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  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4



    PAPER 2 writing Part 2

    Part 3PAPER 3 Use of English

    Part 4

    PAPER 4 Listening

    PAPER 5 Speaking

    For questions 1-18, read the three texts below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D)

    best fits each gap.

    One of the most recognisable fad icons of the 1980s has to be Rubik's cube - a three-

    dimensional toy made up of twenty-six smaller interconnecting cubes, which can be

    (1) either vertically or horizontally to form 'faces' of six different colours.

    The cube was invented in the mid 1970s by Erno Rubik, a Hungarian engineer

    fascinated by geometrical (2) ,although it wasn't until the end of the decade that

    people began to show an interest in the toy. Then suddenly, almost overnight, the

    craze went international. Demand for the cubes soon far (3) the original

    production order of one million and pirated versions (4) the market. It is

    estimated that over 100 million cubes had been sold by the end of 1982.

    It has been calculated that Rubik's cube has over forty-three quintillion (that's 43

    followed by 18 zeros) (5) - only one of which will result in the cube displaying all

    six sides with the same colour. The official record for the fastest (6) belongs to a

    Japanese student who completed it in just under fifteen seconds.

    1 A revolved B rotated C swivelled D spun

    2 A conundrums B enigmas C riddles D puzzles

    3 A expanded B extended C exceeded D excelled

    4 A drowned B flooded C washed D soaked

    5 A permutations B transformations C incarnations D conversions

    6 A undoing B unravelling C unscrambling D unwinding

    Underfloor Heating Systems

    Underfloor heating systems are becoming increasingly popular as an efficient and

    economical means of heating your home. They are easy to (7) into any new

    building or renovation, and can be installed in most homes with few restrictions on

    the type of floor covering required. Because they (8) at a much lower

    temperature than conventional heating, underfloor heating systems (9) far less

    fuel and are therefore also more eco-friendly. Another advantage is the absence of

    radiators, which can be (10) and take up a great deal of valuable space. What is

    more, underfloor heating systems are far more effective than conventional radiators:

    heat is (11) to the cooler air at floor level, where it is most needed. The nowwarm air rises upwards towards the ceiling, resulting in a(n) (12) distribution of

    heat across the whole room.

    7 A fuse B assimilate C amalgamate D integrate

    8 A activate B operate C stimulate D promote

    9 A consume B devour C gulp D dispose

    10 A blatant B outstanding C obtrusive D prominent

    11 A drafted B transferred C carried D relocated

    12 A standardised B level C uniform D unswerving

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    The moment Daniel Wilkins walked into her office that October morning, Cynthia was

    struck by a(n) (13) feeling of deja vu - she was sure she had seen him before, but

    she couldn't quite put her finger on where. She noted that he (14) an almost

    tangible air of self-assurance, but with her trained (15) , she could also see that

    he (16) a heavy burden. On the phone earlier that week, he had explained whathe needed and she had conceded that she might be able to help him. But now, as he

    settled himself into one of the leather armchairs in her office, she wondered if

    perhaps she was biting off more than she could (17) .

    Cynthia listened attentively as Daniel told her a little about himself. While he was

    speaking, she stood by the window, (18) out at the blustery tops of the trees in

    the park, watching the starlings circle as they massed together for their long

    migration. She had goosebumps on her arms, but they weren't from the cold.

    13 A supernatural B unwieldy C mystic 0 uncanny

    14 A absorbed B attracted C exuded 0 retained

    15 A eye B view C sight 0 perception

    16 A dragged B heaved C shouldered 0 weighed17 A masticate B eat C swallow 0 chew

    18 A gaping B gazing C glimpsing 0 gawking

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    PAPER 2 writing

    PAPER3 Use of English

    PAPER4 Listening

    PAPER5 Speaking

    You are going to read four extracts which are all concerned in some way with

    dancing. For questions 19-26, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits

    best according to the text.

    Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

    To the natives of North America, dance has always been an

    intrinsic part oftheir culture. All over North America, traditional

    dance continues to forge a link with ancient ancestors and allows

    the native peoples of modern America to reaffirm their cultural

    identity as well as celebrate fundamental relationships with

    nature, their tribe and kin. Traditional North American dance is

    inextricably bound to nature and the seasons. The dances vary

    from region to region, and from tribe to tribe, but are usually

    performed to songs sung in ancient languages and according to

    the ancient calendar and belief systems. Some dancers take on

    the roles of animals or enact the traditional chores of daily life:

    hunting, fishing or planting.

    As well as giving non-commercial public performances, modern

    dancers also perform in private or before small groups to offer up

    prayers to ancient deities, to invoke cures for illnesses, to

    influence nature or to act out a story. Unlike European folk

    dances, Native American dances often have no predictable form

    and it is difficult to know how long a dance will last, how many

    dancers will be involved or how many beats will accompany each

    movement. Dancers usually take small steps and stay near the

    ground, performing either to rhythmic vocal music or, an

    assortment of instruments.

    19 Traditional dance helps modern Native North Americans to

    A communicate with their ancestors.

    B be at one with their roots and environment.

    C fully exploit the power of nature.D have a good relationship with other tribes.

    20 The writer implies that Native North Americans do not dance

    A for financial gain.

    B for religious reasons.

    C in front of large audiences.

    D accompanied by chanting voices.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    /&~dPJ!!/)~~.II- ~


    The first time I saw FireDance I was

    knocked off my feet. I couldn't

    believe the sheer energy and

    exuberance of the routines, the

    power of the score, the creative

    flair of the choreographers and the

    fluidity of the dancers. I remember

    being moved by the sensuality,

    spellbound by the glamour,

    awestruck by the visual spectacle. You

    couldn't watch it without wanting to join

    in, but most people would agree it was

    impossible to take your eyes off the dancers no matter how much

    your feet were itching. I consider it a major turning point in my life -

    without which I would probably have trod a different path.

    Within a year of its first performance, FireDance had become an

    international phenomenon. As a show, FireDance was successful

    because it was essentially a simple idea, yet brilliantly conceived. The

    inspirational mix of African drums and the evocative sounds of

    European folk music brought home a raw power that encapsulated

    one's earthly origins, yet aspired to some heavenly sphere. The pace of

    the production carried the audience along, at moments frenetically

    throwing you into the rhythms, at others, lulling you into a trance.

    23 The writer clearly remembers

    A losing his balance while watching the performance.

    B experiencing a plethora of conflicting emotions.

    C being impressed by different aspects of the show.

    D deciding to dedicate his life to dance.

    24 FireDance

    A evolved from the inspirations of simple people.

    B consisted of a complex mixture of sounds.

    C was widely acclaimed in many countries.

    D hypnotised the audience with its steady tempo.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    A History of the Tango

    f?T)) one well, the tango is perhaps one o f the most exciting dances to

    : : : : L J watch and to perform, and today it seems to be more popular thanever. Yet when it began, and for a long time afterwards, the dance was

    shunned by the upper circles of Argentine society. A t a time when all

    fashionable dances were performed in linear or circular arrangements by

    groups of dancers, the very idea of a man and a woman in such close

    physical proximity was considered vulgar and immoral. European society

    was ambivalent even about the waltz (in which partners actually had to

    touch each other) which was only just beginning to catch on there. Yet,

    despite the stigma attached to it, the tango soon became the dance to


    Today there are many different versions of the tango, and different

    ideas about where and when the dance originated. One story tells of howthe tango began in the lower class districts of Buenos Aires towards the

    end of the nineteenth century. The gauchos, after a long day riding

    horses, would arrive to dance with the women in the bars. Legend has it

    that the woman would dance at arm's length from him, with her head

    thrown far back, trying to distance herself from his working day odour,

    while he would walk with his knees flexed because of his stiff clothes.

    Together they would bend their bodies to manoeuvre in the space

    available between the tables. Thus the tango was born.

    25 The tango did not catch on immediately because

    A the upper classes thought it should be avoided.

    B it did not adhere to the rules of traditional dances.

    C the waltz had recently become more popular as a dance.

    D it did not conform to conventional notions of propriety.

    26 It is said that the tango may have originated as a result of

    A the gauchos' unsanitary leisure pursuits.

    B the postures that dancers were forced to adopt.

    C the clothes that the gauchos wore while working.

    D the unlimited size of the dance floor.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    You are going to read an article about twins. Seven paragraphs have been removed

    from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap

    (27-33). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.PAPER3 Use of English

    PAPER4 Listening

    PAPER5 Speaking

    The Mys/er y of TwillsA festival that takes place this weekend in Twinsburg,

    Ohio, must rank as one of the strangest scientific

    gatherings in the world. Coloured tents stand dotted

    around Glen Chamberlain park, each containing

    researchers from around the world hoping to hunt

    down some elusive medical clues. Outside the tents

    stand long lines of people, each of them willing toendure the 32C heat in order to take part in their

    research. But it's not a normal queue, because many

    participants look disarmingly alike, even down to

    wearing the same dresses. They are human guinea pigs

    with a difference: each is a twin or a triplet.

