evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · shishhr'v '' i - - rfwl .. "" "- -...

SHiSHHr'v '' i - - rfWl "" "- - j' ",.' WWyWJjl rd .. 'in.....r.- - M . ,,. - iifcaaaiMMMW MlMr iiiriiMMilwWiMil"irT""""1" minniri-nr- - nr- - - - w m miwftf ..n rt n Stall u i IBlt & & & 1 J iy f JS vJ uD i a v Vol. XIV. No HONOLULU, It. r. WEDXKSDAY UVUIST-N- .IANUAKY 8. 1SS10. 60 OENT8 SUU8CHIPTION PER MONTH . ft f c '- - II j K " 1 V. r THE DAILY BULLETIN is printed iiiiiI published lit Hie oltlee, ijiit-.u- Struct, HiiiioIiiIii, H. I., every tllcruoou (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 cents per Month. Addrost nil Cintitntiiiiuaiioiis Dmi.v liul.l.til'IN. Advertl-mmcius- , to oiuuro insertion, fchuttld bi! handed In bUore inc- - o'clock I', u. WALTER KILL Editor and Proprlolor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Nowr.p-.pcr- , Hook mill .lob Pi luting of til kinds done on the moot favorublo lei nib. UollTelophone No. 25(1 Mutual Telephone Nu. 2JMI THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publloailou, coutaitis 33 columns u( leading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu nnd Island Newt.. It in the best paper titibllBlied In thu Kingdom to send to tilcudB ttbroftd. MtibHcrlptlou: Island : : : 1 00 year Foreign : : : fl 00 " Commission KEeroiiants. iiAoiciri'-r-- o a Co., H- - Geueral Commission Agents. Hosoi.umj G. W. MAOFAHLANE & Co. IHPOKTKHS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. (J u ceu street, - Honolulu. U. I. 11548 GONSATiVaS & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchant Beaver Block, Honolulu. BBBWBB & COMPANY, O, (Limitud) Genkuai, Meuoantilk and CoMMIBBtOH AUKNfli ubt or ofiuckub. P. U. Johkb, Jr President & Mauager i. O. Oahtuu. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary DIHECTOnS: Hou. C. . HlBUOP. B. (3. A.U.KN, II. WATKRHOUdi:. SJSly T. WATBKHOUSB, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queeu it., Honolulu. 1 ri. N. Castlo.--J. B. Atberton-- G. P. Castle it OOOKB, CASTLB Shipping and Coniinisslou Merchant. Importers and Dealers iu Uoneral Merchandise, No. BO King St., Uouolulu. 1 Clsas flpreckeu. Wm. U. Irwta. IRWIN fc COMPANY, WO. Factors and Commission outs, Honolulu. 1 4i CO., WILDES Dealers In Lumber, Paints, DUs, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 . lowers, K. J. Lowrey O. M. Cooke. t OOOKB, (successors to Luwers &. Dickson,) Importers and Dealors in Lumber and all Binds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honoluln 1 Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St, Upstairs. Tho undersiensd begs to iu form the public of these Islands that he is making v Directions forself.mcasuremcnt will bo given on application. Wuite Shirts, Overshlrts Sl Might Gowns A til guaranice uy mauiuK a mumiio Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410 r,niy A. JH. MHM.fN. H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, HI King Street, opposite the Old Station House. M.utuu.1 'JL'oloiiUouo IHo. 'I. 07 tf A. If. KASEMANN, BMk-bindo- r, Papor-rule- r & Illauk-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant street. Up stairs. ocM.Dtf-l- y Professionals. JM. MONSARBAT, at liw Ai NoUry I'ubllc 141) Mdrchnul Sited, Honolulu. If ALFK15U MAUOON, 0' Allot ney at l.uv ii Notuiy i'ubllc 173 4J MerflhnntHtreul. Honolulu. lv David Dayton Will piactlco In the lower courts of as attorney, attend to foiled lug In nil its liriiiielivs, renting ot houses and any other litislnc& cntuiMul to him Oftlce Ut King Street Upslnns. Keb r..B!) PIONMEU STEAI CANDY FAOTOEI A.N1 HAlCUItV. K. HORN, Practical Confoctiouer, l'astry Cook and linker. TllloUlSt. "Viar Telephone . HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : William' Mock, a 10 Honolulu, II. I. h. u. URNSOn. i. w. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 11 & 116 Fort Sliuet, - Honolulu Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Hickeeckcr's l'orfumes ami Toilet Requisites, i!2y WEMER & CO! JUaunructni'lnir JewellorB, no. a i-oi- rf amtinu'v. Constantly on hand large assortnu-- of ovcry description of Jewelry, Waicheo Oold and Silver 1'lated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specialty. King Ntrcei, Ilouolnlu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Olllce. $3T Particular atiuntion paid to all kinds of repairs. jaii.lll-8'- J Slfe The Best Lunoh in Town, Toa and Ooffee at ill Hours Tho Finest Brnnd of dors. JaSL Touacco WMMi Always on liana. 11. J. KOLTi:, l'roprlcfor. Hustace & Robertson, DltAYMKN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. XX tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods iu transit to tho othor Islands. Also, Black and Whito Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prlcos. Olucie, next door to .las. F. Morgan's auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. Engineor & Contractor, Is piepared to deilgu and contract for all classes of Sugar Kxtructiun Machi- nery, Irrigating Machinery, Uvaporat-in- g Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Knuiuis of all kinds and for all purposes, Water Wheels, Water Conduit!!, both plpet and flumes, Steam Hollers of various kinds, itailroml Material and Hulling Stock, Klc, Ku:. DIFFUSION NAOIIIXKKW In all its branches n specialty. Plantations supplied with Chemlral and Analytical Apparatus of the very best description to order. Bay Close attention paid to all orders ami satisfaction to the purohnser gua- ranteed. P. O. Box !)80. Fort streel, Honolulu. sepMlSOly LADIES' NUItSE. M US. MONKOK, ladles.' nurso, liso removed to No. II, Kukul lane. Fub.H.60 Til Id iMr .- - mssr''": ::: ?ri.r.? ,h metropolitan s- -! Meat Company hi KINtI h'l'KKKT, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale it Retail Butchers ami-KA- VY UOXTIiACTOIIH. 1717 ly JOS. TSIKE, ItHTCIIKIl. City ark' Nmiaiui StrLut. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Kvcry Day. C3PHis noled Sausagos arc m.iilc by the evuiv bvsl miichiunry, nnd all onlein entriislfil to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, nnd bin prices are as low us anywhere In the city. t2T Try his Bologna SausageB.-Xj- M nvi..V88 WANTED AN Knerjjellc, Tiuslwiirlhy Mini a collector and to make liimsell generally iiHefiil in (be olticc. Addrers, stating last plnre and terms ilwiu-i- l to "P. O. Box imi." .il Collctir Wtuitcd. WANTKI) an Active, Trust worthy Collector who will rcn deran npilvulcnl for Milary received. Address Post OOlce Lock Box No. Hfil. (Hving full pm timing, referenrcd and salary u'iuiicl. None other uoiiied. Fuvnishod Cottago To Lot. A NEAT Cottage, desiiably located, containing 4 rooms, nU'cly I urnishod, kitcheii.butli room, stable, heiicry, etc. Lot I'JOxl'OO, lawn, shailu tree and l!ower. Kent 10 per month, Ini'ludlng water rate and telephone. HAWAIIAN HUSIXKSS AC.KN'CV. FtirniMliod IIoiiho To J1, T Wulklkl, a two stoiy Houve. coulainini' six looms nicely furnished, with kitchen, lanai, batli and servant's rooms, stable, etc., to let for a few month at a reasonable rate. Or rooms will be let singly with unoil table board. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOKXCY. Valuable Property For Stile 0! Nuuanii Avenue, a newly furnished Houpu contoininc S rboms. klicheu, butlirooui, closets, carriage house, stable, heusry, etc. Urnuudi contain S acres, well laid out in lawn;, ehudo and fruit trees, Mowers, etc. Will bo sold low, with or without furniture, horses, carriages, live stock, nnd all the Appointments needed in a first-clas- s i evidence, as the ott'ner leaving ihese Islands. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Island Views. A LARGE assortment of Photographs and Stereoscopic Views of the most attractive scenery, building, etc , In these Islands, for sale at reasonable prices. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Corner Fort nnd Merchant streets, twos tf Prof. G. SAUVLET, PIANO, VIOLIN & SINGING LESSONS. Residence: No. 105 Nuuanii Avenue. .Mutual Telephone No. fiUO. nnv-Sft-B- G. MULLER & CO., PRACTICAL QUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's Block," Corner store. Bui girsl & Musical Instruments neatly repair' d at reasonable iali.i. hewing Machiurs ami repairing of all kinds a specially. All kinds of Hafts & Scales lopatted. Household Sewing Machine tor sa'e, dec.l 1 8!) VETEUINAUV. Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, ami pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Slubbis, corner Hole! and Rlcbiiid slieels. Scientific treatment in all dis- eases of domestic nnlmals. Onleis for plantation and ranch Mock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone i!54, P. ). Box 32U. iiili.l8,1 LABOK A(iENCV. AGENCY for supplying plantations with Inborn h unit otlifH with servants, has this day been opened at tho olllco of J. K. Iliown & Co., Merchant street. Bell Telo. 17a. P. (). Hox 480. Address care of .1. K Hi own & Co. N. H. .Iapmiee Labor a specialtv. H HIRATA, ilia lm .Mai.tigiT. This Spaco -- KOIt is Reserved POPULAR MILLINERY - - HOUSE, HOLLISTER & CO., 101) FOItT NTHUKT. HONOLULU. NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Colgate ifi Co's Celebrated Perfumes & 'UH Soaps, Photographic Goods of All Kinds. B U HA C HEE- :- WARRANTED GKNl'lXE Si IN QUANTITIKS TO SUIT. Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines Cigars. Cigarettes & Tobaccos. Hull 'XWophono, no liat&r HAWAIIAN No. 24 Near fort AND KIND lMI'OrtTEI) INTO Our " IS SIMP I A' t)&" Wliitih wilUe sql.l AT mo THK Mutual '.Telephone, :S7 1 WINE GO. THIS KINGDOM. JIMENEZ " HUHLLME. LOWEST HATER by PRANK BROWN, Miuingoi, Merchant Street, Street. HAVE THE BEST QUALITY 'KAOII EVERY OF CALIFORNIA-WIN- ES PEDRO u .. I A ,1 .... NTERPB1S PLANING MILL, Alakvn. iit'iiv O.UCCU St. ,u. .M, WALKLR & RED WARD. ('oiilniolniM A- - I II I Id. !. Ullfk, Mone and Vilen lluilditigs; ei. tliimles gUcn. Jobbing piompt'v to. 10 King Bell Tele-plum- e N 1. 1! P. O. Il, I'JIJ. itpo.ly :j.KOK('.K LUCAS, ta.n. 1 - Contractor 3fV.Ltl and Builder,' WJ'.'I Honolulu Steam Planing Mill, lpla uade, Honolulu. Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Fr:imen, llliudti, Sa.ihu, Doors, and all klud.iof Wood work finish. Turning, Seioll and Hand Sawing. All kind.-- , of Sawing and Pl-i- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Oi tiers promptly altwnded to and work uuuraulced. Orders from the other solicited ft-f- rt HONOLULU IRON WORKS, ScaHM'eum engines, sugar mills, boil, ers, coolers; iron, luass ami lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Paiticular attention paid to chip's black smithing. Job work exu-i-iilt- at short nolicc. 1 K. O. Hox .1.11. - Hell Tele. it74. Hawaiian Business Agency Corner Fort A Merchant Stieets, Honolulu, H. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. GENERAL AGENTS. Afi'OiuitautM A ;oll-c-toi-- FOU THK Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising Department KOH THK "Nupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive alien-lio- n and letums promptly made. Real Estate bought, told and lea-ted- . Taxes Paid and piopeiiy safily insured Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices. Un(it and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Lite Insurance rilectid iu Ihbt-clu- ss Insurance Companies. Conveyancing a Specialty Records seaicbed and correct Abstracts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully iluiun and hand, soiiiely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in uenoial use in this Kingdom. Custom House Onsincss inuibiirteit with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at tavorablc rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and sold. Advertisements and Subscriptions soli cited lor publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on favoi able tetnis Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti- cular nttention. To Lot, Furnished and Untarnished Cot- tages in desirable localities at reasonable rentals. Several Valuable Properties in and nroiiud the city now for wile and lease on easy terms. toy-A- ll businchs entrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful atten- tion at moderate chan-e- n Feb WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS &. HENRY, Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, ?R Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmllhing, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building as specialty. Every description of work iu the above lines performed iu a firpt-clas- s manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. CSf Orders from tho other islands bolicited. Will be pleased to Bee all our old customers as well as new ones. Mutual Telephone No. f75. apr-10-8- 9 W.W. Wright & Son, 70 & 81 KfPK Boll Telo. King 381. (The Hose Premises.) All orders for wheel vehicles of every ili'4-rlplia- filled with prnmplnri. First. class mechanics employ ed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TIC.VM (!AI(H, OMMHI'NNKM. Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts, Made to order, altered or repaired, Carriago Painting, Trimming, I.TC, HC, K1C, KTC. Our HORSESHOEING Department Ik under the management of R. Cay lold.who will collect mill receipts all lulls dim th il brunch of our business. (Signed): rcl.LVIni W. W, WItlUHT .V ;?0. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $95,000,000.00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every uge, on pn'mitim l.ible, nnd in i' very year, the AC- TUAL KLSULTH of Trniiiue Policies of tho Now York Life Instiraiice Cn, lum been I.AKGKK than tlio-- e OF ANY OTIIKIt COMPANY iHning hiiuiliii' policies. gjST" For jiurticuljia npjily to C. O. KKtUSKIt. Ocn'l Agent Hawiiiiuti Isl.uids. 2811 tf FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. AueU. 45,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire nnd Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Int. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance $95,000,000 C.O.BEKGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Uaw'n Island. 1IW3 ly Prussian National Insurance Comrj'v ESTABLISHED IMS, Capital 9,000,000 Reichsmarki rUIK undersigned, having been ap. JL polutkd ugcni of the above Company for thu Hawaiian Islands, is preparedtu accept risks, against Fire, on Uuildlngs, Furniture, Merchandise, l'roduce.Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. HIKMENSCHNKIDEH, Jly-8- 7 1y at Wilder A Cog. FILTER PRESSES ! Paauiiau Hawaii, March U, 18S8. Itindou Iron A IttcoiaoU, Wurka Naii FrnurlHro. Ok.vti.kmi:n: Wc have used twoof your Filter Presses rids M'niioii, They aio convenient, casliy handled ntid arc wot king entirely tn ovr utlinfactlou- I can recommend no iru (Movement ou them. Very respectfully voure, (Signed) A. MOOHF., Mtuuiger Psinuhau Plantutloi.; Hikia, Sept. 28, 1889. Mil. John Dvnu, Auuni ltibdou lion Works, Honolulu. IIeak Sue Please ship us one f your Filter Presses, 0 sqi are feet surface, bame as the one us last beuhou, which 1 nm pleaseu lo say ha given us entire satisfaction. Yours trulv, Oko. It. KWAKT. Manager Heeia Agricultural Co. These Presses ar uniitn extra hey for high pressures, nccupr a tloir spaco 11 feet by J feet, and" present a filtering surface of 240 square leet. A limited number iu stool, iu Hono- lulu and uro sold at very low prices. Risdon Iron & Loco. Worki. San Fmncbco. (Jr For patticuhirs cnqulic of JOHN I)YK, Honolulu, Hoom No. a SpreckeU' IMock. B2."o if W. Q. Irwin 4 Co Ac tnt. Anderson &Lundy, Xentitis. Artificial Teeth from one to an entire set iuM'Ued on gold, silver, allumiLum and rubber bases. Crown aud Hrldge Work a BiH'clally. To person wearing rubber plates which tire a consiiot source of irritation to the mouth and throat, vu would recomuiend our I Metal Plate. All operations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in denial science. Teeth Kxtracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Has. MrOlhcu at Old Tregloan Hcsldence Hotel sUeet. 4 1 J -- ft I ' 1 l

