evidence checklists

Student Created Reading Test Strategies #Swaggerskills Breakdown of Answering Skills Through Reading Stages Stage # #Swaggerskill Before 1 Trick your brain to be positive about the selection. 2 Read the questions before reading the passage. 3 Underline, highlight or circle important words in a question. 4 Break apart the question in your own words. During 1 Highlight key info in passage. 2 Reread confusing sentences and paragraphs. 3 Use context clues when answering questions and reading. 4 If you cannot focus, get up and stretch and then try to get back on task. After: MC 1 Think about the question by answering it on your own prior to looking at answer options. 2 Write your thoughts next to your answer choices, narrowing answers down with “YNM” (yes, no, maybe). 3 Find text based evidence for your correct answer choice. 4 Look over all your answers at the end by rereading the question and answer options. SA/ ER 1 Write down what you are answering to earn each point. 2 Use formal writing: complete sentences, proper punctuation, neat handwriting, and formal language. 3 RSQ.

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Student Created Reading Test Strategies #Swaggerskills Breakdown of Answering Skills Through Reading Stages

Stage # #Swaggerskill

Before 1 Trick your brain to be positive about the selection.

2 Read the questions before reading the passage.

3 Underline, highlight or circle important words in a question.

4 Break apart the question in your own words.

During 1 Highlight key info in passage.

2 Reread confusing sentences and paragraphs.

3 Use context clues when answering questions and reading.

4 If you cannot focus, get up and stretch and then try to get back on task.

After: MC

1 Think about the question by answering it on your own prior to looking at answer options.

2 Write your thoughts next to your answer choices, narrowing answers down with “YNM” (yes, no, maybe).

3 Find text based evidence for your correct answer choice.

4 Look over all your answers at the end by rereading the question and answer options.

SA/ ER 1 Write down what you are answering to earn each point.

2 Use formal writing: complete sentences, proper punctuation, neat handwriting, and formal language.

3 RSQ.


Student Created Reading Test Strategies #Swaggerskills EVIDENCE Checklist #Swaggerskills

Evaluator: _________________Student’s Work: _________________

# ✔ Evidence of Skill

E Every question highlighted, underlined, or circled.

V Veer confusing question to simple one in your own words.

I Information in passage highlighted, underlined, or circled

D Dissect each question by writing your reasoning to options with a YNM (yes, no maybe) for each.

E Evidence from text given for your correct answer

N Need to break down extended answer questions by point

C Complete sentences, proper punctuation, neat handwriting, and formal language for extended answers

E Extended answers need RSQ (Restate the question.)  ✁-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­  

EVIDENCE Checklist #Swaggerskills Evaluator: _________________Student’s Work: _________________

# ✔ Evidence of Skill

E Every question highlighted, underlined, or circled.

V Veer confusing question to simple one in your own words.

I Information in passage highlighted, underlined, or circled

D Dissect each question by writing your reasoning to options with a YNM (yes, no maybe) for each.

E Evidence from text given for your correct answer

N Need to break down extended answer questions by point

C Complete sentences, proper punctuation, neat handwriting, and formal language for extended answers

E Extended answers need RSQ (Restate the question.)


Student Created Reading Test Strategies #Swaggerskills EVIDENCE Checklist #Swaggerskills

Student’s Work: _________________

# ✔ Evidence of Skill

E Every question highlighted, underlined, or circled.

V Veer confusing question to simple one in your own words.

I Information in passage highlighted, underlined, or circled

D Dissect each question by writing your reasoning to options with a YNM (yes, no maybe) for each.

E Evidence from text given for your correct answer

N Need to break down extended answer questions by point

C Complete sentences, proper punctuation, neat handwriting, and formal language for extended answers

E Extended answers need RSQ (Restate the question.)  ✁-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­  

EVIDENCE Checklist #Swaggerskills Student’s Work: _________________

# ✔ Evidence of Skill

E Every question highlighted, underlined, or circled.

V Veer confusing question to simple one in your own words.

I Information in passage highlighted, underlined, or circled

D Dissect each question by writing your reasoning to options with a YNM (yes, no maybe) for each.

E Evidence from text given for your correct answer

N Need to break down extended answer questions by point

C Complete sentences, proper punctuation, neat handwriting, and formal language for extended answers

E Extended answers need RSQ (Restate the question.)


Student Created Reading Test Strategies #Swaggerskills Know Your Reading Role by Knowing Your Genre

How you attack a reading piece will vary depending on the type of genre. Analyze the characteristics below to help you learn the best strategies to use when you approach a new reading piece. This list was created by students for students.

General Genre Characteristics Strategies

Fiction (fake/ made up story)

● Realistic ● Science ● Historical ● Folklore ● Fantasy ● Mystery

1. Dialogue 2. Elements of fiction (characters, setting, plot) 3. Drawings 4. Could put yourself in the piece 5. Imagery/ figurative language

1. Visualize. 2. Make connections. 3. Underline elements of fiction. 4. Create mental summary or quick notes.

Nonfiction (not fake/ real) ● Autobiography ● Informational ● Biography ● Textbook ● Periodical ● Newspaper ● Article ● Letter ● Directions

1. Facts 2. Quotes 3. Captions/ features 4. Details 5. People 6. Footnotes/ glossary 7. No figurative language 8. Technical vocabulary/ jargon

1. Get excited! 2. Take notes next to paragraphs. 3. Underline important terms, facts, details. 4. Create mental summary or quick note summary. 5. Read slower and reread. 6. Pay attention to footnotes.

Poetry ● Fiction ● Nonfiction

1. Stanzas 2. Rhyme scheme/ alliteration 3. Figurative language 4. Rhythm/ beat/ meters 5. Appeals to the five senses (imagery)

1. Reread and reread again. 2. Analyze in parts. 3. Write notes to the side to understand plot.


Student Created Reading Test Strategies #Swaggerskills Evidence and Swagger Survival Kit

SWAGGER VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUG3Z8Hxa5I

# Swaggerskill Tool Why use this tool?

S Stay positive. Determine genre (F/NF/P) and topic. Think about what you already know about the topic and what you might want to learn.

smiley stickers

When you are open minded, interesting context exists throughout the passage. If you are positive, you are efficient.

W Wait to read the passage until you’ve read, highlighted, and rewritten each question in your own words.

highlighters Use the highlighter to break down questions.

A Always use context clues and scribble notes while reading. Visualize and make connections.

thought bubbles and captions

Using thought bubbles and creative captions while reading will ensure active thinking.

G Go back and reread difficult sentences.

neon slap bracelet

The slap bracelet will help you follow along while reading. Neon colors can help your eyes follow the text.

G Gain confidence about your answers by putting your thoughts next to each answer and eliminating wrong answers.

chewing gum/ mints

Chewing gum can help you keep your attention span on the question through complex thought.

E Evidence. Always find text based evidence for the correct answer choice.

color pen(s) Using the same colored pens throughout the process will help you flow smoothly without distraction.

R Reread passage, questions, and answers. You must ask yourself where you might have made a mistake.

eraser mustache

Use the eraser when you catch mistakes. Smart people are always editing and double checking for errors.

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Student EVIDENCE Checklist One!