church , p i.?V“w B REV. JAMES T. MARSHALL, I>. D., Pastor. 0:4.1. S. S.; 11 a.m.. “THE SACRED NAME”: 7:15 p.m.. C. E. ; 8 p.m., “WEAK INC SAUL'S ARMOR." j; New York Avenue | Church of the Presidents sf New York Ave., 13th & H Sts. ft Where the Lincoln Pew $ ?;j Preaches Its Silent Sermons & Rev, Wallace Radcliffe, D. D. | :<? PASTOR EMERITUS. j \ PASTOR’S ASSISTANT, n'? j $ Rev. William A. Eisenberger 11 'Jf 9 :80 a.ih. —Bible school. w *(£ 10:00 it.in. —Adult clauses. i’:, 11:00 a.di.—Public worship, with ser- i i \ moo by 11 William Courtland || Robinson, D, D., S; I of Delhi, N. Y. | -Ij- 6 :45 p.rn.—Christian Endeavor. 'if 8 ;00 p.tu.—Public worship, with ser- 3f I 3C uton by 5f ( Dr. Robinson K :(M) p.m. Thursday » j a|s: The Midweek Ser\ice. a:! all WELCOVE. ’<£ i Wallace Memorial PHEBBYT. Cor. Randolph st. and New Hampshire aye. I REV. 3. A. CAMPBELL, Pastor. Services —11 a.m. and 8 p.m. S. 8., 9:30 «.m v C. E., 7 p.m. the gospel will save. Christ can sa'e you from your baser self, from bad companions, from every influence that tends to tear down Ilia teachings, help you set a high Ideal j and will aid you to reach it. TEST GOD S PROMISES. COME TOMORROW. Metropolitan 4lh & IS Sts. S.E. Presbyterian REV. FREELEY ROHRER, Pastor. Sunday School at 9 :30. Homing Sermon at It: “MEETING JESUS IN SECRET PRAYER’’ j Christian Endeavor Societies, 6:43. Evening Worship and Sermon, 7:JS: j “A SPIRITUAL VISION” Dr. Lucius C. Clark. A cordial welcome to each of these services. You Need the Church—The Church Seeds You. Western Presbyterian Church , H St. Bet. 19th and 20th N.W. Rev. J. HARVEY DUNHAM. Pastor. I 9 ;30—Sunday school. I 11:00 —“The Challenge.” ¦ 7:oo—Christian Endeavor. B:oo— lllustrated lecture by I Mr. W. H. H. Smith. MUSK' HY THE QUARTET. || | Eckington. Nor r^;^^ F,orl<,i Her. H. E. BRUNDAGE, D. D., Mlniitar. j 9:30a.m. —Sunday school; 7 p.m., C. E. j Sermon Subjects: II ;00a.m.—“A GREAT VISION.” j SUM) p.m.—-“MODERNISTS AND FUNDA-1 MBNTALISTS.” i Thurs.. 7 :30 p.m.—Course in Bible study. 1 j with prayer meeting. Subject; “Higher 1 j Criticism and Inspiration.” j Washington Heights Presbyterian Church Columbia and Kaloratna roads, i REV. JOHN C. PALMER. D. I).. Minister. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday school. I 10:00 a.m.—Adult Bible classes. ; 11 ;00 a.m.—Morning worship, with sermon. "CHRIST’S IMPERISHABLE WORDS.” I 8:00 p.m.—“MAN—A CITIZEN OF TWO 1 WORLDS.” Cordial Welcome to All. Gunton-Temple Memorial l*»tli ami Newton sts. REV. BERNARD ISUASKAMP, M. A.. Pastor. 1 9:4.’i a.ra.—Sunday school. ¦ 11:00 a.m. —Sermon. “Wby I Believe the Bible. - Mush* by the Chorus Choir. 7:OOpm.—Christian Endeavor meeting*. i . —Sermon, “Why Do Doribtl’* J I The Men’s Bible Class Os the Fourth Presbyterian Church 13th and Fairmont Sts. N.W. (Through it* Missionary Society) j INVITES YOU to hear a 1 missionary talk by j MISS CLARA McQUOWN —from personal experience i! in JAPAN January 20, 1024, 9:30 a.m. j| i Come and bring- your ; friends. Ladies especially j invited. =4i [ Central Presbyterian Church (SOUTHERN ASSEMBLY) Sixteenth and Irving sts. n.w. KEV. JAMES H, TAYLOR, D. D., PASTOR. 9 :30 a.m.—Sunday school. 9 :50 a.m. —Bible class. 11:09 a.m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. 3 ;30 p.m.—Junior Christian Endeavor. 5 ;U0 p.m.—Westminster League. 6 :30 p.m.—Social Hour for Young People. 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor Societies. 8 :00 p.m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. 8:00 p.m.—Thursday. Prayer service. Small children cared for during morning worship. Take I4th st. car or Mount Pleasant car or Irtth st. bus line to Irving st. n.w. BAPTIST. i - UNDENOMINATIONAL. HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY CHURCH BRIGUTWOOD MASONIC HALL, Georgia end Colorado aval. Bov. MAURICE S. WHITE, Minister. 0:45 a.m.—Sunday school. 11:00a.m.— “OOD’B PATIENCE WITH ISRAEL.” 7:00 p.m.—Young People’# Society. 8:00 p.m.—Stereoptlcon lecture: “AMERICAN FLAGS.” Thura,, 8 p.m.—Service at 1413 Oelafleld pi. Baptist. Chevy Chase Baptist Church Sunday school 9;3oa.tn. Preaehlr.g service ll;00a.m. Evening service 8:00 p.m. Rev. THOMAS E. BROWNE will preach at both services. SERVICES ARE HELD IN THE CHEVY CHASE THEATER. Temple Baptist Church Corner of 10th and N sis. n.w. Dr. 3. 3. MUIR, Pastor, Services: 11 a.m.—“HOW TO ENDURE.” 8 p.m.—“CONttUERING YOUTHS. STRANGER. COME WITH US! I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | | IGth and O (North of Scott Circle) i j Dr. J. Stanley Durkee ( Will preach Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. 11 a.m. subject—- The Seeing Eye" Matt. 13.16. j Strangers in the etty are especially I j invited to hear this gifted preacher. 8 p.m. subject—- The Light Bringer” Luke 2.32. | J Sunday school. 0:30; B, Y. I*. U., 6to 7:30. 1 I Organ recital by PROF. FERRY, I 7 :40 to 8 p.m. THE HOME CHURCH. c—¦ ¦¦« tt-tt; ¦ Petworth Baptist Church 7tb and Randolph ate. The Church That Bids You Welcome. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday school. Classes for all. J. H. Seavers, supt. 11:00 a.m.—Preaching by REV. U. W. O. MILLINGTON. 7:00 p.m.—lntermediate B. Y - . P. U. 7:00 p.m.—Senior B. Y’. P. U. group service. 8:00 p.m.—Preaching by REV. A. FREE- MAN ANDERSON. Tuesday. 3:30 p.m.. Junior B. Y. P. V , with Mrs. Fox. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Deacons’ meeting. 8:00 p.m.—Prayer service, W. R. King, leader. COME. WORSHIP WITH US ! IMMANUEL ! THE NATIONAL BAPTIST MEMORIAL j CHURCH TO RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. (16th St. and Columbia Rd.i j Bible School for all ages at j 9:30 a.m. Pinkham Class for ! men at 10 a.m. J Divine Worship at 11 o'clock, i with sermon by Pastor Gove G. Johnson. I 3:30 p.m.—Rev. E. M. McFad- i den. New Covenant Mission of I Pittsburgh, addresses a genera! i meeting on Jewish work. Evening at 7:4s—Devotional Song Service for all, led by Mr. Percy S. Foster. Male chorus will sing. Dr. McFadden speaks on “The Gospel and the Jew.” i DTT'T’TTA VTV RHODE ISLAND b > UL J. aIAIN X At Sfcond «t. «.w Rev. HUGH T. STEVENSON, Pastor, t Preaching by the Pastor—ll a.m. and 8 p.m Bible school, 9:30 a.m. ; Junior Church. 11 a.m.: 0:45 p.m.. B. Y. I*. U. J Mid-week service, Thursday, 8 p.m. Everybody Feels at Home in Botbary. KENDALL BAPTIST CHURCH 9th BET. B AND 0 S.W. Sunday school. 9:30. Theron Cutwater Bible Class, 9:30. Christian Endeavor. 7:15. Preaching. 11 am., 8 p.m.—REV. SAM- UEL H. CAMPBELL of Atlanta, Ga. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p.m. METROPOLITAN SIXTH AND A STREETS N.B. John Compton Ball, Pastor. MORNING AT ELEVEN; “WHERE IS YOUR HOPE SET” 9 :30—Bible school. 9 :45—Mr. Bhaver meets men. 0:45 Young People in Chris- tian Endeavor. EVENING AT SEVEN FORTY FIVE ; “THE BACKGROUND OF A SUCCESSFUL LIFE” At evening service the Men’s Chorus ai d congretration will sing old-time songs, among them the favorites of Secretary of Labor Davis. THE HYMNS THAT KEPT A YOUNG MAN- TRUE TO HIS FAITH. Second Baptist Church * 4th St. ami Va. Aye. S.E. ELLIS C. PRLMM. Pastor. 11:00 a.m.—“UP FOR THE DAY.” B:oop.m.—“HOW A CHRONIC GROUCH WAS CUBED." 9:80 a.m. —Sunday school 7:00 p.m.—B. Y’. P. U. Cordial Welcom" —Challenging Messages. FIFTH BAPTIST Dr. JOHN E. BRIGGS will preach on “Shortsightedness'' and "The Power of the Gospel” with “After Meeting" to follow. S. S.. 9:30; chapel, 3; B. Y. P. U.. 6:39. Annual Church Supper Wednesday, 6 to 9 p.m., with Dr. Green of Africa and t»r. Millingtonas guests. West Washington Baptist Cor. 31st and N sts. n.w. The Pastor. C. B. AUSTIN, speaks II and 8. Sunday school. 9 ;45. Three B. Y. P. U.’s. 7 :ort p.m. Have you read John, wi.24? IT T T .. P relates "Another alory Cm nez owem f„ r nty folks wi... have story-ears!” 8 p.m. Easy chairs (men like them): good music; fine organ. 11 a.m.. "Supreme Sight.” Centennial Bapt. Ch., 7th and Eye n.e. !-¦- - ¦ CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Bth and H Streets “The Seven Churches of Asia and Their Modern Counterparts” (Beginning a series of Sunday morning sermons) U EPHESUS THE CHURCH THAT WAS DOCTRINALLY SOUND, BUT 1 In the evening at eight o’clock another popular service of song and good fellowship, with a message by the Pastor, on "DOES GOD REALLY CAREr Chorus Choir Male Quartet i I I THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D, *O, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1924. 19

