everglade byod information 2017

What is BYOD? Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to the teaching model where students bring a personally- owned device to school for the purpose of learning.

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What is BYOD?

Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to the teaching model where students bring a personally- owned device to school

for the purpose of learning.

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Skills – the ability to:•Identify issues. •Use vocabulary.•Create questions•Get information.•Create/critique. •Make decisions.


•Curiosity•Open-mindedness•Perseverance •Empathy


•Diversity •Fairness•Sustainability

OUR VISIONOur pupils will become capable learners, effective communicators and responsible citizens.OUR VALUES

We value the following:

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Being Responsible Digital Citizens

We start by teaching the children about being safe and responsible digital citizens.

This includes learning about ‘Respecting’

• Themselves

• Others

• Property

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What will learning look like at Everglade?

The BYOD classroom will operate in a similar way to other classrooms.

However the children will… have greater access to devices that allow them to access the internet

be able to view & present learning in different & more creative waysby using a range of educational Apple ‘Apps’

be able to continue working on their documents at home (using Office 365 -free)

They will use a ‘Blended’ approach. Blended learning is a term used to describe the way digital learning

is combined with traditional classroom methods.

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How has BYOD helped you as a learner?

It’s a fun way to learn. Don’t have to share devices. I want to go to school more.

I feel more interested in learning. Have more time using programmes.

It’s better for Mathletics because I don’t have to share the computer.

It’s our own ipad so we know how to use it more.

I know lots of tips and tricks on my ipad. It’s easier for writing.

We can show our learning in different ways. Lots more choice.

I can be more creative. We have a better selection of activities.

We can use books and ipads. You can always find your work.

I show my parents my work a lot! We can share our work at assemblies.

Save the trees!

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My parents can see an improvement in my attitude. They think I am more keen to learn.

I can carry on with reading activities and writing at home.

We can use a dictionary and thesaurus on the ipad.

It’s faster to write on your ipad and your fingers don’t get tired.

Everyone is more focussed on their work.

Our parents get to see our work more because we don’t normally take our books home.

My parents think its good because they can see my work every day.

Its lots of fun! Its faster to look up words on an ipad than a dictionary.

I try to teach my dad new things on the ipad!

How has BYOD helped you as a learner?

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How has BYOD changed your child’s attitude to learning and school?

More fun Finds it easier Enjoys learning more More confident in herself

My daughter loves BYOD! Increased confidence Higher motivation

Greater skills and knowledge attained BYOD has created a new way of learning for my child

Provides an opportunity for my child to learn about technology which has been great! My son is enjoying it and it’s going well He enjoys school now!

She will google things she wants to learn about More enthusiastic

My child has always had a good attitude to learning but seems more driven

She really enjoys her Mathletics Has improved in several curriculum areas this year

My child loves doing her work on the ipad and is more keen to learn

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More enthusiasm for reading. Become very confident using Apps and the ipad.

Really motivated about her learning this year.

She loves the fact she has learnt skills that she can pass on to her sister and parents.

I would highly recommend BYOD. I think I underestimated how fast she would gain both knowledge and confidence in using her ipad.

It’s a great bargaining tool for parents!

Overall well received and beneficial. My child enjoys using their ipad for learning.

Very happy and content with BYOD.

My child is proud of what she is learning and is keen to show me.

My children are very excited about the new ways to learn and the Apps they can use to present their work.

How has BYOD changed your child’s attitude to learning and school?

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How often does your child share their work with you?

Every day- she is able to show us her learning on a daily basis.

My child regularly shares new activities that she has learnt and has been practising in class.

More often sometimes - twice a week - with books I hardly saw them.

My children have always been keen to share their work but this has increased as they have their work with them.

Everyday- where before she would have to ask us to come in to class on our days off.

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Quite regularly, especially when it’s a topic of great interest. Once or twice a week.

Everyday! Often- other years she would get me to visit her classroom.

Everyday! This is awesome as her books are always at school so this way we still see her work.

He always enjoyed sharing what he does at school, but now we can see it on his device which is nice.

Continually now, previously it was only when he brought completed work or books home.

Almost every day. Loves showing me her work every day.

How often does your child share their work with you?

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What device would my child need? We know that hand-held devices are the learning tools of the 21st Century. The personal device we have selected for children in the BYOD class is an ipad. Our choice is an ipad because…. *It is a very popular device that many families already own.*It has a large range of Apps and features for education*It is easy to learn to use My child already has access to an ipad mini/ipad• If your child already has an ipad that meets the minimum specifications (must be an ipad 2 or higher) it may be

used. It must have a protective case and headphones. • Any inappropriate Apps for a school environment would need to be removed. (We don’t recommend cases with

keyboards attached) Who would be responsible for charging the device?• Your child’s device would need to be charged at home each night and brought to school every day ready for use. • The battery charge would need to last all day.

General Information

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Will the children use their devices all day? Children will NOT be on their devices all day long.They will still • have a structured programme which includes subjects such as Art, PE, Music and Te Reo.• participate in face to face discussions and group and class work • work with the teacher – either in groups, 1-1 or in class activities

Will the children still use pen and paper? • Yes, some of the time. Children will use their devices AND pen and paper. • They will use which ever tool is most suited to the learning activity.

How will their devices be kept safe at school?• All devices will be locked in the storage lockers during intervals, lunchtimes and when the class is out of the

room eg the hall or the field.• Children will be required to keep their devices in their bags when walking to and from school. • Devices will be handed in for storage when the children enter the classroom in the morning.

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Who would pay for and install Apps?• Parents would be responsible for installing Apps. Parents would be notified about which are needed. • Some of the Apps used would be free, however we do have a list of required Apps that have a charge. • Approximate cost of installing these would be $40. • Children will have free access to ‘Microsoft Office Suite’ on up to 5 personal devices while in a BYOD class at


Is my child guaranteed BYOD ?• No -All documentation would need to be signed before your child would be permitted to bring their ipad to school. Documentation should be submitted by the required date in 2016.• Your child’s device would need to be ready for the first day of school in 2017.

Would my child have to share their ipad/ipad mini?No-Children will not be expected to, or allowed to, share their device with anyone else.

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Who would be responsible for theft/breakages/repairs/insurance?• The school would not be responsible for any of the above. • These would need to be covered by your personal insurance. • Parents would be responsible for fixing any technical problems.

What happens the year after eg 2017?• Children accepted for BYOD at our school will continue to participate in BYOD in future years at Everglade.

Where could I ‘purchase’ an ipad mini/ipad ?You can purchase an ipad from any store you wish.

• The school has set up a purchasing plan with ‘Harvey Norman Computers Manukau’. • They will offer you educational prices and free support for ipad mini or ipads purchased. • Harvey Norman will also provide features such as 12 months interest free terms, extended warranties and optional


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