evergreen state college

--- Na me/O ffice Mailstop Te lepho ne A ACADE MIC BUDGET L 3234 6867 Wa lter Niemiec, Assoc iate VP for Acade mic Budge t & Financial Plan ning 641 1 Lorri Moore, Fiscal Specialist 6867 .................. .. .... .... . ... .... L 22 11 . .......... ..... .. .... ......... .. .. ... L 22 11 .. ACADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT & PROVOST' S OFFICE ........... .. L 313 1.. . 6400 Barbara Leigh Smith, Academic Vice President and Provost L 3131 6400 Sandra Abrams, Administrative Secretary L 313 1 6400 Jeannie Chandler, Administrative Assistant to the Provost .. .. L 3 131 6402 John McCann, Academic Grants Program Manager L 313 1... 6045 Audrey Streeter, Grants Coordinator L 3234 6640 Steve (Rich ard) Hunter, Director ofln stitutional Rese arch and Planning L 3234 6567 Andrea Meld, Research Associate : L 3234 6676 Dorothy Saunders, Research Assistant L 3234 61 86 Walter Niemiec, Assoc. VP for Academic Budget & Financial Plannin g L 3234 6411 Lorri Moore, Fiscal Specialist L 3234 6867 ADMI SSIONS OFFI CE (See E nro llme n t Serv ices) 6 170 ADVANCEME NT, COLLEGE L 3 122 6300 College Ad vancemen t and the Co llege Foundation L 3 122 6300 Vacant, VP for College Advancement & Foundation Executive Directo r. 6040 Helen Stoutnar, Fiscal Technician 6360 Advancem ent Servi ces .. L 3 122 656 6 Shelly Long, Manager 6566 Leigh Bacharac h, Fiscal Tec hnician 6565 Tess Yos t, Ofti ce Assistant . 5853 Alumni Affairs L 3122 65 68 Jackie Barry , Director . . 6568 K. Qy-Ana Manning, Office Assistant 6551 College Re lat ions L 3122 , 6128 Craig McLau ghlin, Directo r . .. 6042 Pat Barte , Program Coordinator . . . .. 6 128 Mary Ger aci, Interim Publication s Manager 6038 Jud y Nunez-Pinedo, Graphic Designer/Illustrator .. 6037 Char Simons, WriterlEditor .. 6710 C or porate and Foundation Relat ions L 3 122 5029 Michelle Rounsley, Program Coordinator 5029 Al Nam e/Office Ma ilsto p Te le p hone AD VANC EM ENT , COLLEG E (continued ) Develop ment Services 655 1 Pamela Toal, Director L 3 122 6552 Terri Butler, Office Assistant 6569 Debbie Garrington, Program Supervisor 6 190 M ichelle Roun sley, Program Coordinator 5029 G r a nts L3122 6045 Joh n McCann, Aca demic Programs & Grants Development 6045 Audrey Streeter, Grants Coordinator, Academic Vice Presid ent' s Offi ce 664 0 AGENDA COMMIT TE E 1999 -2000 La b Il 6 149 Ro b Kn app , C ha ir Lab Il 6 149 Jeannie Chandler, Staff Supp ort L 3131 6402 Joh n Aikin Cushing, Deans' Representative L 22 11 623 4 Comm ittee Memb ers: Ariel Goldberger, Jose G6mez, Stephan ie Kozick, Lance Laird, Lin Nelson, Alan Parker, Sarah Pedersen, John Perkins, Nancy Parkes Turn er B BOARD OF TRUSTEES L 3 109 (message) 6100 Membe rs : Deborah Barnett, Stanley Flemming, Bill Frank, Jr.. Dwight Irnanaka, David Lamb, Karen Lane, Marilee Roloff , Sinnamon Tierney BOOKSTORE Book store 5300 Kristy Walker. Manager 62 17 Jeannie Andrews, Buyer 62 14 Christina Frasier. Fiscal Technician ............................................ .... ..... ... ..... ... ......... n Hsiu-Liao Lin, Retail Cle rk 6208 Lo is Lin ce, Buye r. 62 12 Patrick Miller, Buyer 6267 Robert Payne, Buyer 62 15 Wend y Sorrell, Buyer 6 182 C C E NT RA L RECEIV ING /MAIL SERVICES Rec. & Mail. 6326 Kort Jungel, Supervisor 634 1 Maria Pineda, Mail Services 6437 Kathy Schwartz, Mail Serv ices 6903 Douglas L Shanafelt, Truck Driver 6992 Pat Spears, Inventory and Property Surplus 6326 CO LLEGE RECREATION CENTER (Inform ation Line ) C RC 2 10 6530 Vacant, Director 6 53 1 Mike Anchors, Recreation Coordinator 6532 John Barbee. Head Men's Basketball Coach 6725 Rick Harden, Head Women's Basketball Coach & Head Men's Tennis Coach 6858 Dennis Jones, Head Men's Soccer Coach 652 1 Arlene McM ahon, Head Women's Soccer Coach 653 8 Corey Mea dor, CRC Facilities Manager 6537 Deborah Miles, Operations Manager 6506 Janette Parent. Assistant Director for AthleticslPool Manager/Aquatic Pursuits 6536 Mike Safford, Sports Information Director 654 7 Todd Sand berg, Certified Athletic Trainer 6587 Mary Pat Sullivan, Challenge Coordinator . 69 87 A2

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---Na meOffice Mailstop Te lepho ne


ACADE MIC BUDGET L 3234 6867 Wa lter Niemiec Assoc iate VP fo r Acade mic Budge t amp Financial Plan ning 641 1 Lorri Moore Fisca l Specialist 6867

L 22 11

L 22 11

ACADE M IC VICE PRESIDENT amp PROVOSTS OFFICE L 313 1 6400 Bar bara Le igh Smi th Academic Vice President and Provost L 3131 6400 Sandra Abrams Administrative Secretary L 313 1 6400 Jeanni e Chandler Administrat ive Assistant to the Provos t L 3 131 6402 John McCann Academic Grants Program Manager L 313 1 604 5 Audrey Streeter Grants Coordinator L 3234 6640 Steve (Rich ard) Hunter Director oflnstitutional Rese arch and Planning L 3234 6567 Andr ea Me ld Researc h Associate L 3234 6676 Dorothy Saunders Resea rch Assistant L 3234 6186 Walte r Niemiec Assoc VP for Aca demic Budge t amp Financial Plannin g L 3234 6411 Lorri Moore Fiscal Specialist L 3234 6867

ADMISSIONS OFFICE (See Enrollme nt Services) 6 170

ADV ANCEMENT COLLEGE L 3 122 6300 College Advancement and the Co llege Foundation L 3 122 6300

Vacant VP for College Advancement amp Foundation Executive Directo r 6040 Helen Stoutnar Fiscal Techn ician 6360

Advancement Services L 3 122 656 6 Shelly Long Manager 6566 Le igh Bacharac h Fiscal Tec hnician 6565 Tess Yos t Ofti ce Assistant 5853

Alumni Affairs L 3122 6568 Jackie Barry Director 6568 K Qy-Ana Man ning Office Ass istant 6551

College Re lations L 3122 6128 Craig McLau ghlin Directo r 6042 Pat Barte Program Coo rdinator 6 128 Mary Ger aci Interim Publication s Manager 6038 Jud y Nunez-Pinedo Graphic Des ignerIllustrato r 6037 Char Simons Wri terlE ditor 6710

Corporate and Foundat ion Relations L 3 122 5029 Michelle Rounsley Program Coor dinator 5029


NameOffice Ma ilsto p Te lephone

AD VANC EM ENT COLLEGE (continued ) Develop ment Services 655 1

Pamela Toa l Director L 3 122 6552 Terri Butler Office Assistant 6569 Debbie Garrington Program Supervisor 6 190 M ichelle Roun sley Program Coordinator 5029

G r a nts L3122 6045 Joh n McCann Aca demic Programs amp Grants Development 6045 Audrey Streeter Grants Coordinator Academic Vice President s Offi ce 664 0

AG ENDA COM M ITTEE 1999 -2000 Lab Il 6 149 Rob Knapp Chair Lab Il 6 149 Jeannie Chandler Staff Supp ort L 3131 6402 Joh n Aikin Cushing Deans Representative L 22 11 6234

Committee Members Ariel Goldberger Jose G6mez Stephan ie Kozick Lance Lai rd Lin Ne lson Alan Parker Sarah Pede rsen John Perkins Nancy Parkes Turn er


BOARD OF TRUSTEES L 3 109 (message) 6100 Members Deborah Barnett Stanley Flem min g Bill Frank Jr Dwight Irnanaka David Lamb

Kare n Lane Marilee Roloff Sinnamon T ierne y

BOO KSTO RE Book store 5300 Kristy Walker Manage r 62 17 Jea nnie And rews Buyer 62 14 Christina Frasier Fisca l Technician ~ n

Hsiu-Liao Lin Retai l Cle rk 6208 Lo is Lin ce Buye r 62 12 Patrick Miller Buye r 6267 Robert Payne Buyer 62 15 Wend y Sorrell Buyer 6 182


C ENT RA L RECEIVING MAIL SERVICES Rec amp Mail 6326 Kort Jungel Supervisor 634 1 Maria Pineda Mail Serv ices 6437 Kathy Schwartz Mail Serv ices 6903 Douglas L Shanafelt Truck Driver 6992 Pat Spears Inventory and Property Surplu s 6326

CO LLEGE RECREATION CENTER (In form ation Line) CRC 2 10 6530 Vacant Director 653 1 Mike Anc hors Recreation Coordinator 6532 John Barbee Head Mens Basketba ll Coach 6725 Rick Harden Head Women s Basketball Coach amp Head Men s Tennis Coach 6858 Dennis Jones Head Mens Soccer Coach 652 1 Arlene McM aho n Head Women s Soccer Co ach 653 8 Corey Mea dor CRC Facilit ies Manager 6537 Deborah Miles Operations Manager 6506 Janette Parent Assistant Director for Athleti cslPool ManagerAquat ic Pursuit s 6536 Mike Sa fford Sports Info rmation Director 654 7 Todd Sand berg Cert ified Athletic Tra iner 6587 Mary Pat Sullivan Challenge Coordinator 6987


NameOffi ce Mails top Telephone

COLLEGE RECREATION CENTER (continued) Mike Westp hal Head Swim Coach 6548 Vacant Secretary 65 19 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6693

COMMUNICATIONS BUILDINGIPERFORMING ARTS FACILITY (Please refer to alphabetical listing for specific rooms) Building Administration

Jacinta McKoy Performing amp Media Arts Coordinator COM 30 I 6074 Moniq ue Anderson Costume Shop Supervisor 6057 Jill Carter Technical Director 6702 Matt Lawrence Master Electrician 6080 Barbara Zelano Marketing Coordinator for the Performing amp Media Arts (until 12000) 6632 Vacant Managi ng Producer for the Performing amp Media Arts (begins 12000) 6632 Vacant Master Caroe nter 6080

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS LAB Lab 11 6426 Rip Hcrninway Manager of Scientific Com puting 6904 James Gutholm System s Analyst Scient ific Computing 6635

COMPUTI NG AND COMMUNICATIONS L 2408 6232 Anna Kircher Director 6238 Peggy Ojala Secretary 6232

Academic Computing Julian (Pete) Pietras Ass istant Director L 240 8 6235 Susan Bustetter Curriculum Support 6626 John McGee Curriculum Suppo rt 6 I08 Vacant Curriculum Support ~ 6226 Student Consultants 623 1

Administrative Computing Dale Baird Superv isor L 2408 6237 Ralph Arne tt Systems Analyst 659 1 Debbie Johnson Proj ect Manager 6236 Randy Rahn System s Analyst 6229 Deborah West Systems Analyst 628 5

Computer Center a nd HoursStudent Con sultants L 2408 6231 Electronic Maintenance amp Engineering L 1309 60 69

AI Saari Assistant Director L 240 8 6047 Jim Felix Media Maintenanc e Technician L 1309 6073 Mic hael (Mick) Hill Media Maintenance Tec hnician 6072 Steve Kerr Computer Maintenance Tec hnician 6022 Bob King Telephone System Techn ician 64 17 Robert Rensel Lead Media Maintenance Technician 6050 Marshall Robinson Order Service Coordinator 6069 Tung Tha i Media Maintenance Technician 6677

Network Services David Metz ler Superv isor L 2408 6728 Alexander Mar Systems Program mer 64096475 Joe Pollo ck Systems Programmer 6224 Bryan Siebu hr Systems Programmer 64 14 Mike Simmons Systems Program mer 6403

Support Center (Hardware Software Network Internet Support) L 2408 6627 Noe l McHugh Techn ical Consultant Desktop and Network Support 6983 Caro l Nugent Tech nical Consultant Desktop and Network Support 6233

NameOffi ce Mailstop Telephone

COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS (cont inued) Telecomm unications

Donna Johnson Telecommuni cations Manage r L 2408 63 15

CONFE RENCE SERVICES CAB 21 1 6 192 Vacan t Manag er 6482 Linda Kellogg Program Coordina tor 6192 Beckie Kje r Confe rence Coordinator 6298 Vacant Conference Coordinator 6385

CONTROLLERS OFFICE L 1113 6450 Wade Davis Controller 6451 Iris Lopez Secretary 6450 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866 -6697

Accoun ts Payable L 1113 6350 Jane Barrick Fisca l Tec hnician 6350

Auxi liary En terprises L 1113 6457 Laura Bergman Principal Accountant 6457 Donna Za ugg Senior Accountant 6441

Cashiers Office L 1113 6445 Louise Fulton Cashier 6452 Tina Pearson Cas hier 6445

G ra ntsContracts amp Investments L 1113 6456 David Judd Senior Acco untant 6456

Pa yroll L 1113 6460 Joan Robinson Payroll Manage r 6444 Allen White head Payroll Technician 6460 Kelly Campbell Payro ll Techni cian 646 1

Purcha sing Office L 1125 6357 Vern Quinton Purchas ing Manage r 6357 Sharon Nagle Purchas ing Assistant 6357 Jeanine Walker Buyer 6357

Stu dent Accounts L 1113 6447 Coll in Orr Student Financ ial Serv ices Manager 6369 Michelle Bartlett Student AccountslRegistered Studen t AgreementsPerkins Loans 6442 Mark Beck ler Student Acco untsTuition Guarantees 6447 Tami John son Perkins LoansColl ections 6440 Bridget Ray Student Acco untsAccounts Rece ivable 6303 Kelli Shattuck Student AccountslNon-registered Student Agreements 6449

Tech nical Support and Reporting L 1113 6301 Janet Thompson Accounting Manager 6301 Kevin Boos Senior Acco untant 6302 Meg Men aul Accou ntant 6340 Jerry Tilson Fiscal Tec hnician 6446

Travel Office L 1113 635 1 Laura Allen Fiscal Tec hnician 635 1

COpy CENTER Copy Center 6203 Bill Gilbreath Duplicatin g Services Superv isor 6847 Caro l Davidson Copy Cente r Lead 6848

COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS OFFICE Box 40932 9-753-5107 Te rry Teale Execut ive Director 9-753-5107 Meli ssa Bash Lead Secretary 9-753-5107 Cynth ia A Flyn n Asso ciate Directo r 9-753-5107

A4 A3

----NameOffice Ma ilsto p Telephone

COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS OFFICE (continued) Shelia J impson Secre tary Sen ior 9-753-5107 Carolyn Sundby Policy Associate 9-753-5 107


EF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGLI SH SE 4 154 6422 Blaine Snow Director 6423 Frank Fatseas Faculty 5071 Michae l Gillan Faculty 67 17 Diane Hoffman Adm inistrative Coordinator 6422 Rhonda James Academic Coordinator 6429 Dianne McConkey Act ivities Coordina tor 6515 Nancy Olsen Faculty 6717 Barbara Ybarra Faculty 507 1

ELECTRONIC MAINT amp ENGINEERING (See Computing amp Communications) 6069

ENROLLMENT PROGRAMS (See Enrollment Services)

Na meOffice Mailstop Telephone

ENROLLMENT SERVICES (continued) Nina Gayle Office Assistant 6 180 Rita Westling Office AssistantTranscripts 6905 Carol Gruen Office Assistant 6180


EVERGREEN C ENT ER FOR ED UCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT L 22 11 6388 Magda Costantino Directo r 6388 Lynne Adair Secretary Senior 6639 Vacant Admin istrative Coor dinator 6405