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Calvary M. E. Church, With Dr.Montgomery leading. Conducts

Special Instruction Courses.

Calvary M. K. Church, under lead-ership of Rev. Dr. .Tames S. Mont-gomery, has taken up the work ofreligious education that the youthof the church may be more definitely

trained in the religious life. This )work is under the direction of thenew director of religious education,K. B. Grundy, who came here from

Portland. Me., where he served afterseVral years spent In study and ex-perience work in Boston. He alsomade a study of physical education,considering such to he an important

field of church endeavor.Calvary's committee on religious

education determines policies. nets onprograms, informs itself and the I

• n„.. — lOl. .11,1 community, studies Ithe whole situation and determines !tlie host foi ms of work, what es- jflciency standards are necessary and |prop..gate* the whole program ofreligious education.

The program is:' First, the train-ing program for teachers, officers andleaders and those desiring either to 1become workers or to have a more .intimate knowledge of this work.The second part of the program is'tlie religious instruction of youth Iand adults, the Sunday school being jthe chief means supplemented by 1week-day religious instruction. The :third part of the program is the phy- iSteal and recreational work for boys igirls and adults.

The training program will he]accomplished chiefly through the itraining school of religious education.This school holds sessions Friday ,evenings from 7:30 to 9:05. Thefirst si rnester has just closed. Theclass in home missions taught byMrs. IT. 1,. Amiss bad a large en-lollinent. The class in pupil studyvas a success with Miss Mary 1.. Al-len as instructor. C. S. Joseph wasinstructor in tlie course for inter-mediate and senior workers. TheBible course taught by Judge J. W. ;Thompson had a large attendance. 1Mr. Grundy. tlie director, taughtclasses in young people’s work and ,In Sunday school organization and •administration.

