everything to know about the premium rice variety


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Post on 01-Apr-2021




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Basmati rice is a premium rice variety. It is known as the crown of all rice varieties. The aroma of basmati, its fluffy and non-sticky texture, thin and long size distinguishes it from all the other rice varieties. It is the best rice to cook any rice dish.


Everything To Know About The Premium Rice Variety

Basmati rice is a premium rice variety. It is known as the crown of all rice varieties. The aroma of basmati, its fluffy and non-sticky texture, thin and long size distinguishes it from all the other rice varieties. It is the best rice to cook any rice dish.


It comes in various varieties. It is classified into yellow and brown rice. Brown rice is the unmilled basmati rice whereas yellow rice is the milled basmati. Yellow rice is generally softer, fluffier and brown rice is woody and crispy in texture.

How To Choose The Best Basmati Rice

Shape and Size


The Basmati rice is said to have the perfect shape and size. It is long and cylindrical in shape. It also has tapered ends. Also, it does not become gluggy on cooking. After cooking, it increases in length and releases a beautiful aroma.



The color of the basmati rice has a golden tinge. The grey or black colored rice are not considered good quality rice as they are aged rice. Sela basmati rice is parboiled rice. It undergoes a parboiling process.


In this process, the paddy is soaked in water for some time and dried out later. Then, the starch inside the paddy spreads and the vitamin B -12 also transfers from the husk to the grain. Hence the rice grain turns out to be creamy golden in color.

Organic Rice


Parboiled Basmati rice is considered to be organic rice as it is free from all kinds of toxins, chemicals and pesticides.


Besides this, these rice are very healthy to consume and also beneficial for many health problems. These also have the ability to absorb different flavors from different spices, thus making the food more delicious.

How To Store Basmati Rice


As you know that basmati rice is premium grade rice, it shall be stored accordingly. It can be stored as given below-


After opening a new pack of basmati rice, the uncooked rice can be stored in the same packing by tightly sealing it for a shorter duration of time

In case you wish to store it for a longer duration, take a dried airtight container and transfer the rice into it.

If you wish to increase the shelf life of these rice you can place them in the freezer in an airtight jar.


Cooked basmati rice can be preserved for more than five days if stored in the refrigerator.

If the rice begins to produce any specific odour then, it is prescribed to dispose of them.

To prevent the rice from spoiling always store the rice in a cool and dry place.


If you are interested in buying good quality Basmati rice, Sinnara Parboiled Basmati Rice at Amazon serves as the best brand for you with multiple health benefits.