FACILITIES SERVICES Fac ilities 6120 Michel George Director 6 115 Tina Sweeney Projects Ass istant 6330

Building Services (formerly Custodial) CustodiaL 63 17 George Leago Manager Facilities 6347 Kev in Adams Custodi an Custodial 6317 Ada Beebe Custodian 63 17 Erik Car lson Custodian 6317 Dan Clarke Day Shift Supervisor 6317 Chris Furtado Custodian 6317 Paige Groner Custodian 63 17 James Henry Custod ian 6317 Michelle Holmes Custodian 6317 Gene Kaul Custod ian 63 17 Un Kim Custod ian 63 17 Kelly Knitt le Custodia n 6317 Nga Lam Custod ian 6317 Jeff Milano Custodian 6317 Dan Porria Custodian 63 17 Ray Ruiz Swing Shift Supervisor 63 17 Jennifer Schwartz Custodian 6317 Melissa Schwartz Custod ian 6317 Tracy Sorre ll Custodian 63 17 Joe Stepp Custodian 6317 Michael Strange Custodian 6317 Doug Thompson Custodian 6317 Long Tran Custod ian 63 17 Leonard Valadez Custod ian 6317 Bruce Van de Walker Custodian 6317 Bonnie Ward Custodia n 6317 Larry Wells Custodian 6317

College Engineer Maintenance Program Facilities 6136 Rich Dav is Manag er 6136

Envi ronmental Health amp Safe ty Faciliti es 6111 Jill Lowe Coordinator 6111

In formation Se rvices Facilities 6345 Robert Worley Manager 6345 Jerry Jelsing Locksmith - n

Linda Mae-richardson Services Coordinator 5121 Ahoi Mench Maint enance Mechani c - Signs 6378


bull bull bullbull bull bull bull -_ --bull bull shy

A5 A6

NameOffice Mailst op Telephone

FACILITIES SERVICES (continued) Maintenance Services (formerly ShopsGroundsMotor Pool) Facilities 5048

Cliff Hepbum Manager 5048 Angel Aviles Moto rized Equipment Serv ice Attendan t 6349 Robyn Bradshaw Ma intenan ce Mechanic 6349 Jesse Carbone l Maint enance Mechanic 6365 Tin Doan Maintenance Mechan ic 6365 Kelly Gish Trades Helper 6349 Tino Gutierrez Maintenance Mechan ic 6365 Donald Hovland Maintenance Mec hanic 6365 Bill Japhet Motorized Equipment Mechanic Lead 6985 Bret Kirschbau m Maintenance Mechanic 6365 Mark Kormo ndy Gro unds Supervisor 6349 Richard Miles Main tenance Mechanic Lead 5043 Sherry Parso ns Office Assistan t 6354 Don Price Maintenance Mechanic 6773 Ed Sher idan Ma intenance Mechanic 6349 Hong Tran Mainte nance Mechanic 6349 Ron Twiddy Maintenance Mechanic 6365 Jim Wussler Maintenance Mechanic 6349

Mechanical Services (formerly Building Energy Manageme nt) Facilities 6332 Mike Drennon Manager 6586 Dave Hoyt Ma intenance Mec hanic 6990 Richard Johnson Maintenance Mechanic 6332 Pat LaBrec k Ma intenance Mechanic 6989 Ira Mahlum Ma intenance Mechan ic 6005 The Nguyen Maintenance Mechan ic 6332 Sam Pooley Control Technician 6332 Brian Rhode s Maintenance Mechanic 6332 Bill Short Maintenance Mec hanic 6332 Dan Stock lin Ma intenance Mec hanic 6332 Gene Stone Lead 6769 Patty Van de Walker Trade s Helper 6332 Ron Walter Maintenanc e Mechanic 6332

Project Services Fac ilities 6120 Rino Balatbat Cam pus PlannerArchitec t 6 112 Clint Steele Project Manage r 6342 Hal Van Gi lder Project Manager 6355

Support Services Facilities 6 125 Patty Bames Manager 6125 Bea Rockwell Budget Analyst 6041

Utility Services (forme rly Central Utility Plant) Facilities 6318 Vacant Superv isor 637 1 Tony Elhardt SteamPipe FitterPl umber 63 18 Terry Chapm an StearnlP ipe FitterPlumber 6318 Eduardo Rivera StearnlPi pe FitterPlumber 63 18

FINANCIAL AID OFFICE (See Enrollment Services)

FOOD SERVICES FINE HOST CAB 107 628 16282 Richard Dye Food Serv ice Director 62816282 Lila Coffman Offi ce 6281 6282 Rick Macy Kitchen Manager 6319 Denise Miner Deli Superviso r - bull bullbullbull bullbull bull _ ~ n

Amy Placette Office Manage r 62816282


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

FOOD SER VICES FINE HOST (continued) Ralph Ward Deli Man ager 6283


GRANTSCONT RACTS amp INVEST MENTS (See Controller s Offi ce) 6456

GRAPHI CS (See Adva nce ment College) 6038

GRIEVANCE OFFICER Sue Feldman L 3236 5052


HO USING Housing 6132 Mike Segawa Director 6419 Linda Hohman Associate Director 6346 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6694

Administ ra tive Services Fred Swift Assistant Director 6 147 Pat Castaldo Housing Computer Administration 6 104 Monique Vallot Ass ignments and Front Office Operations 6133

Facilities Mark Lacina Assistant Director 6107 Scon Putzier Program Manager 6764 Steve Johnson Electrical Techni cian 61 17

Residentia l Life Chuck McK inney Assistant Director 6191 Malik Ismail Resident Director - 1- Mods 5113 Stephen Railsback Resident Director - A 5115 Sara Rucker PrimeTime Advisor (3-9 pm) 5112 Sheila Walton Res ident Director - B - H 5119

HU MAN RESOURCE SERVICES OFFICE L 3238 6361 Jim LaCour Director 536 1 Jennifer Beagle Human Resource Assistant 5362 Charen Blankenship Human Resource Represen tative 6362 Teresa Eckstein Office Assistant 536 1 Terri Perez Office Assistant 536 1 Laurel Uznansk i Human Resource Representative 6366 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6695

INSTIT UT IONAL RESEARCH AND PLANNING L 3234 65676 1866676 Steve (Richard) Hunter Director ofIn stitutional Rese arch and Planning 6567 Andrea Meld Research Associate 6676 Dorothy Saun ders Research Ass istant 6 186


KAoS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM (See SASS) 6893




NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LAB SCIENCES Art Annex amp Metal Shop

Katie Baldwin Art Techn ician Lab 1

Doug Hitch Art Techni cianWoodsho p 6228 Susan McNe il Lab Rece iving 6484 Mike Moran Art TechnicianCeramics 60526988 Peter Ramsey Art TechnicianPrintmaking 6488 Kelly OBrian Smith Building ManagerSc hedu ling 6167 Vacant Galleries Manager 5125

Lab Stores Lab I 6489 Science Operations

Mart in Beagle Sc ience Techni cian Lab I Greg Bu ikema Mar ine Operat ions Manager 5014 Max Folsom Science Technician 6327 James Gutholm Systems Ana lyst Scientific - L _ Lab IICornnutina

Rip Hem inway Manager of Scientifi c Computing 6904 Pat Moore Organic Farm Manager Lab 1

Jenna Nelson Sc ience Techni cian 6327 Cailin Orr Sc ience Technician 6327 Shane Pete rson Science Technician 64896648 Peter Robinson Sc ience Technician 6846 Kelly O Bri an Smith Building ManagerSchedulin g 6 167

LABOR CENTER L 2 101 6525 Helen Lee Direc tor Labor Education and Research Center 6526 Susan Hirst Program Coordinator (1-5 pm) - 5524 Dennis Otterstetter Fie ld Organizer 6527 Sarah Ryan Labor Studies Faculty L 3220 6720 Lucalene Whi tsell Fie ld Organizer L 210 2 5524

LEARNING RE SO URCE CENTER L 340 7 6420 Tutoring Assistance with Writing and Math 6420

Stella Jor dan Manager 6557 Olivia Arch ibald Coordinator 6382

Writing Center 6420

LIBRARY (please refer to alphabetical listing for specific rooms) William E Brun er Dean of the Library L 2300 6246

Administration Angie Wierima Skov Ass istant to the Dean L 2300 6242 Jean Eickholt Fiscal Spec ialist 6244

Archives Randy Stilson Archives Librarian L 2300 6126

Circulation Jason Mock Co-Head of Circu lation L 23 00 6580 Mindy Muzatko Co-Head of Circulation 6580 Wendy Ortiz Library Technician 6580 Joel Wippich Library Technician 6580

Coopera ting Librar ies in Olympia (CLIO) Steve Metc alf Systems Manager L 2300 62606245 Phan Nguyen Information Techn olog y Consultant 6248

Government Docu ments Carlos Diaz Head of Govemm ent Documents L 2300 625 1

NameOffice Mails top Telephone

LIBRARY (conti nued) Instructional T echnolog y

Rich Edwards Consultant 6 137 MEDIA SERVICES

General Informa tion L 1302 6270 Allegra Hinkle Media Services Manager 6249

Electronic Media L 1302 6268 Raoul Berman Medi a Techni cian 641 8 Marg ery Brown Electron ic Media Producer 6767 Kevin Bunce Media Techni cian 6277 Aaron Kruse Media Technician 6842 Peter Randlette Electroni c Media Produc er 6279 Ken Wilhelm Electr onic Media Producer 6268

Inst r uctiona l Photo Services L 1302 6274 Hugh Lentz Head ofI nstructional Photo ~ 63 13

Media Loan L 2300 6253 Wyatt Cates Head of Media Loan 6271 Dav id Cramton Media Lab Coordinator 6156 Lin Crow ley Media Techn ician 6239 Kathryn Ford Media Services Supervisor 6645

Photo Production Services L 1302 6272 Steve Davi s Photograhic Supervisor 6263 Shannon Bushnell Photo Services Intern 6289 Mal Pina Chan Photographer (1-5 pm) 6288 Martin Kane Photographer 6280

Sound and Image Library ~ A A rA A A

Jane Fisher Head of Sound and Image 6087 Mal Pina Chan Library Specialist (8 am - 12 Noon) 6090

PUBLIC SER VICES Interlibrary Loan L 23 00 6259

Don Edee Borrowing for TESC Community 6499 Miko Francis Borrow ing for TESC Community 6499 Carolyn Trefts Lending to Other Librar ies 6259

Periodicals L 2300 6255 Brian Ger heim Head of Periodicals 6255

Reference L 230 0 6252 Barbara Ber gqui st Library Specialist 6498 Caryn Cline Medi a Serv icesReference Liaison 6644 Terry Hubbard Faculty Librarian 6258 Ernest ine Kimbro Faculty Librarian 6715 Frank Motl ey Faculty Librari an 6163 Sarah Pede rsen Faculty Librarian 6647 Sara Rideout Faculty Librarian 6643 Liza Rognas Faculty Librarian 5851 Randy Stilson Libr ary Archivist 6126


U II~ bull bull bullbull _Shelley Swelland Head of Acquisitions T 0 1 Ann Sheppard Libr ary Technician L 2300 6039

Ca tal oging Tim Marku s Head of Cataloging L 2300 6124

Processing Anne Ellsworth Libr ary Techni cian L 2300 voice 6088

TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6000 ext 6747 Anne s Program Secretary L 3220 6588


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LIBRARY (continued) Linda Fraiden berg Library Te chnician 6088 Mary Geyer Library Technician 6088 Susan Johns Library Technic ian 6088 Lorri Trimble Head of Processing L 230 0

LONGHOUSE CENTER Tina Kuckkahn Longhouse Direct or LC 1001 6718 Vacant Program Assistant 64 13


MASTER IN TEACHING PROGRAM SE 312 7 6 181 Michael Vav rus Director 6638 Lyndel Clark Field Serv ices Officer 6559 Tanya Velasqu ez Admiss ions Officer 61 81

MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ST UDI ES PROGRAM Lab 1 6707 John Perk ins Director - 6503 Bon ita Evans Program Coordi nator - - - - - - r ~ A ~

Julie Slone Ass istant Director 6734


Linda Moo n Stum pff Director 6845 Bonita Evans Program Coordinator 6707 Julie Slone Assistant Direc tor 6734

MEDIA SERVICES (See Li bra ry Media Services)

MEDIATION SE RVICES L 2300 665 6 Lynne Stockwe ll Mediat ion Serv ices Coo rdinator L 2300 673 2


NORTHWEST INDIAN APPLIED RESEARCH INSTITUTE SE 3 127 6889 Alan Parker Director SE 3 127 6889


PART-TIME STUDIES OHICE L 322 0 65 88 Sharon Wendt Program Secretary L 3220 658 8 Jane Woo d Part-Time Studies Coordinator L 221 1 6864

PERKINS LOANS (See Controller) 6440

POLI CE SERV IC ES SE 2 150 6 140 Steve Huntsberry Chief 6 140 Lana Brewster Offi cer 6 140 Darw in Eddy Sergean t 6 140 Pam ela Garland Offi cer 6 140 Tony Nee ly Officer 6 140 George Opl inger Officer 5158 Gary Russe ll Lieutenant 61 50 Larry Savage Officer 6 140 Tam mi Stretch Office r 6 140

Al l

NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

POLI C E SERVICES (continued) Kirk Talm adge Officer

Emergen cy C ommunications Center Brian Ashby Emergency Com munications Operator T ish Pinh o Emergency Communications Operator Sabine Rigg ins Emergency Com munication s Operator Alex Sm ith Jr Emerge ncy Communications Operator Clifton Young Emerge ncy Communications Operator TTY (for the hearing impaired)

Par kingKey Issues William Bryce Park ing Enforcement Curt is McHendry Parking Enforcement Susie Seip Office Assistant

PR ESID ENTS OHICE Jane Jervis President Dian McKernan Adm inistrat ive Secretary Rita Sevc ik Admin istrative Assistan t

President s Staff Paul Ga llegos Assistant for Equal Opportun ity Lee Hoemann Executive Assoc iate to the President Marc ia Husseman Program Coordinator Lee Lambert Assistant for Civil Rights amp Legal Affairs Kim Merriman Ass istant for Governmental Relations

PROGRAM SE CRETARIES Vicki Arrington Julie Dougl ass Cindy Fry Ruth Joynes Jill Rosenb lum Dan Shephard Vikki Stellmacher Pam Udovich Carolyn Walker Sharon Wend t

PURCHASING OFFICE (See Controller s Office)


REGISTRATION AND RECORDS (See Enrollment Serv ices)


SCHEDULINGSPACE ALLOCATI ON amp MA NAG EMENT Patti Zimmerman Manager Kirk Knitt le Anal yst Furn iture Program



SE 2150

SE 2 150

L 3 109

L 3103

COM 30 I SE 3 127

COM 30 1 Lab 11 Lab II

SE 3127 Lab 1 Lab 1 Lab 1

L 322 0

L 1602

SE 2109

6140 6 140 6140 614 0 6140 6140 6 140

9-866-6696 6352 5353 6352 613 1

6 100 6100 6100 5100 61 13 6368 611 6 61 13 6386 6453

6605 6550

66055552 6102 6102 6550

66005702 66005602 66005603



6314 6631 6314 5023

6800 6800

NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone

SEXUAL HARASSMENT OMBUDSPERSONS Elaine Hayashi-Petersen L 1401 6560 Bev Peterson CRC 2 10 6528 E J Z ita Lab II 6853

L 140 1

L 1401

L 140 1

Bldg 201

A l3

STUDENT AND ACADEM IC SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) Rachel Wood Physician

Firs t People s Advis ing Holly Colbert Director Isabel Perez Office Assistant Raque1Salinas Coordinator of Student Programs

KAOS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM Michael Huntsberger General Manager Anne de Marcken Development Director Juli Kelen Training and Operations Manager

KEY Student Services Niki Amarantides Director Jennifer Brandt-Allen Student Development Specia list Paquita Garatea Academic Specialist Cathy Wood Program Coordin ator

Sexua l Assault Prevention Vacant Coordinator

Stud ent Activit ies Administration Thomas Mercado Director Joe Groshong SampA Board Coordinator Mary Craven Student Activities Advisor Greg Porter Production Adv isor Denise Robertson Assistant Director Ann Shipley Secretary Senior

Upward Bound Deborah Walker Director Pat Sanders Counseling Coord inator Juana Vaughan Program Assistant

