exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/physics10_files/finalpractice2008.pdf · a)the force of...

Exam Name___________________________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) A sheet of paper can be withdrawn from under a container of milk without toppling it if the paper is jerked quickly. This best demonstrates that A) there is an action-reaction pair of forces. B) the milk carton has no acceleration. C) the milk carton has inertia. D) gravity tends to hold the milk carton secure. E) none of these 1) 2) Whirl a rock at the end of a string on an ice-covered pond and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the tendency of the rock is to A) continue to follow a circular path. B) follow a straight-line path. 2) 3) A scientific statement that can never be changed is a scientific A) hypothesis. B) principle. C) theory. D) law. E) None of the above choices are correct. 3) 4) When a rocket ship accelerating in outer space runs out of fuel it A) accelerates for a short time, then slows down to a constant velocity. B) accelerates for a short time, slows down, and eventually stops. C) no longer accelerates. 4) 5) If no external forces are acting on a moving object it will A) continue moving at the same velocity. B) continue moving at the same speed. C) move slower and slower until it finally stops. 5) 6) The gain in speed each second for a freely-falling object is about A) 0. B) 20 m/s. C) 5 m/s. D) 10 m/s. E) depends on the initial speed 6) 7) Whirl a rock at the end of a string and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the tendency of the rock is to A) revolve in a smaller circle B) follow a straight-line path. C) continue to follow a circular path. D) increase its speed 7) 1

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Page 1: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum



MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) A sheet of paper can be withdrawn from under a container of milk without toppling it if the paperis jerked quickly. This best demonstrates that

A) there is an action-reaction pair of forces.

B) the milk carton has no acceleration.

C) the milk carton has inertia.

D) gravity tends to hold the milk carton secure.

E) none of these


2) Whirl a rock at the end of a string on an ice-covered pond and it follows a circular path. If thestring breaks, the tendency of the rock is to

A) continue to follow a circular path. B) follow a straight-line path.


3) A scientific statement that can never be changed is a scientific

A) hypothesis.

B) principle.

C) theory.

D) law.

E) None of the above choices are correct.


4) When a rocket ship accelerating in outer space runs out of fuel it

A) accelerates for a short time, then slows down to a constant velocity.

B) accelerates for a short time, slows down, and eventually stops.

C) no longer accelerates.


5) If no external forces are acting on a moving object it will

A) continue moving at the same velocity.

B) continue moving at the same speed.

C) move slower and slower until it finally stops.


6) The gain in speed each second for a freely-falling object is about

A) 0.

B) 20 m/s.

C) 5 m/s.

D) 10 m/s.

E) depends on the initial speed


7) Whirl a rock at the end of a string and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the tendency ofthe rock is to

A) revolve in a smaller circle B) follow a straight-line path.

C) continue to follow a circular path. D) increase its speed



Page 2: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

8) As an object freely falls downward, its

A) velocity increases. B) acceleration increases.

C) both of these. D) none of these.


9) According to Newton's law of inertia, a rail road train in motion should continue going forevereven if its engine is turned off. We never observe this because railroad trains

A) are much too heavy.

B) must go up and down hills.

C) move too slowly.

D) always have forces that oppose their motion.


10) A package falls off a truck that is moving at 30 m/s. Neglecting air resistance, the horizontal speedof the package just before it hits the ground is

A) zero.

B) more than 30 m/s.

C) about 30 m/s.

D) less than 30 m/s but larger than zero.

E) More informationis needed for an estimate.


11) If a car increases its velocity from zero to 60 km/h in 10 seconds, its acceleration is

A) 10 km/h/s.

B) 6 km/h/s.

C) 3 km/h/s.

D) 600 km/h/s.

E) 60 km/h/s.


12) The muzzle velocity of a bullet fired from a new rifle is 100 m/s. Neglecting air resistance, at theend of one second a bullet fired straight up into the air will have traveled a distance of

A) 4.9 m.

B) (100 - 4.9) m.

C) (100 + 4.9) m.

D) 100 m.

E) none of these


13) A bullet is dropped into a river from a very high bridge. At the same time, another bullet is firedfrom a gun, straight down towards the water. Neglecting air resistance, the acceleration just beforestriking the water

A) is greater for the fired bullet.

B) depends on how high they started.

C) is greater for the dropped bullet.

