evolution of industrial robots

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  • 8/6/2019 Evolution Of Industrial Robots


    Evolution Of Industrial


    IntroductionIndustrial robots are mechanical systems,

    which reproduce the human beings movements

    with a certain precision. They are used whenever

    necessary in order to reduce the human exposure to

    danger, in order to supply more power or precision

    when a repetitive action is required.

    Many people associate robots with the Cyborgs

    from science-fiction movies or from scientific litera-

    ture. Until we achieve of the necessary technology

    for manufacturing such machineries, current tech-

    nologies (Even not technology, but design on the

    conception phase of the product lifecycle, is respon-

    sible of the creation and the programmed intelli-

    gence of the Robots) make industrial robots in a

    relatively simple structure. However, movements

    that we deem ordinary, such as lifting a coin fromthe table, are much more complicated for a robot.

    Robots are developed within Robotics, which is

    a branch of Automatics. Automatics leads to

    knowledge as well as to develop of machines and

    computers in order to compensate the human activ-

    ity in the process of obtaining material goods.

    HistoryThe term robot

    proceeds from the

    Slavonic word ro-bota, which means

    hard work. The

    term appeared for

    the first time dur-

    ing 1921, in the

    play Rossums

    Universal Robotswritten by the

    Czech playwright

    Karel apek. Inthe play, humanoid robots are described,which destroy their human creators to its

    greatest part, this scenario is met in science fic-

    tion movies.

    Evolutia Robotilor



    Roboii industriali sunt sisteme mecanicecare reproduc cu o anumit precizie micarileomului. Ei sunt folosii ori de cte ori estenevoie de a reduce expunerea omului la

    pericole, pentru a furniza mai mult putere sau precizie sau cnd este necesar o aciunerepetitiv.

    Muli oameni asociaza roboii cu cyborg-iidin filmele science-fiction sau din literatura

    tiinific. Pn cnd vom dispune detehnologia necesar pentru a produce asemeneama inrii, tehnologiile actuale realizeazroboi industriali ntr-o structur relativsimpl. Totu i, micri pe care noi leconsiderm banale, cum ar fi ridicarea unei

    monede de pe mas, pentru un robot, sunt multmai complicate.Roboii sunt dezvoltai n cadrul roboticii,

    care este o ramur a automaticii. Automaticafolose te cuno tinele, ma inile i calculatoarele

    pentru a compensa activitatea omului n procesulde obinere a bunurilor materiale.

    IstoricTermenul de robot

    provine din cuvntul

    slav robota carenseamna muncgrea. Termenul aaprut pentru primaoara n 1921 n piesa

    Roboii universali ailui Rossum scris dedramatistul ceh Karel

    Capek. n pies, suntd e s c r i i r o b o iumanoizi care idistrug creatorii lor umani n mare parte acestscenariu este ntlnit n filmele de science fiction.

    n anul 1938 a fost proiectat primul mecanism devopsit de ctre americanii Willard Pollard i


    MagazineSilvia Trandafir and Catalin Scripca

    Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania

    [email protected]


    Karel apec (1890-1938) Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)

  • 8/6/2019 Evolution Of Industrial Robots


    During the year 1938, the first mechanism for painting was designed by the Americans Willard

    Pollard and Harold Roselund, for the company De


    In 1941, the writer Isaac Asimov used for the

    first time the word robotics, so as to describe the

    technology of the robots and this way he predicted

    the birth of a new industrial branch.

    In France, during the year1951, Raymond Go-

    ertz designed the first articulated arm for the

    Atomic Energy Commission.

    During the year 1954, George Devol designed

    the first programmable robot and this way laid the

    bases of the company Unimation.

    In the year1962, the company General Motors

    took over the first robot from Unimation and manu-

    factured it in serial production.

    In the year

    1984 , Joseph

    Engelberger set

    up the company

    Transition Robot-ics, subsequently

    n a m e d Help-

    mates, which de-

    velops service for

    the robots.

    In the year 1986,

    Kawasaki devel-

    oped and produced

    its own line of

    electrical robots.

    ComponentsThe component parts of an industrial robot are:





    ControllerEffector functions as a hand. It is connected as

    an arm extension. This part comes in direct contact

    with the material that it manipulates.

    Arm of the robot is the part which places theeffector in position. Its components are the articula-

    tion, the shoulder and the joint. It may vary accord-

    ing to size and shape.

    Harold Roselund, pentru Compania DeVilbiss.n anul 1941 scriitorul Isaac Asimov a folosit

    pentru prima dat cuvtul robotica, pentru a descrietehnologia roboilor, i astfel a prezis naterea unei

    noi ramuri industriale.

    n Frana, n anul 1951, Raymond Goertz proiecteaz primul bra articulat pentru ComisiaAtomic de Energie.

    n anul 1954 George Devol proiecteaz primulrobot programabil i astfel pune bazele companieiUnimation.

    n anul 1962 firma General Motorspreiaprimulrobot de la Unimation i l produce n serie.

    n anul 1984 Joseph Engelbergernfiineaz compania Transition Robotics,numit mai trziu Helpmates, firm ce dezvoltservice pentru roboi.

    n anul 1986 Kawasaki dezvolt i producepropria sa linie de roboi electrici.

    ComponenteParile componente ale unui robot industrial sunt:


    Bra Motor


    Controler.Efectorul funcioneaz ca o mn. Se

    conecteaz n prelungirea braului. Aceast partevine n contact direct cu materialul pe care l

    manipuleaz.Braul robotului este partea care pozitioneaz

    efectorul. Are drept componente articulaia, umrul incheietura.El poate varia n funcie de mrime i form.