SE 2110 L 1414

CAB 30 1

L 1414


SE 2109

CAB 320

L 1605

6200 6467

6467 6467 6462

6893 6895 6894

6897 6464

6465 6507 6604 6464 6800 6800 6220 6220 622 1 5222 6222 6425 6220 6012 6028 6048 6012


TACOMA CAMPUS W J (Joye) Hardiman Director Richard Brown Night Manager Kay Isbell Program Secretary Anthony Reynolds Computer Support Technician and Faculty

Tacoma 8-253-593- 5915 8-253-29 7-0349 8-253-59 3-591 5 8-253-593 -59 15 8-253-593-5915

TEL ECOMMUNICAnONS (See Computing amp Communications) 6315





VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION L 3127 6500 Ruta Fanning Vice President 6504 Kathy M Dean Administrative Secretary 6500 Karen L Durant Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 5045 Nancy McKinney Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 6501 Steve Trotter Budget Officer 6185

A 14

Name Office Mailstop Telephone

VICE PRE SIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Art Costantino Vice President for Student Affairs John Carmichael Administrative Secretary Bill Zaugg Administrative Assistant for Budge t

L 3236

6296 6296 6296 6291


WASHINGTON CENTER FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION L 22 11 661 1 Jeanine Elliott Director 6609 Emily Decker Associate Director 6637 Barbara Determan Conference Coordinator 6585 Susan Hirst Program Coord inator (8 am - 12 Noon) 6606 Sharilyn Howell Secretary 56 1166 11 Jean MacGregor Director of the Nat ional Learning Communities Dissemin ation Project 6608

WASHI NGTON STATE INSTITUTE FO R PUB LIC POLI CY Box 40999 9-586-2677 Roxanne Lieb Director 9-586-2768 Steve Aos Associate Director 9-586-2740 Robert Bamoski Senior Research Associate 9-586-27 44 Mason Burley Research Coordinato r 9-586-2745 Debra Fabritiu s Adminis trative Ass istant 9-586-2677 Edie Hard ing Senior Researc h Associa te 9-586-2765 Laura Harmon ProgrammerAnalyst _ n ~~ n

Steve Lerch Senior Research Econom ist 9-586-2767 Janie Maki Project Coordinator 9-58 6-2769 Jim Mayfield Senior Research Assoc iate 9-586-2783 Barbara Mcl ain Senio r Research Associate 9-586-279 1 Polly Phipps Senior Research Associate 9-586-2792

WASHI NGTON STATE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER L 1706 6470 Linda Watson Manager 6473 Shirley Dallas Librarian 6472 Vacant Circulation 6470647 1


The Killer Whale art is by Joe Wilson a talented young Coast Salish artist Born and raised at Koksilah near Duncan on Vancouv er Island British Columbia Canada he began his interest in art in elementary school His work speaks of confidence and strength and he has developed a unique and original style His work is not only authentic by native tradition it is also an artistic communication link between cultures

The Killer Whale is one of the most prominent symbols of the North West Coast people Trad itional legends empower the Killer Whale with extraordinary powers which were to be respected and admired The Killer Whale was a major influence on the Salish people in that th pods of whales could scare away the life-giving salmon The presence of these creatures in local waters meant that fish wou ld be scarce for awhile

Thanks also to Peggy Ojala for her work in compiling and coordinating this directory and select ion of the artwork and to Daniel Shephard for his help in coordinating the cover

The Evergreen State College campus directory is produced and distributed from the Telecommunications Office It is printed by Tumwater Printing on recycled paper All suggestions for future enhancements or improvements are welcome Please direct them to Donna Johnson Library 2408 or call extension 6315

A 15

NameOffi ce Mails top Telephone

COLLEGE RECREATION CENTER (continued) Mike Westp hal Head Swim Coach 6548 Vacant Secretary 65 19 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6693

COMMUNICATIONS BUILDINGIPERFORMING ARTS FACILITY (Please refer to alphabetical listing for specific rooms) Building Administration

Jacinta McKoy Performing amp Media Arts Coordinator COM 30 I 6074 Moniq ue Anderson Costume Shop Supervisor 6057 Jill Carter Technical Director 6702 Matt Lawrence Master Electrician 6080 Barbara Zelano Marketing Coordinator for the Performing amp Media Arts (until 12000) 6632 Vacant Managi ng Producer for the Performing amp Media Arts (begins 12000) 6632 Vacant Master Caroe nter 6080

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS LAB Lab 11 6426 Rip Hcrninway Manager of Scientific Com puting 6904 James Gutholm System s Analyst Scient ific Computing 6635

COMPUTI NG AND COMMUNICATIONS L 2408 6232 Anna Kircher Director 6238 Peggy Ojala Secretary 6232

Academic Computing Julian (Pete) Pietras Ass istant Director L 240 8 6235 Susan Bustetter Curriculum Support 6626 John McGee Curriculum Suppo rt 6 I08 Vacant Curriculum Support ~ 6226 Student Consultants 623 1

Administrative Computing Dale Baird Superv isor L 2408 6237 Ralph Arne tt Systems Analyst 659 1 Debbie Johnson Proj ect Manager 6236 Randy Rahn System s Analyst 6229 Deborah West Systems Analyst 628 5

Computer Center a nd HoursStudent Con sultants L 2408 6231 Electronic Maintenance amp Engineering L 1309 60 69

AI Saari Assistant Director L 240 8 6047 Jim Felix Media Maintenanc e Technician L 1309 6073 Mic hael (Mick) Hill Media Maintenance Tec hnician 6072 Steve Kerr Computer Maintenance Tec hnician 6022 Bob King Telephone System Techn ician 64 17 Robert Rensel Lead Media Maintenance Technician 6050 Marshall Robinson Order Service Coordinator 6069 Tung Tha i Media Maintenance Technician 6677

Network Services David Metz ler Superv isor L 2408 6728 Alexander Mar Systems Program mer 64096475 Joe Pollo ck Systems Programmer 6224 Bryan Siebu hr Systems Programmer 64 14 Mike Simmons Systems Program mer 6403

Support Center (Hardware Software Network Internet Support) L 2408 6627 Noe l McHugh Techn ical Consultant Desktop and Network Support 6983 Caro l Nugent Tech nical Consultant Desktop and Network Support 6233

NameOffi ce Mailstop Telephone

COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS (cont inued) Telecomm unications

Donna Johnson Telecommuni cations Manage r L 2408 63 15

CONFE RENCE SERVICES CAB 21 1 6 192 Vacan t Manag er 6482 Linda Kellogg Program Coordina tor 6192 Beckie Kje r Confe rence Coordinator 6298 Vacant Conference Coordinator 6385

CONTROLLERS OFFICE L 1113 6450 Wade Davis Controller 6451 Iris Lopez Secretary 6450 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866 -6697

Accoun ts Payable L 1113 6350 Jane Barrick Fisca l Tec hnician 6350

Auxi liary En terprises L 1113 6457 Laura Bergman Principal Accountant 6457 Donna Za ugg Senior Accountant 6441

Cashiers Office L 1113 6445 Louise Fulton Cashier 6452 Tina Pearson Cas hier 6445

G ra ntsContracts amp Investments L 1113 6456 David Judd Senior Acco untant 6456

Pa yroll L 1113 6460 Joan Robinson Payroll Manage r 6444 Allen White head Payroll Technician 6460 Kelly Campbell Payro ll Techni cian 646 1

Purcha sing Office L 1125 6357 Vern Quinton Purchas ing Manage r 6357 Sharon Nagle Purchas ing Assistant 6357 Jeanine Walker Buyer 6357

Stu dent Accounts L 1113 6447 Coll in Orr Student Financ ial Serv ices Manager 6369 Michelle Bartlett Student AccountslRegistered Studen t AgreementsPerkins Loans 6442 Mark Beck ler Student Acco untsTuition Guarantees 6447 Tami John son Perkins LoansColl ections 6440 Bridget Ray Student Acco untsAccounts Rece ivable 6303 Kelli Shattuck Student AccountslNon-registered Student Agreements 6449

Tech nical Support and Reporting L 1113 6301 Janet Thompson Accounting Manager 6301 Kevin Boos Senior Acco untant 6302 Meg Men aul Accou ntant 6340 Jerry Tilson Fiscal Tec hnician 6446

Travel Office L 1113 635 1 Laura Allen Fiscal Tec hnician 635 1

COpy CENTER Copy Center 6203 Bill Gilbreath Duplicatin g Services Superv isor 6847 Caro l Davidson Copy Cente r Lead 6848

COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS OFFICE Box 40932 9-753-5107 Te rry Teale Execut ive Director 9-753-5107 Meli ssa Bash Lead Secretary 9-753-5107 Cynth ia A Flyn n Asso ciate Directo r 9-753-5107

A4 A3

----NameOffice Ma ilsto p Telephone

COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS OFFICE (continued) Shelia J impson Secre tary Sen ior 9-753-5107 Carolyn Sundby Policy Associate 9-753-5 107


EF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGLI SH SE 4 154 6422 Blaine Snow Director 6423 Frank Fatseas Faculty 5071 Michae l Gillan Faculty 67 17 Diane Hoffman Adm inistrative Coordinator 6422 Rhonda James Academic Coordinator 6429 Dianne McConkey Act ivities Coordina tor 6515 Nancy Olsen Faculty 6717 Barbara Ybarra Faculty 507 1

ELECTRONIC MAINT amp ENGINEERING (See Computing amp Communications) 6069

ENROLLMENT PROGRAMS (See Enrollment Services)

Na meOffice Mailstop Telephone

ENROLLMENT SERVICES (continued) Nina Gayle Office Assistant 6 180 Rita Westling Office AssistantTranscripts 6905 Carol Gruen Office Assistant 6180


EVERGREEN C ENT ER FOR ED UCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT L 22 11 6388 Magda Costantino Directo r 6388 Lynne Adair Secretary Senior 6639 Vacant Admin istrative Coor dinator 6405


FACILITIES SERVICES Fac ilities 6120 Michel George Director 6 115 Tina Sweeney Projects Ass istant 6330

Building Services (formerly Custodial) CustodiaL 63 17 George Leago Manager Facilities 6347 Kev in Adams Custodi an Custodial 6317 Ada Beebe Custodian 63 17 Erik Car lson Custodian 6317 Dan Clarke Day Shift Supervisor 6317 Chris Furtado Custodian 6317 Paige Groner Custodian 63 17 James Henry Custod ian 6317 Michelle Holmes Custodian 6317 Gene Kaul Custod ian 63 17 Un Kim Custod ian 63 17 Kelly Knitt le Custodia n 6317 Nga Lam Custod ian 6317 Jeff Milano Custodian 6317 Dan Porria Custodian 63 17 Ray Ruiz Swing Shift Supervisor 63 17 Jennifer Schwartz Custodian 6317 Melissa Schwartz Custod ian 6317 Tracy Sorre ll Custodian 63 17 Joe Stepp Custodian 6317 Michael Strange Custodian 6317 Doug Thompson Custodian 6317 Long Tran Custod ian 63 17 Leonard Valadez Custod ian 6317 Bruce Van de Walker Custodian 6317 Bonnie Ward Custodia n 6317 Larry Wells Custodian 6317

College Engineer Maintenance Program Facilities 6136 Rich Dav is Manag er 6136

Envi ronmental Health amp Safe ty Faciliti es 6111 Jill Lowe Coordinator 6111

In formation Se rvices Facilities 6345 Robert Worley Manager 6345 Jerry Jelsing Locksmith - n

Linda Mae-richardson Services Coordinator 5121 Ahoi Mench Maint enance Mechani c - Signs 6378


bull bull bullbull bull bull bull -_ --bull bull shy

A5 A6

NameOffice Mailst op Telephone

FACILITIES SERVICES (continued) Maintenance Services (formerly ShopsGroundsMotor Pool) Facilities 5048

Cliff Hepbum Manager 5048 Angel Aviles Moto rized Equipment Serv ice Attendan t 6349 Robyn Bradshaw Ma intenan ce Mechanic 6349 Jesse Carbone l Maint enance Mechanic 6365 Tin Doan Maintenance Mechan ic 6365 Kelly Gish Trades Helper 6349 Tino Gutierrez Maintenance Mechan ic 6365 Donald Hovland Maintenance Mec hanic 6365 Bill Japhet Motorized Equipment Mechanic Lead 6985 Bret Kirschbau m Maintenance Mechanic 6365 Mark Kormo ndy Gro unds Supervisor 6349 Richard Miles Main tenance Mechanic Lead 5043 Sherry Parso ns Office Assistan t 6354 Don Price Maintenance Mechanic 6773 Ed Sher idan Ma intenance Mechanic 6349 Hong Tran Mainte nance Mechanic 6349 Ron Twiddy Maintenance Mechanic 6365 Jim Wussler Maintenance Mechanic 6349

Mechanical Services (formerly Building Energy Manageme nt) Facilities 6332 Mike Drennon Manager 6586 Dave Hoyt Ma intenance Mec hanic 6990 Richard Johnson Maintenance Mechanic 6332 Pat LaBrec k Ma intenance Mechanic 6989 Ira Mahlum Ma intenance Mechan ic 6005 The Nguyen Maintenance Mechan ic 6332 Sam Pooley Control Technician 6332 Brian Rhode s Maintenance Mechanic 6332 Bill Short Maintenance Mec hanic 6332 Dan Stock lin Ma intenance Mec hanic 6332 Gene Stone Lead 6769 Patty Van de Walker Trade s Helper 6332 Ron Walter Maintenanc e Mechanic 6332

Project Services Fac ilities 6120 Rino Balatbat Cam pus PlannerArchitec t 6 112 Clint Steele Project Manage r 6342 Hal Van Gi lder Project Manager 6355

Support Services Facilities 6 125 Patty Bames Manager 6125 Bea Rockwell Budget Analyst 6041

Utility Services (forme rly Central Utility Plant) Facilities 6318 Vacant Superv isor 637 1 Tony Elhardt SteamPipe FitterPl umber 63 18 Terry Chapm an StearnlP ipe FitterPlumber 6318 Eduardo Rivera StearnlPi pe FitterPlumber 63 18

FINANCIAL AID OFFICE (See Enrollment Services)

FOOD SERVICES FINE HOST CAB 107 628 16282 Richard Dye Food Serv ice Director 62816282 Lila Coffman Offi ce 6281 6282 Rick Macy Kitchen Manager 6319 Denise Miner Deli Superviso r - bull bullbullbull bullbull bull _ ~ n

Amy Placette Office Manage r 62816282


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

FOOD SER VICES FINE HOST (continued) Ralph Ward Deli Man ager 6283


GRANTSCONT RACTS amp INVEST MENTS (See Controller s Offi ce) 6456

GRAPHI CS (See Adva nce ment College) 6038

GRIEVANCE OFFICER Sue Feldman L 3236 5052


HO USING Housing 6132 Mike Segawa Director 6419 Linda Hohman Associate Director 6346 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6694

Administ ra tive Services Fred Swift Assistant Director 6 147 Pat Castaldo Housing Computer Administration 6 104 Monique Vallot Ass ignments and Front Office Operations 6133

Facilities Mark Lacina Assistant Director 6107 Scon Putzier Program Manager 6764 Steve Johnson Electrical Techni cian 61 17

Residentia l Life Chuck McK inney Assistant Director 6191 Malik Ismail Resident Director - 1- Mods 5113 Stephen Railsback Resident Director - A 5115 Sara Rucker PrimeTime Advisor (3-9 pm) 5112 Sheila Walton Res ident Director - B - H 5119

HU MAN RESOURCE SERVICES OFFICE L 3238 6361 Jim LaCour Director 536 1 Jennifer Beagle Human Resource Assistant 5362 Charen Blankenship Human Resource Represen tative 6362 Teresa Eckstein Office Assistant 536 1 Terri Perez Office Assistant 536 1 Laurel Uznansk i Human Resource Representative 6366 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6695

INSTIT UT IONAL RESEARCH AND PLANNING L 3234 65676 1866676 Steve (Richard) Hunter Director ofIn stitutional Rese arch and Planning 6567 Andrea Meld Research Associate 6676 Dorothy Saun ders Research Ass istant 6 186


KAoS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM (See SASS) 6893




NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LAB SCIENCES Art Annex amp Metal Shop

Katie Baldwin Art Techn ician Lab 1

Doug Hitch Art Techni cianWoodsho p 6228 Susan McNe il Lab Rece iving 6484 Mike Moran Art TechnicianCeramics 60526988 Peter Ramsey Art TechnicianPrintmaking 6488 Kelly OBrian Smith Building ManagerSc hedu ling 6167 Vacant Galleries Manager 5125