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SHiSHHr'v '' i - - rfWl .. "" "- - j' ",.' WWyWJjl rd 'in.....r.-- M. ,,. - iifcaaaiMMMW MlMr iiiriiMMilwWiMil"irT""""1" minniri-nr-- nr- - - - w

SHiSHHr'v '' i - - rfWl "" "- - j' ",.' WWyWJjl rd

.. 'in.....r.- - M. ,,. - iifcaaaiMMMW MlMr iiiriiMMilwWiMil"irT""""1" minniri-nr- - nr- - - - w m miwftf ..n rtn


i IBlt & & & 1 J iy f JSvJ uDi a v



. ftf










is printed iiiiiI published lit Hie oltlee,

ijiit-.u- Struct, HiiiioIiiIii, H. I., every

tllcruoou (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 cents per Month.

Addrost nil Cintitntiiiiuaiioiis Dmi.vliul.l.til'IN.

Advertl-mmcius- , to oiuuro insertion,fchuttld bi! handed In bUore inc- - o'clockI', u.

WALTER KILL Editor and Proprlolor

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Nowr.p-.pcr-, Hook mill .lob Pi luting of

til kinds done on the moot favorublolei nib.UollTelophone No. 25(1

Mutual Telephone Nu. 2JMI


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublloailou, coutaitis 33 columns u(

leading matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu nnd IslandNewt.. It in the best paper titibllBlied

In thu Kingdom to send to tilcudB


Island : : : 1 00 yearForeign : : : fl 00 "

Commission KEeroiiants.

iiAoiciri'-r-- o a Co.,H- -

Geueral Commission Agents.Hosoi.umj



(J u ceu street, - Honolulu. U. I.11548


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchant

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

BBBWBB & COMPANY,O, (Limitud)Genkuai, Meuoantilk and


ubt or ofiuckub.P. U. Johkb, Jr President & Mauageri. O. Oahtuu. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hou. C. . HlBUOP. B. (3. A.U.KN,II. WATKRHOUdi:.


T. WATBKHOUSB,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queeu it., Honolulu. 1

ri. N. Castlo.--J. B. Atberton-- G. P. Castle

it OOOKB,CASTLB Shipping and ConiinisslouMerchant. Importers and Dealers iu

Uoneral Merchandise, No. BO King St.,Uouolulu. 1

Clsas flpreckeu. Wm. U. Irwta.IRWIN fc COMPANY,WO. Factors and Commission

outs, Honolulu. 1

4i CO.,WILDES Dealers In Lumber, Paints,DUs, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

. lowers, K. J. Lowrey O. M. Cooke.

t OOOKB,(successors to Luwers &. Dickson,)

Importers and Dealors in Lumber and allBinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honoluln 1

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St, Upstairs.

Tho undersiensd begs to iu form thepublic of these Islands that he is making

v Directions forself.mcasuremcnt willbo given on application.

Wuite Shirts, Overshlrts Sl Might Gowns

A til guaranice uy mauiuK a mumiioShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410

r,niy A. JH. MHM.fN.



HI King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

M.utuu.1 'JL'oloiiUouo IHo. 'I.07 tf


BMk-bindo- r, Papor-rule- r & Illauk-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.ocM.Dtf-l- y


JM. MONSARBAT,at liw Ai NoUry I'ubllc

141) Mdrchnul Sited, Honolulu. If

ALFK15U MAUOON,0' Allot ney at l.uv ii Notuiy i'ubllc173 4J MerflhnntHtreul. Honolulu. lv

David DaytonWill piactlco In the lower courts of

as attorney, attend to foiledlug In nil its liriiiielivs, renting ot housesand any other litislnc& cntuiMul to him

Oftlce Ut King Street Upslnns.Keb r..B!)


A.N1 HAlCUItV.K. HORN, Practical Confoctiouer,

l'astry Cook and linker.TllloUlSt. "Viar Telephone .


Druggists & TobacconistsWIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, : William' Mock,a 10 Honolulu, II. I.

h. u. URNSOn. i. w. SMITH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,11 & 116 Fort Sliuet, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Hickeeckcr's l'orfumes ami Toilet

Requisites, i!2y

WEMER & CO!JUaunructni'lnir JewellorB,no. a i-oi-rf amtinu'v.

Constantly on hand large assortnu--of ovcry description of Jewelry, WaicheoOold and Silver 1'lated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specialty.

King Ntrcei, Ilouolnlu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Olllce.

$3T Particular atiuntion paid to allkinds of repairs. jaii.lll-8'- J

SlfeThe Best Lunoh in Town,

Toa and Ooffee at ill Hours

Tho Finest Brnnd of

dors. JaSL TouaccoWMMi

Always on liana.11. J. KOLTi:, l'roprlcfor.

Hustace & Robertson,

DltAYMKN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

XX tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods iu transit to tho othor Islands.

Also, Black and Whito Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prlcos.

Olucie, next door to .las. F. Morgan'sauction room.

983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineor & Contractor,

Is piepared to deilgu and contract forall classes of Sugar Kxtructiun Machi-nery, Irrigating Machinery, Uvaporat-in- g

Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Knuiuisofall kinds and for all purposes, WaterWheels, Water Conduit!!, both plpetand flumes, Steam Hollers of variouskinds, itailroml Material and HullingStock, Klc, Ku:.

DIFFUSION NAOIIIXKKWIn all its branches n specialty.

Plantations supplied with Chemlral andAnalytical Apparatus of the very bestdescription to order.

Bay Close attention paid to all ordersami satisfaction to the purohnser gua-ranteed. P. O. Box !)80. Fort streel,Honolulu. sepMlSOly


M US. MONKOK, ladles.' nurso, lisoremoved to No. II, Kukul lane.


Til Id iMr .- -mssr''": ::: ?ri.r.? ,h

metropolitan s- -!

Meat Companyhi KINtI h'l'KKKT,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager

Wholesale it Retail Butchersami-KA- VY



City ark'Nmiaiui StrLut.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Kvcry Day.

C3PHis noled Sausagos arc m.iilc bythe evuiv bvsl miichiunry, nnd all onleinentriislfil to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, nnd binprices are as low us anywhere In thecity.

t2T Try his Bologna SausageB.-Xj- M



AN Knerjjellc, Tiuslwiirlhy Mini acollector and to make liimsell

generally iiHefiil in (be olticc. Addrers,stating last plnre and terms ilwiu-i- l to"P. O. Box imi." .il

Collctir Wtuitcd.

WANTKI) an Active, Trust worthyCollector who will rcn

deran npilvulcnl for Milary received.Address Post OOlce Lock Box No. Hfil.(Hving full pm timing, referenrcd andsalary u'iuiicl. None other uoiiied.

Fuvnishod Cottago To Lot.A NEAT Cottage, desiiablylocated, containing 4 rooms,nU'cly I urnishod, kitcheii.butli

room, stable, heiicry, etc. Lot I'JOxl'OO,lawn, shailu tree and l!ower. Kent

10 per month, Ini'ludlng water rate andtelephone.


FtirniMliod IIoiiho To J1,T Wulklkl, a two stoiy

Houve. coulainini' sixlooms nicely furnished, with

kitchen, lanai, batli and servant's rooms,stable, etc., to let for a few month at areasonable rate. Or rooms will be letsingly with unoil table board.


Valuable Property For Stile

0! Nuuanii Avenue, anewly furnished

Houpu contoininc S rboms.klicheu, butlirooui, closets, carriagehouse, stable, heusry, etc. Urnuudicontain S acres, well laid out inlawn;, ehudo and fruit trees, Mowers,etc. Will bo sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriages, live stock,nnd all the Appointments needed in afirst-clas- s i evidence, as the ott'ner

leaving ihese Islands.HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

Island Views.

A LARGE assortment of Photographsand Stereoscopic Views of the

most attractive scenery, building, etc ,In these Islands, for sale at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Corner Fort nnd Merchant streets,

twos tf


Residence: No. 105 Nuuanii Avenue..Mutual Telephone No. fiUO. nnv-Sft-B-


Bethel Street, "Damon's Block,"Corner store.

Bui girsl & Musical Instruments neatlyrepair' d at reasonable iali.i. hewingMachiurs ami repairing of all kinds aspecially. All kinds of Hafts & Scaleslopatted. Household Sewing Machinetor sa'e, dec.l 1 8!)


Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,ami pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Slubbis, corner Hole! and Rlcbiiidslieels. Scientific treatment in all dis-eases of domestic nnlmals. Onleis forplantation and ranch Mock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone i!54,P. ). Box 32U. iiili.l8,1


AGENCY for supplyingplantations with Inborn h unit

otlifH with servants, has this day beenopened at tho olllco of J. K. Iliown &Co., Merchant street. Bell Telo. 17a.P. (). Hox 480. Address care of .1. K

Hi own & Co. N. H. .Iapmiee Labor aspecialtv. H HIRATA,ilia lm .Mai.tigiT.