The second semester of this schoolhas opened. Mrs. K. 1,. Harvey isinstructor for the class in foreignmissions. She was assisted in theopening session by Mrs. J. F. Neff,secretary of reading circles for the ,"Washington district Woman's For-eign Missionary Society, other promi-nent leaders in the mission field willassist her from time to time. Judge J. JW. Thompson is instructor in Bible, ;and his class is popular. Mr. Grundy Icontinues his classes in young peo- :pie's work and in Sunday school or-ganization and administration. This jschool is free to all.

WILL SUPPLY PULPIT. |Bev. Dr. Robinson to Speak ai i

New York Avenue Church. |Rev. Dr. William Courtland Robin-

son. pastor of the First Presby- Iterian Church of Delhi, New York, jwill supply the pulpit of the NewYork Avenue Presbyterian Church at Iboth services tomorrow.


Theologian Will Speak at St. iJohn’s Church Tomorrow Night. IKev. George Cadwalader Foley, pro-

fessor of dogmatic theology in thePhiladelphia Divinity School, will lec-ture in St. John's Church. 16th and Hstreets, tomorrow night, on “TheGrowth of the Creeds.” Rev. Dr.FoU y is one of the best known theo- jlogians in the Episcopal Church, andhis best known work deals with the Idevelopment of theories on the doc- (trine of the atonement. He is a I•ehclar of sound judgment and a'forcible speaker.

These evening lectures at St. John’s jare intended for the thoughtful peo- Ipie who are interested in the present |religious situation and give a con- jservattve view of religious thought !consistent with the times.


Former Resident Here to Fill,

London. Canada, Pulpit.Rev. Floyd Talmadge Holland, a ,

former resident of this city, who w-»s |ordained by the District of Columbia 1Baptist Association at the Immanuel •Baptist Church and now pastor of the jFillmore Avenue Baptist Church. Bus- Ifalo, N. Y., has accepted the call tothe pastorate of the Adelaide StreetBaptist Church, lyondon. Canada. Thisis one of the largest churches in »'n- Itario. having a congregation of 1.500. jand was formerly pastored by theRev. Dr. G. A. Leichliter of Buffalo 1and Dv. T. T. Shields, president of the 1Baptist Bible Union of North America. ;Toronto, Canada.

MISSIONARY TO SPEAK.Will Occupy Pulpit at Peck Me- j


"How Can 1 Be What T Want to jBe?” is the subject of Rev. Irving W. 'Ketchum at Peck Memorial Chapel !tomorrow night. He will also preach iat the morning service. A special ;service is at 3 p.m., with Rev. J. M.Henry of China as speaker.

Tlie’ Christian Endeavor Society 1meets at 7 p.m., and will discuss "TheGospel in Japan." A light lunch willbe served to all from 6:30 to 7 p.m.



For the Promotion of ScripturalHoliness

Services every Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 1Prayer meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m.

At I. WKI.COMK.Y M. C. A.—

-———¦ ———- i

i Y.M.CA. 11SUNDAY, 4:30 P.M

“LIFEOF CHRIST”lllOKtrnted Lecture No. 3.



i ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ . .. i

Y. M. C. A. NEWS\

i W. H. H. Smith will speak on “JeansBegins His Public Ministry” at the

¦ Central Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon .

|at 4:30 o’clock. This lecture will cover I( the period from the return from temp-

| tat ion to healing a leper. It will be the !1 third in a series of illustrated lectures1 on the life of Christ, which are being :given each Sunday afternoon. Mr. ]

I Smith has personally selected the slides

j which are oeing used in this course ofle Hires and they are a great help toBible students. The meeting is open*C 1116* itUti.iu.

The School of Religious Education ofthe Y. M. C. A. opened on last Monday

I night for its fifth year. All the classes; were well attended. “The Origin of; T.lines" wl" t>e the subject of a lecture

by H. Dennington Hayes in the courseI on Oid 'Testament at Hie class session| next Monday evening. Dr. James H.1 Taylor will use as the subject of hislecture in the essentials of Christianity"The Person of Christ.” A special in-

. vilation is given to any one interestedin religious education to visit the school jon any Monday night.

Homer J. Councilor, dean of the

I School of Religious Education of they. M. C. A., returns today from a

J south-wide Bible class conference of the ,; Baptist churches which was held in At-j ianla. Ga. Mr. Councilor was one of

¦ tlie speakers at this conference.


Rev. Dr. Mitchell to Speak at Met-

ropolitan M. E.

1 Rev. Dr. Harry D. Mitchell will;i preach both morning and evening to- j

! morrow in the Metropolitan Memorial ¦M E. Church. The morning theme

will be “The Needed Revolution." and ;that for the evening will be "Does |

I Belief In the Personal Return of Je- Ii sus Hinder or Stimulate Christian1 Activities?" The "doctrinal cam-

I paign" held a week ago under the di- :! rection of Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps was 1j a pronounced success.

j VISITS ARMY POSTS.! Chief of Chaplains to Preach at

Fort Totten Tomorrow.

Coi. John T. Axton. chief of chap- !I; ~ni,}, will spend tumor- |

pe-u net New York *city. He will preach in the morn- '

at ,-ort lOiou and in the even- jj ing will install Chaplain Thomas E. ,

1 Swan at Fort Jay. Governors Island.I Gen. Bullard and other ranking offi-

, cers will attend the special services.


1 Rev. Dr. Rice Will Preach at

Church of Our Father.

1 “The Closed and the Open Door"wii! be the subject of the sermon

i of Rev. Dr. Clarence E. Rice at the| Church of Our Father (Universallst),i I3th and L. streets northwest, tomor--1 row monxfhg. at 11 o’clock, following

. the usual 9:45 o’clock morning ses-

i slon of the Sunday school- Kinder-i garcen is held at the same hour.enabling parents of children of suil-

; able age to attend the service, thei children being cared for by the kin-dergartners. At 7 p.m., devotional

j meeting of the Young People’s Chrts-j tion Union: topic, "Leadership”; lead-

EPISCOPAL. iWashington Cathedral


j Wisconsin are. u.w. near Woodley road.! Holy Communion 7 ;30 a.m. |j Morning Prayer and Litany 10:0«a.m. |

• Holy Communion and Keriflon.• Preacher, Canon Myer 11 ;00 a.m.

! People's Evensong ami Sermon.Preacher, the Bishop of Wash-ington 4:00 p.m.

j Take Wisconsin uve. cars or Woodley roadI • hu* line.



