[event] starlight and firelight

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  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    [Event] Starlight and Firelight

    DeePo l i shed Bard

    3 Mar 2010, 7:43pm

    The sun was low on the horizon, getting closer to dipping belowit every minute, and gorgeous shades of orange and red paintedthe edges of the sky, adding a splash of colour to these finalmoments before the Weyrd was left with only the lamps thatflickered in the streets to illuminate the darkness.

    Well, that wasnt entirely true today. So far into the NorthernPlains that the Weyrd was nothing but a gathering of lights inthe distance, a great fire blazed. It was made up of anythingthe workers building it had been able to find: wood from theforest and leftover planks from carpenters projects made up itsskeleton, and it had been fed with newspaper, bark, leaves,random bits and bobs and all those little things that made a firehealthy. In a pile some distance away lay the rest of the wood enough to keep the fire going through the night, theyd madesure of that.

    The hot flames stretched toward the sky, sending their trail ofsmoke before them, hungrily feeding on the long poles of wood

    they had been built on. Already, there were a few crispymarshmallows lying around the fires edges, left there byimpatient Weyrd members who hadnt wanted to wait for theembers, which would not come until much later in the night.There were still small groups of people with sticks held againstthe fire, chatting and getting their fingers gooey on meltedmarshmallows, or eating hot dogs, rats and whatever else theyhad seen fit to fry. The night air was warmed by the fire, tingedwith the smell of smoke and filled with the anticipating chatterof the gathered Isnitians. As the sun traveled lower, stars werebeginning to appear in the graying sky, but still only thestrongest were visible. One particular star was paid closeattention to by the Weyrd members as they talked and ate,most people glanced up at it frequently, eagerly awaiting thetime the dark space around the star would be filled in. And itwould be soon.

    Dee, wearing a deep blue dress decorated with star-shapedsequins and a black sweater woven with silver thread, stoodwatching the bonfire with a smile. After a moment, she turnedto a gathering of sweaty workers. Well done, guys! she saidhappily, clapping her hands. Its the best bonfire yet! Theworkers mumbled agreement and scurry off to grab food fromthe various baskets and plates that had been laid out.

    Of course Dee had volunteered to organize the Skydragon Nightbonfire anyone who knew the fairy would probably be able to

    see this just by the way the a rea around the fire looked. Thegrass was all but covered with cheery floral picnic blankets, andeverywhere stood baskets full of all manner of food and drinks,anything the revelers may desire and lots of little thermoses

  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    filled with tea and toddy and small porcelain cups to go withthem. Right next to the fire were two large porcelain plates, onefull of hot dogs and the other of marshmallows, all pre-skewered with polished sticks and as the night went on itwould be found that no matter how much was taken from thebaskets and plates, the amount within would never seem todiminish. The fairy giggled happily and went over to where

    Desse and Buttercup lay waiting, the young creatures relaxingon the large blanket the fairy had laid out. When Dee sat downbetween them, Buttercup nuzzled her affectionately, and thefairy settled down happily to count the arriving humanoids, nowand again casting a glance to that big, shining star. She knewthis would be a good night.

    Off to one side of the arena stood a rather peculiar structure,which Dee also sent the occasional glance a screen of whitecanvas stretched on a gilded frame, placed in such a way thatthe firelight reflected against it.

    Updated by Dee on 20 Mar 2010, 8:24am

    DeePo l i shed Bard

    3 Mar 2010, 7:44pm

    Revelers (19):Ahora, Aidan, Alice, Archer, Evangeline, Kallile, Kallisto, Knight,Lenmana, Mercy, Nero, Renaud, Seelie, Spinnerwhelsk*, Theo,

    Thomas, Tobias, Yanoro, Zoey

    Disqualified: Kira**, Kyla**, Opalette**, Solus**, Zhi**,Alugard**, Ari**, Harrel**, Karina**, Melanthios**,Sumomaru**, Silence**, mer**

    * an asteriks means the person has missed a round. If you misstwo rounds, you are disqualified from the bonding.

    Bonded: 20/20 Total

    1/1 Atara1/1 Kallo

    3/3 Sintar4/4 Tyalie4/4 Hin7/7 Anta

    ShortlistDaydreaming Visionary Atara - Seelie

    Impossible Task Kallo - MercyBig Bear Sintar - Archer

    Chiron the Wise Sintar - AliceObservant Astronomer Sintar - Knight

    Seductive Swan Tyalie - KallileFantastic Strongman Tyalie - Thomas

    Boastful Cassiopeia Tyalie - TheoPerfectionist Prankster Tyalie - Tobias

    Little Bear Hin - Kall isto

    Competitive Contrary Hin - YanoroBeautiful Distressed Damsel Hin - ArcherEnergetically Moody Anta - Ahora

    Pan the Sea Goat Anta - AliceHunted Hare Hin - Evangeline

  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    Hunter or Protector? Anta - LenmanaSpring of Inspiration Anta - Renaud

    Up in Flames Anta - AidanMany-Headed Monster Anta - Nero

    Skil lful Nagivator Anta - Theo

    Shorter shortlistAtara - Seelie's AshaKallo - Mercy's Fray

    Sintar - Archer's BenjaminSintar - Alice's Nostarr

    Sintar - Knight's Gall i leiMale Tyalie - Kallile's LancelotMale Tyalie - Thomas' Samson

    Female Tyalie - Theo's CassiopeiaFemale Tyalie - Tobias' Harley

    Male Hin - Kall isto's ErosMale Hin - Yanoro's Vasu

    Female Hin - Evangeline's FantineFemale Hin - Archer's Charlotte

    Male Anta - Ahora's JahMale Anta - Alice's Vorl

    Male Anta - Lenmana's SamuraiFemale Anta - Renaud's Coffea

    Female Anta - Aidan's ChloeFemale Anta - Nero's Fleuretty

    Female Anta - Theo's Pyxis

    **Descs will be added here as they are written. Please sendme prefs - up to three faes you want and one you don'twant!Descs: 10/20

    The Daydreaming Visionary AtaraOh, wouldn't it be nice if we could all be happy? This Atara hasgrand visions, visions of a perfect world in which everyone isfree of strife and sorrow, living in perfect harmony and neverexperiencing a single bad emotion - and by golly, she's going to

    do what she can to make her dream become real ity. She isattentive in a sense, always watching for signs of unhappinessin others and tending to them quickly, however small theirtroubles may be. What little of her time is not spent consolingthe heartbroken, feeding the hungry, cheering up the listlessand general ly trying to make sure there is not a single evenslightly unhappy person within a 50-ki lometer radius, shespends on what can only be described as daydreaming - weavingbeautiful images of the world she desires, and elaborate plansfor how to make it real. Though as much attention as she givesto everyone else, she seems to categorically ignore her ownwell-being, taking selflessness to such extremes that she willneed a caretaker of her own to make sure she does not simply

    wilt away. Even if she's not actively trying to help you, she isincredibly comforting company, for she always sends out a calm,soothing emotion that can make you feel as though perhaps theperfect world she str ives for is not so far away after all .

    Her hide is soft peach, gentle blue and creamy white, l ike alight sunset over snowy ground, and her shimmer is gentle andluminous as an Atara's can be, enveloping her in a glow almostlike a halo. She is small but perfectly shaped, with long, elegantlimbs and sweeping, peach-coloured wings, and though her sizeis diminutive, her presence is enchanting, and she easily callsthe attention of everyone around her without ever having tomake a spectacle of herself. A proper queen even as a faeling,as she grows older she wil l only become more beautiful and

    more kind, and she will develop an air of serene wisdom thatrather distinguishes her from regular faes.Currently: Trying to calm the gathering.

  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    With: Seelie, Annunziata, Renaud

    The Impossible Task KalloCurrently: Attempting to protect his Contrary Hin brother.With:

    The Big Bear Sintar

    Rather than be the aged sage that his rank usually poses as,this Sintar seems to have cast himself in the role of o lderbrother. He is everything that epitomizes elder brotherhood:protective, kind, patient, a l i tt le domineering at times, andeager to teach his charges what's right and what's wrong - hedoes know best, after all. If he is angered, he will take the roleof firm reprimander, but it is not terribly easy to upset him.Only when he finds one he has taken under his wing in danger,whether from others or their own foolish actions, will he showtrue rage. At these times, he somehow manages to be ratherimposing, even with his d iminutive s ize - and the genuineconcern and anger that radiates from him easily draws feelingsof guilt in those he chastises. Most of the time, however, he is apatient companion, one who will follow you on any journey and

    always make sure you are safe.

    He is large for a Sintar, more strongly built than the rest of hisusually lanky rank, and his hide is forest greens and browns,blending together in a combination that is attractive withoutbeing f lashy - p leasant to look at but never cal ling undueattention to itself. His shimmer is warm and subdued, and hiswhole being radiates a feeling of safety and stability - as thoughwhen you are with him, nothing can go wrong, because he willalways take care of you. He has a boxy head and a tail that israther short for a faedragon's.Currently: Sitting next to his brother the Little Bear Hin on oneof the most remote tables.