    ~IDown the centuries, a certain mystique has always

    surrounded twins. They have long been thought to

    have an unspoken psychic bond that allows each of

    them to know what the other is feeling without it being

    obvious to anyone else. But now twins are becoming

    valuable to science because oftheir genes. Their DNAis helping to answer some of the questions in the age-

    old debate over. whether it is your genes or the

    environment in which you were brought up that

    determines your behaviour and your health.

    ~IParents often complain that twins are treated as one

    unit, rather than as separate children, but from a

    scientist's point of view this is research heaven,

    because it allows them to unravel the complex

    interactions between environment and genes in a way

    ..that would be impossible from other studies.

    [~JYulia Kovas, part of the institute's social, genetic and

    .developmental psychiatry centre, described how the

    twins had helped her study howgenes can make it hard

    -for some children to grasp mathematical concepts - an

    area that has always been little understood. She

    analysed the test results in maths, reading and general

    intelligence for almost 3,000 pairs oftwins when they

    were seven years old. The influence of genes inherited

    from parents could be analysed by comparing the test

    results from identical and non-identical twins. She

    found that there was a significant genetic overlap

    between their maths ability and reading, as well asbetween their maths and their general intelligence. But

    some DNA markers also appeared to work more

    specificallyin favour ofmaths.

    ~I ------Professor Robert Plomin, professor of behavioural

    genetics at the institute, said recently: 'The idea is that

    DNA is an early warning system. If we can read it

    properly, we can predict problems and hopefully

    intervene to help.'

    QTI_-----------'The discovery that psychopathic tendencies arestrongly heritable suggests that we need to get help for

    these youngsters early on,' she said. 'Any behaviour is

    influenced by multiple genes and an unlucky

    combination of genes may increase vulnerability to adisorder.'

    [E]~ _

    The sight of two people who appear so similar that WE

    can't tell them apart can pose its own problems. Fron:

    childhood, parents are told by schools, birth experG

    and well-meaning friends that they should dress thei:!

    children differently and separate them in as many wa.~

    as possible.

    C E J _But many identical twins, although they cherish the::-

    own identity, actually like being so similar. They don-

    regard it as a negative condition, or 'freakish' in ar-

    way, even if other people find it hard to tell them ap~

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    A Most schools still have a policy o f placing twins in

    different classes, because they think they will have

    a better chance of developing their own identity.

    Often the children will be described as 'the one

    with more freckles', or 'the one with longer hair',

    rather than by their own names.

    B 'What we think is that there may be a pool of

    between fifty and a hundred DNA markers that

    each have a small effect, but actually influence our

    general cognitive ability,' she said. 'They have a

    stream-like effect, rather than one particular gene

    making you good or bad at sums.'

    C The same Teds group has allowed another

    researcher, Dr Essi Viding, to analyse the genetic

    basis for psychopathic tendencies. By comparing

    identical and non-identical twins who displayed

    both anti-social behaviour and psychopathic

    tendencies, such as callousness and a lack ofremorse or empathy towards others, she was able

    to find that there were very strong genetic factors

    influencing those who displayed callous,

    unemotional traits - but no such factors in those

    who were simply very aggressive and anti-social.

    D Meanwhile, the parents of twins have to live with

    the fact that their children's genes may bind them

    to each other in a way that at times appears to be

    slightly spooky. It's often a problem of how they

    are perceived from the outside, rather than for the

    families themselves.

    E Linda and Diarmaid Lee, who live near Crewkerne

    in Somerset, have had a real learning experience

    by having had identical twin boys, James and

    Matthew, who are now three and a half, and non-

    identical twins, Ben and Rachel, who are two. The

    younger two are quite different in many ways.

    'Rachel has some more female traits. When they

    were all drawing once, their dad bought them all

    little lawnmowers and the boys were all off with

    them, but she looked at hers and put it down and

    carried on drawing.'

    F Identical twins have identical DNA. Non-identical,or fraternal, twins share only 50 percent of their

    genetic make-up, much the same as any other

    siblings would. But twins of both kinds are also

    overwhelmingly likely to have shared very similar

    environments, unless they are separated in

    childhood. They tend to have the same diet, the

    same housing, and are exposed to the same factors

    such as pollution. Their very closeness makes them


    G At the Institute of Psychiatry in London, more

    than 15,000pairs of twins have been tracked over

    the past ten years. These children, now agedeleven, ten and nine, are part of the Twins Early

    Development Study (Teds), an invaluable resource

    because scientists searching for particular genes

    can compare identical twins with non-identical

    twins. The samples oftheir DNA, which is stored

    carefully in laboratories in south London, could

    unlock clues to a host of diseases and conditions

    that are as yet not understood.

    H Jeremy Wilmer has come here to find as many

    twins as possible to help him understand more

    about how people see. 'There is a strong inherited

    factor involved in howwell you can see in three-D,'explained Wilmer, a PhD student. 'I'm hoping to

    get some twins to wear special glasses and lookat

    my computer screen, so that I can measure how

    good their visual skills are. Frankly, this festival is

    a godsend for medical research.'

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    TCP E

    E ST

    You are going to read an extract from a book. For questions 34-40, choose the

    answer (A, B, C or OJwhich you think fits best according to the text.

    Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

    PAPER2 writing

    PAPER3 Use of English

    PAPER4 Listening

    PAPER5 Speaking

    To say the least, Alexander Trevozhov's was anunusual interpretation of the ballade's beginning.He did not play the opening chords forte and pesante,

    as is written, but so softly that they ,"vere almost

    inaudible. In any ordinary concert they would have

    been, but his unexpected use of understatement, along

    with his formidable presence, had commanded

    absolute silence in his audience. I began to understand

    the praise of him I had heard.

    I did not open my eyes, but I listened intently. It was

    impossible not to: the music caught and bound me as it

    had caught and bound the entire house. The anxiety

    accrued during Mr Trevozhov's long delay may have

    shifted as he began to play, but it had not abated. It

    seemed that the tension his presence had unfurled was

    slowly weaving into the music, becoming so ingrained

    that the familiar score sounded entirely alien.

    Technically, he was perfect. But the pain emanating

    from every note he played was something significantly

    more potent than the regretful melancholy Chopin

    had written into the piece. Each note was askew, its

    emotion turned inward on itself to reverberate as

    something close to horror. I wanted the music to end

    but also to go on forever. My intense desire to run away

    had not dissipated, but equally strong was the

    ridiculous desire to run to him. I was unaware of

    having heard the final chords until I realized that we

    had been sitting for several moments in absolute

    silence - a sound I had never heard in that hall in my

    life, and which I doubt will ever be heard there again.

    The hush dangled, as unresolved as the music had

    been. Then, all at once, it was filled with uproarious

    applause, a standing ovation. But I could not clap, nor

    stand; I could only sit staring at the light-box of the

    stage, for once completely unaware of myself. I did not

    even sense the tears streaming down my f ace. Mygrandfather looked down at me with troubled eyes. At

    his side, Mary looked hazily triumphant.

    'Still think it's only the best that a dying man could

    do, love?' she asked.

    Although I knew that it was only her way of telling

    me that I did not yet know everything there was to

    know, I shook my head. 'No,' I said softly, but with

    more vehemence than her mild gibe deserved. 'It's not

    the music. He could have played scales, and it would

    have been the same. That's no ordinary man on that

    stage. His music isn't human.'

    Before either of them could answer, Mr Trevozhov

    was playing again, this time Debussy. Again I was

    listening to a sound that transcended, even ridiculed

    the lines and notes composing the music spilling from

    beneath his f ingers. All too soon the incredible sound

    had been swallowed again by applause.

    When the concert ended, I insisted on meetina himo '

    but the crowd around his dressing room was

    impenetrable. Mary and my grandfather wanted to go,she complaining of weariness, he of an ache in his arms

    and chest; grudgingly I agreed. I turned once, though,

    as we retreated, to have a last look at Mr Trevozhov. By

    fate or chance he turned as well. His eyes snagged for

    a moment on my grandfather's fragile form, then

    moved on to me. Recovering from what seemed a great

    surprise, he smiled. He gestured as though to move

    toward us, but at the same moment my grandfather

    stepped between us, blocking my view of him.

    The car's waiting, Eleanor,' he said. There was no

    question of contradicting the steely authority in his

    voice; it was a tone he used with me seldom, and never

    without good cause. I looked at him, puzzled, but he

    wouldn't meet my eyes. Mary tugged gently at my

    hand, urging me toward the lobby, and though I tried

    again to catch the pianist's eye, the crowd had closed

    around him once more, sealing him off from me as

    effectively as my grandfather could have wished.