D) is the same for each bullet.

E) none of these



Page 3: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

14) If a projectile is fired straight up at a speed of 10 m/s, the time it takes to reach the top of its path isabout

A) 2 seconds. B) 10 seconds.

C) 1 second. D) not enough information to estimate


15) Drop a rock from a 5-m height and it accelerates at 10 m/s2 and strikes the ground 1 s later. Dropthe same rock from a height of 2.5 m and its acceleration of fall is about

A) twice as much. B) four times as much.

C) the same amount. D) half as much.


16) Which of the following is not a vector quantity?

A) acceleration B) velocity

C) speed D) All are vector quantities.


17) At one instant a heavy object in air is moving upward at 50 meters per second. One second later itsspeed in meters per second is approximately

A) 60 m/s. B) 55 m/s. C) 40 m/s. D) 50 m/s.


18) An object covers a distance of 8 meters in the first second of travel, another 8 meters during thenext second , and 8 meters again during the third second. Its acceleration in meters per second persecond is approximately

A) 0. B) 8. C) 5. D) 24.


19) If an object falling freely were somehow equipped with an odometer to measure the distance ittravels, then the amount of distance it travels each succeeding second would be

A) doubled. B) constant.

C) greater than the second before. D) less and less each second.


20) A ball is thrown 125 meters upward and then falls the same distance back to Earth. Neglecting airresistance, its total time in the air is

A) about 15 seconds. B) about 5 seconds.

C) about 10 seconds. D) more than 20 seconds.


21) A feather and a coin will have equal accelerations when falling in a vacuum because

A) the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum.

B) the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum.

C) the ratio of each object's weight to its mass is the same.

D) their velocities are the same.

E) none of these.


22) When you relax at rest with your left foot one bathroom and your right foot on a similar scale, eachof the scales will

A) indicate part of your total weight but not necessarily half of it.

B) indicate exactly half your weight.

C) indicate different values that will equal your weight when added together.

D) Any of the above may be correct.



Page 4: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

23) A skydiver, who weighs 500 N, reaches terminal velocity of 90 km/h. The air resistance on thediver is then

A) 90 N.

B) 500 N.

C) 250 N.

D) 410 N.

E) none of these


24) If the mass of an object does not change, a constant net force on the object produces constant

A) acceleration. B) velocity. C) both of these D) neither of these


25) A 10-N falling object encounters 10 N of air resistance. The net force on the object is

A) 6 N.

B) 4 N.

C) 10 N.

D) 0 N.

E) none of these


26) If less horizontal force is applied to a sliding object than is needed to maintain a constant velocity,

A) the object eventually slides to a stop.

B) the friction force increases.

C) the object accelerates in the direction of the applied force.

D) none of the above


27) Whenever the net force on an object is zero, its acceleration

A) may be more than zero B) may be less than zero. C) is zero.


28) A kilogram is a measure of an object's

A) weight. B) mass. C) force. D) size.


29) Which has the greater mass?

A) an automobile battery

B) a king-size pillow

C) neither π both have the same


30) A man weighing 800 N stands at rest on two bathroom scales so that his weight is distributedevenly over both scales. The reading on each scale is

A) 1600 N.

B) 200 N.

C) 800 N.

D) 400 N.

E) none of these



Page 5: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

31) An object is propelled along a straight-line path by a force. If the net force were doubled, theobject's acceleration would be

A) four times as much.

B) twice as much.

C) the same.

D) half as much.

E) none of these.


32) If an object of constant mass experiences a constant net force, it will have a constant

A) speed.

B) position.

C) acceleration.

D) velocity.

E) more than one of the above


33) If an object's mass is decreasing while a constant force is applied to the object, the acceleration

A) increases. B) remains the same. C) decreases.


34) An object is pulled northward by a force of 10 N and at the same time another force of 15N pulls itsouthward. The magnitude of the resultant force on the object is

A) 150 N. B) 0 N. C) 25 N. D) 5 N.


35) A heavy block at rest is suspended by a vertical rope. When the block is accelerated upward by therope, the rope tension

A) remains the same. B) increases. C) decreases.


36) A 10-kilogram block is pushed across a horizontal surface with a horizontal force of 20 N against afriction force of 10 N. The acceleration of the block in meters per second per second is

A) 1.

B) 5.

C) 10.