    With: Kallisto, Evangeline

    The Chiron the Wise SintarA s ilent observer, a watchfu l sage, the Chi ron S intarspersonality epitomizes his rank. He is more than content tolinger at the edges of any large gathering, passive and alone ashe studies the overall composition of the group and loseshimself within his thoughts. He is definitely a solitary creature,but not necessarily introverted - people are fascinating, afterall, and he truly enjoys studying them. If one manages to sparkhis interest, he is a decidedly friendly companion and guide,both gentle and wise. Best be prepared for the steely core thatresides beneath this softer exterior, however - those whounderestimate him do so at their own peril. Hes quite capable

    of defending himself and his bonded if push comes to shove,though hed rather not have to resort to such base actions.

    In appearance, hes a rather striking. Smaller than most otherlords, he his lean and lithe, athletic-seeming, superiorly tonedand muscular. Though hel l lack the stamina of most otherSintar or Kallo, he will beat them all in speed, capable of deftmaneuvers that his larger brothers will f ind impossible. Hishide, too, is rather distinctive, with gradating smudges ofmonochrome colors overlain with a midnight blue overtone. Aspatter of charcoal covers his head up until mid-neck, where ab lend o f gray and azure take over unt il h is tai l t ip. H isunderbelly and underside of his wings are a shadowy ivory, andthis color repeats itself in random smudges upon his back. Theeffect is one of smooth silk, shimmering between hues withoutso much as a thought.Currently: Trying to f igure out what Spinnerwhelsk i s.

  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    With: Spinnerwhelsk

    The Observant Astronomer SintarIf there ever was a Sintar that lived up to the stereotype of hisrank, this one is it. Quiet, contemplative, watchful, he fulfils allthe cri teria for these wise lords. Though l ike any otherFaedragon his mental faculties are rather limited, he shows a

    tremendous desire to understand- currently, his fixation is thenight sky, which he will stare at for hours, as if simply watchingit wil l reveal to him all i ts secrets. Later, he may becomefascinated with the way flowers grow, or the ticking of a clock and whatever his attention is drawn to he wil l focus on forhours, days and weeks, however long it takes to figure it out orfor him to get bored whichever one comes first. Though bewarned that he may be the creature on Planet that is the leastsusceptible to boredom in fact, during the course of his life hewill spend several fascinated hours watching paint dry. Whetherhe ever gleans any knowledge from his observation is hard toknow but as he persists with it, one may assume hes gettingsomething out of his endeavours.

    His scales have a matte, slate gray colour, broken up here andthere by specks of white, and in some l ights they reflect thecontour of things around him rather like a dirty mirror. He ishandsome, in his way, with a rather slim build and sharp-edgedfeatures, and his fri lls appear more worn than elegantlyrounded, adding to the aged feel that is so common among hisrank. His shimmer is more of a soft glow that envelops him, andit may be diff icult to spot that he shines at al l , for there isnothing flashy about his glow. Always he emits a feeling of calmand contemplation, and those around him often feel compelledto join h im in hi s pass ive observation o f the world.Currently: Contemplating the sky.With: Knight, Sootkin

    The Seductive Swan Male Tyalie ( pattern inspiration)This Tyalie is wholly and truly a creature of passion. What onemay first notice about him is his f l irt iness the way he wil lindiscriminately hit on anything animal, vegetable or mineral.When he has found a target for his attentions, he will try to wintheir favor in any way he can crooning sweetly, showing offhis gl inting scales, even giving presents to win them over.However, if his advances are rejected he is quick to change fromsweetness to malice crooning turns to shrieking, caressingnudges turns to biting and slashing. Such is the polarity of hisbeing, rather reminiscent of his Anta sibl ings, but he is notdivided l ike they both his love and his hate are parts of aconsistent whole, a self marked by fiery passion. The way he

    entertains is through his courtship, with his seductive croonsand showy displays.

    And indeed he has a lot to show a fine example of his species,this Tyalie is a handsome Faedragon, with delicate, long limbsand a sweepingly arched back. His neck-fri l ls and wings areimpressively large and his claws long and sharp perfect forscarring those that reject his advances. His colorat ion isbewildering to the eyes like that of most of his rank-fellows, andseems almost exotic, with bands of purple, gold, red and greensnaking about, here and there seeming to form images aheart, a flower, the f aces of people. He is obviously aware of hislooks and proud of them, too.

    Currently: Teaching Mercy not to reject him.With: Yanoro, Mercy

    The Fantastic Strongman Male Tyalie

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    Currently: Hiding in a picnic basket.With: Thomas

    The Boastful Cassiopeia Female TyalieCurrent ly: Argu ing w ith her Ski ll ed Navigator si ste r.With: Theo, Silence

    The Perfectionist Prankster Female TyalieCurrently: Lurking around the party, up to very precise mischief.With: Graefai (Ahora), Cyren

    The Little Bear Male HinCurrently: Sitt ing close to his Big Bear brother, peeking ateveryone from under the Sintar's wing.With: Kallisto, Evangeline

    The Competitive Contrary Male HinCurrently: Hiding behind Lenmana.With: Lenmana

    The Beautiful Distressed Damsel Female Hin

    Currently: Under Archer's hat.With: Archer

    The Hunted Hare Female HinThis poor dear has fully claimed the skittish part of her ranksusual attributes. She is, put simply, a nervous wreck, frightenedof everyone and everything and always seeming in a state ofpanic, or on the verge thereof. What has got her so frightenedis hard to say i t may be her shaky relat ionship with herdisturbed brother, or some other traumatic event of her younglife, or simply a natural-born fearfulness. Whatever it is, itmakes her jump at shadows, flinch wherever someone gets nearher, and be absolutely unable to ever be completely at ease.

    Even in the comfort of her own home, surrounded only by thoseshe trusts, she will always be trembling in fear, l i tt le headdarting this way and that like that of a watchful deer or rabbit,and the smallest unexpected sound will have her hiding behindthe nearest shelter. Even for her bonded, it is nearly impossibleto fully gain her trust, and even if you have never raised a handto her she will flinch when your arm moves and dart into hidingif you speak too loudly. She simply seems to live in constantfear that even the kindest people may suddenly turn around andbecome monsters I wonder why that is.

    Her scales are a pale, nervous yellow, flecked here and therewith grey, and her shine is more like a fl icker, unsteady andshivering much l ike herself. She is a t iny thing even for a

    Faedragon and appears supremely breakable, as i f a sl ightcareless movement could snap her spindly limbs in half. Herwings and frills, too, seem fragile incredibly thin and flimsy asthey are. She is slightlystronger than she appears, but not bymuch, and it is clear that she must be treated very carefully ifone does not wish to harm her.Currently: Shaking.With: Tobias, Sai (Tobias)

    The Energetically Moody Male AntaCurrently: Pl ayfighting with his Sea Goat brother.With:

    The Pan the Sea Goat Male AntaCurrently: Playfighting with his Energetically Moody brother.With:

  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    The Hunter or Protector? Male AntaLike any Anta, this little male can't quite seem to decide whathe is, and his personality is on a constant see-saw between twopoints - hunter and protector. One one side, he is protective andcaring, focused on making sure those around him are safe andfree from harm, and often stretching himself to exhaustinglengths to keep track of all his charges. On the other side, he is

    malicious and quite sadistic, one who hurts others for his ownenjoyment and for the sake o f competi tion. Rather thanreaching a middle between these opposites, he shifts from oneto the other at random, and it is impossible to predict whichstate he will be in at any given time - you'll simply have to findout by the way he treats you. The changes can happen frommoment to moment or week to week - how long he'll stay in onepersonality is never certain, but when he's in a state he's therewholly and fully until he flips to the other.

    Like his personality, this Anta's hide is a study in polarity. Justl ike most of his k ind i t changes colour randomly, whetherthrough some reflection of the l ight or chameleon ski l l - butthere is one ever-present constant. No matter which hue it is in,

    this Anta's hide is always split in two equal parts, half of him alight shade of whatever colour he is at that time and the otherhalf a darker shade. The division slices him in two lengthwise,and runs as a line from his snout, across his back and to thevery tip of his tail. He is stout of build, with limbs and wingsthat are muscular for a Faedragon.Currently: Protecting his Hunted Hare sister.With: Kallile, Tobias

    The Spring of Inspiration Female AntaA dreamer, this female is nearly always caught up in her ownworld, and has little use for anything mundane that might forceitself upon her. Her imagination is rivaled only by her otherwise

    shy nature, and only her innate curiosity keeps her from beingentirely introverted. She is forever and almost chi ld ishlycurious, nearly fearless in her unending quest for answers andknowledge. Unfortunately, once shes gained this knowledge,she doesnt ever really do anything with it. She wont hesitateto stick her head in a picnic basket just to find out whats in it,but she wont take any of the food; shell put herself in dangerto better see the colors on a Varguls pelt, only to completelylose interest in said Vargul two minutes later.

    Her hide, like most of her rank, is forever changing. Colors shiftand bubble l ike running water, their only s imilar ity in thegeneral overall hue. No matter her mood or the setting, thisAntas coloring is always some variation on beige. Hues as light

    as milky-cream and as dark as coffee wash across her body,usual ly in some kind of calico pattern of l ight-on-dark. Theeffect is quite striking, as patches of smudged color alternateand slide like a demented jigsaw puzzle. Her wings are overlylarge for her body, giving her the appearance of being smallerthan she actually is, though in fact she is around average sizefor her rank.Currently: Picking curiously at Renaud's leaves.With: Renaud

    The Up In Flames Female AntaCurrently: Pleased to be paid attention to.With: Aidan, Alice

    Many-Headed Monster Female AntaWhat flavour of malice were you looking for today? Do you wantcreeping, quiet viciousness, calculated cruelty or perhaps

  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    wanton violence? Whichever kind you want (or, more likely,dont want), this little female can dish it out. She has a wholespectrum of rather unpleasant, bordering on evil personalitiesthat she varies between, and though one may never know quitewhat to expect of her youll always know it will be bad. Perhapssomewhere within her, behind all the cruel l ittle personas shepicks up and discards, there is a good creature a l it tle

    curious, and quite sweet at times but it is buried deep, andthat aspect of her may never surface at all. For most of the timeshe is constantly finding new ways to be a terrible little monsterand make life as hard for her bonded and everything around heras possible and there doesnt seem to be any particularreason for her rather un-charming behavior, either, or anychance of reform. If you wean her of one bad habit she wil lsimply make up new ones.

