“evolving serious games beyond training” by phaedra boinodiris- serious play conference 2012

© 2011 IBM Corporation Serious Games beyond Training: From Process optimization to complex problem solving

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Phaedra Boinodiris speaks about “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” at the Serious Play Conference 2012 ABSTRACT: Organizations are straining to interpret and make informed decisions based on the abundance of data captured by advanced data systems to optimally manage strategic and tactical business operations. Serious Games can harness the power of analytics to enable a better understanding of the data and information gathered from these systems. A by-product of collaborative gameplay will be better decisions that help produce innovative and effective solutions addressing complex issues organizations are faced with today. This session provides insight into how the confluence of cloud computing, sophisticated game design and powerful applications can give a renaissance to serious games that process and incorporate real time data to drive business improvements. The session will show how Serious Games can stretch beyond skills training and actively engage participants to effect real change. This session is for participants interested in gaining a better understanding of how Serious Games can offer a powerful and effective approach to solve issues facing organizations today. In this session our team will discuss how organizations can use Serious Games to: • Solve problems collaboratively • Improve Business processes • Achieve predictive and real time modeling • Increase Return on Investment


Page 1: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Serious Games beyond Training: From Process optimization to complex problem solving

Page 2: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

The average gamer?

Page 3: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Example: AchronReal-Time Strategy Game via timeline manipulation

Watch Gameplay &hear time travel explained

Watch Gameplay &hear time travel explained

Page 4: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Although typically used to augment F2F training, a serious game can help solve real-world problems using an online and video game format

Serious games enable the player to learn faster and retain more knowledge in order to make smarter decisions in real life situations by virtually experiencing the cause and effect of actions.

America’s ArmyUS ArmyRecruitment

FolditUniv. WashingtonProtein recognition

EMS TrainingApplication

“Games are the most elevated form of investigation.” Albert Einstein

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A walkthrough of three Business Games

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According to a recent study, using data visualization, simulations and scenario development will be the most valuable techniques to analyze all the data

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Confluence Need

Sophisticated Game Engines• Real Time StrategyGames• City Sims

Commercial Applications


• Commander Level and Above• Data Deluge• Complex Systems• Managing Partners• Decision making

• Analytics• Communities• Business Process Mgmt• Relational databases… Supporting flow of real data & real processes

SMARTER Serious Games

SMARTER Serious Games

Page 8: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

ROI extends well beyond virtual training

Return on Investm


Teach a Process/Instructional Design


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9IBM ConfidentialIBM Confidential

Page 10: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Leaders can improve and vet business processes in a video game format.

Transform this process flow…Transform this process flow…

…into this format. …into this format.

Hit Play Button to Begin

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Page 12: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

By 2015:

More Than 50 Percent of Organizations That Manage Innovation Processes Will GAMIFY Those Processes

-- Gartner

Page 13: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Growth Model for Process Optimization Games


Discovery Workshop explaining scalable growth model, choosingpilot program

Pilot program is chosen based on need and maturity level of best practices processes

Business Process Templates created

Discovery Workshop explaining scalable growth model, choosingpilot program

Pilot program is chosen based on need and maturity level of best practices processes

Business Process Templates created

Design and developmentof a canned real time strategy game showcasing pilot processes (Cloud or downloadable executable, single-player or multi-player based on need and budget)

Design and developmentof a canned real time strategy game showcasing pilot processes (Cloud or downloadable executable, single-player or multi-player based on need and budget)

Integration of game into BPM on the cloud for the collective (multi-player) optimization of the chosen process.

Integration of game into BPM on the cloud for the collective (multi-player) optimization of the chosen process.

Real-time data integration for executable use

Real-time data integration for executable use

Biz planBiz plan


Start off creating a real time strategy game that can being used to train best practices associated with processes. Scale up as data matures to support strategic execution, real time visualization all in the SAME platform.

Page 14: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Municipalities can enable a ‘Smarter Conversation’ about public policy with their citizenry

Transform the process of vetting public policy or training for disaster response…Transform the process of vetting public policy or training for disaster response…

…into this format. …into this format.

‘Serious Games can enable better bi-lateral conversations with customers’ ---- Forrester

Page 15: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Imagine, the Next Gen City Sim Game…

Citizenry/ GeneralPublic Awareness

Game Designers





Urban Planners

Government Stakeholders





User Generated ContentUser Generated Content

Automated Inputs from SensorsAutomated Inputs from Sensors



Page 16: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Did you Know?

Serious Games are being created to solve complex problems in real time unbeknownst to the player?

Page 17: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Success Example: Using Serious Games for Optimal ModelingFolding Proteins

“ Here's a model of how real proteins work, and a way for you to create a model showing how they fold and stick together. We'll give points and put you on a leaderboard based on how well this matches our model of an optimal solution. Play! ”

Play a serious game - incentives guide players to optimize models in a competitive environment.

Players discover multiple optimal models - thus they are collaboratively building up a suite of solutions for the customer


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More DARPA Science Fiction?

Use the by-product of casual game play to train a compiler how to better recognize bugs in code.

--- DARPACrowd SourcedFormal Verification BAA

Page 19: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

One of FIVE Casual Games that we proposed

Find where the music sounds off key in order to teach a compiler how to better annotate security problems in code

Mozart Code

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ACTUV Simulator

Play This Submarine Strategy Game and Help the U.S. Navy

DARPA is developing antisubmarine warfare drones and has released a video game hoping to crowdsource some of the tactical AI behind them

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Imagine, Games with this Muscle…

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Focus 2015: Ethics in Serious Games Design?

When military-centric games can support real data and real processes for strategic execution, the way that components are weighted in the game (even if used for strictly training) will become a central focus.

Which will have more weight in a strategic targeting game and WHO decides?

How transparent will these weights be??

Saving 180 Civilian Lives

Saving 180 Civilian Lives

Vs.Vs. Saving Scarce Resources

Saving Scarce Resources

Vs.Vs. Preserving Global Reputation

Preserving Global Reputation


Page 23: “Evolving Serious Games beyond Training” by Phaedra Boinodiris- Serious Play Conference 2012

Where to Start?

5 Step Approach to saving a LOT of time and Money

1. ROI

2. Learning/Pain Points

3. Puzzles/Experience to Teach & Motivate

4. Genre

5. Platform Fun vs. FLOWBeware of Chocolate Covered Broccoli

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In Conclusion

1. Gamers are...

2. Games can be extremely adept at explaining complex systems


When designed well, they can be used to collaboratively solve very complex problems, whether the players actively realize it or not.

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