This Spaco-- KOIt

is Reserved




Colgate ifi Co's Celebrated Perfumes & 'UH Soaps,

Photographic Goods of All Kinds.


Fine Chemicals, Patent MedicinesCigars. Cigarettes & Tobaccos.

Hull 'XWophono, no liat&r


No. 24 Near fort



Our "


t)&" Wliitih wilUe sql.l AT



Mutual '.Telephone, :S7 1







Merchant Street, Street.





u.. I A ,1 ....


Alakvn. iit'iiv O.UCCU St.,u. .M,


('oiilniolniM A- - I II I Id. !.Ullfk, Mone and Vilen lluilditigs; ei.tliimles gUcn. Jobbing piompt'v

to. 10 King Bell Tele-plum- e

N 1. 1! P. O. Il, I'JIJ. itpo.ly

:j.KOK('.K LUCAS, ta.n.1

- Contractor 3fV.Ltland Builder,' WJ'.'I

Honolulu Steam Planing Mill, lplauade, Honolulu.

Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Fr:imen, llliudti,

Sa.ihu, Doors, and all klud.iof Woodwork finish. Turning, Seioll and HandSawing. All kind.-- , of Sawing and Pl-i-

ing, Morticing and Tenanting.Oi tiers promptly altwnded to and work

uuuraulced. Orders from the othersolicited

ft-f- rt HONOLULU IRON WORKS,ScaHM'eum engines, sugar mills, boil,ers, coolers; iron, luass ami lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Paiticular attention paidto chip's black smithing. Job work exu-i-iilt-

at short nolicc. 1

K. O. Hox .1.11. - Hell Tele. it74.

Hawaiian Business Agency

Corner Fort A Merchant Stieets,Honolulu, H. I.


GENERAL AGENTS.Afi'OiuitautM A ;oll-c-toi--


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentKOH THK


Collections will receive alien-lio- n

and letums promptly made.Real Estate bought, told and lea-ted- .

Taxes Paid and piopeiiy safily insuredHouses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices.

Un(it and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Lite Insurance rilectid iu Ihbt-clu- ss

Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty Records

seaicbed and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully iluiun and hand,soiiiely engrossed.

Copying and Translating in all languagesin uenoial use in this Kingdom.

Custom House Onsincss inuibiirteit withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at tavorablc rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

cited lor publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on favoi

able tetnisInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti-

cular nttention.To Lot, Furnished and Untarnished Cot-

tages in desirable localities at reasonablerentals.

Several Valuable Properties in andnroiiud the city now for wile and leaseon easy terms.

toy-A-ll businchs entrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful atten-tion at moderate chan-e- n Feb

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS &. HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmllhing, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specialty.

Every description of work iu theabove lines performed iu a firpt-clas- s

manner and executed at short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.CSf Orders from tho other islands

bolicited. Will be pleased to Bee allour old customers as well as new ones.Mutual Telephone No. f75.

apr-10-8- 9

W.W. Wright & Son,70 & 81 KfPK Boll Telo.

King 381.

(The Hose Premises.)

All orders for wheel vehicles of everyili'4-rlplia- filled with prnmplnri.

First. class mechanics employ ed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty


Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altered or repaired,

Carriago Painting, Trimming,I.TC, HC, K1C, KTC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIk under the management of R. Caylold.who will collect mill receipts alllulls dim th il brunch of our business.

(Signed):rcl.LVIni W. W, WItlUHT .V ;?0.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $95,000,000.00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every uge, on pn'mitiml.ible, nnd in i' very year, the AC-

TUAL KLSULTH of Trniiiue Policiesof tho Now York Life Instiraiice Cn,lum been I.AKGKK than tlio-- e OFANY OTIIKIt COMPANY iHninghiiuiliii' policies.

gjST" For jiurticuljia npjily to

C. O. KKtUSKIt.Ocn'l Agent Hawiiiiuti Isl.uids.

2811 tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

AueU. 45,288,000Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire nnd Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South British Fire and Marine Int. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Insurance



General Agent, Uaw'n Island.1IW3 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comrj'v

ESTABLISHED IMS,Capital 9,000,000 Reichsmarki

rUIK undersigned, having been ap.JL polutkd ugcni of the above Companyfor thu Hawaiian Islands, is preparedtuaccept risks, against Fire, on Uuildlngs,Furniture, Merchandise, l'roduce.SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayableHonolulu.

H. HIKMENSCHNKIDEH,Jly-8- 7 1y at Wilder A Cog.


PaauiiauHawaii, March U, 18S8.

Itindou Iron A IttcoiaoU, WurkaNaii FrnurlHro.Ok.vti.kmi:n: Wc have used twoof

your Filter Presses ridsM'niioii, They aio convenient, casliyhandled ntid arc wot king entirely tn ovrutlinfactlou- I can recommend no iru(Movement ou them.

Very respectfully voure,(Signed) A. MOOHF.,

Mtuuiger Psinuhau Plantutloi.;

Hikia, Sept. 28, 1889.Mil. John Dvnu, Auuni ltibdou lion

Works, Honolulu.IIeak Sue Please ship us one f your

Filter Presses, 0 sqi arefeet surface, bame as the oneus last beuhou, which 1 nm pleaseu losay ha given us entire satisfaction.

Yours trulv,Oko. It. KWAKT.

Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

These Presses ar uniitn extra heyfor high pressures, nccupr a tloirspaco 11 feet by J feet, and" present afiltering surface of 240 square leet.

A limited number iu stool, iu Hono-lulu and uro sold at very low prices.

Risdon Iron & Loco. Worki.San Fmncbco.

(Jr For patticuhirs cnqulic ofJOHN I)YK, Honolulu,

Hoom No. a SpreckeU' IMock.

B2."o if W. Q. Irwin 4 Co Ac tnt.

Anderson &Lundy,Xentitis.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset iuM'Ued on gold, silver, allumiLumand rubber bases. Crown aud HrldgeWork a BiH'clally. To person wearingrubber plates which tire a consiiotsource of irritation to the mouth andthroat, vu would recomuiend our I

Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with the latestimprovements in denial science. TeethKxtracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Has.

MrOlhcu at Old Tregloan HcsldenceHotel sUeet.

4 1



I' 1


Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SHiSHHr'v '' i - - rfWl .. "" "- - j' ",.' WWyWJjl rd 'in.....r.-- M. ,,. - iifcaaaiMMMW MlMr iiiriiMMilwWiMil"irT""""1" minniri-nr-- nr- - - - w




Ohio: or rin: Hoakh ok Hkai.iii,)Honolulu, Jim. ('.. IS'.lO. )

Ala meeting ot Hit' lloaid of Healthheld January 2, 1S90,

GEORGE W. C. JONES, lo,,Was appointed Agent of I lie Do.ird

and Sauitniy Inspector for tlie l'N-tri-

of Honolulu.GEO. C. POTTER,

447 3t Seeietaiy.

1st District. 1st Precinct !

Iutpectois' Notice of Time and PlacoFor Registering Voter.

The Insjieetois of Election for the

lt 1'iecinet ot the 1st District of

Honolulu (the 1st Precinct coni-mise- s

that noition lying east of

I'unahoii stieet fiom the mountainto tlie sea) will hold meetings for

Registering Voters anil collectingthe Register, on SATURDAY, Jan.11th, MONDAY, Jan. Rlth, andWEDNESDAY, Jan. l.'.tli, 1S!K), be-

tween the hours of 2 r. M. and o

V. ji., at the office of the HawaiianCaiiiage Manufactoiy, Queen street.

K. tJ. SCIIl'MAN.Chairman of Inspectors 1st I'm-cin- et

of 1st District. 4 t" td

3rfl District, 1st Precinct!HO.NOJ.tTM'

Registration of

Notice js heieby given thai a meet-ing will be held in the 1st Pieeinct,iird District, Honolulu, at the Hono-

lulu Killes Annoiy, Herelania stieet,on MON'DAY, Jan. l.'lth, between thebourn of 7 and 0 i M., on WKDNES-DAY- ,

Jan. 15th, same liouis, and onFRIDAY, Jan. 17th, and SATUR-DAY Al'TEKXOOX, from 4 to (i, foi

the purpose of Registering Voters andcorrecting the Register. Thee meet-ings will he continued fiom week toweek at the same place on the -- amedays and bonis as above.

F. Wl'NDENBERC,447 tf Chaiinian.

Normal Classes.Agreeably with a published notice

of the Hoard of Education, of the Cthof November last, normal classes will

be opened at Fort Street School, inthis city, commencing on FRIDAYXEXT, the 10th inst., at half-pa- st

two o'clock (2 :IS0) i ji., for tlie benefitof all teachers who de.-ii-c to attend,and forapplieaiits for teachers' placesin the public schools. All publicschool teachers in Honolulu, holdingprimary grade certificate'), will tie ex-

pected by the Bon id of Education toattend such of these classes as glial'be designated in eaeb case by theperson in cbarge of the inti iietion.All other teachers will be welcome.A meeting of all tlie. public schoolteachers and applicants for teachers'places will be expected at the opening session on Vriday next.

By older of the Boaid of Educa-

tion. W. JAS. SMITH,Seeietaiy.

Education Office, Jan. 7, 1S00.440 31

Water Notice.In accordance with Section 1 of

Chapter XXVII. of the laws of 1880,

nil pei sons Jtiolding vater privilegesor tboso paying-iVate- r rates, aie here-

by notified that the water rates for

thottei m ending June T.O, 1800, will

be due and payable at the otlice of

tin- - Honolulu Water Woikt. on thefust of January, IS9U.

All such rates leuuining unpaidfor fifteen days after ihey are duewill he subject to an additional 10

per cent.I'nilie.H paying latex will please

pnwnl Iheir last icccipl.Rates an; payable at the ollico of

the Water Woiks in the Kapuaiwabuilding.

The statute allowing no diseiotionstrict enfoi cement of Uri- - cl.un-- e willbe made. CHAS. B. WJLSON,

Superintendent Water Woiks.Honolulu, Dee. 21, 1889. .131 tf

. i .


BY' a Young (ii'Miian Woman, tn takecureof childrei, ord'i lljdit house-wor-

Apply at "Corner Mciclmiil unitAlnkeu Htift-K- 4lJlt




WANTED(lOOI) Cook for ranch on Hawaii.

Apply at lids otllce. 14 tf

WANTEDY a Middle Aged Man of experience,

eiieriry unit nueli, a position iihucmutitiirit, guh'bniQii or manager, in aincreuulile honee, or would tiny an In.leietit in an eslulillslii'il business, city incountry. Refemiees given. Enquireat tills otllce. tii'J liu

f "; iv, !f'-?- ? t fs',-- ,

HQprfipiygi&T'"-- i 'v Jiriw


'V x .m


fjaiTt. guTTtjfin

J'lfilrd to ucitier Sect nor Party,But tftabti.thcd for the brutit of utU


The latest political expedint ofthe Advertiser, that of paradingbogus Cabinet slates of opponents,can only bo justified on tin; theorythat "all is fair in polities."

Ofiensive personalities in connec-

tion with the election campaign aredaily thickening, and the morninepaper, wlileh.a few days ago, solemnlytood for "Meaaures and not Men."

takes the cake.

Tlie law requires, in rejjard to themeetings of Inspectors of Election,that "not lets than five days generalnotice shall tie given by postingnotices in not less than three con-

spicuous places in the di trlct, orprecinct, if the district be divided,and such other notice as said In-

spectors shall deem necessary.' ' Is

the law being complied with?


The Chairman of Inspectors forthe first Precinct of the first Districtgives notice that the first l'recinctcomprises that portion lying "cast"of Punalinu street, fiom the moun-

tain to the sea ; and that the Inspectors of Election will hold mcetiugsfor registering voters and correctingthe register, ou certain days named,at the otllce of the Hawaiian Car-

nage Manufactory, on Queen street.That is, every voter will have toleave his district, and the nearest be

compelled to travel a distance of

nearly two miles, in order lo re-

gister. Moiliili oi the l'ark would

be more convenient for that pur-

pose, and l'uiiloa less convenient

than Queen stieet. II it lie the in-

tention to keep voters from register-ing, we would advise the choice ofKahukii for such meetings!