    'Do you know him?' I asked, as we made our way out

    into the snowy night.

    'No,' he answered shortly, looking straight ahead.

    'He seemed to know you - or to have something to

    say to us, anyway.'

    He didn't answer, nor look at me. Mary smiled

    sympathetically as we climbed into the car, but the

    truth was, I had nearly put the incident out of my mind

    again, turning instead to more frivolous thoughts. I

    had not begun to examine the intricacies of the feeling

    the foreign pianist's eyes had stirred in me. It seemed

    enough, at the time, that he had noticed me. Yet I

    would find myself replaying the scene many times in

    the months to come, sometimes with regret, sometimes

    with pleasure, but always with a recondite feeling of

    emptiness and longing.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    34 When Trevozhov began to play, absolute silence prevailed because

    A he himself had insisted on it.

    B he interpreted the music in such an unusual way.

    e the audience were awed by his charisma and style.D the audience had to strain to hear the music.

    35 The narrator noted that Trevozhov's interpretation of Chopin's music

    A was far superior to the composer's original intentions.

    B contained barely perceptible musical flaws.

    e caused the audience to feel increasingly tense.D was infused with so much raw emotion that it unsettled her.

    36 When Trevozhov had finished playing the first piece, the audience

    A immediately began cheering and clapping enthusiastically.

    B made no sound whatsoever.

    e leapt to their feet in unison.D stood and clapped after a moment of stunned silence.

    37 The narrator clearly felt

    A that the music had not ended properly.

    B that she had overreacted to Mary's comment.

    e jealous of Trevozhov's extraordinary talent.D that Trevozhov had superhuman powers.

    38 The narrator was unable to meet Trevozhov after the performance because

    A there were too many people around him.

    B her companions wanted to leave early.

    e their car was about to leave.D her grandfather forbade it.

    39 After that night, the narrator

    A tried to forget about the way she'd felt when she saw Trevozhov.

    B went back to thinking about inconsequential matters.

    e would often think about the moment Trevozhov had looked at her.D regretted not having spoken to Trevozhov when she had had the chance.

    40 Trevozhov seems

    A to be an artist of some renown.

    B to know Eleanor's grandfather well.

    e to habitually make his audiences feel nervous.D to have suffered acutely during his life.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    4P A PE R 1 Reading


    PAPER 3

    PAPER4 Listening

    PAPER 5 Speaking

    You must answer this question. Write your answer in 300-350 words in an

    appropriate style.

    You have read the extract below as part of a newspaper article on the collections

    in the world's museums. Readers were asked to send in their opinions. You

    decide to write a letter responding to the points raised and expressing your own


    The collections of antiqUItles that

    reside in the museums of the world

    offer visitors f rom every continent

    the chance to learn about the history,

    culture and art of civilisations that

    they would otherwise never have the

    chance to experience. Yet there are

    those who believe all preciousartefacts should be returned to their

    country of origin. If this were indeed

    to happen, no museum would be

    safe, and visitors would cease to

    benefit from the diversity of these

    precious objects.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    PAPER 1 Reading

    PAPER 2 writing

    PAPER4 Listening

    PAPER 5 Speaking

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each

    space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

    Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

    The Origins of Cricket

    Cricket is often considered the quintessential English sport, but in

    (0) , there are many theories about how the game originated. One

    theory suggests that the game (1) devised by shepherds, who wouldhit balls of wool with their crooks or 'cricces'. (2) speculates that it

    was started by children. The idea was that the person holding the crook

    (3) defend the wicket gate to the sheep-pen (4) the

    person throwing the woollen ball. However, it is (5) that the game

    we know today would (6) evolved from a single inspiration, and

    cricket probably came (7) as an amalgamation of different games

    played (8) the centuries.

    The earliest reference in history to a game (9) to cricket dates ba

    to 1300, when King Edward I, also (10) as Edward Longshanks, ''''

    noted (11) playing a game called 'creag'.ln 1597 we come across;o

    reference to the game in Surrey, where a witness in a land dispute stated _

    remembered playing 'krekett' almost fifty years (12) The fi

    recorded match took place in 1646 and (13) the end ofthe century -

    was so popular that (14) missed church to attend a game ,-

    subject to a fine! The first written rules of cricket weren't dra

    (15) until 1744.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    PAPER1 Reading

    PAPER2 Writing For questions 16-25, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end

    of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is

    an example at the beginning (0).

    Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.PAPER4 Listening

    PAPER5 SpeakingPart 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    A recent poll on the use of animals in circuses showed that the

    (0) of people in the UK now disapproves of it.

    Circuses which employ animals are no longer seen as a form of

    (16) entertainment; in fact, most people think

    they should be banned outright. Eighty percent of those

    interviewed (17) declared that the use of

    endangered wild animals such as elephants and tigers should be

    prohibited, while sixty-five percent said no animals

    (18) should be used in circuses.

    A large proportion also claimed they were opposed to the

    inevitable (19) involved in training animals to

    perform tricks. Animals in the wild do not juggle balls, ride

    monocycles, leap through (20) hoops or wear

    clown costumes. Furthermore, besides being kept in(21) , circus animals travel for most of the year,

    living a life of (22) Unfortunately, there is

    evidence to indicate that most animals face (23) .

    on a daily basis.

    The number of people who visit animal free circuses these days is

    over twice the number of those who visit traditional circuses.

    Animal free circuses are growing in number as well as

    (24) , and many say that the quality of the acts

    performed by humans far (25) those acts that use







  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    PAPER1 Reading

    PAPER2 Writing

    PAPER4 Listening

    PAPER5 Speaking

    For questions 26-31, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all

    three sentences. Here is an example { O J.


    o We are setting off at first , so please go to bed early.

    She had to explain the matter to me again before I saw the .

    Some interesting new findings have come to .

    26 Milton received a to his pride when he failed to get the job.

    The victim was knocked unconscious by a violent to the heaa

    The witness gave the police a blow by account of what he he:.


    27 Expecting me to cook a meal for six with only an hour's warning is a bit 0=::'

    ................... order!

    John told a story to his teacher about the dog eating his


    That very tree has been on our property since my

    grandmother's day.

    28 You could have me down with a feather when she told me -

    was getting married.

    He didn't look where he was going and a boy off his bike.

    We've down our prices by an extra twenty-five percent!

    29 Lucy made a sketch before she started to work on the


    He had an unusual accent and spoke in a voice.

    I wish Jeremy wouldn't be so with the puppies.

    30 Gill's been going to school since she was three and she


    Our mother used to sing us rhymes at bedtime.

    They have some beautiful yellow roses in the across ~ =street.

    31 Michael's been up at school again according to his te--

    If Elizabeth likes Tom so much, why is she hard to ge:-

    If you get involved, you'll be with fire!

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    4PAPER 1 Reading

    PAPER 2 Writing

    ... .PAPER 4 listening

    PAPER 5 Speal

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    Some current evidence suggests that dreams may serve no

    useful psychological or physiological function, and perform

    no adaptive role in maintaining our psychological health.

    In fact, some researchers believe that dreams are merely anevolutionary bi-product of sleep combined with a gradually

    awakening consciousness in human beings - a

    developmental cognitive achievement assigned to the

    healthy functioning of a complex neural network located in

    specific areas of the forebrain.

    Nevertheless, the way dreams reflect our emotional

    preoccupations or run parallel to our awakened states of

    consciousness may explain why, throughout history, dreams

    have been put to various uses. For example, in many societies

    dreams would be used by shamans or witch doctors as a

    means to diagnose or cure illnesses, or to fend off evil spirits.

    Occasionally, dreams would be used to predict the weather or

    make prophecies. In modern times dreams have been used by

    psychotherapists as a means of understanding the patient's

    state of mind, or simply to induce him or her to talk about

    repressed feelings. Dreams may even be used socially, as an

    ice-breaker, or as a way for some people to express their

    fantasies. But these are emergent functions, coming about as a

    result of dreams rather than causing them.

    42 Which phrase in the first paragraph implies that the ability to dream may have

    come about by accident?

    44 In a paragraph of 50-70 words, summarise in your own words as far as possible

    the uses to which dreaming can be put in a modern society, according to both

    texts. Write your summary on the separate answer sheet.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    4PAPER 1 Reading

    PAPER 2 Writing

    PAPER 3 Use of English

    ... .~PAPER 5 Speaking Part 2

    Part 3Part 4

    You will hear four different extracts. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B or C)

    which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each


    1 The woman says that when she first met the actress

    A she felt nervous.

    B she was thrilled.

    C she got confused.

    2 The actress probably

    A thought the woman was hilarious.

