evolution essay (anthropology grade 11)

Amanda Iliadis Ms. Ryan HSP3M1 Feb 25 th 2013 Human Evolution Human evolution has been argued since the late 19 th century and has finally been supported through scientific evidence. Many believed Charles Darwin’s theories in the past, however many disagreed as well. The truth is among the human species and all one needs to do is look as facts and knowledge instead of realism. Opening one’s mind to endless possibilities is when the truth can truly be heard. There are many different aspects that support evolution. The Catholic Church has confirmed and agreed that evolution and faith are one in the same and that we must continue to dig deeper into our human past. Genetic evidence provides humans with the genetic truth about where humans first derived. Primatology has concluded that chimpanzees are only modern human’s cousin and not paternal ancestor. Finally, the fossil record shows a dated consecutive existence of humans

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Page 1: Evolution essay (Anthropology grade 11)

Amanda Iliadis

Ms. Ryan


Feb 25th 2013

Human EvolutionHuman evolution has been argued since the late 19th century and has

finally been supported through scientific evidence. Many believed Charles

Darwin’s theories in the past, however many disagreed as well. The truth is

among the human species and all one needs to do is look as facts and

knowledge instead of realism. Opening one’s mind to endless possibilities is

when the truth can truly be heard. There are many different aspects that

support evolution. The Catholic Church has confirmed and agreed that

evolution and faith are one in the same and that we must continue to dig

deeper into our human past. Genetic evidence provides humans with the

genetic truth about where humans first derived. Primatology has concluded

that chimpanzees are only modern human’s cousin and not paternal

ancestor. Finally, the fossil record shows a dated consecutive existence of

humans through their linear development. There is sufficient evidence to

support the theory of evolution.

The Catholic Church completely supports and agrees with the theory of

evolution. The church states that “since renaissance times…it is the central

corporate discovery of all mankind” (Gonzalez). Although it can be argued

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that believing in evolution is against Catholic faith, Pope Pius XII agreed in

1950 that “biological evolution is compatible with Christian faith” as long as

“God’s intervention is recognized as recognized as necessary for creating the

[first] human soul” (Human Generis). He wasn’t the only Pope to accept

evolution. In 1996, Pope John Paul II said that “New scientific knowledge has

led [him] to realize that the theory of evolution is no longer a mere

hypothesis” (Gonzalez). Since that time,

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scientists and archeologists have been raised on a pedestal because of their

magnificent findings. It appears that not only does the Catholic Church

accept evolution, but it is no longer just a theory. Thomas Berry, a Passionist

Priest states that ‘we must consciously will the further stages of evolution”

(Gonzalez). Evolution in the churches’ eyes is the key to unravelling the past

and the future.

Genetic evidence dating back from 1988 to present day has also

supported and donated proof of the theory of evolution. In 1988 scientific

research concluded “that evidence in our genes shows there really was an

Eve-a universal grandmother” (Miller). If someone were to trace back far

enough down anyone’s family tree in the world, one would find that they

derive from “one woman who lived about 200,000 years ago, about 10,000

generations back” (Miller). Over many thousands of years “her brood

flourished…they started spreading out, outperforming and displacing the

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other tribes they found around the globe” (Miller). It can be argued that

humans never really evolved; only changed a little bit based on the

environment but over time those descendants looked less alike but were all

from the same original structure of human. This researched evidence was

tested at Berkley when Rebecca Cann, with the help of geneticist Allan

Wilson and biologist Mark Stoneking launched a project where they collected

tissue samples from 147 women’s placentas. These women came from all

around the world therefore the results were startling because they showed

that all the women “had total family links” (Miller). In 1991 research

continued and scientists discovered that “after years of dancing alone,

molecular Eve finally found her molecular Adam” (Shreeve). Adam was a

pygmy and “Pygmies are believed to be the first inhabitants of Africa”

(Lucotte). Gerard Lucotte states that “mutations on the Y chromosome

can…provide a route leading back to a common ancestor-not Eve’s actual

mate, but a male who lived about the same time” (Lucotte). Many can say

that by testing Y chromosomes all that has been identified is that humans

adapted. However adaptation was the first step in evolution. Archeologists

know that all life began on

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Africa and now ‘Adam’ and ‘Eve’ who date back at the exact same time in

history have been found. Human ancestry has been identified through

genetic evidence and now humankind finally knows where we originated.