It is strange, very strange, thatmen who profess to lie upright andhone-- t, seeking nothing in theline of politics and statesmanshipbut "good government," should bedispleased with olheis for adoptingtheir principles and aims. Butstrange as it may appear, this seemsto be exactly the state of some peo-

ple at the present tune. Adliercntsof the Reform Party areaccusing the Mechanics' and Work-inginen- 's

Union and the Kalaiainaof "stealing1' and appropriating the"platform" which they (the Reform-

ers) endorse the Government plat-

form --and reproaching them for do"

ing so. Those who have attendedthe recent district meetings, or have

read the published speeches deliver-

ed thereat, are aware of this fact.The same parties, or their friends,make the same charge on the publicstreets. Without concerning our-

selves about the tiuth or faliity ofthe accusation, we ask, it the gov- -

j eminent statement of policy is goodand on the whole we consider it is

why should people be derided foradopting the tenets therein contain-

ed 'r One would have thought thatrejoicing over repentant sinners andjubilation because of returning prodigals would have been more seemly.


Our Sunday law is much moreliberal than is generally supposed.Allusion is frequently made to cer-

tain common acts as being contraryto law, which in reality are permit-

ted thereby. The Sunday law of1880 is the one under which we live.

Its first two sections are hereunderquoted for the information of thepublic:

Section 1. All labor on Sunday isforbidden, excepting woiks of neces-

sity or mercy, in which aru includedall labor that is needful for the goodorder, health, comfort or safety ofthe community, or for the protec-tion of properly from unforeseen dis-

aster, or danger of destruction or.injury, or which may be requiredfor the prosecution of or attendanceupon religious worship, or for thefurnishing of opportunities of read-ing or study. Provided, however,that on Sunday until nine o'clockin the morning, barber shops maybo kept open and fresW meat andfresh fish may be sold and delivered ;

that until nine o'clock in the morn-ing and after three o'clock in theafternoon, milk may be delivered,and cattle, sheep and swine may beslaughtered; that during the entireday meals may bo sold to be eaten on

the premises where sold or nerved else-

where by caterers, drugs, medicinesand surgical appliances may be sold,personal baggage may be conveyedto and from vessels leaving and ar-

riving at port on that day, that thorailroads may ou Sunday carry pas-

sengers lo connect with the steam- -

ers and public carriages, horse carsand licensed shorcboals may conveypassengers for hire, and that alllabor which may lie lawfully per-formed on Sunday shall be conduct-ed, as fur as possible, so as not to in-

terfere with the right of the commu-nity and of each individual to quietand repose.

Section 2. All public ainueinrriKspoils, limv and gainer on Sundayare heiehy forbidden, and no oneshall iso prosecute or take pait inany recreation, amusement, "port orgame not of a public chaiacter, onSunday, in such a manner as to in-

terfere with the right of the commu-nity and of each individual to quietand repose.


A rewaid of fifty dollars (S50) isoffered by the Minister of Interior"to any person who shall give evi-

dence which vrill lead to the convic-

tion of any person for the illationof any of the provisions of theKlectinn Law bv doing any act designated in such law as a 'corrupt'or 'illegal' piaeticc." For the bene-

fit of those who may not have a copyol the Flection Law wc reprint that,

portion of it which designates "cor-rupt practices."

Section 88. The following persons,ahull be deemed guilty of "corruptpractices :" 1. Kvery person whoshall directly or indirectly, person-ally or through another, ;rivc, lend,agree In give or lend, or prom'ue toprocuie or to endeavor lo procureany money or valuable considerationlo or lor any elector, or to any per-son for mi elector, or to or for anyperson in order to induce any elec-

tor to vote or refrain from voting,or shall do such act on account ofany persons having voted or refrain-ed" from voting at any election.

'?. l'.vnrv tiersnn wlin shall direct Iv

or indirectly, personally or throughanother, "ivc or procure, or areeto give or procuie, or offer,prouiise,or promise to procure, or endeavorto procure any otlice or place of em-

ployment to or for any elector, orlo or for any person on behalfof an elector; or tn or for any otherperson in order to induce such elec-

tor to vote or refrain from voting,or shall do any such act as afore-said on account of any elector having voted or retrained from votingat an election.

I!. Kvery person who shall directly or iniiireciiy, personally orthrough another, make any suchgift, loan, offer, promise, procure-ment or agreement as aforesaid ; orto or for any person, in order to in-

duce such person to procure or en-

deavor to procure the election of anyperson to serve in the Legislature;or to procure the vote of any electorat an election.

4. Kvery person who shall, uponor in consequence of any such gift,loan, offer, promise, procurement oragreement, procure or engage, pro-

mise or endeavor to procure theelection of any person to serve inthe Legislature, or procure the voleof any elector at any election.

i'i. Kvery poison who shall ad-

vance or pay, or cause to be paid,anv monev to or to tlie use ot anyother person, with the intent thatsuch money, or any part thereof,shall be expended in bribery at anyelection; or Who shall knowinglypay, or cause to be paid, any moneylo any person in discharge or repay-ment of any money wholly or inpart expended in bribery at anyelection,

(i. Hverv elector who shall .before orduring any election, directly orindii-ccll- y,

personally or through another,receive, agree or contract for any mon-

ey, gift, loan or valuable considera-tion, otlice, place or employment forhimsrlf or any other person, for vot-

ing or agreeing to vote, or from re-

training to vote, or agreeing lo re-

frain from voting.7. Kvery person who shall after

any election, directly or indirectly,personally or through another, re-

ceive any money or valuable consi-deration, on account of any personhaving voted or retrained from vot-

ing, or having induced any otherperson to vote or refrain from votingat any election.

8. Kvery candidate at any elec-

tion who shall, personally or throughanother person, or by nuy ways'awlmeans on his behalf, ou electionday or the day immediately preced-ing or following an election, directlyor indirectly, give or provide, orcause to be given or provided, orshall be accessory to tlie giving orproviding, or shall pay wholly or inpart, any expenses incurred for anymeat, drink or entertainment, orprovision to or for nny person, inorder lo be elected or for beingelected, or for the purpose of intlu-dicin- g

such person orany other per-

son to give or refrain Iroui givinghis vole at such election, or on ac-

count of such person having votedor retrained from voting, or beingabout to vote or refrain from votingat such election. All of the abovenamed offences bliall constitute thecrime of bribery as a corrupt prac-tice.

t. Kveryjpcrson who shall, directlyor liidireel v. nersona v or tliroiiii i

ninlfo use of, any lorce, violenceor restraint, or inlltct or threaten toinlliut any Injury, damago or loss many manner, or in any way, practise.Intimidation upon or against anyperson, in order to induco or com-

pel such person to vote or refrainfrom voting at any election, or onaccount of such person having votedor refrained fiom voting, or who

shall, by abduction, distress, oranyfraudulent device or contrivance,impede, prevent or otherwise inter-fere willi the free exercise of tlie.elective, franchise, shall be deemedguilty of the offence of "undiio

1 0. Kvery person who, at any elec-

tion, attempts to vote in the nameof any other person, living or dead,or some fictitious imme, or who hav-

ing once voted, alleinpt1) lo voleagain.

11. Kvery person who, without,authority, scmW in any claim tohave the name of any other personenleied on the Uegis'tcr, or attachesthe name of any oilier person to anysuch claim in order to make it ap-

pear as the claims of such person,or procures the name of any otherperson to be entered upon the r.

I'. Kvery person who shall, eitherin person or through another, in anymaimer break up or pievent theholding of any meeting ot the In-

spectors as herein piescrihed or pio- -

videil for, or in any manner breakup or pieu'iit the holding of anyelection.


KniKii: Bri.i.hTiN : - At the Fortstreet prayer meeting last evening.Killers being the subject, Mr. Olc-so- n.

having the meeting in charge,look occasion to enlarge upon thepolitical situation in this Kingdom,and charged all good, right-thinkin- g

men, Christians particularly, lostand by reform, regretting that twoChri-lia- n men had lefused to workfor it. If they are not with Mr.Olesou and his friends they must beagainst them and, in this case, theonly thing to be done is to readthem out of the church forthwith.Of course the two wicked brethrenmay question whether reform runswith Mr. Oleson and bis friends;but that should make no difference,they ought not to do their ownthinking nor questioning.


Fnnoir Ucmxtin: Humps anddinks are evidently both at sea, ordrunk and can't see. While in thisdeplorable condition they advertisethat they know all about politicsand whiskey.

You ate gelling old ; slop ashorea trip and keep sober. The politi-cal sea is too rough for your antedi-luvian ideas. Yon will be able tolay up in the Queen's Hospital in atew months, where you can expect-orate your buttons at one anotheruntil you join the great NationalKeforin Party at the eleventh lunir.Take this advice before you arc mis-

taken for a pair of can hooks, andget Humped and Jinked over thebottom of the Hawaiian channel, insearch of the lost end of the tele-graph cable, and the names of yourcentral committee become punlicproperty. Asvriuso.



Fonou 15i;i.i.i:iis: In yesterday'sissue you slate thai "the number ofGovernment employees ou the listof Inspectors of Flection is enorm-ous," and that "if this is not con-

trary to the letter of the law it is uviolation ot its spirit," and that "inHonolulu and other centres of popu-lation men competent and willing loundertake the. duties of inspectoisare not so scaice as to necessitatethe appointment of Governmentolllcials. Therefoic many of theappointments made in these placesare inexcusable, ami mo electorshave just grounds Jor tho complaintswhich they arc audibly breathing onthis score."

You have given no figures to sltowthat the number of Governmentolllcials is enormous, nor have youquoted any statute or advanced anyreasons why the appoint inents madeare contrary to either the letter orthe spirit of the low.

There are ."7 voting precincts inthe Kingdom, requiring 171 Inspec-tors. The number ot persons draw-ing .salaries from the. Treasury whoare, inspectors is as follows:

Hawaii, PJ out of a total of AT;Maui, Malolcai and Luuai, Hi nut ot12; Oahu, l.'i out lo; Kauai andN'iihau, 7 out of :.'7 ; total, 17 outof 171.

Of this 17, IS are justices, or em-

ployees of the Supreme mid CiicuilCourts, over whom the Administra-tion has no contiol. The number ofexecutive olljccrs on the boards istherefore only 2',) out of 17L Ofthis 211 quite a number are Mihoolteachers, who are appointed andcontrolled by the Hoard of Fduea-lio- n,

a non-partis- body.These figures aru siillleient to

show that your statement that thenumber ot Government olllcials ap-

pointed as inspectors "is enormous"is incorrect.

Second, with icference lo yourstatement that "if this is not contrary to tho letter, it is contrary tothe spirit of the law," I would say:

1. That tho only reference in tinslaw to Government otllcers, in con-

nection with elections, is section 102of the Flection Law, which reads asfollows:

Any person holding any posi- -

another, make use of, or threaten to lion of truster profit under thoGoteminent who shall act for thepurpose of procuring or assisting in

the election of any person, except asa voter and in canting bin vote, shallbe punished by a line," etc.

An Inspector of elections holds aGovernment ollico by virtue of hisappointment. There Is then no-

thing to prevent his being appoint-ed lo such ollico unless there is a


Is isauinga new form of insurance which provides, in the event of death, for a return of all premiums p.iid in ad-

dition to the amount of the policy, or, should the insured survive a given number of years, the Company willreturn all the premiums paid with interest; or, instead of accepting the policy and profits in cash Hie l holdermay. WITIlOUTMKDICALKXAMIXATIOXand WITIIOFT FUKTIIKU PAYMKNTOF PHK.MIl'MS, take inlieu thereof the amount of policy and piolits in FULLY PAID UP insurance, pnitieipating annually in dividends.

lteineinhcr, Ibis contract is issued by the oldest Life Insurance Company in the United Stated, and the Lar-e- lFinancial Institution in tlie Wot Id, its assets exceeding One Hundred and Twenty-Si- x Millions of DoIIhih.

i'ay For full particulars call on or address

'MO 1m

.3m& k wB w ova m 1r a a

oi" &


ttr tll bo to



l. 'V. F5A.XIJ&V,



and orders

statute a Governmentoltieial fiom holding two ollices atonce. There is no such law, and itis therefore clear that such

are not con t rat y lo the Idlerol the law.

2. The object sought by section102 of the Klectinn Law is to pre-

vent the from UsingGovernment nllleiiils as

agents. They arc thsrefore ex-

cluded under pain of tine andfrom the

election, or the electionot any person. This is right, as aGovernment ollieer is the servant ofthe whole people ami not solely ofthe paily in power.

