evolutionary design solid

Agile Evolutionary Design & SOLID Principles

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This ppt.is presented by Sai Venkatakrishnan (Developer in test at Thoughtworks) at Agile NCR 2009 Conference held on 18th July at Park Premier Hotel.


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Agile Evolutionary Design & SOLID Principles

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● Typical Design Process● Agile Design Process● SOLID principles● And coding time :)● Questions anytime.

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Typical Evolution of System

Dream system designed to perfection and beauty. Meaning of beauty and perfection are subjective. What does it mean for you?

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Typical Evolution of System

Adding features

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Typical Evolution of System

Changing features

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Birth of Legacy System

Somewhere in near future

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Agile Design Process

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Beautiful System

Beautiful System

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Adding a feature

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Clean the mess

We will see some of the techniques which will help us tokeep the system clean in this presentation.

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After a period of time

Beautiful System.

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What is Agile Design?

● Not doing things upfront like having an interface for every class we write (speculative generalization) or writing a system to dynamically load the components.

● Not doing an anticipatory design

● But still setting a stage for design to evolve for tomorrow

But what helps to set the stage?

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XP Practices

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But at code level what helps to create simple and evolutionary design?

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Sample Application – Reporting AppConcentrate on the principles and not on the app

Reporter App


Read the flat file and generate the report

Reporter App

● WriteReport● ReadFile● FormatReport

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SOLID Principles

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SOLID Principles

● Single Responsibility Principle● Open Closed Principle● Liskov Substitution Principle● Interface Segregation Principle● Dependency Inversion Principle

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Single Responsibility Principle

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Single Responsibility Principle

● A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.

● Or a class should not handle more than one responsibility

● Design smell – Class changed when unrelated responsibilities change. High afferent coupling? Or multiple classes changed when a responsibility changes. High Efferent Coupling?

● Shotgun surgery and divergent change

● If it is not possible to separate the responsibilities at least show the presence of multiple roles played by the object.

● Applies not just for classes but also for modules, functions as well

● Better cohesion, encapsulation and less coupled design

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Better design applying SRP

Reporter App

File Reader

Report Formatter

CSV File JSON File

Requirement Changes

● Support for more file formats● May be will add more report formats (Graphical etc..)

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Open Closed Principle

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Open Closed Principle

● You should be able to extend software entities (Classes, Modules, Functions, etc.), without modifying them.

● Design smell - Change ripples through code base.

● Abstraction and polymorphism are the key.

● Chain of responsibility, Strategy pattern, Aspects...

● Separate creation from usage of objects.

● No module is 100% closed (Open/Closed/Open principle)

● Easy to lead to anticipatory design. Better to burn finger at least once.

● Service and framework interface follow OCP. Open for extension, closed for modification

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Better design applying OCP

File Reader

CSV File JSON File

File Reader Service

Reporter App(UI + Formatter)

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Liskov Substitution Principle

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Liskov Substitution Principle

Let q(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then q(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.

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Liskov Substitution Principle

● Functions that use references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it.

● Used when inheritance was a main form of reuse.

● Design smell – Type checking in client code and changing the behavior for a specific type in client.

● Due to forcing an unrelated object into an inheritance hierarchy

● Prefer composition over inheritance whenever possible

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LSP Violation

File Reader

CSV File JSON File

File Reader Service Reporter (UI + Formatter)Database

New Requirement - Adding Database as a data source for report data.Adding it to File Reader Service as it is conveniently there

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Better design confirming to LSP

File Reader

CSV File JSON File

File Reader Service

Reporter (UI + Formatter)Database Database Reader Service

Keep Database separate as it doesn't fit in File Reader Service

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Interface Segregation Principle

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Interface Segregation Principle

● Clients should not be forced to depend on interface they don't use.

● Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific or clients should not be forced to implement interfaces they don't need

● Design smell – NotImplementException thrown for some methods (which are really not needed by the client)

● Flat and non cohesive interface problem - SRP?

● Role based interface design – Intent Revealing Interfaces by Udi Dahan (IExtractReportData)

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ISP Violation

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Better design confirming to ISP

● WriteReport● ReadFile● FormatReport



Report Formatter


Report Writer




DatabaseReaderServiceInitial Interface

Current Interface

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Dependency Inversion Principle

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Dependency Inversion Principle

● High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions

● Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions

● Design smell – Unable to change the choice of implementation & code untestable in isolation

● Classic - Code for an interface not for an implementation

● DI frameworks to the rescue if object graph is complex

● Less coupled design

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DIP Violation

Text Report Formatter

Reporting App

CSV File Reader

JSON File Reader

Stuck with CSV File Reader andText Report Formatter implementations !!!

Arrows are Dependency

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Fixing for DIP

Text Report Formatter

Reporting App

CSV Data Extractor

JSON Data Extractor



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Design confirming to DIP


CSV Data Extractor

JSON Data Extractor

Data Extractor Service Reporter WriterDatabase Reader Service

XML Data Extractor

Reporting Application

Report Data

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● SOLID Motivational Posters, by Derick Bailey, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

● Uncle Bob for consolidation of these principles and his books Agile Software Development: Principles, Practices and Patterns and Clean Code

● Presentation is under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 India License

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About Me

● Developer in Test at Thoughtworks

● Interested in OO, DDD, Functional Programming languages, Agile, Lean, TDD, Mocks, Automated Testing, ATDD.....

● Author and maintainer of ChromeWatir and FireDriver

● Places to find me -

● http://developer-in-test.blogspot.com● http://twitter.com/sai_venkat● http://github.com/saivenkat

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Thank you