    B started to feel uncomfortable.

    C felt sorry for the woman.

    3 When abroad, British fans

    A are solely responsible for instigating trouble.

    B tend to initiate many violent episodes.

    Care criticised for their xenophobic tendencies.

    4 Football hooligans

    A en joy being in the spotlight.

    B form competitive groups.

    C are dependent on the media.

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    5 The woman's father

    A doesn't know what to do with himself.

    B is thinking of taking up some sort of sport.

    C feels betrayed by his previous employers.

    6 The man's father

    A used to be a business tycoon.

    B spent his pension right away.

    C started his own wine-making business.

    7 Julia decided to change her career because

    A there were no promotional prospects in her previous job.

    B she had previously worked in tourism.

    C she realised there were no holidays available for single people.

    8 She realised that many single womenA were hoping to meet a potential partner abroad.

    B were not used to arranging their own holidays.

    C suffered from a lack of self-esteem.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    TC PE


    PAPER 1 Reading

    PAPER 2 Writing

    PAPER 3 Use of English

    You will hear a radio talk about ley lines. For questions 9-17, complete the

    sentences with a word or short phrase.

    __ _ _ _ I= : !J

    The Glastonbury Tor is located at the I ~

    of many ley lines.

    The Nazca lines on the Peruvian I IJIJare also thought by some to be on ley lines.

    Alfred Watkins thought that ancient peoples marked their

    I C !D by building structures along them.

    Not everyone accepts that the alignment of ancient sites is anything but


    Ruth believes that ley lines could be an indication of the Earth's


    Ancient peoples may have been drawn to ley lines because they were more

    1 Q[] natur=

    Another theory claims ancient civilisations made I ~

    when erecting monuments in order to represent the position of certain groups


    Some scientists believe there is greater 1 Q 2 Jin areas surrounding ley Ii =

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    PAPER1 Reading

    PAPER2 Writing

    PAPER3 Use of English

    You will hear part of an interview with an artist about the subject of art. For

    questions 18-22, choose the answer (A, B, e or D) which fits best according to whatyou hear.

    18 How does Brendan feel about his work?

    A He prefers negative criticism to no reaction at all.

    B His intention is to provoke critics with his art.

    e He believes his art can only be viewed subjectively.D His definition of art is at odds with general opinion.

    19 According to Brendan, standing on a chair

    A is an example of what art should be.

    B would be art if it was intended to be.

    e is an example of mediocre art.D would not be considered art by most people.

    20 Brendan says that some successful artists

    A are not very good at drawing.

    B have not been able to create original art.

    e lack the ability to express ideas.D use excessively old-fashioned techniques.

    21 Brendan doesn't think that

    A throwing paint at a canvas would constitute art.

    B it is difficult to come up with original ideas.

    e critics are open-minded enough.D modern art has nowhere left to go.

    22 The invention of the camera

    A allowed more people to indulge their passion for

    taking portraits.

    B enabled photographers to imitate life more closely.

    e meant that artists were no longer restricted to copyingfrom life.

    D changed the way society viewed the role of the artist.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    PAPER 1 Reading

    PAPER 2 Writing

    PAPER 3 Use of English

    You will hear an interview with Mark and Trudy, two zoologists. For questions

    23 -2 8, decide whether the opinions are expressed by only one of the speakers, or

    whether the speakers agree.

    Write M for Mark

    T for Trudy

    or B for Both, where they agree.

    23 The idea that bees communicate through a language is


    24 Von Frisch attempted to show that bees do not use random

    ~signs to communicate. . .

    25 Some people believe it is impossible for animals to have

    ~a language.

    26 While they are dancing, bees adopt a position that indicates

    ~the direction of food sources.

    27 The longer the dance, the greater may be the distance of the

    c=IEJfood source from the hive.

    28 An energetic dance indicates a more important food source

    ~and is watched by more bees than a less energetic dance.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    PAPER 1 Reading

    PAPER 2 Writing

    PAPER 3 Useof English

    PAPER 4 Listening

    Answer these questions:

    What entertainment and leisure facilities are there in the area for people of your


    How would you like to see your town develop?

    What places of interest would you recommend to a visitor to your area?

    Candidates A and B: Turn to pictures A-F on pages 136-137, which show aspects of

    safety. First look at pictures C and E, and discuss how they reflect our attitudes

    towards feeling safe. You have about one minute for this.

    Now look at all the pictures. You have been asked to design a police information

    leaflet advising people on safety in the home. Discuss which aspects of safety each

    picture shows, and decide which pictures would best be used as an illustration in

    the leaflet. You have about three minutes for this.

    Candidate A: Look at the question in the box and say what you think about it. You

    can use the ideas in the box if you like or add some ideas of your own. You have

    two minutes for this.

    How beneficial is competition?




    Candidate B: Is there anything you would like to add?

    Candidate B: Look at the question in the box and say what you think about it. You

    can use the ideas in the box if you like or add some ideas of your own. You have

    two minutes for this.

    Which is more effective in the work place: competition

    between colleagues or team effort?

    brainstorming ideas

    personal ambition

    company ethics

    Candidate A: Is there anything you would like to add?

    Candidates A and B: Now answer these questions about competition in general:

    Is it a good idea to teach children to be competitive in sport?

    What effect does competition have on those who are not good performers?

    Are we competitive by nature or because of social conditioning?

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    r m I _4 _

    I think people are increasingly isolated in their homes.

    People are encouraged to feel afraid.

    In my opinion, burglar alarms encourage a sense of false security.

    I believe it's more a matter of deterring potential intruders.

    Picture (A) is suitable because it highlights the dangers of ...

    This picture emphasises the importance of having ...

    An unattended child/toddler is a casualty waiting to happen.

    break into someone's home

    burglar alarm

    chi Id-proof kitchen/household/appl iance

    computer-activated alarm system


    effective prison system

    fire alarm

    hazards in the home

    hidden dangers in the home


    law and order

    legal system

    Neighbourhood Watch system

    policeman on the street

    prison cell

    security lock

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    PAPER3 Use of English

    ~ ~ P A R T 1

    plague (n) a very infectious disease which usually results in death

    flesh (n) a human being, and more particularly, their body

    fallacy (n) an idea which many people believe to be true, but which is

    in fact false because it is based on incorrect information or reasoning

    susceptible (adj) likely to b e affected by something such as a disease

    proximity (n) proximity to a place or person is nearness to that place

    or person

    ventilation (n) allowing fresh air to circulate in a room

    humidity (n) the amount of water in the air

    correlation (n) a connection or link between things

    conversely (adv) used to indicate that the situation you are about to

    describe is the opposite or reverse of the one you have just described

    ~~PA RT 2

    span (v) to last throughout a long period of time

    spine (n) a long, sharp point on an animal's body or on a plant

    squat (v) to sit low on the ground

    suspended animation (n) a state in which an organism's metabolism

    is functioning very slowly, for example so that it can survive difficult


    burst forth (phr) to suddenly break open or appear

    vibrant (adj) very bright and clear

    draw (v) to attract someone very strongly

    hardy (adj) a hardy plant is able to survive in cold weather

    constitution (n) someone's health

    swell (v) to become larger and rounder than before

    initiate (v) to introduce someone to a particular skill or type of

    knowledge and teach them about it

    ~~PAR T 3

    astute (adj) showing an understanding of behaviour and situations,

    and skilful at using this knowledge to one's own advantage

    foible (n) a habit or characteristic that someone has which is

    considered rather strange, foolish or bad but which is also consideredunimportant

    longing (n) a sad feeling of wanting something very much

    take the initiative (phr) to be the first person to act in a situation, and

    therefore able to control it

    jargon (n) words and expressions that are used in speci al or technical

    ways by particular groups of people, often making the language

    difficult to understand

    substance (n) the quality of being important or significant

    ~ ~PAR T 4

    binding (adj) a binding promise, agreement or decision must be

    obeyed or carried out

    H PART 5entice (v) to try to persuade someone to go somewhere or to do


    ualms (n) if you have no qualms about doing something, you are not

    orried that i t may be wrong in some way

    bjective (n) what someone is trying to achieve

    ag (v) to keep asking someone to do something they have not done

    3t or do not want to do

    ::ersistent (adj) someone who is persistent continues trying to do

    - mething, even though it is difficult or other people are against it

    trum (n) if a child has a tantrum, they lose their temper in a noisy

    = d uncontrolled way

    rn-out (adj) exhausted

    idious (adj) unpleasant or dangerous and developing gradually

    out being noticed

    pervade (vI to become a noticeable feature throughout a place or


    outcast (n) someone who is not accepted by a group of people or by


    lure (v) to trick someone into a particular place or to trick them into

    doing something that they should not do

    tap (v) if you tap a resource, you make use of it by getting from it

    something that you need or want

    far-reaching (adj) having a great influence and affecting a great

    number of things

    hum (v) to sing a tune with your lips closed

    jingle (n) a short, simple tune, often with words, which is used to

    advertise a product or programme on radio or television

    reel off (phr v) to repeat information from memory quickly and easily

    slogan (n) a short phrase that is easy to remember

    blink (v) to shut your eyes and very quickl y open them again

    unnerving (adj) something unnerving makes you feel worried or


    uncanny (adj) strange and difficult to explain

    unchecked (adj) if something harmful or undesirable is left

    unchecked, nobody controls it or prevents it from growing or


    invariably (adv) alwaysprey (n) a person or people whom someone else tries to harm or trick