Lab Stores Lab I 6489 Science Operations

Mart in Beagle Sc ience Techni cian Lab I Greg Bu ikema Mar ine Operat ions Manager 5014 Max Folsom Science Technician 6327 James Gutholm Systems Ana lyst Scientific - L _ Lab IICornnutina

Rip Hem inway Manager of Scientifi c Computing 6904 Pat Moore Organic Farm Manager Lab 1

Jenna Nelson Sc ience Techni cian 6327 Cailin Orr Sc ience Technician 6327 Shane Pete rson Science Technician 64896648 Peter Robinson Sc ience Technician 6846 Kelly O Bri an Smith Building ManagerSchedulin g 6 167

LABOR CENTER L 2 101 6525 Helen Lee Direc tor Labor Education and Research Center 6526 Susan Hirst Program Coordinator (1-5 pm) - 5524 Dennis Otterstetter Fie ld Organizer 6527 Sarah Ryan Labor Studies Faculty L 3220 6720 Lucalene Whi tsell Fie ld Organizer L 210 2 5524

LEARNING RE SO URCE CENTER L 340 7 6420 Tutoring Assistance with Writing and Math 6420

Stella Jor dan Manager 6557 Olivia Arch ibald Coordinator 6382

Writing Center 6420

LIBRARY (please refer to alphabetical listing for specific rooms) William E Brun er Dean of the Library L 2300 6246

Administration Angie Wierima Skov Ass istant to the Dean L 2300 6242 Jean Eickholt Fiscal Spec ialist 6244

Archives Randy Stilson Archives Librarian L 2300 6126

Circulation Jason Mock Co-Head of Circu lation L 23 00 6580 Mindy Muzatko Co-Head of Circulation 6580 Wendy Ortiz Library Technician 6580 Joel Wippich Library Technician 6580

Coopera ting Librar ies in Olympia (CLIO) Steve Metc alf Systems Manager L 2300 62606245 Phan Nguyen Information Techn olog y Consultant 6248

Government Docu ments Carlos Diaz Head of Govemm ent Documents L 2300 625 1

NameOffice Mails top Telephone

LIBRARY (conti nued) Instructional T echnolog y

Rich Edwards Consultant 6 137 MEDIA SERVICES

General Informa tion L 1302 6270 Allegra Hinkle Media Services Manager 6249

Electronic Media L 1302 6268 Raoul Berman Medi a Techni cian 641 8 Marg ery Brown Electron ic Media Producer 6767 Kevin Bunce Media Techni cian 6277 Aaron Kruse Media Technician 6842 Peter Randlette Electroni c Media Produc er 6279 Ken Wilhelm Electr onic Media Producer 6268

Inst r uctiona l Photo Services L 1302 6274 Hugh Lentz Head ofI nstructional Photo ~ 63 13

Media Loan L 2300 6253 Wyatt Cates Head of Media Loan 6271 Dav id Cramton Media Lab Coordinator 6156 Lin Crow ley Media Techn ician 6239 Kathryn Ford Media Services Supervisor 6645

Photo Production Services L 1302 6272 Steve Davi s Photograhic Supervisor 6263 Shannon Bushnell Photo Services Intern 6289 Mal Pina Chan Photographer (1-5 pm) 6288 Martin Kane Photographer 6280

Sound and Image Library ~ A A rA A A

Jane Fisher Head of Sound and Image 6087 Mal Pina Chan Library Specialist (8 am - 12 Noon) 6090

PUBLIC SER VICES Interlibrary Loan L 23 00 6259

Don Edee Borrowing for TESC Community 6499 Miko Francis Borrow ing for TESC Community 6499 Carolyn Trefts Lending to Other Librar ies 6259

Periodicals L 2300 6255 Brian Ger heim Head of Periodicals 6255

Reference L 230 0 6252 Barbara Ber gqui st Library Specialist 6498 Caryn Cline Medi a Serv icesReference Liaison 6644 Terry Hubbard Faculty Librarian 6258 Ernest ine Kimbro Faculty Librarian 6715 Frank Motl ey Faculty Librari an 6163 Sarah Pede rsen Faculty Librarian 6647 Sara Rideout Faculty Librarian 6643 Liza Rognas Faculty Librarian 5851 Randy Stilson Libr ary Archivist 6126


U II~ bull bull bullbull _Shelley Swelland Head of Acquisitions T 0 1 Ann Sheppard Libr ary Technician L 2300 6039

Ca tal oging Tim Marku s Head of Cataloging L 2300 6124

Processing Anne Ellsworth Libr ary Techni cian L 2300 voice 6088

TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6000 ext 6747 Anne s Program Secretary L 3220 6588


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LIBRARY (continued) Linda Fraiden berg Library Te chnician 6088 Mary Geyer Library Technician 6088 Susan Johns Library Technic ian 6088 Lorri Trimble Head of Processing L 230 0

LONGHOUSE CENTER Tina Kuckkahn Longhouse Direct or LC 1001 6718 Vacant Program Assistant 64 13


MASTER IN TEACHING PROGRAM SE 312 7 6 181 Michael Vav rus Director 6638 Lyndel Clark Field Serv ices Officer 6559 Tanya Velasqu ez Admiss ions Officer 61 81

MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ST UDI ES PROGRAM Lab 1 6707 John Perk ins Director - 6503 Bon ita Evans Program Coordi nator - - - - - - r ~ A ~

Julie Slone Ass istant Director 6734


Linda Moo n Stum pff Director 6845 Bonita Evans Program Coordinator 6707 Julie Slone Assistant Direc tor 6734

MEDIA SERVICES (See Li bra ry Media Services)

MEDIATION SE RVICES L 2300 665 6 Lynne Stockwe ll Mediat ion Serv ices Coo rdinator L 2300 673 2


NORTHWEST INDIAN APPLIED RESEARCH INSTITUTE SE 3 127 6889 Alan Parker Director SE 3 127 6889


PART-TIME STUDIES OHICE L 322 0 65 88 Sharon Wendt Program Secretary L 3220 658 8 Jane Woo d Part-Time Studies Coordinator L 221 1 6864

PERKINS LOANS (See Controller) 6440

POLI CE SERV IC ES SE 2 150 6 140 Steve Huntsberry Chief 6 140 Lana Brewster Offi cer 6 140 Darw in Eddy Sergean t 6 140 Pam ela Garland Offi cer 6 140 Tony Nee ly Officer 6 140 George Opl inger Officer 5158 Gary Russe ll Lieutenant 61 50 Larry Savage Officer 6 140 Tam mi Stretch Office r 6 140

Al l

NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

POLI C E SERVICES (continued) Kirk Talm adge Officer

Emergen cy C ommunications Center Brian Ashby Emergency Com munications Operator T ish Pinh o Emergency Communications Operator Sabine Rigg ins Emergency Com munication s Operator Alex Sm ith Jr Emerge ncy Communications Operator Clifton Young Emerge ncy Communications Operator TTY (for the hearing impaired)

Par kingKey Issues William Bryce Park ing Enforcement Curt is McHendry Parking Enforcement Susie Seip Office Assistant

PR ESID ENTS OHICE Jane Jervis President Dian McKernan Adm inistrat ive Secretary Rita Sevc ik Admin istrative Assistan t

President s Staff Paul Ga llegos Assistant for Equal Opportun ity Lee Hoemann Executive Assoc iate to the President Marc ia Husseman Program Coordinator Lee Lambert Assistant for Civil Rights amp Legal Affairs Kim Merriman Ass istant for Governmental Relations

PROGRAM SE CRETARIES Vicki Arrington Julie Dougl ass Cindy Fry Ruth Joynes Jill Rosenb lum Dan Shephard Vikki Stellmacher Pam Udovich Carolyn Walker Sharon Wend t

PURCHASING OFFICE (See Controller s Office)


REGISTRATION AND RECORDS (See Enrollment Serv ices)


SCHEDULINGSPACE ALLOCATI ON amp MA NAG EMENT Patti Zimmerman Manager Kirk Knitt le Anal yst Furn iture Program



SE 2150

SE 2 150

L 3 109

L 3103

COM 30 I SE 3 127

COM 30 1 Lab 11 Lab II

SE 3127 Lab 1 Lab 1 Lab 1

L 322 0

L 1602

SE 2109

6140 6 140 6140 614 0 6140 6140 6 140

9-866-6696 6352 5353 6352 613 1

6 100 6100 6100 5100 61 13 6368 611 6 61 13 6386 6453

6605 6550

66055552 6102 6102 6550

66005702 66005602 66005603



6314 6631 6314 5023

6800 6800

NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone

SEXUAL HARASSMENT OMBUDSPERSONS Elaine Hayashi-Petersen L 1401 6560 Bev Peterson CRC 2 10 6528 E J Z ita Lab II 6853

L 140 1

L 1401

L 140 1

Bldg 201

A l3

STUDENT AND ACADEM IC SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) Rachel Wood Physician

Firs t People s Advis ing Holly Colbert Director Isabel Perez Office Assistant Raque1Salinas Coordinator of Student Programs

KAOS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM Michael Huntsberger General Manager Anne de Marcken Development Director Juli Kelen Training and Operations Manager

KEY Student Services Niki Amarantides Director Jennifer Brandt-Allen Student Development Specia list Paquita Garatea Academic Specialist Cathy Wood Program Coordin ator

Sexua l Assault Prevention Vacant Coordinator

Stud ent Activit ies Administration Thomas Mercado Director Joe Groshong SampA Board Coordinator Mary Craven Student Activities Advisor Greg Porter Production Adv isor Denise Robertson Assistant Director Ann Shipley Secretary Senior

Upward Bound Deborah Walker Director Pat Sanders Counseling Coord inator Juana Vaughan Program Assistant

SE 2110 L 1414

CAB 30 1

L 1414


SE 2109

CAB 320

L 1605

6200 6467

6467 6467 6462

6893 6895 6894

6897 6464

6465 6507 6604 6464 6800 6800 6220 6220 622 1 5222 6222 6425 6220 6012 6028 6048 6012


TACOMA CAMPUS W J (Joye) Hardiman Director Richard Brown Night Manager Kay Isbell Program Secretary Anthony Reynolds Computer Support Technician and Faculty

Tacoma 8-253-593- 5915 8-253-29 7-0349 8-253-59 3-591 5 8-253-593 -59 15 8-253-593-5915

TEL ECOMMUNICAnONS (See Computing amp Communications) 6315





VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION L 3127 6500 Ruta Fanning Vice President 6504 Kathy M Dean Administrative Secretary 6500 Karen L Durant Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 5045 Nancy McKinney Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 6501 Steve Trotter Budget Officer 6185

A 14

Name Office Mailstop Telephone

VICE PRE SIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Art Costantino Vice President for Student Affairs John Carmichael Administrative Secretary Bill Zaugg Administrative Assistant for Budge t

L 3236

6296 6296 6296 6291


WASHINGTON CENTER FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION L 22 11 661 1 Jeanine Elliott Director 6609 Emily Decker Associate Director 6637 Barbara Determan Conference Coordinator 6585 Susan Hirst Program Coord inator (8 am - 12 Noon) 6606 Sharilyn Howell Secretary 56 1166 11 Jean MacGregor Director of the Nat ional Learning Communities Dissemin ation Project 6608

WASHI NGTON STATE INSTITUTE FO R PUB LIC POLI CY Box 40999 9-586-2677 Roxanne Lieb Director 9-586-2768 Steve Aos Associate Director 9-586-2740 Robert Bamoski Senior Research Associate 9-586-27 44 Mason Burley Research Coordinato r 9-586-2745 Debra Fabritiu s Adminis trative Ass istant 9-586-2677 Edie Hard ing Senior Researc h Associa te 9-586-2765 Laura Harmon ProgrammerAnalyst _ n ~~ n

Steve Lerch Senior Research Econom ist 9-586-2767 Janie Maki Project Coordinator 9-58 6-2769 Jim Mayfield Senior Research Assoc iate 9-586-2783 Barbara Mcl ain Senio r Research Associate 9-586-279 1 Polly Phipps Senior Research Associate 9-586-2792

WASHI NGTON STATE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER L 1706 6470 Linda Watson Manager 6473 Shirley Dallas Librarian 6472 Vacant Circulation 6470647 1


The Killer Whale art is by Joe Wilson a talented young Coast Salish artist Born and raised at Koksilah near Duncan on Vancouv er Island British Columbia Canada he began his interest in art in elementary school His work speaks of confidence and strength and he has developed a unique and original style His work is not only authentic by native tradition it is also an artistic communication link between cultures

The Killer Whale is one of the most prominent symbols of the North West Coast people Trad itional legends empower the Killer Whale with extraordinary powers which were to be respected and admired The Killer Whale was a major influence on the Salish people in that th pods of whales could scare away the life-giving salmon The presence of these creatures in local waters meant that fish wou ld be scarce for awhile

Thanks also to Peggy Ojala for her work in compiling and coordinating this directory and select ion of the artwork and to Daniel Shephard for his help in coordinating the cover

The Evergreen State College campus directory is produced and distributed from the Telecommunications Office It is printed by Tumwater Printing on recycled paper All suggestions for future enhancements or improvements are welcome Please direct them to Donna Johnson Library 2408 or call extension 6315

A 15

----NameOffice Ma ilsto p Telephone

COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS OFFICE (continued) Shelia J impson Secre tary Sen ior 9-753-5107 Carolyn Sundby Policy Associate 9-753-5 107


EF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGLI SH SE 4 154 6422 Blaine Snow Director 6423 Frank Fatseas Faculty 5071 Michae l Gillan Faculty 67 17 Diane Hoffman Adm inistrative Coordinator 6422 Rhonda James Academic Coordinator 6429 Dianne McConkey Act ivities Coordina tor 6515 Nancy Olsen Faculty 6717 Barbara Ybarra Faculty 507 1

ELECTRONIC MAINT amp ENGINEERING (See Computing amp Communications) 6069

ENROLLMENT PROGRAMS (See Enrollment Services)

Na meOffice Mailstop Telephone

ENROLLMENT SERVICES (continued) Nina Gayle Office Assistant 6 180 Rita Westling Office AssistantTranscripts 6905 Carol Gruen Office Assistant 6180


EVERGREEN C ENT ER FOR ED UCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT L 22 11 6388 Magda Costantino Directo r 6388 Lynne Adair Secretary Senior 6639 Vacant Admin istrative Coor dinator 6405


FACILITIES SERVICES Fac ilities 6120 Michel George Director 6 115 Tina Sweeney Projects Ass istant 6330

Building Services (formerly Custodial) CustodiaL 63 17 George Leago Manager Facilities 6347 Kev in Adams Custodi an Custodial 6317 Ada Beebe Custodian 63 17 Erik Car lson Custodian 6317 Dan Clarke Day Shift Supervisor 6317 Chris Furtado Custodian 6317 Paige Groner Custodian 63 17 James Henry Custod ian 6317 Michelle Holmes Custodian 6317 Gene Kaul Custod ian 63 17 Un Kim Custod ian 63 17 Kelly Knitt le Custodia n 6317 Nga Lam Custod ian 6317 Jeff Milano Custodian 6317 Dan Porria Custodian 63 17 Ray Ruiz Swing Shift Supervisor 63 17 Jennifer Schwartz Custodian 6317 Melissa Schwartz Custod ian 6317 Tracy Sorre ll Custodian 63 17 Joe Stepp Custodian 6317 Michael Strange Custodian 6317 Doug Thompson Custodian 6317 Long Tran Custod ian 63 17 Leonard Valadez Custod ian 6317 Bruce Van de Walker Custodian 6317 Bonnie Ward Custodia n 6317 Larry Wells Custodian 6317

College Engineer Maintenance Program Facilities 6136 Rich Dav is Manag er 6136

Envi ronmental Health amp Safe ty Faciliti es 6111 Jill Lowe Coordinator 6111

In formation Se rvices Facilities 6345 Robert Worley Manager 6345 Jerry Jelsing Locksmith - n

Linda Mae-richardson Services Coordinator 5121 Ahoi Mench Maint enance Mechani c - Signs 6378


bull bull bullbull bull bull bull -_ --bull bull shy

A5 A6

NameOffice Mailst op Telephone

FACILITIES SERVICES (continued) Maintenance Services (formerly ShopsGroundsMotor Pool) Facilities 5048