    Ever-changing like those of all Anta, this females colours tendtoward the dark end of the spectrum, though the shade anddecoration will vary with her different moods if she is violent,red specks may show on her black, shining hide, and if she isfeeling more sneakily malicious she may sport a dark emerald-

    green hide with toxic yellow stripes and a dull glow. The oneconstant factor seems to be that this female is long and thin,appearing almost stretched, and in places you can see herbones through her changing hide. Her eyes, too, are also anunnerving yellow colour, and her wings appear to be too big forher starved-looking body. She has sharp claws and sharp teeth.Currently: Trying to find out why Nero is sad.With: Nero

    The Skilled Navigator Female AntaThis female is a little bit of a predictable creature for an Anta.She is keenly intell igent for her species, in the sense that shecan never get lost, and always, unerr ingly, f inds her way

    without troubles - whether the place she is going is somewhereshe has been before or not. Other than that, she l ives up toFaedragon standards; clueless, brainless, and quite shallow inbehavior. She is indeed a vain creature, taking great pride inher looks and navigating abi l i ty al ike, and she seems to beconstantly preening and fussing over her appearance. Hershifting personality really only moves between variations on thesame theme - pr ide , gloa ting and occas ional ly f lashyboastfulness. She regards herself as having great importance,appearing to think she is as worthy as a queen, rather than justa lowly Anta.

    Why would she be so lofty, you ask? Well, because her hide isfull of the stars that the sky possesses as well! No queen she's

    ever heard of can boast of that. Well, maybe they can, but thisis sti l l something special that this Anta gloats in; faint, butthere, her base color is a myriad of dark navy blues and blacks,with small speckles of whites and grays that form a blanket ofstars. Oddly, the stars on her hide seem to shift according towhere she is, always mirroring the constel lations in the skyabove her - even during the day, when no stars are visible.Pe rhaps that is the sec re t to her nav igatory prowess.Currently: In an argument with her Boastful Cassiopeia sister.With: Theo, Silence

    Excerpt from Isnit Weyrd For Dummies and theMildly Insane

  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    The Starl ight Festival is Isnit s main hol iday. It celebrates the bond between humano ids and

    creatures, based on the myth of the day a greatcelestial dragon called the Skydragon came down

    from the heavens to help the Isnitians ancestors,summoning the first dragons from the four corners of

    the world to be their companions. The festival lasts

    for five days, and during this time, the streets of theWeyrd are brightly decorated with sparkling andshining dep ic tions o f s tars , and every day b ig

    markets take place in the town square and there areconstant parties and gatherings, whi le at n ight

    humanoids usua lly spend the ir t ime quie tl y contemplating the contribution creatures make to

    their society. The main celebration, however, takesplace on the last night, called Skydragon Night, when

    all the Weyrds citizens gather around a bonfire inthe northern plains, on the spot where the ancestors

    are said to first have met the Skydragon. That night,it is said, is the only night in the year where one can

    see the Skydragon, and the air around the bonfire is

    l ight and celebratory, but tinged with suspense.Usually there is a bonding on Skydragon Night, incommemoration of the first bonding between dragons

    and humanoids.


    What is this?It's Skydragon Night! 8D The main celebration of the StarlightFestival. Also, it's a faedragon bonding.

    Can I join?No D: I'm afraid it's closed.

    What's going to happen here?

    Now you know - and knowing is half the battle.

    Are there rules?Yes - as of now, you may only post once between each of myposts, and if you miss two rounds you're disqualified. Oh, andyou can bring as many creatures as you like, but really hugethings will probably have to stand at the edges. xD No crushingDee's picnic baskets.

    Updated by Dee on 28 Apr 2010, 11:04pm

    KiraOpaque De leted Member

    3 Mar 2010, 8:05pm

    Ah, the smell of smoke and fire mingled with creature andhuman as well as various foods. Tonight was a great night. Thesounds of celebration. Kira approached the bonfire, smiling.Hopefully Kythen would be here soon. She had left him amessage at the cave. It would be nice to have someone joining

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    her. But until then, she would entertain. That was her bestthing, right?

    The girl found a somewhat clear area with a log rolled over for aseat. It was perfect. Close to the bonfire that the revelers couldhear, but not so close that it wouldn't get unbearably hot. Thegirl removed her guitar from where it hung on her back and

    gave an experimental strum, adjusting the tuning knobs hereand there til it produced a perfect chord.

    Without any warning, she began playing a song worthy of afestival. It was light and friendly, with a steady beat that onecould dance to. If notes were visible, they would probably havebeen spinning and twirling around each other, frolicking throughthe air. The wolf-girl grinned as she played, fingers dancingalong the neck of the guitar, enjoying the feel of the wood andstrings. Acoustic guitars gave such a perfect, homely sound andso she continued playing. People could listen or not if theywanted, but every festival needed music in her eyes.

    SilenceOpaque De leted Member

    3 Mar 2010, 8:15pm

    Silence could hardly turn down a chance at revelry. He'd heard alot about this holiday recently, just by listening around the townsquare and tavern. He joined the mingly crowd, helping himselfto food and drink. However, he mostly helped himself tomarshmellows, making sure they caught fire before he pulledthem out of the flames. The best marshmellows were charred onthe outside, in his opinion. He munched happily, having foundthe makings for smores, then helped himself to a lastmarshmellow before he meandered around the crowd, eatingsaid charcoaled marchmellow directly off the stick. It honestlydidn't keep his fingers from getting sticky though.

    He was pretty much just wandering aimlessly until he heard theguitar. Tiltiing his head slightly, he looked around for the player.Spotting her he trotted over, dropping onto the grasssomewhere near her feet, grinning. He listened quietly for awhile, letting his eyes wander over the other revelers, seekingfamiliar faces.

    "You're pretty good." He offered the girl with a smile, more thanhappy to pay compliments. He was in a fantastic mood-celebrations had a tendency to do that to him. And really, whatfestival was complete without music? She had the perfect ideain his opinion.

    KallilePo l i shed V i l l ager

    3 Mar 2010, 8:17pm

    "I feel stupid in this. Is it really that important?" Thewerewolf woman who had come to be known as Kallile

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    Very important night. Peace night. Need look nice. This,however, came from the light cocoa colored Aurata Pantherathan walked casually at her bonded's side. The peachy-pink androse colored frill rested idly on her neck like a veil and thePanthera female's eyes sparkled with a sense of whimsy.

    Rhett was draped over her shoulders, as per usual, and the cublooked like a matched boa to the knee-length black and silversequins dress that his bonded wore. The dress was a one-shouldered dress and the sequins looked as if they poured overher shoulder to wrap a tight band around the top of the fabric.It had, of course, been Amala's idea to have her bonded dressup for the event.

    The Aurata glanced up at the Pardi cub, seeming surprisingly atease being near him. Rhett was not so amused and insteadlooked hungrily at the tray of hot dogs near the fire. Peacenight, bleh. Only came for food.

    Amala glared up at him, but only gave a sharper swish of hertail to prove her annoyance. Skydragon night important. Specialday; historical day. Need behave and look nice, yes?She lookedup to Kallile for support.

    The woman sighed, earning a loud but annoyed purr from Rhettas he was bobbed slightly by the action. "Yeah, sure. Ifthey're going to go to this much of a fuss it must bespecial. Come on, I guess we need to find our ownuh...blanket to sit at."

    Amala smiled happily up at the humaniod, and took up an eagerpace to earn them a picnic blanket close to the fire, but not so

    close that the heat would cause the Panthera pair to becomeuncomfortable. Kallile and Rhett simultaneously shook theirheads as Kallile followed after the older female to respect herwishes. Want to be close to the action? Fine. At least the fi rewould keep the cold away that this stupid dress let in...

    ((OOC: Dress similar to this one found at simplydresses.com ))

    Updated by Kallile on 3 Mar 2010, 8:33pm

    merPo l i shed A ide

    3 Mar 2010, 8:21pm

    Emer fel t l ike her breasts were about to spi ll out o f herrhinestone-covered dress. Since when was it too small? The lastfitting she'd given herself, it was too big! Oh, right. Becausethere'd been no fitt ing in between. Duh. Sighing at her ownstupidity, Emer just settled for showing a ridiculous amount ofcleavage (for her). Now, she hardly minded running around

    naked, but she thought that most of the other humanoids wouldmind.