1731 K St. N.W.I SUNDAY. JAN. 20. R P.M.;

“MYSTERY OF SLEEP”Study Class, Wednesday. K p.m. ]

The Philosophy of RebirthLecture by VICTOR RUSSELL,


Theosophical Society,Room 402. Barrister Bldg., 63.-, F st. n.w.


; WashingtonLodge—T, S.

1216 II ST. N.W.

SUNDAY. JAN. 20,' AT 8 P.M—

I “The Unfoldment ofConsciousness"

I When. Why and Whither Arej We Going f

I By E. P. Carbo of Baltimore! Classes: Monday, Astrology: Tuesday,

Fundamentals; Wednesday. Members- Fri-day, Secret Doctrine.


i Tbe Interdenominational organization of the churches Id Rescue, Relief. Social andEvangelistic Work.


LOUISIANA AVENUE,N.V^V|-o|tPhone Main 4349. Temporary Quarter*. 432 434 10th Bt. N.W.

JOHN f>. BKNNKTT, SUPERINTENDENT.Children’s Home. 1207 Klrat Bt. N.W. Phone Main 8788


Services Every Night at 8. Sundays at 3 and 7:45 p.m.SUNDAY, JANUARY 20TH—

Service, 10:30 a.m„ at Workhouse, Occoquan, Va.3 p.m. —Service at United States Jail.3 p.m.—Service in Mission Chapel. ' J7:45 p.m.—Service in Mission Chapel. j

1 Special Speakers Special Music All Welcome I

jNew Anacostiai Pastor to OccupyI Pulpit on SundayI ¦i

i Mi


j Rev. Charles V. Van Der Linden, un-

til recentls" pastor of the South Broad

IStreet Baptist Church of hPlladelphin,

| has assumed his charge at the Ana-• costia Baptist Cliurch of this city.

He came to this city with the highestj locommendation from the Baptist Min-isters’ Conference of Philadelphia. Hewill preach tomorrow on the followingsubjects: 11 a.m.. “Christian Evi-

-1 dences”; S p.m., “The Manliness ofi Christ."

I SPECIAL HYMN SINGING.Rev. Dr. J. C. Ball Is to preach

j tomorrow morning at Metropolitanj Baptist Church on "Where Is Your

| Hope Set." and in the evening hisj theme will be “The Background of aj Successful Life.” At the evening

service the male chorus and congre-j gat ion will sing the favorite hymns| of Secretary of Labor Davis.


Church of the T, "f

ST* THOMAS' 1 T'and ye,Q

11 a.m.—"Humble-Mindedness a ParamountNecessity."R p.m.—"The American Peace Award."


I Grace Parish—GEORGETOWN"Tiie Little Cliurch on the Canal and Potomac."H(4l Wisconsin uve.. tielow M st.

I Rector: The Reverend Henry L. Durrani1 Services—7:3o. 9:30, 11 ;0« a.m.. 8;(K) p.’m

!_FumUy_Blnphig of (r,ii|M-I Hymns at Evensong

ST. MARK'S “CHURCHTiiird and A St*. B.E.

j Rev. William Henry Petfus, Rector.Rev, Willium A. Masker. Rev. C. K. P.


T :#0 a.m.—Holy Communion.9 :8(> a.m.—Church school.

11:60 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermonhy ("anon W. L. De Vries, Ph. D

6 ;S0 p.m.—Vonnir People's Society.8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon.

Wednesday and Friday. 7 :30 p.m.—Evening- ITayer.

Thursday and Friday (St. Paul's Day), 11a.m.—Holy Communion.


ST. AGNES’ CHURCHQue at between Fia. are. and First n.w.

(Fla. ave. or N. Capitol st. cars.)Services Sunday—7 and 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.Church school—9 :30 a.m.Daily mass at 7 a.m.; Friday. 8 p.m.

' I 'Up Wativftv 14th AND A 5.3,Ine INaUVUy7:3O; ll: 8: Wed., 7:80;tihurch scliool, 9:13; High school, 10:15 a.m

THE RESURRECTION. 15th and G n e —3:15and 4; Tues.. 10:30: Friday. 7:45 p.m

THE ANNUNCIATION. 2Rth and Pa. ave. s.e3:15 and 4; Wed., 10:30 a.m.

ITBioijyjfa DeUfs;.;11| 3rd.and C sts.N.W. IB]

Re'TDavid Rar\som CovelrßuPmiekea at

11 a.m. and 8 p.m.HOLT COMMUNION, 8 A.M.

SUNDAY SCHOOL. 9:45 A.M.MEN'S CHOIR sings at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.

c£> HOLY COMFORTERj 8716 GEORGIA AVJL N.W. jServices—7:3o. 11:00 a.m. and 8 p.m.


St. Paul's Church BO^RSfBK

Services now in Restored Church.Sundays—Holy Communion,--8 ;45 a.m

Morn Ini service 11 a.m.


12th and N sts. n.w.REV. GEORGE W. ATKINSON, D. D.. Rector.

Services: 7:80 and 11 a.m.Evensong, 7 :30.

8 p.m.—Confirmation service andsermon by the Bishop ofWashington.

ST. MARGARET’SConnecticut ave. and Bancroft place.



7:3o—Holy Communion., 0 :30—Church school.

11 ;00—-Morning Prayer and Sermon by the"Rector.

j 4 :30—Evening Prayer and Sermon by the( Rector.I Thursday—Holy Communion at 11 o’clock.I ALL WJCLeOMB ALWAYS. i



- ¦. -

** Bp*". mm

First rowi Edwin Dice, Judge J. W. Thompson, Mrs. C. S. Joseph, Mr*. F. B. Walker and K. H. Grundy. Backrowi (’. K. Swiliurt, Dr. A. C. Christie, C. S. Baldwin and H. V. Speelman. Ur. F. A. Horaaday, another member won

jnot prexent.I :

B, Y. P. U. HEWS |Columbia B. Y. P. If. Federation

held its January meeting at the Pet-worth Baptist Church Tuesday eve-ning. I’rof. Kdwin N. ;C. Barns, di-

rector of music in the District publicschools, conducted the song service.Special music was rendered by the |Pctworth Orchestra and Stanley W.

j Bell, their soloist. The main address¦ was given by Kev. C. P. Hyland of( Clarendon, Va.. who was one of the

. principal founders of the federation,

followed by remarks from Dr. Drewof Philadelphia. Carl VV. Johennlngpresented an application; for member-ship from the Colmar Manor B. Y. P.I'., and they were gladly! received intothe federation.