    MagazineEvolution Of Industrial Robots


    Unimate robot

    Robot in action

  • 8/6/2019 Evolution Of Industrial Robots


    Motor sets the mobile parts into operation.Sensors take over information from the working envi-

    ronment and electronically send them to the controller.

    Controller is the brain of the robot and coordi-

    nates its movements so that the component parts

    should function together.

    Performances of industrial robotsFirst generation

    From the tech-

    nical standpoint,

    the first genera-

    tion of robots

    was very useful,

    it is a tool of the

    mechanical arm

    type, which re-

    peats the posi-

    tion and the pos-ture learnt be-

    fore the beginning of the technological operation.

    The robots are based on the use of internal sensors

    and servo-technology. Such systems appeared dur-

    ing in 1962 in the USA and during 1967, in Japan.

    Versatran and Unimate were the first robots manu-

    factured for industry.

    Second generation

    Second generation approaches usual practice,

    through the endowment with external sensors and

    microprocessors. The most important sensors are thevisual and tactile ones. They were practically used

    in sticking the wires of the semiconductors assem-

    bled within various fields.

    Motorulpune n micare prile mobile.Senzorii preiau informaii din mediul de lucru i

    le trimit electronic controlorului.

    Controler-ul este creierul robotului i

    coordoneaz micrile pentru ca prile componentes funcioneze mpreun.

    Performanele roboilor industrialiPrima generaieDin punct de vedere tehnic, prima generaie de

    roboia fost foarte folositoare. Este o unealt detip bra mecanic, care repet poziia i posturanvat nainte de nceperea opera ieitehnologice. Aceti roboi au la baz folosirea desenzori interni i servo-tehnologie. Astfel de

    sisteme au aparut n 1962 n SUA, i n Japonian 1967. Versatran i Unimate au fost primiiroboi realizai pentru industrie.


    MagazineEvolution Of Industrial Robots

    Effector Robot Arm Controller Sensor

    First generation of robots

    Second generation of robots47

  • 8/6/2019 Evolution Of Industrial Robots


    Third generationThe third generation ofrobots is provided with

    advanced measuring, control and driving systems.

    The main characteristic of a third generation ro-

    bot may be more easily understood by studying the

    relation between boss and subordinate employee.

    When he does not understand the command, the

    subordinate employee will ask his superior several

    questions, until thoroughly understanding the com-

    mand, and he will start operating only at that mo-


    To conclude, from the standpoint of the func-

    tionality, for the third generation robots there are

    still issues to solve as regards handling and move-

    ment coordination.

    ConclusionsIndustrial robots, as the computers, are strong

    machineries, which open new horizons for people

    and raise their possibilities and the power of their


    Ever increasingly, the robots may affect diffi-cult operations, beyond the human beings possi-

    bilities. The robots do not spread microbes and

    dust, and their movements may be controlled with

    no errors. They do not get tired and they may resist

    to unfavourable environment conditions, which hu-

    manscannot bear: extreme temperatures, vibrations

    and radiations.

    Current and next day robots are deemed pro-

    grammable scientific instruments.

    BibliographyDumitriu, A., Ionescu, E., Dudita, F., Diaconescu,

    D.,Automatic control and maintenanceIndus-trial Robots, Transilvania University PrintingHouse, Brasov, 1986.

    Draganescu, M., Second industrial revolution, Edi-tura Tehnic, Bucureti, 1980.

    Drimer, D., s.a.Industrial Robots and Manipula-tors, Editura Tehnic, Bucuresti, 1985.

    Tachi, S.,Rehabilitative robotics, computer scienceand technology, Japan Annual Reviews in Elec-

    tronics, Computer and Telecommunication, 12,1984, pp.22-24.

    Edelson, E.,Robo Surgeons., Popular Science, April

    1995, pp. 62-65, 90.

    Generaia a douaGeneraia a doua se apropie de practica uzual, prin

    dotarea cu senzori externi i microprocesoare. Senzorii cei

    mai importani sunt cei vizuali i tactili. Practic, au fost

    utilizai n lipirea terminalelor dispozitivelorsemiconductoare, asamblate pentru diverse domenii.

    Generaia a treia

    Generaia a treia de roboti este dotat cu sistemeavansate de msurare, control i acionare. Caracteristica

    principal a unui robot din a treia generaie poate fineleas mai uor cnd se urmrete relaia dintre un efi un subaltern. Cnd nu ntelege comanda, subordonatuli va ntreba superiorul pn va ntelege ce i se cere iabia apoi va porni operaia. n concluzie, din punctul devedere al funcionalitii, pentru roboii din generaia atreia sunt nc probleme de rezolvat privindmanevrabilitatea i coordonarea micrilor.

    ConcluziiRoboii industriali, ca i calcultoarele, sunt

    mainrii puternice care deschid orizonturi noi

    oamenilor i cresc posibilitile i puterea lor deaciune.Din ce n ce mai mult, roboii pot efectua operaii

    dificile, dincolo de posibilitile oamenilor. Roboii numprtie microbi i praf, iar micrile lor pot ficontrolate fr erori. Ei nu obosesc i pot rezistacondiiilor vitrege de mediu, pe care oamenii nu le pot

    suporta: temperaturi, vibraii i radiaii extreme.

    Roboii de azi i de mine sunt consideraiinstrumente tiinifice programabile.















    MagazineEvolution Of Industrial Robots