    That's what clothing was for, after all, right? To make them feel

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    comfortable. Shimmying around in a dress that was equally too-snug around her ribs, and then soft and flowy, reaching to abouther mid thigh. This, she thought, was surely too short! Then shethought it was just perfect as she saw plenty of other girlsdressed up for this occassion. Grinning, she twirled in her newdress, mindful enough to keep her hands at a decent spotagainst the fabric so that she didn't flash anybody (she hadn't

    quite f igured out how to make comfortable panties yet).Glancing aorund at the magnificence, she saw the bonfire andc lapped. I t was so huge! And pretty! And then her gazetravelled up towards the star everyone was waiting to see; shespotted it weakly gl immering against the dark sky, and herhands smoothed her dress over with a sudden nervousness.Looking around, she hoepd Jagmi was there; or at least Renaud,or Opalette if she had to be picky. Even the little Alice or Kallilewould be all right, maybe that kid Silence.

    Truthfully, she'd made this dress with the intent of seeing herJaguar man, but it was equally for the festival. With Fennoresettled on her shoulder, glimmering with as much radiance as

    she was, her hair tamed just enough to tie back with a thickblack leather piece, showcasing her twitching, fl uttering networkof webbed ears and the full extent of her markings as a memberof her species. Looking around, sitting awkwardly at one of thepicnic baskets, she rifled through it before finding some thingred.

    It was punch, of course, but she figured she might as well try it.For the longest time she had stayed away from ingesting humanfoods, thinking al l she needed was blood, and it wouldnt' begood for her. What the hey, it was the Festival! So she sipped ati t, and found i t surpr is ingly good. Grinning to herse lf insurprise, Fennore tril led, Good! Happy! With her now ful ly-

    g rown Shafa a t her si de, he looked around exci tedly.Party! agreed Daly enthusiasti ca lly, shudder ing withexcitement, before popping into confetti and glitter; for once,she didn't mind the mess. It was a festival that cal led forglittery things and happy party tiems! The last creature she hadbrought to this party was Keeva the Wyvern; she was still smallfor her species, and so she was able to lithely maneuver. Theothers were roaming around the outskirts, or staying at home inan sulky antisocial attitude.

    [shinies present; fennore, daly, and keeva. dress, but stars aremade of gaudy multicolored rhinestones instead]

    Alugard TiadonnaOpaque V i l l ager

    3 Mar 2010, 8:33pm

    Alugard, astride his wyvern Shaneekwah, was enjoying thedarkness and cool night air, flying high over the Northern Plains,when they spotted the bonfire from above. He stroked the leftside ot Shaneekwah's neck, indicating that she should turn andfly in that direction. As they turned, the smell of food and thesounds of festivities reached them, prompting a mental image ofa party from Shaneekwah to enter Alugard's thoughts. "Sounds

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    like it, eh?" he said in response to the mental question. "Whydon't we go check it out? could be something to eat downthere."Shaneekwah, being the impatient type, lunged forward throughthe sky as Alugard gave the 'ok', nearly throwing her bondedfrom her shoulders. She slowed her wingbeats as she flew closerto the ground, slowly coming to a halt several yards away from

    the site of entertainment.Together they walked over to the fire, intent on grabbing somegrub and hanging out for a while, until someone stopped thetwo of them, saying, "The drake has to stay here, little one, lestsmaller creatures and festival items may be crushed underfoot."Shaneekwah glared at the man, but she sent Alugard a mentalimage of her sad and frowning. ((just picture that trying tofrown xD))Alugard turned to his wyvern and said, "Hey, I'll go get us somefood, then come right back. Okay?" Shaneekwah simply huffedat him, but he saw the light smile cross her face. "Gurrl! I justgon' be a sekint! Dayum!" he said, snapping his fingers andbobbing his head to one side. Shaneekwah let out her raspylaugh and laid down just within the light from the bonfire.

    Alugard chuckled and turned back to the large collection ofpeople, tossing a runestone over his shoulder towards the largelizard. The stone burst into a flame bird, fluttering over to circlethe air around Shaneekwah. She let out another satsfied gruntand closed her eyes.Alugard continued over to the nearest basket, rummagingthrough it to see if it held anything either of them would enjoy.

    Opalette JagmiOpaque De leted Member

    3 Mar 2010, 8:57pm

    Jagmi had stolen Opalette's body once again. and while thatsounded perverted (which it probably was) the man was hopingto see if he could expand his social repertoire a little bit. Not tomention the tales that mentioned the spotting of the Skydragon.That, at least if he didn't see anyone worth socializing with,would be worth it. Besides, Opalette had had 20 years toexplore Planet, its inhabitants and not ONCE did he ever see hergo to the Skydragon festival.

    So Jagmi would go in her stead. Maybe indulge in a bit of this,

    some of that wine, pinch a few bottoms, etc etc. Along for theride was Abner, the ever faithful Wyvern, draped over his backlike a giant black, yellow and green accessory, occasionallyhissing at those who came too close. Jagmi's wear that ni ghtincluded a pair of dark slacks, some shiny, black leather shoes,and a white polo covered over with a sleek slate gray vest. Veryold world gangster, and Jagmi was very pleased.

    But of course, Abner wasn't to go to this event without sprucinghimself up as well. The Wyvern's hind legs were shackled,spikes included to match the leather studded collar on his longscaly neck.

    Already there were so many people about, the throngs of them

    cooing and giggling over their picknick baskets made thecorners of his mouth lift in a smile. Before trying to seekanyone out, Jagmi would observe for now... Just see where

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    things went. Suddenly an image popped into his mind, the darksky glittering with stars that converged together to form a giantdragon that swooped down and littered the area with starryeggs and monies.

    The man's barking l aughter interrupted the Wyvern's thoughts."I highly doubt that that will happen, but one can always hope,

    right? This is Planet after all."

    AriPo l i shed V i l l ager

    3 Mar 2010, 9:03pm

    They came to see the fire. Ari was a little pyro at heart. Maiarasaid she would come later... If anything interesting washappening. The blue-eyed silver Tzingane hated small-talk and

    other foolishness. Cuddles, who had grown to the size of a pony,was following at Aris heels. The terror wyvern liked fire asmuch as her bonded. There was also a new face...sort of...pacing protectively along at the were-girls side. The blue glowin the Maubaine Varguls eye-sockets flickered like firelight. Thegiant walking skeleton known as Bonedancer glared at anyone itsaw as a threat to its bonded.

    Ari dear, did you really have to bring Cuddles? Shes going to

    scare people.

    The wyvern snorted at the skeleton. Cuddles knew that Ari washerpet, not the other way around. They had only come herebecause her pet needed to go out for a walk and maybe have aplay-date with the other pets. She only let the foolish skeletonthing come along to indulge her were-thing.

    Ari gave the wyvern a pat and the skeleton a smile. It not befair to leave Cuddles behind. Is a festival. Is for everyoneto come and eat stuff and... She laughed quietly andwhispered. ...Play with fire.

    Ari... Bonedancer started to scold, but realized it would bepointless. Also, it would be much less fun. So it settled for amild warning. Just try not to set fire to anything living, alright?

    The were-girl grinned impishly and made no comment. The odd

    trio settled around a basket with the best view of the fire theycould get and started eating. Well, the girl and wyvern ate; thevargul stared at the people gathering around them. Their groupwas probably rather intimidating looking. However, they werereally harmless and fun-loving...really.

    Updated by Arion 3 Mar 2010, 9:04pm

    merPo l i shed A ide

    3 Mar 2010, 9:17pm

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    As soon as Emer saw Jagmi, her f ace flushed redder than theovercooked hot dogs, and she stood up so fast thta she almostfell over, only Keeva's readily-available bulk keeping herupright. So, as much as she wanted to see him, she felt like... astalker of sorts, and besides--there was Ari! Smiling to herself,she skipped over, easily comfortable with the black Mary Janes

    she was wearing.When she arrived, looking down with a smile, she plopped downbeside the were-girl, and grabbed a handful of some deli-cutmeat from the picnic basket and placed it near Keeva andFennore; her Shafa was too busy shivering with his happinesabove Keeva's back, while occassionally esploding fromoverdoses of excitement.

    [failpost. i apologize.]

    SilenceOpaque De leted Member

    3 Mar 2010, 9:23pm

    At first, Silence didn't spot Emer as a certain neon coloredhulking beastie wasn't keeping her company. But once he didspot her, in a very short dress, he bounced to his feet, giving alsight wave to the guitar girl before he made his way bouncilyover to Emer and the other girl she was keeping company,completely unintimidated by the number of shinies keepingthem both company. Though he did let out a gleeful 'ooh' whenhe spotted the exploding Shafa. Ohemgee so cute!

    "Hey Emer! are you enjoying yourself? How's Breslin?" Hedropped down onto the blanket with her and Ari, though farenough away to avoid gettin in the way of any of their shinies.He offered a grin to Ari and a slight wave, though he didn'tknow her.

    "I didn't realize this was a dress up event." He grinned,gesturing to Emer's dress. "But you look awfully nice."

    Alice GrayPo l i shed V i l l ager

    3 Mar 2010, 9:49pm

    Alice frowned, blushing nervously as she approached thegathering. The celebration had been in full swing for a few daysnow and this was the last day of celebration. Alice had beenexcited; at least before the inn owner had given her a gift.At first she said no because the gift was too kind. He wasalready giving her room, board and pocket change for the oddjob around the inn, he didnt need to give her a gift too! Thenshe had unwrapped the gift and pressed harder to try and give

    it back. Hed gotten this look on his face though; this terriblysad look and she quickly changed her tune.Why a skirt?