The position of an inspector ofelection is a judicial one. He is a"judge" for that particular busi-

ness. It is not a partisan position.The very nature of the duties pre-vents his being a partisan. He isnot. orthe election of any personany more than is :i judgeassisting in the conviction of a crim-

inal at who-- trial he presides.I must therefore deny that the

"spirit" of the law has been vio-

lated.With reference to the

which are audibly breathing on thisscore," none have come to me. Withthe intent of any possi-ble charge of unfairness in Hie selec-tion of I have been in

for ihc last twomonths ou (he subject with men ofall shades of political feeling, havingwritten an average of about fourletteis for every inspector

Quite a number of the aovern-iiie- ut

otllcers were forby gentlemen of the

The list of inspectors publishedfor Honolulu, which is specially re-

ferred lo,wns submitted to a numberof the candidates, amoin:others II. A. Widemann, .1. S. Wal-

ker and T. K. Lucas andContrary toyour state-

ment that there is no dilliciilty in ob-

taining men competent and willing toact, 1 would say that there is greatdiltlciilly, as the woik is arduous,and the pay small, and one primereason for taking olllcials ai all, wthat they have acted before, ate

wilh the work, and wereavailable without serious huaiucssinjury to themselves.

I therefore claim that your chargeof uufuiriiess and partiality in the

of is un-

founded.I.our.ix A. Tiu'iiston.



-- 2C0 BBLS FRESH- -

iceeived T.uty l.uinp'iiil,"


&417 Iw

Union, Fire & Marine

Ot Xftv ZtMllUiiU.

Klre risks litkci on lhvi'llinii, Stores,(Storehouses and 1,'niiti'nts. Uo, SugarJiid IPuc Mills, Machinery, lite-- , Kte

MurineOn Mulls CartifS iinil Finiglits, bowimlil lieie

J. S.Ac-n- t for Hawaiian Is itnds.


1 2rt columns, puioly loenl inatiinMulled in lortilu ceiitiiib's, fit perHlllllllll,


OXT- -



lldBliEttU a liSIWi m

W. .13.General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


momN FftS ffi,? fffcffftFfi a


All, Hop Ale, Greriins, Utmnk, Siarsiiprillii, tfilira,

TELEPHONE 297.ttliotiltl nririivsMt'ri





prisonment "procuring""assisting"

"assisting" "procuring"









appointment Inspcetois



Insurance Co.,


"IiiMuruiKJt- -

pheT weeiy'bulletTn



8TI LE E,"5)1101"


rvrxniiifj-oB'- .



Giier Mineral Hit








e Real Estate.vxtotiotv.

In the Business Center of Honolulu !

-- o-

Tbe attention of Capitalists, Trustees and Ileal Estate Investors, is called toone of Ihc iiui.mI important sales of Keal Kxta(c, foi Iiimiic.s

blocks, ever held in Honolulu: tlie property bei.ij;situated in the heait of tbc city

and hounded by

Nuuanu, Hotel and Bethel Streets.u

The undersigned bus iceeived instructions to offer for Mile byauction, at his Sulct-room- , (jueen stieet,

On Saturday, Jan. I 3, I 890,A.'.r i'j o'cjcocic iSooiv,

The whole of Ihat VALUA1JLF. CITY PKOPKltTY, known as the

"BOOTH ESTATE,"(Excepting only the corner lot ou Nuuanu and Hotel streets, owned by

Mr. .lames Olds.)

Containing in all 16,000 Square Feetn

This is the most compact and denirublo piece of property in Honolulu,and being situated in (be heait of the retail business quarter or tho city,between the two main arteries of tratlie, (Foil and Nuuanu streets), leadingto and from the whaives and harbor, it will luivo a value for all time, aniltherefore holds out tiuuiiial inducements to capitalists, as a lemuiierativcand permanent investment.

The main ftontueH of this properly ate 10 feet on Nuuanu Mieet, 03feot on Hotel .stieet. and 125 feet on Uothel street, which three streetshave been recently widened by the Government to 10 feet each, and finelymacadamised and graded throughout, rendering them the d nest thorough-fares in the city. A new street of 12 feet width, which iuiih Ihiough theconterot tlie properly from JMiiumii to Hetliel sheets, bus been donated bythe owner uf the block, and this will give additional Htieet fiontiige ol195 feet on one side of ihc new stieet andlM feet on the other, to all thehits to he Mild, hmin; no lot without a valuable street frontage and lo .someof them very dcMrahhi and valuable stieet corners.

Another advantage of this Hue property as an investment, is its etcul-len- lsiinitary conditions, and being on the highest part of the city, nuikai of

Hotel it will have excellent drainage for buildings elected t hereon, .

and lining of siillleient. elevation, permits the const riiclicin of deep cellar?,on account of being beyond Ibn lunch of tide water.

The block bus been d into building lots, liuiiilu'iing 1 to 12as can be feen on a large new suivey map, now on view at my Salesioom.

Tlie title to the property is perfect. Terms of sale are one I liird cash,one Ihiid one year and one thiid two years, with iutcical at fi per cent perannum.

An exainiuii ion of this piopinly is solicited, and is confidently lecom-meiide- d

as a peinuinenlly leniuueiative iuvcnlnutut.

mo td

For fuller particulars and infoimation apply lo


K. H.IIi:kikv, l'resldeut Ci. Manager.(ioneuKV IlitowN, Seeiutuiy & Treasurer.

John Kna, Viee-I'relile-

Ukcii. ltitow.v,



lpn. Hiiri'vkt'lfc' Hunk, 1'itvi Nfrovi, Honolulu.IMPORTERS and DEALERS IN

Hardware, -:- - Crockery, -:- - Glassware, iChandeliers, Elecloliors, Lumps &, Lamp Fixtures,Paints, Oils .tWarnishes, Laid Oil, Cylinder Oil,Powder, Shot Caps, Machine-loade- d Cartridges, Chainbeilnin's Patent;

HOUSE -:- - FURNISHING-- :- GOODS,Silver l'laled Ware, Table .fe l'oe.ket Cutlery,Plows, 1'lanters' Steel Hoes, and other Agricultural Implement,





Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stock for Pipe A Doll Cutting,Manila A. Sisal Hope, Itubhur Hose,Wire Hound ltuhhcr Hose, Spinetei-giip- ;

Sprinklers & Sprinkler Stands,

Union Metallic Cartridge Co.,llarlman's Steel Wire Fence Steel Wiro Mais,

"New I'rociW Hope,Win. (i. Kisher'x Wrought Steel Ranges, Neal's Cauiage I'ninta,

Gale City .Stone Filteis,"New I'roce.-.- V Twist, Drills,

nnv!29-8- l IlitilV Patent "Duplex" Die Slocks.


r&M.. ,i', .&' riff "VAr.

fi )




'' .


t(&- r ,...,




Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SHiSHHr'v '' i - - rfWl .. "" "- - j' ",.' WWyWJjl rd 'in.....r.-- M. ,,. - iifcaaaiMMMW MlMr iiiriiMMilwWiMil"irT""""1" minniri-nr-- nr- - - - w




Iksj- -

MfWtfWlfl'W mniWWiP

lk U l

Hails iullittiiiWKDNKSIUY, 8, 18JM).

ARRIVALS..I:in Sluir

l.fhtta (torn IlaniakuaKehr Kiiwiilliiul from Konlatt.SehrWidmsdii fioin 1'iliiitSlmr IvmiImuI from llntiiitktmAm ti'iu Pied K SiimlciM. ItoOM, It days

ft in ii Toll Tow

Od'AHTUItCli..Illll S -

Slmr Wuinnnalo for Maul nnil M ( ilol;:: I

at S u inHinir ICtmlii for Wniiinai stt 'J :i in'flir lloli Hay for'Lwii

Sichr Mol Wuliltm for ihininktiiiSehr lliili'iikiilu for lliw.dl


Am M'lir Itnhrtt PciiIuiIkav,for San Francisco

for Iliiiuakua at i! p mMolir KumhII.uiI for ICooluil


I'or Kauai per Mini1 Miknhala, .f.m 7 -l-

inn Chin Guy, P. Miller ami wife, MNMiililium, MM Kalu, MM L Daiuiciiu,Uev C! .Suinuinlo, It Gerke, and 10 deck.

I'or Maid per stmr Likellke, Jan 7C N Spencer, Jtev loMipa and wife, Mr(!ili;ilvi. .1 T, Miller, (ill's Lemon, andHO deck.


, Tlif steamers Iualmii aud Lehua ar--i lived this morning from llaumkua with

f tllo and luou lings sugar respectively forthe schooner ltnhcrc l.ewors.

The tern V S IJownc will lease eailynext week for Mahiikoua, Hawaii, toload sugar for San Fraud en.

The .schooner Wulmalii hi ought thismorning-- from Puna 1001) ties and ill)

li.gf of nlilu wood for the () It ,Sc 1. Co.The bark I.udy l.auip-o- n lluishcil dls- -

charging tlila afteinooit.The (J K Ill-h- hroughl 2

IMS migar, 10:1 lugn p.uhly. MO hagslire, ami aild hags rice Ijimii,

The American foiir-inast- ed schoonerItobmt hewers, Captain l)e 11 P Peu-Ir.illo-

sail for San Fran-cisco with 1:1,10 tons .sugar anil a deckloail of banana?.






.Mr. Wrsiy Taylor is to be con-

gratulated on the, frrcul success ofhis eleventh organ recital, given inKamnakaniK Church yesterdayevening. There was a large attend-ance including Princess Liliuoka-lan- i

and other prominent persons.The numbers played oti the organhy Mr. Taylor were as follows:Alaruh Triomnhalo (Lennnens),Her- -

ccuse in A (l)elbruck). Andante in(! (Smart), ami Offerloiie in A(HiHtate). Ho succeeded well inbringing out many of the innumer-able beautiful harmonics of whichthe magnificent instrument is cap-able. Mr. T. M. Slarkey sang withevident acceptance Rodney's song,'Calvary." Miss Annie Dowsettsang "Angels' Serenade," MissJaiuieson of San Francisco playingthe piano accompaniment, and Prof.Sauvlet an obligato on the violin.Miss Dowsett's Binging was rich andflawless, but the instruments wererather strong for her. In respond-ing to an encore, however, the younglady fully overcame the disadvan-tage, her fine voice ringing out clearand full above the instrumentalchords. The Royal Hawaiian Or-

chestra, led by Prof. Jierger, wonan ovation at every one of three ap-

peal ances. Its best appreciatedpiece was evidently Reach's gavotte,"Secret Love," which was loudlyencored. Prof. Sauvlet handled thefirst violin in the orchestra withmarked skill, and in all his playingof the evening proved himself amusical artist.

MORTUARY REPORT.The total number of deaths lepoitcd

for the month of December, 188'J, was)7, distributed as follows:

,Under 1 year.. From flu to JO... fl

From 1 to fi... From 40 to SO.

Fioin Ji toll).. From fiO to ('.0. . .

Pinm into M. From uo to 7(1...From 0 lo ill). Over 70

Malts,. 4!l Females !

llawaiiaus. .41! Ornat IJrltaln..Chinese.... .10 AliierleausI'ortiigui'he 7 Oilier nations.Jtiaiiee 1

Total ..07Number unattended


Aueurl-- m I Debility 1

AtlilitU 1 Fever 11

Accident 1 Intlamniatlou... 1

ItriinchltiA :i Iuaiiitlou '2

HowelCompl'ut. 4 'Lung ...

ileilheri.. Liver Complaint 1

Consumption Measles 'J

CouviiUioiiR.. Old Age 5Croup Pneumonia 1

Cancer Stomatitlb 1

Oyscutory..., Syphilis 1

Dlnrrhitu I Piikiiowii ;i


Dt!u 18S.1 II) Dec 1SH...Drc 18b(i V2 Die lbM)... .07Dee 1887 .r.o

ut . :j

Population UltimateAnnual death rale per 1000 per

month ....na.itiIfawailans ...4U.00Pitt ii . an 17.nAll other nallomditic:. :I0.0U

Fourteen of the total number are frommeasles or the sequent of measles.

C. (. Rr.YNOi.ns,Agent Uoard of llealtli.

Tin: Uui.i.irrtN vki:kly Kl'mmauyof Jan. 7 is a number that xboidd bnKceiucd for the foreign inuiln. Itcontains a btiecinct loviow of thopast year, espcemlly full on Hawaiianad'airs. Theio aie uUo a gieat manypolitical addiesses of tho week, theplatform of tltu National Refoiiu Par- -'

ty, t'ustoms statistics, etc, As thepapor is off tho pi ens no cop'ion canbo supplied beyond llio tslilion


"'f;fnqifflt pcm " ''WV

wwwyw m,rvt ww m rjww wI'faftg)!LOCAL & GENERAL NhWS.