Cliff Hepbum Manager 5048 Angel Aviles Moto rized Equipment Serv ice Attendan t 6349 Robyn Bradshaw Ma intenan ce Mechanic 6349 Jesse Carbone l Maint enance Mechanic 6365 Tin Doan Maintenance Mechan ic 6365 Kelly Gish Trades Helper 6349 Tino Gutierrez Maintenance Mechan ic 6365 Donald Hovland Maintenance Mec hanic 6365 Bill Japhet Motorized Equipment Mechanic Lead 6985 Bret Kirschbau m Maintenance Mechanic 6365 Mark Kormo ndy Gro unds Supervisor 6349 Richard Miles Main tenance Mechanic Lead 5043 Sherry Parso ns Office Assistan t 6354 Don Price Maintenance Mechanic 6773 Ed Sher idan Ma intenance Mechanic 6349 Hong Tran Mainte nance Mechanic 6349 Ron Twiddy Maintenance Mechanic 6365 Jim Wussler Maintenance Mechanic 6349

Mechanical Services (formerly Building Energy Manageme nt) Facilities 6332 Mike Drennon Manager 6586 Dave Hoyt Ma intenance Mec hanic 6990 Richard Johnson Maintenance Mechanic 6332 Pat LaBrec k Ma intenance Mechanic 6989 Ira Mahlum Ma intenance Mechan ic 6005 The Nguyen Maintenance Mechan ic 6332 Sam Pooley Control Technician 6332 Brian Rhode s Maintenance Mechanic 6332 Bill Short Maintenance Mec hanic 6332 Dan Stock lin Ma intenance Mec hanic 6332 Gene Stone Lead 6769 Patty Van de Walker Trade s Helper 6332 Ron Walter Maintenanc e Mechanic 6332

Project Services Fac ilities 6120 Rino Balatbat Cam pus PlannerArchitec t 6 112 Clint Steele Project Manage r 6342 Hal Van Gi lder Project Manager 6355

Support Services Facilities 6 125 Patty Bames Manager 6125 Bea Rockwell Budget Analyst 6041

Utility Services (forme rly Central Utility Plant) Facilities 6318 Vacant Superv isor 637 1 Tony Elhardt SteamPipe FitterPl umber 63 18 Terry Chapm an StearnlP ipe FitterPlumber 6318 Eduardo Rivera StearnlPi pe FitterPlumber 63 18

FINANCIAL AID OFFICE (See Enrollment Services)

FOOD SERVICES FINE HOST CAB 107 628 16282 Richard Dye Food Serv ice Director 62816282 Lila Coffman Offi ce 6281 6282 Rick Macy Kitchen Manager 6319 Denise Miner Deli Superviso r - bull bullbullbull bullbull bull _ ~ n

Amy Placette Office Manage r 62816282


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

FOOD SER VICES FINE HOST (continued) Ralph Ward Deli Man ager 6283


GRANTSCONT RACTS amp INVEST MENTS (See Controller s Offi ce) 6456

GRAPHI CS (See Adva nce ment College) 6038

GRIEVANCE OFFICER Sue Feldman L 3236 5052


HO USING Housing 6132 Mike Segawa Director 6419 Linda Hohman Associate Director 6346 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6694

Administ ra tive Services Fred Swift Assistant Director 6 147 Pat Castaldo Housing Computer Administration 6 104 Monique Vallot Ass ignments and Front Office Operations 6133

Facilities Mark Lacina Assistant Director 6107 Scon Putzier Program Manager 6764 Steve Johnson Electrical Techni cian 61 17

Residentia l Life Chuck McK inney Assistant Director 6191 Malik Ismail Resident Director - 1- Mods 5113 Stephen Railsback Resident Director - A 5115 Sara Rucker PrimeTime Advisor (3-9 pm) 5112 Sheila Walton Res ident Director - B - H 5119

HU MAN RESOURCE SERVICES OFFICE L 3238 6361 Jim LaCour Director 536 1 Jennifer Beagle Human Resource Assistant 5362 Charen Blankenship Human Resource Represen tative 6362 Teresa Eckstein Office Assistant 536 1 Terri Perez Office Assistant 536 1 Laurel Uznansk i Human Resource Representative 6366 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6695

INSTIT UT IONAL RESEARCH AND PLANNING L 3234 65676 1866676 Steve (Richard) Hunter Director ofIn stitutional Rese arch and Planning 6567 Andrea Meld Research Associate 6676 Dorothy Saun ders Research Ass istant 6 186


KAoS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM (See SASS) 6893




NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LAB SCIENCES Art Annex amp Metal Shop

Katie Baldwin Art Techn ician Lab 1

Doug Hitch Art Techni cianWoodsho p 6228 Susan McNe il Lab Rece iving 6484 Mike Moran Art TechnicianCeramics 60526988 Peter Ramsey Art TechnicianPrintmaking 6488 Kelly OBrian Smith Building ManagerSc hedu ling 6167 Vacant Galleries Manager 5125

Lab Stores Lab I 6489 Science Operations

Mart in Beagle Sc ience Techni cian Lab I Greg Bu ikema Mar ine Operat ions Manager 5014 Max Folsom Science Technician 6327 James Gutholm Systems Ana lyst Scientific - L _ Lab IICornnutina

Rip Hem inway Manager of Scientifi c Computing 6904 Pat Moore Organic Farm Manager Lab 1

Jenna Nelson Sc ience Techni cian 6327 Cailin Orr Sc ience Technician 6327 Shane Pete rson Science Technician 64896648 Peter Robinson Sc ience Technician 6846 Kelly O Bri an Smith Building ManagerSchedulin g 6 167

LABOR CENTER L 2 101 6525 Helen Lee Direc tor Labor Education and Research Center 6526 Susan Hirst Program Coordinator (1-5 pm) - 5524 Dennis Otterstetter Fie ld Organizer 6527 Sarah Ryan Labor Studies Faculty L 3220 6720 Lucalene Whi tsell Fie ld Organizer L 210 2 5524

LEARNING RE SO URCE CENTER L 340 7 6420 Tutoring Assistance with Writing and Math 6420

Stella Jor dan Manager 6557 Olivia Arch ibald Coordinator 6382

Writing Center 6420

LIBRARY (please refer to alphabetical listing for specific rooms) William E Brun er Dean of the Library L 2300 6246

Administration Angie Wierima Skov Ass istant to the Dean L 2300 6242 Jean Eickholt Fiscal Spec ialist 6244

Archives Randy Stilson Archives Librarian L 2300 6126

Circulation Jason Mock Co-Head of Circu lation L 23 00 6580 Mindy Muzatko Co-Head of Circulation 6580 Wendy Ortiz Library Technician 6580 Joel Wippich Library Technician 6580

Coopera ting Librar ies in Olympia (CLIO) Steve Metc alf Systems Manager L 2300 62606245 Phan Nguyen Information Techn olog y Consultant 6248

Government Docu ments Carlos Diaz Head of Govemm ent Documents L 2300 625 1

NameOffice Mails top Telephone

LIBRARY (conti nued) Instructional T echnolog y

Rich Edwards Consultant 6 137 MEDIA SERVICES

General Informa tion L 1302 6270 Allegra Hinkle Media Services Manager 6249

Electronic Media L 1302 6268 Raoul Berman Medi a Techni cian 641 8 Marg ery Brown Electron ic Media Producer 6767 Kevin Bunce Media Techni cian 6277 Aaron Kruse Media Technician 6842 Peter Randlette Electroni c Media Produc er 6279 Ken Wilhelm Electr onic Media Producer 6268

Inst r uctiona l Photo Services L 1302 6274 Hugh Lentz Head ofI nstructional Photo ~ 63 13

Media Loan L 2300 6253 Wyatt Cates Head of Media Loan 6271 Dav id Cramton Media Lab Coordinator 6156 Lin Crow ley Media Techn ician 6239 Kathryn Ford Media Services Supervisor 6645

Photo Production Services L 1302 6272 Steve Davi s Photograhic Supervisor 6263 Shannon Bushnell Photo Services Intern 6289 Mal Pina Chan Photographer (1-5 pm) 6288 Martin Kane Photographer 6280

Sound and Image Library ~ A A rA A A

Jane Fisher Head of Sound and Image 6087 Mal Pina Chan Library Specialist (8 am - 12 Noon) 6090

PUBLIC SER VICES Interlibrary Loan L 23 00 6259

Don Edee Borrowing for TESC Community 6499 Miko Francis Borrow ing for TESC Community 6499 Carolyn Trefts Lending to Other Librar ies 6259

Periodicals L 2300 6255 Brian Ger heim Head of Periodicals 6255

Reference L 230 0 6252 Barbara Ber gqui st Library Specialist 6498 Caryn Cline Medi a Serv icesReference Liaison 6644 Terry Hubbard Faculty Librarian 6258 Ernest ine Kimbro Faculty Librarian 6715 Frank Motl ey Faculty Librari an 6163 Sarah Pede rsen Faculty Librarian 6647 Sara Rideout Faculty Librarian 6643 Liza Rognas Faculty Librarian 5851 Randy Stilson Libr ary Archivist 6126


U II~ bull bull bullbull _Shelley Swelland Head of Acquisitions T 0 1 Ann Sheppard Libr ary Technician L 2300 6039

Ca tal oging Tim Marku s Head of Cataloging L 2300 6124

Processing Anne Ellsworth Libr ary Techni cian L 2300 voice 6088

TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6000 ext 6747 Anne s Program Secretary L 3220 6588


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LIBRARY (continued) Linda Fraiden berg Library Te chnician 6088 Mary Geyer Library Technician 6088 Susan Johns Library Technic ian 6088 Lorri Trimble Head of Processing L 230 0

LONGHOUSE CENTER Tina Kuckkahn Longhouse Direct or LC 1001 6718 Vacant Program Assistant 64 13


MASTER IN TEACHING PROGRAM SE 312 7 6 181 Michael Vav rus Director 6638 Lyndel Clark Field Serv ices Officer 6559 Tanya Velasqu ez Admiss ions Officer 61 81

MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ST UDI ES PROGRAM Lab 1 6707 John Perk ins Director - 6503 Bon ita Evans Program Coordi nator - - - - - - r ~ A ~

Julie Slone Ass istant Director 6734


Linda Moo n Stum pff Director 6845 Bonita Evans Program Coordinator 6707 Julie Slone Assistant Direc tor 6734

MEDIA SERVICES (See Li bra ry Media Services)

MEDIATION SE RVICES L 2300 665 6 Lynne Stockwe ll Mediat ion Serv ices Coo rdinator L 2300 673 2


NORTHWEST INDIAN APPLIED RESEARCH INSTITUTE SE 3 127 6889 Alan Parker Director SE 3 127 6889


PART-TIME STUDIES OHICE L 322 0 65 88 Sharon Wendt Program Secretary L 3220 658 8 Jane Woo d Part-Time Studies Coordinator L 221 1 6864

PERKINS LOANS (See Controller) 6440

POLI CE SERV IC ES SE 2 150 6 140 Steve Huntsberry Chief 6 140 Lana Brewster Offi cer 6 140 Darw in Eddy Sergean t 6 140 Pam ela Garland Offi cer 6 140 Tony Nee ly Officer 6 140 George Opl inger Officer 5158 Gary Russe ll Lieutenant 61 50 Larry Savage Officer 6 140 Tam mi Stretch Office r 6 140

Al l

NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

POLI C E SERVICES (continued) Kirk Talm adge Officer

Emergen cy C ommunications Center Brian Ashby Emergency Com munications Operator T ish Pinh o Emergency Communications Operator Sabine Rigg ins Emergency Com munication s Operator Alex Sm ith Jr Emerge ncy Communications Operator Clifton Young Emerge ncy Communications Operator TTY (for the hearing impaired)

Par kingKey Issues William Bryce Park ing Enforcement Curt is McHendry Parking Enforcement Susie Seip Office Assistant

PR ESID ENTS OHICE Jane Jervis President Dian McKernan Adm inistrat ive Secretary Rita Sevc ik Admin istrative Assistan t

President s Staff Paul Ga llegos Assistant for Equal Opportun ity Lee Hoemann Executive Assoc iate to the President Marc ia Husseman Program Coordinator Lee Lambert Assistant for Civil Rights amp Legal Affairs Kim Merriman Ass istant for Governmental Relations

PROGRAM SE CRETARIES Vicki Arrington Julie Dougl ass Cindy Fry Ruth Joynes Jill Rosenb lum Dan Shephard Vikki Stellmacher Pam Udovich Carolyn Walker Sharon Wend t

PURCHASING OFFICE (See Controller s Office)


REGISTRATION AND RECORDS (See Enrollment Serv ices)


SCHEDULINGSPACE ALLOCATI ON amp MA NAG EMENT Patti Zimmerman Manager Kirk Knitt le Anal yst Furn iture Program



SE 2150

SE 2 150

L 3 109

L 3103

COM 30 I SE 3 127

COM 30 1 Lab 11 Lab II

SE 3127 Lab 1 Lab 1 Lab 1

L 322 0

L 1602

SE 2109

6140 6 140 6140 614 0 6140 6140 6 140

9-866-6696 6352 5353 6352 613 1

6 100 6100 6100 5100 61 13 6368 611 6 61 13 6386 6453

6605 6550

66055552 6102 6102 6550

66005702 66005602 66005603



6314 6631 6314 5023

6800 6800

NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone

SEXUAL HARASSMENT OMBUDSPERSONS Elaine Hayashi-Petersen L 1401 6560 Bev Peterson CRC 2 10 6528 E J Z ita Lab II 6853

L 140 1

L 1401

L 140 1

Bldg 201

A l3

STUDENT AND ACADEM IC SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) Rachel Wood Physician

Firs t People s Advis ing Holly Colbert Director Isabel Perez Office Assistant Raque1Salinas Coordinator of Student Programs

KAOS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM Michael Huntsberger General Manager Anne de Marcken Development Director Juli Kelen Training and Operations Manager

KEY Student Services Niki Amarantides Director Jennifer Brandt-Allen Student Development Specia list Paquita Garatea Academic Specialist Cathy Wood Program Coordin ator

Sexua l Assault Prevention Vacant Coordinator

Stud ent Activit ies Administration Thomas Mercado Director Joe Groshong SampA Board Coordinator Mary Craven Student Activities Advisor Greg Porter Production Adv isor Denise Robertson Assistant Director Ann Shipley Secretary Senior

Upward Bound Deborah Walker Director Pat Sanders Counseling Coord inator Juana Vaughan Program Assistant

SE 2110 L 1414

CAB 30 1

L 1414


SE 2109

CAB 320

L 1605

6200 6467

6467 6467 6462

6893 6895 6894

6897 6464

6465 6507 6604 6464 6800 6800 6220 6220 622 1 5222 6222 6425 6220 6012 6028 6048 6012


TACOMA CAMPUS W J (Joye) Hardiman Director Richard Brown Night Manager Kay Isbell Program Secretary Anthony Reynolds Computer Support Technician and Faculty

Tacoma 8-253-593- 5915 8-253-29 7-0349 8-253-59 3-591 5 8-253-593 -59 15 8-253-593-5915

TEL ECOMMUNICAnONS (See Computing amp Communications) 6315





VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION L 3127 6500 Ruta Fanning Vice President 6504 Kathy M Dean Administrative Secretary 6500 Karen L Durant Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 5045 Nancy McKinney Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 6501 Steve Trotter Budget Officer 6185

A 14

Name Office Mailstop Telephone

VICE PRE SIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Art Costantino Vice President for Student Affairs John Carmichael Administrative Secretary Bill Zaugg Administrative Assistant for Budge t

L 3236

6296 6296 6296 6291


WASHINGTON CENTER FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION L 22 11 661 1 Jeanine Elliott Director 6609 Emily Decker Associate Director 6637 Barbara Determan Conference Coordinator 6585 Susan Hirst Program Coord inator (8 am - 12 Noon) 6606 Sharilyn Howell Secretary 56 1166 11 Jean MacGregor Director of the Nat ional Learning Communities Dissemin ation Project 6608

WASHI NGTON STATE INSTITUTE FO R PUB LIC POLI CY Box 40999 9-586-2677 Roxanne Lieb Director 9-586-2768 Steve Aos Associate Director 9-586-2740 Robert Bamoski Senior Research Associate 9-586-27 44 Mason Burley Research Coordinato r 9-586-2745 Debra Fabritiu s Adminis trative Ass istant 9-586-2677 Edie Hard ing Senior Researc h Associa te 9-586-2765 Laura Harmon ProgrammerAnalyst _ n ~~ n