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    It was a special night and she understood that but a skirt? Itwas a simple outfit, a dark blue skirt that hovered just aboveher knees. Freshly cleaned up knees (after she had tried on theoutfit and showed off to the staff shed been forced to get sosqueaky clean she was almost sure her knees were raw) pinkcompared to the rest of her sun-tanned skin. Silvery coloured

    flats on her feet which matched the decorative border of theskirt and the navy blue shirt. The outfit was dark but the silverythread made her sparkle a little like Zed who was perched onher head and looking as curious as her.Cure? Zed asked, dipping his head up and down, Nerves?Cure and nerves?Yes, Zed, Alice laughed. His vocabulary was bigger than hisability, curious and nervous.Thank you for adjusting his scarf. It looks nicer around hisneck and doesnt trip him anymore, either.

    Alice looked down at Sootkin and smiled, Of course, Sootkin,anything for you. Are you excited?The twitchy flick, back and forth of his grey tail was enough to

    tell her that he was.He has never been to this festival. He is not very old youknow.He was quick to take offense to her comments but this time hedidnt seem too to upset and so Alice didnt bother to try and fixwhat wasnt broken.

    Before they reached the party proper Alice stopped, making Zedsquawk and hiss before humming a song that sounded sad andapologetic.Guys...? Do I... Like... I look okay, right?Shed never felt so uncomfortable in her whole life. Was her haira mess? This really was a big deal because shed seen lots of

    people dressed up now. Even the inn keeper was dressed up (hegave her a big thumbs up when hed passed her earlier).Zed was the first to reply, not even looking at her to answer.Geat! He squealed, Geat geat! Go?For a boy in a dress? Alright.Alice looked down at him in shock and Zed peeked over herhead, frills out and hissing, MEAN! SAD! He snapped, thenhissed again. The tzingani shifted nervously paw to paw, earsback as he watched Alice paw at her eyes which were lookingwatery.He was joking!The voice in her mind gasped, soundingshocked. Hed never upset her with his joking words before now.He was joking! Alice is most beautiful of all gadje. Please dontleak... cry... Will not be pretty all face is wet.

    Alice sniffed and wiped the tears away, Okay... You guys areboth handsome. Of all the other shinies here you two are thebest looking.YEY! squeaked Zed, already in a better mood as Alice calmeddown. He opened his wings making himself a white, shimmeringbeacon in the night, the fire light dancing on his scales evenfrom this distance.Lets go and eat. He is hungry and would like to eat before theSkydragon arrives.

    Sootkin pranced on ahead, looking a little hurried and unsureafter getting such a strange reaction from Alice he seemedalmost rattled. Maybe he had thought he couldnt hurt herfeelings....This stupid skirt has brought out the worst in me... Alicesighed, getting comforting nuzzles from the faedragon on her

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    head.Nnn sad. Nnn sad, happy? Happy?Alice laughed and followed after Sootkin, petting his head asshe passed him, Happy, yes. This is a festival, skirt or not, letshave fun!

    Sootkin actually barked, not something he did often and smiled.

    Yes, having fun is fun. Where should sit to eat?Alice was looking around, trying to spot an empty table whenshe heard... a familiar guitar tune.Oh! This way! You guys need to meet this neat girl! Shes partwulf or... or something like that!She might have miss pronounced the word but at least shehadnt said the girl was a lucain; it was a start in the rightdirection.Because of the music it didnt take Alice long to spot the oldergirl. Her back was to them and she faced the fire as she playeda bright, happy tune to fit the night. Zed chirped and hummedto the tune, shaking his small booty before finally taking off andflying above Alice and Sootkin; his short, rhythmic movementswere like a solo dance. Even the chavo at her feet had his butt

    moving side to side to the beat. Alice laughed and sat downnext to Kira.Hello again, Alice smiled and wiggled to the tune, Man, howdo you remember so many songs?

    Tobias CreedPo l i shed A ide

    3 Mar 2010, 10:34pm

    The smell of roasting food had roused Tobias from his twilightnap. Sandwiched between stalks of grass higher than his waist,he rolled onto his side and blinked in alarm to see the hugebonfire licking at the sky. "Sai?" he breathed, feeling theground to his left for a bundle of fur and feathers. Once hishand had settled on the Center Gryphon chick, Tobias scoopedthe creature into his arms before Sai had time to fully awaken.In his drowsiness, the soldier had feared a forest fire. But thataccompanying smell was familiar, now: hot dogs.

    "Hot dogs." Sai looked up at his Bonded with inquisitive, brightorange eyes. Tobias didn't know that Center Gryphons were allmute, and so he figured that the chick was developmentally

    slow, or something of that nature. It didn't matter. Out of thefour members of his little platoon, Sai was the only one whodidn't berate him or cause unnecessary trouble. "Let's check itout."

    With the small Gryphon's forelegs hanging over his arms, Tobiaswalked towards the celebration. After a few strides, he called"Cromwell,", and a Tzingane bounded out of the grasses to jointhe pair. The fox-like animal wore Tobias's silver dog-tagsaround his neck, and a length of belt (complete with buckle)topped with a black silk kerchief around his right foreleg. Hisright ear was also perforated with two silver hoops. He was aKralis, the highest-ranking male of his species, but the easylope with which he followed Tobias suggested a lackadaisical


    "Ah, they are celebrating Skydragon night. I mentioned

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    the festival to you earlier this week, did I not?" Tobiasdidn't answer. Cromwell had made it his mission in life toeducate the far-more brutish fellow, but the man was not themost willing pupil. "Very well. I shall accompany you both.Blackjack and Benedict are still out hunting." All thebetter; the presence of a hulking Vargul and Wyvern would havemade their entrance conspicuous.

    With a baby Gryphon in his a rms and a well-mannered Tzinganeat his side, Tobias breached the outskirts of the party. Thestrumming of a guitar found his ears over the crackling of theflames, and as his eyes followed the noise, he recognized thesmall figure who was also listening to the music: Alice. Then,there was mer, the woman from the beach. Other faces wereblurred and indistinct, some familiar, others foreign.

    Sai chirped out of impatience and hunger. In his effort to locatea friend, Tobias had come to a standstill.

    "All right. Let's get you some food." Gingerly (he cared morefor the Gryphlet than he would be willing to admit), the man let

    Sai down onto the flattened grass. With Cromwell watching thechick, Tobias was free to grab some hotdogs and marshmallows.He strode by mer, Silence, and Ari, nodding in a rare show ofcourtesy. "Evening." Oh, well, shit, he didn't know you weresupposed to dress up for this function. In khaki pants and ablack tank top, Tobias looked...well, casual.

    Sai wasn't content to sit and wait for his meal. With paws andtalons too big for his body, he stepped towards the array ofpicnic blankets, trying to find one on which he could roll andjump. They all seemed appealing. Once he was close enough tothe fire to feel its heat, he took a corner of cloth in his beak, asif testing its consistency. Holding it there, his eyes roamed

    upwards to the blanket's occupants: Kallile and company.Cromwell followed, confident that Tobias would be able to findthem if he needed to do so. When Sai tried to eat the corner ofKallile's blanket, the Tzingane chuckled. "I think that one'staken, Sai."

    Updated by Tobias Creed on 3 Mar 2010, 10:51pm

    AriPo l i shed V i l lager

    3 Mar 2010, 10:46pm

    Ari was surprised by the appearance of Emer. Shed taken heron a wild ride during the last full moon. She was also surprisedto see the creatures following her.

    The were-girl grinned and waved a hand at the critters withEmer. Hi! You find new friends?

    Bonedancer could sense something of what the woman was and

    decided she was a significant threat to Ari. The skeleton vargulwrapped a forelimb around its bonded. It could be taken aseither an affectionate gesture or a warning to those who had

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    joined them. It was hard to tell since a skull isnt veryexpressive by itself.

    Cuddles, not full grown but rather large for her age, glared atthe adult baby-blue terror. Did she want Ari? Did she want theirfood? Well Cuddles would have none of that. She puffed herselfup to be as big a s possible and let out a long hiss, sending a

    rather violent mental image of what she would do to this otherwyvern if she daredmess with Cuddles pet humanoid.

    Cuddles! Be nice!

    Ari gave the dark blue, pony-sized wyvern and affectionatepoke. Had anyone else tried that, they would end up with oneless limb than they were born with. Cuddles merely gave her perwere-girl an affectionate lick and settled down to glare ateveryone while munching whatever snacks Ari tossed to her. Thewere-girl herself didn't really know any of the others, so shefocused on Emer.

    Updated by Arion 3 Mar 2010, 10:59pm

    merPo l i shed A ide

    3 Mar 2010, 10:56pm

    Blinking, Emer thought she had it bad with her temperamentalshinies. Apparently not. Raisnig her eyebrows at the Vargul, she

    said very subtly, "I trust you won't be trying to drop me offany cliffs tonight, little shifter Ari? Must I also save youfrom drownign a second time? I sincerely hope not. Thisdress took far too long to make for me to ruin it with lakemuck."

    Smiling, meanly showing her teeth to both creatures, andcomforting Keeva when she shrank back from the aggressiveCuddles (otherwise unruffled) and sniffing the air around Aricuriously. What was all the fuss about? The little (or notsolittleanymore) Shafa had exploded, sending more glittereverywhere... including on the food. Ignoring the creatures, sheleaned over close to Ari to dig through the picnic basket yet

    again, finding another thing of the reddish punch.It was in synthetic plastic, something that Emer was very, veryunused to. Blinking, she grinned, oped the lid, and starteddowning it. They were going to have one very hyper, sugared-up, drunken vampire; little did she know, it was SPIKED punch.