Tin: Honid of llcullh met IhiillflfilHKlll.

t'Asru: v ('iiiil;c advertise tali- -

flllllill lime.. .- - - -

ISn.wtD uud u room ore wanted liy.i yt hi ui; lady, p

Mil. Geo. W. C. .luiie- -' uppuintnii-ii- l

is gnveited csevlieie.

'K lelllrn pctlllil to Chinese wasfor the hail; Am, Tinner.

A Mi:i:nx(i of Hie .tttlo llo.ilClub will be belli this, evening, attbeii boat holl-i- ', al 7 :."0 o'clock.

ANY pOtffC.-.s- o! of a copy uf Viie-fid-

mid Farm for .lutie, iSHl), willlind n lucrative oiler in another col-


Nortecs appear in the ollieial col-umn 1'iom tbeelialniieii of inspccloi.sof election in the liu--t and tbiul dis-triel- r.


Tin: American tern Finl, K. San-del.- -,

O.ipl. Koos, ui lived this after-uiio-

after a pleanut pasMge of IIdays I'kiiii Port Tow iisond.

CAi-r- . Walker, of the d

Wandering Miustiel, lias bought Hiebark Ida, Hint put in here fioiu theHound, leaking, home lime ago.

TiiK Fouitli Di'tiiet ltefoim flubi.s called for Monday evening, tn no-

minate delegate lo convention .mila candidate for Kcpic.-ontalh-c.

Tin-- : Anglican Chinch Chroniclenotes that the (Joveruiiieul failed tomake the al piocl.iuiatiou of pub-lic bolidavs for Cbiistnias and NewVein's.

Tin: iiniMs meeting of the NationalReform Party will be held at theHonolulu Ritles Aimory this eveningat 7:l!l o'clock. Theie will behpeecjies by canilidalcs on the pub-lished ticket.

Tin: new bust of His Majesty byMr. Hutchinson, on exhibition atKing Ittos.' att stote, Hotel street, isa superior woik of art. A det,eiip-lio- n

would scaicely do it justice; it

requites to be been to he appieci.tted

Tine officers of Polynesia Kncanip-meiit- ,

I O O F, in.-tall- by M D

Monsanat, D 1) (J S, oil Januiuy :,aie as follows: A W Ricliardron, C

P; On Johnson, II P; J J Caideu,H W; A K Weir, J W; A L Lal'iene, Seeiehuy; J .1 (Jieene.Tie.is-urer- .

Tin: week of prayer service atfeudal Union Chinch this eveningwill be led by Rev. Dr. Beckwitb, thesubject being, "Prayer for ibeVoting." At 11 a. in.Hon. Henry Wiiterlioiiso will leadtho service on the topic, "1 IonicMissions."

A .IaI'A.nkse named Yamado Ta-mi.- o

was coinmittcd to the InsaneAsylum yesteiday by Police JusticeFoster, on the evidence of Dr. M.Ktiwada, a Japanese physician. Thedoctor said the alleged cause of theman's insanity was fear of a planta-tion overseer who kicked him.

Tin: central committee of the Re-

form paity is composed as follows:Harry von Holt, chairman ; L. C.Abies, secretary and treasuter; Ficd.HnrriHou, Julius Ascb, E. S. Ciinha,K. G. Schuniiui, W. O. .Smith, Au-

di ew Urown, T. C. Porter, W. It. Ole-so-

W. C. Wilder, Win. II. Hoogs,W. R. Foster.

A Cm.N'KHK backman had bis car-liag- e

overturned in the ditch betweenKing street and the railway stationyesterday afternoon, by the horsebacking. The carriage was damagedin diileient ways ami the diivcr onlysaved himself from injury by

spryness in coming on bisfeet when the rig went over.

Kxcki.siok Lodge, IOO F,evening had the following off-

icers installed by District DeputyGrand Siro, M 1) Moiisarint: A M

Mellis, P G ; A K Weir, N G ; GeorgeJohnson, V G ; T S Soutbwiok, Secre-tary; J J Greene, Treasurer; CKa'iser, Waiden; W O Parke, Con-docto- r;

J J Lecker, KS N (!; R NWebsler, L S N O; H R Hitchcock,R S S; G P Castle, I,SS; F Meln-tyi- e,

R SVG; K I) Crane, L S V G ;

S Savidge, Chapl.iin; V, Hingley,I G.


Week of prayer service, CentralUnion Church, '7:1)0.

Drill Co. C Honolulu Rilles,at 7 :!)().

Oahu Lodge No. 1, K. of P., at7 "0

Mystic Lodge No. i K. of P., nl7 :.'!().

Meeting Myrtle Rout Club, at7::)0.

Service at St. Andrew's Cathe-dral, at 7 :."().

Monthly meetings UngiueCos.No.1 and t! at 7 :.').

Mass meeting, National ReformParly, Rilles' Armory, ut 7 :!)().

. . i ji


This morning Ah Sin was lined 81and 81.40 costs, for driving his drayfaster than a walk.

Thrqe native women were dis-

charged after trial for iihing badlanguage. It was proved that twoof them said "Rats!" Keanu, oneof them, was then tried for assaultand battery on Mrs. Joseph Pali,aud being found guilty was lined810 and 81.20 costs.

A Chinaman found with two opiumpills in the hat lie wore, which hesaid was not his hat, was acquittedof having opium unlawfully in pos-

session.There were one line and one for-

feiture, ( each, for drunki'iinens,

if.-- i mJ ' i



An Aeijiiltlnl nml i NiM-iilt.('r- ii'

4'lty III Alitlilllln

llnopai. tried yesterday aflernoonfor assault and battery on a female,was acquitted. I

Maria Kahui vs. Kama! (w.), )

eieetnient. was partly tried lielore aHawaiian jury, when plaintiff took n

nonsuit. J. M. Mnusnrral for plain-till- ';

Cecil llrnwii for del'endnnl.A decision in banco was given in

the ease of the Hawaiian t invent-nien- t

vs. William II. (Jornwoll, eject- -

ment. I lie full t oiirl overt tiledto rulings of Mr. .Ittslice

Dole, who gave judgment for plain- -

till' for possession ol premises wilhiibiniual damages of one dollar.

This morning Ako, Chinese, wasarraigned for larceny second degree,and "pleaded not "guilty. Kinneyand Ashford for defentlant.

The foreign jury wete culled intothe box for tho dial of Frank lloli-tiiiit- i,

et al., cruelty lo animals, anappeal from the Honolulu Police(Joint. 'The alleged olfense con-

sists in wot king a pair ol muleswilli collar sores in a street ear lastJune. A. P. Peterson and C.C'teighlun for the Crown; r M.Hatch for defendants.

Andrew IJ:own happened lo havebeen on tile car when the police stop-ped it ; he had formed an opinion andwas excused. II. M. Dow formedan opinion at the time and the Coititlet him out. I'll. Opfergelt bad anopinion on a principle involved audretired. John Phillips believed thatlie bad expiessed an opinion ex-

cused. J. (). Caller, jr., was olopinion the parlies were guilty, andwas not detained to hear lite testi-mony. II. K. Melntyre saw themules, so that lie needed to hear noevidence.

The pane1 now being exhaustedtile Marshal brought in talesmen.R. S. Scrinigcour saw the nniimilsand had no prejudice, lint testimonyin the lower Court gave him an opinion contrary to Ins own judgment ;

he was let go. Win. Phillips knewnothing of the case and stayed. X.K. Rtirgcss being challenged by thedefense withdrew. Win. Merry wasinformed of the case by Mr. Peter-son and was asked if lie had formedan opinion, when he evoked an audi-ble smile all round by replying:"No; I didn't know anything aboutthe case. I have just been downNuuanit avenue for my breakfast."1 Ic .stood.

Mr. Hatch having expiessed hissatisfaction with the jur', they weresworn as follows: C. V. Wolfe, ".

II. llaird, .1. II. Kistler, II. A. Par-mele- e,

Win. Merry, W. Phillips, M.N. Kennedy, W. Jordan, M. I Li vis,J. D. Tregloan, S. H. Ro-- e, Jos.Tinker.

Defendants, Hoffman and Howell,were convicted, three jurors dissenting. .Judgment ol the lower totirt

a line of 820 was alllrined withcosts in Supreme Court.

This afternoon Ahing (Chinese)is being tried for larceny seconddegree, before a foreign jury. W.It. Castle assisting prosecution ; de-

fendant in person.


ICditok Bii.i.ktix: It is sotite-tim- es

urged that it is absurd to de-

ride politicians in a country wherepolitics arc a chief aud fundamentalinterest, and where it is a primary dutyof tho citizen to bo interested aboutpolitics. Without reflection this re-

mark appears to be a not unreasona-ble remark. Rut it would be as wisesay that in a commercial and trad-ing country, where the great massof people are engaged in business,it is absurd to object to dealers inwooden nutmegs and sanded sugar.11 a primary and vital condition ofbusiness be dishonest', a commun-ity which is characteristically a busi-ness community is a nest of sharp-ers. If we cannot deuounco conll-deuc- e

men without maligning mer-

chants, it is because merchants ateswindlers.

This is equally true of the spheieof politics. In our current nomen-clature the wonl politician has cometo describe a person who devoteshimsell lo politics tor his hellish ad-

vantage. This, however, is reallytreachery to politics, which, trulyunderstood, are concerned with thepublic welfare and not with privategain. Undoubtedly in a just andcomprehensive sense as talesman is apolitician, because he deals with thepolity of the state. Hut the word i

not currently used in that sense.Indeed, so distinctively has theword politician become the descrip-tion of a self-seek- er that it is usedas the antithesis of statesman, andto say that a man is a statesman butnot a politician is to say thai hemakes politics a service to the com-

monwealth and not a trade for hisown benefit. For the very reason,therefore, that in this country poli-

tics should be the aelivo concern olevery citizen, the politician", or theman who seeks his own personal ad-

vantage under the false pretence ofthe public welfare, ought to bebranded as an enemy of the coun-try. ' 0. L. M.


''pUK above amount will lie fur1 a look at a copy of "Kliclilc &,

P'irin," (Published in .lursey f'llv,N .1 ), for .lune, 18SU. 441 1w


1pV a Young Liuly Hounlj Hint a Kooni in a nr.

vato finally, within the eliylimits. Apply to "P. O Hex IV

441 III

MON()l.iHI,H, II. I.,


Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods,


Cla&sware &. Cutlery, Just at Hand;Galvanized Pence Wite, Itlaek Steel I'i nee Wire, Galvanized -- Inplo,

lilnrl: Staples 'Special (Jtiihiy Fence Staph- -.


Jn all liic s late auial-- , gcnts foi

ItiihluM' Carrion I!, Wirn Hound Homo, Sli'ittn Hnsr,or i:uy si I'KiMoit ijrvi.nv.

l'ACIFIf HARDWAHK CO., (Ii.'),P.. P. Diu.inoiia.m, .1. (J. Si'Kxccii, V. I. Wixnii:,

jiin-ll-ll- Pichiilent. .Manager it Seeictary. Ticasuicr.

TCiJ A w;EPpMiryaw.A311

Mf iirrii.N ICIoclc..MPOllTRIlK OP

FreiclL and Dry oil Fancy Goods,


Kid Dye Black Hose In Riled & Plain,novi!7-b!-)



General Election of 1890 !

KOI! NOI1I.RS Isi.ixn oi' Own-- ,



oi' Kona, Oaiii-- .

Wauo 1 .1. K. IJUKII.Wauh l! II. (JUMMINOS.Wwin!! A. MARQUKS.

Ai:i). T. R. LUCAS.YVAiciif) H. W. WII.COX.

Ill tf


,ri or 10 e.ir; litePasture I.utuls in I'aiini

VkIIi-v- . Aiiply toMils. I.OXfJ,

On PrciiiNrii.415 lw


rllMT. Iim day sold all my ri'dit,interest in the Ihiim- - siioo.

iK business it cairled on hy me onQueon ktreet, under the ninui'of"VilsniiUrou." to .Mr. Thin. Hidliuejer, and takethiH opportunitv ot thimkiii),' the publiclor then patroini! in the )iiKt, "itli nhope t hut my swicmsor will meut withthi! siunu favors in the future.