Group D of the Bethaiiy Union willhave charge of a social io be given »tthe church next Friday;evening.


A play was given by Group 1 ofsecond B. Y. P. U. last Sunday eve-ning on the thirty-seventh Psalm.Group 3 in an intergroiip contest haswon the silver loving cup for threemonths in succession nind expects to

take all honors as An individualgroup. :

MRS. JANUARY TO LECTURE.Viva M. January willJeeture in the 1Unity Auditorium. 1326 I street north-

west. tomorrow at b p.m.. on “TheSpoken Word of Authority.” Tuesdayafternoon at 3 o’clock- will be thefirst lesson in the beginners’ class,

in Truth,” by Mrs. Janu-ary. Thursday at 8 b-tn. she willstart the class in Christian healing.

EPISCOPAL.Saint James' Church

Bth at. near Maui. eve. o.e.Sunday service*. 7:30. 10:30 and 11 a.m.

and 5 p.m. ;

St. Andrew's ChurchN. IJ. avenue and Vat. o.w.REV. J. J DIMON.; Rector.

Services;8:00—Holy Communion.9:3o—Sunday arhooi.

11:60—Morning service anil sermon.b:oo—Evening service and'-sermon.


St. Stephen's Church'14lh Detween Columbia rjl aud Irving.

Rev. OEO. F. DUDLEY. <O. D.. Recto;Rev. CLYDE BROWN. AjeL

SUNDAY, JANUARY 20.7 ;30 a.m illoly Communion ;9:30 a.m i . .Cliurch School I11:06 a.m Morning Prayer and Sermon I6:45 p.m Youngs I’mple‘s Meeting i8:00 p.m Evening Prayer and Sermon !

Holy Communion Tnea. Snd Thurs., »;30 !a.m.. and Fri.. 7 ;00 .a.m.

Christian Healing, Tues.. K:O0 p.m.


Corner of O end Potomac Bte N.W.REV, JOHN S. MU.-4KB. Rector.

SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY.7:30 a.m.—The Hob < oi.fuanior9:36 a.m.—Church scbooi.i

j 11:60 a.m.— Morning Prayer and Sermon. 1Pn-ucber. tile j’n-ctor.5:15 p.m.— Young P*siple*c meeting.7 :30 p.m.—Evening Prayer aud Address I

. Thursday, 10:*MI a.m. —The Holy te-innm* .nion.

j Friday (St. Paul’* Dayli 0:30 a.m.—The!Holy Ceunmuniin.

“CHRIST CHURCH620 G street e.e. Founded 1795.REV. WILLIAM CURTIS WHITE. Rector. |

SUNDAY SERVICES: 7:30 a.m.. Cor-Iporate Communion of parish noetetles: 9:43a.rA., Sunday school; 11 a. ln., sermon by the •Rector. "Wiiat the Spirit Saith to the ’Churches”: 0:30 p.m.. Young People’s meet- IIng; S p.m.. Evensong and sermon, ’'The ‘Better Wine.” Strangers heartily welcomed, jThis church was built in 1807. Holy Com- Iuiunlon and healing servile, Thursday at i10 a.m.

I ST. JOHN'SCIkIRCH ||16th and H fith. jLECTURE BT

Rev. G. C. Foley, D. DnProfessor ’of Dogmatic Theology.

Philadelphia, : IOn (

“The Growth of the Creed «ndthe Inferences Therefrom”

At 8 P.M. j

EpiphanyG street near 14th

8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion:0:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.—Church 7 school*.

11:00 a.m— . |Morning prayer and sermi-n by the

Rev. Henry Ltibcck,LL. D. d L.

4:00 p ra.—Evenaong and gennon.

0:00 p.m.—Young People’s Society.8:00 p.m.—Eveging Prayer add Sermon by


REV. DR. WOOD SPEAKER.Choir of 100 Will Sing at Church

of the Covenant.At the Church of the Covenant to-

morrow evening at 8 o’clock Rev. Dr.Wood will preach on "The Bible andModern Thought." There will be twoanthems by the evening choir of 100voices, a duet for tenor and baas, anda soprano solo by Miss Ruth Peter.This service and the morning servicewill both be broadcast, and also themeeting of Everyglris’ Bible class at

10 a.m., when Miss Mabel N. Thurs-ton will speak on ‘‘The Life of Christ;the 1 Forerunner and Baptism ofJesus.’’

At the meeting of the Christian En-deavor Society at 6:30 tomorrow eve-ning Itev. James M. Henry will showfor the first time in Washington amotion picture Illustrating manyphases of Chinese life and the activi-ties at the Canton Christian College.

Next Thursday evening at the mid-week service for prayer and confer-ence Dr. W.-.od is to give the secondaddress on ‘What We Believe Aboutthe Bible.”

SERVICE FOR ORDERS.Societies to Attend Grace Episco-

pal Church.A special service for the Jpnlor Or-

der pf American Mechanics and theDaughters of America will be heldIn Grace Episcopal Church. 9th andD streets southwest, tomorrow even-ing. at 8 o'clock. The rector. Rev.Meade Bolton Macßryde, will preachon "Patriotism,” one of the funda-mental principles of both orders.There will be special music, and anInformal reception will follow in theparish hall.

SIORY^FOfT*CITY FOLKS.Rev. £. Hez Swem Promises Inno-

vation at Centennial.

"Another Story for City Folks WhoHave Story-Ears!” will be related byRev. E. Hez Swem tomorrow night at8 o’clock, at the Centennial BaptistChurch.

The morning subject is: "SupremeSight.”



Spiritual mr.vag. meeting er.ry Monday. 8p.m. Spiritual reading, dally. •

MRS. HENKLK HOLDS MEETINGS' SUNDAY,Wedueaday and Friday evening, at 8 o’clock.II 4fh at «.e. Everybody gets a reading.Phone Line. 2040.

The First Spiritualist ChurchLaotnra by tha Paator,



Followed by Spirit Mattagee.’’Do not .neer at the humble beginnings,

the heaving table or the flying tambourine. 1but remember (hat a railing apple taught \us gravity.” Sunday. 8 p.m.. at PythianTemple. 1012 9fh at. n.w.. .ei-ond floor. Allwelcome. Seat, at] anld for the WednesdayOriental Night, in January. Ticket, now.elllng for the laat two In February. •


Inspirational Lecture,

J. Albert WatersMessage service, Mrs. Lida Mas* J

tin, Mr. Redmond.8 O’Clock. All Welcome.