Steve Lerch Senior Research Econom ist 9-586-2767 Janie Maki Project Coordinator 9-58 6-2769 Jim Mayfield Senior Research Assoc iate 9-586-2783 Barbara Mcl ain Senio r Research Associate 9-586-279 1 Polly Phipps Senior Research Associate 9-586-2792

WASHI NGTON STATE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER L 1706 6470 Linda Watson Manager 6473 Shirley Dallas Librarian 6472 Vacant Circulation 6470647 1


The Killer Whale art is by Joe Wilson a talented young Coast Salish artist Born and raised at Koksilah near Duncan on Vancouv er Island British Columbia Canada he began his interest in art in elementary school His work speaks of confidence and strength and he has developed a unique and original style His work is not only authentic by native tradition it is also an artistic communication link between cultures

The Killer Whale is one of the most prominent symbols of the North West Coast people Trad itional legends empower the Killer Whale with extraordinary powers which were to be respected and admired The Killer Whale was a major influence on the Salish people in that th pods of whales could scare away the life-giving salmon The presence of these creatures in local waters meant that fish wou ld be scarce for awhile

Thanks also to Peggy Ojala for her work in compiling and coordinating this directory and select ion of the artwork and to Daniel Shephard for his help in coordinating the cover

The Evergreen State College campus directory is produced and distributed from the Telecommunications Office It is printed by Tumwater Printing on recycled paper All suggestions for future enhancements or improvements are welcome Please direct them to Donna Johnson Library 2408 or call extension 6315

A 15

NameOffice Mailst op Telephone

FACILITIES SERVICES (continued) Maintenance Services (formerly ShopsGroundsMotor Pool) Facilities 5048

Cliff Hepbum Manager 5048 Angel Aviles Moto rized Equipment Serv ice Attendan t 6349 Robyn Bradshaw Ma intenan ce Mechanic 6349 Jesse Carbone l Maint enance Mechanic 6365 Tin Doan Maintenance Mechan ic 6365 Kelly Gish Trades Helper 6349 Tino Gutierrez Maintenance Mechan ic 6365 Donald Hovland Maintenance Mec hanic 6365 Bill Japhet Motorized Equipment Mechanic Lead 6985 Bret Kirschbau m Maintenance Mechanic 6365 Mark Kormo ndy Gro unds Supervisor 6349 Richard Miles Main tenance Mechanic Lead 5043 Sherry Parso ns Office Assistan t 6354 Don Price Maintenance Mechanic 6773 Ed Sher idan Ma intenance Mechanic 6349 Hong Tran Mainte nance Mechanic 6349 Ron Twiddy Maintenance Mechanic 6365 Jim Wussler Maintenance Mechanic 6349

Mechanical Services (formerly Building Energy Manageme nt) Facilities 6332 Mike Drennon Manager 6586 Dave Hoyt Ma intenance Mec hanic 6990 Richard Johnson Maintenance Mechanic 6332 Pat LaBrec k Ma intenance Mechanic 6989 Ira Mahlum Ma intenance Mechan ic 6005 The Nguyen Maintenance Mechan ic 6332 Sam Pooley Control Technician 6332 Brian Rhode s Maintenance Mechanic 6332 Bill Short Maintenance Mec hanic 6332 Dan Stock lin Ma intenance Mec hanic 6332 Gene Stone Lead 6769 Patty Van de Walker Trade s Helper 6332 Ron Walter Maintenanc e Mechanic 6332

Project Services Fac ilities 6120 Rino Balatbat Cam pus PlannerArchitec t 6 112 Clint Steele Project Manage r 6342 Hal Van Gi lder Project Manager 6355

Support Services Facilities 6 125 Patty Bames Manager 6125 Bea Rockwell Budget Analyst 6041

Utility Services (forme rly Central Utility Plant) Facilities 6318 Vacant Superv isor 637 1 Tony Elhardt SteamPipe FitterPl umber 63 18 Terry Chapm an StearnlP ipe FitterPlumber 6318 Eduardo Rivera StearnlPi pe FitterPlumber 63 18

FINANCIAL AID OFFICE (See Enrollment Services)

FOOD SERVICES FINE HOST CAB 107 628 16282 Richard Dye Food Serv ice Director 62816282 Lila Coffman Offi ce 6281 6282 Rick Macy Kitchen Manager 6319 Denise Miner Deli Superviso r - bull bullbullbull bullbull bull _ ~ n

Amy Placette Office Manage r 62816282


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

FOOD SER VICES FINE HOST (continued) Ralph Ward Deli Man ager 6283


GRANTSCONT RACTS amp INVEST MENTS (See Controller s Offi ce) 6456

GRAPHI CS (See Adva nce ment College) 6038

GRIEVANCE OFFICER Sue Feldman L 3236 5052


HO USING Housing 6132 Mike Segawa Director 6419 Linda Hohman Associate Director 6346 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6694

Administ ra tive Services Fred Swift Assistant Director 6 147 Pat Castaldo Housing Computer Administration 6 104 Monique Vallot Ass ignments and Front Office Operations 6133

Facilities Mark Lacina Assistant Director 6107 Scon Putzier Program Manager 6764 Steve Johnson Electrical Techni cian 61 17

Residentia l Life Chuck McK inney Assistant Director 6191 Malik Ismail Resident Director - 1- Mods 5113 Stephen Railsback Resident Director - A 5115 Sara Rucker PrimeTime Advisor (3-9 pm) 5112 Sheila Walton Res ident Director - B - H 5119

HU MAN RESOURCE SERVICES OFFICE L 3238 6361 Jim LaCour Director 536 1 Jennifer Beagle Human Resource Assistant 5362 Charen Blankenship Human Resource Represen tative 6362 Teresa Eckstein Office Assistant 536 1 Terri Perez Office Assistant 536 1 Laurel Uznansk i Human Resource Representative 6366 TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6695

INSTIT UT IONAL RESEARCH AND PLANNING L 3234 65676 1866676 Steve (Richard) Hunter Director ofIn stitutional Rese arch and Planning 6567 Andrea Meld Research Associate 6676 Dorothy Saun ders Research Ass istant 6 186


KAoS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM (See SASS) 6893




NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LAB SCIENCES Art Annex amp Metal Shop

Katie Baldwin Art Techn ician Lab 1

Doug Hitch Art Techni cianWoodsho p 6228 Susan McNe il Lab Rece iving 6484 Mike Moran Art TechnicianCeramics 60526988 Peter Ramsey Art TechnicianPrintmaking 6488 Kelly OBrian Smith Building ManagerSc hedu ling 6167 Vacant Galleries Manager 5125

Lab Stores Lab I 6489 Science Operations

Mart in Beagle Sc ience Techni cian Lab I Greg Bu ikema Mar ine Operat ions Manager 5014 Max Folsom Science Technician 6327 James Gutholm Systems Ana lyst Scientific - L _ Lab IICornnutina

Rip Hem inway Manager of Scientifi c Computing 6904 Pat Moore Organic Farm Manager Lab 1

Jenna Nelson Sc ience Techni cian 6327 Cailin Orr Sc ience Technician 6327 Shane Pete rson Science Technician 64896648 Peter Robinson Sc ience Technician 6846 Kelly O Bri an Smith Building ManagerSchedulin g 6 167

LABOR CENTER L 2 101 6525 Helen Lee Direc tor Labor Education and Research Center 6526 Susan Hirst Program Coordinator (1-5 pm) - 5524 Dennis Otterstetter Fie ld Organizer 6527 Sarah Ryan Labor Studies Faculty L 3220 6720 Lucalene Whi tsell Fie ld Organizer L 210 2 5524

LEARNING RE SO URCE CENTER L 340 7 6420 Tutoring Assistance with Writing and Math 6420

Stella Jor dan Manager 6557 Olivia Arch ibald Coordinator 6382

Writing Center 6420

LIBRARY (please refer to alphabetical listing for specific rooms) William E Brun er Dean of the Library L 2300 6246

Administration Angie Wierima Skov Ass istant to the Dean L 2300 6242 Jean Eickholt Fiscal Spec ialist 6244

Archives Randy Stilson Archives Librarian L 2300 6126

Circulation Jason Mock Co-Head of Circu lation L 23 00 6580 Mindy Muzatko Co-Head of Circulation 6580 Wendy Ortiz Library Technician 6580 Joel Wippich Library Technician 6580

Coopera ting Librar ies in Olympia (CLIO) Steve Metc alf Systems Manager L 2300 62606245 Phan Nguyen Information Techn olog y Consultant 6248

Government Docu ments Carlos Diaz Head of Govemm ent Documents L 2300 625 1

NameOffice Mails top Telephone

LIBRARY (conti nued) Instructional T echnolog y

Rich Edwards Consultant 6 137 MEDIA SERVICES

General Informa tion L 1302 6270 Allegra Hinkle Media Services Manager 6249

Electronic Media L 1302 6268 Raoul Berman Medi a Techni cian 641 8 Marg ery Brown Electron ic Media Producer 6767 Kevin Bunce Media Techni cian 6277 Aaron Kruse Media Technician 6842 Peter Randlette Electroni c Media Produc er 6279 Ken Wilhelm Electr onic Media Producer 6268

Inst r uctiona l Photo Services L 1302 6274 Hugh Lentz Head ofI nstructional Photo ~ 63 13

Media Loan L 2300 6253 Wyatt Cates Head of Media Loan 6271 Dav id Cramton Media Lab Coordinator 6156 Lin Crow ley Media Techn ician 6239 Kathryn Ford Media Services Supervisor 6645

Photo Production Services L 1302 6272 Steve Davi s Photograhic Supervisor 6263 Shannon Bushnell Photo Services Intern 6289 Mal Pina Chan Photographer (1-5 pm) 6288 Martin Kane Photographer 6280

Sound and Image Library ~ A A rA A A

Jane Fisher Head of Sound and Image 6087 Mal Pina Chan Library Specialist (8 am - 12 Noon) 6090

PUBLIC SER VICES Interlibrary Loan L 23 00 6259

Don Edee Borrowing for TESC Community 6499 Miko Francis Borrow ing for TESC Community 6499 Carolyn Trefts Lending to Other Librar ies 6259

Periodicals L 2300 6255 Brian Ger heim Head of Periodicals 6255

Reference L 230 0 6252 Barbara Ber gqui st Library Specialist 6498 Caryn Cline Medi a Serv icesReference Liaison 6644 Terry Hubbard Faculty Librarian 6258 Ernest ine Kimbro Faculty Librarian 6715 Frank Motl ey Faculty Librari an 6163 Sarah Pede rsen Faculty Librarian 6647 Sara Rideout Faculty Librarian 6643 Liza Rognas Faculty Librarian 5851 Randy Stilson Libr ary Archivist 6126


U II~ bull bull bullbull _Shelley Swelland Head of Acquisitions T 0 1 Ann Sheppard Libr ary Technician L 2300 6039

Ca tal oging Tim Marku s Head of Cataloging L 2300 6124

Processing Anne Ellsworth Libr ary Techni cian L 2300 voice 6088

TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6000 ext 6747 Anne s Program Secretary L 3220 6588


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LIBRARY (continued) Linda Fraiden berg Library Te chnician 6088 Mary Geyer Library Technician 6088 Susan Johns Library Technic ian 6088 Lorri Trimble Head of Processing L 230 0

LONGHOUSE CENTER Tina Kuckkahn Longhouse Direct or LC 1001 6718 Vacant Program Assistant 64 13


MASTER IN TEACHING PROGRAM SE 312 7 6 181 Michael Vav rus Director 6638 Lyndel Clark Field Serv ices Officer 6559 Tanya Velasqu ez Admiss ions Officer 61 81

MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ST UDI ES PROGRAM Lab 1 6707 John Perk ins Director - 6503 Bon ita Evans Program Coordi nator - - - - - - r ~ A ~

Julie Slone Ass istant Director 6734


Linda Moo n Stum pff Director 6845 Bonita Evans Program Coordinator 6707 Julie Slone Assistant Direc tor 6734

MEDIA SERVICES (See Li bra ry Media Services)

MEDIATION SE RVICES L 2300 665 6 Lynne Stockwe ll Mediat ion Serv ices Coo rdinator L 2300 673 2


NORTHWEST INDIAN APPLIED RESEARCH INSTITUTE SE 3 127 6889 Alan Parker Director SE 3 127 6889


PART-TIME STUDIES OHICE L 322 0 65 88 Sharon Wendt Program Secretary L 3220 658 8 Jane Woo d Part-Time Studies Coordinator L 221 1 6864

PERKINS LOANS (See Controller) 6440

POLI CE SERV IC ES SE 2 150 6 140 Steve Huntsberry Chief 6 140 Lana Brewster Offi cer 6 140 Darw in Eddy Sergean t 6 140 Pam ela Garland Offi cer 6 140 Tony Nee ly Officer 6 140 George Opl inger Officer 5158 Gary Russe ll Lieutenant 61 50 Larry Savage Officer 6 140 Tam mi Stretch Office r 6 140

Al l

NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

POLI C E SERVICES (continued) Kirk Talm adge Officer

Emergen cy C ommunications Center Brian Ashby Emergency Com munications Operator T ish Pinh o Emergency Communications Operator Sabine Rigg ins Emergency Com munication s Operator Alex Sm ith Jr Emerge ncy Communications Operator Clifton Young Emerge ncy Communications Operator TTY (for the hearing impaired)

Par kingKey Issues William Bryce Park ing Enforcement Curt is McHendry Parking Enforcement Susie Seip Office Assistant

PR ESID ENTS OHICE Jane Jervis President Dian McKernan Adm inistrat ive Secretary Rita Sevc ik Admin istrative Assistan t

President s Staff Paul Ga llegos Assistant for Equal Opportun ity Lee Hoemann Executive Assoc iate to the President Marc ia Husseman Program Coordinator Lee Lambert Assistant for Civil Rights amp Legal Affairs Kim Merriman Ass istant for Governmental Relations

PROGRAM SE CRETARIES Vicki Arrington Julie Dougl ass Cindy Fry Ruth Joynes Jill Rosenb lum Dan Shephard Vikki Stellmacher Pam Udovich Carolyn Walker Sharon Wend t

PURCHASING OFFICE (See Controller s Office)


REGISTRATION AND RECORDS (See Enrollment Serv ices)


SCHEDULINGSPACE ALLOCATI ON amp MA NAG EMENT Patti Zimmerman Manager Kirk Knitt le Anal yst Furn iture Program



SE 2150

SE 2 150

L 3 109

L 3103

COM 30 I SE 3 127

COM 30 1 Lab 11 Lab II

SE 3127 Lab 1 Lab 1 Lab 1

L 322 0

L 1602

SE 2109

6140 6 140 6140 614 0 6140 6140 6 140

9-866-6696 6352 5353 6352 613 1

6 100 6100 6100 5100 61 13 6368 611 6 61 13 6386 6453

6605 6550

66055552 6102 6102 6550

66005702 66005602 66005603



6314 6631 6314 5023

6800 6800

NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone

SEXUAL HARASSMENT OMBUDSPERSONS Elaine Hayashi-Petersen L 1401 6560 Bev Peterson CRC 2 10 6528 E J Z ita Lab II 6853

L 140 1

L 1401

L 140 1

Bldg 201

A l3

STUDENT AND ACADEM IC SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) Rachel Wood Physician

Firs t People s Advis ing Holly Colbert Director Isabel Perez Office Assistant Raque1Salinas Coordinator of Student Programs

KAOS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM Michael Huntsberger General Manager Anne de Marcken Development Director Juli Kelen Training and Operations Manager

KEY Student Services Niki Amarantides Director Jennifer Brandt-Allen Student Development Specia list Paquita Garatea Academic Specialist Cathy Wood Program Coordin ator

Sexua l Assault Prevention Vacant Coordinator

Stud ent Activit ies Administration Thomas Mercado Director Joe Groshong SampA Board Coordinator Mary Craven Student Activities Advisor Greg Porter Production Adv isor Denise Robertson Assistant Director Ann Shipley Secretary Senior

Upward Bound Deborah Walker Director Pat Sanders Counseling Coord inator Juana Vaughan Program Assistant

SE 2110 L 1414

CAB 30 1

L 1414


SE 2109

CAB 320

L 1605

6200 6467

6467 6467 6462

6893 6895 6894

6897 6464

6465 6507 6604 6464 6800 6800 6220 6220 622 1 5222 6222 6425 6220 6012 6028 6048 6012