D) 2.

E) none of these


37) The brakes of a speeding truck are slammed on and it skids to a stop. If the truck were heavilyloaded so that it had twice the total mass, the skidding distance would be

A) 4 times as far.

B) 1 1/2 times as far.

C) 1/2 as far.

D) 2 times as far.

E) the same.



Page 6: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

38) A sack of potatoes weighing 200 N falls from an airplane. As the velocity of fall increases, airresistance also increases. When air resistance equals 200 N, the sack's acceleration in meters persecond per second is

A) 4.9.

B) 9.8.

C) 0.

D) infinite.

E) none of these


39) An astronaut on another planet drops a 1-kg rock from rest. The astronaut notices that the rockfalls 2 meters straight down in one second. On this planet, how much does the rock weigh?

A) 4 N B) 4.9 N C) 1 N D) 5 N


40) A force is a vector quantity because it has both

A) mass and acceleration.

B) action and reaction counterparts.

C) magnitude and direction.


41) A car traveling at 100 km/hr strikes an unfortunate bug and splatters it. The force of impact is

A) greater on the car. B) greater on the bug. C) the same for both.


42) A person is attracted toward the center of the Earth by a 500-N gravitational force. The Earth isattracted toward the person with a force of

A) 1000 N. B) 250 N. C) zero. D) 500 N.


43) During the time of the year when the Earth starts moving closer to the sun, the sun

A) moves toward the Earth but a larger distance.

B) moves toward the Earth, but a smaller distance.

C) starts moving the same distance toward the Earth.

D) does not move at all in response to the Earth's approach.


44) A Mack truck and a Volkswagen traveling at the same speed have a head-on collision. The vehiclethat undergoes the greatest change in velocity will be the

A) Volkswagen. B) Mack truck. C) same for both.


45) The Earth pulls on the moon. Similarly the moon pulls on the Earth, evidence that

A) these two pulls comprise an action-reaction pair.

B) larger objects pull harder.

C) the earth is larger so its pull is larger.

D) the moon is smaller so its pull is smaller.



Page 7: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

46) Wherever the is an action force, there must be a reaction force which

A) is slightly larger in amplitude than the action force.

B) is slightly smaller in magnitude than the action force.

C) always acts in the same direction.

D) is exactly equal in magnitude.


47) A skydiver falls towards the Earth. The attraction of the Earth on the diver pulls the diver down.What is the reaction to this force?

A) the attraction to the planets, stars, and every particle in the universe

B) air resistance the diver encounters while falling

C) water resistance that will soon act upward on the diver

D) all of these

E) none of these


48) A vehicle that weights 400 N on the surface of the Earth is traveling in outer space at a speed of 400m/s . It can be stopped by applying a constant force of 20 N for

A) 80 seconds.

B) 400 seconds.

C) 4 seconds.

D) 800 seconds.

E) 2 seconds.


49) A 10.0 N force is pulling up on the ring of spring scale that weighs 2.0 N. If an 8.0 N mass isattached to the bottom hook of the scale, the scale reading would be

A) 0 N. B) 10.0 N C) 2.0 N. D) 8.0 N. E) 12.0 N


50) A vehicle that weighs 4000 N on the surface of the Earth is travelling in outer space at a speed of200 m/s. The smallest constant force that must be applied to stop it in 20 seconds is

A) 400 N.

B) more than 4000 N.

C) 4000 N.

D) 40 N.

E) 20 N.


51) The difference between impulse and impact force involves the

A) time the force acts.

B) distance the force acts.

C) mass and its effect on resisting a change in momentum.

D) difference between acceleration and velocity.



Page 8: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

52) An astronaut, floating in space, throws a ball as massive as herself toward her nearby spaceship. Ifthe ball bounces back toward her without losing speed, her best choice at that time is to

A) forget about catching the ball and wait a few minutes to be rescued.

B) try to catch the ball and wait a few minutes to be rescued.

C) try to catch the ball and then throw it away from the spaceship.

D) hope that the spaceship pilot is able to rescue her somehow.


53) Two objects have the same size and shape, but one is much heavier than the other. When they aredropped simultaneously from a tower, they reach the ground at the same time, but the heavier onehas a greater

A) acceleration.

B) momentum.

C) speed.