    inquisitiveness (n) a desire to find out about things, especially secret


    devious (adj) dishonest and secretive, often in a complicated way

    curb (v) to control something and keep it within l imits

    relentless (adj) never stopping or becoming less intense

    brainwash (v) to force someone to believe something by continually

    telling them that it is true, and preventing them from thinking about it


    mI~ _PAPER 1 Reading

    ~ ~ PART 1

    fad (n) an activity or topic of interest that is very popular for a short

    time, but which people become bored with very quickly

    icon (n) an important symbol of a particular thing

    pirate (v) to illegally copy video tapes, cassettes, books or computer


    quintillion (n) the number that is represented as a one followed by

    eighteen zeros (US); the number represented as a one followed by

    thirty zeros (Europe)

    renovation (n) an old building that has been repaired or redecorated

    install (v) to fit or put a piece of equipment somewhere so that it is

    ready to be used

    restriction (n) a limit to where you can go or what you can do

    conventional (adj) a conventional method or product is one that is

    usually used or that has been in use for a long time

    deja vu (n) the feeling that you have already experienced the things

    that are happening to you now

    put your finger on something (phr) to see or identify exactly what the

    cause or solution of a problem is

    tangible (adj) clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen, felt

    or noticed

    self-assurance (n) confidence in yourself

    burden (n) a problem or a responsibility that causes someone a lot of

    difficulty, worry or hard work

    concede (v) to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true or


    attentive (adj) paying close attention to what is being said or done

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    blustery (adj) rough, windy and often rainy, with the wind often

    changing in strength or direction

    starling (n) a very common bird with greenish-black feathers covered

    in pale spots which is found in Europe and North America

    mass (v) to gather together in to a large crowd or group

    goosebumps (n) a reflex erection of hairs on the skin in resp onse to

    cold or emotional s tr es s or skin irritation

    ~~PART 2intr insic (adj ) bein g p art of the nature of somet hing or someone

    forge (v) if one person or institution forg es a link with another, they

    create it with a lot of hard work, hoping that i t will be strong or lasting

    reaffirm (v) to state your belief i n something again clearly and firmly

    kin (n) fam ily m embers; relatives

    inextricably (adv) if two or more things are inextr icably linked, they

    cann ot be considered separately

    deity (n) a god or goddess

    invoke (v) to call on a h igh er p owe r f or h elp, support or inspiration

    outlet (n) a means of expressing and releasing feelings, thoug hts or


    premise (n) som ethin g th at you suppose is true and that you use as a

    basis for developing an idea; an assumption

    interre late (v) to connect; to have a com mon connectionsuppress (v) if a natural function or react ion of your body is

    suppressed, it is stopped, for example by drugs or illness

    muscle tone (n) the degree of firmnes s and strength in a person 's


    circulation (n) the movement of blo od through your bod y

    respiratory (adj) relating to breathing

    cognitive (adj) relating to the mental process involve d i n k nowing,

    learning a nd u nderstanding things

    motivation (n) your motivation for doing something is what causes

    you to want t o d o it

    choreograph (v) to inven t t he steps and mo veme nts in a dance and

    tell the dancers how to per form them

    impro vi se (v) when performers improvise, they invent music or word s

    as they play, sing or speakmeld (v) to cause to merge

    clinica l (adj) involving or relat ing to the direct medical treatm ent or

    testing of patients

    alleviate (v) to make pain, suffering or an unpleasant condition less

    intense or severe

    diminish (v) to reduce or become reduced in size, importance or


    array (n) a large number or wid e r ange of different peo ple or things

    ailment (n) an illness, especially one that is not very serious

    sheer (adj) used to emphasise that a state or situation is complete and

    does not involve or is not mixed with anything else

    sco re (n) the mus ic which is written o r u sed for a f i lm, play or sim ilar


    flai r (n) a natural ability to do something well; a talentfluidity (n) smooth, gracefu l movement

    sensuality (n) a l iking for physical pleasures rather than the pleasures

    of the mind

    spellbound (adj ) so fascina te d b y som ething that yo u c anno t think

    about anything e lse

    awestruck (adj) very impressed and amazed by something

    itch (v) if you are itching to do something, you are very eager or

    impatient to do it

    tread (v) if you tread a particular path, you take a particular course of

    action or do some th in g in a p articular way

    conceive (v) to think of a plan or idea and work out how i t can be


    evocative (adj) goo d or interesting because it produces pleasant

    memories, ideas , emo tions and responses in people

    raw (adj ) raw emotions are strong basic feelings or responses which

    are not weakened by other influences

    encapsulate (v) to repres ent all the most imp ortant asp ects of a

    particular thin g o r idea in a very small space or in a s ingle object or


    sphere (n) a place or group that is unique and has its own private


    frenetic (adj) fast and ener getic, but rather uncontrolled

    lull (v) to cause someon e to feel calm or sleepytrance (n) a state of mind in which s om eo ne s eems to be asleep or

    has no conscious control ove r their thoughts or actions , but in which

    they can see and hear things and respond to commands g iven by

    other peop le

    shun (v) to deliberately avoid someone or something

    upper circle (n) a group of people within society who are in a higher

    class or who have a lot of power, money or influence

    linear (adj) linear moveme nt or force occurs in a straight line rather

    than in a curve

    vulgar (adj) distasteful, offensive, rude or unpleasant

    am bivalent (ad j) if someone is amb ivalent abo ut something, they

    see m to be uncertain whether they rea lly want it, or whether they

    really approve of it

    stigma (n) if some thing has a stig ma attached to it, people think it issomething to be ashamed of

    gauch o (n) a South American cowboy

    odour (n) a particular and distinctive smell

    flex (v) to bend , mo ve or stretch muscles or par ts of your body for a

    short time in order t o exercise them

    ma noeu vr e ( v) to skilfully move somethin g i nt o o r ou t o f a n awkward


    ~~PART 3

    endure (v) to experience a painful or difficult situation without

    avoiding it or giving up, usua lly bec ause you cannot

    disarming (adj) making you feel less angry or hostile

    guin ea p ig (n) someone who is used in an experiment, or has

    something test ed on them th at has n o t been tested on people beforegene (n) a part of a cell in a living thing which controls its physical

    characteristics, growth and developm ent

    unravel (v) to gradually work out the answer to a mystery or puzzle

    until it becomes clearer

    concept (n) an idea or abstract principle

    inherit (v) to be born with a pa rticular characteristic or quality

    because your parents or ancestors a lso had it

    ove rlap (n) if there is an overlap between one thing and another, a

    par t of the first thing occupies the same area as a part o f the other


    (gen eticl marker (n) a gene or DNA sequence having a known

    loca tion on a chromosom e and ass ociated with a particular gene or

    tra it

    heritable (adj) capable of being passed from one generat ion to thenext; hereditary

    disorder (n) a problem or i l lness which affects someone's mind or

    bod y

    cherish (v) to regard something such a s a right, a priv ilege or a

    principle, as important and to try hard to keep it

    freakish (adj) remarkable because it is not normal or natural

    freckles (n) small l ight brown spots on someone's skin, especially -

    their face

    callousness (n) a lack of concern for other people or their feelings;


    remorse (n) a strong feel in g o f s adne ss and regret about somethi~;

    wrong that you have done

    emp athy (n) the ability to share another person's feelings and

    emotions as if they were your own

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    trait (n) a particular characteristic, quality or tendency that someone

    or someth in g h as

    spooky (adj ) unnatural; creepy

    perceive (v) if you perceive someone as being a particular thing, it is

    you r opinion that they are that thing

    law nmow er (n) a machine for cutting grass on lawns

    fraternal (adj ) fraternal twins are twins born from two eggs, so they

    are not exact ly the same. They may look different from each other or

    be different sexes.