TACOMA CAMPUS W J (Joye) Hardiman Director Richard Brown Night Manager Kay Isbell Program Secretary Anthony Reynolds Computer Support Technician and Faculty

Tacoma 8-253-593- 5915 8-253-29 7-0349 8-253-59 3-591 5 8-253-593 -59 15 8-253-593-5915

TEL ECOMMUNICAnONS (See Computing amp Communications) 6315





VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION L 3127 6500 Ruta Fanning Vice President 6504 Kathy M Dean Administrative Secretary 6500 Karen L Durant Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 5045 Nancy McKinney Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 6501 Steve Trotter Budget Officer 6185

A 14

Name Office Mailstop Telephone

VICE PRE SIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Art Costantino Vice President for Student Affairs John Carmichael Administrative Secretary Bill Zaugg Administrative Assistant for Budge t

L 3236

6296 6296 6296 6291


WASHINGTON CENTER FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION L 22 11 661 1 Jeanine Elliott Director 6609 Emily Decker Associate Director 6637 Barbara Determan Conference Coordinator 6585 Susan Hirst Program Coord inator (8 am - 12 Noon) 6606 Sharilyn Howell Secretary 56 1166 11 Jean MacGregor Director of the Nat ional Learning Communities Dissemin ation Project 6608

WASHI NGTON STATE INSTITUTE FO R PUB LIC POLI CY Box 40999 9-586-2677 Roxanne Lieb Director 9-586-2768 Steve Aos Associate Director 9-586-2740 Robert Bamoski Senior Research Associate 9-586-27 44 Mason Burley Research Coordinato r 9-586-2745 Debra Fabritiu s Adminis trative Ass istant 9-586-2677 Edie Hard ing Senior Researc h Associa te 9-586-2765 Laura Harmon ProgrammerAnalyst _ n ~~ n

Steve Lerch Senior Research Econom ist 9-586-2767 Janie Maki Project Coordinator 9-58 6-2769 Jim Mayfield Senior Research Assoc iate 9-586-2783 Barbara Mcl ain Senio r Research Associate 9-586-279 1 Polly Phipps Senior Research Associate 9-586-2792

WASHI NGTON STATE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER L 1706 6470 Linda Watson Manager 6473 Shirley Dallas Librarian 6472 Vacant Circulation 6470647 1


The Killer Whale art is by Joe Wilson a talented young Coast Salish artist Born and raised at Koksilah near Duncan on Vancouv er Island British Columbia Canada he began his interest in art in elementary school His work speaks of confidence and strength and he has developed a unique and original style His work is not only authentic by native tradition it is also an artistic communication link between cultures

The Killer Whale is one of the most prominent symbols of the North West Coast people Trad itional legends empower the Killer Whale with extraordinary powers which were to be respected and admired The Killer Whale was a major influence on the Salish people in that th pods of whales could scare away the life-giving salmon The presence of these creatures in local waters meant that fish wou ld be scarce for awhile

Thanks also to Peggy Ojala for her work in compiling and coordinating this directory and select ion of the artwork and to Daniel Shephard for his help in coordinating the cover

The Evergreen State College campus directory is produced and distributed from the Telecommunications Office It is printed by Tumwater Printing on recycled paper All suggestions for future enhancements or improvements are welcome Please direct them to Donna Johnson Library 2408 or call extension 6315

A 15


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LAB SCIENCES Art Annex amp Metal Shop

Katie Baldwin Art Techn ician Lab 1

Doug Hitch Art Techni cianWoodsho p 6228 Susan McNe il Lab Rece iving 6484 Mike Moran Art TechnicianCeramics 60526988 Peter Ramsey Art TechnicianPrintmaking 6488 Kelly OBrian Smith Building ManagerSc hedu ling 6167 Vacant Galleries Manager 5125

Lab Stores Lab I 6489 Science Operations

Mart in Beagle Sc ience Techni cian Lab I Greg Bu ikema Mar ine Operat ions Manager 5014 Max Folsom Science Technician 6327 James Gutholm Systems Ana lyst Scientific - L _ Lab IICornnutina

Rip Hem inway Manager of Scientifi c Computing 6904 Pat Moore Organic Farm Manager Lab 1

Jenna Nelson Sc ience Techni cian 6327 Cailin Orr Sc ience Technician 6327 Shane Pete rson Science Technician 64896648 Peter Robinson Sc ience Technician 6846 Kelly O Bri an Smith Building ManagerSchedulin g 6 167

LABOR CENTER L 2 101 6525 Helen Lee Direc tor Labor Education and Research Center 6526 Susan Hirst Program Coordinator (1-5 pm) - 5524 Dennis Otterstetter Fie ld Organizer 6527 Sarah Ryan Labor Studies Faculty L 3220 6720 Lucalene Whi tsell Fie ld Organizer L 210 2 5524

LEARNING RE SO URCE CENTER L 340 7 6420 Tutoring Assistance with Writing and Math 6420

Stella Jor dan Manager 6557 Olivia Arch ibald Coordinator 6382

Writing Center 6420

LIBRARY (please refer to alphabetical listing for specific rooms) William E Brun er Dean of the Library L 2300 6246

Administration Angie Wierima Skov Ass istant to the Dean L 2300 6242 Jean Eickholt Fiscal Spec ialist 6244

Archives Randy Stilson Archives Librarian L 2300 6126

Circulation Jason Mock Co-Head of Circu lation L 23 00 6580 Mindy Muzatko Co-Head of Circulation 6580 Wendy Ortiz Library Technician 6580 Joel Wippich Library Technician 6580

Coopera ting Librar ies in Olympia (CLIO) Steve Metc alf Systems Manager L 2300 62606245 Phan Nguyen Information Techn olog y Consultant 6248

Government Docu ments Carlos Diaz Head of Govemm ent Documents L 2300 625 1

NameOffice Mails top Telephone

LIBRARY (conti nued) Instructional T echnolog y

Rich Edwards Consultant 6 137 MEDIA SERVICES

General Informa tion L 1302 6270 Allegra Hinkle Media Services Manager 6249

Electronic Media L 1302 6268 Raoul Berman Medi a Techni cian 641 8 Marg ery Brown Electron ic Media Producer 6767 Kevin Bunce Media Techni cian 6277 Aaron Kruse Media Technician 6842 Peter Randlette Electroni c Media Produc er 6279 Ken Wilhelm Electr onic Media Producer 6268

Inst r uctiona l Photo Services L 1302 6274 Hugh Lentz Head ofI nstructional Photo ~ 63 13

Media Loan L 2300 6253 Wyatt Cates Head of Media Loan 6271 Dav id Cramton Media Lab Coordinator 6156 Lin Crow ley Media Techn ician 6239 Kathryn Ford Media Services Supervisor 6645

Photo Production Services L 1302 6272 Steve Davi s Photograhic Supervisor 6263 Shannon Bushnell Photo Services Intern 6289 Mal Pina Chan Photographer (1-5 pm) 6288 Martin Kane Photographer 6280

Sound and Image Library ~ A A rA A A

Jane Fisher Head of Sound and Image 6087 Mal Pina Chan Library Specialist (8 am - 12 Noon) 6090

PUBLIC SER VICES Interlibrary Loan L 23 00 6259

Don Edee Borrowing for TESC Community 6499 Miko Francis Borrow ing for TESC Community 6499 Carolyn Trefts Lending to Other Librar ies 6259

Periodicals L 2300 6255 Brian Ger heim Head of Periodicals 6255

Reference L 230 0 6252 Barbara Ber gqui st Library Specialist 6498 Caryn Cline Medi a Serv icesReference Liaison 6644 Terry Hubbard Faculty Librarian 6258 Ernest ine Kimbro Faculty Librarian 6715 Frank Motl ey Faculty Librari an 6163 Sarah Pede rsen Faculty Librarian 6647 Sara Rideout Faculty Librarian 6643 Liza Rognas Faculty Librarian 5851 Randy Stilson Libr ary Archivist 6126


U II~ bull bull bullbull _Shelley Swelland Head of Acquisitions T 0 1 Ann Sheppard Libr ary Technician L 2300 6039

Ca tal oging Tim Marku s Head of Cataloging L 2300 6124

Processing Anne Ellsworth Libr ary Techni cian L 2300 voice 6088

TTY (for the hearing impaired) 9-866-6000 ext 6747 Anne s Program Secretary L 3220 6588


NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LIBRARY (continued) Linda Fraiden berg Library Te chnician 6088 Mary Geyer Library Technician 6088 Susan Johns Library Technic ian 6088 Lorri Trimble Head of Processing L 230 0

LONGHOUSE CENTER Tina Kuckkahn Longhouse Direct or LC 1001 6718 Vacant Program Assistant 64 13


MASTER IN TEACHING PROGRAM SE 312 7 6 181 Michael Vav rus Director 6638 Lyndel Clark Field Serv ices Officer 6559 Tanya Velasqu ez Admiss ions Officer 61 81

MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ST UDI ES PROGRAM Lab 1 6707 John Perk ins Director - 6503 Bon ita Evans Program Coordi nator - - - - - - r ~ A ~

Julie Slone Ass istant Director 6734


Linda Moo n Stum pff Director 6845 Bonita Evans Program Coordinator 6707 Julie Slone Assistant Direc tor 6734

MEDIA SERVICES (See Li bra ry Media Services)

MEDIATION SE RVICES L 2300 665 6 Lynne Stockwe ll Mediat ion Serv ices Coo rdinator L 2300 673 2


NORTHWEST INDIAN APPLIED RESEARCH INSTITUTE SE 3 127 6889 Alan Parker Director SE 3 127 6889


PART-TIME STUDIES OHICE L 322 0 65 88 Sharon Wendt Program Secretary L 3220 658 8 Jane Woo d Part-Time Studies Coordinator L 221 1 6864

PERKINS LOANS (See Controller) 6440

POLI CE SERV IC ES SE 2 150 6 140 Steve Huntsberry Chief 6 140 Lana Brewster Offi cer 6 140 Darw in Eddy Sergean t 6 140 Pam ela Garland Offi cer 6 140 Tony Nee ly Officer 6 140 George Opl inger Officer 5158 Gary Russe ll Lieutenant 61 50 Larry Savage Officer 6 140 Tam mi Stretch Office r 6 140

Al l

NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

POLI C E SERVICES (continued) Kirk Talm adge Officer

Emergen cy C ommunications Center Brian Ashby Emergency Com munications Operator T ish Pinh o Emergency Communications Operator Sabine Rigg ins Emergency Com munication s Operator Alex Sm ith Jr Emerge ncy Communications Operator Clifton Young Emerge ncy Communications Operator TTY (for the hearing impaired)

Par kingKey Issues William Bryce Park ing Enforcement Curt is McHendry Parking Enforcement Susie Seip Office Assistant

PR ESID ENTS OHICE Jane Jervis President Dian McKernan Adm inistrat ive Secretary Rita Sevc ik Admin istrative Assistan t

President s Staff Paul Ga llegos Assistant for Equal Opportun ity Lee Hoemann Executive Assoc iate to the President Marc ia Husseman Program Coordinator Lee Lambert Assistant for Civil Rights amp Legal Affairs Kim Merriman Ass istant for Governmental Relations

PROGRAM SE CRETARIES Vicki Arrington Julie Dougl ass Cindy Fry Ruth Joynes Jill Rosenb lum Dan Shephard Vikki Stellmacher Pam Udovich Carolyn Walker Sharon Wend t

PURCHASING OFFICE (See Controller s Office)


REGISTRATION AND RECORDS (See Enrollment Serv ices)


SCHEDULINGSPACE ALLOCATI ON amp MA NAG EMENT Patti Zimmerman Manager Kirk Knitt le Anal yst Furn iture Program



SE 2150

SE 2 150

L 3 109

L 3103

COM 30 I SE 3 127

COM 30 1 Lab 11 Lab II

SE 3127 Lab 1 Lab 1 Lab 1

L 322 0

L 1602

SE 2109

6140 6 140 6140 614 0 6140 6140 6 140

9-866-6696 6352 5353 6352 613 1

6 100 6100 6100 5100 61 13 6368 611 6 61 13 6386 6453

6605 6550

66055552 6102 6102 6550

66005702 66005602 66005603



6314 6631 6314 5023

6800 6800

NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone

SEXUAL HARASSMENT OMBUDSPERSONS Elaine Hayashi-Petersen L 1401 6560 Bev Peterson CRC 2 10 6528 E J Z ita Lab II 6853

L 140 1

L 1401

L 140 1

Bldg 201

A l3

STUDENT AND ACADEM IC SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) Rachel Wood Physician

Firs t People s Advis ing Holly Colbert Director Isabel Perez Office Assistant Raque1Salinas Coordinator of Student Programs

KAOS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM Michael Huntsberger General Manager Anne de Marcken Development Director Juli Kelen Training and Operations Manager

KEY Student Services Niki Amarantides Director Jennifer Brandt-Allen Student Development Specia list Paquita Garatea Academic Specialist Cathy Wood Program Coordin ator

Sexua l Assault Prevention Vacant Coordinator

Stud ent Activit ies Administration Thomas Mercado Director Joe Groshong SampA Board Coordinator Mary Craven Student Activities Advisor Greg Porter Production Adv isor Denise Robertson Assistant Director Ann Shipley Secretary Senior

Upward Bound Deborah Walker Director Pat Sanders Counseling Coord inator Juana Vaughan Program Assistant

SE 2110 L 1414

CAB 30 1

L 1414


SE 2109

CAB 320

L 1605

6200 6467

6467 6467 6462

6893 6895 6894

6897 6464

6465 6507 6604 6464 6800 6800 6220 6220 622 1 5222 6222 6425 6220 6012 6028 6048 6012


TACOMA CAMPUS W J (Joye) Hardiman Director Richard Brown Night Manager Kay Isbell Program Secretary Anthony Reynolds Computer Support Technician and Faculty

Tacoma 8-253-593- 5915 8-253-29 7-0349 8-253-59 3-591 5 8-253-593 -59 15 8-253-593-5915

TEL ECOMMUNICAnONS (See Computing amp Communications) 6315





VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION L 3127 6500 Ruta Fanning Vice President 6504 Kathy M Dean Administrative Secretary 6500 Karen L Durant Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 5045 Nancy McKinney Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 6501 Steve Trotter Budget Officer 6185

A 14

Name Office Mailstop Telephone

VICE PRE SIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Art Costantino Vice President for Student Affairs John Carmichael Administrative Secretary Bill Zaugg Administrative Assistant for Budge t

L 3236

6296 6296 6296 6291


WASHINGTON CENTER FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION L 22 11 661 1 Jeanine Elliott Director 6609 Emily Decker Associate Director 6637 Barbara Determan Conference Coordinator 6585 Susan Hirst Program Coord inator (8 am - 12 Noon) 6606 Sharilyn Howell Secretary 56 1166 11 Jean MacGregor Director of the Nat ional Learning Communities Dissemin ation Project 6608

WASHI NGTON STATE INSTITUTE FO R PUB LIC POLI CY Box 40999 9-586-2677 Roxanne Lieb Director 9-586-2768 Steve Aos Associate Director 9-586-2740 Robert Bamoski Senior Research Associate 9-586-27 44 Mason Burley Research Coordinato r 9-586-2745 Debra Fabritiu s Adminis trative Ass istant 9-586-2677 Edie Hard ing Senior Researc h Associa te 9-586-2765 Laura Harmon ProgrammerAnalyst _ n ~~ n

Steve Lerch Senior Research Econom ist 9-586-2767 Janie Maki Project Coordinator 9-58 6-2769 Jim Mayfield Senior Research Assoc iate 9-586-2783 Barbara Mcl ain Senio r Research Associate 9-586-279 1 Polly Phipps Senior Research Associate 9-586-2792

WASHI NGTON STATE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER L 1706 6470 Linda Watson Manager 6473 Shirley Dallas Librarian 6472 Vacant Circulation 6470647 1


The Killer Whale art is by Joe Wilson a talented young Coast Salish artist Born and raised at Koksilah near Duncan on Vancouv er Island British Columbia Canada he began his interest in art in elementary school His work speaks of confidence and strength and he has developed a unique and original style His work is not only authentic by native tradition it is also an artistic communication link between cultures

The Killer Whale is one of the most prominent symbols of the North West Coast people Trad itional legends empower the Killer Whale with extraordinary powers which were to be respected and admired The Killer Whale was a major influence on the Salish people in that th pods of whales could scare away the life-giving salmon The presence of these creatures in local waters meant that fish wou ld be scarce for awhile