D) all of these

E) none of these


54) A 1000-kg car moving at 10 m/s brakes to a stop in 5 s. The average braking force is

A) 1000 N. B) 4000 N. C) 2000 N. D) 5000 N. E) 3000 N.


55) A large metal ball is shot from a cannon with a short barrel. If the same ball were to be shot fromcannon with a longer barrel, its muzzle velocity would be

A) more.

B) less.

C) the same.

D) impossib le to determine without additional information.


56) A ball is moving at 3 m/s and has a momentum of 48 kg m/s. What is the ball's mass?

A) 144 kg

B) 12 kg

C) 4 kg

D) 16 kg

E) none of these


57) A car traveling along the highway needs a certain amount of force exerted on it to stop it in acertain distance. More stopping force is required when the car has

A) more momentum.

B) less stopping distance.

C) more mass.

D) all of these

E) none of these


58) Two identical gliders slide toward each other on an air track. One moves at 1 m/s and the other at2 m/s. They collide and stick. The combined mass moves at

A) 1.5 m/s. B) 1/3 m/s. C) 3/4 m/s. D) 1/2 m/s. E) 1/6 m/s.



Page 9: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

59) The force that accelerates a rocket in outer space is exerted on the rocket by the

A) rocket's wings.

B) atmospheric pressure.

C) exhaust gases.

D) rocket's nose cone.

E) none of these


60) Compared to the force that brings a small car to a stop, the force required to bring a heavy truck toa stop

A) is more.

B) is the same.

C) is less.

D) impossib le to determine without additional information


61) How many Joules of energy are in one kilowatt-hour?

A) 3.6 million

B) 1

C) 60,000

D) 60

E) none of these


62) Strictly speaking, more fuel is consumed by your car if an air conditioner, headlights, or even aradio is turned on. This statement is

A) true only if the car's engine is running fast.

B) totally false.

C) true only if the car's engine is running slowly.

D) almost always true.


63) A heavy and a light object released from the same height in a vacuum have equal

A) kinetic energies.

B) momenta.

C) weights.

D) accelerations.

E) none of the above


64) It takes 40 J to push a large box 4 m across a floor. Assuming the push is in the same direction asthe move, what is the magnitude of the force on the box?

A) 160 N

B) 10 N

C) 40 N

D) 4 N

E) none of these



Page 10: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

65) Two identical freight cars roll without friction (one at 1 m/s, the other at 2 m/s) toward oneanother on a level track. They collide, couple together, and roll away in the direction that

A) the faster car was initially going.

B) the slower car was initially going.

C) neither of these π they stop.


66) A 1000-kg car and a 2000-kg car are hoisted the same distance. Raising the more massive carrequires

A) as much work.

B) less work.

C) four times as much work.

D) twice as much work.

E) more than four times as much work.


67) Two identical arrows, one with twice the speed of the other, are fired into a hay bale. The fasterarrow will penetrate

A) twice as far as the slower arrow.

B) four times as far as the slower arrow.

C) the same distance as the slower arrow.

D) more than four times as far as the slower arrow.

E) none of these


68) A ball rolling down an incline has its minimum speed

A) half way down the incline.

B) near the top of the incline.

C) at the end the incline.

D) impossible to predict without knowing the ball's mass

E) impossible to predict without knowing the size of the ball


69) A hydraulic press, like an inclined plane, is capable of increasing energy.

A) always true B) sometimes true C) always false D) sometimes false


70) A ball is projected into the air with 100 J of kinetic energy which is transformed to gravitationalpotential energy at the top of its trajectory. When it returns to its original level after encounteringair resistance, its kinetic energy is

A) more than 100 J. B) 100 J.

C) less than 100 J. D) not enough information given


71) Each of us weighs a tiny bit less inside the ground floor of a skyscraper than we do on the groundaway from the skyscraper. The reason for this is the

A) gravitational field is shielded inside the building.

B) mass of the building attracts us upward slightly.

C) both of these

D) none of these



Page 11: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

72) Gravitation weakens as the inverse square of distance, while tidal gravity (force difference perkilogram) weakens with the inverse

A) cube of distance. B) of distance. C) square of distance.


73) Half way to the center of a completely hollow planet with a thin uniform shell, your weight therecompared to your weight on the outer surface would be

A) one-quarter.

B) the same as at the surface.

C) one-half.

D) three-quarters.

E) zero.