    KallilePo l i shed V i l lager

    3 Mar 2010, 11:13pm

    Rhett was the first to notice the Gryphonlet and slowly rose his

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    neck frills in alarm; which, to Amala's amusement, made itappear as if a lovely aqua flower was coming into bloom at thecorner of Kallile's dress. That was hardly the point--to make hisbonded look good. His makeshift territory of the evening wasbeing invaded. It was his light mixture of a purr and a growlthat drew Kallile's attention down to the young Gryphon tryingto sample their blanket.

    Bi-colored eyes moved quickly up to Cromwell and Kallilecouldn't help but feel the need to nod in greeting to him. Amala,too, dipped her muzzle and lowered her four rose-hued eyes alittle. Rhett only snorted.

    "Ah...well, he's alright." Kallile said awkwardly after a fewseconds of trying to figure out what she should do. But, this wasa celebration (or so she'd been told), so there was no reason toget defensive entirely too quickly. She looked to the basket inthe middle of her chosen blanket and opened it carefully, hopingthere was something a hungry Gryphon chick might like. Rhettrumbled.

    Not our mouth to feed.Not matter. Is hungry--have plenty. Can share with cub-bird.

    Amala leveled her eyes back with the pair that had come tothem, a rather motherly smile resting on her muzzle. Too badshe wasn't a Diardi--she would have proven prime mothermaterial.

    Bonded has gone? Can wait for him here. If want.

    Kallile and Rhett both looked up to Amala, then to one another.Kallile mentally sighed but managed to produce a few cuts ofsirloin from the basket. This place was strange--but she should

    have guessed it would be a magical picnic basket with Deeinvolved. Just to prove her own point, Kallile reached back intothe basket, thought of her favorite food, and pulled her handback out. Sure enough: several chocolate truffles came out aswell.

    "I could get used to this place..." She mused, handing overthe sirloin steaks to the Gryphon and Tzingane. "I don't knowif you like them a little warm or not...these two just eatthem raw. But I can always go cook them if you'd rather."

    It was entirely strange, being nice to absolute strangers. Makinga mental note not to get in the habit of it, Kallile offered thetwo shinies a lopsided grin. Just for tonight, she supposed, she

    could be more open and kind. Surly it wouldn't kill her; thisdamned dress would do that before some acts of kindness.

    KallistoPo l i shed V i l lager

    3 Mar 2010, 11:19pm

    The night air was cool and sweet, the many voices and soundsdancing through the stillness. The great blaze colored the ever-

    darkening sky with teasing fingers of light, the snapping andcrackling of the fire's fuel only adding to the din. Peoplegathered in the plains, there merry voices laughing and

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    conversing about whatever fluffy, weightless topics that peoplespoke to each other about during a festival. The motley colorsdanced and swirled together, become a joyous blur ofplayfulness and frivolity. Most of the Isnitians congregatedaround the massive bonfire, crowding around the flickeringtongues of heat. The longer grass had been trampled down to arelatively circular form, the shorter grass being repeatedly

    stepped on only to spring back up. Outside the circle, where thelong grass drifted to and fro in the wind, predatory eyes flashedin the firelight.

    It was a dilemma. Kallisto was drawn forward by the music,food, and fire, like a snake by a charmer, but the tigressdisliked crowds. She spent as little time amoung people as shecould, living out in the middle of the Southern Forest. The felinehad never been adept at interacting with other intelligentbeings. Even back home, while she lived amoung the tribe, shewas apart from the others. This didn't nessisarily mean physicalseperation, as she was near-constantly being pulled in onedirection, or shrugging off the tails draped onto her body. But

    she was mentally and emotionally distant, the tribe enigma.

    Her dilemma was solved, though, when the pull of curiositybecame too great to withstand and she slunk out of her cover,hands and feet lightly brushing the cool grass beneath her. Theposition of all fours wasn't as awkward as it sounded. It wasn'tawkward at all, really. She looked more...animal than shenormally did, going on all fours, gracefully drifted across theearth. Kallisto's striking, fiery pelt seemed to blend perfectlywith the dancing firelight, shadows twining around her figure.The tigress stuck to the edges of the gathering, enough to feelthe warm of the fire, but not close enough to be accidently

    brought into a conversation. Not that many people would look atthe feline and have 'Hi I'm friendly, come talk to me' be numberone on the probable response of trying to initiate aconversation. Her gleaming, cat-green eyes flickered about,taking in all the party-goers. The ears like rounded trianglesthat were nestled in her vibrant mane of waving hair on the topof her head were up and alert. Kallisto eventually found arelatively calm area, and sat cross-leggedly, clawed handsresting on her knees. Here, she could see the star everyone waswatching. The star that had, in a way, saved them all.

    Tobias CreedPo l i shed A ide

    3 Mar 2010, 11:28pm

    Sai had come nearly nose-to-nose with two Panthera, one ofwhom did not seem welcoming. Torn between his fight and flightresponse, the tiny Gryphon just stared at Rhett, beak half-open,which allowed the bit of blanket he had been clutching to drop.His chest feathers rose as he tried to make himself seem bigger,but the true effect was a certain 'poofiness'. Cromwell gaveanother soft laugh and came abreast of the chick, sitting on hishaunches and nodding at the three: two Panthera, one girl.

    "I am sorry if we prove to be an inconvenience. MyBonded is getting us food at the moment. Although, I

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    suppose it would be rude to refuse your offer." The Kralis'seyes sparkled to belie his tiny joke. He was hungry! Nibbling atthe bit of steak that Kallile had presented, he gave a low,Shakespearean bow. "My thanks. My name is Cromwell, andthis is Sai. Our Bonded is called Tobias."

    Sai tore into the steak with a messy recklessness, finished half

    of it, then made his way over to Amala. She seemed the mostsympathetic of the three, and he made an attempt to lie on hisstomach next to her.

    Tobias was now laden with goodies. The older man looked backto where Sai and Cromwell had been, and to his chagrin, foundthe spot devoid of fox and catbird. "Hell," he murmured,skimming the crowd until the flash of Cromwell's earringscaught his gaze. With a plate of hot dogs in one hand and aplate of marshmallows in another, he claimed the blanket nextto Kallile's. "Sorry, ma'am. He's just a toddler, I think."There was no way he was going to r each within biting distanceof the Panthera whom Sai had labeled a friend, so he let theGryphon be, for now.

    "If you'd rather eat alone with your..." It was his first timeseeing these deadly-looking felines. "...cats...I can take thesetwo elsewhere." Cromwell quirked a furred eyebrow at Tobias,an expression that meant, Shouldn't you be socializing?

    AriPo l i shed V i l lager

    3 Mar 2010, 11:42pm

    Ari giggled and tossed another slab of lunch meat to Cuddles.The wyvern, pleased to have put the other terror in her place,decided to ignore everyone but her pet. Had it been capable ofsuch things, Bonedancer would have snorted. It was a freakingliving skeleton, silly little vampire fangs didnt scare it in theleast.

    Ari only does that when moon is full. Tonight is forsnacks, play, fire.

    The were-girl giggled at the exploding critter. Shed gotten usedto seeing them around, though the first one shed seen had

    freaked her out. She wanted to pet it, but since it belonged toEmer, she only stared at it, a giddy grin on her face. Today shehad lion-like ears and they were turned toward the Shafa,quivering with curiosity.

    Heehee... Splody thing cute.

    merPo l i shed A ide

    3 Mar 2010, 11:50pm

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    Grinning, Emer leaned close to Daly, pulling him into her lapand stroking him until he calmed down enough to be stable for alittle while at least. "I know. His name is Daly. Here. Heloves people. If you ask him to do a trick, he'll do justabout anything." Putting him down, she watched himhesitantly scurry over to Ari's leg, then climb into her lappushily.

    Imitating a cat's purr, recognizing the lion ears from the catbirdwhose back half was leonine, he sat up on his hind paws to sniffat one of said paws, sneezing and exploding when a strand ofher hair went up a nostril. Smooth, Daly. Smooth.

    EvangelinePo l i shed V i l lager

    4 Mar 2010, 12:00am

    Flickering of the firelight and bright flame licking up at thedarkening sky, this is what caught the attention of the younglingdipping and spinning through the sky far above the forest andthe surrounding areas. The plains linked to the forest below herand she could just see down under her the glimmering white dotthat charged across land and swam through water keeping upquite easily. Se wasnt trying to push the enormous Ivory mare,in fact it was the mare herself that offered up the idea of a run.She needed to stretch her muscles and refused to go anywherewithout the child she loved so dearly.

    Angling her wings slightly she floated down ward noting it themare slowed to a trot as sweat beaded along her fur dampeningit and darkening it to a ore off gray sort of shade. Her icy blueeyes looked up at the angel as she floated along and reared up,swinging her head wildly,Isnt this just amazing my darling?The way the sun is setting it looks as if the sky is on fire!She exclaimed with a gleam of deep happiness in her eyes.

    Of course it is Zia, any time out in the wild is beautiful,but do you smell that? There is smoke in the air. Shecalled down, the wind taking her words to the curved ears of theShire who bobbed her head.