822 20th N.W.. NearPa. Ave. •



JOth and Maas. are. n.e.

Rev. George Barrow-Nell non,Hinlnter.

11 A.M.:

i “Treasures of Eternity" |Carola by the New Vested Choir. j

8 P.M.: ,*¦ { jCommunity Song Service.

"The Virgin Birthof Christ”

Note; Dr Rarrow-Neil*on will ad-here to the view* expressed on tlda

j nuhjeet in the lectures he received atGlascow Unlvemlty, Scotland.

Mr Waller James Geldard. Organistand Choir Director.

A Hearty Welcome to All.


34th and Lowell Sts.


j 9 :45 a.m.—Church school.I 11:60 a.m—Morning worship:’ "FINDING



j MT. PLEASANT) (Congregational)

Columbia Road Near 14th St.In tka Residantial NorthwestWalter Amos Morgan

Minister.11:00 a.m.—Sermon by DEAN D. BUT-

LER PRATT of Howard Uni.veralty. Topic—-

“Life's Transitions"Children's Story every Sunday morning.S:OO—VESPER SERVICES, Sermon by


“God's Poem"j 6:00 p.m.—lntermediate C. E. Society.

| 7:80 p.m.—SUNDAY EVENING CLUB.9:46 a.m. —Charch school. Classes (or all.



ITth AND P STS. N.W.KEV. J. a. OLDEN. Minister.

9:80 a.m. —Church school.II -.00 a.m.—‘TAITH’S KNOWLEDGE.”

7:80 p.m—“ADVANCING.” .


“How to Own Your Home” Being

Bought Rapidly, Commerce

Department Says.In announcing: the sale of more

than 200,000 copies of “How to OwnYour Home” within less than twomonths of publication, the Depart-ment of Commerce states that ortlerehave come very largely from buildingand loan associations, savings banks,dealers In lumber and other buildingmaterials, furniture companies, andother organizations that have boughtthe booklet for distribution amongtheir customers.

Many banks and industrial concernshave distributed the booklet to theiremployes, and' it has also been pur-chased in quantities for the use ofschool and college classes in whichhousing and home economics arestudied.

PAGEANT AT CHURCH.“The tiospel of the Kingdom” is

the subject of the sermon of Rev.O. O. Bullock at Third BaptistChurch tomorrow at 11 a.m. Holycommunion will be celebrated at 3p.m. At 8 p.m. a pageant will bepresented by the junior choir.

SECULAR LEAGUE. jThe Secular League

Musicians' Hall, 1006 E 6t.SUNDAY, JANUARY 20. 3 P.M.


LOUIS EDELMAN, M. D.(Admission Free —Free Discussion.)


People’s Tabernacle 10 £aaN"d


LEWIS C. HHEAFK. Minister'.Special musical and literary program Sun-

day at 8 p.m. under tlic management of Mrs.Mary Adams.



DIVINE SERVICES at II a in and 8 p.mSUNDAY SCHOOL. 9 43 a m : C.E.8.. 7 p.m.

rv,,lsth AND O STB. N.W.A?raC6 HENRY H. RANCH. D. D.. Pastor.





First Church of Christ, Scientist,!Columbia road and Euclid at.

Second Church of Christ, Scientist,!] N.K. Masonic Temple. Btli and F sts. n.e.

j Third Church of Christ, Scientist,jMasonic Temple. 13th «t. and N. Y. are.

; Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, |The Arcade, 14th «t. aud Park rd.


“LIFE"Service*- i



i 1310 K ST. N.W.. Room 60S—Hours. 0 to 9 (except Wednesday. 9 to7. and Sundays and holidays, 2:30 to

5 .30).148 EAST CAPITOL ST.—

Hours. 12 to 8 (except Wednesdays, 12to 6; Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30. Closedholidays).

I COLORADO BLDG., 14tJ» ami 6 Sts.—Honrs. 10 to 9 (Wednesday. 10 to 7,

and Sundays and holidays. 2;30 to 5:30).

I THE ARCADE, 14th and Park Rond(Second K !o,» rI-

10 to 0 week days, except Wednesdays, j10 to 5:30. !

• PRESBYTERIAN. jiThe Church of the Pilgrims i

SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN.22nd sj. bet. P and Q st?. n.v*.

j Rev. Andrew R. lllrd, Pantor*D:45 a.m.—Blblr school, vrifh classes for

every member of the family11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. Preaching l*y

the Pastor.1 S :80 p.m.—Junior rhristian Endeavor,

j 5 :00 p.m.—lntermediate Christina Endeavor.6:00 p.m.—Social hour and supper at the

! manse, to which ail .strangers In jthe city ar«* invited,

j 7:00 p.m.— Song service.7 ;30 p.m.—Evening worship. Preaching by |

the Pastor.8:15 p.m.—Senior Christian Endeavor So-j

j clety.Small children cared for during Sunday !

morning service.





* !11 A.M.;



I i

I SIXTH PRESBYTERIANi 16th »nd Kennedy Sts. N.W.

I Rev. JOHN R. KAY, Albany. N. Y.0:39 a.m. —Sunday school.

11:09 a.m.—Sermon. “The Church of Christ.” j7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor.8:00 p.m.—Sermon. "Christ in the World of j

Invention.”8 p.m'. Thursday—Midweek prayer meeting, I

| conducted by Ladles* Aid Society. jEastern Presbyterian Church i

6th »t. and Md. avc. n.e.ALFRED E BARROWS, D. D., Pastor.

11:00 a m.—"KNOWING GOD.”9:80 a.m.—Bible school.

10:00 a.m. —Men’s Bible class.7:00 p.m.—C. E. meetings.T:4li p.m.—Speaker. Dr. SAM SMALL.

WESTMINSTER7th St. near E S.W.

Her. HENRY W. TOLSON. Pastor.11 a.m.—Sermon by the Pastor. Subject,

“What Think Ye of Christ.-”8 p.m.—Song service and sermon.

A hearty welcome to this friendly church.

Fourth Presbyterian Church18lh and Fairmont sis. n.w.