CilAa. 1!. WILSON.Honolulu, .Ian. 1, 18!0. tt lw


"VTOTIOR W hereby fjlven lo .ill per-.-

that on tho .10th ilav18H!, a meeting of the Mockholdei

of tlio Hawaiian Pacillc Cable Co win.held at the offleo of K. O. Hall it Son,Limited, Honolulu, and at paid meetingit was voted hy Mild stockholders toaccept a charter of incorporation iriuiil-e- il

to lliem utiilcr tin; corporate nameand stvlo of 'Uiiwidlan Pacllle Cable( o." Xvoveniber 15, ISsy, and that thecorporation under said charter there-upon organized thum-elv- cs and eleetedthe following ollleers:.1. Slieruian Itartholouiowof Honolulu

PresidentHon. Kdgar Crow linker. M. P., of

Vhuoria. P.. C Yice-- Pi cedentV.. I). White of Houoluhi Secretin'Finuk A. Dudluyof Xlngara Falls, X.

Y Tre.iuierWm. W. Hall of Honolulu Auditor

Xotlce is fiiithiM'iziveii that pursuantto the terms of said chatter, ''No stock-holder shall Imlhidtially he liable for(lie delith ot tho Coipora'tlon beyond theamount which shall be due upon thellio shiue or h.irc held oi owned byhiinsell." K. O. WHITK.I II tin Set'ieliiii.


A A with or uiihout hounl,UiJlVffix in a piivaie Iniuily. C'aiK

pass tin; door. Inipilie at this olllie,ll'Jtl


i COTTAOi: ut Niiiluile.m iv will, 1'ilsnm, next door&yW2XR to W. Aiild's premlsm,

kitchen, stable, cut rlnge houseand otliei couvinioiici'h. For tuitlierpaitietilai'4 apph to

C. MAXAOLL,Awatoot blnie, Miiun.ike.i ulici't.

4'it lin


ATau ailjouraiil annual meeting ofslookholdet'H of the Wiiimiiiu

Co., Imlil lliln (bit:', tho Iwllowin.n Ml''tlemuii were duly elected to sciic im

otllci'M for ihu I'lmuiug year:Hon. H. A. Wlilemann... riesldentHon. 0. N. Wllco . . Vire.l'ridetit.Hon. ,. .laeger Treamier.C. 0. IIcrt;t;r,,.aceiiiiiiv .t Andlior.

c.o. HKKomt,Svcrciiiiy.

Honolulu, .Ian. C, IBf'O. lw

Stifjar llollur Wanletl.Kxpert lliilhr .intcd for HaAN miik-iii-i Mill, Uawiiii. Aiiply

to Tiil'.o. II. DAVIFSA CO.I I'I til

. i.'.,.


ware Co., L'd,

Eilisli American

Gloves, Diamond


No. 77 Htvecl,

4tli District Meeting Notice !

A inen'iili.'iif tin- - Fourth l)n,lriel liel'ollilC JI ill. w,ll he helil at the

'OLD ARMORY,'' (JI'I.knSi ,

Monthly TCwniii";, .Lin. l.'Mli,AT 7 O'CLOCK,

For the puri'iMc of inir 0leialePi the Xomiii.itiui; .e vmion lorNolili'H, and iintiiiniiiiii" 11 ninliilnti'foi of the Fouitli Pi- -

tilcl. I'er older.(Jr.o. V. SMITH,

'I'. (!. Pol! i Kit, I'lniirin in.,117 It


A nu'elbig of iim

1st Dislilol, Rcroin. CM libWill be held nl the

Beretania Street School House,



For the pilipo-- e of electing le!i'g:ilei lothe Koiuimitlng Convention, for theuomiiiution ol Cindidute- - lor Noiileimid nomiiiiiling a Caiullil'ite. lor Repteseutaliveol the First District

P.r order. A. YOl'XtS,C. T. Wll.liKl!,' liairmaii.

Steifltiry. 11(171

i.. j. i,Ki:i. I1S

Saturday, Jan. I I, 1890Kiih) iippciirauco of tin- - Re- -


Fiutlier pariirubiis i,n aniv.il ofS S. AoBtialiii, .Ian Hlili

t3T Ho" plan lor rescrvul s(, its foitin' Hoason Is now open

Cay Hox plan 'lor reservid heat furopcnliiK iiiglit "ill ho open nn fnturtliivmoiniug, .Ian. lllii, at U o'clock, at I.. .1

I.evcN V ottlec llWtr


The Lessees of LotsmruATi: is thi;

Kapiolani ParkiMehcchynotincd tint the Association

, , ,m. rem, r., fi.' ' l" I

Grant a Ronwal of their Lease foi30 Yeors i'rom dato,

l.'lion nf proper title ileoilnand the )iiiviner.t ol a nonii.

nil rental.

WrAppliciitioin to he ni'idi! lo W. 11.(IIPKAHI), Heori'lary.

A. S. OI.KOIIUKN'.I'reshlrnt Kapiolani Park Ahso'ii.

IIimioIiiIii, Dec. '.7, l&Hi. t il lm

LOVEJQY & CO.,1.1 uimnii Ml., lloimliilii.

Tlffer for nalo al unusually low prh'is, alull iissoriineni and lies! InamU of

Ales, Wines, Beers, Spirits, &c.

efiy-l'avl- heeii appointed hy Mews.I aelimmi A' .lacohl of San 'Franciscothnli'Milt! Aenth for Hawaiian Island--- ,

wo are enahled to ofler their ju.-tl-v

CVlehiated Wine-- - to our ti lends and thVpublic at eiy low rate-,- . 4 :t I lm

I A RTNK US 1 1 1 1 NOT 1 CE.

KSSHS. Perdlnanil Scliloinger andA, 1 Jiil. l.c.nei tiro admitted usptiitners in our linn.

M. PHILLIPS X CO.lllllinlulll, .lull, I, imil. 'Ill lV

':&.'.,ss: ia .... ,yMav .,;.,,.

'it .? ; xtsf vwww. . Fm&wwm ium -

This SpaceI'ol!

Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF TIIK rXITF.l) STATUS

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,(ieueial Aeul for tlie IlutsuiiAii hlaiols.



Shipping & Commission Merchants,


)i:ai.i:is i.v- -


Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,

I'l.AXTATK ML71MM.11'!.

C'.iiiii'nteih', Uliicksniitlih', .Machinists' A I'lumbcir' Tor.lf,


Kilehcn Hlensilf, Paints, Oils, Varnislie, Larip Ootids and

C iieiil 3X.oiolkn,ii1iMk.

Blake's Stwui Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox. St Gibbs, & Keuiugton Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jape Sl Sons Family Medicines.

.I.in-:- i 90

$5,000 WorthSatin Ware,

Poacliblow Ware


v "


is Reserved. :?


-- '


g ?' WEPffl.li.l!M!."lfS.M.1'

of Silverware,Glass Ware,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

'' Nf '


Window and tho rum oftnu ItolulayH.

I.tMiiUit: MUUiiory llotiuo.



Fl 1"Mys t9M ffir 3ii WiOUR UKAND SILVER T.1FT SALK

UI1 ITIUJM UA. I , 11666111061 lOLll, lOOlJ,-

I lining Huh Kile every r ptticbahin tin amnunt of ijrt2..riO

Mirtli will n.'ccivc a liauiUome




T(oiue and examine, our NEW GOODS, nml you will Unit tbeni niucb

newer and lower in prii'UH than elsuwhere. It in our uualti'iable determina-tion to lime no rocourno to iiiiBlcadiiigor iniHrcpiL'sentatiou. Our advertine-nu'i- it

ti illy icpresiinta the Goods wo oiler for hale.

Over 120 doz. of Ladies' Fine White Untrimmcd Straw Hats.

f0 Look at our Hotel StreetSilverware Hiiititulo


Tho near appioaob of tlm ho1td.iyn and ovorhloek of Goods make it iinpe-tati- e

tbut wo make tho most uidicul and Nweupine, cluinKcs in our piicea,and we feel fully justified in publicly tuMMting that in the cominj; week ourputtoiiM can hcc.ure advantages in

Dry Goods, lilin & Gents' Fonisliii Goods,

Which li,in never been equaled.


ni'Jdo. Ladies' UalbtiKKi'u I Iomm1I; clocked; do box, only $1.10 for Hie hot.Ladies' Uoloied Uonteted Handkerchiefs, "j;ood quality; 75 etna do..


0f Our Millinety is the fini'Ht line exhibited in this eity.gjtT Wo will make, reductions in all our dcpurtJiienls,

CTIAS. J. FISHEL,'.".) lm Tho



- , ., t. . . :, :$M J. j JA , i.l;MMMfm-Wmm- k mmmmmmmmmmm,f

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · SHiSHHr'v '' i - - rfWl .. "" "- - j' ",.' WWyWJjl rd 'in.....r.-- M. ,,. - iifcaaaiMMMW MlMr iiiriiMMilwWiMil"irT""""1" minniri-nr-- nr- - - - w

y-- ',




--J""1 fiippffvyw ft lfli)WWlMHWllfMiy y.yw'py j71 i ?

w'afoAItjY BULLETIN: HONOLULU, il. L, IA!srUAKY 8, 1&)0.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,KAHT CORNER FORT AND KINO BTllKKTS.

New Goods received ly every Parket from Die Eastern States and Kuropr,fresh Cull for n In Pioduec by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.nod Goods delivered to any'part or the city free of charge. Island orders coll.cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post OIUco llox 145. TolenTiotit! No. U'J fiinv.4.85

Chas. Hustece, King Street,

HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"Oupef'udCir.inheiies. AtmnicV linee Mf.it, M.iiiic MUii'ltci iu-- Llti tin., Ydlow Turnip-"- , (llolllUl Sweet I'.itutocs, Cliuin' Apple, Ctli ill-- . New ('Raisin, .'eV Clop I'lUlif. I'elM. ill Dnt . Mlilll:i l''mt fiii!ill boxes), -

nii'iiili, nliiiit-- . lli:i.il NiiK I'illnrti, lVcnn-- ,

MAPLE SYRUP, CRANBERRY SAUCE IN GLASS JARS.BtickwhtMt Flour, New Yiul. Cheese, Ham., li.icon, Mnoked lliiiin,.'l.Smoked 15i'uf, German S.iiixih,mv, hi tin foil, Kit .Salmon llellie. J'.itilc

Fruits in gl.i- - uiul tin- -, .1 ml .1 (iciiei.il AsmiiIiiu-ii- I u

Groceries, Suitable for the Holidays or Any Other Season.Leave your nnleis, or linj; up Xo.

'I tlephone 240.- - -- wiojar-


LEWIS & CO., HI Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,


tar orv ice -By each steamer uf the 0. S. B. Co. from California

Fresh Cala, Roll Batter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala, Fruits,

UMnIi, Game, Ve-tillT- ;i, 10t 10t.A complete line of Crosse & Blackveil's & J, T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line ofUermaa Paten & Potteil Meat Jk. Itottlcd I'l't-MPi've- il FrnltH,Lewis A Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,Bicily Lemons & Cala. Hiverstdc Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-- G Satsisiaction Guaranteed. 87"



California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cako Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling: Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR iSrAlln, Golden Gate & Sulinns-tS- i FLOUR

relephoneB, No. 175.

1. o. Ho UU7J

Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

under the of MISS

&z WT Jfintr Hlrl.

CRYSTAL -:- - -:- - WORKS,JOHN GRACE, : : Proprietor.



Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream & Plain Soda.a-- cha.iia.3IsJ!: cmjsn. so


Mutual Telephone 3 T3s o sor Bell Telephone 298jItiknd orders pioniptly tittended to.


Black Spanish L.ice Flouncing, from Il y.ud upwind.Black Chantilly Flouncing, fiom $2 ysud upw:nd.Eoiu, Cream A Wliito Oriental Flouncm, fiom flOuts yaul upwind.Extra Heavy (now stylo) Oriental Flouneine;, fiom !j1.2,'i yaid upwuid.

Dress Nets in Pink, Blue, Red, Cream & Black.Full assortment of all (diaries of C.ishnicic, Mnirec, Siitiu it OiOh

(Jiain Rihhon. Velvet Uugs in nil ie ju-- t received.Bcht variety iit Cambric, Swiss it Nainsook Eniliroiriciii's at


.r??fw2M!ysamm m

Dressmakini; DepartmentOLA RK.

JOHN" Dlmoiwl JUocliT," IVow.











Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND903 Sheet Iron Work.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m&m

W. G. FISCHERSFamous Grand Active A Golden



Cooking-:-Rang- es

-- wirn

Broiler and Hot Water Attachments !