    Yes, smoke, I believe its for the Starlight festival. Therising of the Skydragon is this night. she noted as she

    charged forward into another smooth canter. Immediately sherealized what shed just done and skidded to a halt, sidesheaving with each breath. We are not going. She stated,giving a stern look to the angel who landed a few feet away.

    Pleading puppydog eyes turned on the ivory, oh pleaaase?Ive never been to a festival, please, please, please. Shecontinued to beg, or more like a chant, as she placed her handstogether as if in prayer.

    You dont know what a festival is little one. She stated,swinging her head up to blow away her long forelock.

    Exactly! Thats why I want to go, please! She exclaimed

    running up closer, grabbing the mare around the neck in a hug,Pleeeeeeaaaaase! She exclaimed, the damp sweat comingoff on her blue pastel shirt and white capris, she didnt care.

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    Lowering her head the mare rested part of her neck on theshoulder of the girl with a huffng sigh, Fine, fine, we shall go.But you stay with me every second and god save any soul

    who steps within fifteen feet of you. She very nearlygrowled as she lifted her head and with the help of the girlswings settled the angel on her back.

    Her initial gait was a slow loping canter, though by request shesped up, only slowing slightly when a light gray creature beganrunning alongside. She only slowed enough so that the Svatacould leap up into the awaiting arms of the girl who held herclose to her body as to not rock the little fox-like Tzinganiaround too much, Where are they going? The bejeweledfemale questioned as she gazed around the area which wasslowly lighting up with the shadows form the flickering flame.

    To a festival! Its going to be so much fun! Evanexclaimed happily.

    She thinks so too, who will be there? She questioned with a

    tilt of her head, wide tattered ears rotating about as loud voicesdrew nearer.

    Hopefully Kallisto and Thomas, my friends. Youll get tomeet them. Youll love them, I know it. Evan nodded herhead with a grin.

    She doesnt think so, love is a ridiculous term. She doesntlove gadje. Zhen stated in all honesty.

    Evan frowned, only slightly, before perking up again, But youlove me right Zhen? She questioned the little one, headtilting when it took a few minutes for the little one to answer.

    Yes, she loves you, very much. She finally stated with a nodas she nestled against the girls chest, even when they slowedand stopped on the outside of the clearing the little Svata didntmove away from her bond.

    Looking around at the others she blinked before spotting- Looktheres Kallisto! She exclaimed pointing excitedly.

    Immediately the ears pinned on the Ivory mare, Yes, I seeher. She stated. She would have stayed though she could verynearly feel the pleading eyes of the angel on the back of herhead, forcing her forward.

    Finally they stopped beside the tiger woman, Evan leaping offthe back of the ivory to land daintily beside her feline guardianwith the Svata still clutched against her, Hi Kali! Sheexclaimed happily, pretty much bouncing on the spot. This isZhen, Zhen this is Kallisto. She introduced.

    The fox focused her golden eyes on the female and tilted herhead, not distastefully despite the words that flowed form her,She thinks this gadjo is funny looking. She stated.


    [ooc; Oh anyone who wishes to interact with Evan is free to, sheneeds more friends. XDD Just watch the killer, violent, Unicorn.]

  • 8/9/2019 [Event] Starlight and Firelight


    Updated by Evangelineon 4 Mar 2010, 12:14am

    KallilePo l i shed V i l lager

    4 Mar 2010, 12:01am

    Rhett only snorted again at the chicks attempt to look biggerand tougher than he was. Even as a cub, the Pardi was wellaware that at this stage of life he could very well be the victorof a battle between the two. However, there was food to be had,and he moved to take the steak from his bonded.

    Kallile, however, would not have it. "Oh no--you want to eat,you're getting off of me. The last thing I need on thisensemble is sirloin juice." As a show that she was serious,she placed the morsel down on the blanket. There was a sharp

    and deep purring rumble from Rhett before he leapt off hershoulders. Turning his back to the company, he took his meal tothe opposite end of the blanket and began to eat. Kallile sighedand quickly refocused on the two shinies as she rotated hershoulders to try and call back some feeling. "Nice to, um,meet you...Cromwell and Sai." She said awkwardly. man...ifshe was back home they would throw her in the loony bin fortalking to animals. "That over there is Rhett. He's reallyharmless--all bluster, and this is Amala." She paused,seeing a figure in the distance seemingly looking for somethingbefore focusing on their group.

    Meanwhile, Amala seemed beside herself as she boasted a grin

    very befitting of a regal feline. Reclining alongside the chick,she left her meal for the time being. her interest was on thenew pair and with them finishing their meals so quickly it wouldbe terribly rude of her to just devour hers. She purred loudly,leaning down to get a closer inspection of the little G ryphonnear her.

    At Tobias' arrival Kallile gave a relieved smile. Hey, he was olderbut he was someone other than a creature. She didn't want tobe the only one who looked like Dr. Doolittle around here. "Nah,they're fine. It doesn't take much to annoy Rhett, so noharm done. I'm Kallile." This was said both in greeting toTobias and to finish her introductions for Cromwell. Hey, noneed repeating yourself, right? "You must be Tobias."

    Amala looked up at Sai's bonded, offering him a purring sigh ofcontent greeting. May have bird-cub back if wanted. Will notbite. That one bite, not me. She informed him, nodding herfrilled head lightly towards Rhett sulking and eating in hiscorner.Are Panthera, no cats. Well...big cats, suppose...

    SilenceOpaque De leted Member

    4 Mar 2010, 12:37am

    Alrighty then. Thoroughly ignored, Silence backed off, and in

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    fact made his way slowly back towards the edges of the festival.Taking a deep breath, he found a blanket on the very edge ofthe grounds, dropping down on to it with a faint sigh. He settledhimself comfortably, sprawling on his stomach and letting hislegs kick behind him slowly, heavy boots making the idlemovements a little more work than they would have beenotherwise. He propped up his chin on his crossed forearms,

    watching the silloughettes of people pass between himself andthe fire.

    It wasn't too bad off on his own. Really. He liked watching thefire. He felt a bit out of place honestly among all these peopleand thier shinies. He hadn't met one that wasn't bonded yet,and while he didn't begrudge anyone their shinies, it was a bithard to feel comfortable when you were alone in a crowd whereeveryone had at least shinies in common. He wasn't even sureanyone else was from his time period or even if they were fromEarth. Of course, he'd spotted a good number of human orhuman looking people, so there was a decent chance thatsomeone here could share some common ground with him.

    Shaking his head, he let his eyes half close, one hand idlystretching to trace the scar lines on his face. One of them camedangerously close to left eye. If it had gone farther, he'd havelost it. After a while, he rolled over onto his back and stared upat the stars, finding the one he saw people pointing out. TheSkydragon, eh? Well, it was undoubtdly worth seeing.

    SolusOpaque V i l l ager

    4 Mar 2010, 12:45am

    Has Solus ever mentioned before that he hated getting dressedup? Well, hell mention it now: he hated getting dressed up.Unfortunately, his armor had a massive dent in it (Courtesy ofhis landing in Isnit) and he was currently getting it hammeredout by some local blacksmith who had promised he could have itdone by the end of the festival. He picked unhappily at the blackbutton up shirt and the dark jeans, looking rather out of placesimply by the fact that he couldnt stop fidgeting. He didntknow very many people here (Save for a couple of old soldierslike himself, one very annoying plant man who wasnt yet inattendance, and a very moody female werewolf whom he had

    meton not so wonderful terms a few unlucky nights ago. Butthats a story for another time) and he felt completely alienatedfor the few minutes that he stood on the edges of the crowdsand the blankets.

    Solus picked his way among the blankets, eyes scanning overthe crowd. Not that he was sociable by any stand-point, but hewasnt a complete shut-in, and he liked a good bit ofconversation now and again. The first thing that caught his eyewas a familiar head of green, purple and black hair. Solusdebated on whether or not he should make a move towards thewoman, but after someone poked him in the leg for standingnear them for too long, he decided he might as well. Carefullymaneuvering through the mass of blankets, Solus plopped down

    on the empty one beside Kallile, who was speaking with Tobias.

    Her back was to him, and he made no move to grab her

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    attention. Instead, he greeted the chocolate colored Pantherawith a small, uncharacteristic smile. Sucuy, he said with a tiltof his head. When hed met Kallile a few nights ago, thePanthera had been with her. Hed learned her name was Amala.Nice night, he said absently, his eyes shifting back to thestars.

    AriPo l i shed V i l l ager

    4 Mar 2010, 4:01am

    Ari laughed at the exploding critters antics. Shed havesnuggled it if it could have stayed in one piece. Meanwhile,Bonedancer was eyeing Emer reflectively. Finally, the skeletonvargul decided to speak to the vampire.

    Youll have to forgive my bonded for not introducing us. Shesquite scatter-brained about formalities such as introductions. Iam called Bonedancer and the little terror over there... Well, Ari

    calls her Cuddles. May I ask your name?

    ((ooc: Fail post. Bleh))

    [Event] Starlight and Firelight

    merPo l i shed A ide

    4 Mar 2010, 4:11am

    Smiling at the skeletal Vargul, Emer giggled and said politely,"Well, Bonedancer, it is wonderful to meet you. Yourbonded may be slightly hare-brained, but she is quitewonderful. My name is Emer. Tilting her head, shecommented, "I, myself, am bonded to a Helsyn. Tell me;are they all bullheaded and conveniently deaf at times?" Itwas an honest question, and Emer wanted to know if hercreature's personality was genuine or just her bad luck.

