evolution of video production

Evolution of Video Production

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Evolution of Video Production. Fact 1:. 1826- Nicephor Niepce, a French Inventor, produces a p ermanent image. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu /. Fact 2:. 1836- A French inventor, Louis Daguerre, a French inventor developed the first practical method of photography. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Evolution of Video Production

Evolution of Video Production

Page 2: Evolution of Video Production

Fact 1:• 1826- Nicephor Niepce, a French Inventor,

produces a permanent image.

• http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/

Page 3: Evolution of Video Production

Fact 2:• 1836- A French inventor, Louis Daguerre, a French

inventor developed the first practical method of photography.

• http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/

Page 5: Evolution of Video Production

Fact 4:• 1839- The word, “Photograph” was first used by

Sir John F.W.

• www.ngca.co.uk/docs/Alice-Hawkins-Teachers-noted-and-activities.

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Fact 5:• 1840- Lenses are developed for portrait and

landscape photograph’s with sharper images by Hungarian mathematician, Joseph M. Petsval.

• http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/

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Fact 6:• 1843- First advertisement with a photograph was

made in Philadelphia.

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Fact 7:• 1867- The first machine that showed animated

pictures or movies was a device called the, “Zoopraxiscope”. It was patented by an American named William Lincoln.

• http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blmotionpictures.htm

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Fact 8:• 1871- The “dry plate” process was invented so

that photographers did not have to process pictures immediately. It was invented by a British physician named Richard L. Maddox.

• http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/

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Fact 9:• 1887- Hannibal W. Godwin invents film. George

Eastman buys the invention and begins mass producing it.

• http://www.invent.org/hall_of_fame/431.html

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Fact 10:• 1888- The lightweight, inexpensive Kodak camera

is introduced by George Eastman.

• http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/

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Fact 11:• 1888- Edison attempts to record picture photos

onto a wax cylinder.

• http://www.onalaska.k12.wi.us.ohs/History.htm

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Fact 12: 1889- Commissioned by Thomas Alva Edison, William Kennedy builds the first motion picture camera and names is Kinetograph.


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Fact 13:1891- The Edison company demonstrated the Kinetograph. It enabled one person at a time to view motion pictures.


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Fact 14:• 1895- The first private screening was held by

brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere. The brothers invented the Cinematograph, a combination of a camera and projector.

• http://libraryschool.libguidescms.com/

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Fact 15:• 1896- Edison showed his improved Vitascope

projector. It was the first successful projector in the U.S.


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Fact 16:• 1905- The first movie theatre opens in Pittsburg.

• http://www.infoplase.com/

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Fact 17: • 1917- Technicolor is introduced.

• http://www.nryant.edu/~edu/h364proj/fall_97/barcelos/timeline.htm

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Fact 18:• 1922- the radio is invented and becomes preferred

over silent films. The film industry begins to decline.

• http://web.bryant.edu/~ehu/h364/materials/cars/cars%20_30.htm

Page 20: Evolution of Video Production

Fact 19:• 1930- 1940- Motion pictures were at their peak

during this time.

• http://web.bryant.edu/~ehu/h364/materials/cars/cars%20_30.htm

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Fact 20: • 1946- Motion picture industry was over ruled by

film studios.

• http://web.bryant.edu/~ehu/h364/materials/cars/cars%20_30.htm`