74) According to Kepler's laws, the paths of planets about the sun are

A) ellipses.

B) circles.

C) parabolas.

D) straight lines.

E) none of these


75) The force of gravity acting on you will increase if you

A) burrow deep inside the planet.

B) stand on a planet with a radius that is shrinking.

C) both of these

D) none of these


76) A gun with a muzzle velocity of 100 m/s is fired horizontally from a tower. Neglecting airresistance, how far downrange will the bullet be 1 second later?

A) 98

B) 490

C) 50 m

D) 100

E) none of these


77) A "weightless" astronaut in an orbiting shuttle is

A) pulled only by gravitation to the shuttle which cancels the Earth's gravitational pull.

B) shielded from the Earth's gravitational field.

C) beyond the pull of gravity.

D) like the shuttle, pulled by Earth's gravitation.

E) none of these


78) An airplane that flies at 100 km/h in a 100 km/h hurricane crosswind has a ground speed of

A) 141 km/h. B) 100 km/h. C) 0 km/h. D) 200 km/h.


79) From Earth, one satellite appears to overtake another. The faster satellite is

A) higher. B) smaller. C) lower. D) can't say



Page 12: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

80) Roll a bowling ball off the edge of a table. As it falls, its horizontal component of velocity

A) increases. B) remains constant. C) decreases.


81) A Doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves

A) toward you. B) at right angles to you.

C) both of these D) none of these


82) The stride of a horse depends somewhat on the pendulum-like swing of its legs. This stride wouldbe higher in frequency if more of the mass in its legs were concentrated

A) halfway up its legs.

B) towards its feet.

C) in the upper part, nearer the horse's body.

D) uniformly all along its legs.

E) none of these


83) As a train of water waves goes by, a piece of cork floating on the water bobs up and down onecomplete cycle each second. The waves are 2 meters long. What is the speed of the wave?

A) 2 m/s B) 0.25 m/s C) 1.0 m/s D) 4 m/s E) 0.50 m/s


84) A standing wave occurs when

A) two waves overlap.

B) a wave reflects upon itself.

C) the amplitude of a wave exceeds its wavelength.

D) the speed of the wave is zero or near zero.


85) Which of the following is not a transverse wave?

A) radio

B) sound

C) light

D) all of these

E) none of these


86) A common source of wave motion is a

A) vibrating object.

B) wave pattern.

C) harmonic object.

D) region of variable high and low pressure.

E) none of these


87) A floating leaf oscillates up and down two complete cycles each second as a water wave passes by.What is the wave's frequency?

A) 0.5 hertz B) 3 hertz C) 6 hertz D) 1 hertz E) 2 hertz



Page 13: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

88) A floating leaf oscillates up and down two complete cycles in one second as a water wave passesby. The wave's wavelength is 10 meters. What is the wave's speed?

A) 20 m/s

B) 10 m/s

C) 2 m/s

D) 40 m/s

E) more than 40 m/s


89) The amplitude of a particular wave is 1 meter. The top-to-bottom distance of the disturbance is

A) 1 m. B) 2 m. C) 0.5 m. D) none of these


90) The pendulum with the greatest frequency is the pendulum with the

A) shortest period.

B) shortest length.

C) shortest period and the shortest length.

D) greatest amplitude.

E) shortest amplitude.


91) The natural frequency of an object depends on its

A) size, shape and elasticity. B) size and elasticity.

C) size and shape. D) shape and elasticity.


Figure 20-A

92) When the handle of a tuning fork is held solidly against a table, the sound becomes louder and thetime that the fork keeps vibrating

A) becomes longer. B) becomes shorter. C) remains the same.


93) A wave having a frequency of 1000 hertz vibrates at

A) 1000 cycles per second.

B) less than 1000 cycles per second.

C) more than 1000 cycles per second.



Page 14: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

94) The beat frequency produced when a 240 hertz tuning fork and a 246 hertz tuning fork aresounded together is

A) 6 hertz.

B) 245 hertz.

C) 12 hertz.

D) 240 hertz.

E) None of the above choices are correct.


95) Sound refraction depends on the fact that the speed of sound is

A) variable.

B) inversely proportional to wavelength.

C) constant.

D) proportional to frequency.

E) None of the above choices are correct.


96) The approximate range of human hearing is

A) 10 hertz to 10,000 hertz.