- rr" " :t"--t5.jc 17.iTiiiialMin'"iilill L" Jtm..?:2--

Coisiuiiinjrniie.thlrd LESS FUEL thnnany other Move In existence,

cither wocd or coal.

No Br.ck Work About II!

Just a Clean Cut Stove!

WIuhc HAiiig qimlittcs arc unur.passed

Reversible Grates !

This finite is of a triangular form,having three surfaces which are reversi-ble, m Hint a separate top surface can hemeri on alternate rinyi"; or if the one sur-face In com hc of use shows uny wearthen Ihe other can he turned up, mid soon the oilier, making it tmml in uuriiMlily to thiec. dihtinct Orates.

FOU 8W.K nv Tin:

Hawaiioii Hariware Co.,

Foil Street, Honolulu,MP, tf Opposite Sprcrkeli' Hank


No. 10 Storelias just opened out u large MK'oitmeut

of lioods suitable for the

XXoliclay -:- - TjtileComprismR



Yes and No Dolls !

And Dolls of every other ills,oription.

New Games, Footballs,And other kinds of HalN.


Woeoh", Bicycles,Doll Carnages, Hocking IIidb-s- ,

Etc., Etc., Etc., He.

Toys for the MillionSKW STYLfcS IN

IKV anil FAXCV aOIM.108 tf


Infoims his customers and the publiciu .itiR'i.i) that )iu will

OPEN' HIS NEW STOltEIn Melucriiy' llluel..

On THURSDAY, lie 1916.

Give him a call mid examine liline'stuck of

Watches, -:- - jewelryAMI


Prices Marked iu Plain Fi&utes.

tj&r Finn Diamond Work and allklnu of Jewelry Work cxt-ntitc- in tlMclass style. 10U tf

Dr. WOODHas icinovori his olllco and icsldenceto

(!otts No. 700,On Rtchnrds ttrci'l, nawailnu Until(iiuiimU.

OFKICK linilliSj

S M in A M.1 to !1 l. it.

7 to 8 i'. M.

Mutual Telephone No. 012. 427 lm



Just the Tiling for the Holidays

-- AT 'flllC- -

Pacific Hardware Co.431 tf



) X i

5 ox i

Qfj.-Q- -

i vvo j

iV-K- r

j Vr'M 5

f o m- J

S sXov 2

? OJs- ov





r--3 M1MWWWWa aaCO



25 o4)Wr--3


wXXV0)0 o

&'&' -3


W nw CO





w Jd'

O9e9e-i'0444- ! oCO

i ix) -- e


4X-XXXMfr- 4




itoOoo&H-rtOto- e


4W4W9W4044 r Ofr4OO0







Oiiliu iiiillwii' & LiilCo,1!;

TIII) TAIILK:.......tm?r7iwj?4'HBB irv

IIK.JI'I,Alt T1IAIN:Leave Honolulu Xo. 1 !l n. in ;

Mo.inalua (L'.7(! mllen) U:12; 1'uulo.i(l!.a:5 miles) Il :a:; llalawa (H.l mlle)Uilin; Alea (0.:i7 miles) DiHtl; Kuliumo(10.02 miles) Jl:ati; Wnlau (HUM miles)!i:i:t: iinhe at Munana (11.70 miles)In IS.

Leine. Honolulu No. !) a ii. in.;Moamilui ".MIS: I'nuhia 2:i'J; llnlnwnii:'.0; AWJillO; Kalmino L'::iti: Wulnumil; nnlve at Mntmna'J:18.

Leave Mauaiia -- No. 211 n. m.;Wnlau (0.83 miles) U:o:; Kalauao(1.71 inlli'O 11:01); Alea ('J.30 mile-- )

11:12; llalawa (.1.02) 11:18; l'uuloa01.511) 11i2.i: Mouialua(liinlle) 11 :.".:uiihe at Honolulu 11:48.

LesiM" 1 annua-Xo- .-l Ip.m ; Wal.ui1 .0.,; Knhuino i:0U; Aleu 1:1'.'; llaluw.itils; I'unlo i l:'J.'i; .Moaiuluu 1 :::!; :u-t-

at Honolulu I Urt.Ml'XOAV TJt.ll.V),:

l.c;ne Honolulu !):'.I0 a. ui., iL'sitOnudi in.; Mo.inalua U: 12 a. in., 12:12anil !I:I2 p. iu : l'uuloa 9:,",: I a. in.,12:":(nnri !i:2:i p. iu.; llalawa 10 a. in.,1 and :!::) p. m.; Alea I0:0i a. in., liOtlanil;i:'Ji; p. iu.; Kalauao 10:0U a.m.,1 :li!) and :)::i!l p. in.; Waiall 10:1!) a. iu.,1 :i:i mid U:t:i p. iu.; nnlve at Manana10:18 a. m , l:18iind:;:l3p. in.

Leave Matiana 11 a. in., 1 :V.) anil 4 :0p. iu.; Wntiiii 1 1 :05 n. in., 1 : 18 ami 4 :I0p. in.; Kalauao ll:0ti a. in., 1 :52 and1:11 p. in.; Alea 11:12 a. m., 1 :ii,1 and4:17 p. in : llalawa 11:18 a. in, 2:03ami 1 :2:i p. m.; l'uuloa 11 :2.' a. in., 2:08and 4::) p. m., Moaualua ll:3n a.m.,2:10 and 4:11 p.m.; mrlve at Hoiiululu1 1 : 18 a. in., 2 :31 and 4 :5;l ji. in.

X. It. Trains stop at Kalllil citherway only on signal or to leave

HAT IX of FAKE:- li

s. gts. ga"Cs fi rl ' - ii

Vi VI Ji

$ ,2.")" .15 .'0. 10 .23 .75


.501 ,:r. i.oo.i;oj .to i.tr,

.03 .15 1.25

.n., .45 1.25

.To! .50 1.25

--i acHonolulu to

r- r

Moaualua it .nol'uuloa .50

(Muefarlunii's)llalawa .05Ales .70

(McO row's)Kalauao .75

(Mis. Kapu'.s)Wulnu

(Akl's Mill;Manana 1 00

(Courthouse')X. 11. 1'as.MjiigcrH not purchaln tic-

kets before boairiing the ti'alu atwheio tickets are Fold, will be

charged 10 cents additional to thelcular fam for train latet.

air Tlie above time tables and iatcsof fares to take citeet on 'I'hurMhiy,.January 2, 1MW).

W.O. ASHLEY,IlL'tf hiipcilnteudent.


Hurdware, ShippingAND

Commission Merchants.PEAI.KIIS I- N-

General Merchandise !

rUutatlon Atjonts.Life, Fira & Marine

IoBoranco Ageats.

.TiuiU HON'OLULU, II. I. 18D0


Lite, Firo & Marino

Insurance Agents !


Hew Bnglaud Mutual Life Ids. Co.,

or jiostov.

tna Fire Ins. Co. of Haitford.

UMOSInsurance Company,

Flic A Mai-lur- .



Will mmvc (0 lor the next threeinooths. 1'iUw, 5 to insiiieat

LITTLE BRITAIN,422 lm King blrcct.


Has ruiiovtrt Irom Fort sticvt to Ho--tielln Lane, l'alania.

Okkih: Hour.s: !1 a. m. to 12 w. and (I

I', ii. to I) 1'. m.

Mutual 75no tf


rpilK uniKrsiiJiied having been ap.A polnicd agent lor II Al. QuisjuKupio'mil, notice Is heietiy Ivcti thatall tenants, by lease or otherwise, areordered lo make all payments to me, hoother receipt hulnj; valid. Olllce at thel'nhico Huiigalow. Hours from 0 a. m.io4. . H. O. ULUKOU,4!!J If Auent for II. M. the Queen.


Honolulu Mahkct.Honolulu, II 1., Dec. UI, 1KM).

Wl! bee; to inform Hie public that wolune disposed ot our market to

the Mfliopolltaii Meat Company ofKliifC street, Honolulu, Wholesale' andHetail Hutcliers, us and from the flmtday of .liuiiiary, 1800, ou which day wome to become members of that Com-pany. All bills duo to the HonoluluMaiket will be collected by ArthurWhite ut the olllce of David Dayton onKhiif stici't, who will iccelpt for ouraccount, 'rinnkliij' you tor the patron-uj- -

Mildly extended tons, we bej tonniuln. Yours, etc..


rmpilctoi of the Honolulu AlniUt,411 lw

Australian Mail Service,

Vim AN FKANCIKCO,The new and fine A I sttel Btennulilp

"Mariposa,"Of theOcctiiiicHti'titmlilpCotupuny, will

be dun at Honolulu trom bydueyand Auckland on oi about

January I I, 1890.And will lcavo lor the above port withmalls and passenger on or about thatdate.

For freight or , hawiigACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WH. 0. IHWIK & CO.. Affenti.

For Sydney and Auckland,srl--


The inv Hil tine A I leel atuMuaMji

ki Alameda,"Of the Oceiinlu Steamship Company, will

he due at Honolulu from Hsu''rauclbco on or about

January 18, 1890.Anil will have prompt dispatch withiiio.1b and imBsengcrs for the above porta

For Height or psssace, haviuir SUI'BKIOK ACCOMilODATIONH, applto37 WM. O. IRWIN & CO.. Aeento

Tde Al Mtrnmtililp

"Yainashiro BIaru,,Y0UNQ, Commander,

Will be due here on or about

January 8th, 1890,And will leavu for the ulsive

po.Hs on or about

.Ittnnary 1 ', 1 8()(.B& For freight or passage having

BUpurinr cabin and steerage acrommo.ibitloiu upply to

w. 0. IEWIN & Co.,428 til Agents.

The Tliopoiiglibretl Stallion

"MARIN"Will stand at set vice at


$50 and $75 Iwaiice.

Rkcoru 2:22J, Sacramento, Sept. 15,1887.

1'kdiuiikk: Marlu was slrctl byQuinn's l'atchen, ho by Geo. M. Pat.elien, Jr.; Marin's dam bv Emigrant, hoby Hlllv McCracken; lltlly McCrackeuby McCraoken's Black Hawk, 707, (thusire of Lady Dooley, and of the datu ofOvermun, 2:100. MeUrackcn'a BlackHawk, 767, by Vermont lilack Hawk, 5;2nd dam by Maishall's Black Hawk, hoby Huston's Black Hawk. Tito dam ofQuinn's Patchen by Htockbridge Chief,he by Vermont Hlack Hawk, 5.

R. T. Carroll of Bun Krannlcco, theformer owuer of Marlu, vouches, thatout of thirty-si- x mures served by thishorse (luring his Inst season in Cali-fornia, Ihirty.flvo pinved with foal.

PAUL It, ISKMIF.IU.jlv-aim-n

J.Hopp&Co.,74 King st. 74 KlDg st

Importers of

Rattan & Rood Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

C0RNICEP0LES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


Stop That Cough !

MANY people neglect what they callsimple eold which, if uot

oheckod In timn. may lead to limittrouble. Dr. LOZIER'S COUGH SYRUPwill not only stop the conch, but hcnlthe lungs. Try it. For sale at4'W :iin JIOI.LLSTEIt A CO.

Dr. M. E. GKOSSMAN,niaJrxiwT,

Hemmed on the Australia mid has re-

sumed pinotlrtt ut his former olllco, WHotel hired. 400 If


MIL FRANK II. AUKUBACH hasthis day been admitted a partner

ii our firm.,T. E. BROWN A CO.

Honolulu, Den. l, i8t)'J. 4'vrJ lm


Per "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool.

DRY GOODS!Lftige, Variul & iicU-i.te- Htoi k

FANCY GOODS,Dressing ".wis,

MtrroiH.Wicker Ware, Etc.

GS0GERIE8,A full Hue.


A large assortment.




Cnrrlng-i- i --,mniM

Sugar &



-- AKD-

Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.



Ameiican andPortuguese




Hock,Liverpool and

fllgglu's Dairy.

Oil ! Oilw !

Uolleil A Haw Linseed, Cwjtor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc


Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !Annealed,

Galvanized Barbed,Patent ttteel Barbed




California Groceries,

Of all varieties, always In stock.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour





&msimi mmajam:. "i$mk-?mg-k, .- - lynm-.,-...--.,-..- .,

Tl '" -- ii -'- -' rvm ' VitirswTmgvm rt7.F0KMflgpMtmmM'kIMBMHHBW93PI" rilHiH'Mm mmmmmwummmM r tmmmmMmmmL