    Keeva the Wyvern, however, slunk over to Cuddles and croonedsoftly, sending a hesitant image of them sitting side by sidequietly, at the very least, making vey clear the fact that she didnot want to steal Ari or the meat.

    Daly shivered in happiness and mimicked yet another purr forAri, hoping for more scratches. Fennore... was just beingFennore, adorning Emer's neck like a shimmery pastel necklace.

    Tobias Creed

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    Po l i shed A ide

    4 Mar 2010, 4:30am

    Sai was at ease, reclining by Amala as though they had knowneach other since his hatching. Which, you know, hadnt been too

    long ago. The Gryphon chick was a relatively simple creature,and if you showed him kindness, hed peg you in his mindsbook as ok. When the Panthera leaned in for a closer look athim, he gave a happy little squeak and clonked his head againsther side; an affectionate, albeit strange, gesture.

    My intros been done for me, eh? Tobias glanced atCromwell, who shrugged. The Kralis loved to meet new people,logging their information and quirks away for furtherexamination, collecting acquaintances like his species collectedbaubles. Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kallile, Her hair wasdyed, and to Tobiass antiquated sensibilities, she seemed like arebellious sort. Not the type of girl he would have everassociated with back home.

    In response to Amala, Tobias shook his head, the beginnings ofa smile pulling at his mouth. With a few popping joints hemanaged to sit on the adjacent blanket. He looks prettycomfy, just let me know if he starts to be a nuisance. Notthat I expect him to be, mind you. Hes the easiest one ofmy followers. He didnt mention the vicious Havoc Wyvernand bloodthirsty Sanglyst Vargul, both of whom might make anappearance later in the night.

    Panthera, hmm? Big cats indeed. Wish I had four eyes.Would come in handy, I bet. He was about to ask Kallileabout her multicolored hair when a man he knew approached

    their group. Then, he really didsmile.

    Solus! Good to see you again, boy. Take a load off. Yeah,Solus had been speaking to the other Panthera, but Tobiasdidnt really have a good sense of etiquette when it came tointerruptions. Do you two know each other? He looked fromKallile to the clone, expectantly.

    Cromwell decided that the company had grown enough. He hadaccomplished his mission of forcing his Bonded to interact withother people. Whats more, he had noticed the departure of amanperhaps a boy, in his teenage yearsfrom the main massof partygoers. Like the sneaky fox he was, he snuck off betweenblankets and bodies, until he found himself near Silence. Oncethere, he sat down daintily in f ront of him.

    You look new, was the Tzinganes only comment.

    Updated by Tobias Creed on 4 Mar 2010, 4:59am

    KallilePo l i shed V i l lager

    4 Mar 2010, 4:51am

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    "Sorry to start the party without you. Guess we couldn'tsit here as strangers for that long." It was a very dry joke,but the joking tone was at least there. It was a plus--as thewoman herself looked very uncomfortable with the fact she wasin a dress. It was definitely not her beloved baggy boy jeansand combat boots.

    ...Alright, so Amala hadn't completely won. Kallile still wore thecombat boots, though the Panthera had insisted she sprucethem up a little with silver threaded laces and a splash of glitterthat Kallile would later be scrubbing off furiously.

    The strange but endearing 'konk' of his head against her sideonly made Amala act more motherly to the smaller chick.

    Never be nuisance. Only cub--still learning. Can help teach

    manners. She seemed all to excited about that idea as sheleaned down the rest of the way, purring and nuzzling at thenewer hatchling as if he might have very well been her own cub.A very strange Panthera indeed.

    Her attention was grabbed sharply by the soft spoken word of avoice from a certain fateful night. Rose tinted eyes scannedslowly until she found Solus in the firelight and gave a soft,wuffing purr. Happy to see you. Afraid you not like.

    Kallile's attention, however, might have been less welcomed.Rhett, having finished his meal, prowled closer to his bonded asthe Tzingane left and found himself a better observation point.he could see everyone and just as easily fall into attack if thetiming was suitable for it. "We do, I'm afraid." She mumbled.

    Turning back to Tobias, she realized the comment may havelanded her in less welcoming waters with the older man. She

    decided a...gentle explanation was needed. "We didn't havethe greatest of introductions...it was hardly anintroduction at all, really. He just...caught me on a badday." She gave a sharp look to Solus, hoping that the manwould be somewhat reasonable and just go along with thisrather than play 'the man who cried werewolf'.

    Renaud le GantGl i t te ry V i l l ager

    4 Mar 2010, 5:30am

    Renaud smiled as he looked around, a little Shafa jumping andchittering from shoulder to shoulder as she exploded festively atthe gathered people. Azalea and Ahdelind were the only onesthat were with him, one walking on each side as he picked hisway through the crowd, spotting some people he knew in thedistance. Hemlock was off roaming around on his own, whileThyme was working with some of the other to work for littletrinkets that were made in honor of the festival.

    "Settle down, Daisy, or you'll get blown away if you keepbursting." Renaud said with a little laugh, pulling her down tosnuggled her to his cheek before she exploded into multi colored

    glitter and confetti before reforming in his hands again. Helaughed, glad that he had gotten the little Shafa from the stallthe last time. Just something non-scaly to cuddle to his cheek

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    that wasn't worried about getting back to work. He noticed Deeand smiled, having not seen her in some time, but he alsonoticed Emer... and Kallile... oh... so many of his friends werethere, he was almost giddy. He was looking forward to thefestival too, especially since he had a Dragon at his side.

    He had a few of his head branches pulled back, weaved together

    to look like they were ornamentally grown. He had a necklace offlowers that looked like they had been picked and then grownroots in his skin and around his neck. Other than that and hisleafy, longer than normal loincloth, this was how he dressed up.His lady entourage looked pretty without any ornamentation.

    Updated by Renaud le Gant on 4 Mar 2010, 11:36am

    ArcherPo l i shed Reg is t rar

    4 Mar 2010, 10:54am

    "One bottle o' cheap wine?"

    It is all you are getting. And you should be grateful she isallowing you that much. Tonight is festival, not debauchery.Lillie snapped.

    "Aw, what kinda girl do you take me for?" Archer joked,scratching the Chavi's ears fondly. "Don't you worry yourpretty, proper head none. I ain't gonna lose my head over

    a couple glasses o' this vinegar. Now, if y'saw fit t'everget me, oh, say, some whiskey--"

    She had thought about it, yes. This... whiskey. But it costsmore than her lazy Bonded earns in a week. An irritatedharrumph let it be known what she thought of that -- both theexpensive booze and Archer's low salary.

    "Take it up with the farmer! 'Tain't my decision what hepays me."

    Oh, would her stupidgadjo ever take blame for anything! Neverhis fault, nothing his fault! Even when money is all gone, beer

    instead, he says 'ain't his fault, it was happy hour and thebarmaid was pretty'! Ears flattened to her head, she stormedahead towards the bonfire, leaving a puzzled Bonded in herwake.

    She will calm down soon, Everett reassured, pacing just behindhim.

    "No, I think I really pissed her off this time."

    How can you tell?

    "I stopped bein' 'you' and started bein' 'he'."

    Everett nodded in agreement. Still, there is hope. She did buywine, even. She has not bought things before. He thinks shemay be warming to their stupidgadjo.

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    The wind blowing toward them carried music and laughter andthe scent of food. Thoughts of the argument died away as thepair drew nearer, though Lillie, f rom where she lurked near thefire, was not feeling so forgiving. Archer, though, could a lreadysee the firelight and starlight alike reflected from fancy dresses,and for once was grateful his 'responsible' Tzingani had

    bothered him into actually obtaining some nicer clothes.Not that he'd be caught dead in a suit. Or anything resemblingone. It had taken consultation and compromise on all sides, buthis jeans were well-fitting and too clean to have ever seen aday's work. Same for his new white shirt, and the charcoal-colored wool vest he wore over it. His hair sported a newleather tie and his ever-shadowed jaw had been trimmed, if notshaven. Even his familiar, beaten-up old hat had been cleanedand reshaped some.

    His eyes followed a few frolicking females about longingly. "Idon't think I'll ever get used t' the way some o' thesegirls dress. Not sure if I want to," he added with a laugh.

    Skirtchaser. Come, we will get food.

    They found a blanket near to where everyone crowded, one withits own magically overflowing picnic basket. Archer was halfwaythrough flamb-ing a couple hot dogs before Everett spoke.

    The man has been here five minutes, yet he has not evenuncorked his wine. He believes that he might be a bit proud of

    his lazy Bonded.

    "Why thank you. And now yer gonna make me feel bad ferdoin' this." The shiny skewer was propped between his knees

    as he dug the cork out with his knife and took a long drink.Knew he shouldn't have said anything.

    "You reckon we should find Lillie?"

    He thinks she can handle herself.

    Meanwhile, the aforementioned Chavi had slunk around the fire.Music drew her, and she found herself sinking to her haunchesnext to Alice's Sootkin. This guitar-playing gadjo is skilled,she acknowledged, tailtip twitching in time to the jaunty tune.Which is your Bonded?

    (( He couldn't make up his mind on who he wanted to approach,so feel free to fling yourself at him. And/or ask for some of hiswine; there is no way he needs that whole bottle himself. ))

    Updated by Archeron 4 Mar 2010, 10:54am


    Opaque V i l l ager4 Mar 2010, 12:0