B) 40 hertz to 40,000 hertz.

C) 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz.

D) Actually all of theseπdepends on the hearing ability of the person.


97) On some days, air nearest the ground is colder than air that is higher up. On one of these days,sound waves

A) travel without refraction.

B) tend to be refracted upward.

C) tend to be refracted downward.


98) Sound travels faster in

A) a vacuum.

B) water.

C) air.

D) steel.

E) Sound travels at about the same speed in all of the above media.


99) In perceiving its environment, a dolphin makes use of

A) the Doppler effect.

B) ultrasound.

C) echoes.

D) All of the above choices are correct.

E) None of the above choices are correct.



Page 15: Exam - physicsland.comphysicsland.com/Physics10_files/FinalPractice2008.pdf · A)the force of gravity is the same for each in a vacuum. B)the force of gravity does not act in a vacuum

100) A sound wave is a

A) longitudinal wave.

B) transverse wave.

C) shock wave.

D) standing wave.

E) None of the above choices are correct.


101) To say that electric charge is conserved is to say that electric charge

A) is a whole number multiple of the charge of one electron.

B) is sometimes negative.

C) may occur in an infinite variety of quantities.

D) can be neither created nor destroyed.

E) will interact with neighboring electric charges.


102) An electron is pushed into an electric field where it acquires a 1-V electrical potential. If twoelectrons are pushed the same distance into the same electric field, the electrical potential of thetwo electrons is

A) 1 V. B) 0.25 V. C) 4 V. D) 2 V. E) 0.5 V.


103) Assume that 10 J of work is needed to push a charge, at rest, into an electric field. After the chargeis released there, it flies back to its starting position and its kinetic energy there will be

A) zero.

B) 10 J.

C) 5 J.

D) more than 10 J.

E) impossible to predict without additional information.


104) Superconductors are noted for their

A) absence of electric resistance.

B) bright colors.

C) low electric resistance.

D) low cost.

E) high electric resistance.


105) If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, then your hair becomes

A) positively charged. B) uncharged. C) negatively charged.


106) A conductor differs from an insulator in that a conductor

A) has more energy than an insulator.

B) has more electrons than protons.

C) has faster moving molecules.

D) has more protons than electrons.

E) none of these



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Figure 22-A

107) A balloon will stick to a wooden wall if the balloon is charged

A) negatively. B) positively.

C) either positively or negatively. D) None of the above choices are correct.


108) A proton and an electron are placed in an electric field. Which undergoes the greater acceleration?

A) electron B) proton

C) Both accelerate equally. D) Neither accelerates.


109) In the unlikely case of a lightning strike, it is worse to be inside a building framed with

A) steel. B) wood. C) iron. D) aluminum.


110) An uncharged pith ball is suspended by a nylon fiber. When a negatively charged rubber rod isbrought nearby, without touching it, the pith ball

A) is repelled by the rod.

B) becomes polarized.

C) becomes charged by induction.

D) in unaffected.

E) None of the above choices are correct.


111) A 60-W light bulb and a 100-W light bulb are each rated at 120 V. Which light bulb has a largerresistance?

A) the 100-W bulb

B) the 60-W bulb

C) Both have the same resistance.


112) Three resistors, 1-ohm, 2-ohm, and 3- ohm are connected in parallel. If they were connected inseries instead their equivalent resistance would be

A) 11 times as great.

B) 7 times as great.

C) 9 times as great.

D) 13 times as great.

E) None of the above choices are correct.



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113) Compared to the amount of electric current in the filament of a lamp, the amount of current in theconnecting wire is

A) definitely less.

B) the same.

C) actually more.

D) often less.

E) incredibly, all of these.


114) In a simple circuit containing a bulb, energy is given to the moving charges by

A) a generator. B) the wires. C) the bulb. D) none of these


115) In a common dc circuit, electrons move at speeds of

A) many centimeters per second.

B) the speed of a sound wave.

C) a fraction of a centimeter per second.

D) the speed of light.

E) none of these


116) A sphere has a negative charge of 6.4 ˛ 10-7 coulomb. The approximate number of electrons thatmust be removed to make the sphere neutral is

A) 6.4 ˛ 1026 . B) 1.6 ˛ 10-8. C) 9.8 ˛ 103. D) 4.0 ˛ 1012 .