    sibling (n) your s iblin gs are your brothers or sisters

    godsend (n) something that helps you very much

    ~~PART 4

    ballade (n) a composition, usually for the piano, with the romantic o r

    dramatic quality of a narrative poem

    cho rd (n) a number of musical notes played or sung at the same time

    wit h a pleasing effect

    inaudible (adj ) if a soun d i s inaudible, you are unable to hear it

    unde rstatement (n) a statemen t t hat does not full y e xpress the extent

    to which something is true

    formidable (adj ) if something or someone is formidable, you feel

    slightly frightened by them because they are very great or impress ive

    accrue (v) if something l ike money a ccrues , it gradually increases inamount over a period of time

    aba te (v) to beco me much less strong or severe

    unfurl (v) if an event , a story or a scene unfurls before you, you are

    aware of i t or can see it as it happens or develops

    emana te (v) if something emanates from som ew here, it comes from


    askew (adj) something that is askew is not straight or not level with

    what it should be level with

    reverberate (v) when a sound reverberates through a place, it echoes

    thro ug h i t

    dangle (v) to cause (an expectation or hope) to hang uncertainly or

    remain unresolved

    unresolved (adj) if a problem or difficulty is unresolved, no

    satisfactory solution has been found to i tuproarious (adj) very noisy

    standing ovation (n) if a performer gets a standing ovation wh e n they

    have finished performing, the audience stands up to clap in order to

    show its admiration or support

    hazy (adj) uncertain or confused

    vehemence (n) strong feelings or opinions whic h a re expressed

    "orcefu lly

    gibe (n) a rude or insulting remark about someone that is intended to

    ake them look foolish

    eariness (n) tiredness

    rudging (adj ) felt or done very unwillingly

    treat (v) to move away from something or someone

    snag (v) if you snag part o f your clothing on a sharp or rough object,

    ~ gets caught on the object and tears

    eely (adj) hard, strong and determined

    g (v) to pull

    al off (phr v) if one ob ject or area is sealed off from another, there is

    : = . ohysical barrier between them so that nothing can pass between


    rt (adj) if you are short with someone, you speak briefly and rather

    -_ ely to them because you a re impatient or angry

    . olous (adj) not serious or useful

    icacies (n) complicated details

    (v) to cause someone to feel an emotion

    ndite (adj) diff icult to understand

    PAPER2 Writing

    ~~PAR T 1

    reside (v) to live or stay in a place

    PAPER1 Use of English

    ~~PART 1quintessential (adj) representing a perfect or typ ical example of

    som ething , or representing the central nature of something

    crook (n) a long pole with a large hook at the end often carrie d b y a


    wicket gate (n) a sm all door or gat e, especially one built into or near

    a larger one

    amalgamation (n) something that is made up of a mixture of different


    dispute (n) an argument or disa greement between people or groups

    ~~PART 2

    outright (adv) immediately and comp letely

    prohibit (v) to forb id somethin g o r ma ke it illegal

    equivocal (adj ) deliberately vague in what you say, because you want

    to avoid speaking the truth or making ~ decision

    brutal (adj) cruel and violent

    deprive (v) to take something away from someone who wants or

    needs it, or to prev ent them fro m h aving i t

    ~~PART 5

    advocate (v) to publicly recommen d a particular action or plan

    incubate (v) w he n birds incubate their eggs, they keep the eggs warm

    unt il the baby birds come out

    enlightenment (n) the state of hav ing more knowledge and a greater

    understanding about something

    lucid (adj ) clea r and easy to understand

    coherent (adj ) clear and easy to understand

    avenue (n) a way of getting something done

    em powe r (v) to give someon e t he means to achieve some thing, forexample to become stronger or more successful

    boost (n) some thing th at acts to improve your confidence or morale

    self-esteem (n) the w a y y ou feel about yourself

    adaptiv e (adj) having the ability or tendency to adapt to differen t


    neural (adj ) relating to a nerve or to the nervo us system

    preoccupation (n) a state of mind in wh ich you th ink a bo ut som ething

    so much that you do not consider other things to be important

    shaman (n) a person in some North American cultures who is

    believe d t o have powe r s t o heal sick people or to remove evil spirits

    from them

    witch doctor (n) a person in some societies , fo r example in Africa,

    who is thought to have magic powe rs which can be used to heal

    peoplefend off (phr v) to defend yoursel f f rom something evil or dangerous

    induce (v) to persuade or in fluenc e som eon e t o do something

    repress (v) to make a deliberate effort not to sho w or have a particular

    feeling; to suppress

    ice -breaker (n) som ething that som eone says or does in ord er to

    ma ke it easier f o r people wh o h ave never met before to talk to each


    emergent (adj) becoming powerful or coming into existence

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    development is having on its survival, and saying

    whether anything is being done to protect it.

    3 Conclude by saying what you would like to happen

    with regard to improving the protection of wildlife in

    your area.

    Question 4

    Style: Formal

    Content: Letter

    1 8egin your letter by stating your reason for writing:to complain about the train and the service provided

    by the railway company.

    2 In the main body give details to support what you

    are saying. Refer to all the points in the question:

    the dirty state of the train

    the poor canteen facilities

    your failure to arrive at work on time

    3 Conclude by saying clearly what action you expect

    the railway company to take and whether you

    expect them to compensate you in any way.

    PAPER3 Use of English

    ~HAR T 1


    2 less

    3 more

    4 However/Rather/Instead

    5 being

    6 with

    7 tend/seem

    8 turn

    9 lead

    10 despite

    11 from

    12 if

    13 between

    14 show/indicate

    15 make/render

    ~ ~ P A R T 2

    16 swollen (verb to past participle)

    17 apparently (verb to adjective to adverb)

    18 gloriously (noun to adjective to adverb)19 variety (adjective to noun)

    20 irresistibly (verb to negative adjective to adverb)

    21 uninitiated (verb to negative past participle)

    22 requirements (verb to plural noun)

    23 enables (adjective to verb)

    24 unlikely (preposition to negative adjective)

    25 enthusiasts (verb to plural noun)

    ~ ~ P A R T 3

    26 hold

    27 sense

    28 petty

    29 follow

    30 terms

    31 reeling

    ~ ~ P A R T 4

    32 no time (1) did David express (any) (1)

    33 is under threat (1) of closure (1)

    341 will take (1) your word for (1)

    35 you will be/are (1) bound by (1)

    36 with hindsight, (1) I could not have done anything (1)

    37 (will) insist on (1) staying up/on not going to bed (1)

    38 made a name (1) for herself as (1)

    39 is prone to (1) illness/getting ill (1)

    ~ ~ P A R T 5

    40 Advertisers do not question the morals of what they are

    doing, they simply want to sell their product (because if they

    do not, they will be in trouble).

    41 morally questionable messages in advertisements which

    suggest that a child is stupid if he does not buy the product

    42 'children have become a prime target'

    43 There are no restrictions on advertising on the Internet;

    children are usually unsupervised while online, giving

    advertisers virtually unlimited access to them.

    44 Content points:

    they are able to persuade parents to buy them things (first


    they will become tomorrow's adult consumers /manufacturers want to turn them into lifetime consumers

    (first text)

    children's insecurities make them easier to influence (first

    and second text)

    children are often exposed to advertising when alone

    (watching TV or on the Internet) (second text)

    PAPER4 Listening

    ~ ~ P A R T 1

    1 C




    HPA RT 2

    9 leisure activity

    10 (carbon dioxide) emissions

    11 road safety

    12 (comprehensive) schools

    13 new recruits

    14 (coronary) heart

    15 injuries and fractures

    16 mental performance

    17 free of charge

    ~ ~ P A R T 318 8 19 0 20 A 21 8 22 C

    ~ ~ P A R T 4

    23 T

    24 J



    27 T


    n I I _ 4 _PAPER 1 Reading

    ~ ~ P AR T 1

    1820 3C 48 5A 6C 70 88 9A 10C 118 12C 130

    14 C 15 A 16 C 17 0 188

    ~ ~ P A R T 2

    19 A: Incorrect. Dance helps them to feel closer to their

    ancestors: 'Allover North America, traditional dance

    continues to forge a link with ancient ancestors'.

    19 8: Correct. 'Allover North America, traditional dance

    continues to forge a link with ancient ancestors and allows

    the native peoples of modern America to reaffirm their

    cultural identity as well as celebrate fundamental

    relationships with nature, their tribes and kin.'

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    19 C: Incorrect. Dance helps them to celebrate nature, not

    exploit it: 'traditional dance ... allows the native peoples of

    modern America to ... celebrate fundamental relationships

    with nature'.

    19 D: Incorrect. Dance helps them have good relationships

    within their own tribe: 'traditional dance ... allows the

    native peoples of modern America to celebrate

    fundamental relationships with nature, their tribe and kin'.

    20 A: Correct. 'As well as giving non-commercial public

    performances, modern dancers also perform in private orbefore small groups to offer up prayers to ancient deities,

    to invoke cures for illnesses, to influence nature or to act

    out a story.'