Take any 14tJi st. car; get off at Fairmont.PASTORS: DR. JOSEPH T KELLY.

DR. ISAAC WARD.9 :30 a.m. —Snnday school and Men’s class.

11:00 a.m. —Dr. RAM SMALL will speak.Subject: “AMERICAIN THEMAKING.”

7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor Society.8:00 p.m.—Evangelistic service. Dr.

WARJ) will speak. Subject:• SIGNED UP FOB LIFE.”

Wednesday night—Service at PresbyterianHome. Newton st.

Thursday night at B—Prayer meeting.Everybody welcome to all services.



Minister.9 ;30—Sunday school. Classes for men and

women.11:00—Morning service. Sermon by Dr.

Wood.6:oo—Christian Endeavor supper and ves-

per service. Address by Rev. JamesM. Henry, on “CHINA.”

8 ;00—Evening service. Sermon by Dr.Wood: ’THE BIBLE AND MOD-ERN THOUGHT.”

Evening Choir of 100 Voices.8:00, Thursday—Midweek service for prayer

and conference. Dr. Wood will givethe second address on “WHAT WEBELIEVE ABOUT THE BIBLE.”


Peck Memorial ChapelPa. Ave. and SSth St. N.W.

7:45 p.m.—“How Can I Be What IWant to Bes”

11:00 a.m.—Public worship.10:15 a.m.—Men’s class.3:00 p.m.—Special service. J. M. HENRY

OF CHINA will speak.7 :00 p.m.—C. E. Gospel In Japan.Light lunch. 0:80 to 7 p.m.. Sunday. All

welcome.¦ fin, feting WuUagtcn Setctoun,' I’ajtor,

First Congregational Church10th & G SU. N.W.

MUSIC4:45 p.m.—Musical Vespers; Louis Thompson, tenor;

Rakemann String Quartet; Mueller, organist.8 p.m.—Sunday Night Musical Service : Walter T. Holt

and 25 players of Nordica Mandolin and GuitarClubs; Shaddick, baritone; Vocal Quartet.

MUSIC FESTIVAL, Feb. 2,3, 4Two great companies, including famous Russian

Cathedral Singers, and Mary Potter and associate artists:Potter, contralto; Dulfer, violinist; Boschetti, baritone;Ullian, pianist. Festival tickets now on sale at Churchoffice, 10th and G Streets Northwest.


EDITOR TO SPEAK.Dr. Henry K. Miller Will Be at

First Congregational.Dr. Henry Knight Miller, editor of

the Psychology magazine, will givetwo addresses at the First Congrega-tional Church, 10th and G streetsnorthwest. He will speak Wednes-day at 8 o’clock on ‘‘As a ManThlnketh,” and at 8 o'clock Thursdayon “How to Overcome Fear andWorry.’’ These two addresses areunder the auspices of the PsychologyClub of Washington.


PRESBYTERIAN.Georgetown Church ,


REV. JAMES T. MARSHALL, I>. D., Pastor.0:4.1. S. S.; 11 a.m.. “THE SACRED

NAME”: 7:15 p.m.. C. E. ; 8 p.m., “WEAKINC SAUL'S ARMOR."

j; New York Avenue |Church of the Presidents sf

New York Ave., 13th & H Sts.

ft Where the Lincoln Pew $?;j Preaches Its Silent Sermons

& Rev, Wallace Radcliffe, D. D. |:<? PASTOR EMERITUS. 3£ j\ PASTOR’S ASSISTANT, n'? j$ Rev. William A. Eisenberger 11'Jf 9 :80 a.ih.—Bible school. w*(£ 10:00 it.in.—Adult clauses.

i’:, 11:00 a.di.—Public worship, with ser- ii \ moo by •

11 William Courtland ||Robinson, D, D., S;

I of Delhi, N. Y. |-Ij- 6 :45 p.rn.—Christian Endeavor.'if 8 ;00 p.tu.—Public worship, with ser- 3f I3C uton by 5f (

Dr. RobinsonK :(M) p.m. Thursday » j

a|s: The Midweek Ser\ice. a:!all WELCOVE. ’<£ i

Wallace Memorial PHEBBYT.Cor. Randolph st. and New Hampshire aye. I

REV. 3. A. CAMPBELL, Pastor.

Services —11 a.m. and 8 p.m.

S. 8., 9:30 «.m v C. E., 7 p.m.

the gospel willsave.Christ can sa'e you from your baser

self, from bad companions, from everyinfluence that tends to tear down Iliateachings, help you set a high Ideal jand will aid you to reach it.



Metropolitan4lh & IS Sts. S.E.

PresbyterianREV. FREELEY ROHRER, Pastor.

Sunday School at 9 :30.Homing Sermon at It:


j Christian Endeavor Societies, 6:43.Evening Worship and Sermon, 7:JS: j“A SPIRITUAL VISION”

Dr. Lucius C. Clark.A cordial welcome to each of these

services.You Need the Church—The

Church Seeds You.

Western Presbyterian Church ,H St. Bet. 19th and 20th N.W.

Rev. J. HARVEY DUNHAM. Pastor.

I 9 ;30—Sunday school.I 11:00—“The Challenge.”

¦ 7:oo—Christian Endeavor.B:oo— lllustrated lecture by I

Mr. W. H. H. Smith.MUSK' HY THE QUARTET. ||

| Eckington. Nor “r^;^^F,orl<,i

Her. H. E. BRUNDAGE, D. D., Mlniitar.j 9:30a.m. —Sunday school; 7 p.m., C. E. j

Sermon Subjects:II ;00a.m.—“A GREAT VISION.” j


i Thurs.. 7 :30 p.m.—Course in Bible study. 1j with prayer meeting. Subject; “Higher 1j Criticism and Inspiration.” jWashington HeightsPresbyterian Church

Columbia and Kaloratna roads,

i REV. JOHN C. PALMER. D. I).. Minister.9:30 a.m.—Sunday school.

I 10:00 a.m.—Adult Bible classes.; 11 ;00 a.m.—Morning worship, with sermon.



Cordial Welcome to All.

Gunton-Temple Memoriall*»tli ami Newton sts.

