evolution of management2

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  • 8/11/2019 Evolution of Management2





  • 8/11/2019 Evolution of Management2


    Management practice is as old as human civilization when people started living

    togetherin groups. For, every human group requires management and the history ofhuman beings is full of organizational activities. In the earlier years, management

    concept were applied was held low, unworthy of study; indifferent approach of

    other social scientists like economist, sociologist, psychologist, etc., towards

    management and business organizations treatment of management as an art not as a

    science and commonly held belief that managers are born not made.

    The situation changing with the beginning of the 20thcentury; specially theworld war 1stcreated the situation where people started thinking of solution to the

    problem of how limited resources could be applied in better way. The world war 2nd

    added further problem to this end.

    In recent years, there has been worldwide rivalry for markets, power & progress.The increasing serve competition has come from such factors as: technological

    innovations, increase in capital investment, increased government regulation,

    organised union activities to put pressure on management.

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    scientific management & administrative management.

    NEOCLASSICAL -humanatarian approach.


    system approach & contingency approach.

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    CLASSICAL- Something traditionallyaccepted or long-etablished

    But classical views are not static and time bound.

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    Interrelated functions

    Guiding principles

    Beaurocratic structure

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    Worked at Midvale & Bethlehen Steel Companys

    in Pennyslvania

    Was disgusted to see the inefficiency of workers

    Applied scientific method to workers on the shop


    Emphasized one best way philosophy

    Experimented with various physical positions- eg;walking speed, carrying positions, leg positions etc.

    Thus, found out one best way to perform the task

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    Thus Taylor achieved signif icant

    improvements in productivity

    Wrote two books- Shop Management

    The Principles of Scienti f ic


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    Each task must be scientifically

    designed so that it can replace the old,

    rule- ofthumb methods

    Workers must be scientifically selected

    & trained so that they can be more

    productive on their jobs There must be division of labor and

    cooperation between management and


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    Science, not rule of thumb

    Harmony, not discord

    Cooperation, not individualism

    Maximum output in place of restricted output Development of each man to his greatest

    efficiency and prosperity

    Equitable division of work and responsibility

    between management and labor

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    1. Scientific task planning-The amount of work whichan average worker can perform during a day undernormal working conditions- called as a fair days work

    2. Time & Motion Studies-

    Time- Time standard is the period of time that an averageworker should take to do a job

    Motion- Under Motion studies finger movements, handmovements, arm movements, and shoulder movements

    are studied.Managers are charged with the task of planning the work

    through the above studies and workers are expected toimplement the same.

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    3. Standardization-

    Under scientific management standards have to be set

    in advance for the task , materials, work methods,

    quality, time & cost, working conditions etc

    4.Diffrential Piece Rate System-

    A worker who completes the normal work gets wages

    at higher rate per piece than a worker who fails to

    complete the same within the time limit set bymanagement.

    This is done to motivate workers.

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    5. Functional foremanship-

    Factories divided into several components , each

    incharge of a specialist. The workers are expected to

    implement the commands of functional specialists.

    Drucker calls this principles as an undemocratic one.

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    Exploitative Device Depersonalized work



    Anti social

    Unoriginal- Hoagland and others felt thatTaylors contributions is overrated and over

    emphasised. Unrealistic- He ignored the social and ego

    needs of people.

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    He was the contemporary of Taylor Revolutionized managerial thinking in France

    Was trained as a mining engineer, made hismarg as an industrialist with the French coaland iron combine of Comentry-Fourchambault

    in 1988 the company he joined, had been

    near bankruptcy, transformed it into afinancially strong organization

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    Administrative theory explains the

    process of managing an organization

    from the top managerial perspective

    Considered as founder of the classical

    management school

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    Classified business operations into sixmajor activities-


    Commercial(buying and selling)Financial(use of capital)

    Security(protection of property)

    Accounting(keeping financial records)Managerial

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    Commanding Coordination


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    Division of work

    Authority and responsibility


    Unity of command

    Unity Of Direction

    Subordination of individual interest to

    the common good

    Remuneration of personnel


    a place for everything and everything in itsplace and a place for everyone and everyone in hisplace

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  • 8/11/2019 Evolution of Management2


    Physical Mental


    Educational Technical


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    During 1920s and 1930s observers startedcriticizing administrative managementmovement and scientific approach

    Scientific approach focused on the activitiesof workers whereas administrative approachfocused attention on the activities ofmanagers

    Social aspects of a workers job were totally


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    Thus the Human Relations Theory, alsocalled Neo-Classical Theory came into being

    The theory is based on the famous studies ofhuman behavior in work situations conductedat the Western Electric Company from 1924-1933

    These studies are known as Hawthorne


    conducted at Western ElectricsHawthorn plant near Shikogo.

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    Purpose was to determine the effects ofdifferent levels of illumination on workersproductivity

    Test Group- Light systematically varied

    Control Group- Light held constant Result- With increase in light productivity

    increased in test groupBut productivity also increased in the control

    group which receive no added lightThus something else was responsible forincreased productiviy.

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    Mayo initiated three year long interviewprogram in1928 covering more than 21000employees

    Employee were left free to air their opinion

    The point illustrated by this interviewingprogram is central to the Human RelationsMovement

    social factors were found to be prominentthan the economic factor

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    Focus on people, groups Make workers happy Man wants company, loves interaction and is

    guided by group goals Inputs drawn from behavioral sciences Groups dominate, individuals, follow, group

    norms irrespective of what managementstates

    Mayo emphasised friendly supervision andmonitoring of group norms so as to provide apositive work climate

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    This approach applies the knowledge of thebehavioural sciences- psychology, sociologyand anthropology- to managing people

    Abraham Maslow Need Hierarchy Approach

    Five basic needs- Physiological, safety, social,self-esteem and Self-actualization

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    This approach attempts to view theorganization as a single unified, purposefulentity composed of interrelated parts

    A system view of management , eg; would

    recognize that, regardless of how efficient theproduction department might be, if themarketing department does not anticipatechanges in consumer taste and work with the

    product development department in creatingwhat consumers want, the organizationsperformance will be hampered

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    This approach states that appropriatemanagerial action depends on the particularparameters of the situations.

    Situations dictate managerial action

    Therefore no single way of solving problems isbest for all situations.

    The choice of a particular method of managing

    largely depends on the nature of the job, thepeople involved and the situations.

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    Themanagerial action are contingent oncertain actions outside the system orsubsystems.

    Organizational efforts should be based onthe behavior of actions outside the system sothat the organization gets smoothly

    integrated with the environment. Managerial actions and organizational design

    must be appropriate to the giving situation.