    20 B: Incorrect. 'modern dancers also perform ... to offer up

    prayers to ancient deities'

    20 C: Incorrect. The writer does not mention the size of

    audiences, but there is a contrast between the 'public

    performances' they give and the private 'small groups'

    they also dance in front of.

    20 D: Incorrect. 'Dancers usually take small steps and stay near

    the ground, performing either to rhythmic vocal music or

    an assortment of instruments.'

    21 A: Incorrect. The text does not say that dance can provide

    solutions to problems.

    21 B: Incorrect. The text says that 'our minds and bodies are

    interrelated', but not that this connection is created by


    21 C: Incorrect. 'Dance has been shown to be clinically effective

    in dealing with depression, alleviating chronic pain and

    improving self-image. Furthermore, dancing diminishes

    stress levels, promotes a feeling of health and well-being

    and increases our energy levels. Dance therapy has been

    used successfully to help patients with an array of

    ailments including Aids, cancer, strokes, brain injury and

    stress-related illnesses. It also benefits psychiatric patients,

    the disabled, the mentally handicapped and the elderly.'

    However, the text does not say it can cure all our physicalproblems.

    Correct. 'dance has frequently been used to provide an

    outlet for negative emotional or mental energies'

    Incorrect. The text does not state or imply this.

    _ _ orrect. 'Whether choreographed or improvised, physical

    rhythmic movements encourage a melding of brain and

    body that can help us fight illness from within.'

    - Incorrect. Dance has been used in clinical trials but this is

    ot why it is successful.

    correct. Dance has been used to treat patients with

    curable illnesses, but this is not why it is successful.

    orrect. The expression 'I was knocked off my feet'

    eans 'I was overwhelmed'.

    - rrect. The writer was impressed by different aspects of--0 dance, but he does not describe any conflicting

    = o"ions.

    -- ect. 'I couldn't believe the sheer energy and

    = - _berance of the routines, the power of the score, the

    _ =5-ive flair of the choreographers and the fluidity of the

    -=-'Cers. I remember being moved by the sensuality,

    = = bound by the glamour, awestruck by the visual__-= c:a Ie.'

    - __ oct. 'I consider it a major turning point in my life-

    which I would probably have trod a different path.'

    - _ ~ er, we do not know if the 'different path' meant he

    _ = . ally dedicated his life to dance.

    - ". The text says that FireDance was a simple idea,- -:J: ihat the people were simple: 'As a show, FireDance

    was successful because it was essentially a simple idea,

    yet brilliantly conceived'.

    24 B: Incorrect. Although it is true that the upper classes did not

    dance the tango, this does not explain whvthe tango did

    not catch on immediately.

    24 C: Correct. 'Within a year of its first performance, FireDance

    had become an international phenomenon.'

    24 D: Incorrect. The pace varied: 'The pace of the production

    carried the audience along, at moments frenetically

    throwing you into the rhythms, at others, lulling you into atrance'.

    25 A: Incorrect. Although it is true that the upper classes did not

    dance the tango, this does not explain why the tango did

    not catch on immediately.

    25 B: Incorrect. The text does not state or imply that the tango

    was unpopular was because it did not adhere to 'rules'.

    25 C: Incorrect. The waltz was beginning to become popular in

    Europe: 'European society was ambivalent even about the

    waltz, in which partners actually had to touch each other,

    which was onlv just beginning to catch on there.' However,

    the text does not compare the relative popularity of the

    waltz and tango.

    25 D: Correct. 'Yet when i t began and for a long time afterwards,

    the dance was shunned by the upper circles of Argentine

    society. At a time when all fashionable dances were

    performed in linear or circular arrangements by groups of

    dancers, the very idea of a man and a woman in such

    close phvsical proximity was considered vulgar and


    26 A: Incorrect. Although the tango may have originated as a

    dance performed by gauchos in bars, the text does not say

    that the gauchos' leisure activities were unsanitary.

    26 B: Correct. 'Legend has it that the woman would dance at

    arm's length from him, with her head thrown far back,

    trying to distance herself from his working day odour,

    while he would walk with his knees flexed because of his

    stiff clothes. Together they would bend their bodies tomanoeuvre in the space available between the tables.

    Thus the tango was born.'

    26 C: Incorrect. The gaucho's clothes may have affected his

    posture, but this is not what created the tango.

    26 D: Incorrect. The dance floor was usually small and restricted,

    not unlimited in size.


    27 H: There is a link between 'A festival that takes place this

    weekend in Twinsburg, Ohio' in the first paragraph and

    'Jeremy Wilmer has come here' and 'Frankly, this festival

    is a godsend for medical research' in paragraph H.

    28 F: There is a link between 'Their DNA is helping to answer

    some of the questions in the age-old debate over whetherit is your genes or the environment in which you were

    brought up that determines your behaviour and your

    health' in the paragraph before the gap and 'Identical

    twins have identical DNA. Non-identical, or fraternal, twins

    share only 50 percent of their genetic make-up ... But

    twins of both kinds are also overwhelmingly likely to have

    shared very similar environments' in paragraph F.

    29 G: There is a link between 'the Institute of Psychiatry in

    London' in paragraph G and 'Yulia Kovas, part of the

    institute's social, genetic and developmental psychiatry

    centre' in the paragraph after the gap.

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    30 B: The word 'she' in paragraph B refers to 'Yulia Kovas' in the

    paragraph before the gap. There is also a link between 'But

    some DNA markers also appeared to work more

    specifically in favour of maths' in the paragraph before the

    gap and 'there may be a pool of between fifty and a

    hundred DNA markers ... making you good or bad at

    sums' in paragraph B.

    31 C: There is a link between 'The same Teds group' in

    paragraph C and 'Twins Early Development Study (Teds)',

    which is mentioned for the first time in a previous gappedparagraph, paragraph G. There is also a link between 'The

    same Teds group has allowed another researcher, Dr Essi

    Viding, to analyse the genetic basis for psychopathic

    tendencies' in paragraph C and' "The discovery that

    psychopathic tendencies are strongly heritable suggests

    that we need to get help for these youngsters early on,"

    she said' in the paragraph after the gap. Here, 'she' refers

    to Dr Essi Viding.

    32 D: The paragraph after the gap refers to the appearance of

    identical twins, which links to 'It's often a problem of how

    they are perceived from the outside' in paragraph D. The

    word 'Meanwhile' at the beginning of paragraph D also

    indicates that the subject is being changed slightly.

    33 A: There is a link between 'From childhood, parents are told

    ... that they should dress their children differently and

    separate them in as many ways as possible' in the

    paragraph before the gap, 'Most schools still have a policy

    of placing twins in different classes' in paragraph A, and

    'But many identical twins, although they cherish their own

    identity, actually like being so similar' in the last



    34 A: Incorrect. The text does not state or imply that Trevozhov

    asked for silence, but rather that 'his unexpected use of

    understatement, along with his formidable presence'

    caused the audience to fall silent.34 B: Incorrect. It is true that his interpretation of the music was

    unusual, but it was not this that caused the silence.

    34 C: Correct. 'his unexpected use of understatement, along with

    his formidable presence, had commanded absolute silence

    in his audience'

    34 D: Incorrect. The audience were silenced by Trevozhov's

    'unexpected use of understatement, along with his

    formidable presence', not because they couldn't hear the

    music otherwise.

    35 A: Incorrect. The narrator implies that Trevozhov's

    interpretation was more powerful than what the composer

    seemed to have intended, but not that it was 'far superior'.

    35 B: Incorrect. Trevozhov did not follow the composer's

    markings, but the narrator does not imply that this failure

    constituted 'barely perceptible musical flaws'.

    35 C: Incorrect. The audience were tense even before Trevozhov

    began to play: 'The anxiety accrued during Mr Trevozhov's

    long delay may have shifted as he began to play, but it had

    not abated.'

    35 D: Correct. 'But the pain emanating from every note he

    played was something significantly more potent than the

    regretful melancholy Chopin had written into the piece.

    Each note was askew, its emotion turned inward on itself

    to reverberate as something close to horror.'

    36 A: Incorrect. 'I was unaware of having heard the final chords

    until I realized that we had been sitting for several

    moments in absolute silence'.

    36 B: Incorrect. There was no sound for several moments, but

    then there was 'uproarious applause'.

    36 C: Incorrect. The audience got to their feet - there was 'a

    standing ovation', but the text does not state or imply that

    people leapt to their feet in unison.

    36 D: Correct. 'The hush dangled, as unresolved as the music

    had been. Then, all at once, it was filled with uproarious

    applause, a standing ovation.'