REV. BERNARD ISUASKAMP, M. A.. Pastor.1 9:4.’i a.ra.—Sunday school.¦ 11:00 a.m. —Sermon. “Wby I Believe the

Bible. -

Mush* by the Chorus Choir.7:OOpm.—Christian Endeavor meeting*. i. —Sermon, “Why Do Doribtl’* J

I The Men’s Bible ClassOs the

Fourth PresbyterianChurch

13th and Fairmont Sts. N.W.(Through it* Missionary Society)

j • INVITES YOU to hear a1 missionary talk by

j MISS CLARA McQUOWN—from personal experience

i! in—


January 20, 1024, 9:30 a.m. j|i

Come and bring- your ;friends. Ladies especially

j invited.=4i [

Central Presbyterian Church(SOUTHERN ASSEMBLY)

Sixteenth and Irving sts. n.w.KEV. JAMES H, TAYLOR, D. D., PASTOR.

9 :30 a.m.—Sunday school.9 :50 a.m. —Bible class.11:09 a.m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor.3 ;30 p.m.—Junior Christian Endeavor.5 ;U0 p.m.—Westminster League.6 :30 p.m.—Social Hour for Young People.7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor Societies.8 :00 p.m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor.8:00 p.m.—Thursday. Prayer service.

Small children cared for during morningworship.

Take I4th st. car or Mount Pleasant caror Irtth st. bus line to Irving st. n.w.


i -



BRIGUTWOOD MASONIC HALL,Georgia end Colorado aval.

Bov. MAURICE S. WHITE, Minister.0:45 a.m.—Sunday school.11:00a.m.—

“OOD’B PATIENCE WITH ISRAEL.”7:00 p.m.—Young People’# Society.8:00 p.m.—Stereoptlcon lecture:

“AMERICAN FLAGS.”Thura,, 8 p.m.—Service at 1413 Oelafleld pi.


Chevy Chase Baptist ChurchSunday school 9;3oa.tn.Preaehlr.g service ll;00a.m.Evening service 8:00 p.m.

Rev. THOMAS E. BROWNE willpreach at both services.


Temple Baptist ChurchCorner of 10th and N sis. n.w.

Dr. 3. 3. MUIR, Pastor,Services:

11 a.m.—“HOW TO ENDURE.”8 p.m.—“CONttUERING YOUTHS. ’



| | IGth and O (North of Scott Circle) ij Dr. J. Stanley Durkee

( Willpreach Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.

11 a.m. subject—-

“The Seeing Eye"Matt. 13.16.

j Strangers in the etty are especially Ij invited to hear this gifted preacher.

8 p.m. subject—-

“The Light Bringer”Luke 2.32.

| J Sunday school. 0:30; B, Y. I*. U., 6to7:30.

1 I Organ recital by PROF. FERRY, I7 :40 to 8 p.m.


c—¦ ¦¦« tt-tt; ¦Petworth Baptist Church

7tb and Randolph ate.

The Church That Bids You Welcome.

9:30 a.m.—Sunday school. Classes for all.J. H. Seavers, supt.

11:00 a.m.—Preaching by REV. U. W. O.MILLINGTON.

7:00 p.m.—lntermediate B. Y -. P. U.7:00 p.m.—Senior B. Y’. P. U. group service.8:00 p.m.—Preaching by REV. A. FREE-

MAN ANDERSON.Tuesday. 3:30 p.m.. Junior B. Y. P. V ,

with Mrs. Fox.Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Deacons’ meeting.

8:00 p.m.—Prayer service, W. R.King, leader.



j CHURCH TO RELIGIOUS LIBERTY.(16th St. and Columbia Rd.i

j Bible School for all ages atj 9:30 a.m. Pinkham Class for

! men at 10 a.m.

J Divine Worship at 11 o'clock,i with sermon by Pastor Gove G.Johnson.

I 3:30 p.m.—Rev. E. M. McFad-i den. New Covenant Mission ofI Pittsburgh, addresses a genera!i meeting on Jewish work.

Evening at 7:4s—DevotionalSong Service for all, led by Mr.Percy S. Foster. Male choruswill sing. Dr. McFadden speakson “The Gospel and the Jew.”

i DTT'T’TTA VTV RHODE ISLAND A» b> UL J. aIAIN X At Sfcond «t. «.w


t Preaching by the Pastor—ll a.m. and 8 p.mBible school, 9:30 a.m. ; Junior Church. 11

a.m.: 0:45 p.m.. B. Y. I*. U.

J Mid-week service, Thursday, 8 p.m.

Everybody Feels at Home in Botbary.


9th BET. B AND 0 S.W.

Sunday school. 9:30.Theron Cutwater Bible Class, 9:30.Christian Endeavor. 7:15.Preaching. 11 am., 8 p.m.—REV. SAM-

UEL H. CAMPBELL of Atlanta, Ga.Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p.m.


John Compton Ball, Pastor.



9 :30—Bible school. 9 :45—Mr. Bhavermeets men. 0:45 Young People in Chris-tian Endeavor.



At evening service the Men’s Chorus ai dcongretration will sing old-time songs, amongthem the favorites of Secretary of LaborDavis.THE HYMNS THAT KEPT A YOUNG MAN-


Second Baptist Church *

4th St. ami Va. Aye. S.E.ELLIS C. PRLMM. Pastor.

11:00 a.m.—“UP FOR THE DAY.”B:oop.m.—“HOW A CHRONIC GROUCH

WAS CUBED."9:80 a.m. —Sunday school7:00 p.m.—B. Y’. P. U.Cordial Welcom" —Challenging Messages.


“Shortsightedness'' and "The Power of theGospel” with “After Meeting" to follow.S. S.. 9:30; chapel, 3; B. Y. P. U.. 6:39.Annual Church Supper Wednesday, 6 to 9p.m., with Dr. Green of Africa and t»r.Millingtonas guests.

West Washington BaptistCor. 31st and N sts. n.w.

The Pastor. C. B. AUSTIN, speaksII and 8.

Sunday school. 9 ;45.

Three B. Y. P. U.’s. 7 :ort p.m.Have you read John, wi.24?

IT T T.. P relates "Another alory

Cm nez owem f„r nty folks wi...

have story-ears!” 8 p.m. Easy chairs (menlike them): good music; fine organ. 11 a.m.."Supreme Sight.” Centennial Bapt. Ch., 7thand Eye n.e.

!-¦- - ¦


“The Seven Churches of Asia andTheir Modern Counterparts”

(Beginning a series of Sunday morning sermons)


In the evening at eight o’clock another popular service of songand good fellowship, with a message by the Pastor, on

"DOES GOD REALLY CARErChorus Choir Male Quartet i