117) The number of electrons delivered daily to an average American home by an average power utilityin the mid 1980s was

A) 110.

B) zero.

C) 220.

D) billions of billions.

E) none of these


118) When a 60-watt light bulb is connected to a 120-volt source the current in the light bulb is

A) 4 A.

B) 0.5 A.

C) 2 A.

D) 0.25 A.

E) more than 4 A.


119) As more lamps are put into a series circuit, the overall current in the power source

A) decreases. B) increases. C) stays the same.


120) A 60-W light bulb and a 100-W light bulb are connected in series to a 120 V outlet. Which lightbulb has more current in it?

A) the 100-W bulb

B) the 60-W bulb

C) Both have the same current.



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121) the field surrounding every moving electron is

A) always electric but never magnetic.

B) always both electric and magnetic.

C) always magnetic but never electric

D) sometimes magnetic and sometimes electric.

E) none of the above


122) Which force field can accelerate an electron, but never change its speed?

A) electric field B) magnetic field C) both of these D) none of these


123) If a compass is moved from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, its magneticneedle will change direction

A) hardly at all.

B) depending on where the measurement is taken.

C) by 90 degrees.

D) by 180 degrees.

E) none of these


124) Moving electric charges will interact with

A) only an electric field. B) only a magnetic field.

C) an electric field or a magnetic field. D) none of these


125) Which pole of a compass needle points to a south pole of a magnet?

A) south pole B) north pole C) both of these


126) If a steady magnetic field exerts a force on a moving charge, that force is directed

A) in the direction of the field.

B) opposite the direction of the field.

C) at right angles to the direction of the field.


127) Magnet A has twice the magnetic field strength of Magnet B and at a certain distance pulls onmagnet B with a force of 100 N. The amount of force that magnet A exerts on magnet B is

A) exactly 100 N.

B) at or about 50 N.

C) More information is needed.


128) If we think of the Earth as a magnet, its north (-seeking) pole is nearest

A) the Hudson Bay region of Canada.

B) Australia.

C) both of these



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129) Magnetic compasses apparently were first used by

A) Vikings.

B) Columbus.

C) Greeks.

D) Australian aborigines.

E) pigeons, then Chinese.


130) A possible cause for the existence of the Earth's magnetic field is due to

A) convection currents in the liquid part of the Earth's core, but not choice A or B.

B) great numbers of very slow moving charges in the Earth, but not choice A or C.

C) moving charges in the liquid part of the Earth's core, but not choice B or C.

D) Choices A, B, and C are all false.


131) Chromatic aberration is absent in

A) front surface plane mirrors.

B) diverging lenses.

C) converging lenses


132) The secondary rainbow is dimmer than the primary rainbow because

A) it is farther from the viewer.

B) it is larger, and its energy is spread over more area.

C) its colors are inverted.

D) it simply has much less energy than the primary bow.

E) of an extra reflection and refraction in the drops.


133) When a light ray passes, at a non-90 degree angle, from water into air, it

A) bends toward the normal.

B) bends away from the normal.

C) travels much slower.


134) A fish outside water will see better if it has goggles that are

A) hemispheres.

B) filled with water.

C) tinted blue.

D) extremely shiny.

E) none of these


135) Light will almost always travel from one place to another along a path of least

A) expense.

B) complication.

C) time.

D) effort.

E) distance.



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136) Chromatic aberration is a consequence of different colors in a lens having different

A) critical angles.

B) speeds.

C) energies.

D) frequencies.

E) aberrations.


137) The image of the "infinitely-far-away" sun produced by a converging lens appears

A) between the lens and the focal point.

B) beyond the focal point.

C) at the focal point.


138) A primary rainbow is brighter than a secondary rainbow because

A) sunlight reaching it is more intense.

B) larger drops produce primary rainbows.

C) there is one less reflection inside the water drops.

D) the secondary bow is a dim reflection of the primary rainbow.

E) none of these


139) Light refracts when traveling from air into glass because light

A) has greater frequency in air than in glass.

B) has greater intensity in air than in glass.

C) has greater frequency in glass than in air.

D) has greater intensity in glass than in air.

E) travels slower in glass than in air.


140) Atmospheric refraction makes the daylight hours a bit

A) longer.

B) shorter.

C) longer in summer but shorter in winter.



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100) A22

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