Thanks also to Peggy Ojala for her work in compiling and coordinating this directory and select ion of the artwork and to Daniel Shephard for his help in coordinating the cover

The Evergreen State College campus directory is produced and distributed from the Telecommunications Office It is printed by Tumwater Printing on recycled paper All suggestions for future enhancements or improvements are welcome Please direct them to Donna Johnson Library 2408 or call extension 6315

A 15

NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

LIBRARY (continued) Linda Fraiden berg Library Te chnician 6088 Mary Geyer Library Technician 6088 Susan Johns Library Technic ian 6088 Lorri Trimble Head of Processing L 230 0

LONGHOUSE CENTER Tina Kuckkahn Longhouse Direct or LC 1001 6718 Vacant Program Assistant 64 13


MASTER IN TEACHING PROGRAM SE 312 7 6 181 Michael Vav rus Director 6638 Lyndel Clark Field Serv ices Officer 6559 Tanya Velasqu ez Admiss ions Officer 61 81

MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ST UDI ES PROGRAM Lab 1 6707 John Perk ins Director - 6503 Bon ita Evans Program Coordi nator - - - - - - r ~ A ~

Julie Slone Ass istant Director 6734


Linda Moo n Stum pff Director 6845 Bonita Evans Program Coordinator 6707 Julie Slone Assistant Direc tor 6734

MEDIA SERVICES (See Li bra ry Media Services)

MEDIATION SE RVICES L 2300 665 6 Lynne Stockwe ll Mediat ion Serv ices Coo rdinator L 2300 673 2


NORTHWEST INDIAN APPLIED RESEARCH INSTITUTE SE 3 127 6889 Alan Parker Director SE 3 127 6889


PART-TIME STUDIES OHICE L 322 0 65 88 Sharon Wendt Program Secretary L 3220 658 8 Jane Woo d Part-Time Studies Coordinator L 221 1 6864

PERKINS LOANS (See Controller) 6440

POLI CE SERV IC ES SE 2 150 6 140 Steve Huntsberry Chief 6 140 Lana Brewster Offi cer 6 140 Darw in Eddy Sergean t 6 140 Pam ela Garland Offi cer 6 140 Tony Nee ly Officer 6 140 George Opl inger Officer 5158 Gary Russe ll Lieutenant 61 50 Larry Savage Officer 6 140 Tam mi Stretch Office r 6 140

Al l

NameOffice Mailstop Telephone

POLI C E SERVICES (continued) Kirk Talm adge Officer

Emergen cy C ommunications Center Brian Ashby Emergency Com munications Operator T ish Pinh o Emergency Communications Operator Sabine Rigg ins Emergency Com munication s Operator Alex Sm ith Jr Emerge ncy Communications Operator Clifton Young Emerge ncy Communications Operator TTY (for the hearing impaired)

Par kingKey Issues William Bryce Park ing Enforcement Curt is McHendry Parking Enforcement Susie Seip Office Assistant

PR ESID ENTS OHICE Jane Jervis President Dian McKernan Adm inistrat ive Secretary Rita Sevc ik Admin istrative Assistan t

President s Staff Paul Ga llegos Assistant for Equal Opportun ity Lee Hoemann Executive Assoc iate to the President Marc ia Husseman Program Coordinator Lee Lambert Assistant for Civil Rights amp Legal Affairs Kim Merriman Ass istant for Governmental Relations

PROGRAM SE CRETARIES Vicki Arrington Julie Dougl ass Cindy Fry Ruth Joynes Jill Rosenb lum Dan Shephard Vikki Stellmacher Pam Udovich Carolyn Walker Sharon Wend t

PURCHASING OFFICE (See Controller s Office)


REGISTRATION AND RECORDS (See Enrollment Serv ices)


SCHEDULINGSPACE ALLOCATI ON amp MA NAG EMENT Patti Zimmerman Manager Kirk Knitt le Anal yst Furn iture Program



SE 2150

SE 2 150

L 3 109

L 3103

COM 30 I SE 3 127

COM 30 1 Lab 11 Lab II

SE 3127 Lab 1 Lab 1 Lab 1

L 322 0

L 1602

SE 2109

6140 6 140 6140 614 0 6140 6140 6 140

9-866-6696 6352 5353 6352 613 1

6 100 6100 6100 5100 61 13 6368 611 6 61 13 6386 6453

6605 6550

66055552 6102 6102 6550

66005702 66005602 66005603



6314 6631 6314 5023

6800 6800

NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone

SEXUAL HARASSMENT OMBUDSPERSONS Elaine Hayashi-Petersen L 1401 6560 Bev Peterson CRC 2 10 6528 E J Z ita Lab II 6853

L 140 1

L 1401

L 140 1

Bldg 201

A l3

STUDENT AND ACADEM IC SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) Rachel Wood Physician

Firs t People s Advis ing Holly Colbert Director Isabel Perez Office Assistant Raque1Salinas Coordinator of Student Programs

KAOS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM Michael Huntsberger General Manager Anne de Marcken Development Director Juli Kelen Training and Operations Manager

KEY Student Services Niki Amarantides Director Jennifer Brandt-Allen Student Development Specia list Paquita Garatea Academic Specialist Cathy Wood Program Coordin ator

Sexua l Assault Prevention Vacant Coordinator

Stud ent Activit ies Administration Thomas Mercado Director Joe Groshong SampA Board Coordinator Mary Craven Student Activities Advisor Greg Porter Production Adv isor Denise Robertson Assistant Director Ann Shipley Secretary Senior

Upward Bound Deborah Walker Director Pat Sanders Counseling Coord inator Juana Vaughan Program Assistant

SE 2110 L 1414

CAB 30 1

L 1414


SE 2109

CAB 320

L 1605

6200 6467

6467 6467 6462

6893 6895 6894

6897 6464

6465 6507 6604 6464 6800 6800 6220 6220 622 1 5222 6222 6425 6220 6012 6028 6048 6012


TACOMA CAMPUS W J (Joye) Hardiman Director Richard Brown Night Manager Kay Isbell Program Secretary Anthony Reynolds Computer Support Technician and Faculty

Tacoma 8-253-593- 5915 8-253-29 7-0349 8-253-59 3-591 5 8-253-593 -59 15 8-253-593-5915

TEL ECOMMUNICAnONS (See Computing amp Communications) 6315





VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION L 3127 6500 Ruta Fanning Vice President 6504 Kathy M Dean Administrative Secretary 6500 Karen L Durant Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 5045 Nancy McKinney Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 6501 Steve Trotter Budget Officer 6185

A 14

Name Office Mailstop Telephone

VICE PRE SIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Art Costantino Vice President for Student Affairs John Carmichael Administrative Secretary Bill Zaugg Administrative Assistant for Budge t

L 3236

6296 6296 6296 6291


WASHINGTON CENTER FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION L 22 11 661 1 Jeanine Elliott Director 6609 Emily Decker Associate Director 6637 Barbara Determan Conference Coordinator 6585 Susan Hirst Program Coord inator (8 am - 12 Noon) 6606 Sharilyn Howell Secretary 56 1166 11 Jean MacGregor Director of the Nat ional Learning Communities Dissemin ation Project 6608

WASHI NGTON STATE INSTITUTE FO R PUB LIC POLI CY Box 40999 9-586-2677 Roxanne Lieb Director 9-586-2768 Steve Aos Associate Director 9-586-2740 Robert Bamoski Senior Research Associate 9-586-27 44 Mason Burley Research Coordinato r 9-586-2745 Debra Fabritiu s Adminis trative Ass istant 9-586-2677 Edie Hard ing Senior Researc h Associa te 9-586-2765 Laura Harmon ProgrammerAnalyst _ n ~~ n

Steve Lerch Senior Research Econom ist 9-586-2767 Janie Maki Project Coordinator 9-58 6-2769 Jim Mayfield Senior Research Assoc iate 9-586-2783 Barbara Mcl ain Senio r Research Associate 9-586-279 1 Polly Phipps Senior Research Associate 9-586-2792

WASHI NGTON STATE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER L 1706 6470 Linda Watson Manager 6473 Shirley Dallas Librarian 6472 Vacant Circulation 6470647 1


The Killer Whale art is by Joe Wilson a talented young Coast Salish artist Born and raised at Koksilah near Duncan on Vancouv er Island British Columbia Canada he began his interest in art in elementary school His work speaks of confidence and strength and he has developed a unique and original style His work is not only authentic by native tradition it is also an artistic communication link between cultures

The Killer Whale is one of the most prominent symbols of the North West Coast people Trad itional legends empower the Killer Whale with extraordinary powers which were to be respected and admired The Killer Whale was a major influence on the Salish people in that th pods of whales could scare away the life-giving salmon The presence of these creatures in local waters meant that fish wou ld be scarce for awhile

Thanks also to Peggy Ojala for her work in compiling and coordinating this directory and select ion of the artwork and to Daniel Shephard for his help in coordinating the cover

The Evergreen State College campus directory is produced and distributed from the Telecommunications Office It is printed by Tumwater Printing on recycled paper All suggestions for future enhancements or improvements are welcome Please direct them to Donna Johnson Library 2408 or call extension 6315

A 15

NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone NameOffice Mailstop Te lep hone

SEXUAL HARASSMENT OMBUDSPERSONS Elaine Hayashi-Petersen L 1401 6560 Bev Peterson CRC 2 10 6528 E J Z ita Lab II 6853

L 140 1

L 1401

L 140 1

Bldg 201

A l3

STUDENT AND ACADEM IC SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) Rachel Wood Physician

Firs t People s Advis ing Holly Colbert Director Isabel Perez Office Assistant Raque1Salinas Coordinator of Student Programs

KAOS Olympia Community Radio 893 FM Michael Huntsberger General Manager Anne de Marcken Development Director Juli Kelen Training and Operations Manager

KEY Student Services Niki Amarantides Director Jennifer Brandt-Allen Student Development Specia list Paquita Garatea Academic Specialist Cathy Wood Program Coordin ator

Sexua l Assault Prevention Vacant Coordinator

Stud ent Activit ies Administration Thomas Mercado Director Joe Groshong SampA Board Coordinator Mary Craven Student Activities Advisor Greg Porter Production Adv isor Denise Robertson Assistant Director Ann Shipley Secretary Senior

Upward Bound Deborah Walker Director Pat Sanders Counseling Coord inator Juana Vaughan Program Assistant

SE 2110 L 1414

CAB 30 1

L 1414


SE 2109

CAB 320

L 1605

6200 6467

6467 6467 6462

6893 6895 6894

6897 6464

6465 6507 6604 6464 6800 6800 6220 6220 622 1 5222 6222 6425 6220 6012 6028 6048 6012


TACOMA CAMPUS W J (Joye) Hardiman Director Richard Brown Night Manager Kay Isbell Program Secretary Anthony Reynolds Computer Support Technician and Faculty

Tacoma 8-253-593- 5915 8-253-29 7-0349 8-253-59 3-591 5 8-253-593 -59 15 8-253-593-5915

TEL ECOMMUNICAnONS (See Computing amp Communications) 6315





VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION L 3127 6500 Ruta Fanning Vice President 6504 Kathy M Dean Administrative Secretary 6500 Karen L Durant Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 5045 Nancy McKinney Specia l Assistant to the Vice President 6501 Steve Trotter Budget Officer 6185

A 14

Name Office Mailstop Telephone

VICE PRE SIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Art Costantino Vice President for Student Affairs John Carmichael Administrative Secretary Bill Zaugg Administrative Assistant for Budge t

L 3236

6296 6296 6296 6291


WASHINGTON CENTER FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION L 22 11 661 1 Jeanine Elliott Director 6609 Emily Decker Associate Director 6637 Barbara Determan Conference Coordinator 6585 Susan Hirst Program Coord inator (8 am - 12 Noon) 6606 Sharilyn Howell Secretary 56 1166 11 Jean MacGregor Director of the Nat ional Learning Communities Dissemin ation Project 6608

WASHI NGTON STATE INSTITUTE FO R PUB LIC POLI CY Box 40999 9-586-2677 Roxanne Lieb Director 9-586-2768 Steve Aos Associate Director 9-586-2740 Robert Bamoski Senior Research Associate 9-586-27 44 Mason Burley Research Coordinato r 9-586-2745 Debra Fabritiu s Adminis trative Ass istant 9-586-2677 Edie Hard ing Senior Researc h Associa te 9-586-2765 Laura Harmon ProgrammerAnalyst _ n ~~ n

Steve Lerch Senior Research Econom ist 9-586-2767 Janie Maki Project Coordinator 9-58 6-2769 Jim Mayfield Senior Research Assoc iate 9-586-2783 Barbara Mcl ain Senio r Research Associate 9-586-279 1 Polly Phipps Senior Research Associate 9-586-2792

WASHI NGTON STATE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER L 1706 6470 Linda Watson Manager 6473 Shirley Dallas Librarian 6472 Vacant Circulation 6470647 1


The Killer Whale art is by Joe Wilson a talented young Coast Salish artist Born and raised at Koksilah near Duncan on Vancouv er Island British Columbia Canada he began his interest in art in elementary school His work speaks of confidence and strength and he has developed a unique and original style His work is not only authentic by native tradition it is also an artistic communication link between cultures

The Killer Whale is one of the most prominent symbols of the North West Coast people Trad itional legends empower the Killer Whale with extraordinary powers which were to be respected and admired The Killer Whale was a major influence on the Salish people in that th pods of whales could scare away the life-giving salmon The presence of these creatures in local waters meant that fish wou ld be scarce for awhile

Thanks also to Peggy Ojala for her work in compiling and coordinating this directory and select ion of the artwork and to Daniel Shephard for his help in coordinating the cover

The Evergreen State College campus directory is produced and distributed from the Telecommunications Office It is printed by Tumwater Printing on recycled paper All suggestions for future enhancements or improvements are welcome Please direct them to Donna Johnson Library 2408 or call extension 6315

A 15

Name Office Mailstop Telephone

VICE PRE SIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Art Costantino Vice President for Student Affairs John Carmichael Administrative Secretary Bill Zaugg Administrative Assistant for Budge t

L 3236

6296 6296 6296 6291


WASHINGTON CENTER FOR UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION L 22 11 661 1 Jeanine Elliott Director 6609 Emily Decker Associate Director 6637 Barbara Determan Conference Coordinator 6585 Susan Hirst Program Coord inator (8 am - 12 Noon) 6606 Sharilyn Howell Secretary 56 1166 11 Jean MacGregor Director of the Nat ional Learning Communities Dissemin ation Project 6608

WASHI NGTON STATE INSTITUTE FO R PUB LIC POLI CY Box 40999 9-586-2677 Roxanne Lieb Director 9-586-2768 Steve Aos Associate Director 9-586-2740 Robert Bamoski Senior Research Associate 9-586-27 44 Mason Burley Research Coordinato r 9-586-2745 Debra Fabritiu s Adminis trative Ass istant 9-586-2677 Edie Hard ing Senior Researc h Associa te 9-586-2765 Laura Harmon ProgrammerAnalyst _ n ~~ n

Steve Lerch Senior Research Econom ist 9-586-2767 Janie Maki Project Coordinator 9-58 6-2769 Jim Mayfield Senior Research Assoc iate 9-586-2783 Barbara Mcl ain Senio r Research Associate 9-586-279 1 Polly Phipps Senior Research Associate 9-586-2792

WASHI NGTON STATE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER L 1706 6470 Linda Watson Manager 6473 Shirley Dallas Librarian 6472 Vacant Circulation 6470647 1


The Killer Whale art is by Joe Wilson a talented young Coast Salish artist Born and raised at Koksilah near Duncan on Vancouv er Island British Columbia Canada he began his interest in art in elementary school His work speaks of confidence and strength and he has developed a unique and original style His work is not only authentic by native tradition it is also an artistic communication link between cultures

The Killer Whale is one of the most prominent symbols of the North West Coast people Trad itional legends empower the Killer Whale with extraordinary powers which were to be respected and admired The Killer Whale was a major influence on the Salish people in that th pods of whales could scare away the life-giving salmon The presence of these creatures in local waters meant that fish wou ld be scarce for awhile

Thanks also to Peggy Ojala for her work in compiling and coordinating this directory and select ion of the artwork and to Daniel Shephard for his help in coordinating the cover

The Evergreen State College campus directory is produced and distributed from the Telecommunications Office It is printed by Tumwater Printing on recycled paper All suggestions for future enhancements or improvements are welcome Please direct them to Donna Johnson Library 2408 or call extension 6315

A 15