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There is primatological evidence to support the theory of evolution.

Jane Goodall was a primatologist who was sent by the Leakeys to the

rainforest in 1960 to observe chimpanzees. She states that “it isn’t only

human beings who have personality, who are capable of rational thought

[and] emotions like joy and sorrow” (PBS). The chimps’ behavioural

patterns were similar to that of modern humans so it was believed that they

were one of human’s direct ancestors. However this is false. It wasn’t until

archeologists discovered 300,000 year old Australopithecus Afarensis that

that theory began to fade. It was the Australopithecus afarensis, nicknamed

Lucy that was the link between chimpanzees and humans. On the human

family tree Lucy was plotted in between ancient ape and the first human

because she was the common ancestor to both chimps and humans.

Primatological evidence shows that chimps are not directly related to

humans but are our cousins on the family tree separated by the common

ancestors of the Australopithecus family.

The fossil record of the human family tree shows the exact and

complete linear development of people during evolution. Humans date back

roughly 300,000 years ago begins with the Homo Habilis who was the first to

make tools. Next, was the Homo Erectus who was the first fully upright

human. Following that was the Homo Sapien Cro Magnon 60,000 years ago

who started hunting and making clothing. After Cro Magnon was Homo

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Sapiens between 60,000 and 30,000 years ago who was much more

advanced. And finally, Homo Sapiens Sapiens which are the modern humans

of today. Throughout

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all that time, each new species had an increasing braincase, and intelligence

level, as well as had smaller jaws and an upright posture. Their complex

cultures began to become more and more complex as they became more

intelligent. David Carrier explains that “our ancestors adopted bipedal

posture so that males would be better at beating and killing each other when

competing for females” (Carrier). As time went on, these humans started

travelling out of Africa and up to Asia and Europe. Only the Homo erectus

and on could do this because they were fully upright. Nella Hugbru who

works for the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History from Massachusetts

State says “To be human is to be bipedal, communicate, and to be

advanced” (Hugbru). It is also true that “as our ancestors evolved, natural

selection favored an exceptional upward trend in absolute brain size” (Falk).

This is the definition of evolution. Evolution means to evolve; and evolving

we did. There are some who speculate this but facts are facts and they are

laid out all inside the fossil record. There aren’t any existing gaps on the

family tree because there has been consecutive existence and therefore the

fossil record proves the stages of our development.

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Evolution does not need to be speculated any further. The Catholic

Church agrees and supports evolution without question. Through genetic

research people have discovered that all humans derived from one paternal

grandmother and grandfather-Adam and Eve. Primatologists’ research

concluded that Chimpanzees are not directly apart of human’s ancestry line.

Finally, the human family tree shows the consecutive increasing formation of

human development and its link to human evolution. Therefore “the theory

of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theory that the earth goes round

the sun” (Dawkins).

Works Cited

Cohen, Jennie. “Did Early Humans Stand Upright to Punch Better?” History, May 20, 2011. < http://www.history.com/news/did-early-humans-stand-upright-to-punch-better>

Dawkins, Richard. <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/evolution.html#5ErWxoTZhPbUcPTF.99>

Falk, Dean. “What Fossils Tell us”. Human Brain Evolution. <http://deanfalk.com/human-brain-evolution-what-fossils-tell-us/

Gonzalez, Pula Sr. ‘Evolution and the Catholic Church’. St. Anthony Messenger, March 2010.

Hugbru, Nella. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

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“Jane Goodall’s Wild Chimpanzees”. Nature: PBS. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/jane-goodalls-wild-chimpanzees/jane-goodalls-story/1911/

Miller, Jack. ‘We really are one big family’. Toronto Star, February 7, 1988.

Shreeve, James. ‘Madam I’m Adam’. Discover, June 1991.

Amanda Iliadis

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