    37 A: Incorrect. The narrator does not state or imply this.

    37 B: Correct. 'No,' I said softly, but with more vehemence thanher mild gibe deserved.'

    37 C: Incorrect. The narrator does not state or imply this.

    37 D: Incorrect. The narrator implies that Trevozhov is an

    extraordinary musician, not that he has superhuman

    powers: 'He could have played scales, and it would have

    been the same. That's no ordinary man on that stage. His

    music isn't human.'

    38 A: Correct. 'When the concert ended, I insisted on meeting

    him, but the crowd around his dressing room was


    38 B: Incorrect. They did not want to leave early; they simply

    wanted to leave when the concert had finished.

    38 C: Incorrect. This is not the reason why the narrator was

    unable to meet Trevozhov.

    38 D: Incorrect. The narrator's grandfather was clearly unwilling

    for her to meet Trevozhov, but he did not actually forbid

    her to do so.

    39 A: Incorrect. The narrator did not try to forget the way she

    had felt. In fact, the opposite is implied: 'Yet I would find

    myself replaying the scene many times in the months to


    39 B: Incorrect. Although the narrator says 'I had nearly put the

    incident out of my mind again, turning instead to more

    frivolous thoughts', she goes on to say that she afterwar "

    began to 'examine the intricacies of the feeling the foreig

    pianist's eyes had stirred in me .... Yet I would find myse-

    replaying the scene many times in the months to come'.39 C: Correct. 'I had not begun to examine the intricacies of t s

    feeling the foreign pianist's eyes had stirred in me.... Ye:

    would find myself replaying the scene many times in th

    months to come.'

    39 D: Incorrect. The narrator does not state or imply this.

    40 A: Correct. 'I began to understand the praise of him I had


    40 B: Incorrect. There is some hint that Trevozhov knew or

    recognised the narrator's grandfather, but the text does --

    imply that he knew him 'well'.

    40 C: Incorrect. The text does not state or imply this.

    40 D: Incorrect. The text does not state or imply this.

    PAPER2 Writing

    ~ ~ PART 1

    Question 1

    Style: Formal

    Content: Letter

    1 Begin by explaining your reason for writing,

    referring to the article you have read.

    2 You may strongly agree or disagree with the

    statements in the article, or you may have mix--

    feelings about them. Tackle each point one at G

    expressing your own views clearly and giving

    examples or evidence to support what you sa .

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    3 In another paragraph, you may want to offer some

    suggestions for compromise on this difficult issue.

    4 Conclude by indicating what you hope the outcome

    will be, or express your wish that your letter be

    published in the next edition of the paper.

    HPART 2

    Question 2

    Style: Semi-formal or formal

    Content: Review1 In the introduction name the product you are going

    to review and state your reasons for writing.

    2 You can use headings for each paragraph.

    Otherwise, make sure that each paragraph deals

    with a separate aspect of the product under review.

    Cover all the points in the question:

    ease of use of software


    appeal to the age group

    Add any other thoughts or comments that may be

    relevant and use examples to compare the content to

    what happens in a real life situation.

    3 Conclude by summarising your overail opinion of

    the product.

    Question 3

    Style: Formal

    Content: Report, possibly divided into sections with headings.

    Bullet points or numbered lists can also be used.

    1 In the introduction explain why the report was


    2 In the main body you could have several

    paragraphs, each dealing with different parts of the

    leisure centre:

    changing rooms

    swimming pool area

    playing areas cafeteria

    Consider these questions: Which areas need to

    improve their disabled facilities, including

    wheelchair access? How might wheelchair users

    experience difficulty moving around? What steps

    need to be taken to make these areas more


    3 Conclude by summarising your main points and

    make recommendations for improvements.

    Question 4

    Style: Semi-formal or informal

    Content: Article

    1 The experience you write about could be positive ornegative, but the experience should be significant in

    some way.

    2 Describe the event. How did it come about? Who

    was involved? When did it happen? etc. Why was it

    significant? How did you feel about it at the time?

    3 Conclude by describing how the experience affected

    you or changed your life.

    PAPER3 Use of English

    ~ ~ PART 1

    1 was

    2 Another

    9 similar

    10 known

    3 would

    4 from/against

    5 unlikely/improbable

    6 have

    7 about

    8 through/over

    11 as

    12 earlier/before

    13 by/at/towards

    14 whoever

    15 up

    ~ ~ PART2

    16 harmless (noun/verb to negative adjective)

    17 unequivocally (adjective to negati ve adverb)18 whatsoever (pronoun to ad ver b)

    19 brutality (adjective to noun)

    20 fiery (noun to ad jective)

    21 confinement (ver b to noun)

    22 deprivation (v erb to noun)

    23 maltreatment/mistreatment (verb to negative noun)

    24 popularity (adjective to noun)

    25 exceeds (noun to verb )


    26 blow

    27 tall

    28 knocked

    29 rough

    30 nursery

    31 playing


    3 2 d e rive great pleasure (1) from being able to grow/growing (1)

    33 the end (1) pollution will affect (1)

    34 has been (1) under construction (1)

    35 out of the ordinary (1) (ev er) happens (1)

    36 was let off (1) with (just) a warning (1)

    37 no account (1) are you to go/must you go (1)

    38 you hadn't (1) brought up (1)

    39 don't happen (1) to ha ve seen (1)

    HPART 5

    40 concentrating on a particular question or problem before

    falling asleep in the hope that an answer will be found in adream

    41 because it is hard to do well/because it requires skill and


    42 'an evolutionary bi-product (of sleep)'

    43 Dreams echo{mirror{re\lresent our {ee(in~s, 'N()nies c .\\< . i

    concerns/Dreams deal with issues that appear in everyday life.

    44 Content points:

    problem solving (facing up to fears/insecurities) (first text)

    wish fulfilment (confidence building) (first text)

    psychotherapy (inducement to talk) (second text)

    social function (meeting people) (second text)

    PAPER4 Listening

    ~ ~ PART 1


    ~ ~ PART2

    9 controversy

    10 hub/centre

    11 plains

    12 trade routes

    13 a coincidence/coincidental

    14 geomagnetic energy/natural power

    15 in tune with

    16 (complex) astronomical calculations

    17 magnetic intensity

  • 8/3/2019 Exam Essentials Proficiency Practice Test 4


    ~ ~ P AR T 3

    18 A 19 B 20 A 21 D 22 C

    ~ ~ P AR T 4

    2 3 T 2 4 M 2 5 T 2 6 B 2 7 M 2 8 M

    m I _ s _PAPER 1 Reading

    ~ ~ P AR T 1

    1 B 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 B 7 D 8 A 9 D 10 A 11 C 12 B 13 B

    14 B 15 D 16 A 17 C 18 C

    ~ ~ P AR T 2

    19 A: Incorrect. Football is being used to promote science and

    technological development.

    19 B: Incorrect. The project is not only for children.

    19 C: Incorrect. The text does not state or imply that the aim of

    the project is to 'promote products created using robotics

    and artificial intelligence'.

    19 D: Correct.' Inspired by the idea of using football as a means

    of promoting science and technological development, the

    project organisers have set an ultimate goal of building a

    robotic football team that will be able to beat the human

    World Cup winners by the year 2050.'

    20 A: Incorrect. Although the writer is doubtful it can be

    achieved, he does not dismiss the possibility.

    20 B: Incorrect. The writer is enthusiastic, but he is not

    optimistic that the goal can be achieved.

    20 C: Correct. The writer is attracted by the idea but doubtful it

    can be achieved by 2050: 'The question is: can RoboCup's

    goal realistically be achieved by 2050?The organisers

    admit it's a tall order, but argue that it is nevertheless

    feasible. After all, there was only a matter of fifty years

    between the first flight by aeroplane and the first moon

    landing. So it would be folly to dismiss out of hand thepossibility of a world class robot football team beating the

    human champions by 2050. For now, though, my money

    remains firmly on the real Ronaldinho.'

    20 D: Incorrect. The language of the text does not express this


    21 A: Incorrect. 'Loquacity' is the inclination to talk a great deal.

    Wendy does not do this.

    21 B: Correct. 'Need someone to wake you up in the morning

    without bending your ear?' and 'Meet Wendy, the no-fuss,

    no-nonsense personal assistant of your dreams. Friendly

    and reliable, she will remind you of the day's

    appointments or inform you of the latest news or weather

    forecast discreetly and without lumbering you with the

    usual emotional baggage.'

    21 C: Incorrect. The text describes Wendy as 'Friendly and


    21 D: Incorrect. 'Reticence' implies reluctance, but the robot is

    not reluctantto speak; it simply gives succinct responses.

    22 A: Incorrect. The advertisement does not target only these

    people. The option provides only part of the answer.

    22 B: Incorrect. The advertisement does not target only these

    people. The option provides only part of the answer.

    22 C: Correct. The text implies that the robot is for any busy

    person who would benefit from the services that it
